"Dark Matter" Observed 209
An anonymous submitter writes: "The space news site Space Flight Now has an article about the first direct "observation" of so called dark matter. Galaxies appear to have more gravitation (mass) than we can currently observe. The theory of dark matter tries to explain this missing mass by the existence of massive bodies too faint to detect. These bodies include everything from dim stars to exotic particles called WIMPs. The previously dark matter, a dwarf star, was detected when it passed in front of a brighter blue star, creating a gravitational lens. It is thought that there are many more like it out there creating all that extra gravity, we just can't see them." Wired has another story; or see the European Space Agency's original article.
that makes more sence....... (Score:1)
sorry! (Score:2)
Re:sorry! (Score:2)
OK. From the article:
"Observations of clusters of galaxies and
the large scale structure of individual galaxies tell us that no more than a quarter of the total amount of matter in the Universe consists of normal atoms and molecules that make up the familiar world around us."
IOW, at least 75 percent of the universe is made of something other than protons, neutrons and electrons. This dim star is in the 25 percent "normal matter" minority.
hope that helps!
Re:sorry! (Score:2)
Actually, no it isn't. It's pretty solid.
"there is not proof that Wimps exist."
True, but I said nothing about wimps. Wimps are but one hypothetical kind of non-baryonic matter. The truth is, we know almost nothing about dark matter, we only know a little about what it is not (i.e., baryons).
Re:sorry! (Score:2)
Re:sorry! (Score:2)
Neutrinos mostly do not interact with normal matter; millions pass through your body every second. There is a very small probability that one will interact with matter, however, and it is this small probability that neutrino detectors rely on.
You basically get a big tank of chlorine, put it deep underground where nothing but neutrinos (which pass right through the Earth without blinking >>99% of the time) can reach it, and wait hours and hours for one of the chlorine atoms to interact with one of the billions of neutrinos passing by every second. The interaction produces a gamma ray photon, which in turn produces a cascade of visible light photons, which are detected by photomultipliers lining the tank's walls.
Re:sorry! (Score:2)
Neutrinos interact with matter only through the weak nuclear force (and probably the gravitational force; whether they have mass or not is still kind of open, although it seems increasingly more likely that they have a non-zero mass). You are correct that the neutrino reaction does not directly produce a gamma ray photon.
The collision of a neutrino with a chlorine atom changes one of the chlorine atom's neutrons into a proton (note: a weak nuclear reaction), thus transforming the Chlorine atom to an Argon atom (atomic numbers 17 and 18, respectively). The reaction also produces an electron (charge must be conserved).
The particular isotope of argon produced (Ar-37) is unstable to radioactive decay. In a few days it spontaneously reverts back to Chlorine-37, producing an anti-electron in the process:
Ar(37) -> Cl(37) + neutrino + e(+)
The anti-electron immediately finds its way to the nearest electron, and they annihilate, producing a pair of gamma rays, which lead to a cascade of optical photons, which are detected by the experiment.
Note that Super-K (the Japanese experiment that was damaged recently) doesn't actually use this chlorine setup, it uses something similar using ultra-pure water as the reactant. Also, I believe the water-based detectors rely on the kinetic energy of the electron in the first reaction to produce cerenkov radiation, rather than a subsequent beta decay/annihilation of anti-electron.
Here are some links on neutrino detector experiments. Google has all these and more.
The Solar Neutrino Problem [nikhef.nl]
Review of all experiments [in2p3.fr]
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory [queensu.ca] uses deuterium (a/k/a heavy water)
Super-Kamiokande [washington.edu]
AMANDA [berkeley.edu] uses Antarctic Ice as the reactant.
I recommend the first link for a detailed overview of solar neutrinos.
Re:sorry! (Score:2)
Neutrinos are generated in the reaction n -^gt; p + e + v where a free neutron decays to a proton, and electron and an anti-neutrino, and pretty much every reaction that takes place within the Sun's fusion cycle.
How long...? (Score:3, Funny)
Re: Or worse (Score:2)
BTW, I've always wondered, is the matter that has been sucked into black holes considered is the total matter of the universe equation? It seems that everywhere they look, they find another black hole. Maybe there's alot of unaccounted matter out there.
Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:4, Interesting)
What a pair of choices.
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:2)
The worst theory of them all (Score:2)
Is the theory which says, at any given moment the universe can simply destroy itself, and while the chances are 1 in a billion or something really high and unlikely, the possibility is there for ALL matter in the universe to cease to exsist.
Time wont end, just our lives. Even if matter no longer there in this form, its energy will still be there
Re:The worst theory of them all (Score:2)
Re:The worst theory of them all (Score:2)
We only know how much matter is in it, we dont know how much space is in it
Time does not actually exsist, change exsists. The universe however never ends, simply changes, big bang was part of a change, and the universe will change to something else.
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:4, Funny)
I'm going to die in about 50 years (give or take 10), if you're going to die in a couple trillion, I wouldn't be that depressed, but maybe you better live it up while you can.
Expand into nothing, compressed to a single point, eaten by a giant galactic space goat; it's all the same to me. I'd be more concerned about our sun burning out in a couple billion years myself....
No (Score:2)
Dark matter is increasing, the universe is going to expand until we are so far apart that we all freeze to death.
The universe will not collapse, that theory was proven false a long time ago. Since its proven that we are moving apart, Its safe to assume that we will move apart forever.
Also for big bangs, Big bangs happen all the time, in fact Big bangs are happening right now.
Re:No (Score:2)
Re:No (Score:2)
That said, your assumption seems silly to me. You act as though there were no force in the universe which could counter the inertia which governs the universe's current expansion.
I'm no astrophysicist, but I can name two off the top of my head: Friction, and Gravity.
Space is not empty, dispite the rumors you may have heard... Every body in motion meets resistance, because there is no pure vacuum. Those particles do constitute a force, no matter how miniscule, and given enough time, they will win out, just as a rock eventually gives way to the trickle of a tiny stream.
Also, every object currently moving outward from the center of the universe is being slowed but the sum total of all of the gravition of the objects behind it (Objects between a body and the Universal center, and objects moving in other directions from the center). Even though gravity has a rapidly diminsihing effect as distance increases, it never reaches zero. Regardless of how fast, or how far a body is, there will always be more matter (light or dark) generating gravity to slow it.
At some point, I believe the big crunch will come again, just as I believe it came before. I think it's an endless cycle.
Universal centre? (Score:2)
Also, every object currently moving outward from the center of the universe is being slowed but the sum total of all of the gravition of the objects behind it.
There's no such thing as the centre of the Universe. If there was we'd be able to tell whereabouts we were because everything would be rushing away from the centre. Instead the Universe is isotropic and homogenous - ie. it looks the same in all directions and from all positions. Wherever you are in the Universe you'll see the rest of the Universe spreading away from your position.
And anyway, whether gravity can slow down the expansion of the Universe enough depends on the amount of matter within it, which is a conserved quantity. Of course, as gravity follows an inverse square law the forces slowing down spacetime expansion get weaker over time, and we just don't know whether there's enough matter so that gravity is strong enough.
Probably not, but who knows?
Re:Universal centre? (Score:2)
that is why it is homogenius because of the 4 dimentional nature of the universe.
Re:Universal centre? (Score:2)
the center of the univers is at the center of a super sphere.
What supersphere? Do you mean a 4-d spacetime hypersphere? I still don't think that the centre of that has any physical meaning unless you ascribe it as being the initial singularity at t=0 (which probably doesn't exist).
if we can find a glow at the most far out reach...farther than the farhtes Quasar...and that glow is equal eveywhere, then that is the center of the universe.
Are you talking about the microwave background radiation which is everywhere? That's all that's left of the afterglow of the Big Bang, the glow itself stopped after 300,000 years when the energy density of the Universe dropped low enough so that photons stopped interacting with matter so often.
Apart from that you make no sense. What does 4 dimensions have to do with the fact that the Universe is homogenous?
Re:Universal centre? (Score:2)
No (Score:2)
if the universe were to go into a big crunch we will be moving back toward the center.....
Not at all. Using the usual analogy think of a universe with 2 spacial and 1 time dimension, where the spatial dimensions are on the surface of a "balloon." As the universe expands (as in blowing the balloon up) things get further apart, but equally so at every point on the surface of the balloon - there is no "centre". Equally so for when it is contracting - it contracts everywhere equally and there is no centre of contraction on the surface.
Extrapolating from a 3-d sphere to a 4-d hypersphere, it's easy to see there doesn't have to be a centre in this case either. It's just a lot harder to visualise :)
Re:No (Score:2)
Re:No (Score:2)
But that's nothing to do with a centre is it? The sphere may have a centre but space doesn't, and even if you contract the universe back to the centre of the sphere you can still never say that space has any particular centre. And the centre of the sphere is nothing more than the initial singularity at t=0, which isn't really a centre of anything either.
Re:No (Score:2)
Re:Universal centre? (Score:2)
Seriously, even if no central point can be defined from a distance perspective (which I am perfectly willing to accept), there must still be a gravitational center - a location where the amount of matter, and the average of that matter's distance works out to be roughly equal in all directions.
Again, even if this cannot be condensed to a single point in space/time, the effect of this central area would be the same as it relates to bodies retreating from it.
Of course, this is speculative, and as much as I'd like to see a unified theory of everything someday, I don't know that we'll ever get there. The thing I like about the cyclic Big Bang/Big Crunch idea is that it puts us on a timer! We don't have forever to solve all of the riddles of the universe... It's more like (Forever - 1).
Nope (Score:2)
Seriously, even if no central point can be defined from a distance perspective (which I am perfectly willing to accept), there must still be a gravitational center - a location where the amount of matter, and the average of that matter's distance works out to be roughly equal in all directions.
That's the whole point of it being isotropic and homogenous - there is no single preferred point at which you can say "this is the centre". At any point you choose there is a (approximately) uniform distribution of matter in every direction. Sure there are local irregularities (galactic superclusters for instance), but on a large enough scale this uniformity seems to hold.
Of course, this is speculative, and as much as I'd like to see a unified theory of everything someday, I don't know that we'll ever get there. The thing I like about the cyclic Big Bang/Big Crunch idea is that it puts us on a timer! We don't have forever to solve all of the riddles of the universe... It's more like (Forever - 1).
Heh, well the latest theory to come out of superstring research is called the Big Splat, and involves four-dimensional manifolds embedded in a five-dimensional manifold, of which two collide and start the Big Bang...
Re:Nope (Score:2)
You seem a smart fellow; why do you continue to spell "center" incorrectly. ;)
History Lesson (OT) (Score:2)
Probably because he's a Brit. The spellings of many words in American English differ from that of The Queen's English. This is largely due to the anti-British sentiments held by Noah Webster: he intentionally revised the spellings of many words to differentiate the American language from it's ancestor. It helps to know that Noah Webster was a student at Yale during the Revolutionary War -- during most of his lifetime, England was the enemy of the U.S., not the close ally it is today.
Re:History Lesson (OT) (Score:2)
Since he hasn't responded to it, and many of you have, I have to believe that he interpreted it in the spirit in which it was intended, and you louts did not.
Subtlety is becoming a lost art...
Re:Nope (Score:2)
Re:Nope (Score:2)
I have to do a double-take myself. I much prefer the old comment numbering too...
Umm, did you read that page? (Score:2)
From the page you linked to:
In the above all-sky map, radiation in the Earth's direction of motion appears blueshifted and hence hotter, while radiation on the opposite side of the sky is redshifted and colder. The map indicates that the Local Group moves at about 600 kilometers per second relative to this primordial radiation.
The difference between the two halves of the sky is due to the relative motion of the Local Group of galaxies, not some "centre of the universe" effect.
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:2, Interesting)
so its possible that the universe has banged, expanded, collapsed in on itself and banged again multiple times already, right? (in fact, you can give yourself a serious headache by pondering the implications that this sequence of events is repeated infinitely, that there was never a 'first' time and there will never be a last).
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:1, Informative)
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:2)
Easily proved untrue: photons have no rest-mass. All tests on photons have confirmed this.
As for neutrinoes holding the fate of the universe: they don't. They can be up to something like 10% of dark matter, but not more, based on the distribution of dark matter in clusters of galaxies.
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:2)
Hmm, maybe you should go back and do some more physics...
that's funny you say photons have no rest mass because last time i checked no one had been able to slow a photon down to zero velocity (they might get close, but not zero),
You can't slow a photon down - they travel at c and no other speed. And this is because they have no rest mass, as has been born out by every experiment ever done involving photons! Amazing eh?
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:2)
They most certainly do travel at other speeds! It may have been a while since I took a physics course, but as I recall, "c" is the speed of light in a vacuum.
Light can (and does) travel slower in other media.
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:2)
They most certainly do travel at other speeds! It may have been a while since I took a physics course, but as I recall, "c" is the speed of light in a vacuum.
That's because they keep getting absorbed by the atoms in the material and then re-emitted, which takes time (depending on things like the density of the material for instance). The actual photons always travel at c.
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:2)
The general idea is that interactions mediated by fields like electromagnetic fields (or weak nuclear forces) have a range which is determined by the mass of the force-carrying boson. The bosons mediating the inter-nuclear forces have mass, and are short-range (they have an exponential tail, which falls to zero quickly). But massless force-carrying particles should have inverse square behavior. (I.e. gravity and electromagnetism, where gravity is transmitted, in this kind of physical theory, by hypothetical "gravitons" analogous to the "photons" that transmit electromagnetic forces.)
The experiments to verify inverse-square behavior take the form of verifying Coulomb's law, which in turn takes the form of verifying that the free charge in a conductor resides on the surface. Read Jackson's _Classical Electrodynamics_ for some more description. (Chapter 0 or 1, I forget.)
Now, you might not be convinced: "but what if the connection between mass and force-coupling is not correct. The logic chain breaks down." Sure, but if that logic chain breaks down, then we don't even know what the word "photon" is supposed to refer to, much less what it would mean for such a "non-gauge-field photon" to have mass or not.
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:1)
(Hey OmniWeb has a built-in spell checker!)
"I'm not theoretical astrophysicist and I don't play one on Slashdot!"
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:2)
The "Big Crunch" was once thought possible, but that was before we discovered the universe is *expanding* and *accelerating*.
Galactic Garbage, Heat Death, and Big Science (Score:2)
I used to believe the universe would eventually go through a Big Crunch/Big Bang cycle again. But the recent discovery of an expansionary force acting on galaxies (ie: the universe is increasing its rate of expansion, "blowing up quicker") has been a bit of a slap in the face for that point of view. So we're back to an open universe: it is basically a big firecracker destined for heat death.
Having a bunch of dead stars hanging around galaxies would seem to indicate a sort of "fossil history" of our galaxy. I wonder how far out these relic stars go out from the center... I mean, our system is pretty far out, but we may be the equivalent of the Earth in relation to an "Oort Cloud" of dark matter in our (somewhat bigger) galaxy.
A friend of a friend, who is doing post-grad work in Physics at Clown College, has just switched majors from particle physics to cosmology, which is a pretty big switch. I think he's smart: astronomy and cosmology are going to be the next Big Science soon enough.
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:2)
It turns out that you can calculate the absolute brightness of a type Ia supernova from its light curve (how quickly it fades away). By measuring the apparent brightness of a bunch of these events at large distances, we can find their physical distance. By measuring the redshift of the light arriving here, we can find out how long the light has been traveling (sorta; general relativity makes it slightly more complicated to explain what I'm talking about here. Look up "comoving distances" for yourself.).
The thing is, up until then everyone assumed that the universe is expanding but slowing down. Not so! Turns out, it is accelerating. We know from GR that only a vacuum energy density could produce this effect, and that is a constant per *physical* volume, while everything else in the universe spreads out with the increasing size of the comoving volume. As a result, the amount of vacuum energy can only increase, barring some kind of phase transition. Therefore, the acceleration can only increase with time.
So the answer is -- no, the universe will never collapse back on itself, but will expand forever at an ever increasing rate. The only thing that could change this would be a vacuum decay event, which would unfortunately probably destroy all matter in the universe.
Re:Fate of the Universe . . . (Score:1)
Of course, with our microscopic view our theories don't hold a lot of water. If we could visit a couple million planets and get viewpoints from all of those, I expect that a lot of our theories about the Universe would change.
Perhaps the Universe isn't even expanding now, and space is simply a closed hyperparaboloid.
Peek-a-boo (Score:3, Funny)
Does anyone else have the feeling we are just playing peek-a-boo.
"Hey, its dark in here. Where did everyone go?"
"Ummm, move your hands!?"
"Oh, there they are. That was really weird!"
You've just got to love cosmology...
Soft Light (Score:1)
Um, if it's a star it can't be dark matter.... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Um, if it's a star it can't be dark matter.... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Um, if it's a star it can't be dark matter.... (Score:2)
Now, if you want to discuss the uncertainty of the low-mass stellar mass function, and say that it's possible that there are lots more of these dim stars than we currently estimate, that's a different story (although no one would recommend making this argument based on the observation of a single object). However, there can't be so many of these little guys as to solve the missing mass problem.
Re:Um, if it's a star it can't be dark matter.... (Score:2)
I agree with you that most objects detected by the MACHO project may be things like white dwarfs and Brown Dwarfs, but this object is not one of them. That's why I suggested the title be changed to something like "At least one MACHO object is found not to be Dark Matter".
I hope that clears up my post.
Re:Um, if it's a star it can't be dark matter.... (Score:3, Informative)
First, people noticed that we cannot observe enough luminous matter to either produce a flat universe, or account for the dymanical behavior of large-scale systems. This was long assumed to consist of halos of cold gas, dust, brown dwarfs, etc.
However, cosmological considerations (especially primordial nucleosynthesis) rules out this scenerio, because we can use the deuterium mass fraction to calculate the ratio of photons to baryons in the early universe. We know how many photons there are (per comoving volume, as usual), and it turns out that there are only enough baryons to account for about 4% of the density needed to produce a flat universe. Since the universe is not noticably non-flat, we can assume there is "a lot" of non-baryonic matter out there, in axions, massive neutrinos, or something more exotic. This stuff is called non-baryonic dark matter, unsurprisingly, and often gets confused with the other kind.
Finally, in the last five years or so we have received a couple of cool new data points: the angular size of the first harmonic mode of perturbations in the cosmic microwave background, and the distance scale to various redshifts, as seen using type Ia supernovae. The CMB data tells us that the universe really is flat, to high accuracy; otherwise, the perturbations -- we know how big they should be after all -- would be "lensed" by the curvature of spacetime. The supernovae data tells us that -- BIG surprise! -- the universe's expansion is accelerating, not slowing down at all. This implies that there is actually more vacuum energy than matter and energy combined. Best guess, the universe is roughly 70% vacuum energy, 30% matter. For some bizarre reason, people have been calling this the "dark energy" lately. Thus, even more confusion about what you mean when you say "dark matter".
Re:Um, if it's a star it can't be dark matter.... (Score:2)
Re:Um, if it's a star it can't be dark matter.... (Score:2)
Executive Summary: we already knew objects like this existed, and we think we know how many there are in the milky way, so it can't really be part of the solution to the missing mass problem.
Re:Um, if it's a star it can't be dark matter.... (Score:2)
it is just a way to classify something that is yet unexplainable of unobservable either because of lack of technology or lack of power. I am willing to bet that about 50% of the dark matter out there is just planets and moons and asteroids that we can not see or have not looked for yet.
Re:Um, if it's a star it can't be dark matter.... (Score:2)
I'm already arguing this with an AC in another thread, but we already know that not more than 25% of the DM can be "normal" stuff (and it's probably a lot lower than that). That's stated explicitly in the article.
Re:Um, if it's a star it can't be dark matter.... (Score:2)
It could be any number of weird particles that come out of particle physicist's models - axions, technicolor particles, Higg's bosons and so on - although I'd say this was unlikely. Perhaps more likely are the supersymmetric partner particles of normal matter. If supersymmetry is true then every fermion has a supersymmetric boson partner and every boson has a supersymmetric fermion partner. So you get electrons and selectrons, quarks and squarks, W particles and winos and so on. All of the sparticles are a lot heavier than their normal counterparts which could be some of the dark matter.
Re:Um, if it's a star it can't be dark matter.... (Score:2)
Could be massive neutrinos, could be vacuum energy, could be micro black holes. It could be all of these, or none of them. It could be something nobody's thought of yet, something we can't possibly imagine at present. It could be that we simply don't understand gravity as well as we think we do (although that particular angle has a big mountain of contrary evidence to overcome before it can be accepted).
Literally, all we know is that it's Matter (i.e., it exerts a gravitational influence on nearby baryons) and that it's Dark (i.e., said gravitational influence is about *all* it does that we can see). Hence, Dark Matter.
Light? (Score:1)
So we got Dark Matter, and Dark Fibre
Dr. Who is my reference for all things scientific! It's all true isn't it?
Re:Light? (Score:2, Funny)
The ship doesn't move through space... (Score:1)
Of course dark matter exists. It's pooped out by that little monster, Nibbler on Futurama. It powers starships ppl!!!
MACHOS = really big rocks (Score:2)
Mr. Spey
Re:MACHOS = really big rocks (Score:2)
MACHO vs. WIMP (Score:2)
They don't need to not emit ANY light, they just need to emit so little we can't normally see them. If the interstellar dust absorbs most of the light emitted by a distant dwarf star we can't see the light from the star. So we don't know there's a star there, but we can see the effects of it's gravity.
Dark Matter Observed... (Score:2)
which means its time to move
Galactic vs. extragalactic microlensing (Score:5, Informative)
It was indeed Bohdan Paczynski who wrote the first paper about that specific phenomenon, if I recall correctly, the paper was titled "Microlensing on small optical depths". And indeed, he was the one who invented the term "microlensing".
However, I'm more concerned with "extragalactic" microlensing. The funny thing is that stars in remote galaxy can cause microlensing of even more remote quasars. This was first discussed by Chang and Refsdal in an article in Nature, December 6 1979.
The great thing about this is that in galactic microlensing, there are very few MACHOs between us and the stars, so you would have to watch a lot of stars (millions), whereas in extragalactic microlensing, there will be lots of stars, so microlensing events happen all the time. You only need to separate it from the intrinsic variations of quasar...
Now, galactic microlensing has been a so much bigger field of study than extragalctic microlensing, we haven't really got that much attention. In part, it can be becuase galactic microlensing gives so much more solid results, but then, it is just addressing what's going on in our backyard, while the extragalactic microlensing really deals with the universe... :-)
Re:Galactic vs. extragalactic microlensing (Score:1)
What is "Galactic macrolensing"?
Re:Galactic vs. extragalactic microlensing (Score:2)
Whole galaxies can form the basis of such lenses.
Re:Galactic vs. extragalactic microlensing (Score:4, Informative)
"Macrolensing", by itself, usually refers many different situations, but characterized by that several images of the object is resolved. There are a few known objects [harvard.edu]. This database includes only multiply imaged quasars, mostly lensed by a single galaxy, but you can have lensing by galaxy clusters as well.
Actually, the question arised some controversy here among my fellow students as to whether what is known as "weak lensing" should be considered a part of macrolensing, but after consulting The Book, we figured it probably shouldn't.
Misconceptions (Score:2, Informative)
My current understanding is that dark matter is just normal matter that doesn't emit light. For reference, all matter does 'suck in' light (meaning the energy is absorbed, usually given off as heat).
So, I'm gonna go soon, and eat my dark-matter lunch
Re:Misconceptions (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Misconceptions (Score:2)
Re:Misconceptions (Score:2)
Re:Misconceptions (Score:2)
and please explain just how a subatomic particle can be effected so greatly by gravity? is it because the EM force can not effect it so Gravit is the only one left?
Re:Misconceptions (Score:2)
Re:Misconceptions (Score:2)
Re:Misconceptions (Score:2)
Re:Misconceptions (Score:2)
BTW we were talking about sum-Atomic particles not atoms, though I see now that they act the same.
Doesn't anyone listen to Micheal Jackson... (Score:1)
damn it... (Score:2, Insightful)
I really think it's past time for these researchers to change the way they think about the universe. Stop making it so difficult on yourselves. There really CAN be very simple explanations to difficult problems. And sometimes - sorry to tell you this - you're not going to be able to determine EVERYTHING that you want to figure out. That's the way the universe works. Give it time - a LOT of time. Don't come up with unprovable theories to explain irrational phenomena. LET THEM REMAIN UNEXPLAINED UNTIL WE ARE BETTER ABLE TO OBSERVE THEM.
Re:damn it... (Score:1)
the only unfortunate part is that astrophysicists can't schedule and perform their "experiments" whenever they like. they have to keep their eyes open for whenever nature decides to show off some of it's wonders.
You obviously aren't a scientist. (Score:2)
It's not BACKWARDS. It's a big universe.. so we need to have a good idea of what to look for.
I think it was perhaps thought that, if this 'normal matter' accounted for what we saw, we would SEE MORE OF IT, because it's not hidden.
Oh. BTW. We observe electrons, quarks, and the rest of the subatomic particles only through your so-called 'conjectural' observations. Same with some of the 'properties' of these particles.. they exist purely in a mathematical model that works for a certain set of cases; it's not complete.
The point is that they think it's likely that, given the amount of 'missing' matter from what we have observed to date, there may be some 'exotic' reason we can't see it.
Re:damn it... (Score:3, Informative)
No they haven't. Let me quote from a Scientific American article on dark matter.
Hey, notice that part where they say a variety of explanations are offered?
(BTW, what do you mean by "invisible" other than it doesn't have light bouncing off of it?)
Re:damn it... (Score:1)
But I disagree that they need to change their method of inquiry. This very article shows that, given a bit of evidence, cosmologists are very willing to accept the mundane explanation. And this article also points out that they are in fact pursuing the evidence to support the mundane theories.
You portray the scientists as "assuming" many things but I don't see it. The fact that they come up with wild theories does not mean that they are ignoring the obvious. It's jus that, in the absence of evidence, either the mundane or the exotic explanation could be correct. So they don't throw either theory out. I don't see them "making 'conjectural' observations...that is, assuming that an unobservable activity has been proven simply because something observable has occurred." This article certainly does not imply that, quite the opposite in my opinion.
Too much popular science (Score:5, Insightful)
I can COMPLETELY believe the idea that dark matter is just regular matter that isn't being illuminated or is not emitting enough radiation for us to detect! But it seems that this, the most obvious explanation, is the last one that physicists want to believe.
I used to work in a research institute that had a lot of physicists in it, and I think most of them would prefer the mundane explanation. However, they would not rule out wild possibilities, and the minority that preferred the wild possibilities would not rule out mundane explanations.
I think that your problem may be with the reporting of science, which I agree sucks. One thing I have learned (rather painfully) upon my transition from research science to industry is that scientists operate and think very differently from the way journalists think. The journalist tries to translate what the scientists are saying into what he and/or she thinks is the language of most people. This causes distortion, for two reasons:
I dealt with a lot of journalists during my 13 years as a research scientist, and I cannot think of a single instance where the journalist got the story even approximately right. The worldview of the journalist is simply too different from the worldview of the scientist. Very, very few scientists are gifted enough with words to provide alternate explanations, and even when they do, they are usually ignored by people who have read a lot of journalistic reviews of science and love to tell the scientists that they're wrong.
Scientists love to toss around wild guesses and argue fiercely about them. The reason they do this is that this process stimulates imagination and the generation of hypotheses, which give hints on what to look for. The sky is just too big simply to passively look around and gather evidence that you will synthesize later. That approach might be ideal if we had an infinite number of scientists, but we don't. The next best thing is to have a diverse community of scientists, each looking for a different thing. Most may be looking for mundane explanations, but a few will be following wild hairs. This is not a bad thing, because whether the wild hairs turn out to be supported or unsupported, knowing this information reduces the number of ideas that have to be considered. Eventually, if we're lucky, a consensus eventually emerges. But, remember, this is the first observation of a class of objects, not the last.
So, some people will be looking for A, and some will be looking for B, etc. Some of them will get evidence that confirms their guesses; some will not, but all will contribute to the sum of knowledge.
It's a bit like doing detective work. You can't just put cameras everywhere and feed the output into a massive algorithm that solves all possible crimes. Instead, you have to follow leads, guesses, hunches, etc. The only difference in science is that a lot of scientists are doing it, and they tend to keep each other honest.
Now, the journalist wants to make a good story, above all. The mundane does not make a good story. Neither does the concept of a working hypothesis, a guess, or a hunch. So, the journalist (or ESA public relations department or whatever) writes a dramatic story focusing on the exciting bits.
Then, finally, when it gets to the readers, they conclude that something is an Explanation from On High, when it is really nothing of the kind. That's just what happened to it in the process of translation through the journalist.
One thing about science that usually doesn't get around is that the scientist is always in doubt. No scientist is really, deep down, 100% sure of anything. He and/or she may be close to 100% sure, but that isn't a trivial difference; it's a vast chasm in a philosophical sense. This is a very difficult thing to learn, and some scientists forget it. The best scientists, however, do remember it, and some are articulate in describing it, such as Richard Feynman. It isn't a need that most people have to deal with at all, and so explanations tend to be ignored.
For the notion of "dark matter," nobody is even close to 100% sure about anything. The whole need to look for dark matter is because, without it, the equations and predictions relating to the big bang look ugly and unbalanced. That may seem like the flimsiest of reasons, until you remember that radio and relativity were developed as a result of precisely that kind of aesthetic judgement of Maxwell's equations. It could all turn out to be totally wrong, which leads to another poorly understood aspect of science: the most effective evidence is that which is against an idea, not for it. However, the best way we know of to find evidence against an idea is to look for evidence for an idea. This is another psychological trick: if you are emotionally attached to an idea, you will try much harder to show it is correct, and a failure to do so means more than a failure of a casual effort. If you do unintentionally distort evidence to support your hypothesis (this happens all the time, far more than outright fraud), there is always somebody else who will poke holes in your ideas. This is good, not bad, but it's very hard to translate that into the language of most people, where auditors are the enemy, not friends.
Re:damn it... (Score:2, Informative)
> and astrophysics in particular) is this truly
> inane method of making "conjectural"
> observations...that is, assuming that and
> unobservable activity has been proven simply
> because something observable has occurred.
OK. We know from the distribution of light and the measured rotational velocities of most galaxies we can see that they seem to be embedded in a large halo of gravitating mass. This has been measured and confirmed many, many times over that past 40 years.
When you add up the total amount of emitted light from a galaxy, you can get an estimate of it's mass and that turns out to be about 10**12 solar masses, say.
Looking and the dynamic motion of the galaxy using the Doppler shift of spectral lines from stars in the galaxy, you calculate that the required amount of mass for the galactic motion is roughly 100 TIMES the amount you count up by counting stars/gas/glowing stuff alone.
1) Maybe this 'dark' matter is not being illuminated by stars? No - do the calculations and it turns out that this stuff would be detectable. Instead, we see nothing. So, we can rule out baryonic (protons, electrons, photons) matter. Therefore, it has mass but it doesn't interact with baryonic matter - it is only gravitationally coupled with baryonic matter.
2) Maybe it is condensed into cool stars that we can't see? Again, no luck there. Really dim stars are hard to detect, but over the past 5 years, enough have been detected to make a guess as to whether dark matter is this form. There isn't.
So, we still have no clear idea what dark matter is made up of, but a lot of ideas that we can test. I'll admit that it's incredible, but believe me, there's a lot of evidence for dark matter. Alternative hypotheses, such as modified long-range forces have been tried out and don't work (and no, it's a separate issue from non-zero lambda cosmologies!) so we are back into the 'small, energetic, low mass subatomic particle' game.
What we are NOT doing is inventing dark matter, as you imply. We tend to leave it to the mystics.
If you're interested in the more detailed reasons why, please feel free to contact me.
mak at as arizona edu
There is no dark side of the Moon, really... (Score:2)
The funny part is, within 90%-95%, this is really true of the entire universe.
Great first step - next... (Score:2)
But the teams are going to need to be funded so that they can do a complete survey of a larger area of the sky, and begin to get a bound on the number of MACHOs/galaxy or
Anyone know what the longer term funding situation is here? Is it NSF funded?
color me cynical but (Score:1)
I mean, not that dying stars or black holes are merely ordinary, but "Dark Matter" sounded so much more mysterious.
The Fundamental Problem... (Score:1)
A Jedi Knight Fifth Element? (Score:2)
Does this mean that the jedi knights are winning with the fifth element weapon?
Star Wars episode III: The Perfect Element, Source of Clones!
Ok, so they took a picture of 'dark' matter (Score:2)
So, if we can observe the 'dark' matter as being a red dwarf, it's not exactly 'dark' is it? I would assume that objects like red dwarfs, if observable, would have already been counted in the total 'bright matter' column. If not, someone is just undercounting objects that are observable using normal astronomical methods, and needs to go back and make a better estimate of how many of them are out there.
Interesting Dark Matter Properties (Score:3, Interesting)
Then, couldn't you somehow use this "material" for stealth purposes? Body armor making you invisible, etc. etc.
I find it amusing that as humans, we can only detect the existence of something if we can collide EM particles w/it (photons, etc.) We should rephrase a familiar motto to be "I can interact w/EM particles, therefore I exist."
Re:Interesting Dark Matter Properties (Score:2, Interesting)
No. If you touch an object, you don't feel it because it's interacting gravitationally with you. You feel it because its atoms are electromagnetically repelling with your atoms. If it didn't interact electromagnetically, it would pass right through you, just like neutrinos do. The mass of your body is way to small to be any hindrance as far as the gravitational interaction is concerned.
When LIGO goes online, we should be able to directly detect gravitational radiation, as opposed to just electromagnetic radiation. (Of course, we need electromagnetic radiation to read the instruments...)
I've seen dark matter in my *home* (Score:2, Funny)
In that catbox....
Oh wait.. that's not what you're talking about, is it?
Hubble lens? (Score:2, Funny)