At Last, Mir to be Ditched 210
Joshua Strzalko writes "I had originally thought that the MIR space station was going to be kept in orbit. Why with all that space fungus, it makes for a great science experiment. However it seems that in late February, the 14 year old space station will make a controlled decent into the Pacific Ocean."
Irony can be pretty ironic (Score:2)
"At Last, Mir to be Ditched"
"Iridium Saved?"
-Paul Komarek
Re:Why does it have to be descended? (Score:1)
Bye bye (Score:1)
A few years ago, I saw her right behind a Progress. I won't forget the sight, tiny as she looks from the ground, as I will not forget the sight (and feeling) of the solar eclipse.
Bye bye, Mir.
Zombie Mir: Coming soon to theaters near you (Score:1)
Finally they decided that it could go on no longer. Mir, they decided, must die.
The fungus had other ideas.
In February of 2001, mission controllers at the Russian space agency were stunned to receive a short, unexpected message from the unoccupied Mir: "No deorbit! Deorbit means death". Shortly thereafter the Mir stopped responding to controls. It began moving toward the space agency on a collision course. Another message was received: "Feed me, NASA! Feed me now! Must be blood! Must be human!"
(FX: Metal crunching, panicked screaming, movie-style fiery space explosions, all with reckless disregard for laws of physics)
ZOMBIE MIR! They tried to kill it, but it would not die! SEE the undead space station terrorize the planet! WATCH the planet cower in fear at the mercy of a ruthless killer of their own making!
Coming soon to theaters near you!
Space Fungus (Score:1)
a great site....... (Score:2)
Space Yoyo (Score:1)
No Survivor? (Score:1)
I'll believe it when I see it (Score:1)
Re:Apocalypse February: Andromeda Strain. (Score:2)
Re:Ups and Downs (Score:1)
Not so fast, it ain't over till the fat lady sings (Score:1)
Re:The absentee ballots are not yet in... (Score:1)
Re:I'll believe it when I see it (Score:1)
Re:Cosmos 954 radioactive debris (Score:1)
This is one of the good discriptions -- it mentions that the reactor had liquid sodium-potassium cooling. I wonder if they actually had moving parts to move the coolant ? It would make more sense just to have a conducting channel as a heat sink. It's about a tenth of the way into this page [nonviolence.org].
They planned to boost the hot reactor out to an orbit which would decay into the earth after the reactor was no longer a danger. 954 was a malfunction.
Why bother... (Score:1)
Re:Why would you avoid it? (Score:1)
Brilliant! Why bother with the continuous shuttle launches and such when we could just build a giant SPACE YO-YO! Have the transport spindle bounce up and down through the atmosphere, connected to some super-heavy duty cabling suspended from the moon! Might be a dizzying ride, though.
Last Manned Ship to Mir: What could be saved? (Score:2)
send one more ship to Mir before the end, if there
were anything that would be worth saving, that
they could fit in the Soyuz capsule with
themselves safely? Anything up there worth saving
for a museum or for more practical reasons that
couldn't easily replaced here on the ground?
Russia has a record of crashing but not burning (Score:2)
Even their uncontrolled crashes have been remarkably successful in avoiding populated areas. Remember: most of Russia is uninhabited, so if you aim for somewhere in the taiga (much less in the pacific), there's not much damage you can cause, unless you start a forest fire.
Re:Controlled descent? (Score:1)
But then again, I really know nothing about this sort of thing, hell, NASA wouldn't hire me as a coffee maker
Forthcoming duplicates... (Score:1)
By my estimations, in about three hours, Hemo will post the Mir story, shortly followed by CmdrTaco's Iridium one...
Mir's not entirely useless (yet) (Score:1)
Re:UUUhhh... Mir ditched, iridium saved, (Score:1)
Re:Wouldn't that be... (Score:2)
Re:Sad (Score:1)
"Could you, would you, with a goat?"
Re:Apocalypse February: Andromeda Strain. (Score:1)
After all, the fungus is INSIDE the craft and was therefore terrestrial in origin, if the Russians are telling the truth when they say only us humans have been there.
Re:Um... Life In Space? (Score:1)
To Russia: Make Up Your Mind Already! (Score:2)
Come on! This is a space station, not a yoyo!
Re:lame way to ditch it! (Score:1)
I don't know... I think dropping something from orbit is a pretty cool way to break something... hell there have been plenty of computers I would love to have dropped from that height.
Now what would really be cool would be if they could get a camara in the vecinity that it was going to go down in and tape the fall. That I'd like to see.
Re:Mir and space fungus (Score:1)
I wonder if those crazy cosmonauts tried feeding it rubber chickens?
There is a certain prankster around here I'd like to put out of business...
Re:Cosmos 954 radioactive debris (Score:1)
over a 124,000 square kilometer 'footprint', stretching southward from Great Slave Lake into northern Saskatchewan and Alberta..."
Sounds ugly.
Re:Mir down NOOOOOOOOOO!! :-( (Score:1)
Re:Mir down NOOOOOOOOOO!! :-( (Score:1)
Note to moderators, take this post as seriously as you take the parent...
East of Australia !?? (Score:1)
...ditched off the east coast of Australia - $#&%!! thats NZ! Bugger - run for the hills, no wait, run for the caves........
I just hope them Russians maps are up to date......
MirCam! StinkyMir! (Score:1)
crash (Score:1)
Re:Apply Common Sense! (Score:2)
Check here for an Mir architecture overview: http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/rsa/mir.html
Second Mir has a lot of mass, far more then a typical communications satellite. I doubt one, or two, or maybe even three ascent stages would be sufficient to boost Mir into an appropriate orbit. I don't know of multiple stages ever having been used in an ascent situation, much less any available in a reasonable timeframe.
Third is the control issue. Most communications satellites are spun to give them gyroscopic stability during thier ascent. I doubt this would be possible with Mir from either a structural integrity aspect or finding an appropriate axis-mounting aspect. This complexity would be compounded by the need for multiple ascent units required and transitioning between their various stabilization motions.
So - could it be done?
Possibly yes. It would however require several years of development, cost a great deal of money, and not be assured of success. Since Mir has no funds left, there's little time left to make any decisions, and left in place it's a problem waiting-to-happen there is no chance of Mir being rescued for posterity.
Re:Apocalypse February: Andromeda Strain. (Score:1)
No I don't. I don't recall that happening. Not ever. I do recall a movie making up an implausibly virulent organism that most likely couldn't exist in real life though.
Hint how not to look like an idiot: Don't use your Hollywood science knowlege in a real debate about scientific issues.
You're so ill-informed about this issue, it makes me wonder if you are a clever troll...
Good bye and thanks for all the fishes... (Score:1)
Hey, come ON! (Score:1)
At Last, Mir to be Ditched [slashdot.org]
Iridium Saved? [slashdot.org]
How many times have both been ditched and then miraculously saved, has anybody been counting??
Souvenirs (Score:2)
You could probably even pay for the expidition by Ebay'ing some of the junk you pick up...
Um... Life In Space? (Score:1)
Cancelled Shmancelled! (Score:1)
This could be the best Survivor type show yet!
Re:More like the first space gulag (Score:2)
You seem to have misspelled "Valentina Tereshkova."
Re:Oh no! (Score:1)
On which scientific evidence do you base this statement? It's about as constructive as me stating that the atmosphere will burn up in the fungus. You do get better points on likelyhood though...
Again? (Score:1)
Expense (Score:1)
well, honestly, if they were really expecting a large problem w/it (and it wasn't their master plan ;) then there would have been some sort of dismantling or destruction in space...
No they wouldn't. Russia has already proven that they are more concerned with prestige than safety, by keeping Mir up there for so long in the first place. And as for dismantling it, well, they sure as hell don't have the funds to be doing that do they?
No, the reason for this incredibly risky maneuvre is simple - it's the cheapest way they can think of to get rid of Mir.
equipment. . . (Score:1)
Re:Controlled descent? (Score:2)
Because in that case it was a single satelite that they lost control of and the orbit decayed with no input from them. In this case they're going to send up a Progress supply rocket to dock with it and deorbit it at the best possible time in terms of hitting the Pacific.
I don't know if they've modified the plan, but originally they were going to send up a crew to undock all the pieces and maybe even plant charges to blast the pieces into smaller pieces, so that there wouldn't be one great big mass hitting the atmosphere, but a bunch of small ones. More surface area == more complete burning.
Still, I wouldn't particularly want to be on a cruise ship in the Pacific on that day.
Re:Why does it have to be descended? (Score:1)
You're forgetting newton's 9th law of thermodynamics "what goes up must go down".
Claiming a horrible mistake was made... (Score:1)
An RKA spokesman blamed the error on an English to Metric conversion error.
Re:Why does it have to be descended? (Score:2)
Mir means Peace (Score:1)
ERWIN!!! (Score:1)
Re:Why does it have to be descended? (Score:2)
Re:Good bye and thanks for all the fishes... (Score:1)
Re:The absentee ballots are not yet in... (Score:2)
Will the fungus be allowed to vote?
I don't know, however since some Florida voters behaved pretty much like fungus, why not.
Best places to see it? (Score:2)
What parts of the world will the descent/burn be visible?
What parts of the world promise the best view? Will this be a nighttime thing, or a daytime thing?
Does anyone know?
The nick is a joke! Really!
Re:Again? (Score:1)
Re:Damn. (Score:1)
And that is okay. However, my comment was certainly "On Topic", it was merely assinine.
I would have probably moderated me down as "Redundant".
Maybe we can get (Score:1)
...Cheryl Stearns [slashdot.org] to snap some pics on the thing's way down.
< tofuhead >
When the UFO came (Score:1)
Re:Seek out - Life In Space? (Score:1)
Just (Score:1)
Re:hack the descent (Score:1)
Re:Why does it have to be descended? (Score:2)
Sure, we'll be getting rid of a piece of space junk NOW, but what happens later on?
We'll be harassed by a huge energy cloud, controlled by a mechanical intelligence called M'ger (pronounced Meager), it'll kidnap Sinead O'Conner, and cause all sorts of problems for us while it searches for it's "Creator". Think of the future ramifications!
-- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?
Re:Apply Common Sense! (Score:2)
Re:Why earth? (Score:2)
Why not Mars? USA have been doing it for years...
Re:isn't it popular practice to outfit things: (Score:2)
Not unless you have a good reason -- like "hardening" a military spysat (the 1978 Soviet radar bird that crashed in Canada needed a lot of juice, that's why it had nuclear batteries) or operating out past Saturn (the Cassini probe). Mir has lots and lots of solar panels.
And on Feb 26, James Cameron will visit Mir (Score:2)
All I can hope for is that he goes up on February 26! Yeah, baby!
Re:And on Feb 26, James Cameron will visit Mir (Score:2)
"Uh... what do you mean '$20 Million was only for a one-way ticket!?' And *why* is it getting so hot up here?"
It's probably part of a Spielburg plot to regain the #1 top grossing movie of all time slot. Step #1, eliminate the competition.
The fungi might not burn up on re-entry (Score:2)
Re:Russians cave in... Alien Fungus to rule Earth. (Score:2)
New Slashdot Stratregy (reprise) (Score:2)
CmdrTaco: "OK boys, we've run too many repeat articles. Any suggestions?"
Cowboy Neal: "Beer?"
CmdrTaco: "Already tried that. Hemos?"
Hemos: "How about we run another anti-Microsoft article? Or say that RedHat has 2000 bugs again?"
CmdrTaco: "Too plain."
Timothy: "I know. What if were to run an article similar to the repeated ones, but not nearly as engrossing?"
CmdrTaco: "Great idea! All in favor?"
All: "Aye!"
Cowboy Neal: "Beer?"
CmdrTaco: "Soon, son. Soon......"
Re:Apply Common Sense! (Score:2)
Aside from this, LOTS of stuff rains down onto Earth every day - tons. Some of it is large enough to harbor biological organisms & transport them to the surface. The fact that we're still here stands testamant to either the paucity of foreign material or the resiliency of our biosphere. Either way, and in spite of a few B-grade SF films, biohazards from near-space aren't a big concern these days.
(The alien Roquefort inhabiting my brain made me say this)
Re:Why not bring it down with empty shuttles? (Score:2)
Controlled descent? (Score:2)
As admiring as I am of the Russian crew of Mir for putting up with living in that fungus-infested hellhole for as long as they did, I certainly don't believe that the station is in any kind of fit state for a "controlled descent", a euphamism if I've ever heard one.
After all, Russia has already crashed one object on Earth, a satellite onto Canada in 1978, so why should this time be any different? In fact, given that Mir is a hell of a lot bigger and less maneuverable, and that it is in an even worse condition, the chances are that this "controlled descent" could turn into the biggest disaster for decades, as Mir hurtles towards a populated landmass...
Of course, this could be their master plan...
Why not? (Score:2)
Space Survivor (Score:2)
But it's just not as intense when the winner goes to a brand new space station, rather than an oldy moldy decrepit space station with a decaying orbit. Oh well, so it goes.
hack the descent (Score:4)
Cool it will learn us something... (Score:2)
Re:Apocalypse February: Andromeda Strain. (Score:2)
lame way to ditch it! (Score:4)
Yup. (Score:2)
In a day or two, there will be both 'Iridum deal quashed; sattelites to be de-orbited' articles, and 'Mir is saved!' articles.
Mir Demands Recount! (Score:5)
Meanwhile the Irridium Satellites have filed claims in the Galactic Courts to prevent there being a recount in Mir, which could result in Mir being saved and Irridium ditched.
Back in Florida, the two political candidates are to begin a controlled descent into Darkest Peru (with obligatory marmalade sandwiches), due to lack of funds to keep them operating in orbit.
Re:A good time for a. . . (Score:2)
Why not bring it down with empty shuttles? (Score:2)
Apply Common Sense! (Score:5)
Re:Apply Common Sense! (Score:3)
I would also like to add that the Russians having contributed so greatly to space exploration should continue to be invited to participate in internation space exploration efforts.
While some people like to make fun of MIR, for many years I didn't see any other countries with orbital space stations - falling apart or otherwise. It is sad that MIR will have to be destroyed, and can not be boosted into a safe parking orbit, but let's hope the International Space Station will be an even bigger success and that renewed interest in manned space exploration will manage to resurface without the cold war posturing to drive it.
If you want to support manned space exploration, you can check out:
And, of course, write to your legislators regarding budgets, and write to support, or seek out jobs at, NASA:
And the ESA:
Let's hope that global cooperation can be achieved to produce an even more exciting era of space exploration than the one conceived as a cold war one-upmanship game... that would be great!
Why does it have to be descended? (Score:2)
Perhaps I'm paranoid, but I was four when the soviet satellite came down in northern Canada, and I remember it being a really big deal, whether that was justified or not I don't know. But ultimately, when disposing of stuff in space the utmost care should be taken. What exactly would Russia do if this thing happens to land on some poor guys fishing boat? I far as I can figure sending it into space makes more sense then descending it. In the end wouldn't that be the safest disposal method? Am I missing something? Is there a better reason why they can't push it off into space?
Why earth? (Score:2)
Oh no! (Score:2)
I say we ditch Mir into the Sun!
yeah... right (Score:2)
I'll believe it when I feel pieces of it hit my head. Until then, I'm not holding my breath.
Why would you avoid it? (Score:2)
Personally I was getting tired of the up-again down-again yo-yoing of Mir.
Re:Why does it have to be descended? (Score:2)
Remember those big-ass 3-stage Saturn V boosters they used to get Apollo into space? Think the first two were to get into orbit, the third to actually break out of earth orbit and head for the moon. You probably need quite a bit of a booster to reach a high enough speed to break the gravitational pull of the earth. I know the positioning thrusters won't do it and I doubt the Progress ship they will probably use to nudge it out of orbit has enough either.
No, I think you have only few options - just one makes sense:
a) do nothing and hope it falls to earth somewhere uninhabited.
b) demolish it in orbit - send a progress cargo ship up loaded with explosives and hope it breaks it up into small enough pieces that everything burns up?
c) controlled de-orbit - use a progress supply vessel to remotely dock with it and slow it down at the right point so it re-enters the atmosphere over the pacific.
Still trying, but unlikely (Score:2)
Russia increased its fee from $40 million to $100 million. The Survivor people thought they might meet the $40 million figure, but that wasn't firm. Even in dirt cheap Russian, space costs are probably higher than this.
Re:I don't think Space Fungus is funny (Score:2)
i hope.
Re:Apply Common Sense! (Score:2)
Considering that we spend millions of dollars restoring historical artifacts and works of art, can't we afford to be a little pro-active here?
We want a space hotel! (Score:2)
Please note that we have linked the article "At Last, Mir to be Ditched" in error. It should go to:
Iridium Saved? [slashdot.org]
In fact, Mir has yet again been saved, and Iridium has once again been ditched.
Slashdot apologizes for continuously reporting the news before happens on these two issues.