Stratospheric Skydiving 117
nikhil_g writes " National Geographic has the tidbits about an attempt that sounds as bizzare as they come. It seems to be on horizon with a US Team also planning sooner than the Australian attempt in 2002. " Feed Mag has more complete coverage as well. It's certainly a...uh...active way to spend your time.
All the way in from LEO (Score:1)
Her three stage concept started with a small, discardable retro rocket for initial slowdown. Then about 8 hours of hypersonic, parabolic dips into and back out of the upper atmosphere to bleed speed so as to match the earth's rotation at an altitude of about 50 miles. This was followed by a comparatively low speed glide to the earth's surface.
I have not heard of her (or anyone else) actually building her 'personal reentry glider', but it would be neat.
Re:Advertisment (Score:1)
Re:Already Been Done (Project Excelsior) (Score:1)
Re:not really (Score:1)
Btw: the page at the Wright Patterson Airforce Museum [af.mil] says 714 mph. I am suspecting that the discrepencies people are finding wrt supersonic or not and other details are artifacts of Cold War paranoia.
OpenSourcerers [opensourcerers.com]
FACT: Joe W. Kittinger went supersonic (Score:1)
I know for a fact that Joe W. Kittinger went supersonic in 1960 as described. He reached a maximum speed of 714 mph.
I know this information is a fact because I was told by Colonel Kittinger (Ret) himself.
OpenSourcerers [opensourcerers.com]
Re: (Score:1)
Just like a normal skydiver... (Score:1)
Re:Just like a normal skydiver... (Score:1)
Please allow me to bow before your superior intellect, asshole. Do you remember what it was like before you knew everything?
Re:Joe Kittinger been there, did that (Score:1)
Right. However, in different body positions there will be different speeds at which you move. If you move from one position that has a higher associated speed to another, there can be a rapid decelle- splat.
Re:Starship Troopers, here we come! (Score:1)
Re:Nothing new (Score:1)
Re:Starship Troopers, here we come! (Score:1)
Patrick Doyle
Re:Starship Troopers, here we come! (Score:1)
..And which Tom Clancy books might that be? I don't recall any chapter in his books describing it although the term sounds vaguely familiar.
You may consider me completely losing, but I always thought you would burn up in the atmosphere before your parachute could slow your descent below terminal velocity on entry, but that may be because of me reading one too many Disney comics.
Re:ISS Emergency Exit! (Score:1)
Quick way to make crispy Astronauts.
Re:One word. (Score:1)
And I doubt there will be an inflatable dinosaur.
The meteorite part sounds quite accurate, though.
One word. (Score:1)
Re:Already Been Done (Project Excelsior) (Score:1)
See that big orange box strapped to his rear?
That's a porta-potty.
Full radio communication? (Score:1)
I can hear it now. "Base to space dive, come in space dive - over"
"Space dive here - over"
"Space dive confirm, was that a fart or a sonic pop? - over"
Stability in light air (Score:1)
The biggest danger in these jumps is that it is very difficult to maintain stability at high speeds in thin air. Why? If you become unstable at that speed the forces generated could easily rip all your extremities off and really ruin your day. Drogue chutes have been deployed to help in stability, but previous attempts at lower altitudes have shown that these chutes become less effective the more extreme the altitude.
Re:What about friction? (Score:1)
What about friction? (Score:1)
As I see it, the thicker atmosphere will slow him down by friction, generating enormous amount of heat and maybe even a nasty high-frequency vibration. How is that survivable? I mean, they can't plaster the suit with ceramic tiles, right?
Re:Already Been Done (Project Excelsior) (Score:1)
In this attempt, the parachutist will exceed 800mph in the initial free-fall !
Re:Stratosphere? (Score:1)
Re:Breaking sound barrier? (Score:1)
Breaking sound barrier? (Score:1)
Re:Stratosphere? (Score:1)
Respect to the guy, and his lunatic plans!
Re:Breaking sound barrier? (Score:1)
Actually... they're looking at diving from an altitude of 130,000 ft. So.. a little more that 25 miles.
What about that girl? (Score:1)
Re:Stratosphere? (Score:1)
Clueless journalist or what? (Score:1)
there will be NO accelleration on his body at all during the free fall then he will SLOWLY decelerate once entering in the atmosphere..
If they said something like this i dubt they have enough clues of physics to make him actually survive the actual threats of the jump.
Re:One word. (Score:1)
Sound barrier eh? (Score:1)
I want one! (Score:1)
Two words: "stagnation temperature".. (Score:1)
Hmm... (Score:1)
Gee, what a coincidence... (Score:1)
Bush Announces NASA Budget Cuts (Score:1)
"Hundreds of thousands of dollars are wasted on reentry costs every year," the President stated. "All of this time we've had a completely viable alternative on our hands, but we never made use of it until now."
President Bush's new budget plans actually cuts NASA's funding by 4%, and calls for an "active use of high altitude reentry prodcedures. Rather than riding the space shuttle back to the earth's surface, the astronauts will take it into lower orbit, where they can jump and freefall planetside.
When asked what NASA planned to do with what could ammount to dozens of unmanned, functioning Space Shuttles in orbit, President Bush paused thoughtfully. "Oh dear," he was quoted as saying, "I hadn't thought of that," and he promptly disappeared in a puff of logic.
Re:Planetfall! Ivasion form space! (Score:1)
Read Red Star: A Utopia by A. Bogdanov (1908), in particular the character Sterni's reasoning over the feasibility of colonizing Earth (from Mars - Sterni is a Martian). If you're too lazy to read it, the summary: all humans would have to be exterminated, or else they would fight the Martians to the bitter end because of their nationalism (not quite the appropriate word, more like their shared bond as humans).
Re:Also... (Score:1)
Free fall time (Score:1)
Re:Explain this (Score:1)
For airplanes, something may be happening at the transition speed, since wings operate differently for sub/supersonic speeds. But this should have no effect for the skydiver. He may have other problems with the heat from the air drag, though. Also the pressure differences created in the air around him can have interesting effects - high on the head, low on the sides. But these will occur even in subsonic speeds.
Now if there's a supersonic specialist around, please correct me if I'm wrong :-)
Re:What about the air density? (Score:1)
Re:Atmospheric Friction (Score:1)
A drogue chute is a small parachute that is deployed to slow the terminal velocity of a skydiver to a manageable level. If you have ever watched a tandem jump (skydiving instructor attached directly to the student at the shoulders and hips from the rear) you have seen a drogue chute. They are used because tandems present equal surface area but roughy double the mass (sometimes more) of a normail, sungle skydiver and tend to accelerate to un-manageable speeds. (The faster you travel, the more violent and "touchy" the body movements become having greater and greater effect on relative position in the air.)
In the case of Kittinger's space jump, his drogue was substantially larger than the main parachutes we use today but the density of the air is so thin that it needs to be very large to have any effect.
Re:ISS Emergency Exit! (Score:1)
Under the rule of thumb mentioned, you wouldn't need 400 feet per second since air drag gets you once you're down to, say 50 nm. Call it 320 feet per second, or 10 g-seconds. If your rocket pack has a specific impulse of 250 seconds, then 15 pounds of rocket can de-orbit 375 pounds of ballsy/desparate astronaut, life support, heat shield, chute, etc.
One proposal presented to NASA included a line something like 'An emergency space rescue system does not have to be any safer than bailing out of a malfunctioning fighter plane.' Needless to say, NASA objected to such a statement (how can you even think of doing something that's not 100% safe?). An Air Force station would presumably have more realistic safety requirements than NASA.
Re:Also... (Score:1)
01 13 19
Re:not really (Score:1)
01 13 19
Human Crater Maker (Score:1)
Still it is an interesting story with a wild history. One thing is for sure, is that you do not want anything anything anything to go wrong. You won't burn up, although that is the first image people get.
The big problem is not tumbling like a rag doll with no way to control yourself for five or more minutes, Then being sufficiently disoriented that you become a human crater maker.
suit suggestion (Score:1)
My only comment is... (Score:1)
...well, that and 9.8 kg*m/s^2
Re:Explain this (Score:1)
News at 11 (Score:2)
Skydiver team: "We should have checked the space weather"
Russian officials: "We thought the stratosphere were belong to us at that time !!"
Re:Already Been Done (Project Excelsior) (Score:2)
I also read on the AOPA site (www.aopa.org) that someone is trying to get a glider to 100,000 ft.
I'll stick to playing at 5-10,000 ft thanks.
Re:not really (Score:2)
On the face of it, I can't argue with your math there. It certainly does seem plausible. It's still wicked insane to think that this guy did what he did willingly over 40 years ago!
I don't know if I'd have had it in me to step off the edge of that platform looking down and seeing the clouds that far below. :)
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Re:not really (Score:2)
He experienced temperatures as low as minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit and a maximum speed of 714 miles per hour, exceeding the speed of sound.
Re:Joe Kittinger been there, did that (Score:2)
According to what I have read elsewhere, and as cited at PBS [pbs.org], Kittenger did go supersonic during his jump.
OpenSourcerers [opensourcerers.com]
Re:Already Been Done (Project Excelsior) (Score:2)
StratoQuest (American effort) (Score:2)
Millner will have an opportunity, of course, to surpass her record by going second (assuming either survives). He will also definitely be the new Australian record holder. What his presence in this competition shows is a new interest in stretching the limits of our capabilities in this area, and that's good.
Is either Millner or Stearns disrespectful of the 1960 record of Col. Kittinger? No. Stearns shows an excellent series of photos [stratoquest.com] of the Kittinger jump as part of her team's website. The Millner story has been circulating but only through secondary journalistic sources, so we have no way of knowing whether he has said anything about Kittinger. No matter what, both efforts seek to slam Kittinger's record into history by surpassing it. By five or six miles, maybe as many as ten miles.
By any measure, that isn't something that's "already been done", and the posts to that effect were all unnecessarily snarky. (I notice there were snarky posts in the earlier threads as well.) Millner and Stearns know the history of their sport just as much as, well, Linus Torvalds knows the history of operating systems. They're building on what was done before.
Story ala mode (Score:2)
The article was from November:
Have fun and don't hurt yourself.
Re:Joe Kittinger been there, did that (Score:2)
Re:not really (Score:2)
Speed of sound goes down as altitude goes up, due to thinner atmosphere. I think there is an altitude at which speed of sound goes back up, due to the coldness of the air, but I can't find any data close to hand that support my (possibly faulty) recollection.
Read here for more info.http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/aerojava/mach.htm
Re:Joe Kittinger been there, did that (Score:2)
I bet that even if he started in a torpedo and switched to a frog position, he'd have no more stress on his limbs than a regular skydiver performing the same maneuver....
And am I misremembering that there was a woman who was also making an attempt on Captain Kittenger's record?
SR-71 pilot held the record a while (Score:2)
Luckily for him he was wearing the "space suit" built for use in that plane, and he was basically uninjured. I read about that in some literature about the Lockheed Skunkworks once, I wonder if they have that story online somewhere now.
Re:Already Been Done (Project Excelsior) (Score:2)
Re:ISS Emergency Exit! (Score:2)
When calculating the delta-V you need to get down from low earth orbit, the general rule is 2 feet per second per nautical mile altitude (sorry metric folks, NASA still uses Real Units ;)
The International Space Station is currently in a 371x382 km orbit, (or about 200 nmi). That means that a vehicle deorbiting from that altitude needs to slow down by 400 feet per second.
Suppose the astronaut plus a small heat shield, space suit, and parachute weighs 250kg. Total impulse required would be 250kg multiplied by 400 feet(122 meters), or 30kilonewton-seconds. That's equivalent to 1500 "D" size model rocket engines just to reach entry interface.
compared to bailout from orbit (Score:2)
Some [rocketry.com] of the concepts of them were nothing more than a small solid rocket to give the delta-V to come home and a small aeroshell to shield the astronaut until he got low and slow enough to use a regular parachute.
For the physics-challenged: jumping from a stationary balloon means you fall straight down. Going 1000 miles per hour through the stratosphere is not fast enough to generate dangerous heat. Coming down from low earth orbit, however, (at 17,000 miles per hour) is an entirely different thing.
Reason for multiple booms (Score:2)
When a vehicle is ascending or descending rapidly the individual shocks at the nose and tail tend to be farther apart, as observed from a listener on the ground. The Shuttle is slighly more aerodynamic than a brick, and it flys as such). It's a good example of the kind of situation you need to hear multiple booms.
The Shuttle also breaks the sound barrier on the way UP, but since it's climbing rapidly and heading out over the ocean, observers in Florida don't hear anything besides the roar of the rockets.
Re:ISS Emergency Exit! (Score:2)
Under the rule of thumb mentioned, you wouldn't need 400 feet per second since air drag gets you once you're down to, say 50 nm.
The rule of thumb accounts for that so that your perigee will end up around 0 to 50 nautical miles. Orbital mechanics says if you make your deorbit burn at a given point, it will lower the perigee at a point 180 degrees opposite where you made the burn.
"2 feet per second per nautical mile altitude" is not meant to be exact but it does take into consideration that you don't need to lower the perigee all the way to 0 altitude. It's just a back of envelope sort of thing. I'm sure Capt. REFSMMAT would approve of it, though ;-)
how can you even think of doing something that's not 100% safe
Hehe. So frustrating. So true. "Aww come on you guys, it's not rocket science..... err....uh...actually...never mind."
hmmmm. (Score:2)
"The Australian will be dressed like an astronaut to protect his body from extreme pressures during his jump."
Seems to me that they should be far more worried about the extreme LACK of pressure.
Of course, one would think that the real danger would be heat from the fall.
Seriously, tho, good luck to him. Looks damned fun, I wish I could try it.
Re:What about friction? (Score:2)
This guy was on the radio this morning... (Score:2)
The guy planning to do the jump/dive was on 99x.com ( in Atlanta ) earlier this morning. Sounds pretty cool. I'd be interested to know how far he could traverse ( i.e. he jumped out directly over, say California, rode the Jet Stream.. where would he end up? )
First or Fastest? (Score:2)
he will ... become the fastest man to break the sound barrier unaided
At first I assumed this was a typo, but then I remembered that the speed of sound isn't constant, and depends on the air pressure. Although likely unintentional, is there any truth to the statement? That he will be the "fastest" man to break the sound barrier? I forget which way it goes (I would think slower at higher altitudes/lower pressure...)
I hope he wears earplugs. (Score:2)
Re:Already Been Done (Project Excelsior) (Score:2)
Re:Stratosphere? (Score:2)
According to the History Channel documentary on Project Man High, the test pilot who jumped had problems with his suit. Actually, I think he had hurt his hand and he couldn't put his glove on over his now swollen hand. So, he just went up with a glove. He also had some serious problems with going into a spin on the way down. But, eventually he stopped spinning and made it down with a little bit of frost bite and a few bruises.
Re:Planetfall! Ivasion form space! (Score:2)
Given the cost in fuel and engery needed to haul an invasion force, I wonder if planetary invasion would ever be feasible. And, if not, what options would military leaders have for pacifying a planet? Would it be enough to simply assume control of local space and threaten to drop rocks on them if they got out of line? Would they have to use a combination of 'rocks' and spaceborne infantry raids? Or, would the only reasonable deterent be total destruction? I think there's a sci-fi story in this here.
Look Up 'Man High' (Score:2)
This sort of skydiving has, of course been done before. Back in the early(?) fifties the Air Force had a project called Man High that was tasked with developing escape systems for high altitude aircraft. It started by hauling crash test dummies up in weather balloons and dropping them with various parachute systems to test them. Man High is occasianlly cited as being partially responsible for the whole alien body legend for this reason. The projected culminated with a live test pilot dropping out of one of these weather balloon. He had one wild ride. The History Channel did a good documentary on this programmer which was a forerunner to the US manned space program. If you go to your favorite search engin and search for Man High, you can also find a good web site with info on the project. You'll also find a whole lot gay porn sites in the hitlist, so be careful which links you follow.
Re:terminal velocity (Score:2)
IAAS. As you fall, the air molecules that you collide with provide an upward force that counteracts gravity. More specifically, you provide a downward force on the air molecules, and because of Newton's action-reaction law of physics, the air molecules provide a like force back on you. Faster fall rate = more air molecules = more force. The forces balance out at terminal velocity. Since there are less air molecules Way Up There, you'll have to travel faster to get enough air molecules to counteract gravity - hence the reason TV is higher at higher altitudes. 800-900 mph up there, 120 mph closer to the planet.
Check in...OK! Check out...OK!
What about the air density? (Score:2)
IANA physicist, but isn't the speed of sound proportional to the density of the material through which it travels ( as a rule of thumb )? As in, the less dense a material, the lower the speed of sound becomes.
So, this guy really doesn't have to go that fast to break the speed of sound with the air density he'll be travelling through. I mean, he's not going to be able to maintain faster than sound travel as air pressure approaches 1 atmosphere.
So really, who cares, it's relative. Astronauts doing space walks have probably gone faster in relation to the earth than this guy will. If I'm in space and I strap a rocket to my back, to propel myself faster than the speed of sound at sea level on earth, well, so what?
It's a cool stunt, but if he really wants to impress me, travel at 343 m/s 10 feet off the floor of the Arizona desert. Probably traveling horizontally rather than vertically though..
ISS Emergency Exit! (Score:2)
Re:Already Been Done (Project Excelsior) (Score:2)
Starship Troopers, here we come! (Score:2)
Death to Vermin.
Good Quote (Score:2)
If he reaches 130,000 feet, he will certainly hit it. The only question is: how hard?
Ouch, at least they all have faith, eventhough they might scoop his body up through a vacuum cleaner.
Lord Arathres
makes for a good mountain dew commericial (Score:2)
Re:not really (Score:2)
For what it's worth, somebody has bothered to do the calculations for us here [hypertextbook.com], and they seem to set the record straight.
"According to Captain Kittinger's 1960 report in National Geographic, he was in free fall from 102,800 to 96,000 feet and then experienced no noticeable change in acceleration for an additional 6,000 feet despite having deployed his stabilization chute. This gave him an unprecedented 3900 m (12,800 feet) over which to accelerate. At such extreme altitudes the acceleration due to gravity is not the standard 9.81 m/s2, but the slightly lower value of 9.72 m/s2. Using these numbers, it is possible to calculate the maximum theoretical velocity experienced during this record-setting jump. The result is amazingly close to the value recorded in National Geographic.
"Given this, why then do so many sources report that Kittinger exceeded the speed of sound? One possible answer comes from the relatively obvious similarity between Kittinger's self-reported value of 614 mph and the most frequently misreported value of 714 mph (319 m/s). Somebody must have heard 614 but entered 714 accidentally into some officious document (like an encyclopedia). Some other people read the error and then reported it as fact. Many more people read these "facts" and suddenly nearly everyone was remembering the day Captain Kittinger broke the sound barrier. Another factoid is born.
"Captain Kittinger most likely did not exceed the speed of sound on 16 August 1960. To do so would have required an additional 1,300 m (4,200 feet) of free fall. That's a pretty large distance. I think he would have noticed it. This in no way detracts from his truly amazing accomplishment."
IANARS, but this makes sense to me.
Explain this (Score:2)
Seriously though, I don't understand how his body will survive punching through the 'sound barrier' (read: atmosphere) without a more rigid support system than just his bones and a flame resistant space suit.
Re:Starship Troopers, here we come! (Score:3)
Reread your Tom Clancy books...
Stratosphere? (Score:3)
ahhhhhhhhhhhhTHUD! (Score:3)
*sigh* now if only we could get more insurance salesmen to do this.
"Millner believes that he will reach a speed of between 700 and 900 miles per hour within one minute of leaping from the balloon."
And within about that same time be carrying a small sewage plant in his undies.
Seas have been done?! (Score:3)
Sorry Millner, but the seas ain't been done. We know more about the rings of Saturn than we do about our own ocean floor . . . low pressure is much easier for us to deal with than high pressure.
This is not any significant milestone. This is just a multi-million dollar thrill ride for some egomaniac.
Re:This guy was on the radio this morning... (Score:3)
If the guy jumped over California and rode the Jet Stream, he would probably end up... in California!
The average speed of Jet Stream is 110 to 140 knots (source here [anl.gov]). So let's take 140 knots, which is around 4 km/min (to give you a better idea, that's 260 km/h, or 160 mi/h). According to the article [nationalgeographic.com], the fall should last around 10 minutes. The horizontal drift of the guy would then be:
Not bad if you consider that the guy jumps from that same distance in height. But anyway, he won't be in the Jet Stream all the way down, so the actual horizontal drift will probably be much lower.Note: I did not forget the guy's relative horizontal speed (horizontal speed within the wind, as the guy "surfs" on the airflow). That speed is just not significant compared to the speed of the Jet Stream.
--Also... (Score:3)
Diving at a speed of between 700 and 900mph... (Score:3)
Advertisment (Score:3)
Re:Already Been Done (Project Excelsior) (Score:3)
I dunno. My brother is Airborn qualified, as is my dad, my aunt, my uncle, and more of my family, and I think it's kind of retarded to jump out of airplanes anyway, but I suppose sending people around the world to shoot at each other is kind of dumb too, but necessary. The people doing this stuff for the heck of it, or to set a record, now that's just stupid without explanation.
Who covers their insurance? I suppose you don't need health insurance, more like hose-and-bucket-cleanup-and-truckload-of-dirt-for
Re:Already Been Done (Project Excelsior) (Score:4)
This guy had some serious intestinal fortitude.
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Joe Kittinger been there, did that (Score:4)
Re:Breaking sound barrier? (Score:4)
As he descends the air density will pick up and he will slow down.
Already Been Done (Project Excelsior) (Score:5)
In the 60's while testing Astronaut recovery/escape systems, the U.S. Air Force had someone jump from about that high up. He was testing a 3 stage parachute ( since it can't open all at once due the sheer force of the opening shock ) at the time. It was done somewhere over Arizona. They used a helium balloon to lift him up. There is even a video from a camera fixed in the balloon showing it.
And yes, he did break the speed of sound on the way down. 714 mph! Wheeee. :)
The AF Site [af.mil]
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Re:Stratosphere? (Score:5)
I dunno about that (Score:5)
Anyone jumping from that kind of altitude is going to be loaded down with a lot of life support equipment. Not much left over in terms of payload for weapons and operational equipment. There are other problems as well. When troops jump HALO(High Altitude Low Opening), what they do is jump out of the plane at every high altitiudes and freefall a very long ways before ever opening their chute. I think they jump from 14000 ft and don't open a chute til 500ft. Someone who knows the actual figures, please correct me. This happens for two reasons: A soldier dangling from a parachute has a very large visual and radar signature. And, the soldiers can jump out over friendly territory and drift during the freefall into the enemy's area. This is ideal for any kind of covert operation, or even just for any action in an enemy's rear.
Jumping from a stratospheric altitude is going to require that several chutes be opened at various altitudes to slow the jumper down, They're going to be very visible a every stage. And, that is going eliminate the primary motivation for parachute operations: stealth and suprise. Not to mention, there's a limit to how much chute you carry relative to its stopping power. Paratroopers carry a _lot_ of equipment, but there's only so much. Add life support to that, plus all the chutes for this kind of jump and you won't have much left over on the ground to fight a battle. Not to mention, the jumper is going to have to get out of their space suit once their on the ground. Presumably, the enemy is going to be looking for the jumper if not shooting at him while he's doing that.
In contrast, the force Heinlein envsioned was basically a tank force. Granted the tanks were anthropmorphic vehicles that operator wore, but the MI still had the kind of signature and hitting power of an armored force. Nothing very subtle about that. The enemy would most certainly notice the warships coming into orbit, followed by the massive signature of the MI hitting the atmosphere. To the MI that doesn't matter because they hit the ground fighting. Contemporary paratroopers can't do that. They have to secure their equipment, find their teamates, form up, check their location, and so on before they can even begin to fight. Any time paratroops have jumped into a prepared and entrenched enemy they've been cut down or captured. Meanwhile when dropped in an enemy's rear the lightly armed paratroops can use their advantage of surprise to wreak massive damage on the enemy's support and command and control systems.