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A Step Closer to Quantum Theory of Gravity 24

ruszka writes "PhysicsWeb has an article on two condensed matter theorists that have come up with a new way of looking at the Quantum Hall effect.. It says this could go to be "a small step towards one of the ultimate goals in theoretical physics - a quantum theory of gravity""
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A Step Closer to Quantum Theory of Gravity

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  • This whole area of physics seems to be full of anomalies and singularities. I had hoped that Professor Stephen Hawking would come up with some kind of unified 'theory of everything' but so far, no luck.

    I wonder what this discovery means for the arguments of Roger Penrose ? Some of his stuff in the 'Emperor's new Mind' seems to hint that quantum effects may hold the key to consciousness, and could explain why strong AI is so difficult to achieve.

    • Re:Its about time. (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Man of E ( 531031 )
      Penrose's arguments suppose a noncomputable theory of quantum gravity to make the Goedelian "paradox" at the beginning of his books inapplicable to human consciousness. As you know, he's jumped through a few hoops recently trying to propose possible ways this could happen (bose-einstein condensates withing microtubules, etc)

      Anyway, my understanding of this article (haven't read the paper in Science), is that the theory they have come up with is perfectly computable - a four-dimensional analogon to general relativity if you will. If they manage to extend it into a full theory of quantum gravity, that would not only be amazing, but it would show full computability as well.

      That would mean Penrose is toast.

  • Will someone please explain what a quantum hall effect is, and how it relates to superconductivity and/or electron spin?
  • It's really hard to tell what's going on from this article directly - it mostly just points out that some research is going on in this field. (And I haven't read the original article)

    What I can read into it is that by working out the equations for a condensed matter system with where the interactions between individual particles are strong enough to influence the larger properties of the material - the authors have recognized that the equations look very similar to standard equations found in the classical fields of physics (E&M, Relativity, etc.)

    If this is the case, then assuming that the basic assumptions are portable (that these types of quantum interactions are important on a macroscopic scale) then you have basically derived classical physics from Quantum mechanics.

    This would hint (at least) that Quantum theory is scientifically more fundamental than classical physics. It gives a motivation for the observation that Quantum equations tend to reduce to classical equations when the systems get large.

    Pretty cool if it all pans out. Lovely philosphical shift in thinking...
    • by Anonymous Coward
      If it's true that classical physics can be derived from QM, then the question turns to the teaching of science in schools. How early should QM be taught in science classes?

      Shifting from CM to QM results in significant cognitive dissonance, both because QM is such a counter-intuitive subject and because QM is so different from the science that students are used to. Would introducing QM at a younger age lessen this problem?
      • The trouble with teaching quantum mechanics before classical physics (assuming that this is what the article implications lead to...) is that the math is more advanced to do real Quantum Mechanics.

        With Quantum you at least need Fourier Series and partial Diff. Eq. to solve basic problems. In classical physics you can often get by with just Algebra.

        Perhaps someone particulary bright will come along and restate QM so that it's easier to express, but until then - I expect it will always be Classical first then Quantum.

        Besides, Classical physics is probably more intuitive simply because our consciousness seems to function in the classical regime primarily.
        • With Quantum you at least need Fourier Series and partial Diff. Eq. to solve basic problems. In classical physics you can often get by with just Algebra.

          I really think you have that backwards. The only kind of classical physics you can do without calculus is the sort where you plug numbers into equations. $x=(1/2)at^2$. You can do that just as well with QM: the energy states of the hydrogen atom are given by $E=-\frac{\mu Z^2 e^4}{2 \hbar^2 n^2$, what are the first three when Z=2?

          On the other hand, the fundamental mathematics of QM is linear algebra, and in its discrete version (matricies) you can go a long long way. Matrix Algebra is commonly taught as part of second-year calculus, but really has little to with the rest of that subject and you could easily teach it first.

          I do agree that the cognitive dissonance many students get from the historical progression we use in physics education is unnecessary. I'm not even sure qm is especially counter-intuitive if you haven't just spent a couple years learning to think classically; from a practical point of view they're equally abstract.

  • String Theory (Score:2, Informative)

    by CptLogic ( 207776 )
    Actually a wonderful Quantum Gravitational Theory has been put forward by Superstring theory.

    In the mid 90's, the 5 seemingly disparate String theories were united by a common, unifying theoretical structure that included 11 Dimensional Quantum Gravity.

    The problems that have beset String theory since are the limitations of perturbative methods of mathematical solutions in providing exact answers in the extreme arena of string theory.

    If you've not already read it, the book "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene gives a great explanation of this area of theoretical physics, even if it is 5 years out of date now. 1/ qid=1004615200/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_11_1/103-5726037-41 19066

    if you're interested, priced 9 of your US Dollars.

  • The mathematical theory of noncommutative geometry has been used to model the quantum Hall effect. Alain Connes has written a good book about this, called "Noncommutative geometry". It is pretty abstract mathematics, and you'll need some knowledge of functional analysis and abstract algebra before digging into it. I won't try to describe it here, because actually I haven't yet studied it very much myself!

    By the way, another candidate for a theory of quantum gravity besides superstring theory is the so-called canonical formulation of general relativity, which can be used as a basis for quantization. Much information on this line of research can be found for example at John Baez' web page [].

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