Ask Larry Niven 546
If you read science fiction at all, you're familiar with Larry Niven. (If you don't, his work is a great place to start.) Anyway, this is a golden opportunity to learn more about a truly innovative author. (Thanks go to Chris DiBona for arranging this interview; he met Larry during one of his TechTV appearances.) One question per post, please. We'll post Larry's answers to 10 of the highest-moderated questions shortly after he gets them back to us.
Halo (Score:4, Interesting)
MODERATORS: This is a valid question (Score:3, Interesting)
I think this is a good question - does Larry Niven feel ripped off or flattered that the game designers used this idea? And has he played the game or seen the graphics? They're quite good, BTW. Without going into much detail (spill mountains, etc.) they sort of "capture" the mental image I first had when I read the RW books.
Re:MODERATORS: This is a valid question (Score:3, Informative)
" Jones explains. "In Niven's books, the Ringworld completely encircles a star, and is thus hundreds of millions of miles in diameter, whereas Halo is just a satellite orbiting a gas giant and is considerably smaller. In fact, structurally it's more similar to the "orbitals" in Iain M. Banks' Culture novels."
There are a LOT more similarities between the culture Orbitals and Halo than between Halo and Ringworld.
Re:Halo (Score:5, Interesting)
http://www.larryniven.org/chatlogs/chat060402.htm [larryniven.org]
Search for Halo. The gist is that Microsoft sent him an Xbox and a copy of Halo, hoping he would write a Halo novel.
Crossing my fingers (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Crossing my fingers (Score:2)
Fans (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Fans (Score:2)
If you read Ringworld Engineers and read the prologue, you must have also read that someone DID send him detailed calculations about the required tensile strength of Scrith [this is from memory -- I don't feeling like digging up my copy :) ]
Re:Fans (Score:3, Interesting)
What I would like to know is what's the weirdest thing anyone has sent or told him.
Unstable (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Unstable (Score:2)
Re:Unstable (Score:5, Interesting)
If so, over time we will not be able to avod distruction
New trends? (Score:5, Interesting)
Hi Larry. (Score:5, Interesting)
Here is the question for you:
What do you think about the Columbia accident and what do you think about the general direction that Nasa should be taking in order for us to actually make some progress in space exploration.
What do you think about the space elevator?
Thank you for your books!
2 questions (Score:5, Interesting)
Any plans to do a movie (or better yet!) an animated version of any of the Man-Kzin Wars stories? These are, I think, the most accessible stories of Known Space (Ringworld might go over the heads of quite a few folks out there).
Also, why not raise attention about how Wing Commander--both the computer game and the attrocious movie--is almost a direct "borrow" of Man-Kzin Wars?
Technical Anachronism (Score:5, Interesting)
Do you have a means of avoiding anachronism? What suggestions do you have for other budding authors regarding this problem?
Re:Technical Anachronism (Score:3, Interesting)
I don't remember where I saw the side story to this, but the story was 'The Coldest Place'.
Re:Technical Anachronism (Score:2)
That's what Pynchon did in Vineland (written in the early nineties, and set in 1982 or so) and that's what Gibson has done with Pattern Recognition. Everyone keeps saying that its set in the present day, but it isn't. It's frozen in time, about four months ago. Like a time capsule. Certain parts of the book were built to go out of date.
I guess Niven is a different brand of Sci Fi. And yes, I insist that Vineland is Sci Fi. Call me crazy.
Ringworld, The Movie? (Score:5, Interesting)
An Appeal to Moderators... not a question (Score:4, Insightful)
I particularly recall the Dave Barry interview where it seemed like half the questions were pathetic attempts to toss him a straight line, rather then really interesting questions.
I think these are the most "importent" moderations you can do on Slashdot, as they are the only ones that have any real effect on the world. Please consider them carefully.
Again, this is not a question so should this happen to get modded highly please do not forward
Will We Make it Out of Here (Score:4, Interesting)
When and how will the tech arms race tip? (Score:5, Interesting)
In The Ones Who Stay Home, in a recent issue of Analog, you raise some pretty serious issues about terrorism and retaliation.
The technology of violence is an arms race which in my lifetime seems to have been pretty well balanced, attacker vs. defender. Lately, the worst the bad guys have done to the U.S. is take down a few buildings: no nuclear weapons yet in the hands of honest-to-goodness madmen, no "gray goo" against which there is no defense except going offplanet, no asteroids being dropped from the moon.
How long do you think this balance will hold? And what do you think the first weapon will be against which it is infeasible -- because of economics, technology, politics, or otherwise -- to mount a successful defense?
Re:When and how will the tech arms race tip? (Score:5, Interesting)
Why is there no religion in Known Space (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Have you read no Niven? (Score:3, Informative)
What Does Larry Like? (Score:5, Interesting)
What 3 or 4 TV SF programs have you found most to your liking over the years (if any), and what significance do you think those shows brought to the overall quality of TV SF?
For instance, if I were to ask myself this question, "Star Trek", the original show, remains a classic, but all the sequelized spinoffs (except portions of TNG, and almost all of "Enterprise", which seems to "get it" again) have driven this show into the state of a repeatedly bludgened, very deceased equine.
What do you read? (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm always curious about what authors read for either inspiration, or what they find to be good literature. What books (science fiction or otherwise) have influenced your work, or do you find to be delightful reads. Any favorite authors?
Thank you for your time.
Re:What do you read? (Score:2, Interesting)
Breaking In? (Score:5, Interesting)
Rip-off? (Score:3, Interesting)
A question I have had in my mind for a couple of years now: have you read Terry Pratchett's novel "Strata"?
If no, you might find it interesting
Re:Rip-off? (Score:2)
ARM, Gil Hamilton, and Dystopian Futures (Score:5, Interesting)
In an essay, you mentioned you'd written those stories at a time when you were very concerned about the possibility of that future actually coming to pass -- that the convenience of a technology would make the general population so rabid for it that they would become more tolerant of things we would find excessive and cruel in today's world. You also mentioned that you were less concerned about that specific future coming to pass.
If you were to write the Gil Hamilton stories today, what would be the technology you would be concerned about *instead* of organ transplants? What convenience would you see as the basis and rationalization for receiving the death penalty for breaking the speed limit more than three times?
A question about your universe (Score:5, Interesting)
First, thanks for the awesome books that you have written-- I am a big fan.
My biggest question about the universe in which many of the stories take place is about the "Outsiders." They seem to be extremely technologically advanced; they jump in whenever something impossible needs to be done, such as the Puppeteers moving their worlds around. How come the Outsiders didn't end up competing with Protectors, or do something on the scale of building a ringworld?
Larry: (Score:5, Interesting)
(pick any one or all to answer, as you choose!)
Thanks for the great work!
A question I always want to ask .. (Score:5, Interesting)
In other words, what is the "motive" you are writing for?
Thanks, Khalid
Carl Sagan vs. Larry Niven (Score:2, Insightful)
JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratories) (Score:2, Interesting)
Down in Flames (Score:2, Interesting)
Also, why do the Outsiders chase Starseeds? I didn't have the trillion Stars last time I was on one of their ships...
Intelligence and Wisdom (Score:5, Interesting)
In these Pak Protectors, we have unbelievably intelligent and clever beings, but wisdom does not seem implied. What are your thoughts on wisdom, and what points were you trying to make? Considering the audience for most of your books (geeks, "smart folk"), it's an interesting point to include.
Side question: where did you come up with the idea of the Pak, especially as human ancestors? It has to be one of the more original conjectures about affects of old age that I have ever read :-)
DreamPark and gaming (Score:5, Interesting)
Gaming technology, although holography isn't at the stage yet, is constantly moving towards more realism. And trends in online gaming and MMORPG's are setting the mentality. However what are your opinions on the social feasibility of something like DP ever becoming a reality, given the rapid movement away from traditional GMs and social non-computer RPG'ing? Would people just prefer to stay at home fully virtual rather than participating in an event with other actual physical people?
The Gripping Hand (Score:2)
For me, this was a 'these guys have done no research at all' moment in the book. I was gobsmacked that no one had commented on line in any way that I could find. Do you not know anything about Chinese culture at all?
Also, the UK title of 'The Gripping Hand' is 'The Moat Around Murcheson's Eye'. Have you ever felt like meeting that guy who came up with that awful title in a dark alley? Is a baseball bat involved? At the very least, he deserves half his head shaved in a proper asymmetrical beard.
[1] Mei Ling is a girl's name, in fact, it's incredibly girly, meaning something like 'pretty beutiful'. No one in their right mind would name a boy Mei Ling. 'Wong Mei Ling' is the Chinese name of Suzie Wong, from the book and the film of the same name.
Re:The Gripping Hand (Score:3, Interesting)
But I wonder if have problems with translation to other languages. At least in spanish, the same book title was translated to "El tercer brazo" (the third arm) that was not so far from the book content. What was the funniest/weirdest translation you found for one of your books titles?
I always felt that the literal translation of "The end of childhood" of Clarke to spanish ("El fin de la infancia") was better than the original title in english, In spanish "fin" also means for what something is done, and well, I'm not sure if in english I could understand the title in that way.
Favorite book? (Score:5, Interesting)
Similarly, if I were to introduce someone to your books, which one would you suggest I give him first?
Amateur Rocketeers (Score:2, Interesting)
The Ringworld is Stable! (Score:2)
Re:The Ringworld is Stable! (Score:3, Interesting)
Luck (Score:2)
In "Ringworld" you placed an emphasis on the Luck of Teela Brown. Would you like to take a stab at what percentage of acts, actions and outcomes occur principally based on luck?
Guidelines for world building? (Score:5, Interesting)
1) Finding a good enough story, and
2) Worldbuilding.
The latter problem is the one I actually care the most - I don't want all of my aliens to be "disguised humans", so I've done big efforts into figuring out how do they behave, what their culture is like, how their physical differences affect their way of thinking AND language, and all that. However, I can't shake the feeling I am missing aspects I shouldn't. This process is tedious and takes long, but I consider it very important.
Are there any guidelines you'd suggest to do it properly?
Collaboration (Score:5, Interesting)
Star Wars (Score:3, Interesting)
Is this true? Is it classified?
dave "and did Bjo Trimble take the minutes?"
Interspecies Sex (Score:4, Interesting)
In Ringworld Engineers, you spend an great deal of time surrounding the concept of inter-species sex and copulation. Luis Wu engages in it frequently, it's even mentioned that it has evolved into a means to seal a bargain.
Why the fascination?
The Science in Science Fiction (Score:5, Interesting)
As a young adult, I was a huge fan of science fiction. As an adult, and a scientist, these days I find I can no longer read much of it, because of the ignorance many authors display towards our current scientific understanding of the physical universe.
You at one point in your past went to Cal Tech, and also have a degree in math, so you are clearly technically minded. So I am very curious about your opinion on the science in science fiction. What do you do these days to keep abreast of current science or is that important to you now? Also, what do you think of science fiction such as Star Trek that uses crutches like Warp Drives and Transporters that ignore science as we know it?
Critical Commentary? (Score:5, Interesting)
Hey Larry,
I've been a fan since, well, I was knee high to a grasshopper. _The Mote In God's Eye_ was my first introduction to you, and JP, via my father when I was 11. Some of your earlier work has been amazing and fun, re _Ringworld_, _the Magic Goes Away_, etc. So please don't take this wrong.
I have been seeing something that has been, well, frankly, disturbing as of late in some of the books that have been coming out with you in colloration. While the first Renner and Bury chunk of _The Gripping Hand_ was quite good, the rest felt, uh, unworthy of the original. There were a lot of inconsistancies with the previous book. Ditto for _Beowulf's Children_ vs _Legacy of Heorot_.
What's the reason for this, if I may ask? Is this a side effect of just working up a sequel (already difficult) compounded with the added difficulty of working in collaboration? Or is that the collective you felt pressured into writing the books and just wanted to get them over with? Or was it due to the fact that they didn't get the scrutiny of previous works before going out the door (re Heinlein's famous critique of _The Mote in God's Eye_)?
You did note in one of your delightful mental dumps (_Playgrounds of the Mind or _N Space_, more please! Perhaps call it the _N Body Problem_? ;)) that inconsistancies do tend to pile up (re Known Space). However, in both the cases I'm noting above, it's just single stories and their sequels (discounting JP's shared _War World_ books for the moment...)
So is this the case of an overly zealous fan (re trek[ies/ers] ;))?
Thanx and have fun playing! The rest of us thoroughly enjoy it when you do!
Future Plans for Comics? (Score:5, Interesting)
Animation? (Score:2, Interesting)
We've been hearing rumors about various stories of yours, particularly "Ringworld" being given the Hollywood treatment for ages.
Have you gotten proposals to do any stories for good animated science fiction?
Cautionary tales? (Score:5, Interesting)
Dream Park - The Movie? (Score:3, Interesting)
a) Was this true, and if so, what is the status of this project?
b) Do you feel that the current level of technology in todays world would allow an accurate portrayal of the computers/holographs in the book on the big screen?
(thanks for introducing me to Kuru!)
Lucifers Hammer (Score:4, Interesting)
Focus? (Score:2)
Why no Known Space movies/TV shows? (Score:5, Interesting)
The only show episode to incorporate your vision I know of was The Slaver Weapon in the Star Trek Animated Series [larryniven.org]. It was based on your short story, The Soft Weapon.
Have stories been optioned and live in development limbo?
Hard Sci-Fi? (Score:5, Interesting)
Intersection of SciFi and Gaming (Score:5, Interesting)
idea-a-second dare-devil excitement (Score:2, Interesting)
First, thanks for the playground and the many happy hours I've spent there.
Can you tell me how you perceive the maturation of your writings ?
Your more recent books seem to have less of the idea-a-second, dare-devil excitement I enjoyed so much.
Thanks for everything,
"Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" (Score:3, Interesting)
Follow up question: if you were to write a similar article based on one of the recent or upcoming movie superheroes (Hulk, Daredevil, Spiderman, X-Men, etc.), who would it be?
Averting the slush pile (Score:4, Interesting)
Sex in sci fi (Score:5, Interesting)
What is your take on this trend? Are authors simply trying to tittilate their audience(s) or are they really attempting to explore the implications of sex in the futures (or pasts, or parallel universes) that they're predicting?
Inferno (Score:5, Interesting)
I greatly enjoyed Inferno. It caused me to later go and read (a translation of) the original by Dante.
I must have missed something, however... What was "the secret" that Mussolini (and later Carpentier) knew that allowed them to move freely about Hell?
Re:Inferno (Score:3, Insightful)
I thought that was made explicit near the end - that hell was a post-life chance to repent, renounce your sins, redeem yourself (through pennance), and achieve heaven. (And also to get stuck again in a different hellish object-lesson by embracing some other sin.)
(Of course IAJAR (I Am Just A Reader). Maybe I didn't get the point either.)
Web space meets N Space? (Score:3, Interesting)
Since we're only allowed one question per post...
One of the things I have greatly admired about some of your works, and especially your info dumps (_N Space_ & _Playgrounds of the Mind_) is the raw creativity that comes through, especially in describing your sessions like at Contact where you pull out some really weird and fascinating ideas for aliens.
Have you ever considered, whether here on slashdot as a guest writer, or in your own web page (like what Jerry Pournelle does) or through UseNet (like Steve Stirling does), putting together an online presence/participation that would allow you to periodically spin out, with your fans, worlds and ideas?
The state of affairs of space exploration (Score:5, Interesting)
Blending Writing (Score:3, Interesting)
I am a daily reader of Dr Pournelle's Chaos Manor & have read quite a number of your joint projects not to mention quite a few of each of your individual books. What is it like working with Jerry days on end & how do you manage to blend your writing styles so well? I often wonder, while reading one of your books, who did which chapter. I've read that you alternate writing chapters. How does that work so that the book flows so well? Do you two have compatible writing styles or has it come from years of working together?
Kzinti behavior and plots (Score:3, Interesting)
Also, you mention - I believe in the introduction to a section of Ringworld in either N-Space or Playgrounds of the Mind - that a student had written a paper based on the thesis that the novel Ringworld was a sci-fi rehash of the plot of the The Wizard of Oz. You denied having done this intentionally, but have you ever "borrowed" a plot from a work in another genre and attempted to adapt it to a sci-fi setting? If so, what work did you borrow the plot from, and how do you feel the story turned out?
Pak protectors (Score:4, Interesting)
Much to my chagrin, since then it has occurred to me that this is similar to the argument that many Creationists use to push so-called "intelligent design" theories.
So, 3rd-stage Pak - evolved or designed? If evolved, what mechanism would you propose since the effects of tree-of life virus happen after the Pak breeder phase and have no foreseeable effect on the ability of ToL virus to reproduce.
The Flying Sorcerors, Inferno, Fallen Angels (Score:5, Interesting)
I know about "As a shade of Purple Grey = Asimov", and the Roddenbery Bush in Flying Sorcerors, what are the many others?
Computer space vs. outer space (Score:5, Interesting)
Mr. Niven, in many of your books, space travel plays a much more prominent role than does the contemporary computer network. The network is usually there, and its presence is implicit in the story, but it's not really important to the story. Here on earth in the present day, the computer network is much more important than space travel, except on the rare occasions when space travel goes wrong. Even space travel seems to be mostly for further propagation of the computer/communications network.
As I was growing up, reading science fiction of all varieties, I had dreams of one day flying in spaceships, living on the moon, etc. It just didn't seem that far away. Now, however, the dream of space seems further and further away -- it feels as though my generation (I'm near the end of Generation X, though I despise the term) has traded the difficult goal of space for the easy goal of computers.
How do you feel about this apparent trend in modern history as compared to the predicted space-based future of many older SF stories? Would you have steered humanity's course differently if you had the chance?
A Question... (Score:5, Interesting)
(A subset question of this is: is it easy to get pigeonholed in a particular genre? I am putting the finishing touches on a pair of SF short stories that I am going to be sending out, but I'm writing "literary"/mainstream fiction novels that I'd like to see in print. Am I going to face discrimination working in two blatantly different genres if I try and publish in both under the same name?)
Darker Geometry by Benford (Score:3, Interesting)
Personally, it's one of the few books in my collection that I'm sorry I bought and read (I keep it only for completeness).
Alien Sex (Score:3, Funny)
It seemed to me that you were using "rish" way past the point of being an interesting plot twist, or a literary device to illustrate how different people are all the same inside, and even too far to set up the evil power of vampires.
It seemed to me like you needed to get out and find yourself a girlfriend!
Can you explain why you were so obsessed with inter-planetary inter-species lust?
Disclaimer: I am generally in favour of sex -- I like pictures of sex, reading about sex, having sex, etc... but just not with aliens.
Working with Pournelle (Score:4, Interesting)
Ethical changes (Score:3, Interesting)
In "A gift from Earth", you make the point that technological changes precipitate changes in popular mainstream ethics. What technological changes do you see having the most impact on ethics over the next thirty years and what are the changes you see them causing?
Where is Science fiction going? (Score:5, Interesting)
Where would you say that science fiction as a genre is going? In the direction of more science, or less? More galactic epics, or more personal stories? And, of course, more mainstream acceptance?
Ringworld motion picture (Score:4, Interesting)
A CGI rendition of Nessus could make Gollum look as ordinary as Sean Astin was in Rudy. Speaker would be a kick to realize on CGI as well.
So what's the story, is there any hope of a Ringworld movie?
Movie Jealousy? (Score:5, Interesting)
I also think that your works would make excellent movies. Brin's work would probably play well in Europe, where people seem to prefer a little more ambiguity in their movies. It probably wouldn't do well here. Now, I'm not saying your writing isn't of the same caliber as Brin's work, but it is a little more accesible to the common man, and therefore seems well suited to be made into a blockbuster that would do well in the states. My questions: 1.) Are you at all jealous that lesser talents get to have their work seen by millions on the silver screen? 2.) Have you been approached by any producers regarding screenplays of your work? 3.) Would you even want to have your works made into movies?
That said, I just have to say thank you for providing me with so much quality entertainment! I grew up reading your stories from the time I was ten. In my esteem, you are one of the best well rounded Sci Fi authors out there. Your work has great characters, fantastic settings, believable science, and lots of action. Thanks again.
Why sequels? (Score:5, Interesting)
Some authors write books that are obviously self-contained and when reading these works it is intuitively obvious that there were no sequels planned by the author. Yet, a few years later, you find that the author has succumbed to sequel-mania. More often than not, these sequels detract from the original work. A disastrous (set of) sequel(s) that comes to mind are the sequels to "Rendezvous with Rama". While your Ringworld sequels arent as bad those, nevertheless, those works prod me to ask "Why?". Couldnt you leave that story line alone and let your masterpiece be a monument by itself? Sometimes, the Washington monument is what one needs rather than a Stonehenge.
Note that I am not against sequels per se. It is possible to plan sequels ahead of time when authoring the first book, and sometimes, the effect is well done. Orson Scott Card's "Speaker for the Dead", and "Xenocide" comes to mind as examples of the good variety of sequels. But a lot of sequels to bestsellers were written because the first book was a bestseller, and those are the variety that more often than not make readers cringe.
Ssoroghod's People (Score:3, Interesting)
("Ssoroghod's People" can be found in the collection Redshift, ed. Sarrantonio)
Sexuality in Niven's Work (Score:5, Interesting)
How would you describe the relationship between sexuality as presented in your work and your own personal views on the subject? (What does your wife think about it?
P.S. Great fan, so is my girlfriend - question not meant to offend.
Power satellites (Score:3, Interesting)
Rishathra (Score:4, Funny)
My, uh, friend wants to know...
Protector Brennan vs. Wolverine (Score:4, Funny)
Is Science Fiction healthy? (Score:5, Interesting)
NASA is dinking around in LEO: Boldly going where John Glenn has gone four decades before. I don't know who said it: The future just ain't what it used to be.
The Sputnik generation is graying: When I was a lad, I watched moon shots. It captured my imagination. I read any book that had a rocket on its cover. I'm late forties and will be dead of cancer soon.
Writers are moving out of SF: William Gibson's latest novel has high geek content, but none of the science isn't already deployed. Same for Neal Stephenson's _Cryptonomicon_: good story with high geek content, but nothing beyond the current state of the art. And I've seen guys who once wrote Hard Science Fiction branching out to Fantasy.
Publishing is corporatized: The huge bookstores I haunt have SF sections that are overcrowded with Fantasy and StarTrek, StarWars, Babylon5 & <insert corporate franchise here> serials.
It looks to me as if Science Fiction is in trouble, or it may be sick, or it may be dead and doesn't know it yet.
What is your assessment of SF's health and which of these considerations do you think most significant?
Chicken or egg? (Score:3, Interesting)
ARM? (Score:3, Interesting)
With that as a background, both of these societies sacrificed different levels of freedom for different amounts of security, certainly a relevant issue in todays post-9/11 environment where there is an increased awareness that technology (secure communications for terrorists, increased travel, biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, etc.) have made society more vulnerable. What do you think of the United State's steps towards increasing safety (perhaps at the expense of freedom)? Do you feel that as Earth becomes more technologically advanced and more densely populated and interconnected that some movement towards an ARM level of social control is inevitable?
PS: Just wanted to thank you for your many stellar (pun!) novels. Your books never cease to provoke new ideas and questions and were/are a tremendous influence on a developing young technie. Keep it up!
Ringworld was built by tnunctip, wasn't it. (Score:5, Interesting)
Here's my reasoning:
The Tree Of Live virus is just too convenient to have evolved naturally. Somebody made it - who? The tnuctipun. They wanted a race of warriors smart enough to use Soft Weapon level tech, but fanatical enough to resist the Thrint Power.
Now, being nicely paranoid the tnuctip would be unlikely to make a warrior race without some form of control. What better control than making them pathetically stupid and weak until a trigger event you can control, and after triggering them keeping them addicted to something you control, like Tree Of Life root. So the tnuctip could have worlds full of stupid monkeys, and when needed dust the worlds with Tree Of Life virus and BANG - instant army.
I'd also bet that ANY tnuctip "smells right" to any Pac.
Now, where did the tnuctip survive The Great Suicide command? In statis, of course. However, once out of statis they would need a safe place to be - a place shielded from the Pac, hard to get to, defensible from long range. I'll bet scrith blocks The Power. And by the time a Thrint could get over the edge of the Ringworld and start ordering folks around, "Hey, what's that violet glow around everythZZZZAP".
So the Pac probably found monkeys on Earth when they got here, but just "displaced" them.
Am I even remotely correct?
why no more Integral Trees sequals? (Score:3, Interesting)
So why did you leave Kendy waiting, and never come back to it? I've read about how Known Space was getting full of too many special cases (statis fields, general produces hulls, Sinclair string, stepping plates, etc, etc) to make it much fun to try to write stories set in that universe, but the Smoke Ring is on the periphery of Known Space, it doesn't seem this should be a problem. And all those poor folks in the smoke ring are just gonna fry when the core explosion hits.
Fallen Angels, Baen Free Library, and RMS (Score:5, Interesting)
Also, Fallen Angels features a couple of references to one of the ultimate ubergeeks of the Linux world, Richard M. Stallman. Who was responsible for that? (I'm guessing it would have been Pournelle.) Are there any amusing stories associated with those appearances?
The Integral Trees (Score:3, Interesting)
I've always thought The Integral Trees [amazon.com] and the Smoke Ring [amazon.com] were the best visual imagery ever featured in a book, hard core sci-fi or otherwise.
Have you ever approached any moviemakers with the idea of making a feature-length film that takes place in a 0-G environment society such as the one in The Integral Trees? In a related note, do you think the special effects are up to par yet for this?
I, for one, would pay cold, hard cash to see the trilaterally symmetric fish, "ponds," foilage, and of course the trees themselves...
Why is SF so badly written? (Score:3, Interesting)
Long life & sabaticals (Score:3, Interesting)
Which prediction? (Score:3, Interesting)
Ditto (Score:3, Interesting)