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Superconducting Power Cables in Denmark 82

Mikkel Blanné writes "Today Denmark put a superconducting power cable to use , beating Detroit to it! (Be careful though, it's in danish). We're talking 3 cables, each 30 metres in length and produced in cooperation between Nordic Superconductor Technologies, NKT Research and DTU. This makes it the first superconducting cable in actual use, ie. not in a laboratory. The purpose of this project is of course still research, but I am right now typing this on a computer running on power that came through those cables ;-) Further descriptions are here and in this rather old RISØ newsletter. Sorry about everything being in danish, but apparently this hasn't come to the world's attention yet..."
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Superconducting Power Cables in Denmark

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    extremely cold liquid nitrogen

    As opposed to the really hot liquid nitrogen?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    from http://www.supercables.com/

    Three 30 metre supercooled cables Copenhagen's new supercable is only 30 metres long, but that is ample for practical full-scale testing in the public supply grid. The cable is installed at 'Amager Substation', a central hub in the Danish capital's energy supply system. The supercable is capable of supplying electricity to the whole of Amager district and will be tested under all operating conditions. No operating experience exists elsewhere of superca-bles installed in a public supply grid, and in particular the use of extremely cold liquid nitro-gen to cool the cable is a totally new element in electricity supply. The new cable has three phases, ie. it consists of three separate superconducting cables each 30 metres long spliced into the grid where the voltage is 30 kV. The supercable has a 2000 Amp current rating.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @02:17AM (#191595)
    This is 30 meters of three-phase 30K volt AC cable in real use, installed in the normal power distribution grid at a power-station powering about 150,000 citicens in the Copenhagen, capitol of Denmark.

    At first only about 20% of the power in the station is led through the cable, but later (if everything goes well) the cable is supposed to take more power.

    If this project turns out fine, a 4-6K meter cable is next.

    Power for cooling to keep the cable below -160 degrees celcius is expected to be about half the power loss of a traditional cable.

  • Remember though, that long distance fiber optic cables are power cables. All those repeaters along the way need power, and that is usually supplied with one or more 10,000 volt conductors in the same jacket as the fiber.

  • "More to the point, the 30m cable is a 20% load experiment which, if successful, will lead to a 100% 'actual use' implementation of several Km, so this Dutch installation isn't really specifically for 'actual use' either."

    No - They plan to operate the 30 meter at 100% but have started with only 20% usage (yesteday). They expect that all the power for the ~150000 citizen on Amager will go trough this kabel if all go well...

    And its a DANISH installation - not Dutch.
  • An undersea _power_ cable between Europe and America might not be such a bad idea. The timezones are different: during Europe's night time its power stations could sell electricity to the US, and vice versa. I don't think that people will be constructing nitrogen-cooled undersea pipeline-power-cables for a while yet though.
  • Yet the total power delivered to these repeaters is so small that the costs to cool the superconductor would make this a completely idiotic investment.
  • by The Mayor ( 6048 ) on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @03:00AM (#191600)
    Are you smoking crack? This won't do one bit of good for a 25GB transatlantic cable. Fiber optics are already nearly lossless at large distances. The only problem with fiber optics is that we cannot modulate significant amounts of power over a fiber optic cable.

    This is going to be used to transmit power. Right now, in the US, when power is transmitted from the Hoover Dam to cities several states away, power losses can be well above 50%. A fiber optic cable over the same distance would have losses on the order of a fraction of one percent.

    This won't be a replacement for the cabling between your house and the transformer in your neighborhood. The costs of supercooling the wire would be too great. This is going to be used to transmit power from the power source to the power station. BIG wires. Big current. High voltages.

    So, if you're a comm company, you don't have to worry about this. This won't affect you one bit. In fact, none of the wiring for power in neighborhoods will be uprooted, either. Only the big high voltage, high current cable (actually, if your cable can take higher voltages, you'll gladly trade a higher voltage, lower current cable, as losses are related to current, not voltage). This will be far less than 1% of all power lines (probably smaller than .01%, but I have absolutely no evidence to back that up).
  • Power for cooling to keep the cable below -160 degrees celcius is expected to be about half the power loss of a traditional cable.

    But in exchange for that, the failure modes are twice as spectacular!

    If the cooling system goes out, the cable will become non-superconducing, start to produce heat, and quickly explode.

    If the cable is overloaded, it won't just melt away, but at a certain point the superconductivity will stop to work (you can only carry that much current through a superconducting cable) and again, heat forms, and superconductivity stops alltogether really quickly.

  • Well, since v = I R, you can say either P = (v^2)/R or P = (I^2) R it's just the same...

    Right.......... And wrong.

    The "V" you need to take is the Voltage over the cable. This is not a nubmer that is easily user-accesible. Moreover, the "R" becoming 0 (superconduction!) means that we start dividing by 0. Fun formula to use in this case.

    The right formula is:

    P = I^2 * R

    This shows that the current used is very important. By increasing the voltage on the long distance lines, the current is reduced, therefore the losses in those lines. In this case, the R is reduced to 0, so the loss should be 0 in the superconducting cable.

  • by Mr Z ( 6791 ) on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @02:09AM (#191603) Homepage Journal
    For you americans thats a little over 110ft.

    Actually, 30 meters is just over 98 feet, 5 3/32 inches. :-)

  • Does anyone know how much these cables would save (in the way of line loss) over ordinary copper power mains?

    Don't have a wire table handy and the answer should be generally interesting.

  • For you americans thats a little over 110ft.

    Axtually, as someone else has already pointed out, it it just under 100 ft.

    I could be misunderstanding this (and i certainly dont speak danish) but I thought the largest gain would be through using this is long distance transmission lines.

    Partly true. The longer the line, the more you gain from reducing the resistance. However, the load current also plays a a large part in this (see below)

    As i recall the loss in a cable is P=(v^2)/R so the lower the resistance the lower the loss in the line. As the resistance of a wire is proportional to it's length P=(v^2)/(al) so the greatest losses are on long lines.

    The formula is correct, but the v (or more properly e for EMF) is the line drop, which is proportional to both the current, the length, and the resiatance/length. In this case, the more appropriate forumula would be P = I^2 * R, where I is the load current and R is again proportional to cable lenght.

    Consider a local main that delivers 200A, is 1000 ft long (300M) and has a resistance over its length of 0.01 Ohm. The drop in each each leg ot the main will be 2V. So if the substation feeding the main delivers 120V, only 116V will be seen at the other end. Further line loss (which will be heating the main) will be 400W in each leg of the main, or 800W. (My reistance value may be way off, I have no real idea what the resistifity of local power mains is.)

    Long distance power lines are extremely high voltage (on the order ot tens of KV) and carry relatively low current. Local mains carry only 100 .. 240 V and (relatively) more current. Also, there are probably more miles (total) of local mains than of long distance transmission lines.

  • You aren't ging to have high tension wires there.
    The Detroit cable is 1% the weight of the copper
    it replaces, and almost twice as efficent.

  • ..that according to the article one reason they're installing the superconducting cables is that it is cheaper to install superconducting cables than "normal" cables!
    TA (I read the article)
  • Silly remark.

    110V @60Hz VS. 230V @50Hz has it's pro's and cons. The US has due to the low Voltage and high current a FAR higher incidence of fires. (As well partially due to aluminium wiring)
    Europe has (had in most countries) due to the higher Voltage and lower frequency a higher number of electrocutions. In most of Europe this danger has been overcome by putting earth-fault relais in every home and installation.
    And sure the losses in a 110V line are quadratic higher than in a 230V line but then the US system far ofter uses (3000V?)transformers right on the doorstep.

  • Just think of how much cryogenic Super Monster Z1+ Reference Poo-Bah Pro Mega Speaker Interconnects could cost! Does the danish article say how much these 100 foot cables cost? They might be competitive with the MIT Cables Oracle V1 [audioreview.com], which is a mear $14,995 for an 8' cable. The reviews for that cable are just jokes, but looks like some of the other cables [audioreview.com] that only cost a couple thousand really have been purchased by people with far too much money to waste.

    I'm suprised the audiophile market doesn't have any superconducting products. It seems these people will buy anything as long as it costs enough.

  • by KFury ( 19522 ) on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @03:34AM (#191610) Homepage
    'This makes it the first superconducting cable in actual use, ie. not in a laboratory.'

    I think the author (Chick) is a little confused on the term 'actual use.' Just because a superconducting cable is used in a laboratory doesn't mean that the cable itself is the subject of the experiment, and could easily be seen as a case of 'actual use.'

    More to the point, the 30m cable is a 20% load experiment which, if successful, will lead to a 100% 'actual use' implementation of several Km, so this Dutch installation isn't really specifically for 'actual use' either.

    Kevin Fox
  • For examnple, the cables can be produced to take up less space, and allow larger maximum current.

    Uh, it's superconducting. No resistance. So, there should be no maximum current, and no minimum size!

    What am I missing here?

  • higher voltage doesn't kill anybody.

    higher amperage does.

    As for Electrical fires, the amount of power used in a typical U.S. home, in comparison to a typical U.K. home would probably level out the statistics. (Is Aluminum wiring even allowed anymore? scary)

  • The U.S. will rape and pillage Canada for power, they don't need it from Europe
  • by kjj ( 32549 )
    Under the DMCA a Danish translator could be considered a circumvention device.
  • 230V certainly makes more sence for delivering
    more power to the end user. Simple arithmetic will
    tell you 230V x 16A is alot more than 117V x 15A.
    The 50Hz issue is an interesting one. There has
    been talk of taking it to 60Hz here in Europe. By
    doing just that, you get a few percent more
    capacity from the power system and don't yet need
    those expensive super-conducting cables for a
    while longer. Except for a few obsolete clocks,
    there would be little or no side effects in going
    to 60Hz.

    As for the higher voltage, the handling is done in
    a much more safe manner. You cannot touch 230V by
    plugging something in as you can with the North
    American plugs. They are alot larger here however.

    Anyone moving from the US to Europe that works
    with electrical equipment quickly learns to have
    a bit more respect for the "low voltage" mains!
    It is hard to say which voltage is safer. Tesla
    said that 230V was the best compramise between
    power deliverable and safety. He also suggested
    55Hz while Westinghouse suggested 130Hz. IMO, 60Hz
    appears to be the best frequency: A compramise
    between transmission distance and transformer
  • by busstop ( 36269 ) on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @02:18AM (#191616)
    See URL http://www.supercables.com [supercables.com] (follow the "news" link)
  • Wasn't there a slashdot article a few days back about superconducting cable somewhere in the US ? I think in Dallas ?
  • by umeshunni ( 37684 ) <umeshunniNO@SPAMhotmail.com> on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @02:29AM (#191618) Homepage Journal
    Yeah in Detroit... links here [slashdot.org] and here [slashdot.org] and here [slashdot.org]
  • by Kingpin ( 40003 ) on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @03:31AM (#191619) Homepage
    First superconducting wires (not post) launched.

    Danish research, industry and power supply in unified world record.

    For the first time in the world superconducting wires are moved beyond the laboratories and into the power grid. It happens monday at Amager Koblingsstation located Irlandsvej 95. The Italian/American competitor Pirelli is believed to be at least a month delayed.

    Since february engineers from Copenhagen Energy, NKT Cables, NKT Research and DTU have worked on installing three pieces of superconducting wire at Amager Koblingsstation, monday they're ready to supply great parts of Amager with power.

    This is a demonstration project (proof of concept) that through daily maintenance will show whether superconduction techniques are read for the terms of reality. the cables need to withstand the large fluctuations in power and voltage, that occur from time to time. Three cables at each 30 meters of length have been spliced into a section of the normal power grid, on the distribution side, where the voltage is 30 kilovolt.

    The initial phase is careful, but as Amager Koblingsstation is capable of supplying power to all of Amager's 150000 inhabitants, the supercables will have theirs to see to.

    "Initially the supercables will be in charge of 20 percent of the ordinary power, for as long as we're comfortable using them. Later the load will be increased", says integrational project manager Svend Korning of Copenhagen Energy.

    Waste is halved

    Not only the cables are on test. An important part of the cooling facility that's needed to keep the superconductors below their critical temperature, minus 160 degrees celcius (-256F), where electrical resistance disappears.

    When the test phase is over, the new supercables are to be used across larger distances, typically 4-6 kilometers (1.6-3.75 miles). This is where money is to be made in comparison to traditional power cables, that become 70-80 degrees celcius hot (158-176F) when fully loaded. The dug down cables heat the surrounding ground to no use, that waste will disappear completely when using superconductors.

    "In stead there's going to be an extra power usage in the maintentance of the necessary cooling facilities, but that usage is only half the wast of the traditional cables" says project manager Dag Willen of NKT Research.

    "The society can save energy on superconductors, but to the power companies it's more interesting that the cables are cheaper to install, as this helps then to be competitive on price. So far things look good. With cables that are several kilomneters in length, expensive high voltage transformers which have been necessary so far, can be saved when the power is to be transported. Furthermore, the supercables are smaller and bend easier" he says.

    The demonstration project at Amager has costed 10 million danish crows (~$1.25m), but there are more possibilities of doing this cheaper next time. For examnple, the cables can be produced to take up less space, and allow larger maximum current.

    "But for the first round, we've purposely produced a simple cable with the same dimensions as the old" says Dag Willen.

  • The (proposed?) undersea 25GB pipeline between US & Europe could REALLY benefit from this... but I don't see the advantage in using it over short ( 1 mile (1.609 kilometers)) distances, other than for testing purposes.

    And of course it's a cool thing to do. ;)

    What will be interesting to see is what the price difference is between super-conducting & standard copper cable when produced in bulk, because this is the real make or break for it. If it doesn't produce a high enough medium term saving, then I can't see very many power/comms companies rushing out to pull up their existing cables.

    However, assuming that the wholesale price doesn't cancel medium term savings then perhaps we'll see it being installed in all the new cabling contracts in 2/3 years.
  • I like this one [yok.utu.fi] better.
  • I can't really workout your safety perspective here, it's the current that kills you so it would be even more dangerous.
    Yebbut the human body has some resistance, so you need a voltage to push that current through you. I was thinking that a superconducting power cable could run at, say, one volt. AFAIK one volt can't possibly push a lethal current through a human body.
  • actually, if your cable can take higher voltages, you'll gladly trade a higher voltage, lower current cable, as losses are related to current, not voltage
    I wonder if superconducting cables make the voltage irrelevant? Since the resistive losses are practically nonexistant, the cables might be able to take huge currents at very small voltages, making them a lot safer.
  • Even the best superconductors break down and stop superconducting under high current loads.
    Hey, what if some sort of overload caused that to happen on these power lines?
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I think the author (Chick) is a little confused on the term 'actual use.'

    Or maybe not.

    Just because a superconducting cable is used in a laboratory doesn't mean that the cable itself is the subject of the experiment

    Granted. However, you then concede:

    the ... cable is a ... experiment which ... will lead to a ... 'actual use'

    So now you're agreeing with the author, and refuting the applicability of your objection to the case at hand. What was the point of that?

  • Superconducting cables are smaller than equivalent capacity regular cables. They are also run much cooler. Both aspects allow more stuff to be run through the same size hole.

    The refrigerators that keep the liquid nitrogen liquid make a lot of waste heat, but that heat doesn't end up in the conduit with the cable.

    Switch to superconducting wire in an existing tunnel, and there is both more electrical capacity and more space for communication cables.

  • Today's NYTimes is reporting [nytimes.com] high-temp superconductors being used in Detroit (high temp is a relative term). http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/29/science/29SUPE.h tml [nytimes.com]
  • I guess the supercooling also provides excellent protection against rats [yok.utu.fi], etc...

    ...or if it doesn't, we'll soon find out. The results might be funny, shattered pieces of rats on the floor.

  • I hate to break it, but Anonymous Coward (=dwj, who forgot his password) is correct, as is BuzCory ("Power 101"). While P=(V^2)/R is algebraically equivalent to P=(I^2)R, one musn't confuse the two. The V must be derived and not plugged in, since it denotes the line drop and not the total voltage.

    Try it: plugging in 120V for a .001 Ohm line gives you a ridiculously high power loss, a wrong answer that is to be expected since you hardly expect power loss to increase with decreasing R! The other way to look at it is to notice that the only power loss is due to the voltage that drops across the resistance. Here, that would be Vdrop = IR. We need a value for I (can't derive it, for the same reasons as above). So using an arbitrary I=200A (pretty high), Vdrop = 2V which is much better: 400W power loss instead of 1440000W! QED.

  • Plus you have to count the energy cost of refrigerating the nitrogen. You can't fool thermodynamics.
  • Anyone know how much these cables cost compared to an equivalent length of regular cables? At what point will it be cost-effective to use cables that are more expensive to produce (i.e. what length of cable or how many years would you have to use the HTSC cables before the savings outweighed the additional investment)?

    BTW, sorry if it actually has this info in the article - I don't speak Danish, my connection is really slow, and I'm just too lazy to use The Fish or whatever.

  • by Andy_R ( 114137 ) on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @02:43AM (#191633) Homepage Journal
    I'm sure there is some good reason buried in the article, but why exaclty didn't they just move one of the things they are connecting 30m closer?
  • I couldn't find it in the article translation, but is there any mention of what happens if the cooling fails and the cables become non-superconducting? From what little physics I remember, wouldn't the cables heat up explosively?

  • Homer: "MMmmmmmm....superconducting Danish."

    [Homer stands outside Mr. Burn's office door. He knocks and peers inside.]

    Homer: "Ummmm...Mr. Burns?"

    Burns: "Yes?"

    Homer: "I read on Slashdot this morning that there these Danishes we can get now that are made of superconductors."

    Burns: "Hmmmm....If you read it on Slashdot, it must be true!
    [Under his breath] (Or so I've heard.)
    I'll look into it."

    [Homer leaves.]

    Burns: "Smithers, who was that neanderthal?"

    Smithers: "Homer Simpson, sir. One of your trolls from Section 7-G."

    Burns: "Simpson, eh? He raises a good point. As the local energy concern, I've got maintain my competitive edge. Hire more Danes."

    Smithers: "But I think he meant..."

    Burns: "Enough chatter! Get me more Danes. We'll rend their superconducting little bodies into superconducting wires. Get me more Danes!"
    "And Smithers? No Germans. I'm still trying to fix the damage they did to my plant while trying to bring it up to code."

  • If I had to guess, I think the moderator was observing the sidebar:

    The partners behind this site is a Danish consortium.
  • by T.i.m ( 149429 ) on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @02:50AM (#191637)
    That seems pretty much slashdotted... or os my conection teribly slow today?
    Well here is the text anyway.

    Today, for the first time in the world a superconducting cable enters service in a public electricity supply grid.

    Energy savings, increased grid capacity and cheaper electricity for consumers are in prospect as a result of new technology that is about to undergo full-scale testing in Copenhagen. From 11.45 today, for the first time anywhere in the world, superconducting cables will be used to supply electricity to consumers. Some 150,000 residents in the Amager district of Co-penhagen will in future have their electricity supplied by this new technology. Until now, superconducting cables have only been tested - by laboratories and by the organisations across the world that have been competing for more than a decade to develop the technology for practical application. "We have focused on placing ourselves among the five technologically leading manufacturers of supercables. Not specifically on being first past the post", says Dag Willén, Project Manager of NKT Research. And indeed, for a long time it looked as though first place would go to a project in Detroit. But in the end Danish technology proved quickest to overcome the legion of theoretical and practical challenges posed by supercable development. 5-7% energy saving
    Discovered as far back as 1911, the phenomenon of superconductivity occurs at extremely cold temperatures and causes almost all electrical resistance - and thus also energy loss - to disappear. However, within the last 15 years new materials have been discovered that only require cooling with liquid nitrogen (minus 196 Celsius). The Danish technology group NKT has been involved in the research race since the end of the 1980s. With widespread use of superconducting technology in grid 'highways' energy consump-tion can be reduced by 5-7%, which means an equivalent reduction in CO2 emissions from electricity generation. But supercables can also become part of a simplification of the electrical infrastructure. This is because they can transmit massive currents, something which can further be utilised to reduce the number of voltage levels (fewer transformer substations). At the end of the day this will enable cheaper electricity for consumers. Three 30 metre supercooled
    cables Copenhagen's new supercable is only 30 metres long, but that is ample for practical full-scale testing in the public supply grid. The cable is installed at 'Amager Substation', a central hub in the Danish capital's energy supply system. The supercable is capable of supplying electricity to the whole of Amager district and will be tested under all operating conditions. No operating experience exists elsewhere of superca-bles installed in a public supply grid, and in particular the use of extremely cold liquid nitro-gen to cool the cable is a totally new element in electricity supply. The new cable has three phases, ie. it consists of three separate superconducting cables each 30 metres long spliced into the grid where the voltage is 30 kV. The supercable has a 2000 Amp current rating. The future electrical infrastructure
    The increased energy consumption expected in the future would demand expansion of the power network and in many cases - especially in the industrialised part of the world - also investments in replacement of existing networks. As technology evolves high capacity super-cables at still more competitive prices will gradually play a more important role in the future infrastructure. City of Copenhagen's Environmental Mayor Bo Asmus Kjeldgaard stresses the importance of Copenhagen pressing ahead with development of new environment-friendly technology: "All new technology is expensive at first. Like solar cells in the past, superconducting mate-rial is currently very expensive. That means it will have to come down in price to compete with conventional technology. But I am certain that if this project produces the right results, we will see the superconducting material used not only in cables but also, for instance, in coils and transformers." The supercable project
    The actual power transmission in supercables takes place through superconducting tapes. These tapes are the key component of the cable, and the NKT subsidiary company NST (Nordic Superconductor Technologies) is among the world's three or four leading manufacturers of these products. The tapes are used in a large number of electrical applications, such as engines, generators, current leads and MRI scanners. The high tech superconducting cable was fa-bricated by NKT's cable company NKT Cables, and will now undergo full-scale testing by Copenhagen Energy. Please address any questions relating to this press release to: Bo Asmus Kjeldgaard, Environmental Mayor, City of Copenhagen, phone + 45 26 15 58 21
    Svend Kvorning, Project Manager, Copenhagen Energy, phone + 45 33 95 31 21
    Asger Bundgaard-Jensen, CEO, NKT Cables Group, phone + 49 221 676 22 22
    Dag Willén, Project Manager, NKT Research, phone + 45 43 48 35 77
  • Oops that'll teach me to do math in my head in the morning :)
  • by grahamsz ( 150076 ) on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @02:03AM (#191639) Homepage Journal
    For you americans thats a little over 110ft. I could be misunderstanding this (and i certainly dont speak danish) but I thought the largest gain would be through using this is long distance transmission lines.

    As i recall the loss in a cable is P=(v^2)/R so the lower the resistance the lower the loss in the line. As the resistance of a wire is proportional to it's length P=(v^2)/(al) so the greatest losses are on long lines.

    None the less this is still a fantastic acheivement and will hopefully pave the way to more widespread use.
  • Don't worry! You'll be safe as long as you don't try and pronounciate any of if. Should you try and do so you amy find yourself in danger of breaking your tongue :-)
  • by awx ( 169546 )
    >Be careful though, it's in danish
    What's wrong with it being in Danish? Has the danish language suddenly become volatile when viewed by a non-dane? Is this another security feature -



    What if some of our readers can actually parse danish themselves? You need a disclaimer on your disclaimer: "Be careful though, it's in danish* (does not apply if you can read Danish.)"


  • by bbn ( 172659 )
    Actually the 30m cables just go down in the basement and up again. They can take them in and out of the powerloop at any time. This is purely to test how the cables work out with the load generated by a real city.

    According to the article, they want to be sure that the cables can cope with the power spikes before making the real investment.
  • That's funny, I was just wondering how europeans handle the messed up 200+V 50 hz system. I was also wondering if superconducter will let us drop the voltage even further. No more high voltage power lines? Not everything we americans do is messed up (although we do enough messed up stuff that I can understand how you might think that.) The American 3 phase circuit means that there is in fact 240-220V going into the average US house. If you need 240V for high power stuff like AC or dryer you are all set. 200 is close to the voltage that could kill you. You might still be able to touch it and live -- but 200 is close enough for my taste. In america you can touch a 120V american plug and unless you are standing in your bath tub you are just fine. I understand that in some european countries they have funly spring loaded plugs to prevent kids from touching the 200+ lines. Yes it is the current and not the voltage that kills you; while this is true it is also the famous last words of someone who is about to kill himself. A lot of newer devices take much less power than older ones. That means the first thing your TV or computer does is drop you 200+ AC line down to 5 volts dc or so. The only time 200 would come in handy would be when you are running a vacuum cleaner or something. So you have to get more expensive wires to do that in the US but your plugs can be cheaper. At the same time you get increased safety. Then there is the entire 50hz versus 60hz thing. The TV signal in your country is tied to the frequency of your AC lines. While it is ture that NTSC has less resolution than PAL, PAL is at 50hz instead of 60hz. People who are really into video games prefer NTSC over PAL (and not just because all the best games come out in american or japanese ntsc first.) So while there are some advantages to 200+V 50 hz the american way of doing it isn't totally screwed up either.
  • by Alien54 ( 180860 ) on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @05:32AM (#191644) Journal
    There is a good alternate translation tool at http://www.worldlanguage.com/Translation.htm [worldlanguage.com]

    Here is the original web page as auto-translated to English [tranexp.com]

    On another note, there are these stories previously seen on Slash

    I note that the Detroit Story was just a week or two ago, but it is nice to see europeans getting a jump on the US.

    Check out the Vinny the Vampire [eplugz.com] comic strip

  • power goes out cables get warm, power comes back, cables goes boom

    Well, there's probably a cable temperature interlock.

    Power goes out, cables get warm, breaker trips on cable overtemp, power stays out....
  • How the hell is this funny? Informative, yes, but funny.....?


  • Well, under Mozilla at least, when you go into the site it jumps into a mad state where it keeps refreshing to itself continuously with the graphics jumping all over the page. I guess the moderators thought the destination site was funny. Annoying more like....

  • Well, since v = I R, you can say either

    P = (v^2)/R

    P = (I^2) R
    it's just the same...

  • The story says that the cables installing in the power station is ment as a live test to see how the cables will react in a real-life enviroment.
    In the beginning the cables will only take about 20% of the power in the line they have been connected to, but once they feel confident in the cables, they will turn it up.
    The power used to cool the cable should be less that 50% of the power lost in a normal cable.

    Hmm it just strikes me that I am getting power from those cables, cool, they seem to wo.#%Ffbfkhg /CARRIER LOST
  • Aluminum wire is just fine people, you just have to size it properly. It requires a higher diameter wire of aluminum to carry the equivalent current of copper. Usually you go one size up of wire for Aluminum (i.e. to carry 100 Amps, you need size 1 AWG copper which is rated at 110A, but size 1/0 AWG aluminum which is rated at 100A even). Anyway, aluminum isn't the problem. As for the current debate, it's the current that kills you, not the voltage....I thought everyone learned that in elementary school...
  • Um, no. The NEC (National Electric Code) says that you can use Aluminum wire if you have ALUMINUM RATED CONTACTS. The heating/etc is caused by the interaction between copper and aluminum mixed in the same circuit. Most people's mains wiring is done with Aluminum nowadays due to cost, open up a breaker and look. Back to the current thing...true about the voltage driving the current, but once again it's not the voltage that kills you, it's the current. Yes 12V over the 10+ MOhm of the body doesn't do crap. But that's because it's only some micro amps of current you end up sinking....if you touch a 480V supply capable of only 1 mA (yeah, so it wouldn't exsist, but hypothetically) you most likely wouldn't die, you'd blow the circuit....nevertheless you touched something at 480V potential... Anyway, I'm sure no one will read this since it's old and not modded up, so I could probably say anything I want.
  • No offense taken, anyway it's not like I know everything about wiring, so I do admit to being wrong often enough :) Thanks for the link, that's good info. I wouldn't use Aluminum on branch circuits either, whether the code allows it or not. Good ol' copper for me all the way.
  • If I remember rightly, a superconducting cable should have zero resistance. So how come it has a maximum current rating? From V=IR, V/R=I ... with R=0 I tends to infinity.
  • Hell, they already do...

    Well, maybe not, but we do sell an awful lot of power to the Americans. Lots is generated at hydro dams in northern Quebec and Labrador, and shipped to New England.
  • Well conventional thinking requires very high voltages and low currents, since this limits the loss on the cable, it also means the cable can be smaller and therefore limit resistance further.

    However, even with a superconductor you'd need a massive cable (and therefore more cooling) to carry high currents, so the old high voltage method is better.

    I can't really workout your safety perspective here, it's the current that kills you so it would be even more dangerous. Even with the lowest currents used on the power grid, if you're fried at 4000v or 64,000v you're still fucked either way.
  • No and no.

    Aluminum wire is not just fine. It's not just a matter of sizing it properly. Many house fires have been caused by its use. To my knowledge, it is now banned by most local building codes for use within homes. The problem is that it deforms more easily when heated than does copper. When the wire heats up, it extrudes somwhat within its connector (such as a wall socket). After it cools, it leaves a tiny gap which quickly fills with aluminum oxide. After many tempurature cycles, the resistance of the oxide causes even more heating. Eventually it gets hot enough to cause a fire. My house was built in the late 60's and contains aluminum wire. I pay close attention to electrical problems. About twice a year, I have to tighten a connection. It's scary.

    As to the relative lethality of the current and voltage ratings of power circuits, I've seen this fallacy before. It amazes me how many people believe this (including many who should know better).

    Yes, current is what kills. But the amount of current required to kill is measured in milliamps. The minimum current rating of any residential power circuit I know of is 10 amps. Unless its of the ground-fault interruption type, no circuit breaker is going to pop if you're being electrocuted. Even a ground-fault interrupter won't help if you touch both the "hot" and "neutral" wires simultaneously.

    The lethality of a circuit is generally based on its voltage rating. The higher the voltage, the more likely it is to drive enough current into ones body to kill. For example, a 12 volt car battery can easily source more than 1000 amps into a short ciruit and 500 amps into a reasonable load. I've touched both terminals of car batteries many times and usually don't feel it at all. The few times I've been shocked by 120VAC have gotten my attention instantly!


  • The NEC is not the only building code for electrical wiring. Many state and local governments have their own codes (though based on the NEC). I have done a lot of house wiring in my time in various jobs. My own home is the only one I've seen with aluminum in the branch circuits though I grant that it is often used for the mains. Here's a link to support my statement:

    http://www.onlineathens.com/stories/121299/new_121 2990009.shtml

    My point about current has to do with the rating of actual circuits. I've often heard it stated that a 100A circuit was more dangerous (electocution-wise) than a 20A circuit of the same votage which is false. Looking back at your original post, I see that you didn't actually write that. Sorry for mis-reading.


  • I see a potential problem if superconducting cables are used for power distribution.

    The cables need to be extremely cold, or else they loose their superconducting properties. The cooling is achieved through liquid nitrogen or something like that, but in the end the nitrogen has to be cooled by some kind of electrical process.

    So -- what happens if there if a huge power failure during a long period (several hours or days)? Will it be possible to restart the power distribution without problems when the power lines are no longer cold enough?

  • That's quite a bit of power, Let's see how it works in a year. lot's of potential problem areas to be worked out; let's see power goes out cables get warm, power comes back, cables goes boom.
  • ...President Bush announced changes in his Energy plan. One of the changes includes running a superconducting wire from Denmark to California, abating the energy problem there. The ammendment was said to increase the viability of the plan "100 fold." Negotiations with the Russian and Chinese governments are pending.

    In another related story, the Chinese are checking the wire for "cameras and other spy equipment."

  • Does anyone know how much these cables would save (in the way of line loss) over ordinary copper power mains? Don't have a wire table handy and the answer should be generally interesting.

    according to the article the power loss (produced by heating) is about twice as large as the power you'll have to use to cool this cable down.
    You'd have to use a lot of power to cool down the system in the beginning, but as superconductors don't emit very much heat this is likely to decrease after the initial freeze.
  • Guys you have to remember here that those equations are for DC only, all utility power supplies are AC. Plus you need to note the fact that transmission lines are run at voltages far greater than 120/240V, typically high tension lines run at kV range, eg 44,000 kV and higher. That way you loose far less power to impedance (this is a complex impedance, V=IR,etc... is for ideal DC only)
  • Because the purpose is to get experience with superconducting power cables in a production environment, as a first step towards using superconducting cables on a wider scale.
  • It is because for larger currents, the cable is no longer super-conducting. When the power becomes to high the magnetic field enters the cable, destroying the super-conductivity.

    Actually the amount of power super-conducting cables can transmit, is a function of temperature. These cables become super-conducting at approx. minus 160 degrees celcius, but they are held at a lower temperature to allow larger currents.
  • They, DTU/NKT/RISØ, has a long time to come up with this cable wich consists of the powder Bismuth-strontium-calcium-copperoxid also known as BiSCCO, a material used by most superconductor makers. The powder is poured into a thin silver pile wich is then pressed severel times into a thin superconducting strand. 37 of these are put into a bigger silver pipe. The pipes are cooled to -196 degrees C. The pipes will be able to be pulled thru old cablepipes underground, and will with their reduced heat and lesser magnetism be gentler to the environment. The cables can transport up to 7k amps per square cm. This the article says is little over half of what the americans have in there detroit project (12k amks). While the americans can transport more power, the danish cable is more flexible, lighter and has the lowest energyloss at all. The use of it now is to connect old powerstations to new ones during updating of powerstations. The cables are for now only used in high power cables because they do require alot of power themselfs to keep that low temperature, but the cables do reduce the amount of energy lost in the cables with up to 40% compared to ordinarry copper cables. The article states even though it is a major breakthrough and defenetly the americans have done some great advances too, this is still babysteps. The powder and the creation of the cables has to be perfected and simplified. goals are to make it cheaper to make and be able to have longer cables
  • The point is that until now, superconducting cables have only been used in laboratories. Or, if you really want to count Southwire in - in closed environments. Southwire only used the cables for some of their own factories. The news is that now superconducting cables are being used in a public distribution system, and mr. John Doe (if he lives in Copenhagen) can feel the new technology on his own body... bad phrasing, but you know what I mean ;-) It's still only experimental, 30 meters is not very useful but public power is being run trough these cables. This will clear the way for real use of longer cables in the future.
  • by blanne ( 325573 ) on Tuesday May 29, 2001 @04:25AM (#191667)
    Southwire is still only using superconducting cables in their own factories, ie. in a closed environment. The news is that now it's being used in the public distribution in Copenhagen.
  • Maybe you should see what they did right here in my home town one year ago! Not too far away from Atlanta, its already been operating for ove a year. How do THOSE guys make the first record? Southwire is one of the largest building wire companies in the world. http://www.southwire.com Southwire Celebrates One Year Of Operating HTS Power Delivery System (Carrollton, Ga.- January 5, 2001) - A year after activating its high-temperature superconducting (HTS) power delivery system, Southwire Company provided a glimpse into the superconductor project's future today as it celebrated the anniversary and the system's recent milestone of operating for 5,000 hours at a 100-percent load.
  • is a superconducting danish!
  • I clicked on the last link (the older RIS0 one) just to check out what Danish looks like. I was astonished when the Adobe Reader plugin popped up an error box stating, "There are problems reading this document."

    ... and I thought to myself, "No shit, it's in fscking Danish."
  • Even the best superconductors break down and stop superconducting under high current loads. The only reason I see for reducing the voltage is to save on parasitic coupling, ie the produce enough of a magnetic field to drain off a lot of power over the lenght of the cable.
  • in reality:

    v=i*r and p=v*i

    so p=(i^2)*r || p=(v^2)/r.

    It's all the same thing.
  • I recall from "safely class" that 110V is more deadly than 220v because: 220v causes heart muscules to "clamp together" and "has enough power to blow you clear" while 110v "causes heart muscules to "tear each other apart" and "makes you stick"(you can't let go, just like in cartoons). Other:I've gotten many a tingler GFI protected curcuits so don't consider GFI to be anykind of failsafe.
  • I don't mind the 110v, but the lack of wireless standards is irritating as heck.

As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
