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Space Science

First Image Of Planet-Like Body Orbiting A Star 176

deglr6328 writes "The Gemini North Telescope has, for the first time, directly imaged a planet like body orbiting a star. The object is a brown dwarf, 55 to 78 times the mass of planet Jupiter and 14 AU distant from its parent star 15 Sge. It was imaged using adaptive optics(see also here) that correct for the blurring effect of the atmosphere using deformable mirrors. Cool!"
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First Image Of Planet-Like Body Orbiting A Star

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  • Hmmm.... (Score:5, Funny)

    by cporter ( 61382 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @10:17PM (#2802219)
    Is that a Starbuck's I can see on the high-res JPEG?
  • Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • by Tri0de ( 182282 ) <> on Monday January 07, 2002 @10:22PM (#2802241) Journal
    while you're there
  • by 6EQUJ5 ( 446008 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @10:24PM (#2802249) Homepage

    I say we name it "Rosie" or "Oprah"....
  • They say... (Score:2, Funny)

    by BrianGa ( 536442 )
    Well, they say that some 75% of the internet's bandwidth revolves around heavenly bodies.
  • Even though the "photograph" is of just two fuzzy blobs it's cool nonetheless, especially that the first thing photographed should be celestial object that we don't have in our solar system that also happens to simultaneously prove that there have to be numerous ways that solar systems are "born" in the wake of a star's formation.

    One wonders if the cosmic soup had simmered a little more or a little less if Jupiter wouldn't be a binary star. How would it affect sleep patterns? What the hell would our watches look like?
    • by CaptainCarrot ( 84625 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @10:47PM (#2802325)
      One wonders if the cosmic soup had simmered a little more or a little less if Jupiter wouldn't be a binary star. How would it affect sleep patterns? What the hell would our watches look like?

      Would we even be here?

      Considering the climactic history of Earth, it's clear that even small perturbations in its orbit and small changes in the brightness of the Sun have large effects on the climate. In a binary star system, its not at all clear that any planetary climates would ever be steady enough to allow higher life forms to develop. Neither the orbit nor the energy received from the suns would likely be stable enough.

      • If Jupiter had somehow been lit (by being hit by an object the size of uranus, say - I've been told that would have done it), it would have burned out in the deep, deep precambrian (billions of years ago). It doesn't have five billion years of fuel. While burning in the early stages of earthly development, it would have been about as bright as the moon (of course, the sun at that time was bluer and overall dimmer). Butterfly flaps it's wings in China, I know, but I don't think it would have been enough of a change in the overall radiation level on earth that whatever conditions allowed life to rise on earth wouldn't have been in effect. Given those conditions, you ask - is life likely to arise, or is it a rare event even in the conditions that favor it (over the course of billions of years,) such that a tiny change in conditions could have prevented that one spark of life from occuring? As a molecular biologist with interests in the field of molecular evolution and structural biology, I'm going to say - no, given that conditions that favor the appearance of life (as a chemical phenomenon) it's going to happen.

        If Jupiter were more massive - simply igniting it without changing it's mass wouldn't cause it to exert more gravity - well, yeah, all bets are off, since that would imply very different things about the environment under which the entire solar system formed. Although, it just occured to me, Jupiter's core is still undergoing nuclear reactions (so is the earth's core) just not on a stellar scale. I don't see how we'd know if those reactions had been much faster/brighter three billion years ago. We'd have to guess from the amount of heavy hydrogen present in the Jovian atmosphere, and I don't think our measurements (radio spectroscopy? something about Jupiter's magnetic properties?)are precise enough to figure that out.
        • by Anonymous Coward
          It's not a matter of whether or not Jupiter gets "lit". The sun was never "lit" as you speak of it. The sun is massive enough that the gravity well in the center is massive enough so that the nuclei of hydrogen particles collapse into helium (and these can collapse into heavier elements; our sun reaches it's limit around Oxygen. heavier elements are made in more massive stars). This collapse of nuclei into heavier nuclei is called fusion (gives off lotsa energy). Now for Jupiter to become a star it would have to be around the order of 100 times more massive than it is now (though that's still much less massive than the sun). With that much more mass it would definately affect the orbits (and possibly even the accretion, as there would have been an planet where the asteroid belt is were it not for Jupiter's current mass) of all the planets.

          Also, the nuclear reactions going on inside the Earth and Jupiter's cores are fission based (decay of unstable elements). This is completely different from what's happening in the Sun so comparing this to what was happening in the early stages of the solar system is pointless.
          • . Now for Jupiter to become a star it would have to be around the order of 100 times more massive than it is now (though that's still much less massive than the sun).

            Well, that may or may not be true. The question is - can you get Jupiter's core under enough pressure to undergo fusion? The fact that it is undergoing fission now is relevant because fission of the sort occuring in Jove's core also requires considerable (although lesser) density/pressure. The heavy elements may also provide a source of high energy alpha particles to help fusion get started (like in a modern H bomb which uses fissioning technitium as a trigger.)

            So, PV = nRT, right? Well, if Jupiter were hit by a uranus-sized object moving perpendicular to the orbital plane -

            1) It would put off huge amounts of heat (q = delta T / S) which might increase the pressure in Jupiter's core enough to ignite it.

            2) The actual impact would involve a lot of force, as well - the whole planet would deform like a ball bouncing off the wall of a squash court. This would constrict the volume available to the core (lowering V, raising P) as well as causing huge differentials in density (raising n locally) as the planet bounced back into shape.

            I'm not sure if that would be enough to do it, but once Jupiter is "lit", the fusion processes in it's core WOULD put off enough heat to be self-sustaining.

            Also, the nuclear reactions going on inside the Earth and Jupiter's cores are fission based (decay of unstable elements). This is completely different from what's happening in the Sun so comparing this to what was happening in the early stages of the solar system is pointless.

            Actually, fusion is decay of unstable elements as well - heavy hydrogen nuclei are hit by other heavy hydrogen nuclei and "decay" into helium nuclei. The fission at earth and jupiter's cores is NOT spontaneous decay like you see in a sample of carbon 14 that is left to sit (at least not mostly). It's collision-mediated decay, a slow form of chain reaction like you see in a detonating U235 bomb. That is to say, like nuclear fusion, the fission that occurs in the earth's core is collision mediated.

            Thank you for pointing that out though, since I agree that my previous post certainly didn't draw a distinction between the two.
            • If Jupiter were to light in the way that you describe, isn't it quite possible that it wouldn't have enough mass (-> gravity) to hold itself together under the massive outward pressure of fusion in its core? Thus it could get lit for a relatively short period of time, but it could easily not last given its mass.

              As an extreme example, our nuclear bombs work on the principle that you're describing to light jupiter, but they don't exactly last very long.

              My very imprecise understanding of it (IANAA <- I Am Not An Astrophysicist) is that the reason that the sun doesn't blow apart is the extreme gravity holds it together. That's why in several billion years as the mass of the sun decreases through fusion (and subsequent radiation), it won't have the mass to keep itself so compact so it will get bigger from the outward pressure of the fusion in its core.

              Then for really big stars, when they run out of fuel, that outward pressure dissapears rather suddenly and everything falls back in. This creates an incredible amount of pressure inside and 'lights' the star for one last time, fusing heavier elements to get the really big stuff (such as lead, uranium, etc.). Unfortunately, this doesn't last very long as the energy released is incredibly huge, and the outward pressure wins over the gravity in a rather dramatic fashion called a supernova.

              Now, getting back to Jupiter, given that it's not massive enough to light itself through the pressure exerted by gravity, isn't it rather likely that if it were to get artificially 'lit', it wouldn't have enough mass to hold itself together and it would go boom, rather than burn?

              No boom Today, Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow. -Ivanova
              • by BadDoggie ( 145310 ) on Tuesday January 08, 2002 @05:19AM (#2802947) Homepage Journal
                Let me help with your understanding.

                ...the reason that the sun doesn't blow apart is the extreme gravity holds it together.

                The Law of Hydrostatic Equilibrium: Within every layer [of a star], the outward force of pressure equals the inward force of gravity.

                Stars must have M 0.08 Msun to fuse hydrogen.
                There exists a high-mass cutoff because very high mass stars cannot attain hydrostatic equilibrium. Very high mass stars produce enormous numbers of high-energy photons (L and T are both large). Photons exert pressure on gas (an effect called radiation pressure.) Ordinarily, the effects of radiation pressure are small, but for stars with M > 60 Msun, models indicate the radiation pressure is large enough to blow the star apart.

                ...when [stars] run out of fuel, that outward pressure dissapears rather suddenly and everything falls back in.

                When a star exhausts the supply of H (hydrogen) in its core, it becomes a giant or supergiant, depending on its mass.

                Once a star has used up all the H in its core, fusion of H into He (helium) stops. The core starts to contract just as it contracted as a protostar before H fusion began. As the core contracts, it releases energy. This energy heats up the layer immediately above the contracting He core. The layer immediately above the core becomes hot enough to initiate the fusion of hydrogen into helium.

                The star now has three main layers:
                (1) Helium core (inner layer): Releases energy as it shrinks in radius.
                (2) Fusion shell: Releases energy as it fuses hydrogen into helium.
                (3) Hydrogen envelope (outer layer): Absorbs energy, and swells greatly in size.

                These swollen stars are now giants (if M 8 Msun).

                Supergiants and giants with M > 0.4 Msun become hot enough to fuse He into C by the "triple alpha process", making primarily C (carbon), sometimes overshooting and making O (oxygen), and making Be (beryllium) as an intermediary product (and lots of gamma rays, too).

                Once a giant or supergiant begins to fuse He in its core, it has four main layers.

                Supergiants and giants with M > 3 Msun become hot enough to fuse C into heavier elements.

                There is a limit to fusion: Iron (Fe).

                The stages in the life of a 25 Msun star:

                Hydrogen fusion lasts 7 million years
                Helium fusion lasts 500,000 years
                Carbon fusion lasts 600 years
                Oxygen fusion lasts 6 months
                Silicon fusion lasts 1 day
                The star's core is now solid iron: end of the line as far as fusion is concerned.

                Two choices:
                (1) The star finds an alternative pressure source to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium which doesn't rely on the random thermal motions of atoms and ions; or
                (2) The star collapses giving you:
                a) black hole
                b) nova/supernova

                All clear now?


       /n otes16.html
       r2 1.html
       (not as good)

                • Honestly... I am very impressed by the detailed explaination you gave there. I found it quite informative and facinating.

                  But man, you NEED to get yourself a hobby.... :)

                  I hope you don't talk in details like that to the chicks on a first date :)

                  BTW, French Fries RULE!!!


                • Hi, I was just wondering if you have an email address that I could contact you at, I have a few more questions relating to this.
                • (2) The star collapses giving you:
                  a) black hole
                  b) nova/supernova

                  Nice comment. You made little mistake thou. Blackhole and nova aren't exclusive.

                  -- Jari
            • The fission at earth and jupiter's cores is NOT spontaneous decay like you see in a sample of carbon 14 that is left to sit (at least not mostly). It's collision-mediated decay, a slow form of chain reaction like you see in a detonating U235 bomb. That is to say, like nuclear fusion, the fission that occurs in the earth's core is collision mediated.

              Sorry to say this, but the radioactive heat liberated within the Earth's core (and within Jupiters core) Is due to random decay of uranium and thorium. Fission does not occour there! The concentration of thorium and uranium within the core is far too low to allow fission to occour. Remember that the earth's core is 90%iron and 10%nickel. These metals are fairly good neutron absorbers, so in order for nuclear reactions other than alpha or beta decay to occour, you would need more than one percent uranium within the core.

              Uranium and Thorium is not so abundant within the earths core, as it forms light silicates, and during the earths early life was concentrated in the crust of the earth in the process of differentiation of the earth as a whole.

              Yours Yazeran

              Plan: To go to Mars one day with a hammer.
          • > The sun is massive enough that the gravity well
            > in the center is massive enough so that the
            > nuclei of hydrogen particles collapse into
            > helium

            The gravity of the sun isn't great enough to directly override the nuclear forces and cause fusion to occur. The weight of all the sun's material pressing inward because of that gravity, however, is great enough to cause fusion.
        • If Jupiter had somehow been lit ... it would have burned out in the deep, deep precambrian (billions of years ago). It doesn't have five billion years of fuel.

          No. It would outlive the Sun. The larger a star is the greater the internal pressure, and the faster it burns fuel.

          Small stars are long lived, large stars burn out fast.
        • If Jupiter had somehow been lit (by being hit by an object the size of uranus, say - I've been told that would have done it), it would have burned out in the deep, deep precambrian (billions of years ago). It doesn't have five billion years of fuel.

          Usually, dimmer stars burn much longer than brighter stars, so unless the planet-hit/lit-by-some-huge-asteroid is some strange exception, it should still burn today and should all in all burn much longer than the sun.

          • Problem: Jupiter simply doesn't have the *mass* to sustain 5.5x10e9 years of fusion. Its mass is less than 1/1000 the Sun's, and its diameter not 1/10 the Sun's.

            More importantly: a bitch-slap from a passing asteroid will not "ignite" a big-ass ball of H & He. This is astrophysics, here; we're talking about 20000000000000000000000000000000kg of hydrogen, not Strike-Anywhere White-Tip kitchen matches!
            Jupiter is about 1/80 the mass needed for ignition, which occurs due to heating from internal gravitational collapse.


            "Ignite Jupiter", indeed! Then again, I once thought you might be able to "execute" a star simply by hitting it with a chunk of iron (see my other post on this thread.)

    • One wonders if the cosmic soup had simmered a little more or a little less if Jupiter wouldn't be a binary star.

      I guess we'll have to wait until 2010 [] to find out! ;)

  • Are they absolutely sure someone didn't sneeze on the lens?

  • by halo8 ( 445515 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @10:30PM (#2802268)
    a Brown Dwarf is said to be Classified Less massive []than stars but more massive than planets,
    brown dwarfs. so.. at 78 times the size of jupiter how massive is massive? and how massive is it not massive compared to a star?
    • by PhuCknuT ( 1703 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @11:04PM (#2802371) Homepage
      A brown dwarf is a star massive enough for deuterium fusion, but not massive enough for normal hydrogen to fuse.
      • Which would mean little more than a binary system, correct? Binary systems are being discovered all the time, so I don't really see the big deal in this.

        Other than the pretty photographs.
        • The big deal is that this is the first time they've directly observed something this size orbiting so far from a star, it challanges the theories of solar system formation. I may be wrong, but I don't think we've observed (directly or indirectly) anything close planet sized that is more than a few AU from it's parent star.
        • The reason for the lack of observations of planets outside mercurys orbit arround other stars is the method of detection.

          All the previously found planets were discovered by doppler shift of the parent star. Unless an object is rather massive (more than 1% of the mass of the star) you would not be able to detect it if it had an orbital radius similar to Jupiter. The task gets easier if the orbit is close to the star, as the pertubations in the stars light repeats at a shorter time interval.

          Yours Yazeran

          Plan: to go to Mars one day with a hammer.
    • Stars form from collapsing gas clouds. During the collapse, the core will get very dense and hot. However, if the mass is too low, the temperature and density will never reach the point where stable hydrogen fusion will ignite. The critical mass is about 8 per cent of the Sun's mass, corresponding to some 84 Jupiter masses.

      An object below this limit is substellar, and may be either a Brown Dwarf or a planet. The distinction between both is somewhat fuzzy, and certainly to some degree arbitrary. One could argue that Brown Dwarfs and planets differ by their mode of formation - Brown Dwarfs form from collapsing gas clouds, like normal stars, while planets form from accretion of material in a circumstellar disk. However, establishing how a particular object has formed is not an easy task, so this is not a very practical definition.

      Because Brown Dwarfs cool down over time, they eventually become cool enough for dust forming in their atmospheres, and they may show atmospheric phenomena (e.g. dust clouds) similar to those we know from planets. This is one of the reasons why surface imaging, either by direct imaging or with Doppler imaging, would be very interesting.

  • The distance between the substellar object known as brown dwarf and its parent star is less than that between the planet Uranus and the sun.
    Wait a minute, I thought the brown dwarf was 14 AU from its star, not 1 AU. Oh, I see. Sorry for the confusion.
  • Old news... (Score:1, Troll)

    by tunah ( 530328 )
    This is old news and i think i've seen it posted on slashdot before. You people don't get out much, do you. A star-orbiting was sighted a long time ago, when Adam made headlines by saying "Huh? Whats that thing under my feet". It has been known to be revolving around a star since the time of Copernicus and people have been making pictures of bits of it for centuries.
    • This is the first planet seen outside the solar system, okay? Previously we'd been able to detect planets through other means (ie a larger planet's gravitational influence on its star) but now it seems we've been able to get an actual visual of one. That's why this is news.
      • Except that it's bigger than a planet, and it's the second brown dwarf we've got an actual visual of. (Search upwards for the main discussion of Gliese 229B -- there is a "first" in a very narrow sense, but it's not the first visual.)
    • From the article... []
      In a first, object near a star caught on camera

      January 7, 2002 Posted: 3:20 PM EST (2020 GMT)

      From the posting...
      Posted by timothy on Monday January 07, @10:15PM

      I'd like to know how this was posted on slashdot before...considering this story was released to the mainstream media only a few hours before the slashdot post, and I didnt see any duplicates today!

      As you may know if you read this article opposed to similar posted in the past... this is the first IMAGE, not the first DISCOVERY of a planet outside our solar system...

      so.. to coin a new acronym... RTFA :)
      Read The Freakin Article

      • Maybe if you had payed a bit more attention to the comment you were replying to you'd see that the original poster was making (what was admitedly a bad effort at) a joke...

        I mean...

        Adam made headlines by saying "Huh? Whats that thing under my feet". It has been known to be revolving around a star since the time of Copernicus and people have been making pictures of bits of it for centuries.

        Adam... as in Adam and Eve. Get it?

        Still, it wasn't funny, but I at leat got your gist tunah. :)
      • besides which, the original post was, I thought, a pretty obvious joke (humorous or not).
  • by dmarcov ( 461598 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @10:36PM (#2802295) Homepage
    I had a high school physics teacher that was a bit of a bible thumper (no offense to any thumpers out there) who insisted that we would /never/ find planets (or planet like objects)in other solar systems. It was impossible, because . Something about proof denying faith, and without faith God being nothing ... oh wait -- that was someone else.

    I'd love to talk with him now ...
    • Now that god has apparently failed him he is probably off learning how to be a satanist. (typical extremist behaviour)

    • by gewalker ( 57809 ) <> on Tuesday January 08, 2002 @12:16AM (#2802538)
      Perhaps instead of thumping his Bible, he should have tried reading it before expressing his opinion. The book is silent on other planets and of course life on other planets, much less intelligent life on other planets.

      Perhaps once could infer that there is no intelligent life on other planets based on theological complications with Jesus having to die for their sins too, but even that is speculation beyond what the book says.

      The Bible has very little to say about scientific matters, despite what many theologians and Bible thumpers have decided up over the years. You would think people would have learned that making up stuff, claiming it was based on the Bible, and then getting trashed by the facts would have become unpopular since Galileo. BTW, the theoligians that disagreed with Galileo were following Aristotlean arguments not the Bible. Once again, the bible never says the earth was the center of the universe, etc. The Bible mentions the sun rising, etc. and people have inferred that the earth is at the center becuase of such language -- however, this is merely descriptive of the apparent sunrise, I can even read the sunrise & sunset times in the morning paper, and I am pretty sure that publisher know that earth orbits the sun, and the sun-rise is simply appearance, not a literal sun-rise.

      Back to topic

      Let's face it, the ability to directly image anything outside the solar system is pretty amazing. It was not very long ago that Betelgeuse was imaged as the first star (as a disk, not a point source).

      There are some very interesting large-baseline telescopes that have been proposed that would theoretically allow imaging details of planets in other solar systems, alas they budget for such projects may be some time in coming.

      It's still a long way to the nearest star. With current tech, would be be very lucky to get a large ship moving at 1 percent light speed, so we will have to settle for pictures for some time to come. Where is Zephran Cochran when you need him?
      • by Anonymous Coward
        The Vatican recently admitted that it is possible for extraterrestrial life to exist in our universe. Father Coyne, director of the vatican's space observatory (yes, they've got one!) literally says it "would be crazy to think we're alone in the universe".
        Logically, they must therefore also believe in the existance of planets...
        For more info (in Spanish): 010423859.html

        Now I don't know if your Physics teacher was Catholic or not, but in any case...
  • A brown dwarf, especially one that much larger than jupiter is not a planet, but is a star.

    So this isn't a planet orbiting a star, but would better be described as two starts orbiting each other, much like Alpha Centauri proxima (the dwarf one)
    • by xX_sticky_Xx ( 526967 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @11:03PM (#2802370) Homepage Journal
      Like the article says, brown dwarves cannot be considered stars since they do not generate energy from a thermonuclear reaction. Having said that though, they DO give off more energy than they receive from outside sources, much like Jupiter does but on a far larger scale. A good primer site for brown dwarves can be found here [].

      Lastly, it is important to not confuse brown dwarves (almost stars) with white dwarves (dying stars).
      • Brown dwarves occupy the lowest mass regime of all the stars. For example, the largest stars known weigh about 50x our sun's mass, and the smallest stars weigh 0.08x our sun's mass.

        As correctly stated above, the definition of a star (ie. from 0.08 to 50x the sun) is something that's undergoing fusion in the core, which is the energy source for the star.

        The reason that brown dwarfs (and Jupiter) don't become stars is that when they initially formed out of condensing gas, there was not enough material (and thus enough mass) to generate enough pressure at the center of the body to start nuclear fusion. Only when there's high enough pressure, temperature, and density can a star begin fusion. And gaseous bodies with less that 0.08 our sun's mass can't do this, by the laws of hydrostatics (static fluid calculations). Hope this helps!
    • The mass is deceptive.
      The body is closer to the size of the Sun than Jupiter.
      Still brown dwarves are important to study and may be very common in the universe.
  • The object is a brown dwarf

    Doesn't look that brown to me!

    Then again, I believe that black holes aren't that black either ... :-)
  • ummm, excuse me... (Score:5, Informative)

    by anzha ( 138288 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @11:16PM (#2802405) Homepage Journal

    What ever happene dto Gliese 229?

    That was imaged back quite a while ago by a caltech team.

    I found papers about it at Jean Schnieder's webpage [], but not a listing...

    • Re: Mod up. (Score:5, Informative)

      by deglr6328 ( 150198 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @11:38PM (#2802461)
      Someone needs to mod the above up; it's important. I would have rephrased the post to reflect that this was NOT the first image of a brown dwarf orbiting a star if I knew about it before I submitted the comment.

      On closer examination, the Gemini North press release [] does not claim to be the first to image a brown dwarf; from the site:"The faint companion is separated from its parent star by less than the distance between the Sun and the planet Uranus and is the smallest separation brown dwarf companion seen with direct imaging". It is only the CNN story that incorrectly claims this.....Hmmmm perhaps a notification [] is in order.
    • You mean Gliese 229B... Gliese 229 is the parent star. :-)=

      And yes, that was the first direct image of a sub-stellar object outside the Solar System. CNN's science writers could use a clue.

      • Gliese 229B is a brown dwarf orbiting a red dwarf of 0.46 Sol mass. The distance from the parent star is not given. Since 229 is pretty dim, it's easier to see the companion. Picking a brown dwarf out from around a bright star is much more difficult, because the bright star tends to wash out the picture if you are running long exposures to catch dim objects. However, CNN does not indicate the size of the new parent star, only that it is "like our sun".

        Looking at the pictures, I think the new parent star is much brighter than 229, and the brown dwarf much closer, so this is indeed a step forward. It just isn't as big a step as you'd think from the CNN article. The CNN sub-head "the closest ever observed around a star through direct imaging" may be accurate, but the headline "In a first, object near a star caught on camera" is misleading, at least.
    • []
    • This was really the first brown dwarf imaged, AND exven had it's spectra taken. all back in 1995.

      Here are a couple of Google searches, for the images and spectra: &b tnG=Google+Search ra &btnG=Google+Search
  • Until we see it moving around that other star in an ellipse, it's just some bright pixels next to some other bright pixels. Hopefully, in a few months, we'll get to see some relative motion from it.
  • by oni ( 41625 ) on Monday January 07, 2002 @11:25PM (#2802427) Homepage
    I still have a high-school science book that states "a star will appear as a single point of light even in the largest telescopes"
    Now we can see surface features on stars and even objects orbiting them. Pretty cool. Imagine what an orbiting interferometer will do!
    • by supernova87a ( 532540 ) <<kepler1> <at> <>> on Tuesday January 08, 2002 @02:28AM (#2802778)
      Well, an important thing to understand is that this discovery is not a "picture" of the planet or the star in the traditional sense, in that you cannot see details on the surface of either the planet or star. That possibility is simply way beyond any telescope technology we currently have, and will continue to be for quite some time.

      If you take a look at the original image released (in the CNN story), the point is that the scientists were able to see the planet separately from the star, on its own, for the first time. Up until now, it has generally only been inferred that those planets exist, based on the wobble of the parent star, or appearance/disappearance of elements in the spectrum.

      Both the star and the planet are point objects. There is no detail you can see on either, even though they seem to have "diameter". This is just diffraction at work.
    • Imagine what an orbiting interferometer will do

      Just get in the way, I'd imagine ;-)
  • ...Won't someone go to the effort of making a pun involving the words "brown dwarf" and "uranus"!

    I am almost certain it can be done. Someone out there must have the technology.

  • As you can read, as far as 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope imaged a brown dwarf orbiting a brown dwarf on Gliese 229B []. Indeed, some of the US media call it "the first discovered brown-dwarf" although the discoverer was Rafael Rebolo et al at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias [] (he and his colleagues proposed the "Lithium test" method to actually detect this substellar objetcts). You can read a short report about brown dwarf findings at American Scientist [].
  • by autopr0n ( 534291 ) on Tuesday January 08, 2002 @12:50AM (#2802602) Homepage Journal
    adaptive optics have the ablity to create images at the same resolution of the Huble space telescope. I wonder what this means for it's future. Seems kinda pointless now.

    ( I submitted an artical about it to slashdot a month or so ago, but it was rejected..)
    • by Gogo Dodo ( 129808 ) on Tuesday January 08, 2002 @01:46AM (#2802703)
      The HST was built in the late 70's/early 80's. When did adaptive optics start up? I imagine that at the time, the HST was cutting edge for non-military space telescopes.

      As for the HST's future, it's scheduled for EOL at the end of the decade. Check out NASA's Next Generation Space Telescope [] page for its successor.

    • by TMB ( 70166 ) on Tuesday January 08, 2002 @12:34PM (#2804475)
      There are a few advantages that HST still has...

      - AO works by measuring the distortions in the atmosphere and then compensating for them. But light from different parts of your field take slightly different paths through the atmosphere, and so are not perfectly corrected. As you get farther and farther away from the point where you measured the distortion, your corrections get worse and worse. The amount of sky that you can correct at once is quite small.

      - In order to measure the distortions, you need a bright star that you can take as a point source. So bright that only about 1% of the sky is accessible. Artificial stars are still unreliable (but getting better).

      - AO-corrected images have a really weird point spread function (PSF)... you have a fairly large halo of light around a sharp peak in the centre. Great for finding points, but hard for measuring how bright the entire thing is.

      - The atmosphere blocks out a hell of a lot of the UV and IR light. No way of getting that back without going above the atmosphere.

      So HST still has very unique capabilities. And just wait until we start seeing science out of the ACIS instrument!

  • So... (Score:4, Funny)

    by Simon Garlick ( 104721 ) on Tuesday January 08, 2002 @01:07AM (#2802629)
    They're admitting that it's all done with mirrors?
  • ...from the people that are co-ordinating AO research across the country: []
  • ...unless pictures of earth don't count.
  • The object is a planet, 1/55 to 1/78 the mass of a brown dwarf. View the photo [].

  • by awhoward ( 108214 )
    the abstract for the technical article is already on the preprint servers. it's much better than the cnn article, for the technically trained. (the complete article was temporarily withdrawn, but they tell you how to get it.) see
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Umm... an idea came to my mind to build an ao telescope and picture the Moon with it. Assuming we did this, what would be the resolution within reasonable bounds of investment to hardware. Would we be able to see the Apollo landing sites and the trails left by the Moon Buggy?
  • by Hektor_Troy ( 262592 ) on Tuesday January 08, 2002 @04:29AM (#2802890)
    African Extraterrestrial Vertically Challanged Star
  • It was imaged using adaptive optics ... that correct for the blurring effect of the atmosphere using deformable mirrors.

    Leet. Sounds like they've got hardware Photoshop filters. :)
  • First Image Of Planet-Like Body Orbiting A Star

    Nah, I've got a few pictures of the wife and kids standing on Earth.

  • An actual image of a planet-like body orbiting a star? No way! []
  • I magnified the image of the new planet and I swear I saw a Starbucks logo.
  • The last time I saw a planet-like body orbiting a star was Marlon Brando's birthday party.

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
