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Nitroglycerin Mystery Solved 25

Amon Hobbes writes "It seems that some scientists at Duke University have unravelled the mysteries of How Nitroglycerin works [the heart medication]."
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Nitroglycerin Mystery Solved

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  • Chemical potential energy is transformed into heat energy. You break some bonds, you're gonna get some energy out of it. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

    Whether you use that to make bombs or cure heart disease, I don't care, the principle is the same.

    Hey, could this be used in laptop batteries? How sweet would it be to have a TNT-powered Crusoe Linux box?
    • So if I experience chest pains, I should swallow a grenade? Seems like that might work once...
      • Re:such a big deal? (Score:3, Informative)

        by Governerd ( 577759 )
        No. Only nitroglycerine in its pure form is explosive. In fact, pure nitro is never even used in grenades because it is so very unstable. A nitroglycerine grenade would probably never make it out of the factory, exploding sometime during the assembly process. Dynamite is essentially nitro in an inert matrix -- even sugar and clay were tried during the early days. However, when given in very small doses and rendered non-explosive by dilution with chemically inert materials, it can do really good things for heart patients.
        • Re:such a big deal? (Score:4, Informative)

          by littlerubberfeet ( 453565 ) on Saturday June 08, 2002 @09:41PM (#3667034)
          Now I must disagree. Nitroglycerine is made by combining Nitric acid with glycerin, very simply put. The second step to the process is filtering all the excess Nitrc acid out of the 'soup' Now why is this important? Because nitric acid makes Nitroglycerine unstable. Now, pure nitroglycerine is MUCH MUCH more stable then it is with impurities. There is actually an equation for the temperature of spontanious combustion based on the amount of Nitric acid left in the mixture.

          Now, making a grenade out of nitroglycerin is easy, you just do the same thing you do with TNT and dynamite. You mix the Nitro with fine-powder sawdust, and it holds it in an easly managable paste.
    • Aren't you a smarty! That high-school chemistry class really clued you in didn't it. Read the article dumbass, you don't understand what the 'mystery' is.
    • Better be careful, with comprehension skills like yours, you're ripe for being trolled...
  • i've known for several years how nitroglycerin works, it goes boom real good :D
  • I was just posting stuff I thought was in the interest of science. Didn't want to be a choad about things.
  • Who was the first person to get the bright idea to try EATING nitroglycerin? Wouldn't that seem a bit, well, dangerous to you?


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