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Linked Lists In DNA 14

skilbeck draws your attention to this report in the BBC Science section, writing: "In brief: Cillia, a family of 2 billion year old micro-organisms, use Linked Lists to sort and shuffle their own DNA... I knew linked lists were old hat, but 2 billion years..."
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Linked Lists In DNA

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  • Really? (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Single or double linked lists?
    Do they use the cool xor trick if double?
    Are they cicular?
    Wouldn't trees be more efficient? :)
    • Trees ARE linked lists, just a level up from the base class. The question, know that we know the base, is to understand the inherited data structures created. Queue? Stack? Tree? Map? Hash? Who knows what's goin on in the DNA now...
  • that the DNA was written in Lisp.

  • The field of DNA computing was kicked off in 1994 when Leonard Adleman used strands of DNA to solve a simple example of a mathematical conundrum known as the Travelling Salesman Problem. This involves working out the shortest path that takes in all points on a given route.

    Considering the Cilia's linked list capability, and the fact they're so successful, I think we should rename the problem to Traveling cilia.

  • by pagsz ( 450343 ) <> on Monday September 10, 2001 @06:29PM (#2275733) Journal
    Introducing the Intel Paramecium II processor, harnessing the power of millions of ciliates for your computing needs.

  • Well there goes my attempt to patent linked lists. Oh well, I still have that gene responsible for feet to try...
    Serve Gonk.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Maybe this is the meaning of life. All life being different "Programs". If this is the case, what version is H Sapiens? Is it and other life open source? Is it stable? Can it be ported to Linux? Should the DOJ get involved?
    • Maybe this is the meaning of life. All life being different "Programs". If this is the case, what version is H Sapiens?
      Versionless. Evolution just keeps hacking away.
      Is it and other life open source?
      All life on Earth is unlicensed - technically pirated, if one assumes the need for an explicit license. There have been no all-out enforcement attempts thus far, although certain branches of the code tree have been purged, especially by the H. Sapiens branch as it seeks to acquire more resources for its own runtime.
      Is it stable?
      No. In fact, any given instance of any branch is guaranteed to crash sooner or later - though there is work on fixing this bug, especially for the H. Sapiens branch.
      Can it be ported to Linux?
      In theory, although the emulators are severely limited at the moment. Fortunately, emulator development is getting lots of funding.
      Should the DOJ get involved?
      It already is, in some ways.
  • This is getting cilia and cilia.
  • If they will eventually be prior art for other algorithms...

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