Black Hole Search Begins In Australian Outback 68
Sandeater writes: "BBC news is reporting that an new telescope has just been completed to search out black holes from the Australian outback. The astronomers using the telescope will be looking for huge black holes at the centres of galaxies, as well as seeing how they evolve.
The Cangaroo II will be offically opened tomorrow.
The BBC link can be found here."
Re:wouldnt it have... (Score:1)
Australia outback is a logical choice... (Score:1)
I certainly hope outer space black holes aren't giant wombat nests, or the research team might find themselves in deep trouble.
Film at 11.
Fingerprints? (Score:1)
Re:Black hole (Score:1)
Re:Hrmph. (Score:1)
Look between Paul Keatings' ears (Score:1)
Theoretical Research (Score:1)
Re:Dark matter is necessary for another reason (Score:1)
Seems like a silly place to look. (Score:1)
Re:You won't find them there. (Score:1)
Actaully, Dark matter is absolutely not required for the Big Bang to have happened.
The issue is more serious than that. Without it, the whole of Newtonian Mechanics is called into question. Okay, so we already know that in the quantum and relativistic limits, Newtonian mechanics no longer holds. However, on galactic scales, Newtonian mechanics is supposed to hold true.
This is not what is being observed. The problem is connected to the speed of rotation of stellar objects. Now, I admit that it's been a couple of years since I last studied Astrophysics, so I'm a little rusty, but IIRC the rotational speed of objects "orbiting" our galaxy is too high to be explained by the amount of visible matter. (There is more to it than that, but like I said, it's been a couple of years...)
For more info, hit your local library, or try google [google.com]
Re:You won't find them there. (Score:1)
I vaguely remember that we did a rough calculation on the charge that the Earth would have to have in order to produce as strong an EM force as its gravitational one. I don't remember the numbers (or have time to do it now, but it's pretty easy), but the charge required was huge.
You are right in saying that the effect would be indistinguishable, but I do think that the amount of charge that would be required almost certainly rules it out as an explanation.
(You've got me thinking though - gonna have to sit down and work it out when I get home
Re:Advantages of an atmosphere.. (Score:1)
1. Less light pollution (seperated cities)
2. Less Air pollution (from less population)
3. Milky way is viewed better from southern hemisphere. (True - don't flame me - check it out)
4. No northern lights (okay - this one is just a joke)
A great story I know about Northern & Southern Hempisphere astronomers is some Northern ones coming to the Australian Outback (the Alice) to look at the milky way. They go out one night with thge Southern guys, and they all look up before setting up their telescopes and such. The northern ones says it's a shame about the weather, and how they'll have to wait for the clouds to clear. The southern ones have to explain to them that those "clouds" are infact the milky way.
Anyway, moral of the story is that The milky way is bright and visible in Australia. If you're looking for dark matter in the Galaxy - wouldn't you check out your own galaxy first?
Later this year... (Score:1)
Have Exchange users? Want to run Linux? Can't afford OpenMail?
Starting in the right place? (Score:1)
Re:[Slighty OT] British Favouritism of Australia (Score:1)
Australian News services don't seem to care about science much. We (the viewing audience) are only interested in sport apparently. For a 30min news program, there will be 15 mins of sport.
There are a few science programs running around. Nearly all started life on the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corperation), and were purchased by the other TV stations when found to be successful. They were generally modified to suit the new stations ideals, and usually failed within a year or two.
Science does not get a lot of press over here. It's a pity really. There is lots of good stuff going on.
Re:3 Aus related posts on /. now (Score:1)
i live in redfern
3 Aus related posts on /. now (Score:1)
Black holes in Austrailia? (Score:1)
Re:Black holes (Score:1)
Bring on the sprouts!
Strong data typing is for those with weak minds.
Re:Black holes in Austrailia? (Score:1)
Yahoo Serious had a career? I must have blinked.
Re:The Milky Way (Score:1)
Re:You won't find them there. (Score:1)
One thing Ive wondered about is why the rotation of galaxies cannot be explained by something else than gravity, say by electromagnetism. Since electromagnetism is some 10^40 times stronger than gravity you wouldnt need such an incredible charge (well, relatively speaking) to influence the rotation curve of a galaxy as much as a huge amount of matter would by gravity. Also, EM diminishes by the distance squared too, so the curve would look identical.
Say the supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way is very strongly charged (BH:s can have charge), say positively. Also say the stars in the galaxy are negatively charged. Wouldnt they then orbit at a faster rate than with no charge?
Re:You won't find them there. (Score:1)
Forgot this: In my mind it wuld be easy for a black hole to become positively charged. The accretion disk gets heated to very high temperatures, ionizing the gas to a plasma. When the plasma is sucked in by the BH a fraction is shot out by electomagnetic fields of incredible strength, in both directions along the rotation axis of the BH in relativistic jets.
Since electrons are some 1800 times lighter than protons, but they have as large (but opposite) charge, it seems it would be much more likely that electrons escape in the jets than protons, resulting in a net positive charge for the BH.
Re:Why it's ground based (Score:1)
The technique they're using for Cangaroo is in fact based on the Whipple experiment and uses the same technique for distinguishing between gamma rays from blazars (where on Earth did that name come from :) ) and cosmic rays, although I'm not all that certain of the exact details of the process.
Re:Top 10 Places to look for Black Holes (Score:1)
greets from #linux, greyfox!
Well, they get the prize... (Score:1)
"Black Hole Search Begins In Australian Outback"? (Score:1)
good name (Score:1)
It stands for Collaboration of Australia and Nippon for a Gamma Ray Observatory in the Outback. (Nippon == Japan, the two countries are collaborating on the project.)
The outback strikes me as a good place to have a telescope. Certainly the surroundings will be sufficiently dark, with no lights from nearby civilization.
Re:[Slighty OT] British Favouritism of Australia (Score:1)
New Zealand
When Politics & Science Collide... (Score:1)
The new security lights were installed - after several of the boat-people escaped from the detention centre - in a bid to preclude for future escape-attempts.
It seems that light from the security lights makes this bush location too much like any urban centre... defeating the purpose of being out there, i.e. so far from the bright cities...
A decision is due shortly on whether to procede or not with an extention of the project...
Black holes from the Austrailian outback???!!! (Score:1)
Re: Advantages of an atmosphere.. (Score:1)
I met my new friend Jimbo at the bar just the other night, and he was one of the guys who worked on the telescope up in space. He had to quit after he got sick of hilding his breath for a couple of years. He says it was hard work because it was really hot in space, and the sun was BRIGHT GREEN. The sky soaks up the blue and makes the sun look yellow. I like my friend Jimbo -- he's so smart.
Re:You won't find them there. (Score:1)
Re:Black holes in Austrailia? (Score:1)
Re:Whats up with Astronomy.. (Score:1)
Re:You won't find them there. (Score:1)
The big bang theory isn't the only reason why there must be dark matter.
For example, it turns out that galaxies as we observe them could not be stable, if they were only composed of the visible stars.
I've heard of some other points that make dark matter necessary, but unfortunately, I can't think of any at the moment.
A dingo ate my baby! (Score:1)
I suppose there's no lights out there except for spotlights on the kangaroo shooter's van.
I'm from australia and i know what is out there... pretty much nothing. There was a tourist about 2 - 3 years ago that got lost out there, in the blazing heat this japanese tourist sat, while his motorbike (which had run out of fuel) rested quietly in the shade of a shrub. For 3 days he sat in the sun waiting for his motorbike and him to be rescued.
I really hope that they use common sense and dont get stuck or anything.
Oh and one more thing, there is a guy out in the desert somewhere taking a 'spiritual journey' in a red fire truck, he's been gone for a few weeks and no one's seen or heard from him since he left.
I am dead serious when i say that. Perhaps they could spot him as well.
Re:[Slighty OT] British Favouritism of Australia (Score:1)
Canadian actors don't have time for British Television
They are too busy taking over the U.S.
Re:Woomera (Score:1)
"Sited on a former rocket range at Woomera [...]"
Re:Black holes (Score:1)
Re:You won't find them there. (Score:1)
Re:Look between Paul Keatings' ears (Score:2)
You won't find them there. (Score:2)
When they fail to achieve this they just try again.
Eventually. some theories will have to be abandoned and others that were previously called laughable are found to be true. This whole "dark matter" thing is an example. I.e. there is a vast amount of matter in the universe that doesn't show up on any of the scans. In fact, vastly more than dose show up or can be accounted for in interstellar gas and black holes etc...
Why dose this dark matter exist ? Because without it the Big Bang is called into question. Of course the BB can't be wrong. We have built whole curriculums around this. It MUST be true.
Other scientists are quicker to throw away used theories. Maybe I am being too harsh. After all it's hard to sit in one far corner of the universe and see what the whole looks like.
Re:Black holes in Austrailia? (Score:2)
Re:Dark matter is necessary for another reason (Score:2)
WIMPs, MACHOs, etc. they're just patch work. Neat ideas with absolutely no backup evidence.
White Dwarves on the other hand have more potential. I wish I had a link to some info... I'll need to find one.
There are some good things about it, though (Score:2)
An example of this is the boundary around the telescope at Green Bank. I know Part 97 of the FCC rules states that you have to have permission to set up amateur radio beacons if you are near it (check the ARRL Website [arrl.org] and do a search on 'Green Bank'). I am not sure about some of the other radio services. The reason is because of the interference generated by transmitters.
Radio receivers can cause lots of noise also if they are not properly designed, btw.
Huh? (Score:2)
Be careful in Perth. Its near the Schwartzchild radius.
Will wonders never cease! (Score:2)
What? What's that you say? Oh. I see. Maybe I should wake up more thuroughly before posting.
Doubtful (Score:2)
The Milky Way (Score:2)
I say point those bad boys to the center of the milky way and see what beats in the heart of all that matter. Even if there is no black holes to be found I would surely help determine which galaxies would and wouldn't contain a black hole. Thus raising the chance of finding a black hole in a remote galaxy.
Top 10 Places to look for Black Holes (Score:2)
9) My first girlfriend's [CENSORED.] I mean, it seemed to suck everything in...
8) California. Don't all the ... holes come from there?
7) The press coverage surrounding Elian will soon achieve critial mass and implode.
6) What the hell is that space between Letterman's teeth, anyway?
5) The fox sunday night line up. Between Futurama and the Simpsons and between the Simpsons and the X files.
4) Hey Terence! How'd you like to look for black holes [FART]! Ooo! You farted on my head! Ha ha ha ha ha!
3) The space between a first poster's ears.
2) Any song in the top 40.
And the number 1 place to look for black holes:
1) The Microsoft E-mail backups.
Whats up with Astronomy.. (Score:2)
has to be brought up on Star Treck and all, so
let it be here. But how did it get to be the
only science field getting any coverage on
It has little to do with computers, as for
"stuff that matters" - i am sure , say automotive
news or medical science, matter a lot to great
many here. And the list can go on.
So i'd say either discuss them *all* or get the
damn astronomy out of here. Personal tastes of
site founders should not be a guiding line in
what is posted for a site that is used and trusted
by as many people as this one.
Might be looking a bit close to home... (Score:2)
While I applaud the ingenuity of checking in Australia for black holes, I think they may wish to start with outer space, instead. Still, all those weird-ass animals have to be coming from somewhere.
Cerenkov radiation (Score:2)
Re:There are some good things about it, though (Score:2)
The telescope is supposed to detect gamma rays, so I don't see why there should be any problems with ground based transmitters.
According to the article, the telescope doesn't even detect the gamma rays directly, but only detects secondary radiation, that is emmitted, when the gamma rays hit the atmosphere, so sending it into space would be couterproductive.
It would probably be impossible to build a telescope of equivalent angular resolution in space without spending a few billion dollars, about thousand times the budget of this one.
Black Hole? (Score:2)
Re:wouldnt it have... (Score:2)
I'm not surprised... (Score:3)
It's probably the space time flux caused by that wandering entity who likes to add on bits to worlds that look like Australia retroactively that causes the black holes in the first place. Just another case of Science imitating Science Fiction...
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [ncsu.edu].
Black Holes (Score:3)
IMHO, Australia is a brilliant place for such observations. The sky is crystal-clear (relative to anywhere in the northern hemisphere) and there is a lot of empty space to build a telescope without burger bars, shopping malls and strip joints surrounding it within a week.
I've often wondered if Australia might be a good place for SETI, for the same reason. Sod the 1Km array! It would be practical to build a 5 mile array Down Under. (A 5 mile array would give you an image 18 pixels x 18 pixels of an Earth-sized planet, 1 Astronomical Unit from a Sol-like star, up to 100 light-years away. That would be enough resolution to check the atmosphere, determine the climate and look for radio leakage rather than deliberate signals.)
Re:Why it's ground based (Score:3)
Re:wouldnt it have... (Score:3)
Also, the cost of an orbiting satellite is significantly higher than that of a ground based instrument, and with the booming Australian and Japanese space programs, they would have had to shell out more bucks to NASA or ESA to launch the thing.
Advantages of an atmosphere.. (Score:3)
The interesting thing I found about this is that unlike the reasoning behind Hubble (the atmosphere distorts light so get outside it) the Cangaroo II telescopes will use that very distortion to view the black holes.
I'd assume that the Southern Skies are a lot less mapped than their Northern cousins given the dearth of countries south of the equator.
But if they'd really wanted to go to a place where the atmosphere distorts the view then a Cafe Bar in Amsterdam would be their best bet
Re:You won't find them there. (Score:3)
Astro physics is one area where they just love to throw away theories and start with new ones. Black Holes have been postulated and the postulations found to be correct. The problem is viewing something that by definition doesn't emit light because its as dense as a Christian Coalition convention.
A lot of Astro-physicists would just love to be the one who writes the seminal paper
"The big bang is bollocks, the Universe is created from paper clips and buttons that disappear down the backs of sofas"
The aim of scientists is to be respected, and respect is earnt by proving others right beyond any doubt or best of all proving as many people wrong as possible.
Re:You won't find them there. (Score:3)
Since electromagnetism is some 10^40 times stronger than gravity you wouldnt need such an incredible charge (well, relatively speaking) to influence the rotation curve of a galaxy as much as a huge amount of matter would by gravity. Also, EM diminishes by the distance squared too, so the curve would look identical.
Well, the potential energy of the EM force would then be added to the gravitational PE, making the required rotational kinetic energy less so the galaxy wouldn't rotate so fast.
Or alternatively for the same rotational velocity and kinetic energy the gravitational contribution to the potential energy would be lowered by the EM contribution, hence less mass is required.
So sure in theory that could be an explanaition, but how on Earth would a star be negatively charged? That would imply it had an excess of electrons over protons, and since both come almost exclusively from the ionization of hydrogen where would this massive excess (and it would have to be pretty big to have a noticeable effect) come from?
And again, since black holes form from stars where would their supposed positive charge come from? I personally can't think of any mechanism that would cause this sort of distinct charge difference between stellar objects. And while I'm not up on all the details, I'm pretty sure that you could tell whether a star was negatively charged through spectroscopy or some other technique.
They're really looking for Active Galactic Nuclei (Score:3)
Black hole (Score:3)
Dark matter is necessary for another reason (Score:4)
Why dose this dark matter exist ? Because without it the Big Bang is called into question. Of course the BB can't be wrong. We have built whole curriculums around this. It MUST be true.
You forget a possibly more important reason for dark matter to exist - in order to explain why galaxies are stable. In order for a stable, rotating galaxy to exist it must satisfy the Virial Theorem which is 2V+T=0 (I think), where V is the gravitational potential energy and T the rotational kinetic energy.
Given what we know from observations of both our own and other galaxies we can make reasonable estimates of both of these figures, using average stellar masses, the no. of stars/galaxy, the radius of a galaxy and its rotational period. What we get from these numbers is that there is only 10% of the necessary mass in the galaxies we see for them to be stable.
If there was no dark matter then the stars within galaxies wouldn't be gravitationally bound and would be flung out by the galaxy's rotation. But since we can look out to the Universe and see stable galaxies of many different ages we have to conclude that there is extra mass present in galaxies that we simply can't see. Each galaxy is embedded in a huge disc of dark matter, and without it there would be no galaxy.
Why it's ground based (Score:5)
Well, for one, the cost of a ground based installation is much less than a satellite, but that's the obvious answer :)
What they're doing is looking for the Cerenkov radiation produced when a high energy gamma ray from the "blazar" produced by a black hole hits the upper atmosphere. Cerenkov radiation is the product of electron/positron pair creation and bremmstrahlung and consists of relativistic particles which travel at velocities faster than the local speed of light. This results in the production of Cerenkov radiation in the blue part of the visible spectrum, which is what the telescopes actually detect.
However there is a far greater amount of Cerenkov radiation from normal cosmic ray incidents than there is from gamma rays produced in blazars. Since the cosmic ray particles are charged (they are usually protons) whereas the gamma rays aren't, they can be distinguished by whether they curve in the galactic magnetic field.
Anyway, since this is a proven technique, there's really no need for a space-based detector as of yet.