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Science News

Glass-Eating Microbes 19

JoeyPea writes "Researchers have found that volcanic glass (super-cooled lava) in the ocean's upper crust is eaten by microbes. The researchers found tiny tubular tunnels bored through the rock. The breakdown of volcanic rock was thought to be a chemical/physical process, but now it obviously has a biological component."
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Glass-Eating Microbes

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  • Uses in chip fab? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by RadioheadKid ( 461411 ) on Friday September 28, 2001 @09:01PM (#2366616)
    I wonder if these microbes could be used in the silcon chip fabrication process...probably not precise enough or small enough, but there's got to be a good application somewhere.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      For those beer bottles with the twist off caps that don't twist off. Many injured hands could be avoided if the beer would just eat it's own way out.

    • It would probably have no use, since they are way too slow to be used in real processing. There are many ways to etch glass or pyrex (Na doped glass) etc using HF, H3PO4 etc. I can see people trying it out in R&D but hell, I'm not gonna wait for a few years to finish a device.

  • Interesting... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by hhe_hee ( 470065 )
    I wonder if that just applies to oceanic crusts, maybe they're all over the planets crust but no one have checked it.

    This could mean that some number of theories will have to be reviewed. Also I wonder how this will influence for example the carbon cycle, maybe some long-term climate simulations must be remade.
  • by L3WKW4RM ( 228924 ) on Saturday September 29, 2001 @11:35AM (#2367985) Homepage
    I can eat glass [], it doesn't hurt me.

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  • If they can eat glass, then it's possible they could eat silicon chips as well. In fact, they may already be doing it and we just haven't discovered them yet. Someone wrote a SF story years ago about geneticly engineered bacteria attacking silicon but it's too early in the mormning for me to remember much about it.

    Gives a whole new meaning to "computer bug" though, doesn't it?
  • I remember several years ago someone discovered Some bacteria that were hanging around underwater vocanic vents in temperatures of 160-180 degrees F. It makes me wonder when the tunnels were created w.r.t. when the lava cooled. Perhaps the tunnels were created by microorganisms that were harvesting a heat source? Or maybe I just had one too many cups of coffee.
  • The 'researchers' CLAIM that microbes are eating the lava-glass because there are 'tubular gaps' in the glass...

    I would think that with a mining operation as extensive as this that they would be able to FIND at LEAST 1 little tiny microbe instead of 'traces of'...we have TRACES of dinosaurs...but do they actually exist today? umm nope. Show me a microbe THEN tell me they actually exist instead of guessing that since there is 'biological matter' attached to the glass that there must be a microbe eating it.


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