Blackjack: Ultra-Accurate GPS Measurement 114
Conrad_Bombora writes: "NASA's Blackjack Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, flying on the Argentine satellite SAC-C provides a new way to study Earth's gravity field and atmosphere. The Blackjack looks at how the radio signals from the constellation of GPS satellites are distorted or delayed along their way. While a typical GPS receiver can determine its position to about 22 yards, the BlackJack can pinpoint the position of its host satellite continuously an accuracy of about one inch, and can be used for a variety of Earth studies." The paragraph I find most interesting says "the BlackJacks are also equipped with small down-looking antennas to attempt to receive GPS signals that reflect off the oceans."
Connection with Blackjack (Score:1)
Re:Not really applicable to consumer devices... (Score:1)
Hmm. I thought I covered that when I said "simultaneously." The term "channels" usually refers to the number of code generator/correlator pairs the receiver has and thus represents the maxinum number of SVs that can be tracked or searched for at one time. But yes, it's easy and quite common to have one channel bouncing between all of the visible SVs.
Re:What if... (Score:1)
Re:For the rest of the world not livin in the US (Score:1)
A link to an article would be helpful... (Score:1)
kinematic gps (Score:1)
Now play a bunch of tricks involving using all the recorded signals. Take for instance, the signal (lets say a sine wave) from one statellite recorded by base station (B) and the moving platform (A). The cycle sequence (e.g., sine wave 1, 2, 3,...) will be something like:
B: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
A: 0,1,2,2,3,4,5,5
From this one can infer that (A) is moving faster towards in the general direction of the satellite than (B). Hmmm, this sounds like it will yield a pretty precise tool.
This is a very very simplified description of kinematic GPS, something that has been in use for about a decade.
Re:The missing link... (Score:1)
Re:Article was inaccurate at best - (Score:1)
Re:U.S. Gov *DOES NOT* degrade civilian GPS any mo (Score:1)
Re:These will be very dangerous! (Score:1)
Mmm... (Score:1)
Freedom is Slavery! Ignorance is Strength! Monopolies offer Choice!
Re:Just a thought... (Score:1)
Re:U.S. Gov *DOES NOT* degrade civilian GPS any mo (Score:1)
The military's highly accurate signals are still encrypted, but the consumer-level signals aren't being intentionally degraded anymore (but they're still less accurate).
perhaps better resolution is not new? (Score:1)
Re:Article? (Score:1)
Robotic Lawnmowers (Score:1)
Reflected Delay (Score:1)
Re:Comparison (Score:1)
Re:For the rest of the world not livin in the US (Score:1)
These are Experimental GPS receivers (Score:1)
This is something I learned about these receivers during my work with the CHAMP satellite, the other satellite mentioned in the article.
Maybe this is the link? (Score:1)
Re:Squirrels (Score:1)
Re:Civilian GPS? (Score:1)
Wrong: On 31.05.2000 the so calles SA (Selectivy Avaibilty) was shut down on advice of US President Clinton. It's an amazing accuracy since then. My GPS computes the estimated position error between 4 and 7 Meter...:-)
Second point is: No civilian GPS receiver will work at speeds above ~900 Km/h, just too slow for nukes....
Re:Civilian GPS? (Score:1)
Opps, forgot this link if someone likes further info:
Re:Civilian GPS? (Score:1)
In my experience (non-trivial, actually) the current state of autonomous civil (L1, CA-code phase) positioning provides an accruace of about 6 meters 1d RMS (horizontal) and about 8m 1d RMS (vertical). Incorporation of a decent Differential GPS receiver and update system allows for improvements of about 1 order of magnitude (0.6m (H), 0.8m (V)).
The last time I checked, 60 cm was on the order of 24 inches... not 3 inches. Incorporation of WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) and eventually LAAS (Local Area Augmentation System) into thepicture will provide similar levels of improvement. but will NOT get you to the 1 cm level, reliably.
Geodetic positioning, where accuracies at or below the centimeter level are desired/required, require differencing the results from paired observations (2 receivers, one on a known monument) over a significant period of time (my current research, as well as that of the National Geodetic Survey (in work) have demonstrated observation times of 4 hours minimum, while I'm recommending a 50% increase in that duration while we're near the peak of the current sun spot cycle, because of the increased, and somewhat variable scintillation of the ionosphere.
Post-processing of the difference data result in a statistical answer for a baseline offset between the two sites. When incorporated with multiple observing sessions, a network of these baselines is developed, and the position of the point of interest is resolved with reference to the known, fixed and well-surveyed monuments, usually using the technique of least squares.
Where was I? Oh, yes... Autonomour hand-held concumer-grade receivers are generally good, now that Selective Availability has been removed, for accuracies on the order of 6-10 meters, with most degradation due to either the inadequacies of the receiver (increased processing noise, inadequate internal clock stability, poor algorithm implementation, failure to comply with IDC-GPS-200) or because of antenna anomalies. If you look at the error budgets for the GPS system, ignoring the problems associated with the now-defunct Selective Availability, a pessimist would conclude that your best hope for accuracy should be on the order of 29 meters (horizontal) for the Coarse Acquisition-Code solution, and 17 meters for the Precise Positioning Service code solution. That the results are better than that are a tribute to the system designers in the 1970s who dreamed this all up and started implementing it, as well as the current stable of designers and implementers (satellites, Military, and receiver manufacturers) who keep up with the system.
Re:Civilian GPS? (Score:1)
Re:perhaps better resolution is not new? (Score:1)
Re:U.S. Gov *DOES NOT* degrade civilian GPS any mo (Score:1)
Here is a link to the story (Score:1)
For the rest of the world not livin in the US (Score:1)
Kewl... (Score:1)
Precarious Situation (Score:1)
| aim: | bagel is back |
| icq: | 158450 |
Re:What if... (Score:1)
Of course, I could Google [google.com] it to be sure, but I'm too lazy.
The reasons behind turning SA off... (Score:1)
It's interesting to note the real reasons behind Clinton's decision to eliminate SA.
There are two main reasons. The first is that he eliminated SA just before an ITU meeting at which there was an intention to give out to the US Government for using radio bandwidth for such a service and not providing the full benefit of the service for the citizens of Earth. There was the potential that the ITU was going to re-allocate the frequencies that GPS uses if the US government did not open up the service. And the second is that the E.U. is planning and will (eventually) launch it's own GPS system which will be compatible with the U.S. version and which will have no degradation of service whatsoever.
The bottom line is that Joe Public can expect continual improvement in the satellite positioning services until some sort of theoretical limit is reached
Consumer Use? (Score:1)
I don't 30 ft making too much difference in the middle of an ocean, but it does when chosing the right street in a town or city.
Re:Precarious Situation (Score:1)
Back in May of this year the US gov't. discontinued the use of a "scrambling" [known as selective availability, or SA] of the signals from the US GPS system. {The general thought was that, given that the Russians have their own system [GLONASS] up and running, the old line of thought about mucking up the system to foil terrorists went up in smoke.} A typical off-the-shelf $200 unit will now get you accuracies approaching 15' more times than not.
Article was inaccurate at best - (Score:1)
Re:22 yards is not accurate, try 5mm (Score:1)
I wonder why they called it BlackJack (Score:1)
Look for NASA to have a large increase of funding soon.
Sweet! (Score:1)
This will be sweet because you will only need a 10 inch wide lawnmower. So what if it takes 8 hours to cut the entire lawn. I'll be inside on the computer.
I have my doubts about using this technology to guide cars on the road, but with some visual recognition devices for collision avoidance, who knows?
22 yards is not accurate, try 5mm (Score:1)
I have no idea why people keep talking about GPS accuracy measured in yards. GPS accuracy can be measured in millimeters using freely (as in no government restrictions) available civilian technology. I work in the civil engineering field where GPS would be a logical non-military application. If GPS had a measure of accuracy measured in yards it would be nearly useless in our line of work, yet it is routinely used on more and more projects.
Here is a link to the specs to just one of many civilian GPS surveying receivers where you can see that post-processed measurements can be accurate down to 5mm and real-time kinematic measurements down to around 1cm horizontal And 2 cm vertical.
http://www.sokkia.com/Products/Radianspecs.htm [sokkia.com]
Squirrels (Score:1)
Re:perhaps better resolution is not new? (Score:1)
Re:The missing link... (Score:1)
Re:The missing link... (Score:1)
Re:Other applications? (Score:1)
A more accurate system is currently being produced (and launched, I think), something that will have much better accuracy than GPS. Frankly, GPS sucks when it comes to altitude control, so until this is solved aircraft cannot be guided solely by satellite and definitely cannot make a precision landing relying on GPS.
Using only a mirror... (Score:1)
Other applications? (Score:1)
Would it be useful to have something like this installed in all comercial aircraft? I'm thinking along the lines of better navigation aids to landing in inclement weather, to better collision avoidance systems, and to help avoid hitting the terrain under poor weather conditions.
Another use would be to mount receivers in each of the wingtips, the nose cone, and the tail and to record all this information in the "black box". This would permit a much-more detailed reconstruction of the plane's orientation and flight trajectory when investigating a crash.
Anyone else have some practical applications for these?
Re:perhaps better resolution is not new? (Score:1)
Re:Not really applicable to consumer devices... (Score:1)
until the DOD removes the encryption on GPS
I thought they already did, what was all that news about a while back?
Re:These will be very dangerous! (Score:1)
Ahh..the wonders of technology... (Score:1)
It seems to me that finding the satellite with upward looking radar would pinpoint it to within a few multiples of the radar wavelength....hrm...
Re:Civilian GPS? (Score:1)
Re:Idea. Mandatory GPS in desktops and laptops. (Score:1)
And now, instead of fruitlessly trying to remove myself from a spammer's mailing list, I can just physically locate him and beat him like a redheaded stepchild, no?
Seriously though, I hope you're not serious. A system like that would cause way more shit than it'd be worth.
Duh? How accurate does a nuclear need to be? (Score:1)
Are they morons? (Score:1)
Re:Reflected Delay (Score:1)
And what happens if this bounces off of a cruise ship, or a whale or something?
Re:Consumer Use? (Score:1)
Me, I see accurate GPS to be very useful in the boonies or jungle areas, where 30 feet can mean a difference. I also saw an article about a dig in Egypt about 4 months ago where the archaelogical team used a GPS system to 'map' where walls should be, based upon their understanding of the ancient Egyptian architechture. It worked very well, but for the life of me I cannot find the article again.
Re:Precision GPS (Score:2)
So in a ultra-high precision military receiver, the gear can acquire both signals from a single satellite. Since both signals were sent at the same time, they should be identical. But due to the atmosphere acting like a prism, the two frequencies will take different length paths to the receiver. This allows the receiver to compute and semi-cancel-out the atmospheric effects.
Just a thought... (Score:2)
Wrong! (Score:2)
Also, the military service (PPS) has two frequencies to work with, while civilians can only decode one. This gives at least 5 meters of better accuracy.
See this article [oreillynet.com] for more details.
Re:Not really applicable to consumer devices... (Score:2)
The cure of the ills of Democracy is more Democracy.
Re:Precision GPS (Score:2)
The better survey grade recievers also use the two different frequency carrier waves to get faster position solutions.
There was a suggestion to start including a third GPS frequency for civilian use on the newer sattelites to improve accuracy. Imagine a few extra carefully selected frequencies built into the system, a single low cost reciever could easily get sub meter precision.
Mine warfare and sub-cm accuracy (Score:2)
Comparison (Score:2)
This isn't such a good analogy because home camcorders now have exceptional quality and often surpass the performance of professional gear that is just a few years old...
Re:Civilian GPS? (Score:2)
Second of all, the Us Department of Commerce requires that an "exportable" GPS receiver cannot be used to guide missiles. At Trimble, we turn off all GPS output when the receiver is traveling faster then 1000 knots, or when it is above 18,000 meters.
Third of all, you can't get better then meter accuracy when you're operating without a base-station or some kind of correction mechanism in place. RTK Fixed, which gives Milimeter accuracy, needs about a minute or so to initalize with the base station to remove ambiguities, and has to be within 10 Km's to start initalizing.
And finally, the antennas that you would need for good reception of a satellite signal would tend to throw off the trajectory of a missile!
Jason Eager
(Works on MS860 GPS Receiver firmware at Trimble).
Re:U.S. Gov *DOES NOT* degrade civilian GPS any mo (Score:2)
geophysicists use millimeter measurements (Score:2)
This way they observe slight non-earthquake movements
of mountains, volcanoes, water soaked land, ocean currents, etc.
For example, the north LA mountains continued to
move for months after the Northridge quake, this determined by GPS.
"noise" is signal (Score:2)
Note they are using reflected GPS to measure ocean
heights. Normally multi-pathed GPS is considered
error noise. People have also used slight GPS
signal delays caused by ionospheric charge to
map the daily thickness and hieght of the ionosphere
in an economic manner. Normally this charge causes
GPS position in accuracies of a few meters.
Re:GPS accuracy (Score:2)
Yes, but I wouldn't want to be flying with you when your GPS receiver says you are less than 100M above the ground....
Also GPS vertical accuracy is less than its horizontal precision due to satellite geometry; 100M horizontal accuracy translates into about 140M (100M * root 2) vertical accuracy.
Normally the signal degradation can be significantly improved by using one of the many forms of differential GPS, where a receiver in a known local location transmits error correction data to your unit. IIRC, such units are accurate to less than 1M.
Re:Not really applicable to consumer devices... (Score:2)
Many receivers will say they have 5 or 12 channels - what they mean is that they can track 5 or 12 satellites simultaneously.
This comment is not quite true; systems with only 5 channels can track as many satellites as you like by using one or more of the channels on a time sharing basis. Normally a 5 channel receiver will use 4 channels to track the 'best' constellation of four satellites on a continous basis, whilst the other channel is used to multiplex between the other satellites to reduce seek time in the event it has to switch one of the best ones out of the constellation it's using. Other time multiplexing algorithms are also used.
It's been done, and accuracy. (Score:2)
These systems will to my knowledge measure their positions to within 10 cm horizontally and within 30 cm vertically. This is done using differential GPS (DGPS).
Selective availability has been turned off. Using only instantaneous measurements from a constellation the expected accuracy is on the order of 10 m today.
Differential GPS nulls out atmospheric errors by 'knowing' a fixed position and sending CMR (corrective measurement records) to other systems nearby. In dynamic situations (the tractor is moving) you use RTK (real-time kinematic) data to update the system.
Most of the self-navigating systems have inertial measurement as a patch method while the tractors are under trees or bridges.
This works and you can see it here [trimble.com].
Re:Other applications? (Score:2)
Notice that many more such calculations are done each second by "flight simulator" software, and such software has been running on desktop PCs since the time when 40MHz was a fast machine.
Making each plane broadcast its info in a reliable way and allowing it to be used is what the FAA is presently studying. Its simplest use is for collision avoidance -- pointing out a problem to the human pilot who can decide what to do. Automatic flight control is more complicated at several levels (ATC interface, quality assurance, geographic and airspace restrictions, regulatory, and avionics interfaces).
Re:The missing link... (Score:2)
Gravity Studies (Score:2)
Re:Civilian GPS? (Score:2)
"Gee, good thing that ICBM didn't have GPS. If it had been any closer, it would have hit and killed us... Why am I glowing?"
"Gosh, I'm glad that Anthrax bomb landed in Ned's backyard instead of mine. I wonder which way the wind is blowing..."
GPS actually would be useful for terrorist cruise missiles, but nobody else (other than our allies) really has the technology for that. On the other hand, good GPS could allow for us to finally realize the fantasy of flying cars, since it would be good enough for automatic landing...
Re:New Yorker article on GPS says... (Score:2)
I think you're confusing commerical with a commerical unit that's fed with a differential signal (DGPS). This utilizes a known fixed location to offest the error in the GPS signal, however, it requires a fixed known station. This can get pretty good - better than 3 meters. The commercial units you get from Garmin or whatever are good to 10-15 meters, although the altitude measurements are almost worthless in most cases. So, 10-15M is on par with 22 yards (that's maybe a little optimistic).
But, 10M is pretty good!
Re:Not really applicable to consumer devices... (Score:2)
They removed the "SA" or selective availability coding on the C/A code. The SA code was the intentional in-accuracy in the GPS clocks that made the C/A position solutions less accurate. Without SA, GPS is much more accurate than it was, but still nowhere near the level of P (Precise) code (which is inherently 10 times more accurate, since it has 10 times more bandwidth) There are a bunch of different ways to make GPS more accurate, like looking at the phase of the incoming signal, or using differential, or just averaging, though differential or averaging don't work as well when the reciever is moving at satellite speeds.
Re:Other applications? (Score:2)
If you stuck a GPS system into a Cessna 150, for example, you'd still need to equip it with a radar, ILS and a number of other devices to have it classified for IFR. On some of these planes, there's either no space or no money to do this.
Also, the GPS alone was to be used to avoid collsions, the data received/sent would have to be processed in real-time and then sent either to the controls or to the pilot, before the collision occured. In a one-on- one situation, this is simple. Around Heathrow, things get a little complicated. I'm not sure that a central/distributed system could actually solve this fast enough.
The bottom line is that it won't be the savior of aviation. It will only be a tool that will help to navigate VFR planes.
Re:More like tracking device (Score:2)
Calculating the distance from the satellites (by multiplying the speed of light by the time it took to receive the signal) would actually be more accurate. Last I heard, GPS satellites actually compensate for the time it takes to send or receive a signal up to six digits after a second (0.000001).
No, that was turning off the noise in C/A (Score:2)
I thought they already did, what was all that news about a while back?
No, the DOD didn't turn off the decryption on the military GPS band. All that was turned off was the noise added to the civilian band.
Tetris on drugs, NES music, and GNOME vs. KDE Bingo [pineight.com].
U.S. Gov *DOES NOT* degrade civilian GPS any more (Score:2)
While this WAS true for a long time, the U.S. government turned off Selective Availability [trimble.com] in May of 2000, making it possible for civilian users to get what used to be strictly military-grade positioning.
Of course, they might turn it back on in case of a "strategic conflict", as they'd say.
Article? (Score:2)
Until Then (Score:2)
Civilian GPS? (Score:2)
Re:U.S. Gov *DOES NOT* degrade civilian GPS any mo (Score:2)
The funny part about this is that during the Gulf War, the DOD apparently turned SA off, probably because a lot of the units deployed in the Gulf were using commercial-grade GPS receivers rather than the more expensive, less easily-available military-grade receivers. So when they were facing an actual enemy that theoretically might use GPS against them, they had to turn SA off anyway so they didn't get lost in the desert.
Re:Other applications? (Score:2)
I agree, that's why if you take another look at the parent post:
I could very well be mistaken but I thought commercial aircraft already have IFR equipment? My question was therefore whether there were any practical applications of this BlackJack GPS technology to augment the existing IFR instruments in commercial aircraft. The expense would likely be prohibitive in the small puddle-jumper sized craft, but in the larger jets (e.g. Boeing 7x7) I would expect that to be less of an issue.
Also, the GPS alone was to be used to avoid collsions, the data received/sent would have to be processed in real-time and then sent either to the controls or to the pilot, before the collision occured. In a one-on- one situation, this is simple. Around Heathrow, things get a little complicated. I'm not sure that a central/distributed system could actually solve this fast enough.
Good point about greater congestion around Heathrow, but aren't they managing to do this right now? Samples taken every few seconds (e.g. each radar sweep) would be sufficient to plot each plane's trajectory. Further, it's not like there's a cloud of planes swarming around the airport... I don't recall the exact elevations, but (pulling numbers out of the air) some subset of the flights might be given an elevation of 15,000 feet while others might be given an elevation of 10,000 feet, etc. So, it becomes less of a problem of solving all the trajectories in 3-dimensions to solving some finite number of trajectories in 2-dimensions.
Then again, if we need to measure how far one plane is from another using inches... methinks they may be in one BIG heap of trouble already!
Re:Civilian GPS? (Score:2)
Actually, it's better than that now that Selective Availability has been turned off. My handheld GPS reports an EPE of 20 feet (about 6 meters). It's a Garmin GPSMAP 195.
Re:Civilian GPS? (Score:3)
The perfect system to put in a nuke. Glo'n ass.
Re:Civilian GPS? (Score:3)
Some people crack me up. Really. The encrypted GPS signal (the P-code) was only useful when selective availability was present. Since it was turned off, the difference isn't alot. The accuracy you can get know is about 20m with a $1000 Australian dollars (around $500 based on the current exchange rates ;).
Apart from that little fact, it you really wanted to, you can get an accuracy 5-10 cm (yes about a 2-4 inches) in real time using differential GPS (real time kinematic). This is used a lot in areas such as data capture ie, a power company wanting to know where all of it's power poles, so they fit a car with GPS and a couple of video cameras, and drive around for a few days/weeks (depending on how many), and they can then determine where each of there power poles are accuractely. Why is that important? If this is then put into a GIS (geographic information system), then the power company can make more informed decisions on what maintenance needs to be done, the most likely place of a failure during a blackout.... the list goes on.
But if 5-10 cm is accurate enough for you, you could always use geodetic systems, anywhere from $50K - $100K, which will give you sub-centimetre accuracy, although it needs post processing. Why would anyone want to do this. Japan uses this for earthquake monitoring, other countries use this for volcanic measurement, national geodetic systems which then connect into the land title system, which is the basis of most first world economies.
If hitting off target by 20m is not going to make much difference, but we have all of these extra benefits from accurate GPS, then why wouldn't you make it available to the general populace. Of course, the terrorist could always use GLONASS, the Russian equivalent....
Meteorological uses for GPS (Score:3)
One of the newer technologies is SAR, synthetic aperture radar, which is mainly used to image windspeed over a body of water. Basically the way SAR works is this: The satellite transmits a beam towards the ocean surface. If the surface is smooth, it will bounce off the surface and away from the satellite. When the wind blows, the surface becomes rough, and some of the beam is bounced back at the satellite. The more that gets bounced back, the more the wind is blowing. It's a little more complicated than that, but...
As for GPS, apparently you can use GPS signals to monitor different things like this, based on how the signal is changed when it bounces off of a body of water. GPS can also be used to figure out how much moisture is in the air, etc. based on how the signal is changed from when the satellite sends to when you recieve it.
For more on SAR and Remote Sensing in general, check out some of the links on my page.
Re:Article? (Score:3)
Re:Not really applicable to consumer devices... (Score:4)
Actually, when I still worked at a major GPS manufacturer, there was a lot of evidence both simulated and theoretical that showed that with the advances in frequency standards and digital filtering that C/A code was only slightly less accurate than P code. What P code really bought you was 2 frequencies which let you do direct measurment of ionospheric interference. The ionosphere acts like a speedbump to the GPS signal, delaying it by a tiny fraction of a second depending on how charged up it is at the time. Single channel GPSs use a mathematical model to predict isosphere conditions. Dual channel receivers can measure this directly because the two bands are effected differently - like light through a prism. Unfortunately, they only put C/A code on one frequency so outside of the military we're stuck with one frequency. It turns out that after satellite geometry and SA, the ionosphere is the next biggest source of error. When we turned off SA and the ionosphere errors in a simulator, the C/A-only fixes were within centimeters of the P-code fixes.
I just realized that I used channel and freqency in an sloppy manner and I'm too lazy to got back and correct it all. GPS has two frequencies, called L1 and L2 they are at approx 1.2 and 1.5GHz and all the satellites broadcast on those two frequencies. Many receivers will say they have 5 or 12 channels - what they mean is that they can track 5 or 12 satellites simultaneously.
More like tracking device (Score:4)
Throw in an altimeter/barometer and transceiver, and you have the ultimate tracking device. Sure sure, now we can all bitch and moan about evil gov't uses of this... but why not more interesting things, such as putting one on each player in a paintball game? You could then uplink all of the data to a UT/Quake3 server, and people could watch the paintball matches over the internet. Make it lazer tag for even more data aquisition...
Course, i would actually expect to see something like this in the head of a missle, for remote steering...
Re:Just a thought... (Score:4)
does it really matter if I fly through the front door of the targeted embasy, or the front window on the left?
Nope it doesn't make much difference which window of the Chinese embassy you fly your bomb through, it'll still be the wrong target!
Back on topic though, whilst it doesn't make much difference when hitting an embassy, 22 yards does make a difference if you are trying to kill a hard target such an ICBM silo or a nuclear-resistant bunker. When attacking such targets, you need pinpoint accuracy.
In practice it probably doesn't matter too much, even in the Gulf War (1991) the US was playing around with using an optical recognition system in conjunction with GPS. In those circumstances, the GPS gets you in the proximity of the target and the optical recognition system can drive you through the keyhole.....
Not really applicable to consumer devices... (Score:4)
Your normal handheld receiver uses the C/A code, which only uses 1 MHz of bandwidth, which limits the possible accuracy of the position solution. the P(Y) code is 10 MHz wide, and broadcast on two different frequencies. I don't think that the technology used in these satellites will have much effect on commercial receivers, until the DOD removes the encryption on GPS, which they are *very* adamant about not doing.
All right! (Score:4)
Precision GPS (Score:5)
The receivers use a combination of C/A code (the coarse code that inexpensive receivers use to get you within about 10M) and processing of the GPS carrier wave itself to perform measurements to that accuracy.
Five to Ten years ago you would set up two of these recievers recording GPS measurements and let each run for 15 miniutes or more, then process the data sets against each other to determine the relative positions of the two antennas. Then advances in computing the position for each epoch of satellite data recieved allowed one reciever to be mobile during data collection, only stopping to increase accuracy for each unknown point. Combine this with a radio transmitting the stationary receiver satellite data and a mobile processor powerful enough to do all the fun matrix math involved and you have a Real Time (within a second or so) Kinematic (moving) Survey Grade GPS system. Costs you about $40,000 or so.
One reason these aren't useful to Saddam is the fact that high dynamic situations (like an ICBM) break the entire system, from the C/A solution to the carrier wave processing.
If you want to know more, here [mercat.com] is one article that goes beyond the basics of GPS positioning.
Oh, and to respond to some of the people on /., the military USED to introduce error (called Selective Availability) into the C/A code, reducing the accuracy of the measurements from a single GPS reciever from about 10m to 75m or more. That introduction of error has been turned off, though it can be turned back on in case of a national emergency. The military also has an encrypted transmission from GPS satellites called P code, it achieves a higher level of accuracy (with military recievers that can decrypt it) than the C/A code does without SA. Using two recievers (or a reciever and a differential correction signal such as that from the Coast Guard) narrows the error down to around 1m, the differrence is made up by errors introduced by the ionosphere, other atmospheric variables and the internal accuracy of the reciever clock itself. FWIW, GPS recievers are being used to measure atmospheric water vapor content, to aid in weather models and prediction.
Civilian GPS precision is better than rated. (Score:5)
My own experiments with plotting several thousand fixes on the same location showed that 99.9% of the time they fell within a circle of 6m. Other people trying this experiment with longer periods reported that the points fall within 2.5m of the mean 50% of the time, and 7m 95% of the time. With the USCG differential beacon they get within 1.6m 50% of the time and 4.2m 95% of the time.
I've worked with units from SatLoc and Racal that have sub 2m and sub meter accuracy from their own private satellite differential broadcast. The subscription fees are high though. You can also set up your own differential broadcast station for not too much money and get highly repeatable fixes if you aren't within the range of the USCG broadcasts.
Supposedly you can take these survey grade units and get to within 1cm by averaging out the fixes over 24 hours. It does take time though. The reason my own experiments seemed better than the people who took more fixes is that if you average over a short time, say ten or fifteen minutes, the position probably won't change much; every so often the fix slews to a new area a couple meters away and stays put around there for some time. This may have something to do with satellites coming up over the horizon. In any case, a long term averaging is needed to improve precision to what is being reported in the article.
By the way my military acquatences say that it's hard even for them to get their hands on the real good GPS stuff -- they end up buying commercial equipment. We've had some military guys look at the Racal unit despite having a subscription fee of several thousand dollars.
The missing link... (Score:5)