Do Neutrinos Have Mass? 50
amyjigglypuff writes "MINOS, a joint project between Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and the University of Minnesota, is going to attempt to uncover the mysteries of the neutrino. Scientists plan to study the mass of neutrinos, whether they are stable or oscillate, and their electromagnetic structure. If they are found to have mass, it could prove that neutrinos are responsible for the cosmic "dark matter" that has baffled scientists for decades. Here is a link for scientists and a summary for the general public."
yes, they have mass. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:yes, they have mass. (Score:2)
Missing matter (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Missing matter (Score:2, Funny)
Before someone else says it... (Score:3, Funny)
Wha? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Wha? -- Becomes Hruh? (Score:2)
That doesn't make sense, does it? I thought that the definition of neutrinos were that they had a neutral charge.
Re:Wha? -- Becomes Hruh? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Wha? -- Becomes Hruh? (Score:2)
I *knew* sex was cosmic!
Re:Wha? -- Becomes Hruh? (Score:1)
Re:Wha? (Score:2)
BSD may not really be dying, but Fermilab sure is.
WIMPs win (Score:3, Informative)
The other theory is that of MACHOs (Massive Compact Halo Objects) - large chunks of presumably baryonic material in a large halo orbiting the Milky Way.
The two theories are not exclusive, mind.
Re:WIMPs win (Score:1)
Re:WIMPs win (Score:2)
I thought that the current theories of the big bang set a limit on how many neutrinos would have been produced. If there were lots more neutrinos then the ratio of hydrogen to helium would be different, something like that.
This is clearly not my
Re:WIMPs [ot] (Score:1)
Imagine you have 2 waves, the sources of which are infinitely far apart. Now the 2 waves are 180o out of phase and so completely destructively interfere. My question is thus. Where does the energy go?
Re:WIMPs [ot] (Score:2)
And what do you do about doubled
Re:WIMPs [ot] (Score:2)
Re:WIMPs win (Score:5, Informative)
Because of oscillation measurements of neutrinos, of CMB fluctuations, and of galaxy clusters, scientists have concluded that neutrinos make up only about 0.5% of the stuff in the universe. This is as much matter as is in the visible stars and galaxies, but it's not enough to account for exotic dark matter.
(MACHOs are thought to be baryonic dark matter.)
Re:WIMPs win (Score:3, Insightful)
If they are found to have mass
Neutrinos have already been proved to oscillate between flavors, and that means they have mass. This is no longer an open question. (Technically all it shows is that there's a difference in mass between two flavors, so logically one flavor could still have zero mass.)
it could prove that neutrinos are responsible for the cosmic "dark matter" that has baffled scientists for decades.
The parent post
Re:WIMPs win (Score:2)
Come on, everyone knows that dark matter is the excrement of Nibblonians [fox.com].
Some may have mass, and others may not... (Score:5, Informative)
Arrrgh! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Arrrgh! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Arrrgh! (Score:1)
This doesn't stop anyone else on /. from posting.
Re:Arrrgh! (Score:1)
The LEP results suggested mass (Score:4, Informative)
I remember at 117 Gev we had some higgs boson marks, but the results were just beneath the standard deviation. Now we have to wait till 2004 or 2005 till the commecement of the LHC to be sure.
But the LEP results were close, and many scientists and nonscientists like myself are convinced we have it in that range. At least some neutrinos do have mass.
A guess at the end result (Score:2)
neutrinos are not dark matter
scientists remain curious
Re:A guess at the end result (Score:1)
>neutrinos are not dark matter
These 2 statements don't really make sense together... if neutrinos have mass, then they ARE a large component of dark matter. We already know that neutrinos are out there in huge quantities, if they have even a tiny bit of mass it would account for much of the gravity we're seeing from unknown sources (pretty much the definition of dark matter).
Re:A guess at the end result (Score:2)
of course it has mass! (Score:1)
What's really neat about neutrinos (Score:5, Interesting)
Another neat thing is that there may be a 4th neutrino that does not interact via the weak force. Imagine that! It has already been said that a neutino is as close to nothing you can get and still have something, but a neutino that does not weakly interact is virtualy undetectable!
Cool stuff, if you like physics.
Re:What's really neat about neutrinos (Score:4, Informative)
They have been.
The neutrino burst from Supernova 1987A was detected and found to coincide with the optical burst to within an hour (an hour before the optical burst, IIRC). This provided a direct demonstration that high-energy neutrinos travel at or extremely close to the speed of light, which in turn placed an upper limit on their mass (a very small value, but neutrino masses measured to date have been very small).
Another neat thing is that there may be a 4th neutrino that does not interact via the weak force. Imagine that!
No such neutrino exists, as far as anyone can tell. Neutrinos, leptons, and quarks are grouped into families. The first familiy - the up and down quarks, the electron, and the electron neutrino - are what normal matter is made of (or produces in nuclear reactions, in the case of the neutrino). The other two families contain much more massive particles, and so are only seen in exotic situations (high-energy collisions, and possibly as "strange matter" in neutron stars). The existence of higher-energy quark/lepton families has a measurable effect on lower-energy reactions (as the high energy flavours show up as virtual particles). All measurements to date indicate that there are only three families - the expected effects of higher families have not been seen.
Perhaps your source was confusing neutrino families with supersymmetric particles, which are strongly hinted to exist and which may qualify as weakly-interacting heavy particle candidates. None that I've heard of would have the properties you describe, however.
Re:What's really neat about neutrinos (Score:1, Interesting)
The existence of a sterile neutrino family is strongly suggested by combining the results of the LSND experiment with other [more recent] neutrino data. However it is by no means a certain thing.
IIRC, one of the goals of (Mini)BooNE is to see if test this specifically.
I am not a neutrino person myself, but from what I heard at a seminar last week I can tell you that the existence of an additional neutrino family of low mass is still considered quite
Re:What's really neat about neutrinos (Score:2)
The theorized neutrino, called the "sterile neutrino" is thought to potentially exist because the way that the mass differences add up for the other 3 neutrinos doesn't work out quite right. In current experiments, we can not detect the masses of neutrinos, only the squares of the differences of the masses between types of neutrinos. IIRC, there is 1 large difference and 2 small differences that can not add up to the first one. For this (and other) re
old stuff (Score:3, Informative)
However, neutrinos are not sufficient to account for dark matter, and dark matter itself is not sufficient to account for the observed deviations of the shapes of galaxies from what is expected.
Question about tunnel mentioned in the article (Score:1)
More on neutrino experiments... (Score:5, Informative)
There are some neat photos of the detector; the steel scintillator [umn.edu] modules weigh about 5,000 tons (!), and you can see one as it is lifted into place [umn.edu]. The detector uses something like 2000 16 channel photomultiplier tubes [umn.edu] (I don't remember the exact number of tubes) to detect the showers of particles that are created as neutrinos interact with the steel scintillator plates, and the data from those tubes is processed to reconstruct events. Did I mention that the whole thing is in a cavern [umn.edu] about 1/2 mile underground to reduce background noise from cosmic rays?
The detector is supposed to come online and start collecting real data in 2004.
Another very interesting neutrino experiment is SNO [queensu.ca], the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, which is in an underground mine in Canada. SNO resolved the solar neutrino problem; people previously couldn't explain why we weren't seeing the right number of neutrinos coming from the sun - it turns out that they "oscillate" and change into other types of neutrinos, and SNO verified this. The neutrino oscillations also imply that they have a non-zero mass (explanation beyond the scope of this comment
The point of MINOS is to observe neutrinos from a controlled high-energy accelerator beam, rather than whatever we get from the sun, to very accurately measure the oscillations.
They may have mass (Score:2)
Newton's third law (Score:1)
This is all fine and dandy in a cartesian universe, however in a non cartesian universe this is contradictory. Yeah, YEAH. This can only work in a cartesian universe. In a cartesian universe using euclid the *equal* and *opposite* is in a straight line.
The logic problem with this is, in the universe we appear to live in, has the *equal* and *op
A poem. (Score:2)
by John Updike (1963)
Neutrinos, they are very small.
They have no charge and have no mass
And do not interact at all.
The earth is just a silly ball
To them, through which they simply pass,
Like dustmaids down a drafty hall
Or photons through a sheet of glass.
They snub the most exquisite gas,
Ignore the most substantial wall,
Cold-shoulder steel and sounding brass,
Insult the stallion in his stall,
And, scorning barriers of class,
Infiltrate you and me! Like tall
And painless guillotines, they fall
Down thro