Big Hopes for Tiny Satellites 152
shelflife writes: "ST5, according to NASA, will usher in a new era of small, smart spacecraft. Why send a human into space when you can send a computer? And why send something almost as heavy as a UNIVAC if a laptop will do? Compact nanosatellites will have everything you'd want in a full-size, luxury satellite. They will have the attitudinal and navigational capabilities needed to maintain proper orbits, and they will be capable of complex, high-bandwidth communications functions."
Microsats flew some years ago (Score:3, Informative)
With today's smaller and more powerful chips, of course, it's a lot easier to do more in a small package.
Re:Microsats flew some years ago (Score:5, Informative)
Perhaps... (Score:1)
Why not? (Score:5, Funny)
That would have made Apollo 11 a really boring movie: write(nasafd,"houston, we have a problem",31)
Re:Why not? (Score:1)
Re:Why not? (Score:1)
He was making a joke. Show some humor.
Wrong Number (Score:1)
Re:Why not? (Score:1)
This will help drive down costs... (Score:1)
Maybe there will be a Pluto-Kupier Express project -- I sure hope so; I'd like to see Pluto's CH4 frost... otherwise think of all the little things we can do with these buggers!
If we're sending MicroSATs to space (Score:1, Offtopic)
Maybe that's why my Win98 machine is so flaky sometimes. Microsoft has been building solar flare disturbance simulators into the Windows kernel since 3.1...
Re:If we're sending MicroSATs to space (Score:2, Funny)
(It's a joke...I ain't no troll
Computers vs. Humans (Score:1, Troll)
Re:Computers vs. Humans (Score:1)
Radiation is a big problem, heat too (Score:5, Informative)
Solar radiation is an extremely serious problem for any computer in space. To be rad-hard, chips need to be made of silicon on sapphire, which means a $1 embedded processor suddenly costs twenty thousand dollars. This is not material cost, it's because the economies of scale in production of terrestrial processors are what drives the cost down. Nobody can afford sapphire RAM banks, and thus memories get a flipped bit per orbit, in general. The only way they keep working is that there is a "washing" process that scans memory and does ECC correction continuously. Shielding is simply too heavy to be practical (send up a lead-clad satellite, and your rocket becomes 10 times as large to boost the weight).
Because it's available in sapphire and is flight-proven, the microprocessor of choice for controlling satellites is the 1802. Remember the RCA Cosmac Elf? Most of you weren't born when that was a popular hobby computer
I was surprised to find that the Phase 3D satellite [] boots up with no ROM. Hardware loads RAM directly from a radio modem. They couldn't afford a ROM they could trust.
Heat is a problem, too. Heat sinks don't work so well without an atmosphere to carry away heat. You have to pipe heat around with heat-pipes filled with a phase-change gas, and then radiate the heat away.Bruce
Re:Radiation is a big problem, heat too (Score:2)
I remember the COSMAC Elf, and I've got the well-worn mid 70s copies of Radio-Electronics and (the original)Popular Electronics to prove it. Unfortunately I didn't have the spare cash for one at the time.
Re:Radiation is a big problem, heat too (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Radiation is a big problem, heat too (Score:1)
ECC reference (Score:2)
Comment added here to get by the slashcode postcomment compression filter.
Space-qualified electronics. (Score:5, Interesting)
It turns out that the situation isn't quite as grim as the scenario you've painted.
Solar radiation is an extremely serious problem for any computer in space. To be rad-hard, chips need to be made of silicon on sapphire, which means a $1 embedded processor suddenly costs twenty thousand dollars.
Silicon-on-insulator chips are used because they aren't vulnerable to latch-up (triggering of parasitic SCR structures formed by the many regions of doped silicon in conventional chips). However, there are other approaches to dealing with latch-up.
A common approach is to just add enough substrate contacts and apply design rules conservatively enough to ensure that latch-up currents won't be immediately destructive, and to power-cycle the chip either on a regular schedule, or when you see a huge current spike, or both. Powering down the chip turns off the SCR, and when you power up, everything's fine again.
On the flip side of this equation, SiOI is slowly becoming more common. There was a Slashdot article about IBM rolling out a SiOI process a while back; while plain silicon is still cheaper, I doubt you'd be looking at a factor of 10,000 price difference. The main problem with spacecraft electronics is that any custom chips will be fabbed in very low quantities, so you don't get the economics of devoting a wafer run to them. This is true whether they're rad-hard or not.
Nobody can afford sapphire RAM banks, and thus memories get a flipped bit per orbit, in general. The only way they keep working is that there is a "washing" process that scans memory and does ECC correction continuously.
You get noise events affecting the processor's activities too. You can get around this either by running two processors back-to-back with HA hardware to compare outputs, or by living with occasional errors and resetting the chip every so often. An expensive solution isn't necessarily needed
Also, using SiOI doesn't save you from these noise events. It's only useful for latch-up. An ionizing event could still cause conduction through gate oxide or do any of a number of other fun things that cause errors.
Because it's available in sapphire and is flight-proven, the microprocessor of choice for controlling satellites is the 1802.
Actually, rad-hard 386 chips have been standard for many applications for quite a while now.
Heat is a problem, too. Heat sinks don't work so well without an atmosphere to carry away heat. You have to pipe heat around with heat-pipes filled with a phase-change gas, and then radiate the heat away
Heat is indeed a problem, but you can get away with using the spacecraft structure as a passive heat sink if your electronics are low-power enough. This is a common trick, because you're on a limited power budget and want low-power electronics anyways. That way you only have to worry about craft-wide climate control (well, that and instruments that require very stable temperatures).
It's an interesting field, in any event.
Re:Space-qualified electronics. (Score:4, Interesting)
What about latch-up and RAM? Use dynamic RAM and power it down between refresh cycles?
Rad-hard '386? Is it a static version? I was aware that Harris did a fully static '286. AMSAT flew an ARM, and that probably has the most MIPS per mA, but due to the problems with P3D I don't think they've gotten much chance to test it.
Re:Space-qualified electronics. (Score:1, Informative)
I believe that SEi (now Maxwell) produces a rad-hard 486 also.
Re:Space-qualified electronics. (Score:1)
Actually only second-hand
I'm afraid I don't know the answer to either of your other questions.
Re:Radiation is a big problem, heat too (Score:1)
You could do this with three (or more) identical systems running in parallel. If one of them loses sync with the other, he could halt the system, reload his state from the others (which are still in consesus) and then resume. I know I'm over simplifying this, but we're already using such hardware redundancy schemes on Earth.
Re:Radiation is a big problem, heat too (Score:2)
Probably the only reason they still make them. Interesting term the set index register instruction has in assember though.
Re:Radiation is a big problem, heat too (Score:1, Informative)
As for ROM vs RAM, wouldn't a Mask ROM be more reliable than RAM ? I would assume you mean 6T or 8T SRAM not those 1T DRAM cells.
Re:Radiation is a big problem, heat too (Score:1, Informative)
I would like to add that it is quite possible to fly commercial processors in space. It merely requires good system engineering. Space radiation is merely another source of faults. A number of techniques can be used to get much better performance out of the commercial processor than the rad-hard processor while keeping it free from errors and up in terms of availability.
For instance the Iridium constellation uses Power PC 603s. In side by side comparisons, most of the time, the commercial processor is the better choice.
Besides performance and price, schedule is the big concern for using rad-hard parts. Most rad-hard processors that are being developed now (Rad-hard Pentium by Sandia, Rad-750 by BAE Systems, etc.) are way behind schedule and their performance by the time their designs are finished will be too far behind what is current to be useful.
Surviving re-entry (Score:2)
Re:Surviving re-entry (Score:1)
Re:Surviving re-entry (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Surviving re-entry (Score:2)
Because Humans Explore (Score:5, Insightful)
Another good thing about being small (Score:3, Insightful)
This would go both ways -- less risk of debris colliding with satellites, and less risk of a rogue satellite colliding with something else. The odds are minimal anyway, but it can't hurt that much.
Re:Another good thing about being small (Score:2)
Re:Another good thing about being small (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Another good thing about being small (Score:2)
Radar Cross Section isn't simply a function of size though. If you can make a UAV with the same RCS as a B52 it should be possible to make a nanosat which can easily be tracked from Earth.
Long on Advertising, Short on Meat (Score:3, Insightful)
It's called Brilliant Pebbles, guys. Sheesh!
OK, they mentioned funding is a consideration in the development.
A complete fluff piece.
What, No More Miss Piggy? (Score:1)
Space Junk Threat? (Score:5, Insightful)
Larger satellites tend to be plagued by little dints and holes in their solar sails because of these flecks of paint and whatnot. Smaller satellites would be harder to hit (because there's less volume up there in the first place,) HOWEVER the greater density of the devices could make a single unfortunate hit rather catastrophic because it could knock a whole bunch of things out at once.
It's like of like an ultra-powerful shuttlecraft compared to a borg cube. Small centralisation versus big generalisation. Comments anyone?
Re:Space Junk Threat? (Score:1)
Re:Space Junk Threat? (Score:1)
Re:Space Junk Threat? (Score:1)
Lots of advantages to being small (Score:5, Interesting)
Rocket cost proceeds geometrically as payload size increases only linearly, so big satellites are much more expensive to launch than are smaller ones. Build a satellite small enough, then there's a real chance it can be put into orbit by an ambitious amateur rocket.
If a satellite is cheaper (by which I mean total cost = system cost + launch cost) then you're more able to throw it away and replace it. The more inclined you are to throw it away, the less you worry about its maintaining an orbit - in the extreme case you don't build in any altitude maintainance and only gyroscopic attitute maintainance - then you don't need orbital control jets (and fuel, and all the associated systems) - so your satellite becomes cheaper and cheaper yet. So the satellite size reduces and reduces until its stopped by another parameter (e.g. mass of electronics, transponders etc.) which doesn't shrink in this way.
As we said, smaller satellites don't need as much (or any) orbital maintainance equipment. That's one of the parts of a satellite that's most likely to fail (and thus leave the satellite useless because its pointing the wrong way). If you can get the platform + payload cost down far enough, it'll be cheaper (and more reliable) to launch 10 cheap sats than one delux biggie.
Sure, making a small satellite makes for poorer signal strength, but ground-based equipment (dishes, antennae, amps etc.) scale with a much flatter geometric curve than do the same improvements in orbit (when you've spent all that money shoving them up the gravity well). If the VLA can detect "a cellphone at Saturn", a bigger dish here can detect a cokecan in LEO.
Re:Lots of advantages to being small (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Lots of advantages to being small (Score:1)
Re:Lots of advantages to being small (Score:2)
Re:Lots of advantages to being small (Score:1)
Re:Lots of advantages to being small (Score:2)
Re:Lots of advantages to being small (Score:2, Informative)
As far as I know the best for doing that are not US built which is why Surrey Space [] over in England are making a killing right now in the nanosat category.
Re:Lots of advantages to being small (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Lots of advantages to being small (Score:2)
Only must good if you want them all in the same orbit. Otherwise a good chunk of your payload will be rocket motors to alter the orbit. Also this isn't going to work without some kind of attitude control on them, even if it's simply using compressed gas.
Re:Lots of advantages to being small (Score:1)
Because the ground station is reusable?
Regardless, if you can narrow your signal to a specific enough frequency, you could pick it up with an accurate amature ham set.
All this talk about more transmission power being better...drives me nuts. If people can limit their transmissions to extremely specific frequency ranges (or use timed broad-spectrum pulses [])
Computers in space... (Score:1, Interesting)
sorta been done (Score:2)
Small, off the shelf components...good future. I've already got my computer in a little space suit, looking forward to the day it will orbit this spinning hunk of rock and smelly stuff.
Solar Powered airplanes (Score:2, Interesting)
large dumb satellites are the TRUE answer!! (Score:1)
More than simple logistical problems. (Score:4, Insightful)
While it seems like a "cool" idea on the outside, it probably isn't. There are at least two problems I can think of, off the top of my head, as to why microsatellites would be a Bad Idea (tm)
First and foremost, tracking. Suppose your microsatellite fulfills its useful lifespan, and dies, like so many other satellites....Without any means to communicate, the object is too small (and its irregular orbit too unpredictable) to be reliably tracked from the ground. Your microsatellite now becomes a big danger to other spacecraft, and other satellites, as it joins the ranks of tens of thousands of other pieces of other untrackable space junk.
Secondly, suppose you to manage to get a microsatellite up into orbit. You're an amateur, of course, which means you arent really aware of the orbital paths of other satellites. It might just be a matter of time before your little science fair project interrupts communication to half a continent due to the radio noise it gives off from a poor design meant to maximize for space, and not function.
I think we'd be wise to leave space for the professionals and be content with ground-based communications like shortwave packet and slow-scan TV.
Re:More than simple logistical problems. (Score:2)
Re:More than simple logistical problems. (Score:1)
these satellites may be tiny... (Score:2)
If not, I know a GREAT technology that's readily available.
Space - Patriotism (Score:3, Insightful)
I'd like to [mis?]quote a line from the movie Contact: "This is so beautiful...words cannot describe...they should have sent a poet."
Ponder that for a while. And no CmdrTaco, the poem-producing engine you wrote doesn't count!
Re:Space - Patriotism (Score:2)
I should like to think that machines (such as these sats) will someday be our companions up there, the spaceborne equivalent of the civil infrastructure of water lines, power grids, streets and highways that we all take for granted.
Re:Space - Patriotism (Score:2)
I fail to see how microsats make it easier to get out of this gravity well. And what gives you the idea that NASA really wants lots of people in space? All they ever needed to do was make it reasonably inexpensive to reach orbit. No small task, to be sure, but they've had 50 years and umpteen billions of dollars to do it with. The rest of us would have taken care of the rest. Everything, absolutely everything else they did should have been secondary to that. But instead, they have spent many times more putting a flag on the moon than they have on, say, scramjets and laser boosts and other potentially very cheap means of getting to orbit. Yes, the stuff they've done is certainly very impressive, but how useful is it to know the components of lunar regolith when nobody has set foot there for over 30 years and there are no such plans in the forseeable future? Or that there are planets in other star systems light-years away when we can barely go 60 miles straight up? It's all wonderful, fascinating knowledge and, with the way NASA's been going, completely and totally useless.
And... (Score:1)
Of course, I am sure somebody in charget has thought of that already...
Re:And... (Score:5, Interesting)
In actuality, it's pretty hard to hit anything in orbit. There's a whole lot of space out there, and not a very large volume of space junk. And, at least for spacecraft which are still in the middle of their useful mission lives, the orbit of everything up there is calculated. I'm sure there is even a repository or tracking agency for random space debris. Collision avoidance has got to be largely a planning matter (adjusting the Shuttle's flight plan so its orbit never intersects with known random space crap).
I wonder...does the Shuttle even have a search radar operating, to watch the space around it for navigational hazards? I've never heard of such a thing...
Re:And... (Score:2)
Re:And... (Score:1)
micro satilites (Score:1, Interesting)
Hey, I'm serious.
Yeah, but? (Score:1)
Formation Flying (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Formation Flying (Score:1)
Clear mouse (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Clear mouse (Score:1)
Re:Clear mouse (Score:1)
Re:Clear mouse (Score:1)
Let's get high with MicroSat (Score:1)
Excellent! So they'll have a bar and mini-fridge and in room service. None of those second rate MacroSat's for me.. I'm going for the luxury model.
Satellite Page (Score:1, Informative)
What a boon for surveillance! (Score:1)
Millions of satellites, smaller and vastly more powerful satellites.
How long before satellites, with increasingly sophisticated cameras, DSP, raw CPU power, and cross-referencing data amongst satellite clusters, get so powerful that they can:
1) Read the fine print of newspapers on the surface
2) Accurately recognise faces where the satellite's elevation from the subject is less than 80 degrees, and
3) Read infra-red signatures through building roofs, sufficient to discern number of people inside and their movements?
Market scaling problems (Score:2)
... and avoid the millions of other tiny satellites that are launched under the same program? Got a plan for that one?
O' course, I'm picturing the future when they become miniaturized to a few ounces and cheap enough so that everyone can afford one. Maybe they'll be the bugs on the space shuttle's windshield.
That's a pretty big birthday cake (Score:4, Interesting)
The page says that the satellite is the size of a birthday cake, and also that it is "42 centimeters (17 inches) across . . . weighs about 21.5 kilograms (47 pounds)". I don't know about you, but on my last birthday I didn't get a cake that big ;-).
More seriously, this is cool stuff. My favorite item from the list of new technologies [] is the "electrically tunable coating that can change its properties from absorbing heat when the spacecraft is cool to reflecting or emitting heat when the spacecraft is in the sun by applying electrical power". When you look at conventional ways of managing heat on a spacecraft (such as large and heavy radiators on the Space Station), this is pretty exciting.
If you have 106 of these nanosatellites.... (Score:1)
small is nice (Score:4, Interesting)
similar ideas, but with robots. v
Accidental weather control? (Score:1)
"Due to a computer glitch at NASA, there will be a hailstorm over Oslo tonight."
- Knut S.
Why send a human into space... (Score:1)
To press Ctrl-Alt-Del of course.
fast, cheap, and out of control (Score:1)
ION-F (Score:2)
Send a senator (Score:2)
Because he is a senator?
Technology at work (Score:1)
Re:How about a beowulf cluster o' these babies!? (Score:1)