Unlimited Airwaves 238
Dan Gillmor has an article concerning the notion of scarcity of the airwaves, which has long been a testament of faith at the FCC. Recent advances in technology may render that testament false.
To be awake is to be alive. -- Henry David Thoreau, in "Walden"
Finger waggling... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Finger waggling... (Score:2)
Re:Finger waggling... (Score:2)
I have a feeling that spectrum and bandwidth will only be nearly unlimited for those with nearly unlimited amounts of money to spend on electronic equipment or politicians or both.
Implications for Radio Astronomy. . . (Score:3, Interesting)
While radio waves may not interfere with one-another directly the way sound waves do, what would happen to radio astronomy if we opened up every possible frequency to exploitation? Is it even remotely possible that's what the FCC bureaucrats are considering, and not simply their own necks?
As an aside: the Internet should have made the TelCos obsolete years ago; but it hasn't happened yet. I wouldn't hold my breath on newer radio technology making old radio obsolete anytime in the next ten years, at least.
Re:Implications for Radio Astronomy. . . (Score:5, Interesting)
Ah, but it has. Something you don't see in the U.S., but something you do see going on in the rest of the world is internet telephony and VoIP services springing up left and right. The Telcos have been and are currently fighting tooth and nail to keep internet telephony and similar services out of reach in the U.S. just so they don't come unglued.
You think the current hype about the record industry fighting MP3's is big? Wait until it's the baby Bells fighting against the first 'big' internet telephony service available in the U.S.. The amount of legislation bought and sold in that time will make laws like the DMCA look reasonable.
Paradox of the Best Network (Score:3, Insightful)
This is an example of the Paradox of the Best Network [netparadox.com]:
Telcos RIAA (Score:2)
AT&T was the first to see the light - AT&T put quite a lot of research into VoIP techniques, believe it or not. MCI, another major telco, controls a LARGE portion of the US Internet backbone.
Why do you think all of the telcos have been branching into the ISP business? The telcos have a lot of the infrastructure needed for network backbones (Mainly dark fiber and rights to lay more cable where they already have cable/fiber), the Internet is not a threat to them, it is simply the direction their business is evolving. This is why you see telcos now becoming major large-scale ISPs - They know it is their only way to survive, and they also have the capital and infrastructure to succeed in the new market.
At one time, the telcos fought against the Internet and VoIP, but unlike the RIAA, the telcos have seen that fighting the new wave is futile.
The war you're anticipating has already happened and passed. It wasn't much of a war either, more like a small street gang firefight.
Telcos & ISP (Score:2)
Re:Implications for Radio Astronomy. . . (Score:2)
As much as I'd like to do away with scarcity, and as much as this argument:
Heh (Score:2)
This guy never owned a CB radio apparently.
(Yes I know AM is terrible compared to SSB or Spreadspectrum, but those just mitigate the limitations, not eliminate them.)
Re:Heh (Score:2)
He's talking about the digital capcity of the network the wireless devices form, not the signals themselves. CB radio is to networks as public bulletin boards are to Time Magazine.
Re:actually (Score:2)
We are talking about fundamental things here, like noise floor, and front end overload.
Re:actually (Score:3, Interesting)
Basically, instead of transmitting at high power to a base station, the transciever finds the path that takes the least amount of power. By transmitting at lower power, you get better spectrum reuse in a given area. One conventional cell becomes thousands of picocells. It really doesnt make sense to try to run a packet switched protocol like IP over circut switched networks like CDMA, et al.
This guy does have the right idea, but I think some people are reading the article the wrong way. He isn't calling for deregulation, just more bands for people to experiment in, like the ISM band.
It's a matter of finding things again... (Score:4, Interesting)
Essentially, current radio tuners are serial, in that they lock onto a single frequency and attenuate all others down. Reed's suggestion is basically to receive many frequencies in parallel and toss them out as you decode them and they prove to not be the one you want?
Sounds good. It would make security through adaptive modulation interesting.
Re:It's a matter of finding things again... (Score:2, Informative)
One of the problems with his proposal is that there's so much old equipment out there that doesn't tolerate interference - so you have to retire a "use" for a band before you can free it up for spread-spectrum, or the SS signals generate noise for the existing users, who're using 20 year old technology. That's been done successfully once, to my knowledge - when the FCC made the wireless carriers pay to relocate and reequip point-to-point microwave relays in the A band. $Billions spent.
Of course, if you want to go spread spectrum, you have to have codes - and the more users you have, the more complex the codes need to be - there is a limit to the number of users you can have, based on the uniqueness of any given code set.
Gawd, I'm having a grad school flashback!
Re:It's a matter of finding things again... (Score:2)
Would IPv6 suffice? If not, then add a couple of more hex digits. Codes aren't really the problem. Keeping the packets straight, etc. and routing are the real problems. Esp. routing.
A hybrid system based on local stations feeding into fiber-optic based base stations of a relatively standard design would be a system that could handle more throughput. OTOH, a pure wireless system with no central node
Still, as to unlimited bandwidth...
Light is pretty fast, so if one had a purely wireless network, one could build a Beowulf cluster with wireless interconnects. Would the transmission rate be fast enough to make that reasonable? How close would the computers need to be in order for this to be a reasonable solution? Wouldn't it be easier to connect them with fiber optic cables?
I really don't think that you can call the bandwidth unlimited, not even in terms of today's technological needs. (OTOH, I guessed at the answers to the above questions, instead of working them out. So if I'm wrong...)
Re:It's a matter of finding things again... (Score:2)
As for the routing problem... if you want "unlimited bandwidth" what I hear you asking for is the ability to transfer a signal from arbitrary here to arbitrary there without worrying about frequency, speed, time delays, etc. A dream system! In a local block, the hardware sync issues will dominate, but in a local block there isn't a real bandwidth problems anyway. PCM with a bank of tuned infrared lasers would probably get you more throughput than even today's chips could handle. And since lasers are directional, you don't need to worry about interferrence. So that's not the problem being addressed.
You are right, I don't know the details about how spread spectrum is done. But it can't possibly handle more than some number (which is determined by power level, interferrence, etc. -- Claude Shannon wrote the equation, but I forget what it's called). This can be handled, however, by DECREASING signal strength, and using blocks of transmitters and repeaters (preferably with directional antennas). In a sufficiently local area it just isn't a problem. The fancy stuff is so that you can manage the connections that go or come from outside the local block. And that brings us to higher level protocols. This is what you use to target the transmissions so that messages only need to go through appropriate blocks on their way to their intended destination. Which decreases the throughput requirements in each particular block. So the repeaters need to decide whether or not they should forward the signal. Or, if they have directional antennas, they need to decide in which direction to forward the signal.
OTOH, you might mean that the current local coding schemes (hardware level) are insufficient. With shorter numbers exponential increase doesn't give you the same benefit from adding a bit or two to a code string. The way you solve this is by making each block smaller, and lowering your transmission power. That does, however, increase the number of hops needed to reach the destination.
Anyway you go as you try to pack more signals though the same airspace the approaches either get more complex, start interferring with each other, or stop working. There really are limits. (Of course, if you're clever enough they can be pushed way out there.)
If, on the other hand, you are considering broadcast, then there isn't any decent way out that I can see. Spread spectrum doesn't buy you anything in this case (except a bit of noise immunity, and that only at the cost of increased power). It's true that better coding practices could allow you to pack more signal into a particular bandwidth. I believe that the HDTV people are planning to do this. But that's the limit. And each frequency has a fastest intelligible switching rate. You might even do better to stop thinking about frequencies, and start concentrating on switching rates. When you go digital the sine waves don't really exist, anyway. What you are doing is PCM with some particular switch speed (possibly encoded). And in that case, does it even make any sense to talk about spread spectrum?
Possibly I totally misunderstand the options here. I'm certainly well out of my field. But that's the way that I understand it.
Re:It's a matter of finding things again... (Score:2, Interesting)
bit has been solved to the rate of about 3.6petabites/second. The problem is the recivers can't do that (not to mention that 10baseT device you want to plug in).
Now that people are looking at optical as RF and not as visable light, some of the sensors technology that is in R&D labs right now is good for 25km in rain and fog in the gigabit range. Its still point to point but the research is going places and I expect the line of site radio links are going to be gone in 15 to 20 years.
We need to do (Score:5, Funny)
Screw it up??
Re:We need to do (Score:1)
Re:We need to do (Score:2)
(wait, already done..)
Transmit Pr0n!!!!!!
Re:We need to do (Score:2)
http://www.snopes2.com/quotes/internet.htm [snopes2.com]
http://www.mids.org/mn/904/vcerf.html [mids.org]
Will you please shut up now?
Free Air Waves (Score:1)
They should be regulated (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:They should be regulated (Score:3, Insightful)
Technology should regulate traffic not Beauracracy (Score:2)
Reed wants the FCC to open up some spectrum for these more open wireless networks, giving entrepreneurs a new public space in which to innovate and create value for the rest of us.
It sounds like this guy wants to open up a spectrum that would use a very smart/adaptive protocol for open data/voice communications.
What's so crazy about that?
Described before? (Score:1)
Re:Described before? (Score:4, Informative)
Wishful thinking? (Score:2)
Re:Wishful thinking? (Score:2)
On the other hand if B lets A route through him, then A can whisper to B and B can whisper to C. Then the radio bandwidth doesn't degrade so quickly; and in fact the more people you have the more total bandwidth there is, but ultimately it gets noisy.
Not only that, but if everyone uses highly directional antennas for both transmission and reception, then pretty much the amount of bandwidth scales linearly with the number of users- the radio gets absorbed and there's less noise around because you can talk more quietly.
Maybe it's true, but it sounds like wishful thinking to me.
I don't consider this to be wishful thinking, it's a very good point.
Re:Wishful thinking? (Score:4, Funny)
Why not take it a step futher, and enclose the signal in a sort of waveguide, with a central wire and a copper braid to protect from the signal leaking out? You could just run these "simul-axial waveguides" from transceiver to transceiver.
Just think, in the future, we may be able to modulate light and send it down a similar enclosed waveguide, for miles at a time!
Re:Wishful thinking? (Score:2)
Seriously though, you missed something- the antennas can be electronically steered; they're actually phased arrays. This isn't some dish aerial that has to be carefully set up by hand, you can move about plenty.
Short term, the radio waves will be *more crowded* (Score:1)
As it stands, radio stations only occupy a narrow band of their assigned frequency, so you can stack many stations close together, especially at the bottom of the band where a lot of non-commercial and religios type stations are (like wfmu.org).
When the commercial stations go to digital audio, along with better reception and CD quality sound, the signal will take up more of the band that they are assigned and cause them to 'bleed' a little bit.
The unfortunate result is that a lot of the smaller, non-commercial and religious stations who can't afford the $100k-200k upgrade to digital audio will have thier signal squelched.
Re:Short term, the radio waves will be *more crowd (Score:2)
The FCC's original LPFM rules were realistic. Some IBOC advocates thought that 2-channel spacing *might* be a problem, but Congress really overturned the FCC on behalf of big broadcasters who didn't want the competition. That's the issue in broadcasting now, not technology.
FCC is killing me. (Score:2)
Northpoint wireless wants to offer wireless broadband (tv/music/inet) but the FCC wants to charge for the spectrum, which northpoint owns the copyright for. They believe they should have it for free, its their technology that makes it work. And they cant afford the outrageous prices the FCC wants for the spectrum. They say they can deploy to 90% of the USA.
Who knows, sounds interesting. Maybe someone on slashdot is testing it?
Re:FCC is killing me. (Score:1)
Northpoint wireless wants to offer wireless broadband (tv/music/inet) but the FCC wants to charge for the spectrum, which northpoint owns the copyright for.
This is silly. You can't own a copyright for a radio frequency.
Re:How do you copyright a spectrum? (FCC killing m (Score:2)
So, you see, the patent process is just that easy.
(Yes, this is a lame attempt at humor, so don't mod me as flamebait if you don't get it.)
Flag Day for consumers (Score:5, Insightful)
Look at how effectively HDTV has replaced the existing television broadcasts, for example. Unless you can replace all the hardware in use on a spectrum band at the same time, you're faced with the choice of retaining backward compatibility -- which defeats the purpose of the upgrade -- or cutting off the people who don't want or can't upgrade.
For specific and short-range purposes, such as wireless LANs, it may be practical to require a complete end-to-end replacement, but there are large parts of the EM spectrum that are currently in use for which the entrenched interests will lobby strongly against any disruption
Re:Flag Day for consumers (Score:2)
Re:Flag Day for consumers (Score:2)
Nobody obviously. But that isn't the question. The real question is 'Who would be willing to install a new radio in their car if it meant they could get two hundred more stations on a newly allocated frequency and/or download web pages and/or make VOIP calls?'
Re:Flag Day for consumers (Score:2)
Re:Flag Day for consumers (Score:2)
Two words: software radios.
For instance, at NAB, KLAS-DTV was sending out [spectrarep.com] a 1 Mbps Windows Media Stream multiplexed & encapsulated in their ATSC MPEG-2 stream. Think about that...while we're pretty set on MPEG-2 video codecs for digital television, the truth is that once you go digital and have a programmable receiver, you can send anything.
Corallary: expect DTV stations to look for a wide range of interesting datacasting revenue alternatives to mux in with advertising supported unecnrypted MPEG-2 video.
Scarcity? (Score:1)
The EM spectrum has alot of bandwidth; i think it could allocated more efficiently and fairly, while still maintaining channel integrity.
Re:Scarcity? (Score:2)
Btw, high-end GPS products are able to "count" the number of wavelengths to a satellite to determine position w/ 95% confidence interval within Differential GPS [trimble.com] or kinematic (position is accurate while moving) differential GPS can get down to the SUB-centimeter range !!! This requires an accurately measured fixed based station and a broadcast channel for updates; mostly for farms, mines (the mineral kind), power plants, construction, etc. On the conus (the us mainland), the coast guard and others broadcast DGPS corrects that are publically available.
Differential GPS also defeats the old inserted error for non-military keyed receivers, it's a mute point because there is no error.
Specious nonsense. (Score:3)
There are not an unlimited number of channels, though there are more now than when the FCC was created.
Modern signalling often reuses bandwith by dividing a channel into accesses* on some other dimension (code-division, time-division, etc, spatial-division, etc). But those divisions are limited within their own scope in ways similar to the bandwidth limits of radio-frequency division, and should be regulated in exactly the same way to prevent overlap and interference.
* - A channel is a communications connection medium. An access is an individual division of a parameter differentiating channels. E.g., channel 538 could use frequency access 7, time access 4, code accesses 3-9, and so on.
Re:Specious nonsense.(Shannon's Law) (Score:2)
There is an absolute upper limit on the number of bits per second you can get through a given frequency range.
Like most abolute upper limits, you can play with it by tinkering with the assumptions, for example by doing geographic reuse.
But the new technology is providing smarter and more efficient sharing, not changing the laws of information theory. We can do more bits per second per Hertz than we used to, but not an infinite number.
We may still want to change the regulatory regime away from "ownership" of frequencies and something more like rental, or good behavior requirements. Which isn't a revolution -- cellular phones lease a frequency or a time slot or a code for the duration of a call, and their maximum power and antenna gain are limited.
Re:Specious nonsense. (Score:2)
Interference is not noise (it is another signal). That is one of the keys to understanding that the transport capacity of wireless networks increases with the number of nodes, and can get very close to O(nodes). Check out this paper [uiuc.edu].
Mind you, we're not talking about the old school single-transmitter multiple receiver model, but a wireless network of transmitting/receiving nodes.
Saying that wireless bandwidth is limited is like saying that the total bandwidth of the Internet was 1.544 Mbps when no one used links faster than T-1's. But is is actually more than that when you realize that interference is not noise.
Re:Specious nonsense. (Score:2)
But that does not change the fact that you need some means of differentiating one signal from the others. That means creates accesses. In any given system there is a finite density of accesses. The system may change (due to newer equipment creating the ability to make finer-grained accesses) and Reed implied (unclearly) that the crux of his argument is that the system always changes, but that just means that the FCC needs to regulate the accesses differntly within each iteration of the system.
Right now, the FCC only has power over radio-frequency division, and we leave it to corporate interests to apportion other types of accesses created by their proprietary technology. (In the case of the Internet, we let the IANA do the numbers and the domain registrar do the text, and have somehow been conned into letting the feckless ICANN have the numbers and the malicious Verisign have the text).
The FCC should have it all under its wing. They've been organizing channel regulation nationally and internationally for nearly a century.
What they shouldn't be doing is censoring the speech that transits those channels. The language access is still the province of the speaker.
Spread Spectrum combined with TDMA? (Score:2, Informative)
Think about it:
Vinnie's Cab Company in Newark, NJ is allocated the frequency of 152.125 Mhz and makes use of it maybe 15 total minutes a day. We can improve on that and also allocate 152.125 Mhz to Joyce's Cab Company in Denver, CO so you get more use out of the available spectrum by dividing it geographically.
Now how about if we could take every cab company in the US, regardless of location, and not assign them any frequency at all but provide them with technology such as CDMA or Spread Spectrum that assures no interference. In essence you have freed huge amounts of the 'limited' spectrum for other uses. Once spectrum is freed there is no longer the psychological or bureaucratic limitation on new ways to use spectrum.
The FCC is regulating based on the limited resource model and it is now outdated. Time for a change. With the way that new technologies conserve spectrum we are using a fraction of what is theoretically available.
Re:Spread Spectrum combined with TDMA? (Score:2)
Unless Vinnie and Joyce are both using transmitters that are powerful enough to reach almost half of the way to each other there's no reason that a lot of other cab companies in cities in between Newark and Denver can't use that same frequency also.
If Vinnie and Joyce were both in Newark they could still both use the same frequency if there were a way to insure that they didn't try to use it at the same time. But then if ABC, FOX, CBS, and NBC would agree to only broadcast for an hour once every 4 hours, they could all use channel 2 or 11 or 37 or whatever.
Now if Joyce and Vinnie were both in Newark and you could connect both of their transmitters to the same timebase and they could alternate using that frequency every one-one millionth of a second and the radios in the cabs gated the tuners at 1,000,000Hz then theoretically Vinnie's messages could get through to Vinnie's drivers and Joyce's messages could get through to Joyce's drivers. But the transmitters and receivers would cost a lot more than they do now. Do you want to be the one to tell Vinnie that he needs to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on a new transmitter and recievers 'cause you need more bandwidth so that you can download porn faster?
Re:Spread Spectrum combined with TDMA? (Score:2)
Re:Spread Spectrum combined with TDMA? (Score:2)
Just what is he saying ? (Score:5, Insightful)
Now I'd tend to agree that we could do with being smarter. But to say that the commercial world is going to make systems that all work nicely together is just plain ignoring realities. Look at the 802.11 / Bluetooth cockup - in reality the aim will be the fast buck and market share. If you can do that by riding roughshod over the competition, so much the better.
In the end you need to engineer a balance between the short term and long term perspectives. I'd agree that its wrong at the moment, but that is a call to shake up the regulations and those that create them, not to throw out all long term thought in an orgy of competing, incompatible systems.
Maybe we could start by allocating bandwidth to particular purposes on a lease term basis. Once you reach the end of your term, you have to show that continuing to allow you that bandwidth is the optimum use for the next lease period, if not, then no bandwidth.
Maybe then we would have faster evolution, and even revolution, in the use of the EM spectrum.
Re:Just what is he saying ? (Score:3, Insightful)
The internet is a counterexample. There are plenty of ways to deliberately mess up the IP protocol- some of which may sometimes give you more bandwidth. However, in most cases people/companies don't do this.
Also, it's quite possible for the FCC to put conditions on licensing particular parts of the spectrum- 'we only allow hardware that follows standard XXX' or some such ruling. Manufacturers would then have to produce hardware that followed the relevant standard, or they'd be sued by their consumers.
Look at the 802.11 / Bluetooth cockup - in reality the aim will be the fast buck and market share. If you can do that by riding roughshod over the competition, so much the better.
If you can... don't forget that some of the equipment around may decide not to talk to you if you break the rules. That may even be part of the standard.
What he is saying is there is room for all. (Score:2)
Who would you appoint king to divide the oceans?
The whole point is that there is NO scarcity of bandwith. I'm not a PhD from MIT like Reed is so let's quote the article then the man:
David P. Reed gave a provocative talk to the Federal Communications Commission's Technological Advisory Council. He told the group of experts, in effect, that the FCC's fundamental mission is flawed, maybe obsolete.
Wow, heavy stuff. The FCC invited Reed to tell them they are impeeding the march of progress. That's impressive, perhapse they will listen, you too now:
``Radio waves pass through each other,'' Reed said. ``They do not damage each other.'' In the early days of radio, the gear could easily be confused by overlapping signals. But we can now make devices that can sort out the traffic.
Let's go to Reed's site [reed.com] to learn some more. Woops, freaking Real, encrypted pdfs requiring a non US plugin for ghost script. OK, enlightenment there will have to wait a little.
The basic concept is that there is more specturm than everyone needs, and therfore no need to regulate what was once considered scarce. Haven't you been convinced by the use of a single frequency to handle everyone's cell phones, bluetooth, 802.11 what not? Imagine if the entire specturm was allocated that way, free for everyone. Kinda like air. People like you would like to lease me the air I breath, wouldn't you? Hopefully, technical demonstrations will prove their worth before the FCC crushes everything by encouraging 2.4 GHz light bulbs. The revolution will come when people like you get out of the way and let the rest of the world do as it pleases with a virtually unlimited resource.
Re:What he is saying is there is room for all. (Score:2)
What he says is there is no scarcity of bandwidth, providing you totally change the way you use that spectrum.
The problem you seem to ignore is how you move from where you are now, to where you would like to be. You (and he) seem to say "scrap the regulations, let the market decide". Well, this is the market that fights in court over software patents. This is the market that makes other smaller companies "offers they cannot refuse". This is the market where betamax lost.
Now I'd agree that the government-bound, big business-bound, regulation authorities that you have at the moment are not ideal - BUT YOU NEED SOME REGULATION - some long term thought, some arbiter of fair play.
You seem to be taking a statement that "there is no scarcity of bandwidth" as an article of faith, a personal religion to add to your other god of the free market. You ignore that while technically it maybe possible to significantly increase total bandwidth (but it will never be unlimited) there are a whole host of problems that tend to prevent it happening. These are NOT majorly the problem of the evil FCC getting in the way of the good private enterprise, but problems to do with bandwidth already being used by systems that would need to be replaced in your future world. Who is going to pay for that? Do you have deep pockets?
Whether you like it or not, you need a workable process, and yes regulation, to effect change.
Wishful thinking and a loud voice don't cut it.
Where will we get the "flying attack porcupines"? (Score:4, Interesting)
This is great, and would indeed increase bandwidth to silly levels... except for the fact that implementing a pervasive point-to-point network with high local bandwidth and low leakage is a PITA of vast proportions.
Summary: Good idea, and it'll certainly see greater use in the future, but it's not "unlimited airwaves" by a long shot.
Why don't we just go to Subspace? (Score:3, Funny)
Hello? FCC...this really is a no-brainer.
credibility? (Score:5, Insightful)
However technically speaking, there are some points that sound feasible and are likely true. I would expect that the FCC does inhibit inventors and small companies that have good ideas. Their licensing fees and other policies do make startup "disruptive technologies" difficult, which is exactly what the established companies that already have spectrum want. However some areas of the spectrum (i.e. 2.4GHz, etc) are open, and he fails to address the collision problems that exist in those areas. I think we are now beginning to see hardware in the free spectrums that is capable of dealing with very noisy environments, but in my eyes that equipment is still in it's infancy. (If someone knows more on that please reply to this post on this subject..)
I would say once these technologies are proven, the FCC should listen, but in the meantime there is a LOT of equipment that isn't capable of dealing with this and could become rather useless if the spectrum is opened up. Seems like a logical approach, before changing the regulation system. Prove your point, man! Gimme some examples.
Re:credibility? (Score:2)
Prove It. (Score:2, Insightful)
"Yes, he said, this is counter-intuitive. And, to be sure, there are experts who disagree with him."
Prove it. Build a system and demonstrate it.
When Armstrong invented FM, he built it and demonstrated it in front of the IRE Congress in 1935. He broadcast static free music to a stunned assembly of engineers.
If Reed has an idea, demonstrate it.
Re:Prove It. (Score:2)
And then big business (RCA, etc.), which had a vested interest in the whole AM infrastructure, unleashed their trained attack lawyers and lobbyists, and, once again, Armstrong got screwed.
Offbase. (Score:2)
However, it's not a bottomless glass. Spectrum is still quite limited.
The much-hyped ultra-wide-band is not a final solution, though it may be more efficient.
This will probably come out "ignorant"... (Score:2)
1. Allocate a section of frequency bandwidth, enough for a 32-56Kbps transmission system.
2. Each "radio" is "tuned" to this "station".
3. All broadcasts have "addresses", and are packetised (ie, digitized, then the packet of digital signal has a header attached with this "address").
4. The user "tunes" to an "address", and starts receiving packets from that address, which are buffered, then reprocessed (D2A) into sound.
Ok, maybe the "bandwidth" would have to be bigger than what I proposed above to get enough "stations" into play, and the packets would have to be either ordered in some manner or randomised to ensure that the radio's buffer never underruns or whatnot - and maybe this is why this whole scheme has not been tried (can't transmit the packets fast enough because of bandwidth limits, etc).
I am just curious if this would work, or if it would be a failure (I tend to think the latter, otherwise it would have been done by now, if it hasn't already)...
Re:This will probably come out "ignorant"... (Score:3, Informative)
So, the simple packet-addressing scheme won't work for two-way communication. As for one-way communication, there's no need to "label" the recipient of a broadcast; radio is inherently broadcast, so everyone can hear everything anyway.
Re:This will probably come out "ignorant"... (Score:2)
I know that - I was speaking of it's use for only a "one-way" scheme.
As for one-way communication, there's no need to "label" the recipient of a broadcast; radio is inherently broadcast, so everyone can hear everything anyway.
I wasn't labling the recipient, I was labling the "station" or "sender" - ie, the address of the "station" would be in the packet. There would be a main broadcasting system for all "stations", which would spew packets for all of them out over radio to the user's receivers. In other words, there would be one transmitter ONLY, for the area being broadcasted to. Radio "stations" would send packets (with the address of the station) to this main transmitter, where they would be sent out, to be recieved by the user's radio, who would select a station's address, and the radio would start buffering the data, then begin "playback" of the stream.
Think of a single radio transmitter sending out a packet stream like so:
If the user's radio is "tuned" to recieve packets marked "A" only, then those would be buffered and played back. Switch to address "B", and those would be buffered and played back.
The problem is that with more "stations" (addresses), the more packets that have to be sent out, and the faster the packets need to be sent to prevent buffer underruns at the user's radio. Thus, this would require more bandwidth. It sounds like a simple method, but as I noted before, if it were, it would be being done already.
The End of the Anonymous Listener? (Score:5, Insightful)
The anonymous listener is fundamental to democracy. Imagine a world where you fear to stay on a given channel too long, for fear that someone is going to associate you with the views being expressed. This is the kind of thing that we should be steering away from with new technologies, not toward.
Couple this with the fact that there's not exactly a lack of spectrum in the first place: 90% of the channels on your UHF dial are sitting there doing nothing right now because the FCC and Congress prefer THAT to leasing them to nonprofit organizations at a reduced rate.
Like most of our current "technological" problems, what's broken isn't electronic but human.
Mod this up! (Score:2)
Re:The End of the Anonymous Listener? (Score:2)
Those channels aren't leased, they are licensed, just as are the VHF channels. The main thing that keeps those non-profits from applying for a license to use one of those UHF channels in any particular geographic area is most likely that providing a transmitter, tower, and antenna and paying for the operation thereof ain't cheap, and that's before you spend anything on content and studio equipment to get that content to the transmitter as a video and audio signal. And you have to convince the FCC that the broadcasting of that content is sufficiently "in the public interest" (those airwaves belong to us, remember?) to deserve the use of that UHF channel allocation.
Re:The End of the Anonymous Listener? (Score:2)
I don't think broadcasting a UHF or VHF station needs to be as expensive as all that, though. With a modern transmitter, a tall building, and a volunteer staff, you could run a small station for virtually the cost of electricity. (Okay, slight hyperbole there, but cheap.)
Content doesn't have to be a problem, either. Desktop editing and current high-level consumer cameras are more than acceptable, and there are hundreds of frustrated indie filmmakers who would love a bigger venue for their work (think GNN [guerrillanews.com]). This sort of thing is definitely in the public interest.
If nothing else, it would be an interesting experiment. Licenses for noncommercial, nonprofit stations like this should be $100, and distributed in a lottery to applicants every 3 years. Now that would kick cable's ass.
Ten percent of the spectrum needs to be open (Score:2, Interesting)
This way when something better comes along, it can be proven and space made available for it where it best belongs.
I like the concept of spread-spectrum communications where enough redundancy is built in so that thousands of signals can share the same space without interference. From what I understand, the space of a single TV channel could handle an entire city's "personal communications" (two way radio, cellular, paging, SMS and etc.) needs with lots of room left over.
When you think about the un-used potential in the airwaves, you just gotta drool.
Re:Ten percent of the spectrum needs to be open (Score:3, Informative)
Umm, what Amateur Radio are you dealing with? The license I hold does allow me to experiment with new techniques. For example PSK-31 was invented in 199\8 or 1999 and is widespread. Yes, there are some limits, for example, you can't use more bandwidth then a voice channel on HF for new modes, but that's just common sense. Up above 3GHz, you're pretty much open to anything you want, including spread spectrum. You can do SS on everything above 70cm. If it's currently not allowed, the FCC does grant 6 month at a time experiment permits. If it works, the FCC will allow it. For example, see the ARRL's experiments in the 60m band.
won't happen (Score:2)
i dont get it (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:i dont get it (Score:3, Informative)
Because, the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength.
And the shorter the wavelength, the less "penetrating power" the signal has, and the more the signal is absorbed by intervening walls/clouds/.../and eventually air.
In short, 100Ghz signals can't even make it across a room without getting in trouble.
Re:i dont get it (Score:3, Informative)
Re:i dont get it (Score:2)
My (digital) cellular phone, which I got back in the days of mostly analog phones, had great quality compared to the analogs (it was digital, and on a much higher frequency), and held a signal great, but if it weren't for the fact that it was very new technology as well as the phone company having built a network solely for that phone, I wouldn't have been able to get a signal in as many places, because it's more line-of-sight. High wavelength signals suffer more corruption from reflecting off surfaces.
Aside from that, if we keep going up and up from what we're at now, we hit microwaves (which is great, download your pr0n and warm your cocoa at the same time), and then infrared. At this point, we're pretty much entirely line-of-sight unless you have a lot of fairly reflective surfaces. Then we get into visible light (lasers), ultraviolet, x, and gamma rays.
Thus, we have to play around in the sub-microwave range, which is good anyway because it's the best suited for what we want. The requirement now is that perfect balance - high bandwidth, high resistance to signal degredation, high range. This is why AM radio is mono, and FM is stereo - more bandwidth. 802.11[a|b] is [|realdamn ]great for the bandwidth, but is more line-of-sight. 802.11a is worse for this than b, as it uses higher frequencies (correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure).
Thus, to answer your question, there is a relatively small range of frequencies that work for what we as a society need (want), and they vary between bandwidth and reliability. It's all about choice.
Re:i dont get it (Score:2)
Dont microwaves run on 2.4GHz? same as your wifi/bluetooth phone?
What about satelites that beam signals down to earth (long range, lots of people) at 10GHz+?
What? Bill was right again!? (Score:2)
Who would have guessed?
why not PM? (Score:3, Insightful)
Since it's free, PM could be reserved for digital devices.
Re:why not PM? (Score:2)
Phase Modulated signals actually end up being the same as FM signals. They have to be "remixed*" because the frequency responce is a bit different, but otherwise they're the same. Also, the problem isn't with these modulation techniques.The problem is the amount of frequency space left in the RF specturm. In other words you could put an AM signal in the FM Broadcast frequency range, but it would be noise to your reciever.
As a side note AM can be done in stereo, the trick is to use Phase Modulation on the carrier. There is some information about that in part 73 of FCC code. (Yeah, I was bored the other night.
*The PM's audio sounds tinny because compared to FM it over emphasizes the higher frequencies.
Seti-At-Home (Score:2)
I'll take the FCC over corporations any day (Score:2, Insightful)
Watching the current battle for HDTV adoption makes me think that the FCC is really trying (somewhat ineptly) to work for the public good.
Media companies aren't interested in giving higher quality content to the public, but they need to deal with the FCC to get at the public's airwaves. Even then, they're fighting tooth and nail to only deliver the same old crud (480i) and pass it off as the HDTV they promised congress. Oh, and by the way, they want to encrypt the content and control all receivers to eliminate that pesky "time shifting" thing that seems to be all the rage.
Deregulating the airwaves, even though it might be a good idea technically in the long run, would remove the only stick the republic has to hit corporations with. IMHO, information flow is too important to risk for the sake of maximizing profits.
-Ryan C.
Space-Time Coding (Score:2, Informative)
Shannon's Law says that for a given signal to noise ratio, there is a maximum error free bit rate which can be supported. Recent advances have shown that Shannon's law applies on a per antenna basis. If your transmitter and receiver each have 'n' antennas, it is possible to transmit 'n' times the information which one tx/rx antenna pair can transmit. To my knowledge, there is no limit on how large 'n' can be. Researchers are currently trying to figure out if there is a limit.
Repeating myself in different words. It not only matters at what frequency you radiate (frequency diversity) and when you radiate (time diversity), it also matters where you radiate from (spatial diversity). Since available time and frequencies are limited, it was thought that spectrum was limited. Add space (of which there is lots) to the equation, as recent advances did, and the available spectrum becomes unlimited (though new boundaries may show up with more research).
This is not pie in the sky stuff. Space-Time coding techniques allow such capacities to be realised. Bell labs have already demonstrated [bell-labs.com] a working system in the lab.
Re:New? (Score:3, Informative)
This is one of the reasons Morse code is still so popular with amateur radio enthusiasts - you can send extremely narrow band signals that allow you to communicate fairly quickly. If someone is really good at it, they can communicate almost as fast as speech, over a channel a few *tens of Hertz* wide.
Re:Radio kindergarten Part II (Score:3, Informative)
I recommend that you get hold of the ARRL handbook from your local library, or indeed the RSGB book if you're in the UK. These are the standard works on amateur radio, and explain all these things far better than I can....
Re:Radio kindergarten Part II (Score:2)
I'll go and dig out the RSGB Handbook and look it up.
Bandwidth! (Score:2)
For other modulation techniques, similar things apply; FM bandwidth usage is not a simple relation as in AM but similar. The "richer" your signal is, the more bandwidth you need. CD quality audio will need more bandwidth than what we get with commercial AM stations. TV signals require more bandwidth still.
Spread-spectrum techniques etc. work in a different way but the concepts are similar. The theoretical limit is that the information carrying ability depends on the signal-to-noise ration and the bandwidth. Add to this the fact that electronics, antennae, wires, propagation through the atmosphere etc. all behave very differently in different parts of the EM spectrum -- as a practical matter, the information carrying ability of the airwaves is very much a limited resource.
Re:New? (Score:3, Informative)
Current FM radio modulates the signal above and below the designated carrier frequency. Therefore a 20Khz signal (peak of human hearing) will modulate a 95.3MHz carrier between 95.28 and 95.32MHz. IIRC the full 40Khz deviation accounts for both channels of a stereo broadcast.
There's additional use for Broadcast radio. I forget where I saw it, but I believe there is an offset from the designated frequency to place a mono only 20Khz band away from the stereo part of the transmission for mono FM radios to pick up properly. This may however be an outdated use of the extra bandwidth.
Additional bandwidth can be used for other data/audio signals to be carried independent of the main broadcast for Broadcast FM plus 'padding' between stations.
Re:New? (Score:4, Informative)
It's sometimes called M/S (mid/side), so we can express it like this:
M=L+R, S=L-R when transmitting.
L=M+S, R=M-L
Clear as mud, right?
Re:New? (Score:2)
Re:New? (Score:2)
IBOC technology makes use of the existing AM and FM band (In-Band) by adding digital carriers to a radio station's analog signal, allowing broadcasters to transmit digitally on their existing channel assignments (On-Channel). A station will convert to iBiquity Digital's IBOC technology and begin transmitting a simultaneous analog and digital signal, known as the "Hybrid Mode".
AM will soon sound like FM.
Re:New? (Score:2)
I very seriously doubt that. That low you don't have enough cycles to work with to encode more than 300-600bps or so.
Re:New? (Score:2)
In the AM band, the total allowable channel is about 30 khz wide. The total area outside typical analog broadcasts is 20 khz, but IBOC also adds digital signals in the analog area as well. Using QAM, that gives you 120 kbps. In this day and age, a static-less pop-less 30-40 kbps audio sounds pretty sweet.
Re:New? (Score:2)
Hasn't this always been the case? E.g. - I can add digits to infinity to any radio station so that instead of tuning into 95.3 I could tune into 95.3000 - 95.3999. If the hardware/software can differentiate between such small differences in frequency then in the example above we just turned one setting on the radio dial into 1000. Why stop there? Am I missing something?
I still remember this stuff from my undergrad EE days. It's basic communications theory. For any radio broadcast (let's take FM as an example, but this also applies to AM), your signal to noise ratio is determined by the amount of power you put into the signal. FM stands for Frequency Modulation, so you are not actually using a fixed frequency; you are actually modulating the frequency within a small range.
If someone else sends a signal in a neighbouring band, their signal will appear as noise to you (in AM, you would hear a faint version of their broadcast; in FM it's just static). Therefore, you need a guard band to separate the signals. Fortunately, the amount of interference falls off pretty quickly (exponentially, I believe) with the size of the guard band, so the guard band doesn't have to be very big.
It is completely possible to reduce the bandwidth you require without losing signal quality, simply by increasing your signal to noise ratio. It is infeasible to reduce the noise, so you really need to increase the power of the signal (I seem to remember that S/N is directly proportional to power, but it might be a square law). But if you increase the power of your signal (and also reduce the size of the guard band), then you create more noise on each of the neighbour bands, so they have to increase their power output as well. The result is that we can have as many radio stations as we want, as long as each one comes complete with its own power plant.
As for the suggestion in the referrant article, I wish they had provided some facts about the science behind this guy's claims. Digital audio can certainly reduce bandwidth consumption, but it's not a panacea. Broadcasting on multiple bandwidths sounds like it will just increase ambient noise. Sure, bandwidth will go up, but so will power consumption. And that, as I've just illustrated, is nothing new.
Re:New? (Score:2)
Try this URL if you want the details.
Re:New? (Score:2)
Re:New? (Score:2)
Re:New? (Score:2)
Re:He isn't talking about Ultra Wide Band? (Score:2)
It sounds bizarre, but in the case of people actually sitting on the earth surrounded by reflective/absorbant stuff, it probably makes a great deal of sense. If you are in free space, where there's less things to absorb/reflect radio, then lasers are probably the way to go though.