Two Concepts for the Terrestrial Planet Finder 24
EccentricAnomaly writes: "This NASA press release and this space.com story discuss two concepts for the terrestrial planet finder, a mission that will look for Earth sized planets around other stars. One concept is an infrared interferometer the will nullify starlight while amplifying the infrared light from any planets. The other concept is a visible light coronagraph - basically a larger version of Hubble that will block out the light from stars so that it can see any pale blue dots."
Infra-red? (Score:2, Interesting)
Do stars not give out any infra-red? Because, if they do, surely that would swamp any I-R detector, and the planet wouldn't be seen.
Of course, IANAA (...astronomer) so if anyone wants to explain why I'm wrong, I'd like to know.
Re:Infra-red? (Score:2)
Re:Infra-red? (Score:1)
The warmth you feel from the sun is infrared radiation.
Not true. About half of the energy you feel as "warmth" from the Sun is from visible light alone. If you added in the near IR and near UV to get what is often called "shortwave radiation" (as opposed to longwave infrared, like most of what Earth and you and I emit), you get the overwelming bulk of the energy that heats you up when you lie in the sun. For some reason, it's come to be a common misconception that IR warms you, and visible doesn't. The association is probably because we think of hot bodies (like people) with IR. But the Sun is just a very hot body, so the physics is all the same.
Re:Infra-red? (Score:1)
I would reckon the common misconception comes from elementary school teachers...that's where I got it
Re:Infra-red? (Score:2)
Re:Infra-red? (Score:1)
NASA has a bit more on that here [nasa.gov].
The most important graph for this question:
"Infrared TPF concepts would use multiple telescopes configured into an interferometer and spread out over a large (30 meter) boom. The telescopes must operate at extremely low temperatures, and the spacecraft would necessarily be much larger. However, the image contrast requirement is much easier at infrared wavelengths -- only a million to one -- and thus the system optical quality is easier to achieve. "
Re:Infra-red? (Score:3, Interesting)
The sun does emit radiation throughout the spectrum below its peak wavelength, but as the frequency approaches zero so does the energy emitted -- so you would see a fair amount of infrared, but very little ULF radio.
Re:Infra-red? (Score:1)
- Infrared Interferometer: Multiple small telescopes on a fixed structure or on separated spacecraft flying in precision formation would simulate a much larger, very powerful telescope. The interferometer would utilize a technique called nulling to reduce the starlight by a factor of one million, thus enabling the detection of the very dim infrared emission from the planets.
So, yes - stars give off considerable IR radiation; yes, the planned mission has a way (a method called Nulling) of coping with this potentially blinding glare.
Related article in Discover Magazine... (Score:3, Informative)
There is an online version of that story [discover.com].
To seek out new life and new civilizations... (Score:1)
New game plan. (Score:1)
But I would guess this problem is similar to that of the space elevator: the costs of building something on such a scale is prohibitive at this time for any one nation. Maybe if we all got together it would be doable, though. I personally think they should do the space elevator first, then we can launch the lenses from space; way cheaper.
Re:New game plan. (Score:1)
Re:New game plan. (Score:3, Interesting)
In order to make an interferometer work, you have to combine the signals completely in phase (to within 1/10 wavelength, as a general rule). So if you were doing work in the 20cm band, your cable lengths from each antenna would need to be the same to within 2cm. Optionally, signals from radio telescopes can be recorded (such as those on opposite sides of the globe, for really long baseline), and lined up later, on computers. This only works because we have data acquisition systems that can work at MHz and GHz frequencies. Optical frequencies are more like 10^15 Hz.
In order to do optical interferometry, you have to combine the light paths to within a tenth wavelength (40-50nm, or several hundred atoms). This interferometry can only be done in real time, with hard optics. At least until we get attohertz electronics and data acquisition working.
The space interferometry mission will put an interferometer in space in the next 10 years or so, but its baseline is only 30 feet or so. Still very cool.
I like the interferometer idea (Score:1)