Climate Change Linked to Sun's Magnetic Field 85
-douggy writes "Found this story at Science daily - Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth, examined existing sets of geophysical data and noticed something remarkable: the sun's magnetic activity is varying in 100,000-year cycles, a much longer time span than previously thought, and this solar activity, in turn, may likely cause the 100,000-year climate cycles on earth. Couple this with the fact that the climate (global temperatures at least) also mirror the sunspot cycle almost perfectly. Makes an interesting case for global warming really."
Re:Global Warming == Junk Science (Score:1)
Re:Global Warming == Junk Science (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Global Warming == Junk Science (Score:1)
Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:3, Insightful)
Global warming is not junk science. As a former knowledge-craving, research-grant-supplicant, I assure you profit is nary a motive among the world's climate researchers. Only politicians, pundits and preachers profit from scare tactics.
As for your time-scale assertion, you're correct, we cannot PROVE(obnoxious style yours) that the warming pattern we have found existed outside the time frame of the Industrial Revolution. But that doesn't matter since that is not the point.
The point is that humans are changing the global climate relatively drastically in such a short period of time that it outstrips the rate of normal climate variation. Sure, the changes we're experiencing might happen on their own over the next 100 million years. I for one would rather it happen then than in the next 50 years. To frostall this, we could make just minor changes in our so-called American "lifestyle." What is a little less gluttony in light of the bounties of future climate stability?
Maybe your SUV is more important to you?
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:3, Interesting)
Basically there is no decent way to prove a connection like this, so any guesses (either way) are just that, guesses.
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:2)
So how can you expect proof, without being able to trace every carbon dioxide molecule from its birth at the rear of an SUV through it's life as it blankets the earth? All you can do is look at the data and find patterns.
(I agree with the parent, this is aimed more for the parent's parent comment.)
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:2, Troll)
This is very well put. I suspect we come from different prejucices when it comes to this issue, but I couldn't agree with you on this point more.
Bottomline: I don't smoke because I know it's really bad for me. I also make active choices in my life to minimize my negative effects on the environment because it's good for everyone. And just like a smoker who doesn't give a damn, the western cultures may never stop its destruction of the environment.
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:2)
I'd be interested to hear your prejudices, since you are one who actively tries to reduce pollution (as you say). I suspect they're actually pretty close to mine.
Really, given the nature of CO2, it's a pretty big coincidence that a natural rise in tempurature just *happened* to start just as humans became industrialized. But it's also tough to ignore the fact that there certainly have been drastic climate changes in the Earth's history, apparently on very short timescales, during times when humans couldn't have been the cause. That's why I don't like to argue it, because there is evidence going either way.
Whether or not global *warming* is actually caused by humans, global *pollution* and destruction of life is a little harder to refute. Whether or not we cut down on C02 emissions, this planet is still going straight to hell. All of us have to do a little bit more.
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
The solution to global pollution is global wealth, not Soviet-style top-down repression. Oh, yes, and I agree the jury is still out on global warming; let's get some better computer models; even the experts admit their models are not proven to be reliable yet.
Here're a couple of good link to discussions on this subject:
http://www.giss.nasa.gov/edu/gwdebate/ [nasa.gov]
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
Unfortunately, just as anyone can appropriately argue that our time base for climate studies is too short to say that industrial civilization causes global warming, it is also really impossible to talk about cyclic patterns in complex societies. There haven't been that many of them, and ours is the only one that has been conscious of chemical and physical pollution as an issue of survival.
Another "fact" that is often stated but can't be proven is that the present global warming trends are outside natural rates. In fact, at the end of the last glacial, things may very well have been changing as fast as the present temperature shifts. Current information suggests that shifts from "glacial" to "interstadial" climatic conditions may happen in a matter of years. Other changes were also happening on a grand scale as continental ice sheets melted and tremendous amounts of fresh water entered marine ecosystems.
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
Profit is not a motive?? You don't get the research grant if you don't show a reason. As a current researcher myself, I know how difficult it is to shake down the military for cash, unless you have a solution to their problems.
Global warming is a great excuse to scare millions out of the establishment. I can almost hear them saying "What's a few million now, compared to the trillions that will be lost with global warming?"
To frostall (sic) this, we could make just minor changes in our so-called American "lifestyle." What is a little less gluttony in light of the bounties of future climate stability?
If we're making such drastic changes, which is arguable at best, then how can minor changes help one damn bit?
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:3, Insightful)
The military is hardly the primary source of funding for this research. Think DOE. The military's bottomless trust fund certainly makes barons out of its contractors, but few if any of those are pursuing global warming/climate change inititiatives. In any case, I'll suspect the profit motive when a climatologist runs me down in a Escalade. Maybe I'm too old, but my peers all drove bicycles.
An example: The CFC's emitted as propellant and leaked as coolant nearly wiped out the ozone layer. Enforced by international treaty, we changed the chemical compounds used for these purposes to a similar, but benign cousin of CFC's and we are now making progress undoing that damage. In terms of global warming, raising the CAFE standards would be a major step in the right direction.
I'm tired of hearing this "junk science" rap. It's entirely too much like Dubya's "fuzzy math". If you're willing to dismiss an enormous field of study, and each of its thousands of scientists in a single, trite phrase, you're not part of the discussion. Show me some valid, non fossil fuel industry sponsored research that counters research published by the likes of the National Academy of Sciences.
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
Wow. You managed to almost completely miss the point of what I said, and instead responded with a rant about military spending. Admittedly that was not the best analogy, but still.
What the folks with an IQ greater than their shoe size probably realized from my post, is that I was pointing out the conflict of interest between supposedly objective scientists and the need to get funding for their research. That money doesn't fall from the sky you know. And to get funding, you have to sell yourself/your research. So naturally, it's in the climate researchers best interest to talk big about global warming, even in the face of dubious evidence, to get that next grant. Get it now?
An example: The CFC's emitted as propellant and leaked as coolant nearly wiped out the ozone layer. Enforced by international treaty, we changed the chemical compounds used for these purposes to a similar, but benign cousin of CFC's and we are now making progress undoing that damage. In terms of global warming, raising the CAFE standards would be a major step in the right direction.
Nevermind that the ozone hole is a naturally occurring phenomenon. And you carefully avoided answering the question. Good work.
With respect to the CAFE standards, rubbish. Show me a study supporting that assertion.
I'm tired of hearing this "junk science" rap. It's entirely too much like Dubya's "fuzzy math". If you're willing to dismiss an enormous field of study, and each of its thousands of scientists in a single, trite phrase, you're not part of the discussion. Show me some valid, non fossil fuel industry sponsored research that counters research published by the likes of the National Academy of Sciences.
The Skeptical Environmentalist [cambridge.org]. Just the first example that pops into my head. Note, this man is an environmentalist, who after researching for a pro-global warming book, found out that the facts just don't stand up to reality.
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:3, Insightful)
Lucky for me, I have enormous feet. You're just another hypocrite: you want to dismiss the research of scientists based on some highly dubious profit motive with one hand and on with the other hand cite the work of an economist author as refutation of this whole field of research? How many people care to read what a meteorologist has to say about macroeconmics?
And thanks for stooping to insults to get your point across. I see I no longer need to waste my time in this discussion. I'll take
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
Sigh. When you're done stomping around, take the time to actually read Dr. Lomborg's web site:
Bjørn Lomborg, Ph.D., associate professor in statistics, Department of Political Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark, is a concerned environmentalist, a former Greenpeace member, a left-wing sympathizer who is vegetarian because he does not want to kill animals. When Lomborg started investigating the statistics behind the current gloomy view of the environment, he was genuinely surprised. As the facts clearly pointed towards an ever-improving world, he published these statistics as four lengthy articles in a leading Danish newspaper, unleashing the biggest post-war debate with more than 400 articles in all the major papers.
Hardly just an economist. And you can't honestly believe that we scientists have such a higher morality than everyone else, that we'd never massage our data to get funding. Give me a break.
And thanks for stooping to insults to get your point across.
I didn't use insults to make my point. The facts did that. I merely added the insults because it made me feel good.
I see I no longer need to waste my time in this discussion. I'll take
Good. Take your holier-than-thou attitude, hop on your environment saving bicycle, and ride off into the sunset.
Letting Scientific American do the hard work (Score:2)
Science defends itself against The Skeptical Environmentalist [sciam.com] Will do...and you feel free to go shoot up the rusting camaro in your backyard and beat your wife.
Re:Letting Scientific American do the hard work (Score:1)
A few points:
1) What is a camaro?
2) I'm not married, and if I were, I certainly wouldn't strike my wife.
3) I thought you weren't going to waste your time responding. Tsk tsk.
Re:Letting Scientific American do the hard work (Score:2)
It's a Firebird... the Camero is in the front-yard. And she likes it.
Re:Letting Scientific American do the hard work (Score:1)
However, I have been eyeing up a nice SUV for after I get my Ph.D.
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
An example: The CFC's emitted as propellant and leaked as coolant nearly wiped out the ozone layer. Enforced by international treaty, we changed the chemical compounds used for these purposes to a similar, but benign cousin of CFC's and we are now making progress undoing that damage. In terms of global warming, raising the CAFE standards would be a major step in the right direction.
Nevermind that the ozone hole is a naturally occurring phenomenon. And you carefully avoided answering the question. Good work.
... And the fact that the bans on CFC's were enacted just as the patents DuPont had on the chemicals were ready to expire. Of course, DuPont had a much more expensive (and incidentally more poisonous) chemical waiting in the wings (patented, of course).
Now correlation doesn't imply causation, but I'd be willing to bet that when DuPont's patents expire on the currently legal refrigerant chemicals, they will goad the UN into banning them, too, based on Newly Released Information that they make tree frogs grow three heads or whatever...
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
Bureaucracy is motivated to grow regulation. We should expect funding to be biased toward that end.
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:2)
That said, like any other large field of study there is the good and the bad. CFC's and their effect on the enviroment being an example of the good. From what I know of the studies that focus on heating of the earth due to mans activity, their predictions are more dire, and their methodes more suspect. I hear tale of scientists taking measurements in the same locations as they were taken a century ago when they could still be described as "the new world". And they don't normalize between a virgin forest and a building surrounded by an asphalt parking lot. It would be one thing if they were accounting for differences, but in many cases it seems that not factoring for those biases in measurment because they agree with personal biases the researchers may hold. And that IS junk science. It's also that practice of abusing statistics that let's someone like Bush get away with dismissing things as "fuzzy math".
The fact of the matter is, for much of it's history the Earth's temperature has been much higher, on average, than it is now. Our buring of fossil fuels is unquestionably having some effect. But there is a question to as to how much. And introducing bias, or at least not accounting for it, in measurements doesn't do anything to answer that question. And to those people who would view earth as a static, unchanging enviroment, if not for man's intervention: Everytime someone has put forth such a view point, science has eventually shown it to be overly simplistic, and unltimately incorrect.
If more of the climate researchers were more interested in making sure their data reflected the objective truth, whatever it happened to be, without any sort of political ax to grind, or name to make, perhaps they'd have the credibility you think they collectively deserve. But even you take your shots. You seem to be of the impression that all people who do research that is even partially sponsored by the fuel industry MUST sell out, and their results should be immediately discounted. Might not someone, differently inclined, be able to make a similar assertion about a climatologist so personally worried about global warming that they bike to work? Obviously, such a person has very strong personal views on the subject, and might not be as able to restrain their personal bias.
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
Also, urban heat effects have been accounted for. Sometimes climate skeptics on PR mode claim that they haven't, but this is simply FUD on their part. If you want scientific references for this, ask I can supply (however, these aren't online), but in the mean time, this QA sheet from CSIRO (an Australian scientific research organisation) contains info on heat islands. [csiro.au]
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
What convinced me with respect to CFC's? It wasn't the name attached, it was having the kinetics of the reaction sufficently explained to me. Nothing is more convincing than sufficent illumination. For my part, with regaurds to global warming, I find ice cores probably the most compelling evidence. But over geologic time, as this last mini ice-age truly closes, one does have difficulty seperating the effects of man's actions from what could be the natural progression of events. Do we have AN impact? I don't think anyone disputes that. (Well maybe the PR firms that represent oil companies, and our Cheif Executive and his VP). But how much of an impact? That's difficult. And accurate forecasting of what the results of just man's contribution to what might be a natural progression, that's damn near fortune telling. Even your site, in the language that they chose, said as much. What we know now about how much we affect the climate is more guess work than actual knowledge.
It's hard to move people to action with such uncertainty, particularly when the people involved aren't seen as trustworthy or disintrested.
Some of the more extream ideas even predict the warmer temperatures will lead to more cloud formation and might trigger a new mini iceage.
For instance, that site you cite didn't blatantly contradict my tried and true beliefes, but I would have found it more persuasive, or at least more informative if they presented a confidence interval with their finding that the temperature will increase by 1 to 3.5 degrees C. Perhaps I should assume 95%, or 50%?
And given that we know so little, is that enough to bleed off resources that might grow our economies to tackle a problem we, in the end, may be unable to do anything about through controling emissions of gasses like CO2? If you have a good job that you can bike too, and you're already a vegan, it might not seem like much. Studying bovine flatulance and signing the Kyoto accords might seem to be an obvious no brainer. But if you're a lowly pizza delivery guy who lives off omitting ozone, CO, CO2, NO, and the dead cows that were flatulant, someone is asking you to not work, and by the way, after the unemployment runs out, people tell you they've done their part.
The costs are prohibitive, the benefits are far from certain, as the science that predicts them is complex, incomplete, and subject to at least some bias. Pretend this were any other decision. Would you chose the very expensive highly speculative out come, or chose to not to gamble? Me, I don't gamble. But that's only because everytime I do, I lose
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:1)
If you're going to claim such a thing, kindly provide a reference, so those of us with doubts can at least see the firmament upon which your conclusions are based. A lack of references and a basic misunderstanding of statistics is often a good indication of junk science.
Finally, regardless of evidence, I personally feel that it is in our best interest to reduce polution and waste wherever possible. I dislike seeing lands throughout the world being denuded unecessarily. However, invalid and/or impromper scientific claims are not the way to go about convincing people that they should be stewards of their homes.
Re:Global Warming != Junk Science (Score:2)
What's a frostall? Is that where you keep your 70's wig?
Junk Science (Score:2, Insightful)
I am amused by how many people say "Global warming is junk science", yet never, ever give a concrete example of HOW it is junk science.
Don't let the research grant loving "we'll say or do anything for another dollar" scientist scare you into believing this.
And we should instead believe the scientists who are hired by the oil companies?
Re:Junk Science - burden of proof (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Junk Science - burden of proof (Score:2)
Does this mean (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Does this mean (Score:3, Informative)
His data is quite interesting, however, it breaks down between 125 000 and 115 000 years ago (something which he notes in his research paper).
Not out of the woods (Score:2, Insightful)
Even when it comes to global warming, to assume that CO2 and greenhouse gasses in general don't have an effect is to ignore a large body of scientific evidence. (Note scientific meaning arrived at by the scientific method)
Re:Not out of the woods (Score:1)
I quote from the websites "about the author" frame.
"Bjørn Lomborg, Ph.D., associate professor in statistics, Department of Political Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark, is a concerned environmentalist, a former Greenpeace member, a left-wing sympathizer who is vegetarian because he does not want to kill animals. When Lomborg started investigating the statistics behind the current gloomy view of the environment, he was genuinely surprised. As the facts clearly pointed towards an ever-improving world, he published these statistics as four lengthy articles in a leading Danish newspaper, unleashing the biggest post-war debate with more than 400 articles in all the major papers.
Academically, Lomborg has published internationally in the fields of game theory and computer simulations. He is a member of the Learned Society of Aarhus and the American Political Science Association. He participates frequently in public debate, in TV, radio and in the papers. Lomborg has also been offered a tenure-track position at UCLA. Furthermore, he has held lectures on the book widely in Denmark, Scandinavia and the rest of Europe. "
The point is, that we are NOT abusing our environment. Yes there are abuses, but in aggregate, we are in fine shape.
Re:Not out of the woods (Score:2, Insightful)
Remember: Everyone is biased. That's why you need to look at the facts instead of trying to find someone who can justify your views. But then, you have to be able to overcome your own biases for this to happen.
Re:Not out of the woods (Score:1)
You are educated stupid and cannot calculate a time cube!
Re:Not out of the woods (Score:1)
Re:Not out of the woods (Score:1)
Also his academic publications aren't that great. According to the web of science (source [anu.edu.au]), they number 1. That ain't that great (I've got more than that, and I'm just a PhD student)
Three kinds of lies (Score:2)
There are three kinds of lies:
The truth, as always, is somewhere in between.
Since none of you have read Lomborg's book (Score:1)
I would recommend this book to anyone on either side of the argument. It does show a lot of effort to collect data from a variety of sources, and to make sense of the long term trends in the environment.
Re:Not out of the woods (Score:1)
Exactly. (Score:2)
The really funny thing is that this disaster is happening now, and we don't even notice it, because it's so pervasive as to be "normal." I'm sorry, but it shouldn't be normal for kids to grow up with asthma and serious allergies.
I see a lot of talk about CO (Score:2, Troll)
Second, carbon dioxide isn't the cause of global warming either. That's just a smokescreen (ha!) to cover our USian asses.
Think about it, CO2 is perfectly transparent. But the real kicker is that even if CO2 was human-caused and even if CO2 caused warming, it would be dwarfed by the real problem: profligate energy consumption.
Burning a (metric) ton of coal produces about 3 kilograms of CO2. According to the DOE (I can't find the link) those three kilograms of CO2 will cause about 30 kilojoules of energy to be trapped on the planet. But how much energy does a metric ton of coal contain? About 30 gigajoules. That's where all the heat is coming from.
So cutting carbon emissions, even if that was related, won't work. Why? Because all sources of power produce heat. Nuclear power is only about 30% efficient--the other 70% of E=mc^2 is dumped to the environment. Fusion is even worse. Hell, I wouldn't be at all surprised just burning the 2000 Cal/day for 6 billion humans wasn't enough to cause the effects we're seeing.
The only solution is a massive program of eliminating energy waste by halting all computer use (computers use 25% of all energy in the US) and anyone who burns more than their allotted share of calories should be put on an enforced diet.
Re:I see a lot of talk about CO (Score:3, Interesting)
Basically, heat is aggressively non-linear. Just because you add a thousand gigajoules of heat to the planet does not mean the planet is a thousand gagijoules hotter. That's only true for an instantaneously fast heat addition (asteroid strike?) and then still only true instantaneously after the heat addition. Immediately, the planet begins radiating away any energy it has that brings its temperature above the local background temperature. Within hours, the heat of the planet with the addition of the heat and without the addition of the heat may vary by only a single-digit percentage of your added heat; within days, the effect is negligible.
To truly heat the planet in this manner, you need huge amounts of energy dumped into the environment on a long-term level. Note that even the energy inputted into the enviroment by the Earth's volcanic activity isn't enough to heat the planet much. Mankind's contribution is virtually nil in this fashion; it's so small it doesn't even register.
The hotter you want to heat something in this manner, the more energy you'll have to add, exponentially; the hotter the planet is then it "should" be, the faster the heat will leave.
The CO2 works in another manner; it prevents the heat radiation from leaving the planet. Now, this can have a real, measurable effect, though it is debatable about exactly what that effect is, because the planet's interconnectedness continues to defy our analysis to date. (Ref: Examine the hypothesized "oceanic CO2 sink", which may or may not exist, which may or may not someday fill up, which may or may not be affecting our environment, which may or may not be a disaster waiting to happen... you get the point here, right? The key is "may or may not".) Preventing the radiation from leaving affects the ability of the sun, the only source of heat large enough to matter compared to anything else, to heat the planet. This may directly affect the temperature of the planet.
Then again, there may be processes to counter this, and our contributions also decay over time (though perhaps not in a time that we care about).
This sort of problem is the reason why I hesitate to believe anyone who flatly claims that "The world is heating up, it's largely Mankinds fault, and this is a bad thing that we must put a stop to." We are barely capable of giving compelling evidence for the first, though we still can't justify trends into the future very well. The second is still highly speculative, as we can't claim to understand the planet well enough to prove why the temp may be climbing, except that the sun putting out more or less heat is pretty damned obvious, and as the only input to the system of value, pretty damned importent and I think seriously understated in the popular press. (I hope it's not underestimated in the climatology community itself, in a zealous effort to get funded.) The third is downright irresponsible; beyond the first-order effect that the sea level will rise some number of feet, an amazingly unimportent effect overall (what, are we supposed to believe that people are actually going to drown because they refuse to leave their now 3-feet under water homes? Maybe they deserve to, if they're too slow to get out of the way of a multi-year process!), we don't much know what will happen. It may even be wonderfully beneficial; the dinosaur-era plant life seems to have liked it. Perhaps it will double the world's fertile soil? Perhaps it will kill us all? Who knows?
Chill out a bit and enjoy the ride. The environment should be cared for, but we're still a long way from being able to dogmatically assert much about the environment in general. I'd be much more worried about dumping toxins in our local environment, or just the general inefficiencies of our industrial processes (being slowly rectified), then getting up in arms about a climate process that will probably happen without us anyhow, and nobody has ever made a compelling case for being a disaster anyhow.
Re:I see a lot of talk about CO (Score:2)
Re:I see a lot of talk about CO (Score:1)
As for the line "The world is heating up, it's largely Mankinds fault, and this is a bad thing that we must put a stop to", I think that first two points can be defending scientifically, the third is harder for me to answer as I haven't studied it.
The heating of the world has been well and truely observed. The ground, sea surface and deep sea all have been observed heating up at a significant rate. The upper atmosphere has shown a slight cooling, however this is line with loss of ozone and the addition of more particles to the atmosphere. A very diverse range of scientific bodies have agreed on this. Also boreholes, and other paloclimatic data supports this hypothesis.
That CO2 is significant cause of this is also well known. The greenhouse effect (of which CO2 is a very significant part) is a well accepted scientific principle, and it can be fairly well shown (by studing radioisotopes) that the rising CO2 levels are from human sources.
As for the third part, I can't say that much about it, but this link [usgcrp.gov] may interest you. It's a IPCC report on to the regional effects of climate change. I should note that I haven't read it myself (but I do intend to).
Re:I see a lot of talk about CO (Score:2)
I don't mean to deny the evidence, I just mean that on a global scale, we're just recently and just barely capable of showing it. To a large degree, we're still inferring off of limited data (a scientifically valid thing to do), rather then looking at trillions upon trillions direct measurements of temperature from now to several hundred thousand years ago, which would eliminate the need to infer through direct and complete evidence. It's a scale thing; I meant "barely capable" literally; capable, but not really by a lot.
The second I don't have much to say. As for the third, I know I'm not a climatologist, but I do know exactly how easy it is to tweak a computer model to make it say what you want it to. There's too much politics involved IMHO to get a clear view of what climate change will mean. And from a sampling of the document you pointed me at, I smell politics more then I smell science. Two reasons: I refuse to believe that global warming would be an unmitigated disaster, and the report seems to be sitting around thinking up ways things might go wrong. Well, that's great and has its place, but things are always going 'wrong', for some rather narrow human definition of 'wrong'.
Change happens, with or without humans. "Adapt or die" is the motto of nature. It's easy to cast me as excessively blase on this issue by taking this line to the extreme, but that's not my position. I'm just saying that there is nothing holy about the configuration that the world is currently in. That's a good thing, because this configuration is temporary, whether we like it or not. Some forests will die, some grasslands will become forest, some deserts will grow and others shrink. Take the paper you referenced, and replace the concerns in it with new ones concerned about "global cooling". In the parts I sampled, you can hardly tell the difference. "Arid ecosystems are very sensitive to water issues because of a lack of reserves of water and nutrients. Global warming could stress these systems." So could global cooling, an epidemic of rats, or even things staying the same.
"In conclusion", as you may have guessed, the paper didn't impress me. (Though you are right, it did interest me.) I don't it was a waste of time, but I'm not sure it's all that useful in the end.
Nit-pick. (Score:2)
Nit-pick: This isn't exponential. The earth's energy loss due to radiative emission is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature. So, the power input you need to (constantly) maintain to raise the earth's temperature by a given amount is:
dP = a[(T + t)^4 - T^4]
...Where T is the usual average temperature of the Earth, and t is the amount you want to raise it by, in degrees Kelvin. "a" is a proportionality constant equal to P0 / T4, where P0 is the solar power absorbed by the Earth (about 1.3e17 W).
Assuming your change is much smaller than the absolute temperature (around 300 degrees K), this is a roughly linear relation with respect to t:
a[4T^3 * t]
P0 * 4t/T
Re:I see a lot of talk about CO (Score:2)
This is a very interesting comment. I'm curious to learn more of this theory. Can you cite a source? In particular, I'm curious to see how much of this theory is based on fundamental thermodynamics, and how much of it is based on global chemistry.
And yes, this is very complicated subject. That's why I'm glad to see experts from the many fields studying climate change working together [www.ipcc.ch].
Re:I see a lot of talk about CO (Score:2)
Re:I see a lot of talk about CO (Score:1)
First you say:
And then you say:
You negate yourself: how can something you admit to be highly complicated be summarized by something you admit to be simple?
As someone who, at one time, actually studied and researched atmospheric thermodynamics, I can tell you, with certaintly, the simple laws of thermodynamics alone are inadequate to explain the dynamics of the earth's climate. The basic laws of thermodynamics assume ideal conditions, including a vacuum. Atmospheric thermodynamics takes into account chemistry, fluid dynamics, cloud/water physics, radiative transfer, and much more. Climate research combines this singular discipline along with many others, including: oceanography, geology, atmospheric physics, wave dynamics, and much more.
I appreciate your perpsective, but don't dimiss all of the valid, scientifically sound knowledge we have of the atmosphere and climate. To do that is to dismiss the same scientific process you learned along with the basic laws of thermodynamics. Give your fellow scientists in climate research some credit.
Re:I see a lot of talk about CO (Score:2)
Incorrect. The two subjects of the statements are totally different. There is no conflict. The system as a whole is really complicated. The system can merely slow down or speed up the basic thermodynamic processes, though, it can't do away with them, thus I feel justified in claiming that the heat will sooner or later dissapate.
If you, with your knowlege of atmospheric thermodynamics, know of a way to fully violate the normal processes of thermodynamics such that the heat totally fails to disappate, please share it with us instead of creating non-existant logical conflicts. (Don't fiddle with scale-jumping; I was already talking planetary scales.)
Re:I see a lot of talk about CO (Score:2)
A lovely troll :-)
For those who may think otherwise:
Good troll though. Liked the 30 gigajoules bit. Lessee , that's enough energy to lift 1 metric ton a distance of 3,000 kilometres. Wooo. Well if you're going to tell a lie better to make it a big one. Or else we could use coal as rocket fuel.
Re:I see a lot of talk about CO (Score:2)
Just the "fact" that 1 ton of coal produces about 3 kg CO2 instead of about 3 tons is great - and nobody noticed.
Wow (Score:1)
Before we all get carried away with this stuff ... (Score:2, Insightful)
This is talking about a 100,000 year cycle. So it has NOTHING to do with the Greenhouse debate. Right ? Absolutely.
Also the Milankovic Cycle of heating due to orbital factors has a very good fit to the onset and end of the various ice ages over the last 2 million years. So I wouldn't agree that this is the trigger of Earth bound climate yet. Again this has nothing to do with current global warming.
NASA Solar Radiation info (Score:1)
Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment [nasa.gov]
First Paragraph: "Without the Sun, the Earth would be no more than a frozen rock stranded in space. The Sun warms the Earth and makes life possible. Its energy generates clouds, cleanses our water, produces plants, keeps animals and humans warm, and drives ocean currents and thunderstorms. Despite the Sun's importance, scientists have only begun to study it with high precision in recent decades. Prior to 1979, in fact, astronomers and Earth scientists did not even have accurate data on the total amount of energy from the Sun that reaches the Earth's outermost atmosphere. Variable absorption of sunlight by clouds and aerosols prevented researchers from accurately measuring solar radiatio before it strikes the Earth's atmosphere."
Watching the Sun: Measuring Variation in Solar Energy Output to Gauge its Effect on Long-term Climate Change [nasa.gov]
and a very cool image [nasa.gov] of a solar storm
Who cares? (Score:1)
Recurring theme: overhype (Score:1)
Ya see, peacetime is a fertile field of silliness. When we're not playing Chicken Little over one topic, we're doing it over something else.
Some famous farces:
- In 1973, we were told that the world's supply of fuel was almost exhausted. Any day we'd all be walking to work. Odd though, as soon as gas was well over a dollar a gallon, we've been able to pump another 30-40 years of fuel without fear.
- In mid-70's there an episode of Barney Miller that featured a new concept: global cooling. Yep, people thought an Ice Age was coming. Ooh! Time to get out the coats!
- Every decade or so, we get re-mystified by 'The Bermuda Triangle', but it turns out this was an example of overhype perpetrated by real-estate yahoos. Take ANY section of ocean the size of 1/4 the US and you can make the same claims. Movies, books, fear and panic...How many airliners have we lost going from NYC to Bermuda?
- Feng Shea (sp?) The perfect farce: only a practitioner can tell if things are 'wrong', and the details are shrouded in mystery, and these people extort millions to 'get things right'. And there's no threat of malpractice; no proof, no lawsuit. What a sweet gig- most city-sized 'readings' cost in excess of $200,000 USD.
- The Ozone Hole: Same thing. The common man can't see it, but government policy had to change. People were required to change out air conditioner fluids. Once the cost of these new fluids were in place and the old ones were illegal, we learn that it has no effect.
- Water saving toliets. Thanks, AlGore...
Flush twice- it's a new toilet.
It goes on and on. Global warming is one of these. The man on the street can't prove or disprove, and no one wants to believe it's just the increasing amounts of concrete around these weather stations, which are typically in towns, not out in BFE. (At least, in the last few decades).
People don't understand (that is, grok) the perspective. Most people see the world through a television screen. They think that from space that all towns are back-to-back. (Actually there's a LOT of in-between space!)
And they see the sky as millions of miles high. In fact, the atomosphere is only a thin, 6-mile high coating on a planet in the neighborhood of 24,000 miles around. On a good-sized globe, the atmosphere's about the thickness of a sheet of paper.
Maybe people *have* to be afraid of something OR be at war. Maybe now that everyone's already afraid of real dangers, we can stop believing every cock-and-bull story that comes down the line.
Or, maybe certain people learn how easily we're fooled and how quickly we'll pay money for a good joke.
But right now I've gotta go. I just bought a Corvette which crashed right from the showroom. The thing was cheap: a man died in it, so I got it for a song! I just have to get the smell outta the fiberglass.
(Another one of my favorites!)