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Harnessing Complexity 58

Cliff Lampe sheds light again on a subject you may be all too aware of whenever you open a desk drawer: complexity. Specifically, this review of Harnessing Complexity, which Cliff assures us is not of the "shallow business guru" variety, sounds like a great way to get a bird's eye view of a fascinating topic.

Harnessing Complexity
author Robert Axelrod & Michael D. Cohen
pages 184
publisher The Free Press
rating 9.5
reviewer Cliff Lampe
ISBN 0684867176
summary Become a professional Complexity Rassler!


The Scenario

Complexity science has grown increasingly popular in the past few years, with increased tools available for modeling, and increased examples of successful interventins in complex systems. Unfortunately, books on complexity have remained mostly crap, until now. In this slim book is a framework for not only understanding complex systems, but for doing something besides standing at the sideline and watching them unfold.

Axelrod and Cohen are founding members of the BACH group, which has been very influential in complexity research. They have been long standing members at either the Santa Fe Institute, which is the premiere complexity research facility in the world, or the University of Michigan's Study for Complex Systems, which has also had a large effect on the science. In other words, these are two cats who know their bidness. Now here's the good part. Axelrod and Cohen are solidly academic, but this book is not. The weakness of books on complexity is that they have either been written for other complexity theorists, making them inacessible, or for the general population, making them insipid. Even though both researchers have been studying this field for decades, and could have written something brillant yet obtuse, but instead they wrote something brilliant and useful.

The authors describe the characteristics of Complex Adaptive Systems in terms of the three main elements of those systems: variation, interaction and selection. The book is divided into roughly three parts, each dealing with one of these aspects. The systems described have many different components, and one of the contributions of this book is to provide a common vocabulary for these elements. Here's a sample bit of text that the authors claim would give you a rough summation of the book:

"Agents, of a variety of types, use their strategies, in patterned interaction, with each other and with artifacts. Performance measures on the resulting events drive the selection of agents and/or strategies through processes of error-prone copying and recombination, thus changing the frequencies of the types within the system."

There are many examples of complex systems that the authors use to bolster their explanations of complexity theory. How a disease spreads, how the military makes far reaching changes in philosophy, and of course evolution all drive home concisely crafted observations about complex adaptive systems. There's even a little gem that talks about the development of an open source project, specifically Linux. The authors discuss some conditions under which an open source development model might thrive, or at least make sense. As a favor to the authors, we'll make you read the book to find out what those are.

Complexity theory is not the same as chaos. Complex systems are not chaotic, though they do depend on variation in order to adapt, or change the equilibrium point. The important message here is that complex systems are not beyond our understanding, though it may be tough. Also, because complex systems depend on churn, if we can arrange ourselves at that point of churn, and try to direct we can affect systems that have been previously thought unalterable.

What's Good?

The tone of this book is killer. Combining lucid explanations with meaningful descriptions makes this very readable without diminishing the topic at all. The final chapter even outlines the rest of the book for you, boiling it down to the bare bones points that you should really take from the text. It might be helpful to read it first, and then go through and read the rest of the book.

The other strength of the book is how the authors manage to follow a strong academic tradition of supporting points with evidence without succumbing to making the book sound like the usual academic crap. All of the points made are supported not only with the great examples, but with evidence from a large body of research, mostly academic. The bibliography for this book would be a great place to start for any person or group interested in delving deeper into issues surounding complexity theory.

This assertion that we can understand complex systems, and exert influence over them is an important concept for a new paradigm for thinking. The systems being developed, computer or otherwise, are mostly examples of complexity in action. Whether it is an open source project being created or a new design team you are putting together, they are rarely systems that can be boiled down to simple cause and effects. The Newtonian view of a mechanical universe has polluted the very way in which we think about systems, the way in which we understand the universe. The people researching complex adaptive systems are working against that, and this book is a definitely volley in the right direction.

What's Bad?

This question is a matter of audience in the case of this book. It is definitely written for laymen, so if you are into the math of complexity research, or the modeling, then seek on crazy diamond. The intended audience here is the person who has to deal with complex, adaptive systems, but is not an expert in math. This book is intentionally short and brief, designed for those without a lot of leisure reading time. If you're after the uber compendium of complexity theory, this is not your book either.

While it is a minor point, the title of the book is annoying. It is understandable for marketing reasons, but it could turn off some smart people to reading the book, fearing it might be of the "Business Guru" shallow variety. Do not listen to these fear, buy this book.

So What's In It For Me?

If you've been interested in complexity theory, or need to work with complex adaptive systems (which everyone must) then this book has quite a bit to offer to you. Practical advice on how to exert influence in a complex environment could be invaluable to the reader. Besides the practical good it can do the reader, this book also has something to teach you about how you think about the world in general. Being aware of the complex systems around you, and thinking more deeply than black and white, or even gray, about these systems has benefits that far exceed your current job or project.

This book could also become valuable for the open source movement in general. Understanding complex, adaptive systems will also increase the chances for success of a number of possible open source projects as well as how to position them in software markets, which are themselves great examples of complex systems. It would be great if people involved with open source could champion this method of worldview both for its intrinsic and extrinsic benefits.

Purchase this book at ThinkGeek.

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Harnessing Complexity

Comments Filter:
  • I doubt I really want to get a Phd in math just to undetstand something like this. Chaos theory is replete with mind bending difficulty.
  • Complexity and chaos theory are different topics, though interrelated. But you're right in the assertion that chaos theory is replete with mind-bending difficulty... and that's why us Math-bois love it.
  • If you ask me, "complexity theory" and "agent-based modelling" and the whole other panoply of the Santa Fe Institute is an elaborate system of smoke and mirrors, designed to allow the participants to convince themselves that they are doing anything other than a complex Monte Carlo simulation, and that their results have any empirical validity at all.

    Complexity theory solutions fall into two types:Ones where you can't understand the underlying process, in which case you can't trust the complexity theory result.

    It's a pile of charlatanry. I say don't spend another tax dollar on it.

  • Personally, when I open up my computer CD cabinet, or look into the computer's corner of my room, I don't see complexity, I see order in chaos. I subscribe to the packrat's creed: "A place for everything, and everything in its place: all over the place." My backpack goes to the left of the futon chair; the futon chair itself has the CDs to Elite Force, Half-Life, and Soldier of Fortune; my CD-ROM drive has one of those three in it, while my DVD-ROM has Q3 nestled in; the right portion of the floor below the futon chair has my 3 DVDs: Dune, Tron, The Green Mile; my desk has a spindle of CD-Rs (with a silenced alarm clock and the Daikatana CD halves on it), which flanks the unused table lamp; to the right of that, my printer with stacks of paper piled to the left. My cable array is a total bird's nest (though my cockatiel is afraid of it!). My parents look in and ask me, "Why don't you ever clean that?" I say, "What? It's already organized." If anyone but me moves something in there, I won't be able to find it for at least a few minutes.

    So the next time you go past that desk at work that looks like the desk from "Shoe", just leave it. Chances are that that desk jockey has everything straightened out in some kind of system.

  • Well, I wasn't too impressed with it. It took a 'backwards' look at the success of linux and (it seemed) made up something to fit the information available. With a lot of his statements, the author was having to reach just to make things seem to 'fit' together. As for the statement where we should try to patent ourselves with this book -- it has some interesting ideas but they seem to far-fetched to trust your properity to (as of yet).
  • The information cannot be found in a satisfactory format anywhere else.
  • Read the review. IT's meant for the lay person. By your logic nothing difficult whould ever be reviewed.
  • I believe you may have missed the purpose of book reviews and the 'open source' movement many /.'ers enjoy.

    The book review was to alert /.'ers to a book that they might find useful and enjoyable. It shouldn't matter if the book isn't "free." In college, you MUST purchase many (see MANY) books -- and occasionally your prof's might alert you to a 'very good book.' Whether or not it is 'free' says nothing to whether someone should have alerted you to that. Want to be "free FREE FREE" in everything -- Go to the store and demand your free meal.. they will escort you to the dumpster.
  • I believe that any sufficiently advanced topic an be broken down into a format where almost anyone could undetstand.

    In the practical world most people even in science and engineering usually only use up through some basic level of differential equations.

    The rest is pure theory that dosn't work in the physical universe.
  • "Complexity theory is not the same as chaos. Complex systems are not chaotic, though they do depend on variation in order to adapt, or change the equilibrium point. The important message here is that complex systems are not beyond our understanding, though it may be tough" Isn't that the whole point of Chaos theory, That there is an underlying order to any complex system? Sounds like Complexity theory IS Chaos theory (or very closely related)
  • Just read the book and adapt the contents to your own open source book. It's just that people are usually lazy.
  • A matter of perspective. I personally see my desk as chaos, something I intimately want to avoid but always comes back to haunt me.
  • My K dropped from 33 to 15, after the 3 AMD articles, and various other instances where I was outnumbered. Think of this as a form of personal redemption. Personally, I'm willing to moderate, the moderation would moderate my karma and offset gains. I just wish that I could find out how to moderate.
  • It's a useful artificial impliment which enhances one's preformance of tasks which are cryptographic in nature.

    Next time you want to critize sigs please look at some of the rather banal, smug ones that you see on other's and give them a whirl.

    If english isn't your first language then ask what it means first.
  • Another interesting book on the topic is:
    "Dreams of Reason (The Computer and The Rise of The sciences of complexity)"

    by Heinz R Pagels, ISBN 0553347101


  • by empesey ( 207806 ) on Tuesday October 10, 2000 @05:44AM (#717586) Homepage
    When I was first introduced to the idea of fuzzy sets, it was a little bizarre. Then it became clear that it was completely natural to think in terms of fuzzy sets. Discussing it with others, most have come to the same conclusion. And in discussing other aspects of complex systems, even amoung the average joe, it becomes pretty clear, that people are more than well enough equipped to deal with complex systems - both phsyical and mental. I don't know if describing it as some new paradigm of thinking is fair (and borders on sensationalism to sell a book).

    Look at children. They learn to master extremely difficult complex systems like locomotion, language and exploration - all by the time they are five years old. How is most of this accomplished? Through imitation and experimentation. Children imitate what they see but they also explore their world. It's how many things are accomplished. Flight was mastered by looking at how birds fly and experimenting. So was medicine, math and every other complex system.

    We may develop new terminology or methodology, but it all boils down to the same concepts.
  • Well, first of all there is no such thing as "complexity science". There is a multidisciplinary field of study, very broad one, populated mostly by statisticians and physicists with some sprinkling of mathematicians, biologists and some other assorted folk. What unites this field is attempts to deal with complex systems which cannot be modeled by "classic", mostly linear, methods. Currently it's mostly a motley collection of approaches and techniques.

    [rough summation of the book]: "Agents, of a variety of types, use their strategies, in patterned interaction, with each other and with artifacts. Performance measures on the resulting events drive the selection of agents and/or strategies through processes of error-prone copying and recombination, thus changing the frequencies of the types within the system."

    They did say this is written for a layman, right? :-)

    Anyway, this basically describes "genetic algorithms", an optimization technique. Nothing particularly innovative and there are better books about it. Certainly, the complexity study field is much wider than this.

    Complexity theory is not the same as chaos.

    Well, a theory is not the same as chaos. That's reassuring to know.

    Complex systems are not chaotic, though they do depend on variation in order to adapt, or change the equilibrium point.

    Err... "complex systems" is a very very wide term (usually meaning "I can't understand how it works and I've been looking at it for five minutes already!") and generally chaotic systems are treated as a subset of complex systesm. Not that the quoted sentence makes much sense, anyway. "Depend on variation in order to adapt"? Ahem, and how else could one adapt except by changing something?

    The important message here is that complex systems are not beyond our understanding, though it may be tough.

    No kidding! That is the important message of the book? Wow! That's really, really useful to know.

    [flame] It sure looks tough, for complex systems are clearly beyond the understanding of the reviewer. Hint: before reviewing a book on Slashdot it's useful to know at least something about the field. [/flame]

  • It's strange how the computer desktop is supposed to reflect the office version, when in actual fact it's most tidy thing around me.
  • "Agents, of a variety of types, use their strategies, in patterned interaction, with each other and with artifacts. Performance measures on the resulting events drive the selection of agents and/or strategies through processes of error-prone copying and recombination, thus changing the frequencies of the types within the system."

    If this is the article author's idea of "accessible" and "lucid," I'd hate to see what he'd consider obtuse.

    The author's right about the prose not being either academic or Bizspeak. It's a hybrid of both, as unintelligible as either but without the former's precision or the latter's accessibility.

  • Flight was mastered by looking at how birds fly and experimenting. So was medicine, math and every other complex system.

    Oh baloney. There's no way you can convince me that medicine, math, and every other complex system was mastered "by looking at how birds fly and experimenting."

    ; )

    "Free your mind and your ass will follow"

  • by Kaa ( 21510 ) on Tuesday October 10, 2000 @06:10AM (#717591) Homepage
    it was completely natural to think in terms of fuzzy sets.

    As usual, it depends. Thinking about, say, IP packets in terms of fuzzy sets is not likely to be productive. Thinking about political affiliations would be a good way to apply them. Fuzzy sets are a tool: just like any tool they are applicable to some situations and not applicable to others.

    And in discussing other aspects of complex systems, even amoung the average joe, it becomes pretty clear, that people are more than well enough equipped to deal with complex systems

    Among the average joe? Never mind...

    Note, though, that reality itself is a very complex system. People (as well as protozoa, grasshoppers, rats, etc.) who were NOT equipped to deal with complex systems died out long time ago.

    Flight was mastered by looking at how birds fly and experimenting.

    Not really. Birds fly by flapping their wings and I don't know of a single successful aircraft that does this. Flight was mastered by understanding physical laws, specifically the laws of aerodynamics. These laws, by the way, are pretty crisp (=non-fuzzy).

    So was medicine, math and every other complex system.

    Err... so math was developed by imitating what you see, exploring the world, and experimenting? Uh, yeah, sure, right... [nods his head and slowly backs away]

  • I'd like to emphasise that I don't think that there is a strong link
    between fuzzy set theory and complex systems theory. Fuzzy set theory
    in my opinion is based upon bad ideas about the proper form of logical
    semantics and its relationship to the way we use concepts, and while
    it has proven to be of some use in specifying systems in engineering,
    the exaggerated claims of some of its early proponents for it to
    displace traditional approaches to logic and set theory are nonsense.

    Complex systems theory is a sophisticated and well-thought out
    area that dates back to von Neumann, and has proven very
    enlightening in a huge range of intellectual areas. It desrerves
    better than the touchy-feely new-paradigm bluster that seeks to tie it
    to fuzzy set theory.

  • Just a side thought: Does slashdot ever pan a book? Whenever I see a book reviewed here, it's always a case of: the reviewer has read it, and liked it either a LOT, or sufficiently to recommend it to others.

    I've bought a couple books off the reviews, and liked the ones I've gotten. But it'd be interesting to see reviews of the full range (in goodness to badness) of books--

  • Complex systems are not chaotic, though they do depend on variation in order to adapt, or change the equilibrium point.

    Err... "complex systems" is a very very wide term (usually meaning "I can't understand how it works and I've been looking at it for five minutes already!") and generally chaotic systems are treated as a subset of complex systesm.?

    Chaos, in the sense the review meant, is a phenomenon (namely stochastic behavior in a deterministic system). A chaotic system would, then, be any system that displays the phenomenon of chaos.

    A complex system usually has some chaotic behavior within it, but the chaos usually not the interesting part to so-called "complexity researchers". Rather, people like to study the emergent structures that form as a result of the interactions within the system. I think the reviewer meant to highlight the distinction, while still acknowledging that there are relationships between the concepts of complexity and chaos.

  • Axelrod and Cohen are founding members of the BACH group, which has been very influential in complexity research.

    It is time for everyone to simply think outside the BACHs!!

    (Yeah, I know, but the alternative is for me to do some real work. ;-)

  • Careful

    Don't run with scissors, eh?

    Just that it was natural to think in fuzzy terms.

    I have a nasty suspicion that it'll take us at least a dozen posts to sort out what "natural" means in this context. Besides, it's all handwaving. You say it's natural to think in fuzzy terms, I say it's natural to think in crisp terms, and how are we going to decide who is right?

    I'm not sure that proves anything.

    It proves that "humans are equipped to deal with complex systems" is a content-free sentence.

    If you doubt that man didn't learn the concepts of flight from flying creatures, then go down to the library and research it yourself. Where do you think one would learn about concepts of aerodynamics? From creatures that have mastered it themselves, perhaps?

    I don't understand what do you mean by "concepts" of flight. The concept of flight, that is, that heavier-than-air object can fly, certainly came from looking at birds. However I doubt very much that aerodynamics were developed by studying birds.

    Off the top of my head (and I freely admit that I could be 100% wrong) I would think that aerodynamics developed from fluid dynamics, which are much easier to observe and, until the invention of aircraft, were much more useful. As to the fluid dynamics, I again doubt that they developed from looking at fish. Most likely they developed by putting simple physical objects into a stream and looking at what happens. Add to that a lot of practical experience with boats and ships of all kinds and you have a pretty good base.

    The flaw in your argument is that living things are usually very complicated and it's not trivial to derive laws of physics from looking at them. It's usually easier to observer a much simpler system, work out how it works, and then complexify (sic!) the experiments until you think you have a reasonable grasp on what's happening. Understanding how living things work usually comes very late in the process. Remember the (in)famous bumblebee case? Until recently (10-20 years ago?) according to then-current aerodynamics the bumblebee could not fly: it was too heavy and its wings could not -- theoretically! -- generate sufficient lift to keep it in the air. It turned out that the bumblebee does some very, very complicated things (dealing with turbulence at wing edges AFAIK) that allow it to fly. But my point is that trying to derive *basic* aerodynamics from observing the bumblebee is impossible -- you would never get off the ground :-)

  • Chaos, in the sense the review meant, is a phenomenon (namely stochastic behavior in a deterministic system)

    Strictly speaking, you cannot have stochastic behavior in a deterministic system. What you have is that the behavior is non-computable and so we are forced to rely on stochastic methods to evaluate it.

    But in any case the concept of chaos is wider. Chaos is usually defined as specific property of a system (as well as the resulting behavior of the system) and is commonly used to mean high sensitivity to inital conditions -- "the butterfly effect" -- and/or nonlinear feedback loops. There are both deterministic chaotic systems and stochastic chaotic systems (which are pretty much unanalyzable given the current state of the art).

    I think the reviewer meant to highlight the distinction, while still acknowledging that there are relationships between the concepts of complexity and chaos.

    Pardon me for bluntness, but I didn't get the impression that the reviewer understood anything. I think that the reviewer has a very vague and muddled idea of what is complexity, what is chaos, and what is the relationship between them.
  • ...some of it might end up in your brain. Not much chance of that though!
  • I don't think that there is a strong link between fuzzy set theory and complex systems theory.


    Fuzzy set theory in my opinion is based upon bad ideas about the proper form of logical semantics

    Huh? Fuzzy set theory is based on the idea that you could express membership in a set not as a boolean value (0 or 1), but as a real number (e.g. 0.33). From here comes the notion of partial membership in multiple sets and off you go into fuzzy logic. Computationally it's very similar to dealing with a bunch of random variables the distribution of which you know.

    Which *bad* ideas are you talking about?

    Complex systems theory is a sophisticated and well-thought out area that dates back to von Neumann

    You probably mean cybernetics which does date back to von Neumann. However, in our context "complex system theory" means somewhat completely different, although also frequently involving feedback loops. Treat this a semantic contamination...

  • Things like language and locomotion are accomplished in large part because the human mind/body is well suited to the task. Yes, language is complicated (note, I'm not using the term complex), but it evolved as we have, so it is tightly coupled with human cognitive capacity. The fact that language is nearly universal among humans supports this.

    The book focuses on complex (not just complicated) systems. Complex systems have certain properties that differentiate them from merely complicated systems. Complicated often means "having many moving parts" for example. By complex, the authors are referring to systems in which the interaction among components often heavily influence later probabilities.

    Having read the book, I think it does a good job of distilling some of the subtleties of complex systems, focusing on things that a manager could affect, such as the effects of proximity (both physical and conceptual), and interaction patterns.

    The book extracts some useful things out of complexity theory. Things that could conceivably be harnessed (rather than controlled). The book is surprisingly sparce on the buzz words and hand waving that I usually associate with complexity books.

    My main criticism is that I don't think most managers are as smart as Axelrod and Cohen give them credit. They explicitly point out that the book doesn't have a list of 4 or 8 or 12 things a manager can do to be successful.

    Unfortunately, most (not all) managers I've worked with were better suited to a dilbert cartoon than a book like this.

    Anyway, this isn't a book for someone looking to model complex systems, or someone who just wants to learn about the latest research in the field in an accessible way. It really focuses on some general principles of complex systems, and what they can mean to organizations.

    Also, it has a really good index...
  • Complexity theory seems to be another word for chaos theory. In chaos theory the fist assumption one makes is that the system is not perfectly chaotic, thus it is 'merely' complex. The second condition is that the initial conditions are well known. The genetic algorithm is a bottom up approch to the same conditions. Given an initial condition and a well known ideal goal find the best solution. Thus, the algorithm creates order from chaos through chaos. I would go so far as to say that complexity, chaos, and the genetic algorithm are all subsets the same discipline.
  • Complexity theory solutions fall into two types:Ones where you can't understand the underlying process, in which case you can't trust the complexity theory result.

    So... what's the other type?
  • I haven't read the book but I don't think you're being fair to the authors. Looking backwards and "making up something" that explains your observations is a good two thirds of the scientific process. Even if they are wrong, it is a good thing to try to understand reasons why Linux was able to emerge.
  • Off the top of my head (and I freely admit that I could be 100% wrong) I would think that aerodynamics developed from fluid dynamics, which are much easier to observe and, until the invention of aircraft, were much more useful. As to the fluid dynamics, I again doubt that they developed from looking at fish. Most likely they developed by putting simple physical objects into a stream and looking at what happens. Add to that a lot of practical experience with boats and ships of all kinds and you have a pretty good base.

    You're right. You are 100% wrong. The concept of flight was first concieved of, and attempting to imitate birds. Which is why so many people died in the attempt. I'm not at all sure where the fixed wing concept came from, but it was tested in wind tunnels, as well as on rocky hills soon to be covered in bloody piles of bodies. It wasn't until much much later, probably near WWII that fluid dynamics entered the picture at all. Wilber and Orvil were, after all, bicycle makers with a hobby.

    Kaa, you seem to have a problem with the reviewer and it would probably be in your best interest and get help.

  • Unfortunately it falls prey to the set of difficulties that are
    well-known to attempts to develop probablility theory as a version of
    multi-valued logic: total orderings, like the interval of the real
    line [0,1], do not support a semantics for implication, and similarly
    you can't quantify over fuzzy sets.

    As I understand it, systems theory is a synonym for cybernetics.
    It is proposed because it is more suggestive of the subject matter.
    If this is wrong, I'd be delighted to know what the difference is.

  • >>>> Flight was mastered by looking at how birds fly and experimenting.

    >> Not really. Birds fly by flapping their wings and I don't know of a single successful aircraft that does this. Flight was mastered by understanding physical laws,

    Actually, all heavy birds are mostly gliders, save the takeoff and landing. Take storks, for instance. They fly thousands of kms in a few weeks twice a year (well, for the 5% that survive the electric wires in Europe and the insecticids in Africa), almost without flapping.

    What all gliding birds do, however, is to use variable geometry to achieve control. Copying that was a bad idea (Ader's plane did made a few bumps, replicas did fly, but that wasn't an efficient idea), but Ader plane replicas have shown that this was feasible, even with 1895 technology.
  • You're right. You are 100% wrong. The concept of flight was first concieved of, and attempting to imitate birds.

    If you were bothered to read what I have written, you would have noticed that I was NOT talking about the idea of flying. I was talking about aerodynamics, a branch of physics, and how it developed.

    Which is why so many people died in the attempt.

    Which goes to show that observing nature and blindly trying to imitate it is not always a good thing, right?

    It wasn't until much much later, probably near WWII that fluid dynamics entered the picture at all.

    Any proof? References? As you noticed, I can make unsubstantiated statements as well as you.

    Kaa, you seem to have a problem with the reviewer

    Well, yeah. I know a little about the subject -- enough to understand that the reviewer has no clue, that is as in "no clue at all", about complex systems and the current research in this area. Still, he presumed that just because he picked a book at a bookstore he was qualified to write a review and put it on Slashdot. To put it bluntly, he is NOT qualified. Besides, the review itself is a piece of crap -- it contains very little useful information and wonderful sentences such as "The important message here is that complex systems are not beyond our understanding, though it may be tough." Bletch.

    it would probably be in your best interest and get help.

    and get help? me? [maniacal laughter in the distance] I am BEYOND help, you worm! My plans for world domination through posting to Slashdot are almost complete! You'll all be petrified! Yes! And some select ones will be both naked and petrified! Yaaaaaah!

  • Unfortunately it falls prey to the set of difficulties that are well-known...

    Well, yeah, fuzzy logic is not a complete drop-in replacement for "normal" logic, no question about it. I was not arguing that -- I was just surprised to see you say that it grows out of some "bad" ideas.

    you can't quantify over fuzzy sets.

    What do you mean?

    As I understand it, systems theory is a synonym for cybernetics.

    Systems theory, yes. Complex system threory, no. They are two different beasts.

  • gives a new meaning to bird-brained, eh?
  • Is there a difference between the PII and the PIII besieds Mhz?
  • The complaint I was making in my first post, was with the people (like
    Bart Kosko) who have claimed that fuzzy logic/set theory `generalised'
    conventional logic/set theory. The people who just argue that it is
    useful in specifications, but isn't a general purpose logic, I have no
    problem with.

    As for complex systems theory vs. cybernetics, the stuff about
    variation, interaction and selection described in the article occurs
    in cybernetics. Do you have a reason for believing the two to be
    different or not? I'd be interested to know what reserach falls under
    one and not the other, but I am not interested in bald assertions that
    the two are different.

  • ...and business are not common at this point, but there have been several good books about emergent phenomena and complexity-theory attempts to explain them:

    Complexity: the Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos by M. Mitchell Waldrop is my favorite. It's very readable and a good introduction for the layperson.

    Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos by Roger Lewin takes a more biological perspective, using the Cambrian explosion and subsequent extinctions as a primary theme of inquiry. I haven't finished it yet, but find it almost as interesting as Waldrop's book. (Personally Lewin's style is chatty for my taste with its constant recreation of his conversations with various scientists.)

    Lewin and Birute Regine have recently written a book called The Soul at Work, but I haven't read it yet. It may prove interesting since Regine's area of specialty is developmental psychology (which is a natural for complexity studies, but whose practitioners have not yet become interested in studying emergence). This book is perhaps the most direct competition for this book being reviewed. I hope someone who has read it will post something to this discussion.

    John Holland has two good books out which may /.ers may relate more directly to, since he is a bit of a renagade in the computer science community (or was until he started turning out to be proven right). His books are very good for the detail (and even some math). But they are almost written from a lab-notebook perspective, recreating the evolution of his thought even to the point of exploring dead ends which he later abandons.

    Given all this, I have some difficulty with this reviewer's blanket denunciation of the field. None of these books is long on business-babble or psycho-pspeak, so I'm at a loss to understand his generalization.

    I will check this book out, but I would offer the following caveat: Complexity science is an interesting outgrowth of chaos theory which is still controversial within the scientific community. It's on the bleeding edge of current scientific thought and may yet pan out to be a dead end (or a world-changing advance).

    I am personally following it with considerable interest and have already come up with a number of applications which helped with both my programming and my business. But anyone who makes blanket evaluations of it (pro or con) is probably exaggerating their actual knowledge.

  • Flight was mastered by looking at how birds fly and experimenting.
    Not really. Birds fly by flapping their wings and I don't know of a single successful aircraft that does this. Flight was mastered by understanding physical laws, specifically the laws of aerodynamics. These laws, by the way, are pretty crisp (=non-fuzzy).

    In actuality, we generate lift with airfoils in the same way--by creating circulation. We just do it with thrust. =) And as for the laws of aerodynamics being "pretty crisp", Kaa, please tell me how to model turbulent behavior past the stall point of an airfoil.

  • Oh baloney. There's no way you can convince me that medicine, math, and every other complex system was mastered "by looking at how birds fly and experimenting."

    If she weighs the same as a duck, then she's made of wood...and therefore....a witch!
  • fuzzy logic/set theory `generalised' conventional logic/set theory.

    No, I don't subscribe to this particular belief that "normal" logic is a subset of fuzzy logic. It's fairly hard to substantiate, isn't it?

    As for complex systems theory vs. cybernetics, the stuff about variation, interaction and selection described in the article occurs in cybernetics.

    The review sucks heavily. I don't think the reviewer understands what he is talking about.

    Now, AFAIK, cybernetics is mostly concerned with control systems with feedback loops. You have a system with inputs and outputs, and the outputs affect (with a suitable time delay) either the inputs, or the parameters of the system itself.

    Complex systems is not really about this. They are, basically, about modeling highly nonlinear systems, ones where plain ol' regression just doesn't cut it. It's not a unified field by any stretch of imagination. Most research concentrates on:

    (1) Optimization techniques, preferably non-linear and global. Here you have genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, partly neural networks.

    (2) Emergent behavior, where you typically have multiple simple agents interacting and complex behaviour spontatneously emerges out of these interaction.

    (3) Chaotic systems, which is usually taken to mean either sensitivity to inital conditions (butterfly effect) and/or nonlinear feedback loops.

    (4) Misc other stuff.

    For an example of a complex system look at stock market. This is very noisy nonlinear unstable system with a tendency towards feedback loops and reversion towards the mean. If you manage to model it successfully, you won't have to work any more... :-)

  • In actuality, we generate lift with airfoils in the same way--by creating circulation. We just do it with thrust. =)

    Well, the result is the same -- flow (and not circulation, btw) over the airfoil. The mechanism of achieving the flow, however, is rather different.

    And as for the laws of aerodynamics being "pretty crisp", Kaa, please tell me how to model turbulent behavior past the stall point of an airfoil.

    "Crisp" does not mean "able to calculate everything to the n-the degree of accuracy". "Crisp" is a term from fuzzy logic and refers to old/normal/conventional logic, specifically to values '1' and '0'. These values are "crisp", while real numbers, like 0.5, are "fuzzy".

  • Chaos theory involves a formula whose output varies widely with a very small change in the input. The equation can be quite simple (like many fractal-generators), or very complex (like trying to model the weather), but the main distinguishing feature is that even with exact calculations, an immeasurably small difference at the start will give you completely different final results--but in the _mathematically interesting_ cases of chaos, the results are bounded. (A butterfly in Singapore might cause a hurricane in Tampa, but it never snows in Detroit in July...) Complexity theory, on the other hand, requires things to be so complex from so many interacting agents that you can't calculate them exactly, but this does not say that you can't do an approximate calculation and get a good prediction--unless it is both complex and chaotic, like the weather and the stock market.
  • As the reviewer, I didn't mean to come out against the other books in this field so strongly, I've read the ones you mentioned and have found them useful. You're right, it was a generalization.

    Also, John Holland is the H in BACH, the group that Cohen and Axelrod are the A and C of respectively. He's obviously had a large influence on their thoughts here.

  • I dunno what they are up to at the Santa Fe Institute, and I dunno why people would equate "complexity theory" with "chaos theory" when they are two distinctly different things. But basic computational complexity theory as I studied it in Grad School is about as controversial as the notion that 2+2 equals 4.
  • Complexity theory deals with measurements of time and space required by computational processes, establishing the intracability of a solution, that whole NP-complete, NP-hard thing. The basic question it is trying to answer is "Why are some types of problems easy to compute an answer for and other types of problems hard?"

    It is definitely, absolutely NOT chaos theory, which I've never formally studied but which I'm given to understand involves order spontaneously emerging out of disorder. Two totally different things from what I understand....

  • Fuzzy set theory is based on the idea that you could express membership in a set not as a boolean value (0 or 1), but as a real number (e.g. 0.33). From here comes the notion of partial membership in multiple sets and off you go into fuzzy logic. Computationally it's very similar to dealing with a bunch of random variables the distribution of which you know.

    Which *bad* ideas are you talking about?

    I'd agree that the notion of partial set membership is a Good Idea.

    However (I would say) the rules used for doing computations with fuzzy membership numbers -- at least, the ones typically advocated -- are arbitrary, ad-hoc, and fundamentally plain wrong. Sometimes they are useful as a very rough and ready engineering fix when nothing can go too badly adrift, but basically they are Not A Good Thing At All.

    A more principled way to deal with fuzzy numbers is to use the machinery of Bayesian calculation, treating fuzzy values as ordinary probabilities, but relating to a wider ontology than just the physical state of reality.

    Such extended ontologies arise very naturally from communication theory when we try to summarise data. For example, consider transmitting a set of points on a 2D grid using a mixture of Gaussians model. For each point, one sends the probability that it was generated by Gaussian A rather than B (less than one bit, using BitsBack), followed by the bit string to code its position using one or the other Gaussian.

    Gaussians extend to infinity, so we can never definitiely allocate a point to one bump or the other -- it is always a mixture of the two. Thus even a knowledge of the whole of reality is not sufficient to resolve the probability to a definite 0/1 state. "Generation by bump A rather than bump B" is therefore technically a fuzzy proposition, rather than a classical one -- the variable is part of our description of the system (our extended ontology), rather than underlying reality.

    In summary:

    • "Fuzzy" concepts and categories are essential for the efficient communication of information, and are implicit in almost all statistical modelling.
    • But the right tools for manipulating "fuzzy membership" are Bayesian probability theory and information theory.
    • The typical ad-hoc fuzzy logic presciptions are unspeakable horrors from any principled point of view.


    1. All of which is entirely irrelevant to the subject of far-from-equilibrium pattern formation (which is what complex systems theory is mostly all about?).

    2. For a more extensive discussion of Bayesian inference and fuzzy systems, there are classic papers by Cheeseman.

  • Yes, language is complicated (note, I'm not using the term complex), but it evolved as we have, so it is tightly coupled with human cognitive capacity. The fact that language is nearly universal among humans supports this.

    Most everybody takes a dump, too, but that doesn't mean it's tightly coupled with human cognitive capacity.


  • Thanks for the summary. Isn't this area just known as `non-linear
    dynamics'? Or did they, too, decide they wanted a new name?

    For an example of a complex system look at stock market. This is
    very noisy nonlinear unstable system with a tendency towards feedback
    loops and reversion towards the mean. If you manage to model it
    successfully, you won't have to work any more... :-)

    Ah. Sitting on my desk I have a powerful stock market simulator.
    It performs calculations capable of reliably determining tomorrows
    stock market prices from a sample of today's data. Unfortunately it
    takes 100 years to complete its calculations...

  • The bad idea advocated by many fuzzy logic advocates is that the
    binary notion of truth-value can be replaced by the smooth real
    interval. Unfortunately this generalisation breaks the semantics of
    implication, and a similar problem breaks quantification over fuzzy
    sets with the naive semantics.

    A Bayesian approach to `fuzzy' set theory/logic is an interesting
    idea, but unlike the fuzzy logicians, most Bayesians are radical
    subjectivists. I think this gives it a chance of success (the
    smenatics of conditionals can be described in terms of what a given
    observer learns in learning that the condition is true), but it is a
    much more complex approach, and it isn't obvious that it will nicely
    generalise the successes of fuzzy set theory in the specification of
    simple engineering systems.

    The stuff you describe doesn't sound so subjectivist. Could you
    give a more detailed reference to Cheesman?

  • Well, the result is the same -- flow (and not circulation, btw) over the airfoil. The mechanism of achieving the flow, however, is rather different.

    I don't argue the difference in the mechanism--I made that point myself. And, circulation is indeed present over the wing surface. I'm betting here that you haven't taken a course in aerodynamics. It's circulation that accelerates and decelerates the flow to create the pressure gradient across an airfoil.

    "Crisp" does not mean "able to calculate everything to the n-the degree of accuracy". "Crisp" is a term from fuzzy logic and refers to old/normal/conventional logic, specifically to values '1' and '0'. These values are "crisp", while real numbers, like 0.5, are "fuzzy".

    Last I checked, the laws of aerodynamics don't accurately model separated flow. You can make a stab at it, but you don't get anything near "conventional"--at least not yet. Separated and turbulent flows are a bitch to model. Laminar flow is easy--and crisp.

  • I read this book, and though I did enjoy it, I didn't think it was worth $26. There is good information here, but it could have been presented in about 10 pages. This book felt padded, even to the point where the margins and the font size seemed big.
  • ... and you'd be quite mistaken. None of them are much like either of the others, let alone subsets of the same discipline.
  • There are severall theries called Complexity Theory. And one of them is also called chaos theory.

The herd instinct among economists makes sheep look like independent thinkers.
