Physicists War Over a Unified Theory 451
beggs writes: "I was looking through the New York Times and came across an article which talks about a new front in the war to find a unified theory, but this one does not come from the particle physicists, it comes from the solid state physicists. Here is a little quote for wet your appetite: 'some solid-state physicists are trying to show that the laws of relativity, long considered part of the very bedrock of the physical world, are not platonic truths that have existed since time began.'"
It's hard to pick a side (Score:2, Funny)
natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:3, Interesting)
So I think it's very good that these scientists are challenging theories like this.
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:2, Informative)
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:5, Insightful)
What the physicists are measuring isn't the speed of light - it is the dimensionless constant alpha. Since alpha is dimensionless, you cannot renormalise changes in it by changing the size of your units. (Alpha is a measure of the strength of the electromagnetic (and electroweak) force.)
Quantum mechanics is the thing we know least about. We have tested general relativity to fourteen decimal places, but QED (quantum electrodynamics) has only been tested to ten decimal places. Quantum is a theory filled with ad-hoc rules. GR is increadibly simple. It wouldn't surprise me at all if quantum field theory was shown to be a suitable limit of what happens to gravational waves once non-linear effects become important, and once you start running into the effects of compactified dimensions.
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:4, Funny)
At my old university, we simply referred to these as "God's Units". Of course, I'm in a maths department now, so we just write c and leave all the fiddling about with actual numbers to the physicists.
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:2, Insightful)
(One second is how long a photon takes to travel a certain distance.)
Question: Seconds, as a unit of time, have been around far longer than the ability to observe photons, have they not? Has the concept of a second been redefined by physicists to mean the amount of time it takes a photon to travel a certain distance?
Not trying to be argumentative here, just curious. My knowledge of physics could fit in a thimble, with room to spare
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:2)
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:3, Insightful)
OK, first simple correction, actually, changing the speed of light changes the *distance* unit, not the time unit. We define time as cycles of a cesium atom, so the correct definition is that one *meter* is the distance light travels in some fraction of a second, per SI definition.
QED is the most well tested consistent theory that physics has ever seen. GR is not NEARLY as well tested as QED is. Blandly stating that QED has only been checked to 10 decimal places is crazy - QED is consistent to 10 decimal places with about 12 (if memory serves) completely different experiments. That's far more impressive than any test GR has undergone.
Alpha is the most well-known physical constant in physics right now, and suggesting that it changes, while it is possible, would not be in the least bit consistent with astrophysical findings. QED is more than consistent over well over several decades of orders of magnitude. GR doesn't win there at all.
QED is very simple, with absolutely *no* ad-hoc rules. The ad-hoc rules only come into play when
a) a physicist asks a meaningless question (What is the sound of one electron clapping?)
b) other forces come into play. You're talking about QED - that is, quantum *electrodynamics* - electromagnetism only, other particles/forces not invited! (Yes, this includes the weak force - otherwise QED would be quantum electroweakdynamics).
b) is to be expected, as a general unified theory doesn't exist yet, and a) is a simple extension of physicists who live in a macroscopic world trying to assign macroscopic ideas to a microscopic system (i.e. the 'location' of an electron). Any of Hund's rules could be seen to be ad-hoc as well, but a bit more theory and it all makes sense.
Now, if you mean the *Standard Model* is filled with ad-hoc rules, you're right. Neutrinos are all left handed... kindof. That sort of thing. That's correct. But QED is quite a solid theory.
GR is also anything but incredibly simple. It's simple only in the limit where you can take the interaction between two objects to be significantly greater than the Planck length, but anything smaller than that, and GR isn't so simple anymore. Simple reasoning: GR is continuous, QED is quantized. We can pull QED out from the quantized limit back to good old electrodynamics easily, but GR isn't nearly as lucky.
And, yes, I am a physicist as well, but I don't work in units where c is one.
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:3, Informative)
Note that this is *stupid* to say as well, because we don't even have a good measurement of G to more than a few significant digits, I believe (the only one I can see is the freq-shift method from '82, and that was
To be honest, you're splitting hairs here - yes, the Hulse-Taylor Pulsar measurement was one of the most accurate verifications of a physical theory known to date, and that's very impressive. But, that doesn't validate GR to 14 decimal places in every prediction it makes.
QED is valid to 10 decimal places in something like 12 or 14 different independent experiments. That's something that GR can't even come close to yet.
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:2)
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:2)
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:2, Interesting)
But as the previous comment pointed out, the unitless constant alpha is not renormalized by the slowing of physical processes, so this can be measured, and may have possibly changed over time.
Also worth pointing out, is that phyiscal processes that happened billions of years ago with a "slower" or "faster" speed of light, could have happened at different rates because of altered electromagnetic strength and electric/mangnetic constant ratio, etc. This has been suggested as one explanation of redshifted light from distant objects. However, measurements of the constant alpha show only a very small change over time (if any), so the speed of light doesn't appear to have changed much at all over the last few billion years.
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:2)
Special relativity is a new concept, the speed of light as a constant for all observers is a new concept, etc, etc.
You are spouting off bullshit to say that it is an axiom that the passage of time is a function of the speed of light. Until you can change the speed of light (which we can) and observe that the rate of the passage of time changes (which it doesn't) you aren't talking about science, you're stating your personal philosophy as fact.
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:2)
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:2)
I suggest you get some physics education beyond high school and /. before you go bitching other people out for correctly stating the laws of physics as we know them.
*Well, maybe. The theories which predict otherwise are not terribly well developed at this point, so I'll leave them out of the discussion for now.
Re:natural laws hold true, but values do not (Score:2)
I'm not sure that I understand how that refutes anything that I said, though... special relativity certainly does not state that the speed of light must be 3x10^8 m/s, only that it is constant, and how the fact that it's constant must affect certain physical properties observed from a frame of reference in motion.
Let u= 1/(1-[v^2]/[c^2])
observed length is length*u (foreshortening)
observed passage of time is time/u
observed mass = mass/u
if I recall correctly, it's been a long time since University Physics 3.
We never really know anything (Score:4, Interesting)
Newton thought he had it covered, and the world agreed. Then Einstein came along and shook our understanding in strange ways. People got comfortable, then Schroedinger and his damn cats show up and screw things up again. Then we get comfortable. Then scientist discover that we still do not have whole story yet again.
Don't you get it? The wonderfulness of it all is that we will never know it all. The beauty of creation is that we will always have something more to discover.
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2, Interesting)
This is all worthless intellectual masturbation if there's no real learning involved.
Re:We never really know anything (Score:3, Funny)
How do you know?
Re:We never really know anything (Score:4, Informative)
1) Godel's proof only works in discrete systems that support (at least) a small number of operations. It is not, despite the occasional comment to the contrary, necessarily applicable to, say, human existance.
2) Godel's proof does not say that it is impossible to know everything. It says that in these discrete systems, it is either a) impossible to make some valid statements (an incomplete system), or b) possible to make some invalid statements (an incorrect system).
3) Godel's proof only works if you are using boolean logic (and, in fact, works only because boolean logic is so bad at handling self-referential statements). This does not mean that the universe works the same way.
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2)
No, it only applies to formal systems (which, by definition, require a small number of operations to be considered formal...) To take human knowledge as an example: If I wish to classify my knowledge as either 'true' or 'false', I will run into Godel's proof. However, if I wish to abandon a formal system and simply say that all of my knowledge is true, contradictions and usefulness be damned, Godel's proof does not apply, even though my system is self-referential.
2. Godel's proof says that either it is impossible to prove every true statement or that some statements are both true and false.
That's what I said (or meant, by "invalid statement").
3. Godel's proof works for any formal system of logic that is recursive. If we accept that math is a result of the laws of our universe, we have to accept that godel's proof is also.
That's a mighty big 'if' there: Mathematics is an abstract tool created by humans in order to understand the universe. That doesn't imply that the rules we have discovered in mathematics actually have anything at all to do with the universe...just that we have yet to discover a discrepancy. "True" and "False" are even worse, having absolutely no relationship with the universe at all.
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2)
Er. The proof is done using a discrete system. That seems to pretty concretely limit its result to discrete systems.
our beloved set of basic axioms cannot exist. This pretty much kills the mathematicians "theory of everything"
I don't agree with the first part -- the axioms can "exist" (as much as axioms can) just fine. However, it does kill a theory of everything in mathematics.
it doesn't *say* you cannot know everything, but it is indeed a natural conclusion.
No, there's a difference between "It is impossible to know all true statements" and "It is possible to form statements that are neither true nor false." To take an example, I can formulate the statement, "This statement is false." Since this statement is not true, it does not violate the first definition ("possible to know all true statements").
I still have a problem with this "only" it's correct of course, but it applies exactly on logic thus on our way to solve problems thus on our ability to cover *all problems* so it is indeed an important fact.
True. But, it's a distinction that I think needs to be made -- formal logic in it's current state has really only existed for the last 400 years. It is not unreasonable that 1,000 years from now, something else entirely may have taken it's place.
You are however right in the general idea of your post that Godel definitely did not prove that was going necesarily to happen, he just proved it is a possibility.
Pretty much what I was aiming for. =)
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2, Insightful)
what ?? perhaps you have some convoluted idea of proof. all the things you mention are theories, no proof was given. i agree there is something always more to discover, but why do you think we can disprove something then?
also, as a studying mathematician, i do believe that we can proove and disprove things absolutely. to think otherwise is incredibly naive given the relative success of humanity.
Re:We never really know anything (Score:5, Insightful)
Mathematics is entirely artificial. It's based on rules and premises that we pretty much made up. You can prove things in math because it's a self-contained problem set, and you're looking at it from the outside with an omniscient view.
When you didn't invent the framework of the problem, it tends to be harder to prove a solution.
That said, you may never be able to prove a Unified Theory, because you can't ever be certain you've described every aspect of the problem set. But you can disprove a physical theory (or at least show it to be lacking) simply by finding a counterexample.
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2)
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2)
True enough. It just depends on arbitrary assumptions.
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2)
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2, Insightful)
as a mathematician, i expect you are well aware of what happens when premisses are incorrect. also as a mathematician, i *hope* you are aware that because it is a logic system - a conceptual entity with no necessary binding to reality - mathematics is capable of 'proof'.
i urge you to take a few *good* classes (bad classes will be a waste of your time, perhaps independent study would be better) in epistemology. it may not change your mind, but it might change your mind.
in any case, i think it's rather naive to believe that our proofs accurately and precisely describe reality. to think otherwise is incredibly optimistic, given the relative success of humanity. (i mean, how hard is it for a species to survive? and how long have we been here? the odds are against us just as much as they are against the cockroach. our "knowledge" does not separate us from our ecology.)
we're trying to build working models of our environment, so that we may predict it with greater success. none of this implies proof, no matter how well it may seem to work.
Listen to Kurt Godel (Score:2)
as a studying mathematician, i do believe that we can proove and disprove things absolutely
As a studying mathematician, you should be familiar with Godel's Incompleteness Theorm, and realize that there are true statements within any consistent axiomatic system that can never be proven.
Re:We never really know anything (Score:5, Insightful)
Where knowledge is symbolized by the sphere's volume and the unknown by the sphere's surface. Therefore as knowledge grows, so does the unkown (although the volume grows faster than the surface, total wisdom will be never achieved.)
(or if the sphere is a balloon, science grows until it explodes
Re:We never really know anything (Score:5, Insightful)
Today we know that general relativity and quantum mechanics don't work together, but we aren't sure how to fix it (though string theorists try hard).
Eventually it's conceivable that we'll write down some basic laws and then millenia will pass without any evidence that something is still wrong. While you're right that it's impossible to prove that these laws are correct, scientists are very diligent about trying to find holes and if none are found, then everyone will believe we finally know the truth. And perhaps we actually will.
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:We never really know anything (Score:5, Funny)
There's a theory saying that, if we ever figure out the Universe, it will be immediately replaced by something even more complicated. There's another theory saying that already happened.
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2, Troll)
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2)
We can only prove that things are wrong.
Perhaps, but it is, however a matter of how you state your problem.
Assertion: Life exists on other planets.
Proof: Finding life on another planet.
Disproof: Can't be done without visiting every planet and verifying that there is no life on it.
Here you prove something true.
I am not saying that you are wrong to say that we will never know the whole truth as to what happens in the universe, you are absolutely correct. There will always be more to discover, but making the blanket statement that you can't prove anything true, only false.... well, that's incorrect (by counterexample, as it happens :)
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2)
And your proof is?
Re:We never really know anything (Score:2)
There isn't any real way to be certain that those axioms do or do not apply to anything realistic. Sure, in concrete terms, I'm pretty sure I can count piles of apples and have the results make sense, but that is really just a gut feeling, and not provable.
Who knows if the universe obeys any logical rules at all? No one can. There's no way to know that God won't show up on Tuesday to change everything, while laughing in your face.
Of course, I suspect that physics in general is on to something when one can calculate the electron's gyromagnetic ratio to umpteen places, and agree with a variety of different experiments to measure it. I also know that new particle physics, no matter how perfect, is extremely unlikely to change how chemists, for instance, work. The SSC never got built, for instance, but things don't seem to have ground to a halt in other fields. Most scientists never missed it. Only particle physicists and their groupies really worry about not having found the Higgs boson yet.
Limiting factors (Score:3, Insightful)
Einstein's work may also not adequately describe the universe in some instances; it cannot satisfactorially explain how the universe came into being. A new theory that can do so can hopefully be found -- and if it is, it will very likely teach us new things, things that may affect our every day life, just like Einstein has.
Re:Limiting factors (Score:2)
Re:Limiting factors (Score:3, Informative)
No. General relativity only becomes noticable at high gravitational forces (or under strong acceleration).
No. GR allows for solutions where the "fabric" of spacetime is so "warped" that, while an object traveling through that region (wormhole) never exceeds c locally, over the entire path it may appear to an outside observer that c was exceeded. This is entirely consistent with GR. (As to whether it can actually happen, that's a different issue entirely!)Re:Limiting factors (Score:2)
Actually... (Score:2, Insightful)
Special Relativity didn't supersede Newton's laws of motion.
They superseded the classical viewpoint that momentum was speed times a constant mass, but to his credit, Newton never made this claim. His students did. In modern form, F=dp/dt still works under SR.
They also superseded the Galilean transformations by the Lorenz transformations, but that was Galileo's problem, not Newton's.
I'm being picky because I think Newton gets a bad rap and doesn't deserve it for the laws of motion. They're still good. On the other hand, GR certainly does supersede Newton's law of gravity, and in that case the criticism is valid.
Arguing with Theory? (Score:3, Informative)
I'm all for arguing with the theory, but more interested in the result.
Since we are talking Unified theory, please allow a shameless plug to my fav String Theory site [superstringtheory.com].
Okay, Here It Is (Score:5, Informative)
Challenging Particle Physics as Path to Truth
n science's great chain of being, the particle physicists place themselves with the angels, looking down from the heavenly spheres on the chemists, biologists, geologists, meteorologists -- those who are applying, not discovering, nature's most fundamental laws. Everything, after all, is made from subatomic particles. Once you have a concise theory explaining how they work, the rest should just be filigree.
Even the kindred discipline of solid-state physics, which is concerned with the mass behavior of particles -- what metals, crystals, semiconductors, whole lumps of matter do -- is often considered a lesser pursuit. "Squalid state physics," Murray Gell-Mann, discoverer of the quark, dubbed it. Others dismiss it as "dirt physics."
Recently there have been rumblings from the muck. In a clash of scientific cultures, some prominent squalid-staters have been challenging the particle purists as arbiters of ultimate truth.
"The stakes here are very high," said Dr. Robert B. Laughlin, a Stanford University theorist who shared a Nobel Prize in 1998 for discoveries in solid-state physics. "At issue is a deep epistemological matter having to do with what physics is."
Last year Dr. Laughlin and Dr. David Pines, a theorist at the University of Illinois and Los Alamos National Laboratory, published a manifesto declaring that the "science of the past," which seeks to distill the richness of reality into a few simple equations governing subatomic particles, was coming to an impasse.
Many complex systems -- the very ones the solid-staters study -- appear to be irreducible. Made of many interlocking parts, they display a kind of synergy, obeying "higher organizing principles" that cannot be further simplified no matter how hard you try.
Carrying the idea even further, some solid-state physicists are trying to show that the laws of relativity, long considered part of the very bedrock of the physical world, are not platonic truths that have existed since time began.
They may have emerged from the roiling of the vacuum of space, much as supply-and-demand and other "laws" of economics emerge from the bustle of the marketplace. If so, then solid-state physics, which specializes in how emergent phenomena occur, may be the most fundamental science of them all.
"We're in the midst of a paradigm change," Dr. Pines said. "Ours is not the prevailing view, but I think it will turn out to be the one that lasts."
Working in this vein, one of Dr. Laughlin's Stanford colleagues, Dr. Shoucheng Zhang, recently was co- author of a paper suggesting that elementary particles like photons and gravitons, the carriers of electromagnetism and gravity, might not be so elementary after all -- they might emerge as ripples in the vacuum of space, bubbling up from the quagmire in a way that can best be explained in terms of solid-state physics.
"The idea is of course crazy, thought provoking, and somewhat anti-establishment," Dr. Zhang said. "The main idea is to apply concepts from solid-state physics to answer some big questions of the universe."
The particle physicists insist that there is plenty of mileage left in their own approach. "I strongly believe that the fundamental laws of nature are not emergent phenomena," said Dr. David Gross, director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California at Santa Barbara. "Bob Laughlin and I have violent arguments about this."
After hearing Dr. Zhang describe his theory at a seminar last month, Dr. Gross deemed it "an interesting piece of work." He said he found the mathematics "beautiful and intriguing, and perhaps of use somewhere."
That may sound like faint praise, but the particle physicists have reason to be wary. The squalid-staters are challenging them in a debate over how the universe is made and how science should be done.
Following the method of Plato, the particle physicists are inclined to see nature as crystallized mathematics. In the beginning was a single superforce, the embodiment of an elegant set of equations they call, only a bit facetiously, the theory of everything. Then along came the Big Bang to ruin it all.
The universe cooled and expanded, the single force splintering into the four very different forces observed today: electromagnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces, which work inside atoms, are described by quantum mechanics and special relativity. The fourth force, gravity, is described by an entirely different theory, general relativity.
The particle physicists' ultimate goal is "grand unification" -- recovering the primordial symmetry in the form of a single law -- a few concise equations, it is often said, that could be silk-screened onto a T- shirt.
This approach, in which the most complex phenomena are boiled down to a unique underlying theory, is called reductionism.
The problem, the solid-staters say, is that many forms of matter -- ranging from the exotic like superconductors and superfluids to the mundane like crystals and metals -- cannot be described in terms of fundamental particle interactions. When systems become very complex, completely new and independent laws emerge. "More is different," as the Nobel laureate Philip W. Anderson put it in a landmark paper in 1972. To the solid-staters, it would take something the size of a circus tent to hold all the equations capturing the unruliness of the physical world.
Like Aristotle, they lean toward the notion that it is the equations that flow from nature instead of the other way around. Mathematics is just a tool for making sense of it all.
"For at least some fundamental things in nature, the theory of everything is irrelevant," declared Dr. Laughlin and Dr. Pines in the Jan. 4, 2000 issue of The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "The central task of theoretical physics in our time is no longer to write down the ultimate equations but rather to catalog and understand emergent behavior in its many guises, including potentially life itself."
There may not be a theory of everything, they say, just a lot of theories of things. This is exactly the kind of squalor the particle physicists abhor.
Dr. Grigori E. Volovik, a solid- state physicist at the Helsinki University of Technology in Finland, champions an idea he calls "anti- grand unification." In a review article last year (xxx.lanl.gov/abs /gr-qc/0104046), he ventured that the universe may have begun not in a state of pristine symmetry but in one of lawlessness. The laws of relativity and perhaps quantum mechanics itself would have emerged only later on.
The notion of emergent laws is not radical in itself. A flask of gas consists of trillions of molecules randomly colliding with one another. From this disorder, qualities like temperature and pressure emerge, along with laws relating one to the other.
So take that idea a level deeper. Physicists now believe that the vacuum of space is, paradoxically, not vacuous at all. It seethes with energy, in the form of "virtual particles" constantly flitting in and out of existence. So perhaps, Dr. Volovik suggests, even laws now considered fundamental emerged from this constant subatomic buzz.
Solid-state physics offers clues to how something like this might occur. The atomic vibrations that ripple through matter are, like all quantum phenomena, carried by particles -- called, in this case, phonons.
Just as photons carry light and gravitons carry gravity, phonons carry the subatomic equivalent of sound. Like bubbles in a carbonated beverage, phonons -- physicists call them "quasi particles" -- appear only when the medium is disturbed.
In the world of solid-state physics, quasi particles abound. In some substances, like the semiconductors used to make computer chips, the displacement of an electron leaves behind a "hole" that behaves like a positively charged particle. An electron and a hole can sometimes stick together to form a chargeless quasi particle called an exciton. Other such ephemera include magnons and polarons.
Evanescent though they are, quasi particles act every bit like elementary particles, obeying the laws of quantum mechanics. This has led some mavericks to wonder whether there is really any difference at all. Maybe elementary particles are just quasi particles -- an effervescence in the vacuum.
Particularly intriguing is a phenomenon, occurring at extremely low temperatures, called the fractional quantum Hall effect. In certain substances, quasi particles appear that act curiously like electrons but with one-third the normal charge. (Dr. Laughlin won his Nobel Prize for a theory explaining this.)
Quarks, the basic building blocks of matter, also carry a one-third charge, a coincidence that has fueled speculation that emergence may be somehow fundamental to the very existence of the physical world.
A stumbling block to carrying this idea further has been that the quantum Hall effect seems to work only in two-dimensions -- on the surface of a substance. But in a paper published in the Oct. 26 issue of Science, Dr. Zhang and his student Jiangping Hu showed how to extend the phenomenon. In their scheme, the physical world would be a three-dimensional "surface" of a four-dimensional "quantum liquid" -- an underlying sea of particles that can be thought of as the vacuum.
Analyzing the ripples that would appear in such a medium, the two scientists were surprised to find that they mathematically resembled electromagnetic and gravitational waves. But there are problems with the model. At this point, the hypothetical photons and gravitons that emerge from the equations do not interact with other particles, as they do in the real world.
"The coupling is zero, so apples are weightless, as is everything else," said Dr. Joseph Polchinski, a string theorist at the University of California at Santa Barbara, who recently discussed the model with Dr. Zhang.
And there is what the theory's inventors concede is an "embarrassment of riches" -- the equations predict hordes of exotic particles that do not exist.
"The hope is that some modification of the theory, not yet specified in detail, will remove the extra fields and turn on the coupling," Dr. Polchinski said. "Whether this can be done is at this point a guess. Overall my attitude now is interest with a high degree of skepticism."
If the theory can be made to work, it may point to a new way of unifying quantum mechanics and relativity. But Dr. Zhang is careful not to oversell what he considers a work in progress.
"Our work only made a tiny step toward this direction," Dr. Zhang said, "but it seems to indicate that the goal may not be impossible to reach." At the very least, he said, his work may inspire more collaboration between particle physicists and solid-staters.
Ultimately, though, the two sides know that they are talking across a divide. Taken to its extreme, emergence suggests that all the fundamental laws, even quantum mechanics, may be secondary -- that at the base of reality is random noise.
Dr. Polchinski said he found that idea discouraging.
"To me, the history of science seems to be a steady progression toward simpler and more unified laws, and I expect to see this continue and to contribute to it. Things may take many surprising twists and turns," he said, "but we reductionists are still quite happily and busily reducing."
If they are right... (Score:2)
physics, which specializes in how emergent phenomena occur, may be the most fundamental science of them all.
If they are right and (some) higher-level laws are irreducible to particle physics, then solid-state physics probably won't be "the most fundamental" either. Any discipline that contains irreducible laws (economics? cognitive science? evolution?) will be in some sense "fundamental".
Not Really (Score:5, Informative)
Speaking as part of the community, the physics world is not at all portrayed accurately in this article. Nearly every physicist sees value in every subset of physics. Think nuclear physics is dead? I happen to know a few nuclear physicists who are still active in research. No-one I know refers to solid-staters as "squalid-staters". There is worthwhile research still in every discipline of physics, even solid state and particle physics.
I think what we have here is a case of journalistic hype used to make the a mountain out of a molehill. I do not think that anyone can deny that there has not been advances in the understanding of any field.
Re:Okay, Here It Is (Score:5, Interesting)
For a long time humans lived in a world with cats and cookware. Human-made items like cookware were trivial to understand, and nobody hopes to understand a cat
Then we got a little more sophisticated and had cats and clocks. We studied clocks because we could understand them. We learned about energy conservation, simple harmonic motion, and all sorts of classical physics. Reductionists can learn to understand a clock.
Then we had computers and cats. A computer looks like an elaborate clockwork but practical people don't try to manage them through first principles. They use heuristics like "it gets unstable when low on memory". Now we've got human-made artifacts, which we feel entitled to understand, which reductionism has increasing trouble explaining.
The promise here is that if we apply the same brainpower and effort to defining the laws of complex systems, maybe we'll gain some useful insights into economics, sociology, psychology and other fields of study which directly affect our lives.
I will not hold my breath waiting for a definitive theory of cats.
Re:Okay, Here It Is (Score:3, Insightful)
The most important point isn't whether there are emergent organizing principles at different levels, because everyone knows there are. The real arguments is whether or not "fundemental" particles are really real. The particle physics community believes they've got a grasp on the basic building blocks of reality, but then some solid state boys come along and offer a theory saying they don't really exist at the base of things.
Think of it this way. In the particle physicist mind, you don't need vacuum fluctuations to describe particles. They both have an independent existance. The solid state people have suggested that all particles are merely a consequence of the vacuum fluctuations. You can't have particles without the background.
While the two conflicting viewpoints do arrise from different philosophies, it also seems clear that there is an underlying truth. Either there are particles in full truth, or there is just a vacuum that makes it look like there are fully qualified particles. Ultimately it's the truth that's important, and this seems like an important difference to me.
Re:Unfair to NYT (Score:2)
Of course not (Score:2, Offtopic)
In nearly every field (Score:3, Funny)
In any case it's an interesting path to explore. I lean towards the loose and flexible side myself. If you saw my code you'd be able to tell
This Makes Me Nervous... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:This Makes Me Nervous... (Score:2)
Re:This Makes Me Nervous... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:This Makes Me Nervous... (Score:4, Funny)
One law at a time, one law at a time.
Don't worry, this is a very old flame war. (Score:2)
Aristotle was right. Those who think their models are more real than the world are deluded.
Re:This Makes Me Nervous... (Score:2)
Well, the most common statement of Murphy's Law goes somewhat like this: "Anything that can go wrong, will." Now, this is most likely a shortened version of the Original Murphy's Law, however as is common with natural language, some of the original meaning was lost in the translation to the current abreviated form of Murphy's Law.
Physics War! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Physics War! (Score:2)
We are in a state of flux... (Score:2)
What ought to be noted is that theoretical physics is in a state of flux. The current methods and theories are showing cracks. For that reason, several competing theories are coming about.
One of the primary things to think on, though, is not whether or not current theory ought to be completely discarded, but rather the theory just needs some small adjustments. *grinz* Even those 'minor' adjustments are often hotly debated.
Even then, the one phycist friend of mine at FERMI said that theory only advances as the older generation dies off...;)
My Very Own Theory (Score:3, Funny)
I've found the answer! The universe isn't dominated by some elaborate unified theory, or general relativity, or quantum mechanics, or anything like that. I've found a principle that applies everywhere. Everywhere I look, there it is. The central principle of the universe is: STUPIDITY! It all makes sense now . .
Well, at least its the central principle in my life,
Re:My Very Own Theory (Score:3, Funny)
Engineers think the equations approximate reality. Scientists think reality approximates the equations. Mathematicians never make the connection.
Re:My Very Own Theory (Score:2)
One is, if your theory is REALLY good, you can show why something is from very basic principles. Thus, you don't have any precepts to start on other than a few basic ones. For instance, you can say "particles have spin?" and someone may say "yes, but at some time, spin might not have existed." If your theory is extremely good, you can say what would happen if spin didn't exist. In actuality, relativity already says that - if spin didn't exist at some point in time, then relativity wouldn't have existed - that is, spacetime wouldn't have a 3+1 signature.
Conversely, if we find evidence of spin, that implies that spacetime has (at least) a 3+1 signature, or at least has some symmetry which posesses 2 Casimir invariants.
Physics isn't generating 'laws' that have to be 'obeyed'. We're saying "the universe IS this way, that IMPLIES this", we check it against experiment, and *that* can't change. We know, for instance, that conservation of energy holds because the universe is time-symmetric. If we abandon conservation of energy, we have to assume that the universe is NOT time-symmetric, which disagrees with tons upon tons of experiments (including ones which measure all the way back to 300,000 years after the big bang, so we at least have to assume that conservation of energy has held for ~10 billion years).
This is why astrophysics is important - it tells us "how constant are the 'silly little laws' we come up with?" and trust me, based on what we've seen so far in astrophysics, my God, they're constant.
(Just as an example - it was once thought that gravity's strength changes over time - with the density of the Universe. This is Brans-Dicke theory. We now know that Brans-Dicke theory, if it is correct, contributes very VERY negligibly to gravity's strength. That is, if gravity *has* changed over time, it hasn't changed *much*.)
Re:My Very Own Theory (Score:2)
I agree the point of science is to break things down to the minimalist level. But that's not because the universe operates based upon some simple principle. It's because in order for us to understand the universe, we must break it down into simple, easy to digest pieces. These pieces give us an idea of the overall complexity of the universe, but inevitably something is lost.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not putting down the work of the particle physicists. Their work is very important. What I am saying is that by taking two different approaches, by both breaking things down into simple (if imperfect) pieces and looking at the larger view, we get a better understanding of the universe. Niether on its own can cover everything.
This post was in no way meant to inform, interest, or create insight. Please do not moderate in this fashion,
super string theory..... (Score:2)
Ugly Standard Model (Score:3, Interesting)
What I'd really like to see is some comparison between this new theory and string theory (it could be in there I didn't read past what was posted here)
Sensationalist article, but neat idea (Score:4, Interesting)
I mean, okay, most of us are at least a little arrogant. We're revealing the secrets of the Universe -- how could our heads not swell, at least a little? But for most of us it's a little tongue-in-cheek, too.
Now the ideas in the article intrigue me. I'm in Particle Physics, and I was indeed under the impression that fundamental particles are, well, fundamental. The idea that this could all be quasi-particles ("effervescence in the vacuum" as the article puts it) like phonons (the sound equivalent of photons) in matter, is really cool.
I will agree with this much: there isn't enough discussion between the various disciplines. Scientists in general need to talk to each other more.
Omega Number (Score:2, Informative)
If I am reading things correctly it would seem, that both the "Squalid Staters" and Chaitin are coming from the same angle. Both reckon that any maths we can derive to describe the physical world are almost fluke, and that underlying everything is sheer randomness. Fascinating Stuff. Can anyone offer a more qualified comparison of these two areas?
a breath of fresh air (Score:2, Troll)
the solid staters talking about the universe being nothing but noise from which various descriptive rules emerge, but dependent on no other larger organizing principle, is satisfying to me.
allow me to be a crank about something that always bothered me: i never liked the big bang theory. it stinks of creationism. it seems out of line with the trend of what humanity has been learning from science over the last thousand years: that the universe is random, trivial, makes little sense, and we are not anywhere near the center of it.
it doesn't all boil down to an equation on a t-shirt? woop-de-friggin'-doo. just because us humans are reductionist thinkers and anal-retentive "everything in my world has to make sense" psychological types doesn't mean the universe has to fit that template. there does not have to be a theory of everything for the universe to work. it doesn't need a beginning, it doesn't need an end. the universe can be timeless, static, and random. what's wrong with that?
expansion of the universe? why can't the expansion we see be local, temporary. like being on the trough of a wave in the ocean, only able to look around in the trough we're in and see the trough expanding, unaware of the tips of the waves to our right and left. or unaware of the overall picture of us being in an endlessness ocean, infinite through space and time, backwards and forwards.
background microwave radiation? merely the effects of only being able to see a certain distance. the night sky may not be glowing white even though there might be infinite stars in every direction, but after a certain distance, light can be lost through means beyond our understanding, or through merely mundane reasons we already understand: absorption? dark matter? gravity lensing?
entropic death of the universe? or a big crunch in our future? why the absolutism? perhaps this might happen locally, and an as-of-yet unforeseen restoking of the entropy balance happening through processes we are not even aware of yet. black holes? they are singularities of some sort. i wonder what kind of bedrock rules we take for granted are broken in them. maxwell's demon indeed.
do i sound quasi-rational, like i'm grasping at straws? maybe so, i'm no cosmologist. but the big bang stinks of creationism to me, and if anything we have learned historically trend-wise, through galileo, kepler, hubble, etc., is that our place in the universe is vanishingly small, pointless,and trivial. to speak of a creationistic big bang seems vaguely anthropomorphic and self-centered, like how we used to think the sun revolved around the earth.
same with a theory of everything. why does gravity have to be united with any other forces? to satisfy a psychological urge? "it just is" sounds ok with me.
just because us little humans have a beginning and an end does not imply the universe does. and just because we have to make little reductionist rules up to govern how we live our lives and make sense of it all does not mean the universe has to conform to our psychology.
bravo to the solid staters. the dudes who gave us the silicon chip are telling us that the universe begins and ends with local rules dependent on nothing else. now that's a theory of everything i can live with: everything begins and ends with my computer.
Re:a breath of fresh air (Score:5, Interesting)
i never liked the big bang theory. it stinks of creationism. ... i'm no cosmologist. but the big bang stinks of creationism to me ...
So, let me get this straight. You are rejecting a reasonable theory which fits the observed behaviours simply because it conflicts with your religious (or anti-religious) beliefs?
Isn't that what people accuse religious folks of daily?
You aren't being logically consistant. You rail against anything with any hint of taint from our human experience, but at the same moment your rejection is based in how you feel about the existing theories. Stinks of creationism is a very visceral reaction to what you insist should be a completely rational debate.
Face it. You have a philosophy guiding your argument as well. That philosophy is Nihilism [dictionary.com] and your post stinks of it.
L.E.J. Brouwer's "Life, Art, and Mysticism" (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:L.E.J. Brouwer's "Life, Art, and Mysticism" (Score:2)
Of course the journey towards understanding is unending. Maybe some of us just enjoy the ride, and find value in what we discover along the way.
Here are the most intriguing parts from the articl (Score:2, Troll)
"Like Aristotle, they [(the emergent propossers)]lean toward the notion that it is the equations that flow from nature instead of the other way around. Mathematics is just a tool for making sense of it all."
"[...]he ventured that the universe may have begun not in a state of pristine symmetry but in one of lawlessness. The laws of relativity and perhaps quantum mechanics itself would have emerged only later on."
"Ultimately, though, the two sides know that they are talking across a divide. Taken to its extreme, emergence suggests that all the fundamental laws, even quantum mechanics, may be secondary -- that at the base of reality is random noise."
Relativity doesn't describe particles.... (Score:2, Insightful)
General and Special relativity are theories of the large, describing gravity and the warping of space/time due to gravity.
Quantum Mechanics is the theory of the small, at the particle and sub-atomic level and it's a nasty dirty theory that has all kinds of exceptions and sepcial rules.
The problem in particle physics today is that you can't join Relativity and Quantum Mechanics without some nasty consequences, infinities, zeros and things that don't make much sense. Not that physisits haven't tried. The current merger of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics is the Standard Model. Which works but doesn't expain WHY it works.
The String theorists have a theory that does merge Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and solves the problems of inifinities and zeros, however current string theory is only an approximation and isn't refined enough for experimentation yet. That is predictions from String Theory can't be tested in the lab at the energies that are available. Who knows you may only be able to test string theory with a big bang, and then look out everything starts over again.
Again, I'd be interested to see a piece on this in Scientific American or some other Science journal that can delve a little deeper into the solid-state theory and see where it fits between the Standard Model and String Theory.
I do wonder if the solid-staters look at things in 10 or 11 dimensions do they start looking like strings?
Re:Relativity doesn't describe particles.... (Score:2)
Yeah, but the conclusions of cosmology are notoriously malleable. If you look at everything that's happened to our image of the universe in the last 50 or so years, I think it's pretty obvious that our current interpretation isn't something to be taken as gospel. Not that I could come up with anything better, but I think somebody will in the next decade or two.
G.U.T. is WAR! (Score:5, Funny)
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The problem is ... (Score:2)
Zhang is actually the reserve member of the Pine-Laughlin tag team!
Gross's partner should have been....
Dr. Joe "The Big Book [ucsb.edu]" Polchisnki!
Getting rid of causality? (Score:5, Interesting)
His proposal suggested that quantum coupling (where two particles can become intertwined based on an earlier interaction) was caused by some kind of ripple-effect going back in time from the observed particle to the time that the original interaction happened.
He was able to explain many other aspects of Quantum Physics the same way, although he claimed that the mathematics was so complex that only the simplest of interactions had been formally proved to match between his model and QP - most of his theory, including the explanation of coupling, was hand-waving.
I always thought that this theory seemed one of the most elegant I've ever heard - no need to introduce new hypothetical particles like Strings, no need to assume that all the complexities of the Standard Model are fixed, absolute and arbitrary. Just take General Relativity, drop Causality, and look at what emerges.
I've often wondered whether this guy's theory ever went anywhere. It seems to have something in common with the theory proposed in this article - that QP is just an "emergent behavior" from GR. The difference is that the article seems to propose that there is no underlying rule at all except chaos and GR itself emerged from that; this guy proposed that GR was fundamental and QP was the emergent behavior.
Anyone know anything about this theory or know where the original article might be? Did this guy have any success or get any recognition? Has his theory been actually disproved, or simply ignored?
Richard Feynman (Score:2, Informative)
So what's wrong with finding holes? (Score:2)
Einstein's theory is likely far from correct, so we need to create a new one. Why must scientists hold to 'truths' that they know aren't? We're just getting closer to the truth as allow for more and more variables. We learn, theories improve.
If only all wars (Score:3, Funny)
Of course, on the other hand, there's always fighting wars with lawyers and tax-men. That qualifies as throwing papers and logic and math around, almost. Pseudo-logic and semi-science works great when you're dealing with human judges rather than mathematics.
Un Anticipated Consequences (Score:4, Informative)
1) the various quantum tunneling experiments, where the Mozart 40th Symphony was transmitted through solid metal at several times the speed of light. There is a good link here [aei-potsdam.mpg.de]. There was even a NOVA special or something on that (see that transcript here [pbs.org], - info about 2/3rds into the material)
2) maybe something involving the research of Steven Wolfram [stephenwolfram.com] (developer of Mathematica [wolfram.com]), as seen in his forth coming book A New Kind of Science [wolframscience.com], which is very geeky, very bizarre, and right up this alley, and is supposed to be a rethinking of the very fundamentals of how science works. My head hurts already. This book is due for publication in January 2002, and is well worth pre-ordering.
FTL? (Score:2)
First of all, I do understand this: take a tin can, and accelerate it to
So far I'm happy. But now let's imagine a magic closet door, and its twin orbiting Alpha Centauri, about 4 light years away. You toss the can through the magic door on Earth and it pops out of its twin; never mind how this works. My understanding is that physics says it must take 4 years for the can to get there, that it is fundamentally impossible for it to get there sooner. This is the part I don't get. Why is this?
It has something to do with causality and the speed of light: I've been told that if the can is able to get there faster than the speed of light, the can has essentially travelled back in time, and this is forbidden because we like to believe in cause and effect. But I still don't get it.
P.S. If your answer to this question is "RTFM", please tell me which FM. I have already tried to figure this out by looking at physics books, and I'm clearly looking at the wrong ones.
Re:FTL? (Score:3, Insightful)
In any FTL travel, there are two events, A: leave the origin; B: arrive at the destination. FTL travel is believed to be impossible because observers in different inertial frames of reference would disagree about whether A or B happened first! Since it is paradoxical to arrive before you have left, the events cannot be causally connected.
Check out Barrow and Tipler's book... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Check out Barrow and Tipler's book... (Score:2)
Re:Check out Barrow and Tipler's book... (Score:2)
Suppose that out there there are lots of different universes - not connected to each other and with different laws of physics. Some laws of physics are conducive to the existemce of life, some aren't. It's trivially obvious that we live in one of those universes that is suitable for life. It may actually be the case that only one in a billion universes are suitable for life. It doesn't matter how unlikely a randomly picked set of laws of physics is conducive to life - we clearly live on one that is. That means that the universe may actually look like it's tailored for the existence of life.
There are various variants of this including SAP (strong anthropic principle), WAP (weak AP) and CRAP (well...Martin Gardner invented that one and it somes up is whole opnion of AP). But basically they don't say much more than "there is life in the universe and that gives us a biased point of view".
I think I've got it... (Score:3, Funny)
If a solid-state physicist hits a particle physicist over the head with a tree that fell in the woods while nobody's around, we can finally get Schrödinger's cat out of that box...
A unified theory that works means.. (Score:2)
Of course, lots of other crazy things might be possible then, too. All of it comes from a way to unite the fundamental forces, though. It's too bad more articles (and comments!) don't make this clear.
"Theory" is The Unified Field (Score:2)
equations [mindspring.com] along with concepts [mindspring.com]
Then there is the gears and bearings that all this happens on... but you have to figure out how to get there, to that link.
This ether field, this noise state from which all else comes out of..... What is the controlling factor that decides what comes out of the noise?
Life has an aura that we can even photograph. The human brain generates energy that it uses and transmits, perhaps similar to being near high power lines and feeling the charge, but on a much different power level, in that the mind can more fully integrate with the ether/noise and cause something like a chain reaction and cause such forces to come out of the ether/noise. Like putting a filter on white noise causing some frequencies to be suppressed and others to be emphisized to get tone.
Mind over matter? OH damn! Someone has a patent [slashdot.org] on that too!
Re:Mirror for the article please? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Mirror for the article please? (Score:2, Funny)
Dentistry the worlds gift to Hockey
Hockey / Basketball (OT) (Score:2)
Basketball was invented by James Naismith for the YMCA while he was at the University of Michigan. It was invented to fill the lull between sporting seasons by providing a vigorous indoor sport. It originally used Peach Baskets. Hence, basketball. Dr. Naismith was a Canadian; the first players were Americans.
Re:Creationists (Score:2, Interesting)
This is a debate that I'll be watching closely. Nothing beats Really Smart people arguing over their fundamental beliefs. And there's enough Laureates in this one to to hold a Rodeo.
Re:Creationists (Score:2)
wouldn't that be just the funniet rodeo, ever?
Re:Creationists...We've been here before (Score:4, Insightful)
Michelson-Morley Experiment. Michelson's career had been golden, and he was widely regarded as the best physicist of the 19th century. So, everyone "knew" that he would successfully prove the existence of the cosmic "ether", which would be the finally block in the edifice of Classical Newtonian physics...
instead, the experiment went completeley wrong, conclusively proved the lack of the cosmic ether, and Newton was kicked to the gutter (as an explanation for sub-macroscopic events)...
here's a link to a pretty good, non-technical account of this from U of Va....http://galileoandeinstein.physics.virginia.
In the 1950's, in the particle chambers of UCLA, strange traces were seen on the photograpic plates of particle collisions....physics of the time couldn't account for this particle, so the postdocs and the grad students waggishly nicknamed the unknown particle the "what-on", and many ignored it for over 20 years...
as instumentation and our undestanding of sub-nuclear particles became better, some other grad students, looking for new frontiers (and new dissertation topics), started researching the "what-on"...it has become....
The Quark and is now the center of the posh new "String Theory", which is yet another attempt to explain overall particle to particle interaction,and from the standpoint of "Classical Quantum Dynamics", Superstring theory kicks QD to the curb....here we go again.....
here's a good page on String Theory
the point being...these things we are discussing are so far beyond our abilities to directly sense or measure them, it's like the old story of the scientists examining an elephant in a lightless, closed room...
one scientist grabs the tail and thinks its a thin, long snake, another scientist grabs a tusk and thinks its a rhino, another grabs the trunk and thinks its a python...
since we have no ability to directly "view" or "measure" these things, we are using inference and deduction to provide us with our theories, yet as every generation of instrumentation improves and gives us new "information" we take that info and rework it...
face it, we could come up with a "Unified Theory" that completely explains our current "knowledge" about physics, to the satisfaction of 99% of the scientists on the face of the earth and....
it could be kicked over by some new experiment, just the way that Michelson-Morely kicked over "Classical" Physics...
Re:Help (Score:2, Informative)
It's easiest explained with an example. When I write 'chair' you may think of one particular chair and I may think of another, except that we both know what a chair is without needing to know exactly what chair the other is thinking of.
That thing we both know of as a chair, but is not necessarily what each of us thinks of is the platonic ideal of a chair.
Re:Help (Score:3, Insightful)
I would suspect that most of us think the other way around: society has taught us to use the word chair, and now their is a general consensus of what a chair is. Thus the universal idea arises from the details. Plato would have argued that the details arise from the universal idea.
Re:not to be picky or anything... (Score:2)