SETI's Anti-Cheating Strategy 108
mtDNA writes: "There's an article in the New York Times about the strategies SETI is using to avoid fraudulent reports. One trick they're using is multiple analyses of the same data. Another strategy is the use of "ringer" data, where they send you fake data for which they know the results." One of the researchers has several postscript papers on his home page - Incentives for Sharing in Peer-to-Peer Networks, Uncheatable Distributed Computations, Distributed Computing with Payout. In related news, ProcessTree apparently sent out an email to participants indicating it is closing up shop, so although SETI seems to be chugging along, the idea of distributed computing as a business model is perhaps a bit premature.
Active punishment? (Score:1)
Eventually these projects are going to go to identity-based security, and the feds will be only to happy to issue Internet Driver's Licenses.
Article text (Score:1)
May 24, 2001
The Search for E.T. Yields Earthly Cheats
THE SETI@home program, the distributed computing project that harnesses the power of
personal computers to look for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence, signed up its three
millionth user last week. SETI, which began in 1999, has quickly become the most popular
public computing project of all time.
But what may appear to be the search for E. T. phoning home has sometimes turned out to be
the signals of people cheating the project by falsifying results. Unfortunately for the dishonest,
Philippe Golle and Ilya Mironov, both doctoral students in the computer science department at
Stanford University, have come up with a set of security schemes that can help thwart those
trying to claim computing work that they did not actually complete.
"It is worth bearing in mind that it takes only one talented or lucky hacker to potentially ruin a
distributed computation," Mr. Golle wrote in an e-mail message.
In their recent paper, "Uncheatable Distributed Computations," Mr. Golle and Mr. Mironov
explain how to verify that the work has been done, by inserting special checkpoints, or
"ringers," into a unit of distributed data. If the data is returned to the sender without the
purposely planted material among the results, the organization knows the data was not
processed and the user is trying to cheat.
The idea that someone might cheat SETI@home is almost as shocking as the actual discovery
of little green men would be. SETI@home is a typical example of a large-scale, Internet-based
distributed computing project: users donate their computers' spare processing time by installing
software to crunch data from Arecibo Radio Observatory and return the results to the sender.
The SETI@home people were well aware that some participants might cheat, whether by
tampering with the data file they were given to process or hacking the program's settings.
Although fewer than 1 percent of the work units appear to have been tampered with, Dr. David
Anderson, the project coordinator for SETI@home, estimated that there had been some months
during the project when half of its resources were devoted to smoking out cheaters.
"What we ended up doing," Dr. Anderson said, "for a variety of reasons, is to process each
piece of data several times and wait until all the results get back and compare them."
The SETI project relies on unpaid volunteers; the cheaters seem motivated purely by a desire
to get a high user ranking on a project Web page. Dr. Anderson said it was fairly easy to reject
work submitted by cheaters and to cancel their SETI@home accounts, even though the cheaters
could get other accounts.
The potential for cheating is increasingly worrisome as commercial distributed computing
ventures that offer cash or credit to participants, like Ubero (www.ubero.net), become more
"As soon as you offer any kind of incentive, you will invite cheating," said Armin Lenz, a
former executive at a commercial distributed computing company who is familiar with the need
for security in online projects. "Be it stats, money or giveaways -- it is just human nature to try
to get things the easy way."
In the case of SETI@home, a bigger concern is not that the data unit returned by a user was
completed or not, but that the result returned was accurate and free of incorrect results from
tampering or faulty user hardware. "The challenge of being absolutely confident that that result
is the output of that program and not something else is really, really hard," Dr. Anderson said.
"The stuff that those guys from Stanford have done -- it doesn't exactly solve that problem, but
it's a a way of verifying that at least their computer did all the work it was supposed to do. It
still doesn't guarantee that the answer they give you back is correct."
Along with Stuart Stubblebine, a vice president at CertCo Inc., an online security firm, Mr.
Golle has also written a paper called "Distributed Computing With Payout" that complements
his work with Mr. Mironov and discusses methods to streamline redundant computing for those
who do not have a surplus of resources.
"The trick is that while most tasks are only ever assigned once in our scheme, some tasks are
assigned twice or more, so that it is never possible for a participant to determine when it is
safe to cheat," Mr. Golle explained. (For those wanting to read them, both papers are available
on the Web at crypto.stanford
While commercial distributed computing operations may want to incorporate the work of Mr.
Golle, Mr. Mironov and Mr. Stubblebine into their security measures, at least SETI@home can
rely on its millions of users to help cross-check results and make sure that any potential
discoveries are really from authentic aliens, not the ethically alienated.
Re:Active punishment? (Score:1)
Down that path lies madness. On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with melting snowballs.
Re:Anonymity breeds cheating. (Score:1)
Re:Anonymity breeds cheating. (Score:1)
It hardly seems worth pursuing, even to make an example. A criminal case requires proof (unlike, say, a lawsuit, where the most expensive lawyer wins), which means malice must be proven. If a hacked client is not found (or even if it is, maybe it was downloaded unknowingly from a rogue site) the user will of course plead ignorance, and well, whatcha gonna do then? Such a defense would be valid (and expected), only when it comes to stolen goods is ignorance irrelevant.
So you have a point, there are always ways to get someone for something if you believe they're doing something bad, but it's not always feasible.
Re:Active punishment? (Score:2)
Solve the cheating problem =AND= the population crisis at the same time.
To prevent cheating... (Score:4)
William Gibson's "Black Ice" should do nicely. Failing that, slice or dice the data in multiple directions and compare results.
(The "different slices" is important, to ensure that you aren't trying to validate one modified client against another.)
Let's say that you have a grid of data, N x M x B (where N, M is the data, and B is the number of bits per word for that data.)
The probability that one modified client is doing the rounds, and will be encountered again by chance, is non-zero. It's not high, but it's high enough that nobody is releasing their client code in a hurry.
On the other hand, you've three simple slices you can do (along each axis), and any number of more complicated ones. That means that you have to hit the correctly-modified client for the slice you've picked, for each slice in each axis, for the data to be marked "valid". Any failure by any one client to return a result that confirms the other 16 clients that would overlap with it, would signal a bogus client.
With that much redundancy, you could also simply have "client voting". The results that are returned identically by the most clients (in excess of some threshold), regardless of the direction of slice, could be regarded as "true", with a reasonable degree of certainty. (Sure, it's not 100%, but that's the price you pay for having a society that rewards the greedy and the ethically sick.)
Of course, if you want to go one stage further, there's nothing to stop you "dicing" the data. Instead of taking a single slice through the data, you take random, small chunks from all sections, and feed them in a random order to the client. Again, the server re-constitutes the "valid" results, by merging together the results from multiple clients, taking the generally-accepted results as "correct".
This would mean that, instead of needing 20+ clients, all with suitable code for cheating "correctly" along each slice, you now need !(N x M x B)/(Size of chunks) such clients. The values don't have to be large to make this a virtual impossibility.
If you then only credit "confirmed" units (whether "slices" or "chunks"), since cheating becomes impractical, short of a global Internet conspiracy which also included the researchers, nobody is going to bother modifying the clients in any way which produced inaccurate results.
They =MIGHT= modify them to produce faster, accurate results. But, in that case, who bloody cares? I'm not going to object to someone handing round an honest, genuine client that can plow through 10 times as many blocks in a second, and still deliver the true results back to the central system. And, if the scientists were being honest to themselves, I doubt they would, either. PROVIDED the results could be guaranteed.
And that gets back to why independent result reviews, using slicing, dicing, or some other method of producing non-duplicate data sets, is very important.
They believe so (Score:2)
Somebody who believes in extraterrestrial intelligences can believe in SETI-impressionable girls.
Processtree closing down. Where is your user info? (Score:4)
May 2001
Dear ProcessTree Network suppliers,
It is with sadness that I have to announce that this will be the last newsletter you receive from Distributed Science, Inc.
etc etc etc...
We will diligently negotiate the sale of the supplier database, with emphasis on the privacy policy under which you signed up. As soon as we came to a result, the new owners will be informing you about any changes they might plan, including an opt-out for those concerned about their privacy under new management.
An agorithmic solution (Score:2)
1. For each quantum of the distribution calculation in the range you have been assigned store one or more bits of evidence for the result.
2. Calculate a Merckle hash tree of this evidence vector
3. Use cryptographic hashes of the tree root to "randomly" select 64 leaves of the tree
4. Transmit the branches leading to these leaves as proof that you have performed the full calculations
To verify, the server verifies the hash chains of the branches, the randomly selected challenges and verifies the evidence for the selected leaves by repeating the calculation for a very small subset (64) of the assigned range.
You cannot create this evidence without performing virtually all of the calculation assigned to you.
You can still cheat by finding the solution and not reporting it, but there is no incentive to do this.
Re:Double Resources (Score:1)
I assume you mean the largest single telescope in the world?
Re:Processtree closing down. Where is your user in (Score:2)
So I trashed it.
If someone doesn't have the courtesy to put at least a "please read the attached letter for a very important announcement" in the plaintext portion of an email, I don't read it. Assuming we all use either a Microsoft or a Netscape client for our email belies some kind of ignorance or arrogance, or both.
And those qualities are also probably also the reason they're failing.
Re:Already a business model (Score:3)
Render programs are free. (povray for example, many many Excellent CG films have came out of povray. Just check the Intertnational Raytracing Competition pages)
Yes some render programs cost exorberant and insane prices, but places like pixar have programmers that write the software, and most good animation houses have their own programmers, so your cost per copy goes from $30,000.00 from the development of the first one to $0.00 for every copy thereafter. (dont give me any crap that there is a cost associated with the copies afterwards, that is pure bullcocky)
Do you think that lucasfilms goes to "CG-R_US" and buys a new effect? nooo, they create it, and then they can use it on 94,999 computers for free.
CG is cheap, and distributed processing (possible in POVRAY for a really long time now) is also cheap.
publicize "cheaters list" (Score:2)
I wouldn't recommend doing this. In practice, negativity and bad will, even when justified, often backfires injuring the issuer.
Re:Why bother? (Score:1)
Re:To prevent cheating... (Score:1)
Maybe I'm not thinking of the same thing, but I don't recall the Black Ice stopping someone from "Burning Chrome" :)
Caution: contents may be quarrelsome and meticulous!
hmmm, just like I've been saying all along (Score:4)
Their argument against open-sourcing the client has always been that this would allow cheaters and that people would use modified clients that didn't crunch the numbers right. To which I have always responded that with any distributed computational task running on untrusted clients, you would have to do this sort of redundant analysis on each data block anyway. Even a closed-source client can be hacked fairly easily if you really wanted to, so not releasing the source doesn't magically guarantee the validity of any client-side processing. It's nice to see SETI@Home finally acknowledge what some of us have known all along.
So, when will we be seeing the client source code available for download? I'm all ready to start working on an Xscreensaver [jwz.org] module for it.
Caution: contents may be quarrelsome and meticulous!
Re:Why? (Score:1)
To suppress knowledge of intelligent aliens that exist. Return false negatives if you have a religeous or industrial reason for wanting to keep Earth out of the galactic economy/society.
Well, or to create false knowledge of alients that do not exist. But that isn't realistic because any false positive result would obviously be double-checked.
Re:Double Resources (Score:1)
More Distributed Projects (Score:2)
A listing of notable distributed computing projects are here [hardcorelinux.com] - (http://www.hardcorelinux.com/distributed-computi
come off crisp and play up to the cynic
clean and schooled right down to the minute
Re:Why? - other cheating alternatives (Score:2)
Yeah, especially when there's the new shared IBM mainframe [slashdot.org] coming out, where anybody can install programs. That's going to be the biggest use of it - a bunch of l33t h4x0rs installing various Distributed.net clients on it, all trying to add more power to their results. Whoop-dee-doo.
Re:Active punishment? (Score:1)
Yes, I am assuming that you are from North America or Europe. There is a very good chance that you are from one of these two continents, as Slashdot's user base is primarily made up of Americans (people from the USA and Canada), or Europe. But primarily Americans.
Re:Double Resources (Score:1)
Re:Active punishment? (Score:1)
We're still growing, globally, but at a declining rate...
Re:Double Resources (Score:2)
1. SETI can't afford to buy some massive 'big iron' to get the performance that they get (essentially for free) from SETI@home.
2. The way that SETI@home has been ripping through the data packets, they were going to run out of data to send to the clients very soon (like sometime next year). Any way that they can slow down the process (while increasing thoroughness and reliability) is welcome.
Oh - and SETI@home only uses 1 telescope (not even a satellite) to do it's work: the Radio Telescope at the Arecibo Radio Observatory in Puerto Rico (the big satellite dish built into the mountain that was in the James Bond movie) - the largest single satellite in the world.
Re: Why cheat? (Score:1)
I thought I saw this question answered on the SETI@home [berkeley.edu] page a while ago, but I can't find it now...
The reason you gave, "I'm 3117", shouldn't be ruled out.
There may also be some people (yes, I doubt this is common) that don't want to make alien contact, no matter what, so they would send false negatives - they would always want to send a "no pattern" in, even if there is an interesting signal. Yes, lame reason, but it isn't lame to the people that believe that.
ProcessTree dead...? (Score:1)
Though I didn't sign up with them, I found the idea/concept really cool. Too bad to see them go (if that is the case.)
What about public ridicule? (Score:3)
I have an idea for how to at least reduce the amount of cheating going on with SETI: ridicule. Because let's face it if you cheat at SETI you deserve ridicule. You're a worthless mess of a human being who probably hasn't been laid in, I dunno, EVER and has to inflate their self-esteem by turning a quest for Contact into a bigger dick contest. No one respects you. Kill yourself and leave your computer running. Your computer is worth more to society than you are.
Grr. I'm way too high strung today. Where's the bong? But godDAMN people are so freaking simple minded sometimes! What do you gain by cheating at SETI? Higher rankings? So fucking what! Great, now instead of being ranked 39623 your at 32532. RaH. You're my hero. The world is a better place because you cheated. You've fed the hungry and increased our collective wisdom. L0s3r.
Dump core. And pass the bong.
- Rev.ProcessTree just doesn't process (Score:1)
Already a business model (Score:1)
Several companies offer online render farms [ap3d.com] for hire; this is a case where someone is selling cycles and presumably, making money.
The difference between these render farms and other distributed projects is the complexity and cost of the client application. To be useful, the render farms have to run copies of 3D animation software that can cost up to USD$15,000 per seat. Add that to the security concerns of the copyright holder, and you probably won't see a free, downloadable Pixar Renderman client anytime soon.
Seems a solution to this would be a client that performs the raw math required for the render software and sends it back to a render controller. Even if it's only 1/100 as effecient as a copy of Lightwave running locally, the sheer numbers of participants can make up for it. I'm sure a studio in a crunch wouldn't turn down the help of 40,000 otherwise idle CPUs!
Someone smarter than me will have to write that particular piece of software. So get to it!
speaking of distributed.net... (Score:2)
distributed.net does the same (Score:4)
False positives are _way_ too easy to detect. (Score:1)
> Wouldn't _you_ want to be the one who discovered a cell call from ET?
Don't you think that SETI would verify the calculations on their own boxes before rushing off to the NY Times with the news?
However, the other way of cheating, namely reporting false negatives is almost impossible to detect, and I'd think that is what the article is concerned about.
Re:Why? (Score:1)
Well, quake is a game, so it is a little bit more understandeable (although still not excusable) that people . Seti, on the other hand, was supposed to be a cooperative effort, so this seems odd.
Unfortunately, in order to make it more interesting, and attract the public, SETI's organizers spized it up with high-score lists. Which not only brought more participants, but also provided an incentive to cheat...
A simple solution would be to pull the lists or to only publish aggregate data ("so many blocks calculated by all participants combined")
I'm a processtree participant ... (Score:2)
Distributed networks and intelligence networks (Score:1)
Using different paths through the network to see which one leaks or which message gets warped
Sending extreme data (that the informer has to act upon) through the network (this may be true or false)
The informer may end up ironically being a trusted part of the network as there is too much risk in the informer being found out if they act as an informer (i.e. leak or subvert information).
But then I suppose people may act in an extreme manor under normal circumstances to try to be part of a gang/clan/subculture.
Re:Already a business model (Score:2)
Pixar doesn't have to pay per license because
they wrote Renderman so they get it for free.
But POVRAY? Please, this hasn't been used
on any films that I know of (and yes I work
in the film visual effects industry).
There is a free version of Renderman called
BMRT (www.bmrt.org) but many many
visual effects companies do pay $10,000
US per copy for Renderman render licenses
or slightly less than that for Maya or
Mental Ray render licenses.
Re:distributed.net does the same (Score:1)
No not always. Back when CSC started they had a big furor when they pulled a few clients, invalidated results, and revealed that they were actually sending the same blocks to multiple people to check for cheating.
The end result was that the number of CSC blocks processed was greater than the number of CSC blocks in the possible solution set.
It'll be in one of the finger archives on d.net if they go that far back.
Re:ProcessTree dead...? (Score:1)
Oh come on! (Score:1)
Attention Team Slashdot ! Let's Climb SETI Ranks ! (Score:2)
Re:distributed.net does the same (Score:2)
Re:The reason people are cheating. (Score:2)
What you really can't say is that 90% of the people are in it because of the stats. That wouldn't be allowed in a court of law, and won't be allowed here.
I still say get rid of them. Competition brings out the WORST in people, not the best, as evidenced by the cheaters who hacked their clients to download work units, and immediately (after NO analysis) send back a blank results file. These people were "crunching" thousands of units per day and really stinking things up.
If SETI loses any people from having no stats, I can assure you they won't be missed.
The reason people are cheating. (Score:3)
I for one wish they would get rid of the scorekeeping entirely. I crunch SETI units because I enjoy the idea of helping them with their science.
Any users they lose because they were to get rid of scorekeeping would be no great loss. They were probably the losers who were compromising the datapool anyway. (talk about having no self esteem, I can see it now, some geek going up to a girl to impress her with his falsified SETI numbers).
I was one of the first 10,000 people to sign up, and I'll help them with their science as loing as they need me to, scorekeeping or no.
Re:distributed.net does the same (Score:1)
A free, downloadable Pixar Renderman client (Score:1)
Men In Black? (Score:2)
[sniff, sniff]Hey, what's that funny smell? Urrrggh, eyelids....heavy....soooo sleeepyyyy.....
Re:ProcessTree just doesn't process (Score:1)
Re:Double Resources (Score:1)
Don't forget Juno (Score:2)
Re:More Distributed Projects (Score:1)
Genome@home is the 10-year investment bond, whilst SETI@home is the lottery ticket.
Ack. Time for coffee.
Re:Double Resources (Score:1)
'put a bunch IBM Z series boxes straight to the satellites'
That kind of quote really works me up. Ok, so they take a a performance hit checking accurancy, what makes this any different from Anything Else We Do With Computers?? Most things use error checking in some form or another. Yeah i know thats on a smaller scale, but still.
Plus this isn't 'throw up a few boxen to check the data off the sattelites, problem solved' Pick up a Guiness Gook of World Records, this years edition. Take a look for worlds most powerful supercomputer. Know what it is? Seti@Home. And last time i checked, the gov't isn't really throwing seti Huge dumps of cash, so re-building the worlds most powerful supercomputer isn't really an option for them. And since they Still want more users, more cycles, i'd say downsizing their system in favour of a more secure, local computer cluster, is out of the question.
So maybe we'll just chalk it up to the 'not too familiar with SETI' thing and move on.
Why bother? (Score:2)
Known signals in the SETI system (Score:2)
More than once I've got a clear signal that was obviously extra terrstrial in nature. The distribution was so far away from random noise that it had to be artificial. I run the data through the Seti program, and what does it come out with? Nothing.
SETI@home beams known signals to the radio telescope as a check to make sure the whole system is still working properly and to call out clients that give false negatives. There are a few on constant frequencies; there are probably others on frequencies that change daily.
Re:About time (Score:1)
Re:Just out of interest... (Score:1)
Bragging rights. Those with weak confidence attempt to validate themselves through cheating and the belittling of others.
See also: antisocial behavior [slashdot.org]
Re:Active punishment? (Score:2)
About time (Score:2)
Anyone know where I can buy a seti card?
Re:Well, I'm not surprised .. (Score:1)
Re:Double Resources (Score:1)
I don't understand how sending rouge data sheets will "catch" the bad guys
Well its well known that "bad guys" can't resist make-up.
no no no no (Score:2)
Premature? Premature?! Of course it's not premature, it's about 30 years too late. Distributed computing used to be nice and profitable, but processors are just too cheap now for it to work. For large-scale, nonprofit efforts like SETI, sure, but if someone's actually going to pay to rent computer time, it would just be cheaper to buy the processors themselves. Or, if it was truly profitable to rent computer time, specialized computers with intel/amd clusters would pop up to provide it with less overhead.
Re:The reason people are cheating. (Score:1)
Re:Anonymity breeds cheating. (Score:1)
Re:why kick bad users off? (Score:1)
Re:Active punishment? (Score:4)
Re:ProcessTree just doesn't process (Score:1)
Ahh, you are, of course, referring to Juno.
Re:Already a business model (Score:1)
Actually, 3DS lets you run as many render engines as you want. It's only the GUI you must run one of per license. It's all the same software, and talks with itself nicely over networks.
Popular Power... (Score:1)
Re:Why bother? (Score:3)
They do. What the client programs do is something of a preliminary analysis, filtering the most interesting packets of data from the usual junk. In the further analysis it often turns out that lots of interesting signals originated on Earth, while many others are inconclusive.
I hit the karma cap, now do I gain enlightenment?
Re: (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
It's a simple solution really (Score:1)
I think this is probably the easiest way to keep the users honest. Instead of having each unit processed twice, by two different people and diffing the results to hopefully catch a cheater, they simply add a little overhead to each unit and have a little section of the unit that they check for upon completion. Essentially each unit will have a section of the results which matches up with known info about that unit. If it comes back without that section matching the original key section, then it can be assumed false.
Of course, there is a caveat to this. If J. Random Hacker is a true follower of Discordia and finds out how/where these "authentication" blocks are stored in the unit, he can fake those as well. I think these authentication blocks of unprocessed code should be generated pseudo-randomly with different positions in the unit and lengths each time. Hopefully they will be able to avoid detection by jerks who wish to falsify data. Now why someone would want to mess with a project like this one anyway is beyond my comprehension, but that's another question entirely.
Actually, ProcessTree is in the same news (Score:1)
"As soon as you offer any kind of incentive, you will invite cheating," said Armin Lenz, a former executive at a commercial distributed computing company who is familiar with the need for security in online projects. "Be it stats, money or giveaways -- it is just human nature to try to get things the easy way."
Armin Lenz was one of the founders of ProcessTree. In this article they call him a former executive. Voila, two news pieces in one, Seti@Home trying to stop cheaters and ProcessTree gone. Now ProcessTree needs to update their website [processtree.com] to reflect their closing. But at least they did a good thing [processtree.com] as one of their last gestures. The full text of the press release, Acrobat reader required, is here [distributedscience.com].
Re:Why? (Score:1)
Seti are hiding the truth (Score:2)
I repeatedly try to get interest from the government over this, but they aren't interested. I mentioned it to the roman catholic church, and they were horrified. I think it mut interere with their religious dogma or something. I sent it to Carl Sagan. He mysteriously died.
The truth is out there. They don't want you to hear it!
Strategery (Score:1)
Just out of interest... (Score:1)
Re:Why bother? (Score:3)
You're missing the point with SETI. There is no such thing as "a hit" when analysing these massive amounts of data. Your computer will never give a message like: "Analysis detected a HOW ARE YOU GENTLEMTN, ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US from outer space". What your computer does is just an analysis and then the SETI-folks will do the real exciting stuff with the resulting data from your computers work.
The problem before SETI@Home was that the data wasn't analysed completely to detail because these analysis take a shitload of time so they just did a rough analysis, trying to find extreme peaks but no checking for patterns over longer periods of time.
I should have known (Score:4)
Here are some warning signs that you may have a SETI hoax on your hands:
In other news: Bi Curious: The Senator Jim Jeffords Story [ridiculopathy.com]
Re:Why? (Score:1)
Distributed computing as a business? (Score:1)
Why pay for the cow when you can get the milk for free?
Re:Distributed computing as a business? (Score:1)
AH! (Score:5)
Re:Distributed computing as a business? (Score:1)
Why? (Score:5)
"LOOK! i'm high on the hours list with 31337 years of data done on my computer for SETI. I RULE! Oh god, I wish I were dead..."
Re:Active punishment? (Score:4)
Well, I'm not surprised .. (Score:1)
The Blind Physicist Who May Find ET (Score:1)
Re:Double Resources (Score:1)
Sorry to work you up, but it was just a post. It got 8 replys, and made my karma higher.
So maybe we'll just chalk it up to the 'not too familiar with SETI' thing and move on. -- Done
Double Resources (Score:3)
Re: (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:hmmm, just like I've been saying all along (Score:2)
However there are tons of unofficial add-ons that *are* allowed: see here at the SETI@home site [berkeley.edu].
This and much more info in the unofficial SETI FAQ... infuritatingly, I've got a copy saved at home but can't find a link to it anywhere. (Think this was the Usenet FAQ.) Anyone?
"I'm not downloaded, I'm just loaded and down"
Re:hmmm, just like I've been saying all along (Score:2)
"I'm not downloaded, I'm just loaded and down"
Just don't keep score. (Score:2)
why kick bad users off? (Score:2)
Shocking! (Score:5)
This is why... (Score:2)
While SETI and NASA are jumping the gun and declaring a fake packet to be a sign of "intelligent life out there" and awarding some loser a lot of money for making the find, any real signals that for no apparent reason which are aimed specifically at us, won't be processed because the SETI@Home project will have achieved its goal.
Now if only CounterStrike games could end so vividly.
"Cheater detected, cheater wins, GAME OVER."