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New Estimates for Universe's Age 296

Makarand writes "In a study published recently in the journal Science, a team of researchers say that they are 95% sure the universe is between 11.2 billion and 20 billion years old according to this article on The new calculations from cosmologists at Case Western Reserve University and Dartmouth College involved new information about old star clusters in our galaxy and a better understanding of how stars evolve." Which blows my theory that the Universe is predated by Zsa Zsa Gabor, but oh well.
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New Estimates for Universe's Age

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  • new estimates?!! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ideonode ( 163753 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @08:39AM (#5024459)
    Last year, data supplied by the Hubble Space Telescope led to an apparently refined estimate of 13 billion to 14 billion years

    So, last year, they had an estimate of 13-14 billion. This year, it's 11-20 billion. Yeah to scientific progress!

    • Only 11 to 20 billion years and I'm somewhere between 4 to 693,000 years old
      • the universe is between 11.2 billion and 20 billion years old

        I have to take their word for it. I can't remember anything before 8 billion years ago. Maybe my memory isn't what it used to be a couple of billion years ago.

    • Re:new estimates?!! (Score:4, Informative)

      by whimdot ( 591032 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @08:46AM (#5024482)
      Religions will try to tell you on what day the earth was created. National newspapers will tell you the age of the universe, plus or minus a billion years. A scientist will give another scientist an estimate and a confidence level.
    • next year... (Score:4, Interesting)

      by muyuubyou ( 621373 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @08:52AM (#5024503)
      ...will be 9~26 billion.

      So they know they weren't accurate last year, and I have to "believe" them now.
      What happened to science? Do the word "proof" mean something anymore?

      At least, they should explain more in what are those estimates based instead of going for headlines with fancy numbers.
      • Re:next year... (Score:5, Informative)

        by Rhubarb Crumble ( 581156 ) <> on Monday January 06, 2003 @09:00AM (#5024534) Homepage
        What happened to science? Do the word "proof" mean something anymore?

        This IS science. The only thing you can "prove" is that the universe exists NOW, and many people would doubt even that (that you can prove it, not that it exists). If you want absolute yes/no statements, try religion.

        All you can say in science is "given that assumption X is true, and our model is valid in these conditions, Y +/- Z will happen."

        One of the basic rules of proper science is that any measurement without errors or confidence limits is meaningless.

        At least, they should explain more in what are those estimates based

        I'm sure they do in the actual article. Although I agree with you that the headline sucks.

      • Re:next year... (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Vellmont ( 569020 )
        When did proof mean anything in science? Proof has meaning in mathematics, but has very little meaning in science.

        With regards to believing "them", there is no "them" to believe. There's one guy with one method of estimating an answer, and another guy with a different way of estimating an answer. Supposedly the 13-14 billion year estimate produces a smaller range, and the 12-20 billion year estimate produces a higher degree of confidence.

        Your error is in expecting one simple answer to the question when we just don't know enough to give you that answer. The only answer that can be given is a more complex one describing the most likely answer, how confident we are of that answer, and how much we could be wrong by. (Ok, not literally we, since I'm no Astrophysicist, just someone who likes to think he knows something about what science is).
        • Re:next year... (Score:2, Interesting)

          by carlos_benj ( 140796 )
          Supposedly the 13-14 billion year estimate produces a smaller range, and the 12-20 billion year estimate produces a higher degree of confidence.

          Well, Duh! If I make my range even wider the chances that reality fit within it become greater. If all he's doing is looking to boost the confidence level in the estimate the next guy can just come along and widen the range still more.
      • Proof is what mathematicians and logicians do, not scientists. Scientific evidence is of a statistical nature, and tends to support one hypothesis or a range of hypotheses more than others. The ultimate status of a hypothesis is not that it's proven, but that it becomes a FACT - consistent with a large body of well-verified data in that domain of inquiry, with meaningful explanatory power and no serious unexplained anomalies.

        It is, for example,a fact that the Earth is a spheroidal body that rotates about its axis with a small amount of nutation, but there is a tiny bit of uncertainty as to where pole is at any given time, and exactly how aspherical the Earth is.

    • Re:new estimates?!! (Score:5, Informative)

      by tconnors ( 91126 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @09:14AM (#5024602) Homepage Journal
      So, last year, they had an estimate of 13-14 billion. This year, it's 11-20 billion. Yeah to scientific progress!

      Science is not exactly a reputable astrophysical journal. I would tend to go with the estimate of 13-14 billion years. See this ppaper [] - the figure of H0=73+/-2(r)+/-7(s) km s-1 Mpc-1 (hmm, /. does not allow sup tags) combined with standard cosmological models (omega m = 0.3, lambda = 0.7) implies an age of 13+/-2 Gyr. I tend to believe this one more. The errors quotes are probably 1 sigma errors (ie, 68 precent confidence - double the errors for 95%).

      However, I am possibly biased, the author is my supevisor :)
    • Re:new estimates?!! (Score:5, Informative)

      by CraigParticle ( 523952 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @10:45AM (#5025094) Homepage
      No, it's how the error estimates are reported []. The HST key project that estimates an age around 13 billion years also stipulates +/- 10%, corresponding at most to ONE standard deviation, i.e. the 68% confidence level. This study is reporting their error bars at the 95% confidence level, which corresponds to two standard deviations, so the errors appear twice as large. The "13-14 billion year" age you report would have uncertainties of almost 3 billion years in either direction at the 95% confidence level. We have to compare apples to apples here!

      There is another very important point to recognize here. The HST Key project results (based upon Cepheid variable stars) is independent of the measurement/modeling of the ages of the oldest stars of Milky Way halo stars and clusters. Sure, both measurements each have significant systematic errors, but their uncertainties come from entirely different things! So the fact that they agree is quite reassuring. It also means that the measurements can be combined, at least to some degree.

      With the newest generation of instruments and telescopes observing the Universe from radio waves to gamma rays, there will be new, independent methods of measuring the age and fate of the Universe. Already measurements from Type 1a supernovae [] are narrowing the uncertainties in some cosmological parameters. Other methods that currently yield very large error bars, but will be pivotal in the next few years are gravitational lensing [] (a detailed description here []) and the Senyaev-Zeldovich effect [] (some details here []).

      When and if we get to the point where all methods yield the same result, we'll have our answer. In the meantime, if you just quote the formal results from just a single group, from a single type of argument/measurement, the systematic errors are going to be large, particularly when you're dealing with anything on cosmological scales!

  • by selderrr ( 523988 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @08:45AM (#5024472) Journal
    a team of researchers say that they are 95% sure Zsa Zsa Gabor is between 86 and 172 years old
  • by gurnb ( 80987 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @08:46AM (#5024478) Homepage
    . . . no, wait, that's the answer to a different question.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 06, 2003 @08:46AM (#5024479)
    They're only 95% sure. I'm 100% sure the universe is over 1000 years old. I'm only 5% away from the top scientists! Woot!
    • They're only 95% sure. I'm 100% sure the universe is over 1000 years old. I'm only 5% away from the top scientists!

      That raises a good point. When the hell did scientists start spouting off about how sure they were of anything? What ever happened to "Data heavily suggests" or "according to our new theory"? This is the second time in the last couple of days I've seen something like this -- a couple days ago there was a Cal professor on the radio saying her new study "proved" global warming was affecting animals and she was "100% sure" or her results.

      Hell, even the first class which introduced the scientific process in grade school was rather adamant about it -- the best you can "know" anything is to have a really well-tested theory about it (while accepting that you might still be wrong). This, OTOH, seems like a bad direction to be headed in, mindset-wise. My high school physics teacher would not have approved.

      • That raises a good point. When the hell did scientists start spouting off about how sure they were of anything? What ever happened to "Data heavily suggests" or "according to our new theory"?

        Because "Data heavily suggests" or "according to our new theory" are scientist-speak for "we don't really have a clue, but this answer gives prettier pictures".

        Hell, even the first class which introduced the scientific process in grade school was rather adamant about it -- the best you can "know" anything is to have a really well-tested theory about it (while accepting that you might still be wrong). This, OTOH, seems like a bad direction to be headed in, mindset-wise.

        Why? Scientists are human. Humans are fallible. Assuming that you are 100% right about anything is "a bad direction to be headed in, mindset-wise", because 99.9999% of the time you will turn out to be wrong. Absolute truth exists only in religion.

      • by rknop ( 240417 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @09:09AM (#5024586) Homepage

        They're only 95% sure. I'm 100% sure the universe is over 1000 years old. I'm only 5% away from the top scientists!

        That raises a good point. When the hell did scientists start spouting off about how sure they were of anything?...

        ...My high school physics teacher would not have approved.

        Your dissapproval is based on misunderstanding To be fair, almost certainly the misunderstanding is not yours, but in the article.

        "95% sure" doesn't mean that they're really 95% sure that they have absolute revealed truth. What it means is that, given the data and an understanding of the uncertainties in the data, and given the models and the uncertainties in the models, if we reproduced the experiment many times (i.e. we had many universes each of which produced stars that we could make the same measurements on), 95% of the time our data would give an age between 11.2 and 20 billion years old.

        That's what a confidence interval means. That's what 95% sure means. Unfortunately, the article makes it sound the way you've interpreted it. Obviously, yes, it means that this is under the assumption that our theories are correct-- of course, some of the theories in question are pretty well tested and well believed. But you are right that you can't prove anything, you can only disprove them.

        If you've ever heard Lawrence Krauss (the physicist quoted in the article) give a popular science lecture (he lectures a lot on the conflict between science and pseudoscience), he does emphasize this point. We do *know* some things from science. Even if it's a theory, we are pretty sure that some theories are right.

        But "sure" is not really "we have revealed truth". It is a misunderstanding of the term "confidence" used in scientific papers, which really means "the data are consistent with...", and quantifies how consistent the data are.


      • and she was "100% sure" or her results.

        I have often wondered, if it will be possible to find a formula calculating how likely something is given how sure people say they are about it. In the sense that if people say they are x% sure about something the probability of it being true is f(x)%. First of all to find the formula you would have to collect a lot of statements and the claimed percentage, and then find out which ones are true. Of course one problem remains. How sure do you have to be about the formula before you release it.
    • If everything scientists know about the creation is completely and totally wrong and the universe were in fact created just hours ago and all of your memories were created at the same time, then how would you know any different?
  • by haggar ( 72771 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @08:46AM (#5024480) Homepage Journal
    I am a bit surprised. Granted, I am no astrophysicist, but I knew that the Earth is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old. So I expected the universe to be much, much older than that.

    • Hmm... That does seem a bit small.
      1: there must have been a few big stars go bang to make all the elements of the earth.

      If the Earth is 4.5billion years old, then the solar system must be say 5 billion years old, how quick do large stars explode? must be say 1 billion - 3 billion years tops

      • how quick do large stars explode?

        think more like 100,000 years or less, for anything above 5 solar masses. (1/lifetime) vs mass isn't a linear relation, far from it.

      • by tconnors ( 91126 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @09:24AM (#5024646) Homepage Journal
        Hmm... That does seem a bit small.

        Really? This figure has been known for at least ~30 years.

        1: there must have been a few big stars go bang to make all the elements of the earth.

        Yeah, I think one SN in your environment will bring the content of metals in your environment up to about 1/10^5 of the value found near the sun. Stars born in these regions are called population 3 stars, and roughly represent the first stars to be born. All they had at birth was hydrogen (75% by mass) and helium (25%). Then came pop 2 stars, then pop 1 stars (like the sun). ie, there have been roughly 2 generations before us. The first stars to be born were probably very massive, and these died very very quickly (lifetime goes down as a factor of hmmm, maybe mass squared - I can't back this up by data, and my memory is dead after all those ginger martini's, and I want to go home), subsequent generations were probably biased more towards low mass, but this is still very much subject to speculation and simulations (we know virtually nothing about star formation, and the initial mass function (the number of stars formed as a function of their birth mass - more massive stars are increasingly rare), even whether it varies with time)

        If the Earth is 4.5billion years old, then the solar system must be say 5 billion years old, how quick do large stars explode? must be say 1 billion - 3 billion years tops

        Far shorter. 1 billion years is the lifetime of a very low mass star - only say 2 solar masses (I can't be bothered running my program to find out the proper number). Normal SN happen about 10^6 years after birth, but depending on mass.
    • I am a bit surprised. Granted, I am no astrophysicist, but I knew that the Earth is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old. So I expected the universe to be much, much older than that.

      What, 15 billion years isn't long enough for you? Sheesh. :-)
      • Yeah, well... but I am just saying that I expected at least three orders of magintude longer.

        As it turns out, the earth (and therefroe, the Solar system) is rather old.Luckily for us, it lasted long enough to develop the first vegetation-like lifeforms, so that the average temperature on earth was low enough for the first multicellular organisms to develop.
  • Yeah sure ! (Score:2, Funny)

    by stud9920 ( 236753 )
    And I guess when this term will be up, the RIAA and Disney will have the universe's age revised AGAIN !
  • by Mr2cents ( 323101 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @08:48AM (#5024488)
    I am no physics guru, but I've been asking myself this question for some time now. Since time was created with the big bang, and considering the theory of relativity, is it sensible to define the age of the universe? Did time behave as we are used to at the very beginning? If I'm right (feel free to correct me) when using the relativity theory you have to define a clock first and then you can measure time according to that clock. So what clock are they using?

    • They are probably using the rtt of the thirth planet in our star system around its central mass (sun)

      Or a swiss watch

    • Its a very cheap TAG rip-off I bought in Turkey. This explains the wide range of the estimations, its out several percent a minute so over a few billions years that could be loads.

      If they'd used a real TAG they would have had it down to the second, but you can't admit that its a fake if they don't spot can you ?
    • by BabyDave ( 575083 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @09:22AM (#5024638)

      The "classic" way (due to Hubble) to guess at the "age of the Universe" was as follows:

      1. If we observe galaxies outside the Local Group, we see their light as being red-shifted. This indicates that they're moving away from us with some speed.
      2. There is a simple relation (called Hubble's law) between the recession speed v, and the distance r between us and the galaxy. This is v = Hr where H is a constant.
      3. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. So stick v = c into the above equation, and see what r is. Call this "the radius of the Universe".
      4. The "age of the Universe" is the time that a photon would take to travel a distance r

      Stick all that together, and you get t = 1/H. The problem being that finding H is fairly difficult - we can't accurately find distances to far-away galaxies. Estimates range from 50 km/s/Megaparsec [] to 100 km/s/Mpc

      So how else could we measure the "age of the Universe"? Well, we could work out the age of the oldest stars we can see, make some guesses at how long they would take to form from hot matter, and take that as our "age". After quickly RTFA-ing, I think this is what they've done, with a revised method to obtain the age of a star.

    • New age science-fiction mumbo jumbo.

      1. Time did not start with the big bang. Its inhenerently unprovable to know when "time" began. The concept of time 'beginning' is asinine new-age physics crap.

      2. The "Universe" is similarly unknowable. The idea of saying that the area of space/matter we can see or even extrapolate is the entirety of all things existing is ludcrious.

      I hate it when new-age physicists bandy about terms like "Universe" as if such a concept is knowable. What if there is more matter 10e1000000000 AU's away? We'd never ever know it.
  • Come on now (Score:3, Funny)

    by SubtleNuance ( 184325 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @08:51AM (#5024496) Journal
    The universe is 4003 years old. Everyone knows that, details of the universe's creation can be found in the Bible.

    I mean really, when are these so-called scientists going to stop with this ploy to undermine The Truth.


    • Re:Come on now (Score:3, Interesting)

      by glh ( 14273 )
      Although this is an obvious troll, I'll bite only because the date is wrong. The Bible would actually put the age of the beginning somewhere around 6,000 years.

      Good article, also trying to explain why current aging methods (such as carbon dating) are not accurate: s/docs/v23n1_earth_how_old.asp []

      Main page for other articles: g.asp []

      • Re:Come on now (Score:2, Informative)

        by Eccles ( 932 )
        Although this is an obvious troll, I'll bite only because the date is wrong. The Bible would actually put the age of the beginning somewhere around 6,000 years.

        Erm, 4003 BC is approximately 6000 years ago...
      • Great Stuff. If the religious fundamentalists succeed in their quest to distort the teaching of 'science' and control it's pursuit of certain areas of knowledge then the long-term decline of the american empire is assured. The signs are that the usa is already falling behind in the medical and biological sciences. As the religious right gains power this trend can only continue and grow.
      • Of course, there is no such date in the bible. The 4004BC date was calculated by Bishop Usher and printed in the footnotes of many copies of the KJV, but he had to rely on many non-biblical sources and make many assumptions in doing so.

      • > Good article, also trying to explain why current aging methods (such as carbon dating) are not accurate

        Only a scientifically illiterate idiot would try to determine the age of the earth or the universe with carbon dating.

  • Okay, really, an 8.8 billion year range? You're telling me they couldn't me more certain than about 8800000000 years, but they still decided to go ahead and publish anyhow?

    I can't tell if this is news or not, really, although 11.2 billion seems awful young if you're going to have two generations of stars before the sun (which is supposedly, what, 4 or 5 billion years old?).

  • You'd think they could narrow it down a little. That's like saying, "I'm 95% sure this man is between 40 and 70".
    • The trick is probably in the percentage, if they narrowed it down they would be less sure....

      Likewise I can do a much more accurate estimate:
      'I'm 99.9999999999999999% sure the universe has an age'

  • Accuracy...? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by altgrr ( 593057 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @08:56AM (#5024519)
    "The universe is between 11.2 and 20 billion years old" could be interpreted as meaning "The universe is 15.6bn years old +/- 4.4 billion", which is +/-28% accuracy. To be 95% sure at this accuracy level isn't actually all that bad, when you think about the normal distribution, bell curves and the like. However, it does imply that there's some considerable discrepancy between each estimate, as you may well expect for something we don't really know much about.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    "Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that."
    Homer J. Simpson
  • by digitect ( 217483 ) <> on Monday January 06, 2003 @09:21AM (#5024633)

    Not trying to troll here (and speaking as a creationist), but I fail to see how a range this wide is helpful to anybody, let alone intriguing. This has always been my biggest fault with the theory of evolution: it will always remain indeterminate. Questions abound:

    • How can a range nearly equal to that of one of the factors itself be considered scientific?
    • What is "95" percent level of confidence" based on?
    • How do we know we're looking at "old" star clusters?
    • Couldn't they have been reformed once or twice in the expanding and collapsing process?
    • How will we ever guarantee that we can see enough of the picture to know we have a statistically representative sample?

    The article even states:

    Cosmologists, who speculate about the origin and operation of the universe as a whole, know they have their work cut out for them even as their understanding grows.

    I'm not trying to pessimistic, but it's always hard for me to believe any of these theories given that they seem to change on the decade. (And yes, I've been around a few decades.) If evolutionists could step back for a second and see the ridiculousness posed by articles like these, they might see that it comes off as not much better than science fiction or some 1960's Popular Mechanics dream concept of the future. The "evolution" of the theory of evolution itself should be evidence of its failure. (BTW, has anybody ever written about this?)

    • # Couldn't they have been reformed once or twice in the expanding and collapsing process?

      Yes, although since they're no evidence of that or a mechanism that wouldn't create a "new universe", they can ignore it.

      If evolutionists could step back for a second and see the ridiculousness posed by articles like these, they might see that it comes off as not much better than science fiction or some 1960's Popular Mechanics dream concept of the future.

      The problem with evolution isn't that it contradicts creationism (pick your conciliation: God created the animals through evolution, God has a fast-forward button, God left the fossils so we'd understand how His creation will work, etc.). The problem is that it's taught as more true than religion, and the atheism aspect of evolution ("man evolved from apes") isn't seperated from the observable theory ("life evolves to the survival of the fittest.")

      • The problem is that it's taught as more true than religion

        Rightly so. The theory of evolution better explains the course of events of living beings, and has evidence to back it up.

        and the atheism aspect of evolution ("man evolved from apes")

        How is this an "atheism aspect" of evolution? The Theory of Evolution says nothing about how life originated, just how it has changed over time.
        • How is this an "atheism aspect" of evolution? The Theory of Evolution says nothing about how life originated, just how it has changed over time.

          The theory of evolution, as taught in the US, doesn't care to seperate "life evolves" from "life evolved." It's foolish to think that life doesn't adapt over time... but it's a religious statement to say "Adam definitly didn't live, because we all evolved from apes and nothing else."

          Personally, I'm of the opinion that homo sapiens did evolve--and then, just about the time of the neolithic revolution, God made one example from dust, whose offspring have wandered throughout the world, mating the animals that just happen to be completely indentical to themselves.
      • by cje ( 33931 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @11:31AM (#5025428) Homepage
        The problem is that it's taught as more true than religion, and the atheism aspect of evolution ("man evolved from apes") isn't seperated from the observable theory ("life evolves to the survival of the fittest.")

        If you believe that biological evolution predicts that "man evolved from apes", then it is perhaps unsurprising that you have problems with the theory. Let us cut the creationist hyperbole and consider what it really predicts: that mankind and modern apes have a distant, common ancestor. How is this the "atheism aspect" of evolution? What does this say about the existence or nonexistence of God? Be specific. Accuracy counts.

        Come on, now. Be brave and say what you really mean: twin-nested common descent is not the "atheism aspect", it is the "anti-Protestant-fundamentalist aspect" of evolution. That would be an accurate statement. If you believe that the entire universe is only 6,000 years old and that the book of Genesis is the literal truth, then you're obviously going to have problems with biological evolution (and most of the rest of the natural sciences, as well.) However, you should know that you are in the minority; the vast majority of Christians have no problems reconciling their faith with obvious scientific fact.

        Science education is about the presentation of the current state of the art of various fields of study. This includes chemistry, physics, and yes .. biology. Evolutionary common descent happens to be part of the state of the art in biology (and has been for some time.) That's why it's taught in schools. There are millions of biologists, botanists, zoologists, etc. around the world. If biological evolution is as flawed as some people claim it is, then you would think that there would be massive scientific outcry against the theory. Instead, what we have is a small but vocal handful of "creation scientists", the majority of which are located in the U.S. and just happen to be (surprise!) Protestant fundamentalists.

        What does this tell you?

        Finally, to get this more on-topic, it should be noted that evolution has absolutely nothing to do with the formation or the age of the universe, the formation or the age of the Earth, the validity of the Koran, or the score of yesterday's Giants-49ers game. It is a biological theory that discusses changes in the gene pool of a population over time. That's all it is.
        • " However, you should know that you are in the minority; the vast majority of Christians have no problems reconciling their faith with obvious scientific fact."

          I have a problem with people who think you can believe in evolution and Christanity. From the Christian view Adam and Eve are very key. They were created and sinned, later Jesus came to die for that and othere sins. If evolution occurred then there was no Adam and Eve and therefore Jesus didn't need to do anything. You just can't have it both ways. People need to understand what and why they believe things and face up to any contradictions.
          • Contradictions (Score:5, Interesting)

            by Dusabre ( 176445 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @12:44PM (#5025911) Homepage
            Yes you can have it both ways. Otherwise:

            The Bible states that the world is flat. Can you accept its round or are you suggesting that you can either be a Christian or a heathen 'round-worldist'.

            Oh and since Adam and Eve are key to religion... then what about those people who weren't descended from them, those people that Cane was worried would smite him after he killed his brother. And those people whose daughter he married and lived with in the land of Nod.

            Etc, etc, ad nauseam (see (Bible Contradictions) [])

            The Bible contradicts itself constantly. You have to be able to rationally treat those contradictions. I can call myself a Christian without treating the Bible as literal truth. Can you?
            • Wow, great source for reading about views alternative to my own. Thanks for indicating it.

              By the way, it didn't seem to indicate a reference for flatness of the world, do you have one? I have previously read verses which indicate roundness (sorry, can't find them here at work). Be glad to exchange if you care to.

          • I have a problem with people who think you can believe in evolution and Christanity.

            Where did Cain, Abel, and Seth's wives come from?
          • You might have a problem, but there are plenty of people who don't, including this guy [], who I belive has some theological training. Summary of his speach []

      • > The problem with evolution isn't that it contradicts creationism ... The problem is that it's taught as more true than religion

        Funny thing, secular schools only teach stuff that's supported by evidence in science class. If that bothers you, go to a seminary instead.

        > and the atheism aspect of evolution ("man evolved from apes") isn't seperated from the observable theory ("life evolves to the survival of the fittest.")

        FYI, lots of Christians and other theists believe that "man evolved from apes". If you doubt me, go post the question on and read the theists' responses.

        By calling that atheistic you have promoted your sectarian interpretation of scripture to an article of faith. You are confusing fundamentalism with religion.

      • How can a range nearly equal to that of one of the factors itself be considered scientific?
      It's called error analysis. You essentially add up all the error factors in all the things you measured and it gives you a measure of how accurate your result is. Having margins this big isn't really that uncommon - last I looked, the hubble constant range was between 50 and 100 km s-1/Mpc [].
      • What is "95" percent level of confidence" based on?

      A 95% confidence interval [] is a standard statistical test to see if a set of data could be part of another, larger set of data. Again, it's a measure of the accuracy of their answer.
      • How do we know we're looking at "old" star clusters?

      They're a long way away. The light from them has to have taken a long time to get here (speed of light being constant) so the picture we see of them is the one made up of light that left a long time ago. You can also tell they're old because of their composition, which brings us to your next question...
      • Couldn't they have been reformed once or twice in the expanding and collapsing process?

      They might have been, but it's a simple thing to check. The early universe was composed almost entirely of hydrogen, which they converted to helium. When they died, their helium was scattered and helped form younger stars, which started converting the helium into heavier stuff. If you check the light coming from a star, and it has heavy (ie heavier than helium) element absorption lines [], it's formed at least from the matter of an older, dead star, and so has to be a second or later generation star. If it doesn't, it's an original.
      • How will we ever guarantee that we can see enough of the picture to know we have a statistically representative sample?

      We can't. It's the basis of science. You make your best guess based on what you've got, and you defend it until someone proves it wrong. Then you take their best guess and try to come up with something better...

    • Not trying to troll here (and speaking as a creationist), but I fail to see how a range this wide is helpful to anybody, let alone intriguing. This has always been my biggest fault with the theory of evolution: it will always remain indeterminate. Questions abound:

      Which have answers. Read a book. And no, by "book " I do not mean "currently fashionable creationist diatribe."

      I'm not trying to pessimistic, but it's always hard for me to believe any of these theories given that they seem to change on the decade. (And yes, I've been around a few decades.)

      Which is more desirable: Theories that change based upon newly available evidence, or theories that insist upon changing the data to fit the theory? I tend to prefer the former, thanks.

      The "evolution" of the theory of evolution itself should be evidence of its failure. (BTW, has anybody ever written about this?)

      Probably, but fools abound. One of the primary reasons that science is so much better able to ascertain truth, such as it can, is because it is not married to dogma. (Dogmatists tend to claim the opposite, of course. I'll take it as given that you do as well.) The evolution of theories is a feature, not a bug. However, the underlying premise of evolution -- that species change over time in response to competitive pressures in their environment -- has not changed since Darwin proposed it. Tweaks have occured on the edges; however you may wish these changes to show its invalidity, they only serve to strengthen the underlying theory.

      And while we're talking about ridiculousness, let's talk about moody Babylonian sky-gods creating the entire universe in 6 days a few thousand years ago... Hmm... You think your religion hasn't evolved over time? That the things you believe were believed by Christians 1500 years ago? 500 years ago? 50?

      Read a book.

      • First let's deal with the whole "read a book" thing. Do you honestly believe that he has never read a book? It would be easier to have a decent discussion if you would refrain from being insulting. From my perspective the argument is that what some would choose to see as theory, some are reporting as almost-fact. As long as we are limited by our own imperfections (ego, arrogance, the instruments for measurement that were designed by imperfect humans), all will remain theory. And we will be limited to theory for a long time, as in possibly forever. Both camps in this discussion should keep their minds firmly open. True, it's less comfortable, but unless you are responsible for the creation of the universe, you must be prepared to have someone else refute your set of beliefs. That means even if it's the godless secular humanists or the backward creationists. If I remember correctly, the original issue many had was with the very unspecific period that was cited, and the supposed accuracy that surrounded the claim. I'd have to say that it was simply irresponsible, and rather egotistical. Scientists, and the people who report on their activities are only human. Darn.
      • There were theories of evolution before Darwin... Larmarck had one, not a very good one, but he had one.
    • What is "95" percent level of confidence" based on?

      They assume that the true age of the universe is a random variable taking on values from a continuous distribution. The actual pdf of this distribution is just a guess based on all the available evidence.

      The range of dates is said to have 95% confidence because 95% of the total probability mass of this pdf lies between those two values. In other words, there is a 95% chance that any particular universe, selected at random according to the pdf, will have an age within those bounds.

      If that sounds kind of silly, that's because it is. You can only push statistics so far (e.g., assuming some underlying pdf) before you start getting ridiculous.

    • > Not trying to troll here (and speaking as a creationist), but I fail to see how a range this wide is helpful to anybody, let alone intriguing. This has always been my biggest fault with the theory of evolution: it will always remain indeterminate.

      You can get started on your education by learing the difference between cosmology and the theory of evolution.

      > How can a range nearly equal to that of one of the factors itself be considered scientific?

      Would you prefer that they gave a narrower range that they couldn't justify?

      > I'm not trying to pessimistic, but it's always hard for me to believe any of these theories given that they seem to change on the decade.

      Unlike creationists, who cling to their ideas even though we had the evidence to refute them 180 years ago?

      You should learn to understand theories as models that explain what we see. Scientists are obligated to revise their theories as more information becomes available.

  • by Pedrito ( 94783 )
    Aren't estimates supposed to improve with time? I mean, for years they've been saying between 13 and 15 billion, and now they're saying 11.5-20 billion. Well, hell, I liked the old estimate. Sounded like they actually knew what they were talking about. Now it sounds like they're less sure. And frankly, 95% between 11.5 and 20 billion doesn't sound all that accurate, though I don't know how accurate the 13-15 range was.

    Well, let's go ahead and start a pool. Put me in for 14,493,323,583 years old.
  • Which blows my theory that the Universe is predated by Zsa Zsa Gabor, but oh well.

    And this new evidence disproves that theory how?
  • A 95% confidence interval is quite standard in statistic measurements. But 95% confidence interval for a model is very high, given that we have exactly one sample to model on. I'm guessing most of the age ranges we see in the popular media are either 50,1% confidence (more likely than not) or just highest absolute probability (15% confidence it's this old, but any other equally big range is even less likely).

    Still, this assumes that they have modeled the uncertainty of every unknown correctly. The model could still be revised to give other results.

  • It's 15.6 Billion plus or minus 4.4 Billion. Jeez...
  • From what I understand, all matter that we can see in the universe comes from old stars. Hydrogen got together to form stars and when the stars spent up all the fuel, they exploded creating heavier elements. Right?

    Well, with all of this new revelation that the universe is made up of 95% of "dark matter", do we really know that dark matter didn't create the hydrogen atoms? If scientists are trying to figure out the age of the universe by checking out how old distant stars are, do we really know that there was nothing before the stars formed?
    • "Well, with all of this new revelation that the universe is made up of 95% of "dark matter","

      I.e. 'cold' matter that you can't pick up easy by looking for it.

      "do we really know that dark matter didn't create the hydrogen atoms?"

      It did. It's protons, neutrons, electrons, WIMPs, MACHOs and other exotica that it's really hard to construct in a lab less than several light years in size with easy access to a stable fusion furnace and near zero-g with ample parking. One of the newer ideas is strange matter, lumps of superdense collections of strange quarks.

      The 'big bang' is simply a method of delineating the 'before' and 'after' of a single event...before...nobody knows...after, there's a fairly tight sequence of events that hang together quite well given the constants that can be tested on earth and our basic assumptions about the universe. That's not to say it's correct, but it's probably darned close.

      • So then their calculations are centered around finding the age of the earliest hydrogen atoms that were created from the first (or latest?) explosion of amassed "protons, neutrons, electrons, WIMPs, MACHOs and other exotica"? Or is this still considered the beginning of the universe? (meaning: the amount of time between the creation of these fundamental particles and the time that the first hydrogen was created was an extremely small amount of time (less than a second)).
  • in my first astro course at uva 10 years ago, the hubble constant had our universe's age at about 15 billion years. the estimates of this constant (the rate of expansion of spacetime) have not been significantly altered in the last 10 years.
    so why is this news?
  • Hmm (Score:2, Funny)

    by Mithy ( 30439 )
    If this trend continues, I expect that in twenty years or so, there'll be a headline "A scientific research team states that it's 99% sure the Universe was created before last Tuesday"?
  • Hype (Score:2, Interesting)

    by jimmy_dean ( 463322 )
    This article does not provide very much scientific proof about the estimated age of the universe. If this is a revolutionary study, why not provide an abstract (or a link to an abstract) of the research report? That way, instead of the general public just believing the "almighty scientists," they can look over the research themselves and come to their own conclusion pertaining to the accuracy of the conclusions. I'm tired of all of this hype in the media lately...scientific and political. Let's get back to the facts people.
    • Re:Hype (Score:4, Insightful)

      by reitoei1971 ( 583076 ) <reitoei&gmx,net> on Monday January 06, 2003 @10:41AM (#5025060)
      That way, instead of the general public just believing the "almighty scientists," they can look over the research themselves and come to their own conclusion pertaining to the accuracy of the conclusions.
      I would doubt that very many people of the general public would care much less take the time to *read* and understand a scientific paper. Such is the tragic nature of our world. People love hype and hate substance!
  • by lobsterGun ( 415085 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @11:22AM (#5025350)
    ...the upper limit on the age of the the fuzzy leftovers in the back of my fridge.
  • This reminds me of those booths where they guess your age and weight at the carnival...

    I think I'm just gonna roll 2 dice, a 20 sided (for the years, in billions) and a 10 sided (for the decimal) and call that *my* estimate. Any takers?

  • by ErikZ ( 55491 )

    My estimate of the age of the universe is far superior and 100% accurate.

    The universe is between one second and infinite years old.

    Sheesh, you'd think they'd be able to narrow it down to within a billion years.
  • by peter303 ( 12292 ) on Monday January 06, 2003 @03:02PM (#5026875)
    The cliching evidence for an expanding universe was the discovering of the microwave background in 1956. Hubble's studies 25 years before strongly suggested an origin for the universe. The second law of thermodynamics and the ratio of hydrogen to helium also supported hat universe had an origin.

    The most popular competing hypothesis was an eternal universe. This was modified by continuous creation to fit some, but not all of the big bang evidence.

    Since the predominant hypothesis for the age of the universe had changed dramatic in living memory, I wouldn't completely rule out something dramatic again. Big Bang fits the evidence best currently, but there are enough annoying holes and contradictions. Physicists were arrogant at the end of the 19th century, assuming mechanics explained just about everything. "Just a few annoying details" like the Michelson-Morley result (=> relativity) and non-infinite black body radiation (=> quantum). I feel we are in a similar time: "just a few annoying details" ...

    • > The cliching evidence for an expanding universe was the discovering of the microwave background in 1956. Hubble's studies 25 years before strongly suggested an origin for the universe.

      Another historical tidbit: a mere 80(+/-) years ago we thought "the galaxy" = "the universe". The technology introduced during the 20th Century wrought a profound change in our understanding of what's going on.

  • So shy about revealing her age!

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
