Mir: Rest in Pieces 212
Space.com is giving the splashdown time at 12:58 AM EST, which seems to agree with what everyone else is saying. Unless I can find a more precise time, I'll go with that.
Mir stats: first piece launched Feb. 20, 1986. Returned to Earth Mar. 23, 2001. Total orbits: 86,331 (that's a Trivial Pursuit question in the next edition, guaranteed). Longest stay: 438 days, Cosmonaut Valery Polyakov, currently the record-holder for longest stay in space. Debris footprint: 120 miles by 3,600 miles, centered around 44 S latitude and 150 W longitude.
Jacek Fedorynski took a look at Guess When Mir Will Splash and drew up this nice histogram of the guesses. He also notes that the median guess for Mir's return to Mother Earth was 2001-03-19 10:11:01.
Good guesses:
- 2001-03-23 02:02:02 - looks like 'cowkiller' is our champion Mir-guesser
- 2001-03-23 04:07:33
- 2001-03-23 04:27:42
- 2001-03-23 04:37:28
- 2001-03-22 21:37:19
- 2001-03-22 21:21:21
- 2001-03-23 06:12:25
Re:Tacos (Score:1)
In yesterday's MIR story, exactly 63% of the posts had some relation to that cheap-ass publicity ploy. Yeah, it was amusing, for about thirty seconds. And unlike "AYBABTU", it is not funnier if it's repeated 100 times.
They're a part of Pepsico, for God's sake.
Re:Billion (Score:1)
In dutch, for instance:
1 million = 1000 thousand
1 milliard = 1000 million
1 billion = 1000 milliard
1 billiard = 1000 billion
1 trillion = 1000 billiard
Ringworld - The Superconductor Plague (Score:1)
Image if this bug survies and likes plastic? We would be deaddeaddead.
Ebay killed the auction (Score:1)
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:1)
We still have a space station... that is if Junior B. has the mental ability to understand some basic rules of cooperation: For what I know, the in-ter-na-tio-nal space station doesn't belong to the yanks. It belongs to everybody who worked on the project. That being said, eventhough it is sad to see mir going down, I think we needed that to, who knows? maybe build another one?
VOT TAK! :-)
Godzilla's next movie: (Score:1)
Godzilla vs. the Space Station
But you can still see the headers (Score:2)
Re:One of the few remnants of communist Russia (Score:1)
Re:Enough with the taco's already. (Score:1)
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:1)
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:2)
ummm.... (Score:1)
I was close (Score:1)
Ebay auction (Score:2)
Re:Piece of mir on eBay (Score:2)
It'll be interesting to see how many verifiable pieces of Mir remains are posted on various eBay auctions. Some pieces could go for thousands of dollars.
No Free Tacos (Score:1)
I was sooo looking forward to a free taco.
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:1)
Oh, and another song based on the same three freaking chords is any different.....
Movie of the reentry? (Score:2)
Re:Movie of the reentry? (Score:2)
Because it sucks donkey nuts?
Re:It is sad (Score:1)
Or at least just preserve the orbit, and add on the pieces to the ISS instead. Launch costs being so high it seems almost criminal to just destroy such a costly investment. Sure, the parts of Mir may not be exactly right for the ISS, but at least you could keep them as unpressurized storage compartments. That's got to be cheaper than re-launching equivalent hardware from Earth.
Taco Bell? (Score:1)
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:1)
They're counting groups of six zeros.
My theory is that back during the American Revolution, most people didn't use numbers so large and didn't learn what a billion was. Just like these days most people don't learn what a hacker is. A word used by a few can get corrupted when it becomes popularized.
Video footage (Score:5)
Tacos? (Score:1)
Bravery, Kindness, Clarity, Honesty, Compassion, Generosity
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:1)
I never understood the logic in that.
Million: 10^6
American Billion: 10^9
Real Billion: 10^12
American Trillion (?): 10^12 (is it?)
Real Trillion: 10^18
Did I get that right? And if I did, look at the progression and tell me which is more logical, 6k or 3+3k.
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:1)
In Finland (and we use Germans' number system, see post up and backward) thousand million (or 10^9) is "miljardi", which I used to translate "milliard". I found it much more logical; billion is (2 times 6) powers of ten, billiard (hehe ;]) is (2.5 times 6) powers of ten.
Dead Cosmonauts (Score:1)
Russian Aerospace Guide - Cosmonauts [mcs.net]
This is an excerpt from a book by James Oberg titled "Uncovering Soviet Disasters"...about half way down the page is and interesting list of accidents that happened before 1973.
No mention of the MIR on this page (I think it's because this seems to have been done in 1985), but I thought that since everyone that mentions Cosmonauts that have died in space doesn't have the proof to back it up...well, this at least lends some validity to their complaints.
The strangest incident mentioned is this one "On February 4, 1961, a mystery Soviet satellite was heard to be transmitting heartbeats, which soon stopped (some reports even described it as a two-man capsule, and several "missing cosmonauts" were listed as Belokonev, Kachur, and Grachev)."
Re:Dead Cosmonauts (Score:1)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:1)
Re:That's it! (Score:1)
My Condolences.
Although this is way OT, I had a similar experience. I finished my thesis in 1998 in Engineering Geoscience and did not dig in enough to learn Latex (a mistake I am now fixing). I had 100 pages without figures, and all kinds of stringent demands regarding layouts of table of contents, lists of figures, running heads, etc etc etc ad spewnitum. And two appendices of formulae.
After proofs by my advisors I tried to make the few "small" changes to the text suggested and watched the whole document self-destruct. I had returned to the campus from another state just to submit the thesis to the graduate department, and I spent the next 10 hours feverishly trying to get Word to cooperate for a final printing before my flight. Unfortunately I had a single long text document - but the lovely tools in Word are designed to automate all those tasks, right?
MicroSloth's rules for auto-formatting were devised by some netherworld slug with horns and a pitchfork.
I still dont have the latex proficiency to run off journal papers but I am working past the odd memo with equations. As far as references on latex, get the "dog book" -- the rescue st bernard with the whiskey onboard in the mini-keg. (The Latex Companion, goossens et al).
Word is actually great for something less than a couple pages without inline figures.
Anyway, my condolences and regards,
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:1)
MicrosoftME®? No, Microsoft YOU, buddy! - my boss
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:2)
Zubenelgeubi and Zubeneschamali, the claws of scorpion?
O si prefieres en lugar: "Ya khachu Taco Bell".
Re:Piece of mir on e-bsy (?) (Score:1)
How about $2000 for a burnt piece of metal? I mean a piece of the Mir space station. I accept credit cards.
Re:Should Have Come Down Sooner (Score:1)
No, the Salyut 7 (basically like Mir's core module, but not expandable) was in orbit before Mir, and stayed up there until it was de-orbited by the USSR in February 1991.
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:1)
Any space borne bugs ON MIR would have survived the landing on a METEOR and already got here.
Any mutant microbes probably wont have any more effect than the ones that are already here, mutating constantly.
You halfwit.
Well Crap (Score:1)
eBay Parody auction (Score:1)
Coincidence or Foreshadowing? (Score:1)
Re:Throwaway accounts (Score:1)
I'm not American either. And I agree (and for
the record I know quite a few Americans who
agree) with minus23.
Such a cynical attempt to use an unprecedented
occurrence to manipulate the general media-sheep
populace into brand recognition is just a low
form of preying on the weak. Looks like you fell
for it.
In related space station destruction news... (Score:2)
Well, Oxford says... (Score:1)
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:1)
Tostitos are the best salsa and cheese dipping chips (especially the cute bite sized round ones), but for everyday snacking, Doritos still take the cake: "Now with even more Orange Space Fungus Cheeze(tm)."
Re:Enough with the tacos already. (Score:1)
Taco Bell (Score:1)
All your free tacos are belong to us. (iow, no free tacos for americans)
Re:Billion (Score:1)
Similarly a trillion is 1,000,000^3 and a quadrillion 1,000,000^4
However In my A-Level Physics class we were told to always use the american scale of numbering, but it was never explained why...
It's not too late! (Score:1)
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:1)
I don't think Mir has added significantly to the risk of invasion by mutant microbes.
Patrick Doyle
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:1)
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:2)
When I was a kid, a billion was a million million. But these days it seems that the definition of it as a thousand million is almost ubiquitous (I don't agree, but I go with the flow).
I think this is because it a politician and advertisers billion, looks impressive, everybody goes "wow! look at how many Billions! BillyG has!", and "look how our kind leaders are pumping Billions! into promoting thermonuclear destruction..", "Microsoft is great, Billions! of people buy Windows!!!!!!!"
I'm too cynical for this shit. 10^9 is quicker to type.
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:1)
Re:Slashdot Trollers Hit Ebay.... (Score:1)
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:1)
But I don't know what you are talking about... Cheetos rule, Tostitos rule, Sun Chips rule and god knows Pepsi rules. Therefore Pepsico rules.
Why Earth? (Score:1)
Mir destruction is a shame (Score:1)
AP, Portugal, July 4, 1507: The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, used by Cristobal Colon in his discovery of a new route to the Indies, were deliberately destroyed last night, being set afire by their owners.
"They were old, and had rats," explained a Portugese government official. "Our main concern is to save a bit of money."
There has been speculation that England had asked Portugal to destroy the ships as a symbol of England's recent success at colonial enterprises.
Rumors of the impending destruction had been circulating for several months. A few rich investors wanted to use the ships as a museum or hotel, but plans fell through. "It's just too expensive and difficult to keep a fifteen-year-old ship afloat, and not enough people want to spend the money and take the risk of going for a cruise on it," said one potential buyer.
The public has been inexplicably gleeful at the destruction, focusing on the rats and the leaks instead of the historical significance of the vessels. Many who have been following the story made bets on how long the ships would burn once they were set afire. The Nina sank at 1:01 PM, the Pinta and Santa Maria soon after.
Charred bits of wood drifted ashore and soon appeared in the market next to pieces of the True Cross.
Chris Phoenix
WP has the AP pic & Video (Score:2)
They also have a link to a RealVideo Clip [rbn.com] which was obviously filmed on a camcorder but manages to catch quite a bit of the debris fly-over.
Re:Enough with the taco's already. (Score:5)
It's already going to happen. Haven't you seen Demolition Man?
Kenny speaking from Chile. Again. (Score:1)
No this time. And you didn't get your free 74Q0.
(But everyone seems to want Taco Bell anyway...)
Requiem for a Star (Score:2)
Power of the Russians
Glory of the Skies
Oldest of man's Satellites
You have inspired the dreams of thousands
Fulfilled the hopes of many
Brightened the eyes of millions
Your trip is now finished
Your journey complete
You have done well
We salute you.
Rest in Peace
23 March 2001
If it doesn't get said... (Score:4)
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:1)
Re:Enough with the taco's already. (Score:2)
Bwah-hahahah! (Score:1)
Look up in the sky (Score:2)
re-entry pictures (Score:5)
Re:Dangerous precedent, er no. (Score:2)
Sigh. Once again, science fiction over science fact. Or at least the reality that if there were any "Deadly Space Microbes"(TM) that magically attached themselves onto Mir, there's no more risk than there has been over the last 5 billion years during which similar microbes have made their way down to the lower atmosphere from either outer space, or those that somehow managed to be lofted up from the lower depths of the atmosphere, and managed to stick around long enough to mutate.
Oops - that means that nature might do EXACTLY THE SAME THING. How dare it.
The entire concept of "a heathly environment" is fallacious. If you require proof of this, go to some remote place and see how healthy the environment is for you. Just from natural water supplies you won't be able to drink, malaria, and the fact that many wild beests won't care about killing you, I think you'll find that Earth (and probably every other place in the Universe) is a pretty hostile place to be.
And for THAT matter, why is shooting Mir out into space or into the Sun any more "environmentally friendly" than wontonly dumping your trash into some land fill? Basically that IS the hypocrasy that you're suggesting; it's nothing more than a new gloss on "not in my back yard".
Dangerous precedent (Score:2)
Who knows what survived the plunge into the ocean, or even went foating on earth's atmosphere?
They should have boost it out into the sun or empty space; but of course, that would've cost a lot more money, and as always, money is king in this world. Who cares about a healthy environment when we can save a buck.
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:2)
Piece of mir on e-bsy (?) (Score:3)
this appeared very soon after splashdown, and by a user clearly created just to sell "mir-wreckage". could a boat really pick up pieces of mir? charred hunks of spacestation don't seem like they would be floating and easily spottable. also, this would be very easy to scam adequately, with a blowtorch and some twisted metal/plastic/fiberglass, although the experts could probably tell.
maybe someone can put up a bid, pain the slashdot logo over the char marks, and offer it as a second prize for people who didn't win the slashdot pt cruiser.
Re:One of the few remnants of communist Russia (Score:2)
I would disagree. People view this as an achievement of Russian people, not of the Soviet Regime. Besides, as a Russian, I would tell you that it was much more painful to read stories about an "ailing space station", and go over constant wise-cracks about Russians not being able to support it like they did.
People seem to forget, that Russia is smaller than Soviet Union was. We don't have Southern republics any more, and we don't even have Baikonur launch facilities -- they belong to Kazakhstan now. For over a decade Russia has been in a very bad economical and political situation. I mean -- US has an economical recession now and people scream bloody hell as NASDAQ falls below certain points. This is NOTHING compared to the situation in Russia, although things are looking much better than they did in the early nineties.
Don't forget, also, that we built a big part of the Alpha station -- and salaries for our engineers are incomparable to the ones at NASA.
I'd say that we should be DAMN proud of our history and of our achievements. And believe me -- you haven't heard the last of us yet. ;) (in a good sort of way, of course).
Re:Slashdot Trollers Hit Ebay.... (Score:3)
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:3)
Are you suggesting that the current space budgets be hacked up even more to pay for a couple of Saturn Vs (Billions in today's dollars) to perform this task.
It would probably be cheaper to send 10 or so shuttle missions up to bring it down in pieces.. and I'll bet some of the pieces wouldn't fit in the shuttle bay.
besides, the bacteria was on the outside, which probably reaches autoclave temperatures on the way down. I doubt much could survive that.
Splashdown time (Score:2)
ObStarWars (Score:5)
So, what are you saying... (Score:3)
Very impressive, but unfortunately no free taco's (Score:3)
Re:It is sad (Score:2)
Hacker: A criminal who breaks into computer systems
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:2)
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:2)
Anaerobic microbes wouldn't.
The AOL-Time Warner-Microsoft-Intel-CBS-ABC-NBC-Fox corporation:
Re:Movie of the reentry? (Score:2)
What, don't have a viewer? Oh, you must use Leenux. Too bad for you. Looks like it's time to h4x0r.
This isn't the X-files (Score:2)
Re:Dangerous precedent (Score:2)
News Flash: Russian-Made Craft Crashes and Sinks (Score:3)
I still remember the advice my father gave me: Never get in anything Russian-made with an airlock." [ridiculopathy.com]
Re:Who got Tacos? Mirror image of eBay item (Score:2)
Re:But the big question is... (Score:2)
No, it missed! [bbspot.com]
Billion (Score:2)
The REAL jabber has the /. user id: 13196
Re:Yahoo! had this pic (Score:2)
Er... Well, y'know. You can't make an omelette without um... destroying a forest. Or something.
Yahoo! had this pic (Score:5)
Er... Well, y'know. You can't make an omelette without um... destroying a forest. Or something.
Someone remembers Paco Rabanne ? (Score:2)
Wonder what the next Mir story would be ? (Score:5)
MIR not dead :-) (Score:2)
I guess I must be a true nerd, because as Mir was burning up in the atmosphere, I felt like crying.
Slashdot Trollers Hit Ebay.... (Score:2)
and also, someone [ebay.com] has a sense of humor.....
Enough with the taco's already. (Score:3)
Re:If it doesn't get said... (Score:2)
Which explains the origins of Techno and Rap music! Brain eating space fungii...
Re:One of the few remnants of communist Russia (Score:2)
One of the few remnants of communist Russia (Score:2)
Re:Piece of mir on e-bsy (?) (Score:2)