Scientists Activate Neurons With Quantum Dots 30
A.L. Blais writes: "By using the molecular-recognition capabilities of living cells, scientists have made selective electrical contacts to neurons."
Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
Now here's something (Score:1)
Awsome... (Score:2)
Ok, there must be something here... (Score:1)
Increase/restore memory?
Fight neurologic disease?
Organic computer components?
Treat drug addiction?
Troll for bozos in the Science selection?
Re:Ok, there must be something here... (Score:1)
Well.. If you can hook up some cable from your computer, then you could download all the information you could find off the web into your mind. Imagine the leaps and bounds in science and just everything in our society if everybody could draw in every bit of information on anything... and then improve upon it...
Re:Ok, there must be something here... (Score:1)
Not everybody. But I'll be more than happy to license this capability to you. I've left my card on your website.
Re:Ok, there must be something here... (Score:1)
Re:Ok, there must be something here... (Score:1)
PGB cracking anyone? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
I think as humans we greatly underestimate the capibility of our own mind...
"The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it." : The Roman Rule
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
With huge amount of data collected from different people, it will be known what parts of cognitive functions share a common basis among individuals, and what parts are highly variable. For example we know that the concept of "red" is perceptually grounded and somewhat constant concept among individuals, we can look for redness encoded in the brain, starting from visual fields and going to deeper parts. But what about "grandmother"? Does its encoding share anything at all among individuals? The answer is probably not.
If it turns out that variables are so much higher in number than constants, symbolic uploading of information into the brain is impossible without a machine that can already do much more than an augmented brain. The first part of this if statement is an open question, second part is a logical consequence. It may turn out that even though people can make super AI machines, they still prefer to do thinking themselves. Then your dream may come true. I wouldn't bother with thinking if something else is doing it provably better than me though.
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
I guess you didn't think too much about that quote before you replied about it... We haven't even interfaced with our own brains yet, and already you're speculating on its exact functions. You said yourself that our brain (even halves of brains) has the function to reconfigure itself to become normal once again, so why can't our brain adapt to take input from something we present to it? People that have gone blind have had their brains start to use entirely different lobes to again take in visual input. So since it adapted to retreive and store data from our eyes in an entirely different way that is started out as, then why can't it adapt to a set of wires and a simple stream of 1's and 0's?
Your greatest flaw is comparing our brain to large chunk of transistors... the human brain has much more capibility than that...
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
Oh, I got it wrong. I thought you were talking about technology. Saying something like "we can invent things that can overcome these problems, although we now have no idea how to attack them. we are clever." Your greatest flaw is comparing our brain to large chunk of transistors... the human brain has much more capibility than that...
That is my job, in a sense. I'm a cognitive scientist (and a chemical engineer, so what?)
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
Rest assured.. (Score:1)
OTOH neural approaches (artifical models and neurocognition) are plagued by lack of explanatory(sp?) power. I believe the process based explanations, based on experimental data from cogs.psych field, rather than pure theory from phil or cogs.ling fields, will prove to be the most useful findings in future; both by explaning how natural intelligence works, and helping how to build artificial ones.
Even though I like cognitive psychology more, my line of research is artificial life because there are few options here to go for experimental route :(
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
But object recognition (which is a prerequisite for experineces related to vision) is another thing entirely. It is not like that eyes see a chair and somewhere along the line of the visual path, a module become aware of seeing a chair and sending information to later processes "I'm looking at a chair. My experience is seeing a chair." The information is represented in a distributed manner (that is a population of neurons contribute to a representation by assuming different levels of activation for each item, but no single neuron define an object, or an attribute) which makes very hard to link concepts to activities of population of neurons, and impossible to link activities of single neurons. So an experience is not represented anywhere by itself. The transition from sensation to experience is gradual too.
There are also encouraging findings. It seems it is possible to differentiate between a small list of predetermined items a person is seeing/imagining by monitoring activites of relatively small number of neurons. Distinguishing members of a closed set is far from manipulating activites to feed whatever experinece you like. But that is a step in the right direction.
Please don't confuse feeding experiences with feeding information. In the first case, it is sufficient that experience occurs, in the second case it must also make sense to the host, and preserved over time. First is very difficult, second is a few orders of magnitude more difficult. Sort of like the difference between copying a previously unknown ancient glyph to paper and understanding what that glyph means.
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
Nobody needs 20 seconds to write that, why doesn't /. complain?
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
That is partly true, the brain is not a homogenous lump of neurons even at birth. Cell differentiation is already done, and which parts get which neurons is determined by genome almost exclusivly. Sensory input to the brain is also not to random locations, visual information goes to back side, auditory information goes to middle, inner side etc. But the barin is higly plastic, if in early life (a few weeks at best) the feeding locations are altered, or if they were wrong to begin with, the brain can adopt to changes, usually without any visible consequences. Children born with a whole hemisphere of brain missing can become normal individuals, that is the extend of amazing plasticity of brain.
If you consider it carefully, though, it works against external information feeding. It would be much easier if people had fixed locations for differents functions. Discover once, use for all. Since that is not the case, something must be done either to dechipher individual brains, or as you suggest make different brains look alike. But a single interface would not solve the problem, the interfaces to the external interface would still be higly variable. To solve that you have to standardize whole brain, which means controlling precisely what information goes into brain in early life, from which locations it goes, and no genetic differences in the brain encoding genes. I'm not sure that is a good idea. I would rather have a fool child than an identical child.
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
The 'interface' of the huge bundle of neurons that makes up the optic nerve is not the same for each individual, but almost all individuals can see. I expect this is similar for all of the interfaces which humans have (the development of motor-control is very interesting in young humans - 5 year olds can't write well not because they don't know what shapes to draw but because they don't have the fine control required for such delicate work).
I am not a neurologist and my understanding of the brain is very superficial (how many neurologists read
Certainly, neurological interfaces are one step closer - but for now I'm more interesting in finding nerves which I can control, or learn to control which aren't necessarilly in my brain! That extra limb can come in handy
Ian Woods
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
I have been talking about impossibility (or let me sugar coat it, since the idea doesn't seem to be well received: extreme improbability) of symbolic knowledge feeding to/extraction from brain.
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
Re:PGB cracking anyone? (Score:1)
Huh? The data always enters the brain the same way, but once inside, it's up to the individual brain to assimilate the data.
Yes, but I don't remember objecting to that?
Uses. (Score:1)
On the other hand, we could develop some kind of organic computing. Science fiction aside, though, I'm not sure what advantage an organic computer would give. But a lot of people seem to think this sort of thing would be useful, so what the hey...
Stem cells (Score:1)
An organic replica of the damaged region is probably easier and more compatible. Rewiring brain does not have to be made with perfect accuracy, neurons are capable of learning new connections and destroying unused ones. Just provide appropriate mix of neuron types, and connections to outside, brain will heal itself. Stem cells extracted from adults is the way to go. If that proves unfeasible, other ways of introducing correct type of fresh neurons should be considered before going non-organic.
But a lot of people seem to think this sort of thing would be useful, so what the hey...
If they are fast, who cares what they are made of. I can't think of a reason to prefer an organic computer to a non-organic one, except for coolness rating, if they perform more or less the same. I'd rather halt than kill my computer.
Re:Uses. (Score:1)
Any potential for cancer? (Score:1)
It seems to me that an important point is that we've figured out how to connect to individual cells. To quote the article:
I admit it's more fun to think about controlling neurons and the brain, but I think the aspects that we can be precise at the cellular level on a living being is much more interesting.