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Space Science

NASA Plans "Carl Sagan Center" To Study Cosmos 11

FortKnox writes: "According to Y!, there will be a new NASA center, known as The Carl Sagan Center, that will study the cosmos, specializing in searching for life. Comprised of 3 (maybe 4) high tech labs, it will also include an exhibit area with an auditorium. Dedicating the center was one of the last things done by Goldin. The article has a great (brief) history of Carl Sagan, and everything involved in the center to be built."
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NASA Plans "Carl Sagan Center" To Study Cosmos

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    They could have billions and billions of visitors every year!
    • They could have billions and billions of visitors every year!

      Hope they will be charging 10$/visitor.Now that US government decided that money are better spent on Tomahawks than space probes, they need some other sources of funds.
  • by banks ( 205655 ) on Friday December 14, 2001 @03:57AM (#2703342) Homepage
    Carl Sagan was one of the greatest popularizers of the science of astronomy and cosmography. His efforts, while not always rigidly scientifically valid, were some of the strongest towards the popularization of true science in the modern world. Anyone who doubts his dedication should read his work In the Demon Haunted World, Science as a Candle in the Dark. One of my favorite books. I like to give it as a present to psuedoscience beleivers.
    • Actually there is already a memorial to Sagan in Ithaca: The Carl Sagan Memorial Planet Walk [sciencenter.org]. It consists of a model of the solar system laid out over downtown Ithaca. The sun is 30cm across and is featured prominently on the Ithaca Commons, a downtown shopping district. Pluto is close to the foot of Cayuga Lake at the Ithaca Science Center, over a kilometer away. At this scale the Earth is just a 1/10th of inch across, but they mount the planetary models so that they can be viewed through a magnifying lens.

      If NASA really wanted to memorialize Sagan with a new research lab, then at least one of the buildings should be at Cornell where he spent his career, even after he could have left little Ithaca behind and gone to live in DC, or LA, or work at the JPL.
    • here here! (Score:1, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      He most certainly does.

      "Pale Blue Dot" is another great book of his where he eloquently argues for what I agree should be man's future and against idiodicy like "papal infalibility"!

      Hmmm...Miss Cleo has a commercial on...time to turn the tv off...*sigh*...
  • Unfortunately, his estate has sued over the use of his name, so NASA has renamed it the BHA Center.

Once it hits the fan, the only rational choice is to sweep it up, package it, and sell it as fertilizer.
