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Own Your Own Russian Space Shuttle 157

MagicM writes "On e-bay, you can now bid on a Russian test shuttle: "This is a Bor-5 VKK (Spacecraft) and was used to test the aerodynamic characteristics of high altitude and extreme speed and heat on a space vehicle. It is an exact 1/8 scale model of the Russian "Buran" space shuttle." Bids starting at $550,000.00, no bids yet, closes at Aug-12-01 18:44:03 PDT. Better hurry!" I think the most humourous part of this is the seller added "I prefer PayPal!" Anyone out there with a 550,000 credit limit, buy away! *grin*
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Own Your Own Russian Space Shuttle

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  • Cost (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    > It cost the Russian BILLIONS of rubles to develop

    Which is like, US$20 now, right?

  • Gee is that the ONLY way a space shuttle can look or the only way a stolen design can look?
  • More (Score:5, Informative)

    by whatnotever ( 116284 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @05:29PM (#2110220)

    All about Buran: ce/Space_Shuttle/Buran,_Russian_Space_Shuttle/ []

    And a *real* one for sale! (Er, my Russian is a little rusty, but it says "For Sale" in English...) []

    And apparently, the program isn't dead, anymore: space-general-01m.html []

    • by fm6 ( 162816 )
      And a *real* one for sale!

      Not quite. No provision for a pilot. It's a full-size, radio-control model, intended to test the avionics, as prepartion for the full version that never got built. I'm not gonna bid on a spaceship unless it's one I can actually fly...

      And apparently, the program isn't dead, anymore:

      Well, that page mentions blue-sky launch vehicle projects in Russia, India, and Japan. Of course, the sorry state of the U.S. space program, we're in no position to sneer. I, for one, would only cheer if India became the leader of space exploration! But I'm not holding my breath.

  • You'd think they could at least send it out to Maaco to get it detailed and painted first!

    But really, the question I have to ask is "why is that guy so happy standing on the thing []?"

    He found a new place for his stash?
    He's going to turn it into a big bong?
    Somebody ELSE left their stash behind and he just found it?
    He now knows what he's going to do with the neighbour's cat that's been pissing in his garden?
  • by beanerspace ( 443710 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @05:40PM (#2110787) Homepage
    Man, at $550k, whatta deal. But if I'm going to go bonkers in space then I'm going to need some features. Problem is, I couldn't find specifications that would list any of the following necessities built in:
    • 8 Track Player (with at least one tape of either Elvis or Parliment ... or at least Bowie playing Major Tom)
    • Tang dispenser (already mixed & ready to go .. not that powdered crap)
    • Year's supply of space-food sticks (vintage 1971)
    • Booster system activated with the clapper
    • Computer equipped with neat female voice like that of the Enterprise
    • A little clicking sound that'll altert me to if I've left the right turn signal on
    • The assurance that someone will hear me scream
    • The assurance that someone will hear me scream

      In space, no one can hear you scream.
    • 8 Track Player (with at least one tape of either Elvis or Parliment ... or at least Bowie playing Major Tom)

      Or "Magic Carpet Ride"

      I would also want assurances that 8 track player could not play "Start Me Up" by the Rolling Stones. (It is rumored that a BSOD was the *actual* cause of the Challenger explosion. :)

  • If you drive it yourself - it's in Titusville, FL, IIRC.
  • I tink my credit card would max out, so what would happen if Imad a non-serious bid, and won!

    I might be interested in the real shuttle for half amil, but not this - unless I was a dot-com billionaire or lottery winner or something. Even then, its a pile of 16 foot long junk!
  • I knew the former soviet union had space shuttles, but I had no idea they looked so much like those from the USA! []

    WTF? Were they all made in Taiwan?? Are the russian shuttle parts interchanageable with the american shuttle parts? Do other countries have these as well??
    • The Buran design was patterned after the US shuttle intentionally. When design work started, the Soviets realized that it would be more efficient to re-use the designs for ours, which were never classified and proven to work since the first tests of an air-dropped full size Orbiter in 1977. Thus, the result was a craft that resembles the Rockwell International design in many ways. (See here [] for some photos of another Buran test article, this one full-sized, on display in Sydney; an Australian friend donated the photos and is visible in one of them.)

      This page [] has information about the Buran program in depth, including engineering background and a number of illustrations, including a few showing Buran docked to Mir. This, of course, never came to be following the program's cancellation after a single flight in 1988. The U.S. shuttle did visit in the mid- to late 1990s, however, as a prelude to the ISS program.

      This [] may be a photo of the model that is on eBay, but I can't be sure. This [] might be, too -- in fact, the probability is rather high.

      From the site:

      "There was severe criticism of the decision to copy the space shuttle configuration. But earlier studies had considered numerous types of aircraft layouts, vertical takeoff designs, and ground- and sea- launched variants. The NPO Energia engineers could not find any configuration that was objectively better. This only validated the tremendous amount of work done in the US in refining the design. There was no point in picking a different inferior solution just because it was original."
      So there you have it.
    • Buran abd US shuttle still have different design. Buran has to be launched with rocket ("Energia")with its own engines off until separation, while US shuttle uses own engines and carries external fuel tank with additional solid fuel boosters. Space shuttle isn't the only example of a lok alike aircraft. Same holds true for Concord and TU-144 supersnoics. If I am not mistaken, Boeing had a supersonic jet project and it also looked very similar to other two.
  • From the pictures, it looks like a piece of junk, all beat up. Half a million dollars? what the hell would you do with it? You can't fix it up, it seems like the type of thing that a materialistic yuppie would buy to say, "I have a mansion, a yacht, a ferrari and a russian space shuttle."
    • by Anonymous Coward
      a materialistic yuppie would buy to say, "I have a mansion, a yacht, a ferrari and a russian space shuttle."

      My name is Elmer J. Fudd, Miwwionawe. I own a mansion and a yacht... And a Wussian Space Shuttwe, he-he-he-heh
    • It's not actually a space shuttle anyway. It's just a test model. That is why it looks so beat up.

      It looks like the guy is trying to sell it to some type of museum, or maybe a corporation that wants something in their lobby? I agree though, it is not very aesthetically pleasing and it seems that some sort of space buff would be the most likely candidate for purchase. So, I'll guess we will find out if their are lots of these types with 1/2 million to blow on such a thing.
  • As so many have pointed out the Buran looks a lot like NASA's SST. The Russians used a lot of design features of the SST because they were proven with hundreds of flights of the SST. Why waste a bunch of money of a off the wall shuttle concept when there's already a viable and proven design already in use by somebody else. Look at how much hassle and cash NASA's got to spend working on new shuttle designs.
    What I want to know is what happened to the HOPE and Hermes developed by Japan and Europe respectively. Did they ever build scale models of either of those? I think I'd like a one person version of the Hermes to stick a deathray on and wreak destruction upon the Earth with it.
  • If everyone on slashdot chips in $2, we can buy the thing and store it at Cmdr Taco's house.
  • by iota ( 527 )
    I'm surprised that no one has posted that this is REALLY old news... I posted this in 1999 i think. Do a search...
    • Hrm....last time I checked, eBay didn't have a 2 year auction duration...
      • by iota ( 527 )
        I meant search slashdot. Someone posted this same type shuttle a long time ago, and then myself and a friend made a joke project of 'lets buy it and put linux on it' to poke fun at the put-linux-on-everything trend. do a search for shuttle you should find it :)
  • It is an exact 1/8 scale model of the Russian "Buran" space shuttle."

    So it's an exact 1/16 scale model of the US Space Shuttle. :-)

    • I've always admired thr Russian space program, and I think its very sad to see Buran sitting rusting away (like much russian hardware these days).

      It might not have been a totally original design, but it would have a greater payload than the American shuttles, probably be cheaper to operate etc.

      Somebody above posted a link about how the Buran may soon be resurrected (apparently one is pretty much ready to roll out to the launch platform on short order, more or less just needs to have a motor strapped to it), and extended (stretched lengthways) to a 200tonne payload (10x the shuttle payload) to fly again. I personnally hope it does, it sure would be a sight to see.
  • by jhittner ( 66567 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @05:19PM (#2118346)
    The seller is also selling his collection of "HARRY POTTER AUDIO CASSETTES" and some dolls. Most of his other items are under $20. This is quite a leap for this guy.

  • it's only a model
  • Take a look at my homepage to see it!
  • ...that the seller doesn't prefer PayPaI []!!!

  • Wouldn't the rocketman be able to use this? He could use some really good super glue, and some tnt, and get to space with having to build that damn "home made" rocket. Maybe, I'll by it, and beat him up there.
  • by British ( 51765 )
    I know it's been to outer space, but wow, this thing is in serious need of a paint job. It looks like something you'd see in an outer space junkyard or outside some white trash's house on Mars.
    • It never had one. It was most likely used for wind tunnel, weight, and fit checks along with fitting test payloads into the bay. This [] is what it originally looked like.
  • Man, just drop in a nice 8 cylinder 350 hp engine in there, and that thing would be flying down the road. >:)=

    my 2 cents plus 2 more
  • Screw lawn geese and dear, put a frikkin Russian space shuttle in your front lawn.
  • When you could swipe the real thing from Gorky park with a forklift and a tractor-trailer.

    It's up on cinder blocks []... kinda sad, really.

  • By the time this was posted there's only about 4.5 hours left before it closes!
  • In that rig, it looks like the car/semi/fire truck/airplane/horse/whatever kind of ride outside of most Wal-Mart stores... (Real) spaceship ride at a science museum, perhaps?
  • woah (Score:3, Funny)

    by BeerHunter ( 106251 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @06:02PM (#2125682)
    John Carmack has an infinite credit limit... he could buy that thing and send a spider monkey into orbit with a little webcam...

    Model Russian space capsule: Five Hundred Thousand dollars.
    Spider monkey bought from Brazilian poachers: Six Hundred dollars.
    Custom Solid Fuel Rocket Engine: Two Hundred Forty Thousand dollars
    The look on said monkey's face as his brain is crushed passing 10Gs..... priceless.

    Oh baby.... thats what I'm talkin about.
  • Somebody ought to tell Rocketguy []! Then, if he incorporated this, he might have a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Holy CRAP!
    "It descended, hitting mach 20 and temperatures of 16,000 K!"
    Considering that Carbon boils at 5100 K and the sun is right around 6000K, I must be missing something.
    • "It descended, hitting mach 20 and temperatures of 16,000 K!" Considering that Carbon boils at 5100 K and the sun is right around 6000K, I must be missing something.

      While the surface of the sun, its coldest part, is about 5800K, other parts are much hotter. For instance, the corona is a million or two degrees, and the core - where fusion takes place - is about 15 million.

      Anyone comparing a temperature to the surface of the sun is being deliberately deceptive. They are attempting to demonstrate how hot something is by comparing it to the sun - which we all know is very very hot - but they are comparing it to the sun's coldest part.

    • The blunted shapes on the nose and leading edges of the wings of the Buran (and space shuttle) create a pressure wave in front of them which acts as a heat transfer mechanism. The temperatures of the plasma on the forefront of this pressure wave can reach thousands of degrees but the air wall in front of the aerodynamic surfaces prevents a good portion of the heat from ever reaching the skin of the ship. Also the skin structure is a ceramic tile filled with glass spirals which results in an enormous heat conducting surface area. The aluminum skin under these tiles would vaporize without said tiles.
  • It's not the price, It's the upkeep! I mean, even if you can afford the initial investment think of the fuel and repair costs! And my mother would have a FIT if I tried to launch it from the back yard! Can you imagine the mess? Smoke! Junk falling out or the sky! Fire! My god, she'd kill me!!
  • It may cost a bit more than half a mil to buy, but dont forget that $5000 shipping cost to FedEx!

  • If they run Windows like the rest of the world, it's only a matter of time before my $550,000 model becomes Owned by Chinese!

  • If anyone's interested at more information on Buran and Baikal (the other Russian orbiter), take a look at [] for some good information, plus a Message forum where I've read lots of interesting information concerning Buran and it's possible ressurrection. Also, the Buran unit designed for aerodynamic test flights (and thusly equipped with 4 turbo jets + afterburners) is on tour in Australia right now. Pictures of that tour can be found at [].

    I'm actually going to find it very interesting if Russia ressurrects it's Buran shuttles, as most likely they'll put a small crew of cosmonauts on it and then sell the remaining 3-4 seats to tourists to piss off NASA :P

  • Doesn't the seller have to pay a huge listing fee for 550,000.00?!?! I'd hate to see him not sell that model.
  • by Omerna ( 241397 ) <> on Sunday August 12, 2001 @06:15PM (#2132661) Homepage
    Praise : From T Models to Space Shuttles Dutch has it! Great Fellow A+++

    Looks like he already sold a space shuttle... I'm impressed.
  • This reminds me of this this slashdot story [] from a few years back. Judging from the pictures and description it seems to be the same shuttle. I don't remember the original ebay posting well enough to confirm it. That is assuming its not a hoax of course.
  • When a deal like this goes sour, and it most likely will -- if anyone is stupid enough to bid on it, it's the escrow business that wins out in no small way. It's the next best thing to being a stock broker. Your clients see millions come and go, but you always get your six figures.
  • by garcia ( 6573 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @06:41PM (#2136675)
    I would think that the people from JYW could come up w/a far better space vehicle from the scrap heap (at least it would be better looking -- there was some guy that painted their creation to make it look nice).

    Sorry but I really don't feel that at $550k this is worth it. It is in terrible condition and would need tons of restoration work.

    I think that it should be donated to a museum or at least reduced in price...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    "It cost the Russian billions of rubles to develop!"

    Isn't that worth about $17 right now? Enough to buy a brace of nuclear scientists from Leningrad.

  • revolution (Score:4, Funny)

    by Richthofen80 ( 412488 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @06:49PM (#2137086) Homepage
    This is a revolution for all people who are vertically challenged. no longer will the oppresive normally sized people be able to say they are the only ones conquering space. Now midgets and dwarves can enjoy that same luxury.

    It is exactly like the real space shuttle, only 1/8th it's size? I'll call it, "Mini-shuttle!"

  • If anyone is interested in buying this and has a spare half a mill laying around in one of his/her checking accounts, go for it!

  • I thought I saw this in the Santa Monica Museum of Flying about three years ago. Same one? Or is it just a big fib? Reminds me of of the time I saw someone selling the Earth as God on Ebay. "Earth, slightly used. Doesn't work."
  • Maybe after I drop the half million on this mini shuttle I'll let my Bandai life size mech sit in the pilot's seat [].

    Become a red code vigilante! []

  • These were taken when Buran was in Sydney, January 2001. The first few pictures are from 2001, the last few is when the Perth, Western Australia mob went to the exhibit in Darling Harbour. [].

  • but my bumper sticker will read "My other shuttle is from NASA"
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Previously on eBay, I have purchased the following from him: the San Francisco Bay Bridge, Mjolnir, the One Ring, the Flying Dutchman, one of Thomas Crapper's flushing prototypes, the real Titanic (not the prototype they wasted on the iceberg), Bill Gates' Soul, and Skylab. I did, however, pass when he sold KITT car because KITT was listed as grouchy and gas-guzzling in the listing.

    I've only had one complaint, and that was when the mailman busted the facings off the door trying to get that Bay Bridge into the house.

    I hear that the dutchmeister is planning to list some Indonesian deep space stations next month.

  • Okay...Who might I ask has half a million bucks to blow on this? I mean, having my own space shuttle might be nice and all, but, this is a ratther sorry looking one...not to mention a 1/8 scale model. Half a million is quite a bit for this, if you ask me. (not to mention the durration of his auction was short...he started it on the 5th. I mean, 7 days for something you're asking for upwards of half a million for. If I had that kind of money, to blow...I'd spend more than a week to deside to blow it on this.
  • It came back with

    "Problem with bid amount

    Your bid of $125.00 is less than the minimum bid. Please go back and bid at least $550,000.00. (Please type numbers and the decimal point (.) only.)"

  • From the description on ebay:

    It cost the Russian BILLIONS of rubles to develop!

    That's like, what--US$57.08? Maybe they should just auction off the entire Russian space program... oh wait, Dennis Tito already bought it. Never mind.

  • by Chuu ( 307073 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @05:37PM (#2141675)
    Time to watch the /. effect in action!
  • Ups... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by nick-less ( 307628 )
    I thought ./ wont post links to ebay?
    some weeks a go i submitted a link to an Cray-YMP sale on Ebay.

    poor little cray, not exotic enough to make it ;-)
  • From his me [] page.

    Obviously hasn't heard of pr0n []...

    cLive ;-)

  • by blang ( 450736 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @05:33PM (#2143065)
    They could have saved some money, by just calling Larry "more toys than thou" Ellison directly.
  • AmEx has no credit limit......
  • The USSR sure sent some crap into space.....
  • Cost? (Score:2, Funny)

    Billions of Rubles?

    3 American Dollars...

    How do you want to fall out of space today?
  • Back in the early 80s (1984, I beleive) there was a news story on NBC in New York. The report was from in front of the LoC (Library of Congress) in DC, where a group of Soviets had walked in a photocopied all the plans, blueprints and data on the Space Shuttle.

    The public outcry was huge for three days, then everyone seemed to forget about it. :-)

  • by ehiris ( 214677 )
    Is the A/C functional?
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday August 12, 2001 @05:14PM (#2144981)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Does anyone know if 550K is a "good deal" for something like this? I mean, you can't really comparison shop and see what, say, Wal-Mart is running them at this week.


Old programmers never die, they just hit account block limit.
