Lots of Ice On Mars 162
Total Recall writes: "The Mars Odyssey spacecraft is finding large
amounts of hydrogen in the southern hemisphere of
Mars. This strongly indicates the presence of
water ice (since H2O is both common and very stable). The data samples about the upper meter or so of the Martian surface. This apparently extends from the south polar cap up to about 60 south latitude. It suggests a permafrost of mixed ice and dirt."
Wouldn't it be cool... (Score:1)
Re:Wouldn't it be cool... (Score:2, Informative)
if you're interested, dr. lovelock was working on this very thing, finding life on mars for NASA when he formulated this hypothesis. the details of which can be found in a very good book called The Ages of Gaia.
(and no, what you saw in the Final Fantasy movie is not really Gaia theory.)
Re:Wouldn't it be cool... (Score:1)
I'm sick of people like you who are always trying to stop me fron finding the seventh spirit form!
Well this changes everything .... (Score:1)
Re:Well this changes everything .... (Score:4, Interesting)
What would really be interesting, though, would be how the Martian cities are in Cowboy Bebop. Though, I don't think that such a plan is really workable. It would be simpler and less expensive (in terms of more than just money) to terraform the entire planet.
Before Mars is terraformed, however, someone should be sent out to check the Pyramid, ruins, and other features of that area.
Re:Well this changes everything .... (Score:2, Interesting)
Interesting reading to anyone that likes sci-fi, specially hard sci-fi (the books not difficult or anything, it's just realistic).
Water was very important. You can see it also in the Total Recall film, melting the water was the key (though here it's a riddiculous "Melt & Play")...
Re:Well this changes everything .... (Score:1)
As for Total Recall, yet another insipid action flick thrown to the masses. Prolefeed.
Re:Well this changes everything .... (Score:1)
Re:Well this changes everything .... (Score:1)
But it's just saying they though there was H2O on mars. Because at the poles temperatures (which is a very basic knowledge), ice is always frozen, thus the name. An in the ecuator, i'd boil when sun-faced and leave mars or reach the poles.
Re:Well this changes everything .... (Score:1)
There is no "face" on Mars (Score:2, Insightful)
Of course, I fully expect a reply that this is all just a government sponsored cover-up/conspiracy.
Mars as a refueling station ? (Score:2, Interesting)
The availability of ICE may be nice, but what is really needed is H3.
With current technology, it will take at least 2 years of space flight to go from Earth to Mars, and 2 more years for the flight back. The thing is, if you have to carry all the fuel for the to-and-flo flights, the spacecraft will be too heavy to be of any other use.
If there's H3 on Mars, however, the spacecraft only has to carry enough fuel to go TO Mars, and then get refuel there to come home.
One more thought - if there's plenty of ice leftover, then Mars could be used as a "refueling station" for space flight further away than Mars.
Just a thought.
this is how it begins (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Mars as a refueling station ? (Score:4, Interesting)
It is unlikely that you can find tritium (H3) anywhere, it decays in a few years or decades. Perhaps you mean helium-3, and suppose that we have a He3-powered fusion-drive spaceship?
Anyway, we already have chemical rockets, for which water can be quite interesting (hydrogen-oxygen).
Perhaps. But Mars isn't that small a planet, so mining near-Earth asteroids would probably be cheaper.
Re:Mars as a refueling station ? (Score:3, Interesting)
The NERVA rocket prototyped in the 1960s would have had enough power to propel a spaceship to mars in a matter of _weeks_, not years.
And the propellent is disjunct from the energy-source in this design, so you can use whatever you happen to find.
So, cudos for NASA to resume research in this directions, and
Eat flaming death, No-Nukes_In_Space-Activists!
No it didn't (Score:3, Interesting)
To do the weeks instead of months thing, you need something more exotic again, like an Orion (push the craft along by exploding nuclear weapons behind it), a fusion drive, or maybe a laser-powered light sail (though presumably you need a laser on Mars to slow it down again . . . ).
Re:Mars as a refueling station ? (Score:1)
Zubrin of the Mars Society has been a long proponent of the idea, amongst others.
Re:Mars as a refueling station ? (Score:1)
True, but this is aimed at making CO and O2 from the atmosphere (or CH4 and O2 if you bring some hydrogen from Earth), which is not nearly as efficient as H2 and O2. Which doesn't make it altogether uninteresting...
Re:Mars as a refueling station ? (Score:1)
Now we know where to land (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:3, Interesting)
There are already designs for missions that involve manufacturing the fuel for the return mission using materials on Mars. It's reasonably easy to manufacture Methane on the surface. You just need Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen, so if water is there and you can get to it easily, making methane to power a return trip should be easy. Just use the water for Hydrogen and Oxygen and the atmosphere for the Carbon. (Actually you could probably get oxygen from the soil, too, since it's got a lot of oxidized iron, also known as rust, in it.)
The biggest concern that I would have for a Mars mission is the toll it would take on the astronauts. It's a long trip with relatively high radiation. (You can only carry so much shielding.) Unless the crew module is spun to provide some artificial gravity, it's likely that the astronauts would be in pretty bad shape before they even got to Mars. Though there have been some very long stays in space stations, those guys weren't exactly fit for a night of clubbing when they got home.
All that said, I'd go in second! I, uh, just got to get permission from my girl friend first ...
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:1)
Actually, it'd probably be a lot easier to grab the oxygen from carbon dioxide (i.e. the atmosphere) while you're extracting the carbon, rather than trying to wrench oxygen out of surface oxides.
Anyway, on to my main point: the idea of pulling H2 out of Martian permafrost was pretty much discarded as too difficult for early automated missions - the idea was that you would send a relatively small amount of H2 from earth, and then generate CH4+02 from the atmospheric C02 and the H2 brought along for the trip. Much easier than trying to dig up ice and get H2 out of it. Now, for later manned trips maybe the ice would be useful for getting H2. But in that case I would think that you'd just go to an LH2/LOX rocket rather than a methane one. Methane rockets are a good choice for automated in-situ propellant since the CH4 is storable in the long term, and the raw materials are easily accessible from the atmosphere alone (no digging required). With people on the ground, you might as well just dig up a huge load of ice, electrolyze it to H2 and O2 and go. No need to worry about complicated automated diggers since humans will be in the loop.
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:2)
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:2, Interesting)
The major advantage for Mars (aside from its carbon-dioxide atmosphere, and the recently confirmed water) is the gravity. Mars colonists would lose less bone mass relative to Moon colonists, absent artificial devices like centrifuges and the like.
One advantage of mars in a long term view (some hundret of years )is the abilitiy of terraforming. The idea is simple, do the same on mars on purpose we do currently on earth out of pure stupidness. Put lot's of cardbondioxide CO2 into the atomosphere and watch the planet temperature rise through the glass house effect.
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:1)
Just a nitpick: Mars' atmosphere is already over 90% CO2, I think. So what you actually need to increase is its density.
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:2, Interesting)
Hmmm might be
Honestly I thing venus would be a far better target for terraforming. It's currently completly unsuitable for station there, we know. Thousend degrees is not comfortable, places where metal smelts. But aside that little problem it's perfect. Same weight than earth, nearly same materials, only in it's evolution something went another way than earth did. BTW: It's not so hot there because of the few kilometers that it is nearer to the sun, it's so hot there because glashouse effect went into a self recursive state there. (planet is prinicipally in a stable state, but of some reason it gets a bit warmer, some water vaporizes, since H20 is also a glashous gas, it get's warmer to the H20, more H20 vaprozies, warmer again, so on until at some point the water boils, you have a perfect glashouse, temperature skyrockets, metals smelt and some vaporize, they are also glashous gases, temperature rises more and you come to the second stable planet state venus is now.)
Now the idea is to get the planet back to the earth like state, maybe a bit more warmer since it's really nearer to the sun. (I think from the higher light impact it should be calculated only 20-30 degree's or such.) (not the tousend it has currently due to the glashouse) so with aprox. 40 on some places it would be a nice place to be.
The thing needed would be a "designer baktereria" that could live and exist at the outher atmosphere of venus, it would be a plant, with photosynthesis capabilities taking enery from the sun, splitting CO2, into O2 and uses the gained energy and carbon (C) to reproduce itself. As the bacteria reproduces and spreads itself more and more oxygen would come free, temprature would drop until to more comfortable values, there would be more space to life for this bacteria (or fellowers). Temprature would drop again, metals would get solid, water condenses into oceans, until we've earth like status there. Life habits would have changes so strong this designer bacteria would no longer be able to surve and die out. Now the planet is ready for humans to come by, brind their trees and crops, and plancton for the oceans to replace the 02 generation and be happy.
Sounds easy or?
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:1)
Indeed. You'd have to replenish the atmosphere every few what, million years?
Now that's a challenge! The bacteria-seeding idea is an interesting one, although you'd probably be hampered by the lack of water.
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:1)
Shouldn't that be liquid water? If memory serves, Venus has plenty of water - just in gaseous form. Any life-form capable of living at 100C+ would necessarily have to be able to use water in it's gaseous form.
Terraforming Venus? (Score:1)
Of course, it is far beyond our current capability, but what about a satellite in Venus orbit that occasionally seeds the Venusian atmosphere with the designer bacteria described above? (Reminds me of to facilitate plankton growth and remove environmental CO2.) [go.com]
Re:Terraforming Venus? (Score:1)
Look on how we think today earth was doing. It was the moment the first bacteria's learned how to de photosynthesis. The face of earth changed very very rapidly. Suddendly free oxygen in the atmosphere in masses that weren't before. This bacterieas getting "free" energy from sunlight were able to repoduce very quickly. And today plants still dominate our planet that much it appears beside blue to be green on the land masses.
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:1)
Or maybe you're Orson Scott Card?
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:2)
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:5, Insightful)
Whoa, slow down there, cowboy. The availablity of oxygen and hydrogen isn't just something to casually dismiss.
You put some sort of hard-to-break, long-lasting power source on the surface (nuclear battery or somesuch) and you can survive a lot of adversity when you have these sorts of raw materials. You can grow food in inflatible domes (most terrestrial crops would actually like the CO2 atmosphere of Mars better than our own), you can make air to breathe and you have water to drink. You can survive a really long time, even if Earth can't get you a supply ship for a few months (or years). Additionally, you can make rocket propellant, mix concrete and refine metals for your base, all using stuff you have laying around. Bury it all under a few meters of earth (er, mars) and you're safe from radiation thanks to the fact that Mars has an atmosphere running interference for you.
On the moon, if you rupture an air tank, you have to get into your lander and blast back to Earth pronto. The surface of Mars, on the other hand, could pretty easily be converted into the second safest place in the solar system.
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:1)
Beside, you think those liberals are going to let you lift off with anything mildly radioactive, without drowning the launch authority with paper and lawsuits?
Privatize spaceflight. Grant treaty provisions for private enterprise to occupy and OWN portions of the solar system (homesteader clause, like the US government did with the old west.) Oh, and junk the shuttle fleet so we no longer have an excuse to avoid funding and using cheap lift capability. Only then will any of this stuff matter.
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:1)
Well, technically the moon is in earth orbit so we've never actually done this
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:2)
Yeah, that's what we need, make the big corporations richer. Sure, this time we won't have to kill the natives, but it's not like you can buy a couple of tools, and ride (or even walk) to a nice site to settle on.
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:1)
When you consider the risk factors involved, it is silly. The last time radioactive materials were sent up, it was in a form that could not contaminate the environment even if there was a catastrophic accident with the spacecraft. And, even disregarding that fact, the amount of material involved was so small, it would be like spitting in the ocean. Still, the protesters were there trying to stop it. They had a much greater chance of being killed in a car accident on the way to the protest than being affected in any way by the materials they were protesting.
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:2)
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:2, Interesting)
sorry to nitpick, but actually, most crops would be poisoned by the CO2 atmosphere of Mars as it stands now. It would take decades of terraforming before any "colonists" could grow things outside of greenhouses on Mars.
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:1)
aside from the evil little green men!
Re:Now we know where to land (Score:1)
Makes you wonder (Score:2)
Re:Makes you wonder (Score:2)
Re:Makes you wonder (Score:1)
Somewhat Interesting (Score:1)
Re:Somewhat Interesting (Score:3, Interesting)
Well, liquid water is probably way below the surface if it exists at all. Everything else is probably ice.
Besides that, though, I wouldn't worry too much -- bacteria has to evolve to both take particular advantage of a host and to overcome that host's immune system. Even if you subscribe to the idea that terrestrial life may have traveled to Earth from Mars, chances are that even a Martian "cold" wouldn't be adaptible to modern humanity. There's just to big of an evolutionary gap.
But yeah, I'll admit that I think I'd still take a look under a microscope first if my drinking water hadn't been purified or manufactured.
Terriforming Mars (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Terriforming Mars (Score:1)
And I still like my roving iron plant idea from an earlier post regarding this article. Cheap iron, and more greenhouse gasses to create an atmosphere with. The only concern would be fuel, but I'll bet a Coke that if it goes to the boards, the design team will figure that issue out.
Re:Terriforming Mars (Score:2)
I assume terraforming implies creating an atmosphere that humans can breathe. So, around 20% O2, and 80% of something inert, presumably N2, but I guess something else could do as well. But, don't we need an atmospheric pressure similar to earth's? Then, how are you going to maintain that pressure? The fact that Mars' gravity is about 1/3 of earth's is the big spoiler here, right? Assuming you can get all these greenhouse gases and heat up the atmosphere, wouldn't the atmosphere just boil away into outer space? I mean, given earth-like temperatures and pressures, a substantial fraction of the gas molecules would just reach escape velocity and be lost forever? What am I missing here???
Re:Terriforming Mars (Score:1)
Re:Terriforming Mars (Score:1)
A physics friend tells me that the average velocity of a hydrogen molecule at STP is on the order of 1000 mph, or about 0.5 km/s. Assuming an oxygen molecule would have the same KE (since the temp is the same), the velocity of O2 would be around 0.12 km/s. Given that the escape velocity of Mars is 5 km/s, it should be able to hold an oxygen molecule easily.
Of course that's average, and the distribution may be totally whacked. But still there is more than an order of magnitude to work with there.
Re:Terriforming Mars (Score:2)
The problem is that the molecules with the highest velocity may escape. If the temperature is in balance, a new equilibrium will establish itself, and again, the molecules with the highest velocities will escape. As someone else pointed out, there will need to be a replenishment mechanism. I'm not saying it can't be done, but consider that it's hard enough to establish a breathable atmosphere in the first place. A self-replenishing one is probably even trickier.
Then again, what do I know?
Re:Terriforming Mars (Score:1)
Gravity is not the only factor in determining atmospheric pressure. Look at Titan: the surface gravity is 0.13 that of earth, but the atmosphere is 60% more dense. Just as important is the temperature, composition and replensihment rate.
Re:Terriforming Mars (Score:1)
And what is the temperature on Titan? The temperature obviously play a big role. Unfortunately, the atmosphere on Mars will have to be heated up from -85 F to +60 F. That should make it harder to keep the atmosphere from boiling off. Consider that Mars has an atmospheric pressure of about 0.01 bar right now.
Re:Terriforming Mars (Score:2)
We don't really need full atmospheric pressure. The problems can largely be solved by increasing the precentage of oxygen. Humans can pretty easily survive at a half or third of atmospheric pressure, provided that we have sufficient oxygen partial pressure to breathe. Think of what happens when an airplane loses cabin pressure at 30,000 feet - the oxygen masks come down so you can breathe, but peoples eyeballs don't fly out of their head or anyhing like that.
Re:Terriforming Mars (Score:1)
Also, I think the oxygen partial pressure is related to the overall pressure, i.e., the lower the outside pressure, the harder it will be to get sufficient oxygen partial pressure, right?
Besides, getting a 20% O2 atmosphere sounds challenging enough to me, seems things won't get easier if you need a 40% or 60% O2 atmosphere.
Re:Terriforming Mars (Score:2)
Total Recall? (Score:1)
If I remember correctly back from high school, electrolysis breaks it into oxygen and hydrogen.
I wonder if that's gonna be useful at all?
Re:Total Recall? (Score:1)
The Discovery channel.. (Score:1)
Re:The Discovery channel.. (Score:2)
This is actually an exaggeration from hollywood -- the meteors left in our solar system are not large enough to cause a global extinction of a race as tenacious as humans.
I wouldn't so much list a second haven from extinction as a driving factor in pushing to colonize Mars. Instead, I think that our very basic instinct to push outwards is what will drive us there -- whenever people think they can expand into an area, they go for it. We find the resources we need, we adapt to the environment, and (when necessary) we beat down the locals (even when the locals are us).
Re:The Discovery channel.. (Score:1)
Not to state their reason for extinction as fact but it is generally accepted never the less.
Re:The Discovery channel.. (Score:3, Informative)
Well, that's a relief! Unfortunately, it's complete and utter nonsense. A hit by a somewhat sizeable asteroid or comet would not only wipe out the human race, but probably most lifeforms on earth. Oh, and it's not size that matters, it's kinetic energy, which is 0.5*m*v^2. Dependent on mass (~size), but more on velocity, since that gets squared.
Hypothetical but realistic example: take a (spherical) piece of rock with a radius of 10 km, hitting the earth at 50 km/s. Assuming a density of 4000 kg/m^3, that gives us a mass of 1.68*10^16 kg. The kinetic energy is roughly
2.1*10^25 Joules. That's the equivalent of 4.67 billion megatons of TNT. Or 467,000,000,000 Hiroshima bombs all set off at the same moment.
Can someone do a sanity check on this? It seems shockingly high.
1 Megaton TNT ~ 4.5*10^15 J
Hiroshima bomb ~ 10 kilotons of TNT
Fact: volume of a sphere is (4/3)*pi*r^3.
Re:The Discovery channel.. (Score:3, Informative)
The good news is that there is only about a one in three billion chance of a rock that size hitting the earth this year. These are long odds - but the chance is not zero.
Re:The Discovery channel.. (Score:2)
Little Boy (Hiroshima) was 12.5 kilotons.
Fat Man (Nagasaki) was 22 kilotons.
You're close enough, I just thought some people might be interested in the actually statistics. Aren't the atomic bombs we have now into the megatons?
Re:The Discovery channel.. (Score:1)
Re:The Discovery channel.. (Score:2)
The object Toutatis [nasa.gov]. Is an example of a large asteroid which has been deflected in this way. Fortunately the orbit of Toutatis won't allow it to hit us any time soon - but it is plenty big enough - about 2.8 Km across - to kill billions of people if it did. On average the Earth is struck by a rock that big about every 8 million years - not a Dinosaur killer - but enough to effectively destroy civilization.
All these are yours -- (Score:1)
Ooops -- they thought the red one was called Europa.
Lots of water on Mars? (Score:1)
(For those that don't get the Niven reference, water is deadly to the Martians in the Known Space series, and one of the characters in Protector used this to good advantage).
Quayle was Right (Score:2, Funny)
"Mars is essentially in the same orbit... Mars is somewhat the same
distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures
where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that
means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, 8/11/89
Explanation of Asteroid Belt (Score:3, Informative)
At his website [enterprisemission.com] you can find out how this validates the theory that Mars was once the satellite of the planet that formed the asteroid belt when it broke up for unknown reasons. (The pattern of water is indicative of tidal action.)
Re:Explanation of Asteroid Belt (Score:1)
Re:Explanation of Asteroid Belt (Score:3, Insightful)
The common theory is that the asteroid belt is a remnant of the creation of the planets-a planet that never formed. A few people are very much out on a limb in suggesting that the belt was a planet. Those ideas appear to owe more to Space Opera than to space science. If a planet did explode, of course most of the material could conveniently be postulated to have left the solar system, never to return. The proponents, mainly the eccentric astronomer Tom van Flandern, could just be right, but there isn't any particular reason to suppose so as yet.
Re:Explanation of Asteroid Belt (Score:3, Funny)
Well, the death star was long ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Various pieces could have been flung on a trajectory taking it into the sun, or even into the Yucatan peninsula - killing off all the dinosaurs... but that's just another deranged theory.
Re:Explanation of Asteroid Belt (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Explanation of Asteroid Belt (Score:1)
Interestingly, though I haven't a link for it, Sir Arthur C. Clarke maintains that the south polar region of Mars is full of Banyan-like trees, while Hoagland seems to believe, from the interview, that the massively cratered Southern Hemisphere became that way as early as 65M years ago, making the explosion of the Mystery Planet(TM) the cause for dinosaur extinction.
Re:Explanation of Asteroid Belt (Score:1)
Isn't this the kind of thinking that brings down science by keeping us confined to whatever is widely believed by the establishment? You're saying that people will be judging him because he appeared on a radio show and not based solely on the scientific value of his work. Isn't that a totally unscientific approach?
This kind of approach, it seems, would only serve to label anyone who challenges commonly accepted notions of science as "looney" or "nutty".
And if no one had mentioned the Art Bell show and the theory of Mars being an ex-satellite, I would've myself. I'm surprised no earlier mention of it was made, as that is what makes the story much more interesting in terms of potential importance of this find.
Re:Explanation of Asteroid Belt (Score:3, Interesting)
The big problems with such a theory are that the asteroids are not made of material which has undergone differentiation. When a large planet forms, the heat generted by brining all of the material together melts it. It then undergoes a process of differentiation with heavier metals, like iron, forming a core and lighter materials, like those in the Earth's crust, rising to the surface. From spectroscopic analysis, it seems that the asteroids are completely undifferentiated.
So, a seemingly attractive theory such as the demise of a planet (and what would generate enough energy to blow it up?) fails to have much of a basis when you bring some real science to bear.
Then MarsHydro could become a reality...? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Then MarsHydro could become a reality...? (Score:2, Informative)
From this Google result: [lunar-meteorite.com] A sample of lunar dust, weighing only a few milligrams, sold at a Superior Galleries auction in California in 1993 for $42,500
(Final Frontier, May/June 1993, p6). A short while later, a sale of Russian lunar samples took place in New York at a Southeby's auction. An estimated one carat rock fragment sold for a record $442,000 (Final Frontier, March/April, 1994, pp.
Couple this with policy gathered from the NASA Office of Inspector General (OIG): "Moon rocks gathered by the Apollo missions are considered national treasures and cannot be privately owned or sold." (OIG's New Reports Dec 1999.)
Sure, MarsHydro is a good idea. But look at NASA's failure to capitalise on the moon-rock market. Not gonna happen with this NASA. Oh well.
yet another argument for the privitasation of NASA. Oh well.
Re:Then MarsHydro could become a reality...? (Score:2)
whew! (Score:2)
That means that our couragous space explorers are able to drink a decent whiskey on the rocks after travelling to mars for years, fleeing the problems of Planet Earth. After a ride like this, they will need one, that is for sure.
Gotta love science.
Ok let's stop looking for water for a bit (Score:3, Interesting)
Is there enough nitrogen in the Martian atmosphere or soil, or will we have to import it?
Re:Ok let's stop looking for water for a bit (Score:3, Insightful)
not that learning more isn't fun and all, but cries of "water means life!" are unfounded and dumb.
Re:Ok let's stop looking for water for a bit (Score:2)
Slow down a second... (Score:1)
I agree, water DOESN'T, necessarily, mean life. But the converse seems to hold true ("Life means water.") Finding evidence of life somewhere else in the universe is pretty darn important. Why not look where there is water?
Re:extremophile bacteria (Score:1)
President Eisenhower and the Martians (Score:1, Funny)
Compare To Photos of Martian South Pole Reveals.. (Score:2)
Re:Compare To Photos of Martian South Pole Reveals (Score:2)
Thanks. (Score:2)
ice and people (Score:1)
Now all we need is geothermal water, greenhouse gasses, a spacecraft that can accellerate continuously at 1 g for half the ride and brake at 1 g for the other half (creating a 40 hour journey to Mars) and the planet is ours..moahhh ha ha ha.... oops sorry about the last part.
FYI (Score:1)
They are:
These are some of the best science fiction books I've ever read, and if you're into Mars, I bet you'll really enjoy these.
I've got some swampland on mars for sale... (Score:1)
Miscellany (Score:3)
This also has interesting consequences on the search for life on Mars: if they want the best odds of finding life, they will need to go to the edge of the region that has the water signals, and dig down until they hit the upper edge of the permafrost. Things like Viking and Sojourner (if it looked for life) only looked at the surface, and didn't have a good idea of where on the surface of the planet to land to look (I'm not sure where they landed, but I'm betting it wasn't outside of the 120 degree belt where the water signals are scarce [assuming the North and South poles are approximately the same]).
I wonder why they didn't publish data for the North polar region? I find it hard to imagine that there was an asymmetry on the planet, or that the probe switched it's instruments off because they were only interested in one pole. I'm not implying that NASA is trying to hide anything, perhaps the data was symmetrical enough that they didn't want to waste their time publishing it on a preliminary report like this one. They may also not be finished crunching the data from the North, which would make this a very preliminary report. I'd still like to see the results for the whole of Mars, though.
The last interesting possibility is that some of their data doesn't point at water at all. They have detected the presence of hydrogen, and water is only the most abundant hydrogen containing compound on Earth. Other chemicals that contain hydrogen that may (this is a big may) be present are: methane (CH4), lipids (too many to list), oil (again, many), ammonia (NH3), carbohydrates (name literally means that it contains carbon and hydrogen, e.g. C6H12O6) etc. What I'm saying is that there may be oil deposits on Mars (very slim chance, but not nonexistent). More likely it's just water and/or ammonia, but all this means is that I'm even more eager to at least send another probe that can test a sample for life and run a spectral analysis on a small core sample (assuming they can get the sample to the surface before it evaporates).
I'd still like to go back to the Moon and get stations established there first (availability year round and shorter distance being two of the main reasons), but I am suddenly a lot more interested in going to Mars, too.
Difference in the polls (Score:1)
The northern hemisphere is much lower [geocities.com]. A hypothetical ocean on Mars would cover much of the northern hemisphere while leaving the south high and dry.
Also the polls themselves have different amounts CO2 ("dry") ice.
Why Colonize? (Score:1)
Re:How about Earth? (Score:2)
Now, on the other hand, if it turns out that spectrometry works differently on Mars than it does on Earth, we've got a lot bigger problems with that whole fundemental science thing.
Re:How about Earth? (Score:1)
You will most likely not find it bottled and ready on the mars surface...
So, before you can light the match you will have to free up the H and O. That will take energy.
Possibly you could use use the energy surplus from making H2O from H & O to free more H & O though(?) That way you might get away with only having to provide the startup energy.