NASA to Go Commercial? 210
jeffy124 writes: "CNN has an article about NASA possibly selling space. The idea comes from Russia, where they have have sent into space Pizza Hut pizza, talking picture frames, and magazines. The proposal includes ties with the entertainment industry, tourism, NASA merchandise, and hiring a nongovernment organization to manage the US areas of the International Space Station." If anyone has a link to this NASA draft document the article talks about, please post it below.
FP? with my luck (Score:1)
First post (Score:1)
Why's it sad? (Score:4, Funny)
Obviously, if we all wanted it, we'd be pissing away billions of dollars on space exploration, which so far has netted us a handful of rocks, Tang, and Astronaut Ice Cream.
Sad? Hardly. Unless you can't live without Tang.
- A.P.
Don't fuck with Tang. (Score:3, Funny)
That's odd - (Score:2)
Anyone else seen anything like this?
(And No, the guy didn't have any Gestapo 'Täng' for sale...)
Jim in Tokyo
Re:That's odd - (Score:1)
Re:That's odd - (Score:2)
That's why I was looking for confirmation from someone more familiar with that sort of thing. It's always kind of lingered in the back of my mind.
Cheers -
Re:That's odd - (Score:1)
Here it is: (Score:2)
In the early 1940's, Swiss inventor George de Mestral went on a walk with his dog... Upon his return home, he noticed that his dog's coat and his pants were covered with cockleburrs. His inventor's curiosity led him to study the burrs under a microscope, where he discovered their natural hook-like shape.
This was to become the basis for a unique, two-sided fastener - one side with stiff "hooks" like the burrs and the other side with the soft "loops" like the fabric of his pants. The result was VELCRO® brand hook and loop fasteners, named for the French words "velour" and "crochet."
Re:Why's it sad? (Score:1, Insightful)
We explore space to gain knowledge. Not all of that knowledge is of immediate or obvious use.
The Space program gave us... (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:The Space program gave us... (Score:1)
Re:The Space program gave us... (Score:3, Informative)
The space program did later help push technology to integrate circuits, but such advances were already underway, and TI was the leader (IBM was doing it's tech-stifle shuffle back then). Improved radio comms helped NASA, but NASA didn't drive it. You see this in Gene Kranz' book, "Failure Is Not An Option".
NASA was created after the Bell rocket planes did their thing. All jets used by NASA came from the Air Force, who got them all from contractors like Martin, Lochheed, Marietta, Boeing and others. Advances in aviation were fueled and funded by the COld War. NASA was a recipient, not a donor.
Microwave ovens came outta WWII, when some guys noticed a few weird effects of the microwave transmittors used for radar. That's also why the first microwave ovens were called "Radar-Range", an Amana trademark.
We have a lot of technology and improvements that were developed specifically for the space program. This is a good thing. But there was a reason we spent so much money: we were scared shitless of the Soviets, who were also scared of us. Pure research is a wonderful thing, but it's expensive as hell and we have other priorities. Almost every twit here who didn't pay taxes last year was complaining that he didn't get a refund cheque -- so not even the geeks are willing to pay higher taxes in the hope that some of that money will go toward NASA and other similarly geeky and way cool programs.
I have no problem with crappy logos on the shuttle, as long as the advertisers don't start trying to control missions, requiring X amount of airtime displaying their logo, renaming of items and anything that might in some way interfere with the actual science. I wouldn't even mind if they modified the already tedious and annoying end of countdown speech: "...three, two, one, and lift-off of the Atlantis Space Shuttle on its 43rd voyage in space to blah blah blah." It's so crappy now theat adding "sponsored by Roy Rogers Restaurants" after the word "shuttle" wouldn't make it worse. Adding a 30-second radio spot would be another matter.
It would be good to get this kind of cash infusion, but it could be the start of NASA becoming another agency that is supposed to be self-sufficient and run like a business instead of a governmental agency. Look what that's done to the Patent Orifice.
This post was made possible, in part, by a grant from the Official French Fry Pages [tx7.com], providers of information about certain cooked potato products, and by viewers like you.
Space: Tons o' benefit (Score:3, Insightful)
Even when the book was printed (1981), drastic cuts in space funding were evident. Remember this is BEFORE the Challenger incident! Many different sources are cited in this book to back up his facts, but I will still try to not stray from the obvious.
1. Satellites. Sat phones, many nodes of the Internet, GPS systems, XM radio, spy satellites, anti-spy satellites, the Star Wars program (Think Reagan, not Jar Jar) all owe their existence to satellites. You can complain about those all you want, some are pointless, but all have been put with the idealistic thought of making life better in general. Some fail, and some are to make money, but I am glad all of them are there.
2. Secondary technical innovations. Velcro, Most plastics, and tertiary technical advancements for such things as bone marrow transplants (Remember the old commercial with Jesse Jackson, specifically to rally support for the space program, citing bone marrow transplants as one of the effects of earlier space exploration?)
3. Energy. This is the one that bites my tail most that SHOULD have been done in the 70's, and still should be done. A Solar Power Station. The idea is a large satellite, positioned so that it is never blocked from the sun, could gather and redirect the energy to a large array of solar power cells (we're talking a few dozen square miles worth, but well worth it). Environmental impact would be nill, and the land could still be used for grazing by livestock. Just plop the array of cells into some flat section of New Mexico or Montana, and be done with it. The power that could be produced by such a station could easily be twice that of the energy produced by imported and domestic oil gathered at the same rate. While I would recommend reading this book for the full explanation, this link [ucsb.edu] will take you to a PDF with an excellent overview if you cant find the book. Imagine, free, practically limitless energy available. The electricity could be used to separate water into hydrogen and water, so even transportation would benefit.
4. Economy. Every dollar spent into the space program would change hands an avarage of 8 times before 'settling'. This is a matter of spending money to make money. It creates jobs, technology, and even patriotism.
5. Survival of the Human Race. As unlikely as it may seem, the Earth is our biggest Single Point of Failure. If anything happens to the Earth in a manner that makes it inhospitable to human life, the race will end. We must, for the survival of the species eliminate that single point of failure. Asteroids, nasty bacteria(e.g. Ebola), greenhouse effect, are all problems whose affect on the race could be limited if we got rid of the single point of failure. However improbable, they are still possible, and the human race must overcome.
6. Moon exploration. Boy, I'd love to get my hands on a killogram of diterium(Hydrogen ion +3?). There's only a few metric ton naturally occuring on the planet, almost all in the oceans. But, its on the surface of the moon, and the lack of atmosphere makes extracting it from the dust (notice I didn't say 'soil'. Just the dust, no more than 2" deep, would yeild enough diterim to satisfy a huge energy consumption for an enourmous amount of time.
There are more, but I grow tired of typing. Space exploration is not for short sighted people. It has produced amazing results for the entire human race, and as pessimistic as it may sound, failing to properly support it by the Americans is both bad for the U.S. as a whole, and failure by the world to investigate further is accepting the eventual end of the human race.
Re:Space: Tons o' benefit (Score:2, Informative)
This is a very HIGHLY under-discussed side-effect of space exploration. Dennis Tito was the latest person to be profoundly amazed at this perspective.
Here is a link to Amazon's page:
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1563472600 [amazon.com]
I reccomend checking Amazon Z-shops (click 'buy it used') because the street price is astronomical (pun intended.) It's published by an institute that normally does high priced scientific journals, and they haven't gotten the idea yet that even the common man need to read this book.
Re:Space: Tons o' benefit (Score:1)
Re:Space: Tons o' benefit (Score:1)
Deuterium is a stable isotope of the element hydrogen. An atom of deuterium consists of one proton, one neutron and one electron. About
Re:Space: Tons o' benefit (Score:2, Informative)
He actually spends a little bit of time showing why the Solar Satellites you mention in 3) won't be feasible for quite some time.
That being said, it is an inspirational read which I highly recommend.
Sad yes, but there is still desire to reach MARS (Score:2, Interesting)
However, let's not forget that space exploration is what brought about the unification of multiple countries in a joined effort to build the ISS. (very noble thing)
More importantly don't forget NASA's next step-->MARS
I believe that the general public really wants humans to go to Mars. Why ?? Simply because it is there and reaching it has never been done.(something similar to what Hillary said prior to taking on the Everest) For those who want to look deeper into where we come from and where we're going this has to be a step in the right direction.
Look at all the mass following of Sci-Fi space exloration (eg Star Trek), you can't say people don't want space exploration. What people want is space exploration without the associated costs !
Also, I wonder if Enterprise paid NASA to use the shuttle and the NASA footage on their title scene.(or it may just be the other way around !) Well, better start putting your kids into space engineering school so they can be picked as part of the 1st crew to go to Mars in ~20-30 years.
Re:First post (Score:1)
Of course, there are exceptions: imagine an ad-sponsored GPS system. Or weather satellites with the equivalent of pop-up windows.
Re:First post (Score:1)
I'd rather see ads on a free commercial product than have the government spend 4 times the amount of money with MY tax money to do the same thing.
if thats what it takes (Score:1)
i to hope i can some day vacation in space!
Re:if thats what it takes (Score:5, Funny)
Of course, most people would be against this, but Nike could find a way to label those people as communistic or something.
Re:if thats what it takes (Score:1)
Nike (Score:1)
Nike n : winged goddess of victory; identified with Roman Victoria
swoosh (swsh, swsh)
v. swooshed, swooshing, swooshes
v. intr.
To move with or make a rushing sound.
To flow or swirl copiously.
symbol (smbl)
Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible
To sum it up:
Nike swoosh symbol is Victory Swirling Invisibly
Re:Nike (Score:1)
Re:Nike (Score:1)
Dont confuse the facts with the truth.
Re:if thats what it takes (Score:2, Funny)
NASA: No Assets so Sell Access (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:NASA: No Assets so Sell Access (Score:2, Insightful)
I like the idea (Score:1)
Money has a way of changing things.
mcdonalds.. (Score:1)
Is this worth it? (Score:3, Interesting)
NASA started losing its appeal to the everyman around the late 80's, following the Challenger explosion. Everyone knows Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, but I doubt the average Joe could tell you the name of any of the people crewing the shuttle right now. I know I can't without a little Google searching.
So really, how effective a marketing scheme will this be? Who's turning on the television to see the ads plastered on the side of the Shuttle prior to launch? What Newspaper prints a front page story about the shuttle launch? What kind of exposure would a Playstation 2 ad get on the Shuttle versus the kind of exposure it would get during the Superbowl, or the World Series, or a "Very Special Episode of 'Felicity'"?
I think it's wonderful that NASA is seeking out private funding, since the powers that be are no longer interested in the space program. I just have to wonder what kind of revenue a space shuttle advertisement would bring, and if that revenue would be any more than a drop in the bucket compared to the total cost of operating the shuttle.
Re:Is this worth it? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Is this worth it? (Score:2)
Back when there was one launch a year then it was a big deal when the launch time came. But it's like anything that is commonplace now. The car, internet, PDAs, really small telephones, all of these were huge public interest items when they were new, but now that they are commonplace it's not that big a deal anymore.
I know that I watched, over the web (on a 56kb modem too!), the launch of the latest mars probe, that was cool to watch, but otherwise yeah it's neat that there are 2 launches a month, but it's commonplace now.
I really really think that NASA should just get into the space tourism game. There is apparently no shortage of people willing to pay $20mil a pop to get into space, and right now I think that every penny will count. Sure, it isn't going to help their $5bil cost overrun, but it's not like they're doing much good up there in space right now anyways. It has been stated many times that you need to have 2 people just to do the day-to-day routines of the space station, and most of the time all 3 crew members are busy just housekeeping. They've said that they will need to be able to have 6 people up there in order to actually accomplish much science, and now that they've cancelled the extra crew habitation quarters....
I think one thing that NASA needs to do is start ADVERTISING. Throw it into the public's face (as you said) about everything cool that they are doing, and everything that they will not be able to do because of budget restrictions. This will be required if they are to get the public support required to get back on their feet.
NASA lost appeal before challenger explosion (Score:1)
Decades later I don't feel the space program has moved but a teeny tiny bit because of the Shuttle. Oh, some of the cheap projects like DS1 and Pathfinder were great, but all the Shuttle stuff (and now space station) is garbage. The Shuttle cost more than it would have cost to keep using the older non-reusable rockets.
With the Shuttle, NASA tried to make space part of everyday, but instead it got the "humdrum" part right, but missed the everyday part. The Shuttle is virtually useless, and completely uninspiring.
NASA should have gone for a moon base instead, we'd be much further along with technology I think.
Re:Is this worth it? (Score:2, Insightful)
Actually, I don't think that's a causal relationship. From what I've observed, it's the _lack_ of recent explosions that's created the atmosphere of the ordinary. When you can pull off ten straight launches that look like duplicates of each other, there's nothing to catch the public's interest. (See the recent state of air travel for another example of the unusal creating interest...)
I can only hope (since I'm a cynic enough to believe that advertising will reach everywhere, eventually.) that the ad execs will push the space program further than they've managed to go with congress weighing them down. (Putting a logo on the moon has been a dream of businessmen since Tharg started his first Sharp Stick Emporium many years ago.)
Ahhh, Russia (Score:4, Funny)
Private companies and space... (Score:3, Interesting)
P.S. Before anybody whines, advertising is a form of investment like any other. You give somebody money, and hope you get more back while they use it.
Re:Private companies and space... (Score:2, Interesting)
Selling advertising, while retaining a government near-monopoly on space exploration, won't help the resource/advantage equation get better.
COMPETITION would - allow NASA to advertise, sure, but ALSO allow other private space-exploration ventures the same regulatory advantages NASA has.
This doesn't mean that I want the private sector to win (I think there's been a lot of benefits to the government having a serious space presence). However, by introducing competition, "Winning" for the NASA bureacracy would change from "getting a Congressional appropriation" or "retiring successfully with a Federal Retirement Account" to "kicking those upstart private space jockeys ass" - a much more powerful motivator.
And if NASA doesn't win, at least somebody will, and space will continue to be paid attention to. After all, in the current model, if NASA "loses", their funding dries up and they shut down.
So, Go Team NASA! Beat the corporate space guys!
Re:Private companies and space... (Score:2, Interesting)
Advertisement goes to NASA
Advertisement doesn't go to upstarts
Upstarts, via chain above, can't make attempts. Fail, due to being broke. NASA continues to be big and antiquated.
That's okay with me. (Score:4, Funny)
Send the people behind RIAA and MPAA into space, you'll get out full undivided support!
Oh and don't send too much oxygen... you know, it costs 1000$/KG so, you can try to save on that issue... especially if you are commercial, you must turn into profits... just a suggestion
Re:That's okay with me. (Score:1)
The real reason NASA fight Russian privatisation: (Score:2)
Safety my arse.
Better Idea (Score:5, Funny)
But if we're going to take a cue from history, let's point NASA toward the real profit from technology lies: Porn.
No, really, think about it. Early photographs? Porn. Videos? Porn. DVDs? Why, Porn again! And don't even get me started on where all the "innovations" in Internet commerce and advertising have come from -- we may all hate the X10 ads, but they're using both innovation AND implied voyeurism to make a profit.
Now, just imagine what NASA could do by selling Space Porn. I'm sure that millions of guys across America would be "curious" enough to pay a few bucks to see sex in space. And any modeling company would love it -- no mode need for Wonderbras for lift, since there's no gravity to make them fall. And they'd bring about a whole new wave of public interest in space travel and technology (surely this would be more effective in creating public interest than the proposed return-to-the-moon plans)!
Let's face it -- a little Porn goes a long way toward the technological advancement of the human race. Abandon your silly preconceived morals and let the avarice take control.
(Moderators: With any luck, this will be funny. But it might be a troll. I'm honestly not sure =)
Re:Better Idea (Score:1)
(Moderators: I Understand that this is a dangerous thread to reply to, but I really am slightly curious, I am honestly not trying to troll)
Re:Better Idea (Score:1)
Re:Better Idea (Score:2)
You may be on to something! (Score:3, Informative)
Nasa [nasa.gov]
And this:
Lena [cmu.edu]
For those of you unfamiliar with the Lena Image,(or Lenna, if you like,):
To test image compression technologies, engineers use a standard picture to compare the results. What did they use? A scan of a 1972 Playboy centerfold, of course!
Jim in Tokyo
Re:Better Idea (Score:2)
(Considering conservation of momentum, all of a sudden, the image of the obstetrician standing at the business end of the table, wearing a catcher's mitt, doesn't seem all that much out of place...)
Hipocritical... (Score:2, Interesting)
I think the USA was scared off the whole space tourism thing by the Challenger disaster which also happened to be carrying the first non-astronaught to ride on the shuttle. If this new proposal can bring more funding into NASA it could be a big bonus not only for space bound activities, but for the R&D that filters down and eventually end up enhancing our lives.
Re:Hipocritical... (Score:2, Informative)
But as a Senator, and retired Navy Pilot and Colonel in the Utah Air National Guard, he wasn't necessarily the first _civilian_ in space; which is what they were trying to put up on the Challenger.
OT: red moon joke (Score:1)
Then the Americans plotted to bring Capitalism to its final victory: they flew up there with a bunch of white and painted the Coca Cola sign onto it.
Why not? (Score:1)
It's surprising NASA has gotten as far as they have with just government funds. Ofcourse, how much money is in space? Just advertising for now but I guess someday mining will come into play and eventually other things. Space exploration can't always be something left for a handful of government employees.
meters (Score:1)
I always wanted my own spot in space. You know... to spend my old days.
I'm going the full monty with this
I want my cubic meter of emptyness!
B&B (Score:1)
"But the brochure said that the window offered a view *towards* the earth!"
Ah (Score:1)
Don't sell the naming rights! (Score:2)
(Colorado residents will get this joke instantly)
NASA, advertising, and racing (Score:2)
This slashdot article [slashdot.org] (Private Rocketplane Test a Success) suggests:
I can just see it now... rocket races televised around the world, with each rocket as coated with advertising as currently exists in NASCAR? Hey! maybe they''ll call it NASACAR racing? ;^)
But seriously, auto racing has sponsorship from the major car manufacturers. There's bragging rights at stake when Chevy beats Ford at NASCAR, or Ferrari bests McLauren at Formula 1. As commercialization of space proceeds, I suspect commercial rocket ventures will similarly sponsor racer's rockets to "boost" mind share in the marketplace.
Re:NASA, advertising, and racing (Score:2)
If anyone has the link/cached version, I'd love to see it again.
No hugging Tito (Score:1)
All this from a space agency that forbade its astronauts from hugging Tito on camera during his weeklong visit to the international space station, and which for years balked at even giving a name to the orbital complex. (It's now called Alpha thanks to its gutsy first commander.)
That is the most idiotic thing I've heard in a long time. If you were not a proponent of privatising space exploration, you should be after reading that paragraph.
Nasa's budget for 2001 is 14,035,300. [nasa.gov] Yes folks, that's 14 billion dollars. Take a significant fraction of that- Say 3 billion dollars and offer it to the first organisation that puts people on Mars for over a month and returns them.
Privatise the space station and make it pay for itself via advertising and space tourists. ("Yum, nothing tastes better than a hot Domino's Pizza in 0 gravity, and it still arrived in less than 30 minutes!")
Replace the aging white elephant space shuttle with cheaper heavy lift boosters.
Use the rest of the money for holding up core Nasa programs like the Hubble.
Just my two cents... flame throwers- Ready... aim...
Great line from Fight Club (Score:3)
Here's the report. (Score:5, Informative)
Old news, was released Sep 24, here's Space.com [space.com]'s report from the following day.
Oh, and this would've been posted earlie, but I couldn't log in, what's up with that?
Re:Here's the report. (Score:1)
Word has it that Ron Dittemore, Space Shuttle Program Manager at JSC, will be holding an all-hands meeting today to discuss "shuttle commercialization". According to NASA sources, Dittemore will be discussing an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) concept that has
been developed that would operate the Space Shuttle program. This concept has been under development for the last 9 months. Dittemore will
reportedly pitch this concept as being seamless as far as civil servants are concerned with equivalent benefits, significant sign-up bonuses, and guaranteed job security. Dittemore has reportedly expressed personal interest in heading this new organization.
Behind the scenes there is little interest among Dittemore's crowd in actually saving the government money. Rather, this is simply seen as a way to lower the number of federal employees involved in America's civil space program.
Update: Note from someone@jsc.nasa.gov:
"Mr. Dittemore spoke about a "concept" where a private company would run the Space Shuttle Program. It was not commercialization, but "privatization". It has nothing to do with saving money. It will probably cost the government more money. He said it was in the interest of safety.
Since NASA cannot hire new people and grow them to be managers/engineers, there is no one to run the program safely in the future. That is true since most of the shuttle program folks came from MOD which is mostly all contractors now. This "concept" will work only if all the right people
with the right job skills needed to run the program safely, accept the offer to move over. Highly unlikely. We are talking about mission operations, flight design, flight directors, astronauts, program/project managers, ground operations, aircraft operations, launch operations, etc. Only the civil servants in the Engineering Directorates appear to be spared from this excercise in futility. He said it would happen in 2 years. That's unbelievable, the way the government works!"
Boom for Real Estate Agents (Score:1)
If so, how would it work? Would each country 'own' the outer space directly above it?
And who would own those areas of space above international waters?
And how would rents for space be calculated for non-geostationary satellites? Would the passes over India, say, be cheaper than passes over USA?
Personal Ads in Space (Score:1, Funny)
I cant wait... (Score:1)
I think we should.... (Score:1)
Courtney Stadd: Goldin's Successor (Score:4, Interesting)
Courtney Stadd took over the Office of Commercial Space at the Department of Commerce shortly after Malcolm Baldridge, then Secretary of Commerce, died after a fall from a horse. Stadd had previously been working at NASA.
Baldridge had established the Office of Commercial Space in response to difficulties he had with NASA accepting private overtures at a Commercially Developed Space Facility (CDSF) aka the Industrial Space Facility (ISF) [friends-partners.org] -- a man-tended orbital laboratory, entirely financed by private capital -- which would have been in orbit in the late 1980s if NASA had merely signed on as an "anchor tenant" -- procuring space on the laboratory as a customer -- as would have been allowed by Reagan policy and later law.
If you notice at this link [nasawatch.com] another individual with close association to Stadd is Scott Pace. Scott Pace has involvement in this story of the Baldridge-era Office of Space Commerce as well.
The CDSF era was a time of misguided political activism on my part (I now know direct technology development to be far more revolutionary and threatening to the would-be "powers that be"), and I had sent a letter to the National Space Society's "Space World" editor. The letter concerned the appropriate division between private sector and public sector responsiblities. I made reference to patent law's distinction between technology (patentable) and science (unpatentable) as a guideline. Courtney Stadd had recently hired Scott Pace to work under him at the Office of Commercial Space. As someone who watched the tragic demise of the CDSF at the hands of NASA interests in teh wake of Baldridge's death, and who had actively supported the ISF, I complained to the Secretary of Commerce that I Pace should not be retained due to the potential conflict of interest represented by his participation with the various organizations surrounding the National Space Society. According to verbal reports to me, the letter of mine on patent-law-guided space commerce policy was being submitted for final publication when Pace appeared in the offices of the NSS where the editors of the NSS's "Space World" were making their deliberations. Pace rather boldly asserted that they shoudl not publish my letter and spoke of the fact that I was trying to get him fired in the same context -- as though that were somehow justification.
In this light, it is interesting that Courtney Stadd is now in line to become Goldin's successor:
Intrigue Swirls Around NASA Chief Goldin, Possible Successor
By Steven Siceloff, FLORIDA TODAY posted: 11:10 am ET, 04 October 2001
NASA Chief Rallies Troops After Terrorist Attacks
NASA Spells Out its Space Commerce Agenda
CAPE CANAVERAL - Two NASA memos issued last week look for the most part like any of the dozens that have flowed from the agency. But NASA Chief of Staff Courtney Stadd signed them instead of Administrator Dan Goldin.
It is unusual for sweeping directives such as the travel restrictions released last week to carry anyone's name other than the administrator's. The incidental change offers a glimpse into the intrigue that has swirled around Goldin since last November's election.
Agency observers and White House officials have long seen Stadd as an administrator candidate.
Those views gained intensity in late August and September. Then the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 pushed the government into a war footing. NASA issues plunged to the depths of the White House's to-do list.
Stadd holds considerable sway over NASA since he was appointed by the Bush administration, said Federation of American Scientists analyst Charles Vick.
"I think a lot of responsibility is falling on his shoulders," Vick said. "This administration doesn't give a blast about NASA now, and didn't before the events of Sept. 11."
Howard McCurdy, a space policy professor at American University in Washington, D.C., said Goldin faces an unusual situation: plural leadership of a federal agency.
Instead of a single man at the helm, the White House has Goldin and Stadd to run NASA together. "This is a 70-year-old technique in Washington," McCurdy said.
Vice President Al Gore was sufficiently interested in space during the previous presidency that a deputy NASA administrator was not necessary, McCurdy suggested.
While not dismissing McCurdy's suggestion, Goldin press secretary Glenn Mahone said that Stadd's Chief of Staff position is next in line after the vacant Deputy Administrator slot.
The new initiatives are not a sign of a power shift at NASA, but rather a sign that Stadd is comfortable with the agency and the role he has held in it since January, Mahone said.
"It isn't any signal," Mahone said. "Courtney now has his footing in the agency. It's a growing process."
But other NASA watchers said leadership at NASA has been diluted for lack of interest.
"There is a growing perception that Dan is going to be an administrator for life," said John Pike, director of the Alexandria, Va.-based thinktank Globalsecurity.org. "This should have been taken care of in the spring. It's indicative of the unusually low priority that NASA has been accorded. Now it is even further from the front of the stove."
The White House plucked Stadd from his commercial space business as a liaison between Clinton Administration holdover Goldin and Bush's staff. "There's certainly been a view that Courtney was providing the adult supervision during the transition to a new administrator," Pike said.
Uncertainty is something agency employees have had to deal with for months. It faces a $4.8 billion cost overrun in the International Space Station program and shortfalls in the space shuttle program. The agency also must find a new director at Johnson Space Center in Houston and a new administrator.
That's amore (Score:1)
Pepsico and NASA sign Landmark Deal (Score:3, Funny)
As part of this deal, "Tranquility Base" will be redubbed "Pepsi Tranquility Base (tm)". The Apollo 11 mission itself will know be known as "Taco Bell Run Beyond the Border 11 (tm)". Neil Armstrong's name will be officially changed to "Commander KFC".
Further announcements will be made concerning the new official nomenclature for all of the other Pepsico/Apollo missions, as well as the plans for a new theme park in Cape Mountain Dew.
This is a great idea (Score:2)
And imagine this: Learning and adopting capitalist methods from Russia?! Amazing!!! And I thought the US was capitalist...
Perhaps, if it's done well enough, it could be an enterprise similar to other semi-public industries, such as transportation (Amtrak, etc.), where governmental 'aid' is subsidized by paying customers.
There's plenty of value to be had:
- Performing research missions sponsored by industry, or by entertainment outlets (such as the Discovery channel). They already do this with satellite launches.
- Bringing back souvenirs (how much would you have to sell moon rock for to make it profitable?)
- Space tourism, of course.
However, NASA's culture is really not well suited for this - they're far too used to getting handouts from the government. It will, perhaps, have to fall on a private company to do properly. And I'm all for that.
Enough of wasting my tax money on NASA. Let 'em pay their own way like everyone else.
Re:This is a great idea (Score:2)
Russia was first (Score:1)
How oddly appropriate... (Score:4, Funny)
The NASA sponsor I'd like to see (Score:2)
1000 Mile High Club (1kMHC) (Score:2)
Re:1000 Mile High Club (1kMHC) and UNIX fortune (Score:1)
Oh, give me a locus where the gravitons focus
Where the three-body problem is solved,
Where the microwaves play down at three degrees K,
And the cold virus never evolved. (chorus)
We eat algea pie, our vacuum is high,
Our ball bearings are perfectly round.
Our horizon is curved, our warheads are MIRVed,
And a kilogram weighs half a pound. (chorus)
If we run out of space for our burgeoning race
No more Lebensraum left for the Mensch
When we're ready to start, we can take Mars apart,
If we just find a big enough wrench. (chorus)
I'm sick of this place, it's just McDonald's in space,
And living up here is a bore.
Tell the shiggies, "Don't cry," they can kiss me goodbye
'Cause I'm moving next week to L4!
CHORUS: Home, home on LaGrange,
Where the space debris always collects,
We possess, so it seems, two of Man's greatest dreams:
Solar power and zero-gee sex.
-- to Home on the Range
Reminds me of... (Score:2, Funny)
In pre-computer age, just at the start of space exploration Americans found out that normal pens do not work in space and guys up there have nothing to write with. Huge R&D (few MegaBuck) took place and finally a gravity-independent pen have been developed. Production of one piece cost 500 USD. They worked very nice. The idea came in to sell few such pens to Russia... But the answer from the other side of the ocean was: "What for? We use pencils."
Pencils (Score:2)
Reminds me of a user friendly storyline... (Score:2)
Would anyone invest in a company that spends more than it can ever hope to make and is so used to the government purse ? Would NASA management make the Hard cuts in management and staff to make it a viable operation ? I suspect not, but then again they can always list on the stock marketm, i mean if a company with a sock puppet as their major drawcard can make a killing then why not NASA !
(PS to the troll posters i am aware pets.com are broke but trust me their management arent !)
Is the Space program significant? (Score:1)
Someone should be reinforcing in our minds what benefits we are deriving from the shuttle program - Space Station Freedom is largely a product of those successes, but what other successes have affected our lives? Fixing the Hubble was a huge win for them, and the pretty pictures are nice, but the real benefit is, presumably, in other science being done.
Part of the mindset is that many of these people are scientists. And, scientists generally don't have the patience or the time to explain theories they understand at the highest levels and the effort required to explain it to people who don't have sufficient background to even comprehend the questions being asked, let alone the answers being discovered just doesn't pay off.
If the goal is to get us to colonizing Mars, then each and every experiment that moves us a step closer towards that goal should be pointed out, celebrated, discussed and dissected in light of that goal. Lately, it's felt more like the program is vaguely moving in some direction, but no one has a clear sense of what each experiment is moving us towards. Perhaps there are too many cooks in the kitchen...
This explains the ISS Tourist Controversy (Score:2)
Why not? (Score:2, Funny)
Maybe that's how our civilization came into being. It would sure explain why advertising is so pervasive these days :)
Corrporate interests and scientific goals (Score:2, Insightful)
Just a thought, and yes, I am aware that NASA as it presently exists is hardly a perfect example of an organization selflessly pursuing knowledge for its own sake.
Good for commercial space developement (Score:1)
#1 These should be sold "at a profit" to Nasa. This would move cash into the space program.
#2 Having these services available at a premium price will help build a market for them. Building a larger customer base will make it easier for companies to move in and make a profit providing these services at a lower price.
There's no point, really... (Score:2)
Why not just spend some money in a rendering cluster, thereby promoting computing technology, and bringing virtual erality within out grasp?
Re:There's no point, really... (Score:2)
I just think evolution is more important than colinization. And humans can evolve past their current concious contraints in a virtual system. Space is infinite, but confining. (Space-time cones and whatnot) But VR is liberating. (Reference: Matrix, Ghost in the Shell, The Thirteenth Floor, Tron, Lain)
I have also read some books which I can suggest: Godel Echer Bach, Alice in Wonderland (and books by Richard Dawkins).
EVENTUALLY we will need to get of this confining planet (confounding?) and grow as an organic race. But we can grow already on a conciousness level.
Research can be funded by other means that are less resource hungry, and more profitable.
PS: I loooooovee Quake 3... it's taken me months perfecting my movements... I just love freestyling in levels, doing funky speed rocketjumps, strafe and circle (flick) jumping, plasma climbing etc etc.
When I play any other VR game it's as if I'm walking in treackle. (I've made the rocket to rail platform jump with jumping alone on q3dm6)
"quick buck" (Score:1, Interesting)
Hmm, what brilliant journalist mind thought that up? Funny, (stereotypically), russians spend all their money on weapons research, and (also stereotypically) americans spend all their time making more money under the "capitalist" system. So who is looking for a "quick buck"?
This is not to start a flame war, but this is an atrocious piece of sh*t. It is intended to brainwash the readers into looking at Russians as little greedy bastards. And it does it with a casualness that is as admirable for its subtelty as it is damnable for its contents.
Aren't journalists supposed to be "politically correct", which would imply not passing judgement? I'm not talking about normal human decency, that's way above their mental horizon, but simply conforming to their own particular brand of self-delusion?
Or, (let's say it quietly), does this "politically correct" nonsense only apply to those whom we don't like?
Again, save your stupid flames. This is not to insult americans. But stop and think about how comments like these make you look to the rest of the world.
And I'm not putting my name on this. Sorry. I'd love to, but I don't feel like reading your spam. Furthermore, I live in this country, and with the forthcoming fascist surveillance, I would like to remain "below the radar"...not that I can't be traced, I know very well that I can. But I would like to at least retain the illusion. Isn't that what SSSCA is all about?
NASA is fundamentally flawed (Score:2)
Here's how I see NASA. No innovation, no excitement, no risks, no profits. Brilliant individuals with breaktakingly audacious ideas are sidelined on risk grounds until they leave in disgust, or worse, lose their drive and ambition and hide themselves in the beaurocracy.
The shuttle is the world's most expensive launch system - probably. I say probably because NASA won't give (consistent) figures on how much a shuttle launch actually costs, especially as they refuse to cost astronaut training. They have budget overruns because they really don't know and don't care how much things cost. The reason why they don't care is simple: they don't have to.
They currently have a $4 billion and some cost overrun. Think about that. NASA has spent (or allocated) $4 billion more than it has, only it's not sure where it spent it. The fuck? No company in the world would be allowed to do that. This is a big boondoggle even by government standards. Think how far $4 billion would go if spent on researching new technologies, rather than poured into supporting old ones.
I don't view this $4 billion overrun as incompetence. I view it as theft. Theft from people who could have spent it on improving the future rather than maintaining the status quo.
Here's my radical solution. Privatise NASA. Float it on the market. Let it keep all of its assets, gift it five years worth of funding, and wish it good luck. Cut it free of red tape, let it come up with its own projects and it's own standards.
Let it decide whether the PR cost of never losing an American in space is really worth the financial cost, when airline pilots, train drivers, bus and truck drivers lose their lives every day and yet those industries find a way to keep going.
We've been promised commercial space exploitation within the next ten years, for at least the past thirty years. It's well past time to put up or shut up.
I propose this not because I think that we shouldn't be in space, but because I want us to get out there and stay out there. If space travel can be sustainable rather than a series of staggeringly expensive proofs of concept, then let's demonstrate that.
Re:NASA is fundamentally flawed (Score:2, Interesting)
The American people who pay through taxes do not like to see people killed in a project as Spacetravel. After the Challenger accident there was even a cutback in fundings..
The costs for spacetravel and asociated research is FAR more than that for Airliners, Bus, Truck and Trains... there is no way they can keep doing the nescesary reasearch if the only income is private funding.
The current funding comes from commercial payload (satelites) and government funding. What they have to do is to find a balance between those... perhaps more commercial flights is the answer. Besides. The ISS is not a commercial project yet it does take most of NASA's budget.
Anyway.. which BIG companies would be interested in space exploration? It does not see any revenue from it so why invest? The only thing they do see revenue of is putting more satelites in space.. as if we need more junk flying around there..
NASA needs private funding for private projects and government funding for space exploration and research... that's the only combination which will work.. not one or the other... BOTH.
Re:NASA is fundamentally flawed (Score:3, Informative)
They currently have a $4 billion and some cost overrun. Think about that. NASA has spent (or allocated) $4 billion more than it has, only it's not sure where it spent it. The fuck? No company in the world would be allowed to do that. This is a big boondoggle even by government standards. Think how far $4 billion would go if spent on researching new technologies, rather than poured into supporting old ones.
I don't view this $4 billion overrun as incompetence. I view it as theft. Theft from people who could have spent it on improving the future rather than maintaining the status quo.
I could use the same argument against "defense" spending, which has a vastly larger budget and has zero *direct* return on investment. No one is saying there is any way to be *directly* profitable going into space. The space program is our ticket into the future, possibly on another planet in case something happens to this one - be it our fault, a huge meteor or heck even hostile aliens. Plus many useful spin-off technologies have come out of the space program.
Here's my radical solution. Privatise NASA. Float it on the market. Let it keep all of its assets, gift it five years worth of funding, and wish it good luck. Cut it free of red tape, let it come up with its own projects and it's own standards.
No one is stopping you from starting your own private space company. In fact a few already exist including Orbital [orbital.com].
Why don't you take your brilliant "privitization" theory and apply it to the road system and the military? It won't work there either because they cost money too and reap no profits in return. Face it, R&D costs money and that's exactly what the space program is - a giant R&D program.
We've been promised commercial space exploitation within the next ten years, for at least the past thirty years. It's well past time to put up or shut up.
NASA has launching private satellites into orbit for years.
I propose this not because I think that we shouldn't be in space, but because I want us to get out there and stay out there. If space travel can be sustainable rather than a series of staggeringly expensive proofs of concept, then let's demonstrate that.
No one's stopping you from doing it. PUOSU. BTW, there is this thing called the international space station [nasa.gov] that is being built right now and people are already inhabiting it. In fact, there have been space stations in orbit since the 1970s. The new ones are getting better and better. That's how all technology works.
Arthur C. Clarke beat us all to the punch... (Score:3, Interesting)
"The 'C's and 'L's came out great. The 'O's and 'A's had a few problems."
This was a line from the story which described a science package that shot sodium dust out of a small can off the surface of the moon. It was supposed to rise off of the nighttime surface facing the earth, into the sunlight. Someone had inserted a mask into the can, so when the sodium dust hit the sun, it was a logo rather than simply a circle.
Clarke and Co (Score:2)
Heinlein also covered similar stuff in "The Man Who Sold the Moon"
and somewhere in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy I think there was a reference to a Coke logo being created out of exploding suns, or something...
Link? (Score:2)
It probably requires a paid subscription to view.
Re:Pizza...mmm (Score:1)
Re:i like nasa (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Stephen King, author, dead at 54 (Score:1)
Not! (Score:1)
Re:About fucking time (Score:2)