Genesis Mission - Search For Origins 51
kurros writes "For those who haven't been following the project, the Genesis will finally lift off Monday at 12:36pm EDT. The launch will of course be aired on NASA TV. The Genesis mission is a step towards understanding exactly what the Sun and planets in our system are made up of, and hopefully provide data to help explain its origins."
Re:And the answer is (Score:1)
(Apologies for the sarcasm, but some things just seem to beg for it so much that I can't help myself.)
Re:Patrick Bateman, esq.: (Score:2)
Hacker: A criminal who breaks into computer systems
I hope... (Score:2)
Re:Returning to the Moon (Score:2)
Hacker: A criminal who breaks into computer systems
Back to school (Score:1)
Uhmmm, atoms?
Returning to the Moon (Score:2)
Re:Spending cuts.. (Score:2)
not the fault of NASA (Score:2)
nature of the poster and not NASA...
but on the upside, I have worked personally with
both the Pricipal Investigator and a couple of
the Co-Investigators of this project in the past,
and I can tell you that if any NASA project has
ever had great possibilities and promise of
bringing home evidence capable of changing theories
it is this one. These people are all absolute
top-notch scientists that are capable of a
synergetic teamwork that can forever change
how people view the early universe.
the bottom line -- stay tuned for their results,
because if they succeed they will have hard
evidence for which to prove and/or disprove
many existing astrophysical theories...
Genesis overload (Score:2)
From the quirky-but-pointless department: every tech company I've worked with has had a project called Genesis that's been running for years, hasn't produce anything, but hasn't been cut. Here's my theory why:
Budget meeting:
Re:And the answer is (Score:1)
Besides being sexist(downfall of Man was Eve's falt) and archaic(burn all who do not believe), your bible also says that the world is flat, the sky is solid and that mustard comes from a tree. Many chapters and many books contradict each other. Of course this is taken out of context and can be explained by obscurity-- I mean faith. I guess snce everyone else believes in it I may as well jump of the fundamentalists bandwagon. Yipeeee! ;)
okay enough of that...
If your lord is your shepard, then I am the big bad wolf
Re:Spending cuts.. (Score:2)
Like burning books and libraries and museums, persecuting learned men, burning literate women (for being literate), and keeping a tight lipped monopoly on the bulk of relevant historical artifacts.
Not to mention the utter hypocrisy of most Amerikan Christians, who would sooner die than actaully live thier lives as Jesus allegedly would have. Forgive us if we are a bit jaded concerning the genuineness of your 'position'. That is WJWD, isn't it?
Carl G. Jung
Well, did you evah? (Score:1)
Next July we collide with Mars.
Well, did you evah?
What a swell party this is!
Re:Real link (Score:1)
Re:Domain for sale? (Score:3)
Genesis Mission (Score:2)
Extreme Helicopter Capture! (Score:2)
Thats sounds like it might be worth watching. Does anyone know the details of the recovery? I'd guess that they plan on using a net of some kind. NASA really needs this, just to put something out there that can impress Joe Taxpayer.
Funny I thought Genesis was a terraforming project (Score:1)
Re:Spending cuts...responding to trolls...etc. (Score:3)
a) "(Unmanned) Exploration missions have no tangible benefit" #1 -- certain theorists on earth are ...um... SUGGESTING... that an increase in this thing called "greenhouse gasses" could cause elevated temperatures on earth, from when heat coming up from the planet is reflected back down. This sounds kind of like that planet ...um, what's it's name? ...umm... VENUS???? A world where the surface temperature (due to a runaway greenhouse effect) can melt lead.
a) "(Unmanned) Exploration missions have no tangible benefit" #2 -- certain theorists on earth are ...um... SUGGESTING... that holes in the the ozone layer will let through more ultraviolet light than is safe, barbecuing life on earth ... yadda, yadda, yadda ... ok, you get the idea. The planet I'm referring to is MARS. The closest thing this system's got to an earth-like world other than Earth itself ... a world where we're getting more and more indications that there used to be life ... indications that there used to be liquid H2O on the surface - and there still may be some trapped in the rocks and ices ... All of it being quite well barbecued due to the lack of an ozone layer.
Two worlds, currently unable to sustain life (we think). Two problems that Earth is facing right now. Two test cases where we can see the problems Earth is facing, actually happening.
Any questions?
If not, I do have one question. How many Buddhists are working at NASA? How many Shinto? Hindu? Taoist? Islamics?
How about 'how many people on this planet don't march in step with your beliefs?
Didn't think you'd know. Scary, ain't it ... living in a country (assuming you're an American) where not only are you surrounded by heathens and heretics, but the national laws permit them to stay.
Re:And the answer is (Score:2)
(a) Expanding Universe : Did the Bible predicts the exact value of the Hubble Constant? I mean, there are some details that scientists are very keen to know...
(b) String Theory : Provided that String THeory is correct (no proof), current popular ideas thinks that we live in a 11-dimensions universe, not 10. (btw, can you tell me where in the Bible that says this? I'd like to show some of my string theorists friends here just to rub them off.)
(c) Books : Isn't checking out books "taking the opinion of others?" Especially when you believe everything a book says?
I have no problems with people believing in some being creating the Universe. I just have problems with these people thumping their beliefs into my head as though as I can't find that out for myself.
Ethical implications.. (Score:2)
Re:Spending cuts.. (Score:1)
What the original poster basically said was: "6,000 years ago, the Hebrew wind demon Yahweh poofed the universe into existence in essentially its current state. That's the way it went. Since we know the truth, we should not be studying this."
And for those coming in late... (Score:1)
Mission Postponed (Score:1)
Re:Funny I thought Genesis was a terraforming proj (Score:1)
Patrick Bateman, esq.: (Score:1)
*rolls eyes* (Score:1)
And the answer is (Score:1)
I know, this is as unpopular on /. as saying BillG runs a super-duper company that's really good to people.
But did you know that the Bible, written millenia ago, says "God stretches out the heavens"? Yes, now we know that the universe is continually expanding, but that sure wasn't a human concept when Isaiah wrote that thousands of years ago.
There are tons of other points in the Bible that show more than human origin in writing it. Like the fact that the universe just leapt into existence when God spoke a word. The Big Bang was not a theory developed in the first century, but while we now know about the big bang, humankind then didn't.
Or did you know that the Bible predicts 10 dimensions, with 6 collapsed (heard of String theory) shortly after the Bang?
Perhaps if some of you took the time to check out books like this [reasons.org] you might learn what the Bible really has to say, rather than taking the opinions of others.
the orbit (Score:1)
Re:And the answer is (Score:1)
If you believe there are contradictions, it's probably because you haven't had the full background of the culture the books were written in - once you do, you see that there are NO contradictions.
Re:Spending cuts.. (Score:1)
What everyone seems to forget is that the 'church' as a whole has changed dramatically since those days. Still, there is a line to be drawn between the Corporate Church, and the church body in general. The Church of the past was extremely self-righteous, self-centered and bigoted. There is plenty of reference in the Bible that many practices of the Church were ungodly and outright wrong. But it does seem as though the tide has turned today.
Mass Christianity (not Catholicism) ie Baptist, Pentecostal, Brethren in Christ, Mennonite Brethren, Missionary, etc are far from being loud and obnoxious. Most Christian denominations are quite humble and quiet, simply trying to spread the gospel, without shoving it down people's throat. I too disagree and hate when people curse and damn all who don't believe - beware the wrath of God! I mean, sure the message may be right, but the means is completely wrong.
So please, try to see the big picture about Christianty, and not group the entire general belief system together with the worst of its believers. The name of true Christianty has been tarnished by the wrongdoings of people in the past. It is a sensitive subject, yes. But as it says, Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs. Am I fighting it? No, it's pointless. But we can do our best to try to open people's eyes to the blatent closed-minded insulting practices of those who simply don't believe in God (well, Jesus). Christians and non-Christians alike both have good people and bad people on their side. There are many nonchristians who are better people than (so called) Christians, and vice versa. This isn't a matter of 'who's better' or whatnot. It's simply a matter of please don't close your eyes to how people are treated, automatically, without full knowledge of where the person stands.
Re:Hey! (Score:1)
Re:Genesis overload (Score:1)
MY company's Project Genesis completed successfully.
That's because we all knew that if it didn't succeed, it would be followed by Project Exodus.
Domain for sale? (Score:1)
missions (Score:1)
Re:Domain for sale? (Score:1)
I don't know about you.... (Score:4)
Real link (Score:3)
Domain Hoarder? (Score:1)
What's up with the link in this article?
Funny (Score:1)
Clever sales plot? (Score:1)
Genesismission.com..? (Score:1)
Get Miller! (Score:1)
Doesn't look good (Score:1)
Re:Spending cuts.. (Score:2)
Trooling for Jesus, are we?
Here's a real Genesis Mission link (Score:1)
Real Site (Score:1)
Corrected link (Score:1)
Geekizoid: The Small Shiny Things Network ©! [geekizoid.com]
Re:Extreme Helicopter Capture! (Score:5)
Specially designated JC-130s [spectrumwd.com] were used to test the concept in the 1960s. The system was also used to pick people up from the ground in-flight. The Air Force retired [af.mil] the system on its MC-130 Combat Talons in 1996.
There are some pretty good photos of Fulton equipped C-130s on this page [fas.org].
Re:missions (Score:1)
Of course, I just heard this in some FOX conspiracy theroy. Probably not true.
Re:missions (Score:1)
On the other hand, we've been to the Moon recently with probes. Remember Clementine (a DoD mission) and Lunar Prospector (carrying a bit of Gene Shoemaker)?