How An Andromeda Strain Might be Strained 136
An anonymous reader writes "For the world-record holder as the longest surviving bacteria in space [6 years, Bacillus subtillis], it turns out that among the multitude of dangers [cold, vacuum, UV, lack of nutrients, etc.] the greatest stress of all is intense ultraviolet radiation. In the next two years, new space station experiments are slated to test the panspermia hypothesis--also popularized in Robert Zubrin's "Entering Space", but dating back at least 150 years in the scientific literature. Recent balloon experiments, have rekindled alot of the controversy, but NASA Ames scientist, Rocco Mancinelli, concludes: "In my opinion, for a spore, it's quite likely.""
Why is this a surprise? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Why is this a surprise? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Why is this a surprise? (Score:5, Informative)
1) There are some things that a bacteria will never be resistant to. Physical attacks against their cell wall, for example.
2) The bacteria on Mir was not a bacteria. It was a fungus.
3) The fungus did not evolve. It was a common earth strain.
4) The fungus did not eat anything. It secreted a corrosive substance.
5) The fungus did not eat throught titanium. Mir was aluminum.
6) During periods of high solar activity, astronauts on the space station might get 30 millirems of radiation in a single day. On the other hand, on the surface we pick up 350 millirems from background, and another 150 or so from cosmic radiation in a year. So, ISS occupants do NOT receive the same amount in a day as they would get on the surface in a year.
Re:Why is this a surprise? (Score:2)
Re:Why is this a surprise? (Score:2)
Point #6 - I do not consider New Scientist to be authoritative on anything. Once upon a time, I wrote a letter to New Scientist. They fucked it up. You can read all about it here. [google.com]
So if New Scientist said it, they're wrong. Utterly wrong. To do a little bit of analysis, a millisievert is 100 millirems. That value of 1 millisievert a day is the same as 100 millirems a day. So in one year, according to the new scientist article, we get 36,500 millirems of radiation at the Earth's surface. When you dig a little bit, you realize that it's probably 100 times too large to be possible. New Scientist is obviously wrong. I bet their lousy illiterate editors changed the text to make it more poetic or some crap like that. They sure don't care for accuracy in reporting.
This page (too lazy to make a link) http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/Biology
Normal background, Boston MA: 102 millirems/year
X-ray technician: 320 millirems/year
additional dose from living close to three mile island: 8 millirems/year
Dosage from past nuclear tests: 0.06 millirems/year
Dosage from Fiestaware pottery: 200 - 300 millirems per HOUR
If you have some of that old pottery, get rid of it. It's orange, made with a uranium pigment. It's pretty dangerous stuff. The newer stuff isn't radioactive. If you're in doubt, have it checked with a geiger counter.
Re:Why is this a surprise? (Score:2)
If you have some of that old pottery, get rid of it. It's orange, made with a uranium pigment. It's pretty dangerous stuff.
Or you can keep using it and become a superhero [sentex.net].
Re:Why is this a surprise? (Score:3, Interesting)
Not only does it select for a trait (UV immunity), it causes lots of mutations. Sort of a synergistic Darwinism. Combined with other techniques - What a great way to create nifty new bacteria. Neat, and of course a bit scary.
Re:Why is this a surprise? (Score:3, Informative)
OTOH, I have a hard time believing that an organism that optimized its genome for surviving direct exposure to UV radiation would be much good at surviving in our bodies. I don't even know that there is a path through gene space to get there. Only speculation, of course - IANAMB ( I am not a microbiologist).
It seems an easier strategy would be to hide. You wouldn't need to be very far down inside a meteorite or chunk of space debris to escape UV.
Re:Why is this a surprise? (Score:1)
Re:Why is this a surprise? (Score:1)
In other words, whatever DOES kill it makes it stronger.... (if it doesn't kill it...)
Re:Why is this a surprise? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Why is this a surprise? (Score:1)
Origin of life? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Origin of life? (Score:1)
Re:Origin of life? (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Origin of life? (Score:1)
Dam, time to get my soul in order again....
Lunar Colonists Were Returned To Earth... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Lunar Colonists Were Returned To Earth... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Lunar Colonists Were Returned To Earth... (Score:2, Informative)
life finds a way (Score:2)
Re:life finds a way (Score:3, Interesting)
Bacteria on the moon (Score:5, Interesting)
Earths bold new defense... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Earths bold new defense... (Score:1)
Oh! That reminds me! (Score:5, Funny)
yummm (Score:3, Funny)
That just ruined my appetite for the day. Anybody want the rest of this layer cake that I'm not gonna eat?
In the voice of Homer (Score:2)
Re:yummm (Score:1)
seeds are amazing (Score:4, Funny)
Re:seeds are amazing (Score:1)
Hostile space environment (Score:5, Interesting)
50% of the planets we've actually checked out are inhabited.
The other 50% have been visited by human beings who have left artefacts behind
So why do we expect the rest of the universe, including the non-large rocky bits,to be life-free?
Re:Hostile space environment (Score:2, Informative)
Actually that would be Swedes, since the inventor of the International Standard for temperature was a Swedish scientist named Anders Celsius.
Re:Hostile space environment (Score:1)
true, but was it not based upon the metric system, invented and standardized by the French?
(units of 10 or 100 or 1000 - so here, 0 Celcius is freezing point, 100 Celcius is boiling point)
Re:Hostile space environment (Score:1)
Incidentally, Fahrenheit could be construed as filling the first req. It's based on melt and boil of something other than water, but anyway. It did not fill the second req.
Re:Hostile space environment (Score:2)
The scale originally started with the freezing temperature of water beign 0 F and the top of scale being the temperature of a man's healthy armpit (no joke) or approximately 90 F. But there was a need to be cleanly divisible by 8 or some such other nonsense and he started fudgeing the scale with 32 F becoming freezing and 100 F being the healthy armpit. Of course his reading of 100 F was off and human body temp would later be established as 98.6 F.
Kelvin, not Celsius (Score:1)
Re:Hostile space environment (Score:1)
Re:Hostile space environment (Score:3, Interesting)
Colder conditions are necessarily going to have fewer of the chemical reactions that lead to the bottom of the chain that is life. Hotter conditions are likely to have so much entropy that life either never develops initially or is wiped out over and over again.
The whole question, however, may be moot. As Zubrin points out in Entering Space [amazon.com], Earth-originating bacteria has possibly already reached other star systems. So as the unmitigated greatness of Red Dwarf [reddwarf.co.uk] posits, it's possible that life evolves nowhere else in the universe than Earth and things are still pretty interesting.
Re:Hostile space environment (Score:1, Insightful)
i would be interested in the publication describing this fascinating creature, as none of the standard microbiological/taxonomical databases seem to know it. if somebody could help me out, please?
I'd like to know... (Score:4, Interesting)
...is how said information would be useful to us, since we already know what stresses bacteria. I mean, are we looking for an advancement in medicine or something, that will, say, extend the shelf life of certain helpful cultures or anything like that? Or is this just for the pure science of it and the satisfation of having knowledge?
I don't care either way. It's interesting to follow stuff like this, but it makes it a lot more interesting for the spectator when one knows what the goal is...
Re:I'd like to know... (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm all for applied scientific research (I ought to be, considering I work in biotech.) I'm also all for pure scientific research, since, a) more knowledge is never a bad thing -- yes, I will happily defend that statement against the "things man was not meant to know" crowd -- and b) most of the useful technology we have today was based on what was, at one time, pure science without any obvious application.
Benjamin Franklin watched the Montgolfier brothers' first balloon go up. When someone else asked him of what use he thought such a thing might be, he replied, "Of what possible use, sir, is a new-born babe?" Exactly.
Hmm... (Score:2)
Question... (Score:1, Troll)
Re:Question... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Question... (Score:2)
However... (Score:5, Insightful)
In other words, some journalist is looking at how long life forms we know and love(?) can survive the harsh conditions of outer space and finding an opportunity to use the term "Andromeda Strain"?
Re:However... (Score:2)
A few people have proposed that all life on Earth is really just a vehicle for a complex molecule (DNA) to reproduce itself. At some point, whether it's at the virus level or at a molecular level, things somehow become living. I'm not sure what the criteria for life is since it seems to vary between different groups of scientists, but it is interesting in that "got nothing better to do on a Monday morning but post on Slashdot" sort of way.
Re:However... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:However... (Score:2)
Re:However... (Score:1)
Hmm... Humans are a way to improve the survival of cows... cowpox requires cows.. more cows improves the survival of cowpox...
Humans are a way to improve the survival of cowpox. It's cowpox that has trained humans to care for it -- and even got us to use antibiotics to fight diseases that might kill cows. So that's why doctors can't fight viruses...
Re:However... (Score:3, Informative)
UV Radiation (Score:5, Insightful)
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that there are micro-(or even macro-)organisms drifting through space feeding on UV radiation.
After all, we thought a lack of light would doom the sea floors to lifeless oblivion only to learn that life had adapted to feed on the what was available. Why should we assume that bacteria drifting through the void of space haven't evolved in a similar fashion?
Re:UV Radiation (Score:1)
Probably because in order to evolve, they need to live and reproduce. For this they need liquid water. Without the liquid water there is no "life" in space. Just seeds waiting for the right conditions.
Bacteria make themselves dormant during hostile conditions. Not to say that an active, living space bug can't exist. It just cant exist with the mechanism that bacteria use.
Re:UV Radiation (Score:3, Funny)
We, beings of Jupiter, do not agree. Liquid water that you are talking about is nothing but insanely hot and barely maintainable substance. Only in our high energy labs such material can briefly exist, and obviously no life can thrive in it either.
Besides, everyone knows that liquid, pleasantly warm (+20K) methane is most optimal for life. Water that you speak about is just a heresy.
88736662-99923662 Jr.
Re:UV Radiation (Score:1)
The bacteria that survive in space probably, and I stress probably because I don't have any personal knowledge of them, survived by hiding. Pigments could theoretically be engineered (and thus evolved) to absorb UV, but given how much of an impetus an organism would need to do this, and how much evolutionary time something like photosynthesis took to get to its fantastic efficiency, it would take longer than a couple decades in space. Could there be bacteria out there that thrive on UV and are in the midst of slowly evolving into plant-like organisms? Sure. Do I think they're out there? Not really -- not if life is generally DNA based. It's just too hard on DNA.
Kargis Strong, MD
Re:UV Radiation (Score:3, Interesting)
However, low dose UV mutagenesis is used quite often, because interesting things happen when bacteria are exposed to UV. Bacteria do have sets of genes that repair UV damaged DNA, in addition to the so-called SOS response. Most UV damage occurs is not directly detrimental - just the formation of pyrimadine dimers which kinks the DNA and either prevents transcription or replication. The uvr (UV Repair) genes along with umu (UV Immutable) genes can do nifty things like replace the beta subunits in polymerase to accomodate structural defects, meanwhile. Prokaryotes even have phr (Photo Repair) systems to fix this stuff using longer wavelength light. Where large sections of DNA are skipped during replication, recombination can be used as a repair mechanism. At least these can keep the cell alive, but incur lots of mutations, which is useful when you are not sure what kind of mutation you are looking for and you don't know the locus so that chemical mutagens are ruled out in addition to site-directed mutagenesis.
Bacteria/Kitten/Teenager (Score:1)
In the voice of Homer:
Mmmmm, bacteria.
Mmmmm, kitten.
Mmmmm, teenager.
Re:I don't advise this type of post (Score:1)
Good People found out about it and let MORE Good People know about it.
Now the Bad People cannot hide what they would do if we, the Good People, had been ignorant.
True, such knowledge would allow stupid Bad People to do Stupid Bad Things, but that is one of the True Prices of Freedom. With great knowledge comes great responsibility. If in the process of informing Good People about Bad Things, someone uses that information for Evil, then I will willingly pay the price.
"He who would trade freedom for peace or security deserves neither." -Benjamin Franklin
Simple answer (Score:5, Funny)
With aloe vera, of course.
put it in a petrolium base, please. (Score:2, Redundant)
Guess they haven't tested this one (Score:5, Interesting)
- http://deinococcus.allbio.org/
Re:Guess they haven't tested this one =wrong (Score:1)
FEMS Microbiol Lett 2002 Sep 24;215(1):163-8 "Microbial survival of space vacuum and extreme ultraviolet irradiation: strain isolation and analysis during a rocket flight." R Saffary et al.
"We have recovered new isolates from hot springs, in Yellowstone National Park and the Kamchatka Peninsula, after gamma-irradiation and exposure to high vacuum (10(-6) Pa) of the water and sediment samples. The resistance to desiccation and ionizing radiation of one of the isolates, Bacillus sp. strain PS3D, was compared to that of the mesophilic bacterium, Deinococcus radiodurans, a species well known for its extraordinary resistance to desiccation and high doses of ionizing radiation. Survival of these two microorganisms was determined in real and simulated space conditions, including exposure to extreme UV radiation (10-100 nm) during a rocket flight. We found that up to 15 days of desiccation alone had little effect on the viability of either bacterium. In contrast, exposure to space vacuum ( approximately 10(-6) Pa) decreased cell survival by two and four orders of magnitude for Bacillus sp. strain PS3D and D. radiodurans, respectively. Simultaneous exposure to space vacuum and extreme UV radiation further decreased the survival of both organisms, compared to unirradiated controls. This is the first report on the isolated effect of extreme UV at 30 nm on cell survival. Extreme UV can only be transmitted through high vacuum, therefore its penetration into the cells may only be superficial, suggesting that in contrast to near UV, membrane proteins rather than DNA were damaged by the radiation."
If you are interested in bacteria that can live in extremely hostile environments, D. radiodurans is a great example to read up on... it is being bioengineered for bioremediation of radioactive waste.
An aside for the "radiation causes mutations and hey then there's evolution" crowd, D. radiodurans is believed to have developed its extraordinary radiation-resistance as a side of effect of desiccation resistance. There is no evidence that there is any natural environment that would have led to direct selection of such extreme resistance to radiation. (Although humans have now such created such environments at nuclear reactors or in food irradiation facilities.)
Re:Guess they haven't tested this one -OT link (Score:1)
I Wish! (Score:2, Interesting)
I want just as badly as any other sci-fi buff to make it with a hot alien babe. But let's face it. 2 meter tall, bipeadal, sexy aliens [realm-o-tigger.com] are pretty unlikely...Even more unlikely than life as we know it or most of us getting laid tommorow.
"We have calculated (in the Mileikowsky paper in Icarus (2000) that in order to protect spores for 1 million years against cosmic radiation, a 1-meter-thick layer of the meteorite is necessary."
Re:I Wish! (Score:1)
Re:I Wish! (Score:1)
According to materials I stumbled upon while researching Leonides a few days ago, in order to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere and impact the surface, an object needs to be 50+ meters in diameter.
So, if a strain of killer bacteria arrives on Earth, we'll surely notice.
About Mars and dark sands (Score:5, Interesting)
I would risk to say that we may already have some evidence (not proof!) that something alive may thrive in Mars surface. Nearly two years ago I got hand in a frame where one could see both light and dark dunes among a rugged Mars landscape. It was interesting to note that dark dunes formed mostly opposite to the general pattern of winblow that could be inferred from light dunes and the erosive processes in mounds and cliffs. Besides, on several places, under certain mounds, one could see how "dark sands" covered one side in a weird manner. They would concentrate over the base of the mound's side and swiftly dissipate the farer they would be from the mound.
MSS scientist claimed that these pattern was the result of light dunes being "pertified" and that dark dunes being "active". However, in several places, one could be pretty sure that the light mounds were still very active, was they "cut" a dark dune with their edges. Moreover, in one section of this regon, dark dunes would always "hide" behind the bigger and larger light dunes.
In the whole, it seemed that dark dunes ran away from light and wind, what was quite weird. As the region presented lots of data on how wind acted, the pattern was clear and perfect.
On other section of Mars I saw an even more weird picture. There, dunes would have clear and well visible "bridges" between themselves - patches that united dunes well far away from each other. In one place, such "bridge" was rising over a mound, going down through a small cliff and uniting two dark dunes quite far apart from each other (maybe more than a few hundreds of meters).
These strange and weird dark dunes are a mistery in Mars, many of them are clear and pure dunes, only its dark pattern gets quite weird as they don't have a clear origin. However some places show dunes that are only slightly similar to natural dunes. They are more compact, smaller than light dunes, Besides they present a "water drop" pattern rather than presenting the usual crescent shape of most dunes.
This is not the only weird thing in Mars about "dark lands" There are many more. However this is the most widespread weird feature in the planet. One can see this from pole to pole. However they are not in every place. They are quite localized in certain regions, while others lack them completely.
Re:About Mars and dark sands (Score:2)
inside rock (Score:3, Informative)
Hmmmm... (Score:1)
Re:Hmmmm... (Score:1)
Congratulations, Andromeda (Score:1, Funny)
Don't forget abiogenesis (Score:4, Interesting)
that there is life on Earth, but we don't know if there is any elsewhere in the Universe.
The four steps to necessary for Abiogenesis are:
Inorganic Molecules to Organic Monomers
Organic Monomers to Organic Polymers
Formation of membranes from the polymers
Acquisition of a means of reproduction
Maybe the asteroids instead of seeding the earth provided the energy required for the first step.
Re:Don't forget abiogenesis (Score:3, Interesting)
Furthermore, the Urey-Miller experiments have been recently underplayed because it has been determined that the early Earth atmosphere did not contain high concentrations of methane and some other compounds that Urey-Miller used as the assumptions for that experiment.
Abiogenesis seems to be more logically sound than panspermia because as you say, we have no proof of life elsewhere in the universe, so panspermia ultimately still begs the question of 'who was first'. However, abiogenesis has its own issues with inflation (saying that impossible odds can be overcome by postulating an undefined but presumably infinitely large population - if the chance for a reaction involving 2 species is 1E-24, then we postulate that there were more than 2E24 particles in the same volume and that the 2 particular species were close enough to react. It is not merely the inflation of numbers, but inflation of the probability that the two particles are in the same vicinity).
What about the moon (Score:1, Insightful)
Surely, if life came to earth in meteors then one would also expect the moon to have had a few impacts from these types of meteors too? My reasoning being its close proximaty to Earth and the shear number of visible craters on its surface. The bacteria may not have flurished on the moon because of the unsuitable conditions but wouldn't wee still expect to find the dormant spores on the moon? If they can survive millions of years of space travel then surely they can also stay dormant on the moon.
The only argumnet against this is that there was only one meteor which had the spores and it crashed on Earth. But this must be extremely unlikely (that the only life bearing meteor landed on the perfect planet). It must be more plausable to believe that there are a reasonable number of these meteors and some crashed to earth and some to the other planets in our solar system.
So Sir Fred Hoyle was right! (Score:2)
Too bad he passed on before he could be shown to be correct... if this virus from space stuff is proven correct.
Simpler Things Harder to Kill (Score:4, Informative)
Similarly, prions -- the deformed proteins associated with Mad Cow and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies -- survive autoclaving. Bacteria break down in an autoclave, but not prions, which are much simpler things. Very worrisome, because autoclaving is the standard procedure for sterilizing surgical instruments.
Contrast this with complex things -- e.g. human beings -- which can be killed in a thousand simple ways.
More complex, more vulnerable.
I'm reminded of the "trans-warp drive" from one of the Star Trek movies, I forget which: Scotty shuts down the drive by heisting a few chips, and says with a smile: "The more they tinker with the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the works."
Re:Simpler Things Harder to Kill (Score:2)
And that quote was from ST:III: The Search For Spock where the new Excelsior was sent to stop Kirk after he stole the Enterprise to return to the Genesis planet in order to rescue Spock.
Prions - tough and deadly (Score:1)
Very strange proteins indeed: they don't denature under autoclave heat/pressure
spelling (Score:4, Informative)
The B. subtilis spores are *extremely* hardy and were very close (genetically) to the bugs that the one group claimed to have extracted from amber.
And the japanese eat a fermented soy product made by this guy (natto).
I worked on that damn bug for my PhD so it's a love/hate relationship.
Re:spelling (Score:2, Funny)
6 years? Big deal.... (Score:3, Informative)
ice caps that "revived" when thawed?
It was hundreds of thousands (millions?) of years
old, and still viable!
I don't remember the specifics... just turn on
Discovery, TLC, or The Science Channel once in a
while, you'll stumble over it.
The popular beliefs of the limits of life are being
challenged all the time. Just look at the life
in/near the thermal vents in the deap ocean for
a comparison in the opposite direction.
Re:6 years? Big deal.... (Score:1)
The frozen bacteria where shielded from UV radiation by hundreds of meters of ice. Which I guess strenghtens the point here, UV kills, and if shielded from it, bacteria can stick around for a long time.
And that means there's a chance bacteria have been spread between planets by coasting along on a comet or similar.
seems dubious (Score:4, Insightful)
I have no problem with the idea that microorganisms can travel through space, if we find evidence for it.
However, these claims strike me as dubious: these are organisms adapted to earth environments. Staphylococcus pasteuri is grown at body temperature and isolated from human vomit, and Engyodontium album is a eucaryote. Neither of them seems like a good candidate for a space bug, and both of them seem like somthing you would easily get if someone doesn't handle sterile samples carefully. You'd also expect big differences in sequence data.
If space is full of spores for organisms highly adapted to earth environments, that's a much, much stronger claim than merely claiming that space is full of spores. If they are extraterrestrial, where are these supposed to be coming from?
The most plausible explanation for these particular results is terrestrial contamination. If they want to prove anything more, the experiment really needs to be repeated many times and under different conditions. And they really should find some differences in the DNA sequences.
Re:seems dubious (Score:2)
This proves my theory!!! (Score:1)
someone tell us HOW these prions are destroyed? (Score:1)
It Came From Earth (Score:1)
We have meteorites that we think came from Mars.
Presumably, there are meteorites from Earth on Mars, Venus, and maybe even Europa.
If we see no signs of earthlike DNA in those places, then I would say the likelyhood of panspermia goes way down.
I don't have a problem believing that life evolved from inorganic materials all by itself.
But then, lots of people believe in weird things.
Its fiction but quite informative... (Score:1)
Something more readable than Zubrin.. perhaps. (Score:1)
Re:jerkcity (Score:1)
that's a +4 funny, but this is a -1 offtopic?! get a sense of humor, people.