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Science Technology

Cruise Missile Navigation - For Robots Like Roomba 18

quackking writes "Relentless price dropping continues. Samsung patents a system which navigates a robotic vacuum using infrared sensors, map matching. When I worked on this stuff at a gov't spook lab long ago our group budget was in the mid 8 digits. Read all about it here. How hard would it be to repurpose this technology to more sinister uses?"
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Cruise Missile Navigation - For Robots Like Roomba

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  • by dbrutus ( 71639 ) on Wednesday January 22, 2003 @10:17PM (#5140895) Homepage
    The entire technological trash heap we idly throw away in the 1st world is fully capable of adding lots of sinister oomph to an Iraq, N. Korea, or other totalitarian regime. The reason it's trash for us isn't because it's no longer useful. It's trash because it takes too many expensive geek hours to get useful work done on it. Drop the price of geeks 99% and all of a sudden the same stuff is quite effective.

    In case nobody notices, most totalitarian/authoritarian regimes always seem to drive wages down the toilet so this situation comes up more often than you might think.
  • Even fire can be dangerous in the wrong hands.
  • Wow, with action like this [], this technology will make a great vaccum cleaner!
  • It's got an onboard 1/4 horsepower motor, at it's not afraid to burn through your Cat5!

  • Well, at least the South Koreans patented it instead of the North Koreans. I mean, we wouldn't want to have our vacume cleaners turn on us, now would we?

  • First, set timer for while you are out, to avoid noise. Lock dog in same room.
    Second, replace rotating floor-cleaning brush with small cutoff saw blades. Place in cube office full of Ethernet jumpers and power cords hanging down on floors...,
    Anybody know how this critter defines a room boundary? What happens if it goes outside?
  • a robotic vacuum using infrared sensors

    Wow, you mean something like a killer cloud [] (only inverted)? No wonder that your spook lab was being held so secret! ;-)
  • Load these onto F-15s and lets go clean up Iraq!

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
