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Chimps Used Simple Tools 5 Million Years Ago 105

David_Bloom writes: "Evidence that chimps have been using simple tools over 500 million years ago has been unveiled by an archeological dig in West Africa. Tragically, it will probably be another 500 million years before my mom figures out how to use the simple Windows taskbar. [sigh]" Update: 05/23 22:45 GMT by T : Actually, as the linked article really says, that should be five million, rather than 500 million.
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Chimps Used Simple Tools 5 Million Years Ago

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  • 500 = 5 (Score:3, Funny)

    by rw2 ( 17419 ) on Thursday May 23, 2002 @05:21PM (#3575566) Homepage
    But you were only off by a factor of 100. Probably and astrophysicist, eh?
  • by Snafoo ( 38566 ) on Thursday May 23, 2002 @05:24PM (#3575572) Homepage
    By any chance, is your Mom named 'Lucy'?
  • Too Bad (Score:3, Insightful)

    by erasmus_ ( 119185 ) on Thursday May 23, 2002 @06:57PM (#3576091)
    It's too bad most of the Slashdot crowd is so progressive. This is one of those perfect articles to get into flame wars about whether or not evolution really happened. And how every thing that seems to contradict the Biblical version of time is placed on this earth as "a test of faith."

    Regardless, this is clearly fascinating. Although in my mind it raises the question of why that species has not advanced significantly more in all this time. I realize the article states that the researchers will look for differences in modern behavior, but my guess is that their methods are still basically the same.

    Which I guess is good for us, as who wants super-monkeys taking away all of our jobs. Although if they could just comment their code, I might give them a shot.
    • I've always seen it as a contradiction to hold to the Bible's portrayal of creation while clinging to the belief that it's portrayal is detectable by science. If what the Bible says is true it is almost certainly indetectable to science; "super-natural", in other words "outside of nature".

      Further, the seemingly natural origins of the universe do not create "tests of faith" - rather, they allow for Faith. What would happen to Faith if one could prove conclusively (hypothetical) that the Bible was correct in its telling of the story(to the point where no intelligent person could reject it)? Would this not destroy Faith?
    • What do you mean 'whether or not evolution really happened'?

      It is still happening. You can watch it happen in our hospitals right this very moment. Take a look at those people with drug resistant bacterial infections... some of these bacteria simply didn't exist 10 years ago. They are all descendants of older non resistant bacteria's.

      Evolution never stopped, and cannot be stopped.

      I place people who don't believe in evolution with people who think the world is flat in the the same group... stubbornly blind followers of dogma.

      I can show you evidence of evolution... now can you show me evidence of creation, or a god?

    • ... the Biblical version ...

      I find that most views attributed to the Bible ("The Bible says this or that") are actually someone's mindless regurgitations of some other ostensibly learned theologician's obviously flawed interpretation of the scriptures, usually made to fit his particular church's teaching. Quite difficult to get involved in a flame war where you agree with neither side :-)

    • Regardless, this is clearly fascinating. Although in my mind it raises the question of why that species has not advanced significantly more in all this time. I realize the article states that the researchers will look for differences in modern behavior, but my guess is that their methods are still basically the same.

      Evolution doesn't just happen. Life doesn't move inexorably toward "higher" forms. Life forms only evolve when there is environmental pressure to do so. If there weren't any huge challenges to the chimps' survival in that time that would have required intellectual adaptation, there's no reason that they would evolve. We, however, presumably had certain survival pressures that favored complex social interaction and abstract communication...like LAN gaming parties and slashdot comments.
      • Good point. Of course, as the article points out, there has been some of that environmental pressure that you mention, which is why that species is now getting to be a rarity. Of course on an evolutionary scale, this has come only recently, due to humans, so the species has not yet had a chance to adapt.

    • > t's too bad most of the Slashdot crowd is so progressive. This is one of those perfect articles to get into flame wars about whether or not evolution really happened.

      I'm curious why you use the word "progressive" in this regard. The issue isn't progressive ideas vs. others, but rather whether you are going to let your views on the history of the world be guided by the evidence. This hardly strikes me as a "progressive" viewpoint, since the basic issue was resolved by all but the religion-dominated somewhere around 200-300 years ago.

      Also, re -

      > ...whether or not evolution really happened.

      That evolution happened is beyond doubt, since the fossil record very clearly shows that the collection of species inhabiting the earth varies greatly over time, at least on geological timescales. The only thing open to rational discussion is what the mechanism for the changes was, not whether the the changes happened.

      It happens that we have a theory that appears to explain that mechanism very well, to the point of making predictions about what you'll see if you go down to the lab and do some gene sequencing tomorrow. Some people object to that theory because it contradicts their religious beliefs, and it is commonly believed that others object to it due to a peculiar political ideology (namely that religion-as-opiate-of-masses is a good thing), but neither party has actually done any science that calls the current theory into question. So they resort to bogus pseudo-scientific claims, handwave arguments, misrepresentation of facts, mendacity (e.g., carven human footprints at Paluxy), attempts to poison the well by undercutting the public's trust of science in general, attempts to misportray their ancient mythology as science, attempts to bring science down into the gutter with their own beliefs by labelling it as a mere philosophy or even a religion, and sometimes to arguments that are so truly loopy that it is often commented that creationism is impossible to parody.

      But something is needed to explain the changes to the species over time, and right now the only available explanations are the theory of evolution and magic. And the only theory constrained by the facts is the theory of evolution.

  • I know that they found these rock fragments concentrated around trees, but how does that mean that they were being used as tools? I can use a rock to break open a pecan, but when I put it down, does it suddenly look like a tool? Would someone be able to pick up that rock later and say 'hmm..looks like someone cracked a pecan with this one.' You can call it a 'tool fragment', but come on, these are rocks around a tree. Apes could have been eating them and pooping around trees, for all we know.
    • I think it usually has to do with the way the rocks have been shaped. Then again, I'm not a paleontologist, neither are you. They would know the answers. they don't get funding for nothing. Your comment is like saying, "I can't divide. therefore, division can't be done."
    • BBC Article URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_2 006000/2006309.stm (I use it as a reference in this post)

      Well, they found pits in the rocks that indicate they've been used repeatedly (perhaps for generations) for the same purpose. Using another object for a specific task repeatedly is a tool, no? Okay, so that's not the exact definition of a tool, but it sure fits the criteria for a tool if you ask me. The stones also took a degree of skill to use, and could take 7 years to master. Hit it too hard, and you smash the inside of the nut, hit it too soft, and you still get nothing. So it's not a matter of just smashing things with a rock. The younger chimps apparently practice too as well, using smaller rocks. One thing they haven't done though, is create tools of different shapes and sizes.
      Yeah, they could be eating and pooping them out, but the rocks weighed 15 kilograms.
    • I saw 'The Scorpion King'. The Rock is a Tool.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    oog use tools! oog use win95 in 29 days! oog have high tech carreer!
  • if the hominids of the time were doing the same thing, who says that the apes didn't learn from the hominids, or vice versa?

    maybe hominids had a higher capacity for creativity and were able to do more with the 'simple tools' once they 'saw the light?'

    this is all such a intrigueing, yet wasteful thing to discuss, until we have time travel. i guess i need to fall through a worm hole and find out ;-)
  • this raises questions about other parts ters use rocks to cof the animal kingdom, otrack open oysters, sea urchins and the heads of greenpeace members to feast on the innards. also, many members of the animal kingdom use trees to scratch their butts
  • sorry, i accidentally highlighted and dragged a piece w/o realizing it, it should have read... this raises questions about other parts of the animal kingdom, otters use rocks to crack open oysters, sea urchins and the heads of greenpeace members to feast on the innards. also, many members of the animal kingdom use trees to scratch their butts

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