Virtual Skydive 43
StarEmperor writes: "The folks at Goddard Space Flight Center have created virtual zoom-ins from space to various cities using composites of satellite images."
A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. -- Dennis M. Ritchie
Eat this! (Score:1)
Skydiving should not be countenanced (Score:5)
Skydiving is a dangerous sport. It's a sport completely without merit: why would any sane individual jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Like anorexics who starve themselves amidst an abundance of food, skydivers ought to seek medical attention for the perverse pleasure they seek via this crime against the order of the universe. Like drunk drivers who must spend hours at hospital emergency rooms seeing the actual damage done by drunk driving, skydivers should be forced to spend time with pilots who've suffered catastrophic physical or emotional injuries when bailing out of downed aircraft. Perhaps then they'd repent of their ways.
I admit, it's better that we should engage in virtual skydiving than actual skydiving, just as perhaps at bottom it's better to be engaging in pornographic anime than engaging in actual tentacle rape. But nevertheless, virtual skydiving must inevitably serve as a gateway activity; the thrill experienced during virtual skydiving will soon seem insufficient, and people will switch to harder and more dangerous pastimes like virtual bullrunning and virtual shuffleboard.
What's more, vitual reality is itself a danger: people will lose themselves in virtual worlds and neglect the reality they occupy and the obligations and commitments they have. Children will go hungry as their parents engage in virtual diversions. Debauchery and obscenity will run rampant as people are freed from having to locate actual fellow human beings who share their perversions: pederasty and coprophilia will reach all-time highs as the nation's moral fiber is flushed down the drain like so many digested raisin-bran muffins with cream cheese and a slice of canteloupe.
Will we be able to face ourselves in that world? Or will we be able to tear ourselves free from the grasp of our fantasies and horrors? There's a reason why The Matrix is a dystopian vision of the future: could we imagine living in a world where the pinnacle of humanity's advancement is Keanu Reeves? As the world descends into madness and suffering, who will remind us which pills to take? Will love and compassion melt from our breast like butter on a tin roof or marmalade on a toasted English muffin?
No. A thousand times, no. We must not allow this to come to pass. We must not allow an abomination such as virtual skydiving to commandeer our imaginations and human potential. We must, for the sake of the children, never stop trying to build a world where what goes up stays up instead of plummeting to the ground at a high speed until it's suddenly cushioned by a nylon netting dragging against gaseous atmospheric particles. To fail in this endeavor would be to threaten the very existence of all that is good.
I have seen the enemy and her face is skydiving.
Thank you.
Yay for Neal Stephenson stuff coming to life... (Score:1)
If you like this, you'll love . . . (Score:2)
What's really interesting is that the film, made by Ray Eames, was originally commissioned by IBM! Fancy that - IBM, the world's least exciting technology monolith (no pun intended) produces one of the best science films, and best short films, ever made . . . :)
Go you big red fire engine!
Re:Skydiving should not be countenanced (Score:1)
yes, people die doing it.
so all you curious folk, just don't bother. That way there will be more room in the plane for me.
Skydiving is OK (Score:1)
Of course our DZ, and the sport itself, is slowly being over-run by nerds and geeks, so "advertising" on /. is probably not the smartest thing.
Dr Strangeglove (Score:1)
While... (Score:2)
Worldcom [worldcom.com] - Generation Duh!
Alien Tech (Score:3)
Slashdot slow (Score:1)
OliverWillis.Com [oliverwillis.com]
Nice though not news (Score:2)
So if you like this you should check out their site at Art+Com [artcom.de] (see this page [artcom.de] too).
There also used to be on the web (same people I think) a site which would take their imagery database and build a movie for you of a zoom down onto any point on earth (though I think it usually ended up being Germany).
Another quite impressive version of this I've seen was a demo for the Silicon Graphics Infinite Reality workstation / supercomputer. You could zoom from outerspace down to the Matterhorn but that's not all.. the 2-D image which is already gorgeous in ultra-high resolution (must have been 1920 pixels across) is then dissolved and rotated into an amazing texture-mapped, realistic 3-D mdoel of the mountain. I believe this was taken later and changed so you can keep on zooming through the matterhorn into a MIPS processor inside a Nintendo 64. Anyway it was cool because the resolution was about the same as your eye can handle or better, and more detail kept coming up to the surface. Also the images had been processed and had beautiful color and contrast.
Lastly, there is also Tom Van Sant's own project, GeoSphere [geosphere.com]. The cloudless earth he assembled painstakingly from Nasa imagery became the best selling photo in Japan and was the basis for his large globe models.
If you are still interested, check out the World Processor [worldprocessor.com] by Ingo Gunther. Beautiful globes used to describe the world to earthlings. Oh and another very nice artwork by another friend named Eto-san who used peltier devices to make a realistic temperature scale across a live satellite map in BeWare [sensorium.org]. Not visual zooming but another sensory dimension for sure. I guess everyone depends on NASA for the real goods!
Re:Nice though not news (Score:2)
But very cool that it is all satellite. Nice if it was all on a local disk..
Written by Terry Bisson; Copyright Tor Books (Score:2)
By Terry Bisson
From "Bears Discover Fire and Other Stories," Copyright © 1994, Tor Books
The SETI website used this copyrighted work with permission from the owners. Did you?
If you were funny on your own, you'd deserve a laugh, or a plus moderation. If you attributed this to its rightful source, you'd be considered witty for juxtaposing the article with the story. As it is, you're just plagiarizing.
Slashdot effect? (Score:1)
Zoom in to Europa (Score:1)
Re:Skydiving should not be countenanced (Score:1)
my sig is particularly applicable here, too *grins*
Re:Eat this! (Score:1)
Re:Almost impressive... (Score:1)
Hmmm, B&W fix!
B&W Creatures forum [mgoforum.com] (There was an AI discussion on yesterday's archives)
My tax dollars at work. (Score:1)
Almost impressive... (Score:2)
http://www.bootyproject.org [bootyproject.org]
Sort of reminds me... (Score:1)
Re:Skydiving should not be countenanced (Score:1)
+5, Funny
I was going to argue this post, but now I realize how funny it is.
I hope this guy is planning on making more Slashdot posts.Re:Skydiving should not be countenanced (Score:1)
With a UID of 854, it seems that he has probably been around for a while.
Also, the moderators might want to check out this guys comments before they moderate him...some of his comments from the past few weeks have been moderated about 15 times, half up and half down.
Re:Trying too hard (Score:2)
Yes they have [afn.org].
The AOL-Time Warner-Microsoft-Intel-CBS-ABC-NBC-Fox corporation:
SGI has a demo like this (Score:1)
Anyone else recall this demo?
Re:Slashdot slow (Score:1)
2001-04-20 20:29:35 Extreeeeme Closeup (articles,news) (rejected)
Re:Trying too hard (Score:1)
So only people who smoke marijuana understand that skydiving is dangerous? For your information, skydiving causes hundreds of deaths [skydivenet.com], accidents and airplane crashes [skydivenet.com]. This is for an activity that is purely entertainment and thrills - in other words, utterly superfluous.
Government regulations on the sale of cabbage amount to about 27,000 words. Federal regulations regarding hamburger meat take up twelve feet of bookshelf space. And yet they haven't written one simple law that would prevent the senseless waste of life and equipment that has been caused by skydiving.
Also (Score:2)
Re:If you like this, you'll love . . . (Score:1)
Re:that's so '94 (Score:1)
it for all of us why don't you!
frust prost (Score:1)
It's moving, but it's not moving.... (Score:1)
Is there a feature to zoom in on GPS coordinates? (Score:1)
Co$ has a case (through a puppet/stupid DA) ongoing against Keith Henson to charge him with terrorism, because some people took GPS coordinates of locations in Hemet, and someone made a joke about targeting on alt.religion.scientology. So members of Co$ were "afraid" that Keith had a cruise missle in his pocket when he peacefully picketed Hemet. (He was just happy to see them.)
Re:Skydiving should not be countenanced (Score:2)
http://www.greatworldfinancial.com/feds.htm [greatworldfinancial.com]
Wow. Just, wow. (Score:1)
But seriously, panning around the big cities like that was a whole lot of fun, once I got over the nausea of looking at things more or less upside-down. A note to dialup users - you probably won't enjoy the file sizes very much, but the resolution is kickin! 'Course, my cable modem ate it up!
Thats Cool. (Score:1)
I dont like heights much and watching that was weird. People that think NASA wastes money can go back to their basements and listen to a transistor radio. I think NASA rocks, and that they make stuff like this is cool. Some people may not appreciate that, but I do and dont mind one bit my tax dollars go to them.
I love my iBook. I use it to run Linux!
Re:Skydiving should not be countenanced (Score:1)
I love my iBook. I use it to run Linux!
The Coastline Fractal (Score:2)
Flight Sim Material (Score:1)
Last post! (Score:1)
that's so '94 (Score:2)
i was angry:1 with:2 my:4 friend - i told:3 4 wrath:5, 4 5 did end.
QUICK! (Score:1)
WOW!!! (Score:1)