Moon around Kuiper Belt Object 37
UncleJosh writes "Today's NY Times (free reg rq'd) has a story about the first Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) with a moon,
1998 WW31. The hubble telescope has been used to get information about the size and orbit of the moon. Seems lots of things have moons. Coming more than 20 years after the discovery of Pluto's moon
Charon the discovery of a KBO with a moon also follows the discovery of asteroid Ida's moon
Dactyl and other moons of asteriods."
Ob Star Wars Ref (Score:2, Funny)
Read Kim Stanly Robinson (Score:2, Interesting)
Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:3, Interesting)
This poses major questions though, about what exactly is a planet. Is Jupieter a planet? It puts out more heat than it takes in. What about Pluto? It's not in a regular orbit. What about that whole "Nemesis" theory? What's that got to do with this?
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:2, Interesting)
I supose they consider jupiter a planet, because it is large. "Gas Giant"
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:1)
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:3, Informative)
Which would therefore make Pluto the first discovered Kuiper Belt object to have a moon, making a total of Eight with the seven referenced in the article.
It was later discovered that it was smaller than originally thought. We still call it a planet today because we've been calling it one all along.
Given that there are other Kuiper Belt objects on the same order of magnitude in diameter as Pluto [cnn.com], and that Kuiper Belt objects with moons seem common, isn't there even greater reason to reclassify Pluto? With a mass of just 4% [f2s.com] of the next smallest planet (only 1/8th the most massive moon in the Solar System), why should it continue to be singled out from the other KB objects? Isn't science about taking new information and changing our assumptions and definitions to comform with new facts as they discovered?
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:1, Insightful)
Yes. See above.
Yes. See above. The definition is designed to fit the facts we want, not the other way around.
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:2)
Jupiter is a planet. The fact that it puts out more heat than it takes in is a consequence of its size - the gravitational well is causing a massive heating of the material, and it's radiating that heat in the Microwave and Radio. A "star" is generally an object creating heat through nuclear fusion, not throught gravitational force.
What I find most interesting about this article is the preponderance of moons in the solar system. It's pretty hard to just "drop" something into a stable orbit around another object - and even harder when the central object is small, and in a place where there are other objects to perturb the "moon's" orbit. Apparently there something about orbits and gravity that makes reasonably stable orbits more common than most would expect.
Perhaps it has something to do with the sum total of all the gravitating objects sorting things into these kinds of orbits (sort of like the Jupiter and Saturn systems.) At any rate, it would be an interesting simulation to run on some super computer...
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:2)
Plus, as long as the object encountering another one doesn't impact or get flung out of the system, it will be in a new orbit and has a chance to encounter another object.
Our solar system works like clockwork. It got that way because everything that didn't look like clockwork was sliced off.
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:1)
Interesting theory. So basically you think that the solar system began as a disorderly system and became more orderly. Isn't that contrary to the second law of thermodynamics? Entropy states that a system will only get more chaotic and less orderly. You may claim that the system in question is the universe and not the solar system but I disagree. I think it applies to any system. Furthermore, it seems more logical that interstellar objects would be attracted to the gravity well of our sun and thus more likely to add to the orbiting objects like the KBOs.
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:1)
It's "orderly" in the sense that most of the things that were going to either fly off or crash into each other have already done so. What do you think should happen? That everything should keep bouncing off everything else forever?
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:1)
I don't claim to have a model for the formation of the universe! But I do tend to believe in the the basic laws of it. In my estimation, the universe would be less chaotic shortly after it's formation (or at least further back in time for those anti-big bang theorists). That means that there would be less stuff in between the massive objects (stars/star systems/galaxies) and most of the matter would be concentrated in those areas. We can see evidence of universe expansion and therefore an increase in chaotic behavior. Also, the universe has a set amount of energy from beginning to end and energy cannot be destroyed. So it just keeps getting transfered from matter to light and back again. Some feel that all matter will become light and still others think it will be the opposite. Personally, I don't care as I will not be around when either happens.
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:1)
parady on
I have a star; we'll call it sol. Over billions of years sol changes colors gets larger and then smaller and eventually fades into cold ash. "Isn't that contrary to the second law of thermodynamics? Entropy states that a system will only get more chaotic and less orderly. You may claim that the system in question is the universe and not the solar system but I disagree. I think it applies to any system" as well.
parady off
The second law of themrodynamics assuredly applies to the "whole universe." Sometimes we are lucky enough to have a system that has so little interaction with the "whole universe" that we can apply the second law of thermodynamics to just that system as well. Usually we are not so lucky. In fact, I cannot think of any situation in which in there is precisely zero coupling between the local system and the universe at larger.
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:2)
As for capturing moons... it's really, really, really tough. You're right. You can't just capture a moon by having a body sling by and get caught. You need a dissipation to remove energy from the system (well, get it out of the graviational/kinetic forms). If you're a gas giant or a very young terrestrial planet, gas drag near the planet might work. KBOs and asteroids probably never were able to manage that and aren't really old enough for their moons to have been formed at an early epoch anyway.
The theory I've heard bandied about over the past year or two is that these moons are the result of an impact with the main body. The impact can toss material up into orbit around the object, creating a small moon. I don't think I've seen this put forth in any papers yet. (A quick search on ADS didn't show any hits, either. But my search-engine luck is pretty low.)
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:1)
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:2)
As a karma-whore, here are the def's from http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Glossary/fr
PLANET: An object that formed in the disk surrounding a star. To be called a planet, an object must be more massive than Pluto (1/500 the Earth's mass) and less massive than ten times Jupiter's mass. Unlike stars, planets do not produce light of their own but merely reflect that of the star(s) they orbit.
STAR:A celestial object that generates energy by means of nuclear fusion at its core. To do this it must have more than about 0.08 the sun's mass. If, for instance, the planet Jupiter were some fifty to one hundred times more massive than it is, fusion reactions would transpire in its core and it would be a star.
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:1)
Assuming they meant as massive or more massive than Pluto so as to not actually exclude Pluto from the definition, then that definition would include the following moons [f2s.com] each with a mass as great as Pluto's (1.36 x 10^22 kg), as planets:
Earth's Moon (7.35)
Ganymede (14.9)
Callisto (10.75)
Io (8.92)
Europa (4.87)
Titan (13.46)
Triton (2.16)
Arguing the precedent argument that Pluto has been considered a planet since its discovery and the others have not, would be false since the four Galilean moon of Jupitor were named by him as new "wandering stars" (ie planets) when he discovered them since arguing formally that they orbited Jupiter instead of the Earth like all the objects in the sky were believed to, would have been heresy. So I guess according to CalTech we have 15 planets in the solar systm.
Re:Too bad this isn't in the main section (Score:2)
But I have to say that when I first heard that a Cuiper belt object had a moon, my first thought was "hey, that's the second one after Pluto".
Hubble space picture of 1998 WW31 (Score:4, Informative)
This is not surprising (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:This is not surprising (Score:2)
This IS surprising (physics) (Score:5, Insightful)
Since you've set yourself up as the physics expert, perhaps you'd like to explain that to all of us. You'll probably get a publishable paper out of it too, so it's not like it isn't worth the work.
Re:This IS surprising (physics) (Score:1)
IANAPE (I am not a physics expert), but I am an EE major. What popped into my head when I read the parent post is that two objects of similar orbits or trajectories attracted each other and then became a system. Imagine an interstellar object pointed at the Kuiper Belt. As it gets closer it's trajectory (modified by the gravity of the Sun) changes to match some KBO that is travelling at a similar velocity. They meet and trap each other. Granted there would have to be limits to the angle of attack, velocity and mass but it is certainly possible.
Re:This IS surprising (physics) (Score:1, Interesting)
By time-symmetry, capturing a moon is just as amazing as losing a moon. Reverse time: you have these two bodies orbiting and suddenly they split apart. You have to find a *cause* for this.
Possible mechanisms to explain a moon:
(1) the two bodies formed at the same time
(2) dramatic event, action of a third body
(3) long term, cummulative action of a third body
(4) non-reversible mechanism (collision, atmospheric drag)
If the Sun is responsible as you suggest, the two bodies can't just get to their current orbit by "meeting and traping each other" (case 2) because the Sun is too far to cause a dramatic event. The capture process would have to be spread over millions of years (case 3).
Personally, I don't see why we shouldn't simply assume case 1.
All right, EE major, use your coursework (Score:2)
Your equations are pretty simple: energy (0.5 * mass * speed) is conserved, and angular momentum (mass times the cross-product of the velocity vector and the radius vector from your point of reference, which is simplest if you make it the mutual center of mass) is conserved. If you work this out even without vector math you get a very simple quadratic equation that anyone with junior-high algebra should be able to solve.
So. You have two objects approaching each other from a very long distance, with any third body a much further distance away (reducing it to what is effectively a two-body problem). If nothing is changed by the encounter, the track of the two bodies going away from each other will look just like the track of the bodies approaching each other: a parabola or hyperbola. Something has to happen near the point of closest approach to alter the energy, the angular momentum, or both in order to change the solution of your equation from a parabola or hyperbola into an ellipse. I think the cleverest explanations involve collisions, because the inelasticity of the collision neatly explains how energy is lost. However, the probability of collisions may not be sufficient to explain the number of paired bodies out there (and that's a job for statisticians).
I'm a double-E myself, so I shouldn't have any big educational advantage in this regard. Either you can peg the mechanism for producing two bodies in mutual orbit, or you can't. If you can't even appreciate the question (which I've been trying to explain here), you don't really have any business dismissing the whole issue with hand-waving. You wouldn't accept a hand-waving explanation for the current flow in a transistor or the resonant frequency of an LC circuit, and you shouldn't accept one here either - especially not from yourself.
Re:All right, EE major, use your coursework (Score:1)
Either you can peg the mechanism for producing two bodies in mutual orbit, or you can't.
Your example is all well and good for any given set of objects. Mine was for a specific case. One in which the inbound object's velocity vector is in line with the orbital vetor of another. They meet each other and get trapped together orbiting the Sun. Granted the probability is pretty slim, but that was the mental image I got when I read the parent post.
If you can't even appreciate the question (which I've been trying to explain here), you don't really have any business dismissing the whole issue with hand-waving.
No I understand the question, I just think it is a different one than the parent poster was trying to answer. As for hand-waving on issues, I try to see both the long and the short end of a problem. This one has a general formula (your example) that fits all cases, not a specific set of issues. I can explain foreign body intrusion that create KBO orbital pairs. I made a set of assumptions that didn't require any math junior-high level or not and produced a non-exact answer. Hypothetically, my theory is probable. Specifically, I would rather not spend the math on it, my ODE class is enough right now.
Re:This IS surprising (physics) (Score:2)
My understanding of gravity was that the presence of mass in space causes a curvature of space. Wouldn't that mean that both objects are actually travelling in a straight line, but seem to curve around each other from an outside frame of reference?
Someone please clear this up for me, I never could wrap my brain around this...
Re:This IS surprising (physics) (Score:2)
First? (Score:2)