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Dark Matter WIMP Detection Claimed 167

Scientists at the University of Rome claim they have discovered evidence for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). Their paper will be presented on Friday, and of course the verification process will take a while. The claimed particles weigh as much as a nickel atom, and could turn out to be the dark matter that astrophysicists have sought for so many years. All you touch and all you see may be only 20% of the universe. Read the NYTstory (free reg. req.) and then visit the TBTFblog for detailed information.
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Dark Matter WIMP Detection Claimed

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Could a disturbance in this matter be made in to a sensor of some sort to detect movement or disturbances in magnetic fields? Who knows?
    Could this "dark matter" really be the force, and could we detect disturbances in the force?
  • Yeah. Just read that, baby.


    Oh, sure. DARK MATTER. BLACK HOLES. Endless pits where we can throw down "matter" ( = money ).

    I love how these bastards are always trying to use racial parallels in everything to scare people. Would "gravitational hole" sound scary? NOOOO!! But BLACK HOLE, man, that sounds SCAAAARY. Better give us our research dollars.


    Oh, sure. Blame all the problems of the universe on the black man.

    I love how lilly white academics are so quick to label everything black as if it's a problem instead of letting us manage our own destiny.

    That's the problem with the academic types -- they claim to be open minded, but in reality their minds are just another kind of ghetto. Equal rights for us as long as we don't date their daughters.

    I prefer the unmasked scorn of honest bigots to the rat-behind-your-back crap these acadmic liberals come up with.

    What's next, rent control for Matter of Color?

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Remember, "Dark Matter" is the long lost answer to a question of sensing gravity... We have overlooked it for our entire existence because it interacts so weakly with out type of matter.

    so, maybe there's more matter out there than just dark?

  • by Anonymous Coward
    ...if you use thi s link []. It replaces with, please do the same when you post stories.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    If you go to the link posted above, 1900sci-dark-matter.html [], it will ask you for a username/password.

    If instead you go to 021900sci-dark-matter.html [], it will bring up the story, with no login and no cookies whatsoever.


  • Did read the article? Have you ever taken a particle physics course? Do you even understand how science works? I don't mean to flame here, but frankly your quick dismissal of this possible discovery as bovine fecal material seems extremely premature.

    As someone who actually has taken a course in QM (not particle physics in particular), I do know that interaction cross-sections depend on a number of factors, and mass is only one of them. And the mass is usually not even the most significant factor for calculating a cross-section. More often then not, a particle's charge (or lack thereof) is much more important than it's mass.

    I think some healthy skepticism is warranted here, but an out-right dismissal is totally unfounded, at least until some other groups have had a chance to look over the data and attempt to confirm the experiment.

  • Gas in thermal equilibrium would still be detectable as very narrow, but strong aborption lines along the line of site to other galaxies. Such clouds of gas and dust have been detected, but not on the scale required to make up for the "missing" mass. Given that, I don't think the gas and dust explanation is strong enough, even though I do agree that it's still the simplest and therefore best explanation. Unfortunately, the data does not seem to bear that out right now.

    I guess, ultimately, I have to question why you're judging this so harshly? It's a borderline personal attack, which IMHO is just in poor taste. These guys don't seem to be pulling a Pons and Fleischman here, and in fact I really don't see anything too unusual about thier press release either, given the fact that 90% of press releases end up completely misrepresenting the research anyway: A problem I had the misfortune of encountering about a year ago, there are some "editors" that I would love to see strung up by their finger-nails after the way they rewrote a press release I co-authored!

  • It is obvious that this "dark matter" is an attempt by the status quo to keep their controls on science. Science is ruled by an over conservative good old boys network who don't want to change teir minds about things they learned in school. This recognition of dark matter is further continuation of this network. If modern science weren't under the control of these people would quantum mechanics as we know it be taught? Probably not anymore, because we would have found a new theory about the universe that could explain things a little better.

    All right, Mr. Scientist, since you seem to be such an authority on the universe I'm sure we'd love to hear your theories. Why is the idea that there's more than one kind of matter so far-fetched?
  • L : slashdolt
    P : slashdolt

    works fine. They'll probebly kill it soon ( like
    they did for cypherpunk & cypherpunks ).
  • They said
    the development "is just the tip of an incredible iceberg, if this is right."

    So what can we do with the WIMPs? I hope ./ is not posting a story that would have no impact on hour lives whatsoever. We'll they give us space travel? Eternal youth? Oral sex?

  • Discovering 90% of what is known the universe is unconsequential if you can't feel it or touch it. I do hope it's a major break thorugh and produces something useful in every day life.
  • If you can come up with a valid theory of elves and provide solid experimental evidence supporting it, then we can throw that in the dark matter pot also.

    A simple experiment:

    • Enter Lab.
    • Place keys on table
    • work... work... work...
    • Keys are gone.

    The elves surely must have some mass. Hmm... I wonder what the possability is that the keys were sucked out of existance by random weakly interacting antimatter collisions :-)

    As for the difficulty of detection, wouldn't one of the active neutrino projects, like SNO pick up some very peculiar collisions if dense matter is going to occasionally interact and spew a photon? Off the cuff, wouldn't the intensity of photons released during collision of a neutrino differ greatly from that of an atom with the mass of Nickel, with an unspecified velocity?

    Oh wait... it appears that's what they did... using seasonal fluctuations in the earth's velocity. That makes sense. I'll be quiet now.

    Some day I'll have to get back into Physics.

  • First post mayhap?

    The missing mass needed to close the universe has always been assumed, I've assumed, to exist in the form of either WIMPs or MACHOs (massive compact halo objects) or the Cosmological Constant. Interesting times when evidence for all three is strengthening at once. The current Science News features a solid survey of the unanimity the remarkable idea of an accelerating universal expansion has garnered in just two years -- so much so that the current best-guess value for the CC, the push factor, is engraved on a plaque at the top of the spiral "walk through time" in the new Rose Center (formerly the Hayden Planetarium) in NYC. And convincing evidence for the existence of MACHOs was presented at the recent Atlanta meeting of the AAS. (I'll have links for all these loose ends when the next TBTF issue comes out.)

  • Black and white aren't colors. Or, to put it annother way, they are colors but neither is *a* color. If you mix all the colors of light you get white light, so white isn't *a* color, and if you remove all of those colors of light, you get black, so it isn't a color, either. When it comes to pigments, it's the other way around, since any "color" pigment absorbs all the other colors of light and reflects just the "color" that it is. (this is all a very simple and generalized explanation) If you mix all the different "colors" of pigment together, all colors of light get absorbed and you see what we call black. If no "colors" of pigment are present, no colors of light are absorbed, and you see what we call black. (and when your screen keeps turning blue, you see red, and then you see the light).

    When it comes to pigmeat, it's a question of tomato-based versus vineger-based.

  • Ahhhh! Someone accused someone else of not understanding how science works. I have a small amount of experience here.

    Science works this way (compressed version): I say "Bullshit", you keep showing me evidence until I stop saying "bullshit".

    The attitude to hold should be one of *utmost* skepticism. WIMPS are an extraordinary claim, and one should yell bullshit until we are shown extraordinary proof. I don't think the person you're replying to was dismissing at all. He was wagering.

    I will raise him $50 that the study when released is shoved in a drawer and forgotten.
  • ...One post after another "What physicist can not explain, they invent something nobody can observe" Bullshit - physicists CAN observe it. This experiment is one way to do it. In a few years another sattelite based experiments would be done, that can detect signal from neutralino annihilation directly. It can and will be done.
  • And lo and behold - the superpartner of the photon, called the neutralino

    If I remember correctly from my thesis, netralino is a mix of partners of photon, Z-bozon and up and down Higgz (being called Higgzino if Higgz portion dominates)
  • Am I the only one that thinks "neutralino" sounds like an Italian food place in Switzerland?

    "Come! Dine at Neutralino's, where your fettucini is always protected by our stricly anonymous dining laws!"

  • I understand the issues, I'm just extremely skeptical over whether this is some legitimate, or whether its NYTimes hoopla. Right now, I say its hoopla, simply because I have no reason to believe that billions of mysterious massive particles are flowing through me each second, and we have _yet_ to detect them. This is 99.99% theory at this point and 0.01% fact. The fact is that there's matter out there that we can't see. Blaming it on massive particles that weakly interact with regular mass is as valid as saying little elves are moving things around. Its a hypothesis thats just too absurd in my mind. I'm going to read their paper when its published. I'll make my conclusion then, but right now I just don't buy it. ;)
  • Neutrinos have a mass of something like 1/1Bth of an electron. They've been detected in large pools of soft water. I'm just saying that I have a very difficult time believing that something with the mass of a nickel atom, can have less effect on the surrounding environment than a neutrino. Come on now, you have to admit, its pretty far fetched.

    I think this is a perfect example of science trying to fit things into place with a theory. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as the theory doesn't account for something thats easily explainable by something else. This whole dark matter issue is explainable by unseen dust, and unseen matter. We don't need to theorize about weak particles the size of nickel that weakly flow through the Universe, because there's nothing that truely tells us this.

    Now I'm not saying its not possible. I just have an overwhelming feeling that the paper will be released. Physicists everywhere will say its bullsh1t, and we'll never hear about it again... with which half of /. will believe that these particles actually do.

    BTW, I have the fountain of youth. Its a combination of a couple off the counter drugs. I'll be releasing it in my paper Wednesday.

    Thats my case ;)
  • Thank you. Finally someone who sees it how it is. Everything they've stated is philosphical, with no evidence, just symptoms. They say they have something, but they haven't shown _anything_. Why would they wait for some convention to describe their technique, if they could dish it out _now_ and astonish the scientific community _today_. Makes me think they're looking for press.

    I never said it wasn't possible, and I'm not accusing them of anything. What I'm saying is that I have an _extremely_ hard time believing anything _YET_. This is simply because they're showing us nothing.

    PD apparently is the only one here who sees this as rhetoric. I'm yelling bullshit because we've _seen_ _nothing_. Yeah there are lots of amazing theories and ideas in the world. The rotational curve of galaxies being a result of WIMPs is one of them. I'd just say that they're due to gas and dust thats undectible because they've reached thermal equillibrium. The evidence atleast suggests that.

    $50 says that the study is shoved in a drawer and forgotten.
  • I totally know about absorption and emission lines in spectra, and what they represent. I'm not attacking the physicists themselves as much as I am the actual publication on NYT website. If I had a nickel for everytime I noticed something that ws just blatently false in the media, I'd be rich as hell.

    The issue is that half of /. jumps the gun talking about how cool this is, etc, even though we've seen no evidence, other than what that article itself says.

    Based on that, I'd say there's no basis for it. The whole theory of WIMPs in general just seems a bit far fetched to begin with. Thats basicly all I'm saying. Everyone just feels the need to jump on my back when I say that I think its bs, because right now, I've read nothing that tells me otherwise.

    I'm actually very interested in the whole topic itself. I'd like to see the unified theorem come to fruition. I'm just not going to let my hope talk me into believing something that as of this moment, has no evidence.

    Thats pretty much my stance.

    As for the absorption lines, gas isn't the only form of matter in the Universe ;) It could be dead stars, or small rocks and dust, comets, planet-sized asteroids, etc. I agree with you that its fishy, but Physics, right now, at this moment suggests that its matter in its traditional form (atoms). Its scientificly unsound to say otherwise, especially when the NYT is attempting to report scientific break-throughs.
  • by kevlar ( 13509 ) on Saturday February 19, 2000 @06:05PM (#1259000)
    The term 'dark matter' is simply matter that we cannot see. When astrophysicists are looking for dark matter, what they're actually trying to do is see gas, dust and dead stars that are not luminous. Dark matter is not a different form of matter, its just matter that has settled into the 3 degrees Kelvin equilibrium of space, and is therefore undetectable, unless heated by an external force.
    "Though astronomers have been measuring the gravitational pull of the dark matter since the 1930's, they have never succeeded in detecting it directly."
    I assume with this statement they're refering to the velocity vs distance from the center for stars in a galaxy. Its always been known that the fact that the stars in a spiral galaxy rotate with uniform motion, like a disk, simply because of the amount of dust and gas in between the stars.

    If you ask me, I call this someones "what if" explaination, and attempted proof, that will quickly be disproved if it does in fact have any scientific basis. Of course, when this happens however, it won't make it to the presses ;)
  • Not necessarily. Anti-matter has the same physical properties as regular matter, but the atomic charges are reversed. It still has volume and therefor it can be dense. It is also possible that there may exist anti-dark matter as well.
  • I seriously doubt that 'race' had anything to do with the naming of the particle. Only a paranoid selfish person would make that assumption. If anything, the physic's community is not racists, maybe a bit close-minded, but definitly not racist.
  • Very doubtful, Photons are alternating vibrations of electrical and magnetic energy (electromagnetic spectrum) which vibrate at different rates. These photons are much too small to be 'carried' by the WIMP's. They are also too far apart and don't exist everywhere as well (inbetween galaxies, light still travels, yet there are probably very very little WIMP's). Also, photos vibrate at a wavelength much less than the average distance between WIMPs in our solar system.
  • I think you miss the point. This is pure science and its not something thats very profitable. They do it for the same reason programmers spend late nites with lots of soda and pizza hunched over a couple of megs of code trying to figure out one problem. They want to better themselves and the human race.
  • <I>So what can we do with the WIMPs?</I>

    Lets see: They have no electromagnetical interaction, so they pass through anything easily. They have the weak interaction, so you might be able to upset radioactive processes if you could concentrate enough stuff in one place. This has lots of uses.
  • Can't you let a humorous (err. humourous for you british english speakers) post be?
  • by bkocik ( 17609 ) on Saturday February 19, 2000 @07:26PM (#1259008) Homepage
    "Wimps found in physics laboratory"

    Sorry, couldn't help myself. I like physics, too. :-)


  • Absolutely - that's one of the reasons this is so exciting. As the other responder pointed out, this particle is weakly interacting and so we couldn't directly detect it, but it would show up as "missing energy". For instance, you could get a reaction at LHC on the lines of

    proton + antiproton -> very energetic gluons -> squark + antisquark -> neutralinos + lots of other junk.

    You could detect all of the other junk and measure its energy and momentum, and you'd see that there's a giant difference between that and the initial beam energy, so the difference must be particles that escaped your detection. Similarly you could measure the "missing charge" and so on, so you get a pretty good fix on what escaped.

    The only catch is that 134GeV is actually about the absolute max that LHC will be able to see. The problem is that, while the interaction energy is about 2TeV (once everything's at full spin), the particles are protons and antiprotons. At these energies, you have to think of each of these as composite objects; bound states of three quarks (antiquarks) and a lot of gluons. The actual scattering is a quark off an antiquark, so each constituent particle has only about 1/7 of the total beam energy. On top of that, because of various conservation laws neutralinos (or any other SUSY particle) have to be created in pairs, so you need a lot of energy to do this.

    But finding these particles (the buzzword is 'LSP,' Lightest Supersymmetric Particle) is one of the primary missions of LHC.

  • by zunger ( 17731 ) on Sunday February 20, 2000 @01:20AM (#1259010)
    Several people seem interested in what dark matter is and whether its existence is a certain thing or a theory. So here's some stuff from the science end --

    The matter you can actually see through a telescope is really only luminous matter; things which are directly emitting (a great deal of) light. Namely, stars, quasars, occasionally black holes (which are black but infalling matter creates huge X-ray jets) and things like that. Anything else, by definition, is "dark matter." (So by definition, you and I are made of dark matter - this is not generally that wierd a stuff)

    The reason we know dark matter is there in large quantities is by measuring the motion of stars in galaxies and so on. Basically, we understand how gravity works pretty well (at least on astrophysical scales) and so by watching the motions and orbits of luminous objects, we can work backwards and find the distribution of mass in the universe. From this we find that only about 10% of all mass is luminous - the rest is "dark matter."

    Now, it turns out we can find out substantially more about dark matter from these gravity measurements. (There are a lot of different kinds of measurements which I won't go into; suffice it to say that they all more or less agree) For one thing, we can tell how it clumps up, and from that deduce some things about its internal structure. For example, dark matter made out of heavy noninteracting particles (say about the mass of an iron nucleus) will move around very differently from dark matter made out of very light fast particles, which will move differently from large lumps of matter each about the size of a star, and so on.

    The basic types of dark matter are:

    Hot Dark Matter: (HDM) Small light particles moving about at close to the speed of light. Measurements suggest that there isn't much of this around, not enough to make a huge difference. Neutrinos would fall into this category.

    Baryonic Cold Dark Matter: (Baryonic CDM) Heavy particles in the form of ordinary nuclei and atoms. Up to and including ourselves. This category also includes "MACHOs" (An acronym whose expansion I can't remember right now), which are essentially star-sized or bigger objects which we can't see. Brown dwarfs, large gas giants, and so on. Large dust clouds also fall into this category.

    Non-Baryonic CDM: CDM means that the particles in question are heavy and so move much slower than the speed of light. Non-baryonic means that they're not made up of ordinary nuclei. This category includes what are called WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), which are any sort of big, heavy particle that doesn't interact much with other matter in the universe. (e.g., it can't have an electric charge, since that would make its dynamics very very unlike experimental data)

    The reason WIMP searches are so cool is that any particle that turns out to be a WIMP will probably be very interesting in its own right. I can't explain all of the details in something of this length, but there is a symmetry called Supersymmetry (SUSY) which is postulated to exist. There are lots of good theoretical reasons to believe in it (for the technically minded: Grand unification doesn't work entirely right without SUSY, and you can't introduce fermions into string theories without SUSY.) and by now everyone is pretty much expecting to discover it experimentally soon; in fact, a discovery that SUSY doesn't exist would be even more interesting than a discovery that it does.

    The reason I bring up this whole dreary story is that SUSY predicts that for every particle of ordinary matter (electrons, protons, photons, etc.) there is another related particle, its superpartner. A direct detection of a superpartner would be both a vivid confirmation of SUSY and incredibly useful experimental data about the structure and nature of the universe. (There are armies of physicists who are ready to strip every imaginable drop of information out of data right now. People have been waiting for this for a while.)

    And lo and behold - the superpartner of the photon, called the neutralino, happens to have some properties that would make it a great candidate for a WIMP. It interacts very weakly indeed; for comparison, the Coulomb force between two electrons is proportional to 1/r^2, where r is their separation. The force between two neutralinos would scale something like e^(-r/r0)/r^2, where r0 is a characteristic distance on the order of perhaps 10^-20 meters. They're also stable - due to some conservation laws (analogous to conservation of electric charge, which makes circuits work) they can't decay into anything else, so once they're created, you're pretty much stuck with them drifting through the universe. And they're heavy - experimentally, their mass should be somewhere between 80-a few hundred GeV. (For comparison, a Hydrogen atom has a mass of just over 1GeV)

    Now the Rome group is claiming to have detected WIMPs of masses somewhere between 52 and 134 GeV, which are candidates to be neutralinos. This will definitely spark some excitement and a lot of discussion. What happens next is that people are going to be reading this and arguing over every detail of their data analysis and so on, and other people will try to replicate their results. If this is confirmed, it represents a big step in understanding both the large-scale nature of the universe (WIMPs, and the nature and origin of dark matter) and its very small-scale structure. (SUSY, the fundamental interactions of matter)

    OTOH, one shouldn't get too excited yet -- this represents an interesting result but it still has to go through a very rigorous checking and repeating process. It has happened (quite a few) times before that interesting signals have been observed which later turn out to be something very ordinary. It'll take some time to tell about this one, but hell - if it works, it's seriously neat.

  • Haha, fuck the human race, I only do that for money.
  • Well, I read through the preprint (linked somewhere above); and the INFN guys attempted
    to isolate their NaI and phototubes by sealing
    it in a box and flushing with N^2. Later in the 'print, they mention that when they look at the temporal variance in their 'background' (defined as counts above 90 keV), it is consistent with zero.

    I'd rather see the paper after the referees have hacked it up, but they seem to understand their apparatus quite well.

    - B
  • What's up with all these wimpy sciantific theorys these days?

    [ c h a d o k e r e ] []
  • me? I'm for MACHO, MACHO matter.
  • On earth it would be about... 9.8 newtons.
  • Discovering 90% of what is known the universe is unconsequential if you can't feel it or touch it.

    Answering a long-standing problem in astrophysics is not inconsequential in my opinion. Unlike you, many, including myself, do have a healthy interest in how the universe works, and when a problem such as this appears as if it may be answered (I'm skeptical, and I'll wait to read their paper and see some supporting evidence before I'm convinced), we understandably take interest.

    An experimental/observational validation of supersymmetry would itself be a momentous achievement, even apart from the context of dark matter, as it would have a significant impact on how we understand the physical world at its most fundamental level.

    I do hope it's a major break thorugh and produces something useful in every day life.

    I'm of the opinion that a measure of our scientific inquiry and discovery should remain separated from the incessant "what good is it?" questions. It's bad enough that most such science can't get funded anymore, that the politics of acquiring research funds requires, typically, a "product" after a year or two [often at the expense of doing a quality job of understanding the science], that only "tried and true," conservative problems seem to get attention, and that much of the business of doing science has become entrenched in rehashing dogma and maintaining the status quo.

    Sometimes human beings do things that aren't necessarily useful in everyday life, but yet enrich the human experience somehow. If you've ever posted to Slashdot, played a video game, read a novel, looked at a pretty painting, attended an opera, or cogitated your place in this universe, you might appreciate this point. It's somewhat unfortunate that science has been recognized by the layperson primarily for its commercial, and not its philosophical, value.

    My apologies for the long-winded response to your post.
  • The issues involved are more subtle than your post suggests. Primordial nucleosynthesis places an upper limit on the total amount of baryonic matter (matter made up of garden-variety protons and neutrons) in the universe. When you observe galaxy clusters and individual galaxies you can infer their masses from their gravitational motions, and the total mass you come up with is higher than the limit on baryonic mass from primordial nucleosynthesis. That means that if gravitational estimates of galaxy masses are to be believed, a substantial fraction of the mass in the universe must comprise nonbaryonic matter. That in a nutshell is the real dark matter problem. If it were just a bunch of unseen dust, gas, stellar remnants, and whatnot nobody would be much concerned. However, the astrophysical dark matter problem seems to imply the existence of exotic, hitherto undetected (excepting, perhaps, this new result) forms of matter, which is really quite profound, and certainly not something that "has always been known."


  • I don't think we are going to be making any major breakthrough in astro physics for a while becuase I think we've gone too far past reality with the theorys. I suspect our current gravity theorys are simply wrong at some fundimental level and thats holding us back. Right now we can predict some relitivity and subatomic detals down the 30th decimal place but I dont see that as proof of correctness. We've got GPS sats that have clocks that just aren't doing what supposed to be doing in orbit. Gravity probe B's gyroscope isn't spinning down at the correct rate and gravitational geoid modles just don't fit proplery. Zero-G experiments bring up more questions than answers.

    If we look back to all areas of science, we see a trend:
    1) make a theory that fits the general case
    2) expand it till it works for all cases
    3) throw the thing out once someone see the light
    4) have a simply theory that works.
    this has happend so many times in the past and the only consistant lession is that we will repeat the trend.

    One of my theorys is gravity does push. These are lots of reasons why this can't happen and there are some easy to read accounts of the reasons in Dr Fineman's books but all those reasons are based on a gravity particle concept that we know isn't right. Calculus was invented because Newton was tring to prove the math behind gravity. It turns out that he couldn't integrate gravity pushing but he could do it if he decided gravity pulled and we have been using that theory since. So how does one prove if gravity pushes or pulls?
  • "If this is right, this is clearly one of the great discoveries of the last hundred years," said Dr. Michael Turner, a cosmologist at the University of Chicago. "To discover that most of the matter in the universe is not what we're made of -- that's pretty spectacular."

    The implications of this discovery, if proven correct, might extend farther than appears at first glance. When discoveries like this are made things that seemed absurd yesterday suddenly become plausible.

    Particles 50 times heavier than a proton which almost always pass through other matter without a trace - not only can we not observe these particles with our eyes, but we up until now haven't been able to observe them with our best scientific instruments. What if these particles don't just occur randomly? What if they have structure, either naturally occuring and evolved, or by deliberate design?

    It would be interesting indeed if we were to discover large scale objects such a rocks, planets, or even life forms made of this stuff.

  • Yes, but how dense is this stuff?
  • > All you touch and all you see Gratuitous Pink Floyd reference?
  • yep,

    I've read it... it plotted the next several Billion years of mankinds exsistance, I think it was called "Ring" because of the 'other' advanced baryonic race that developed the great ring as a means of slowing the advance of the dark matter birds.

  • here it is: qid=951036188/sr=1-2/002-9032926-8185040
  • what did the origional post have to do with religion?
  • Actually in Kansas they added 5 times the material about evolution to the standards they just shifted the emphasis from macro- to micro-. So after the change students had to know more about it, they just don't have tow the party line.
  • by G27 Radio ( 78394 ) on Saturday February 19, 2000 @07:47PM (#1259028)
    yes, or you may replace the 'www' part of the url with 'partners' to go directly there (as someone pointed out earlier today.) Or click here:

    htt p:// 021900sci-dark-matter.html []

    No annoying registration...who would've thought it would be that easy?

  • I'm sure the discovery of what constitutes (possibly) up to 90% of the known universe is totally inconsequential in itself, right?

    OK, though I'm no expert in quantum mechanics, I'm sure there could be a way to harness these things for power (unless the "Weakly Interacting" part precludes it), though maybe not with current technology. Could a disturbance in this matter be made in to a sensor of some sort to detect movement or disturbances in magnetic fields? Who knows?

  • Well, ignoring the moderation of this post as funny, I try to take it seriously.

    Ill give you an counterexample: In statistical physics there is a fundamentally broken concept called "white noise". White noise causes all kinds of problems, but is still sometimes easier to handle than realistic noise.

    An imploding star that fails to become a black hole might become a white dwarf.

    Even worse, Quantum Chromodynamics assign the property "blue" to particles without considering the consequences that this might have on people with a blue skin.

  • this is how they figured out that dark matter should be 90% of the universe (not 80% like the post said [of course they could have changed the number since last i learned])

    There are three different settings the Universe could be in.

    1. closed universe
    there is enough gravity so that eventually the universe will recollapse. The universe would expand in ball form and then stop and shink (thus making a limit to how far you can go: closed)

    2. open universe
    there is not enough matter, universe expands forever. In this form the shape of the universe would be all wacky and weird, like a ball that blew up, but still in one piece.

    3. the middle path
    there is just enough matter for there to be an equalimbrium, this is the smallest amount so that the universe will always expand. The form of this universe would be flat.

    So far, the universe have followed the middle path, but the observable universe only has about 10% of the needed matter for this to be the case.
  • by Gaccm ( 80209 )
    Login: slashdot64

    password: dotslash
  • I don't mean to pick nits here... (well, maybe I do) but time actually speeds up as height increases. See, gravity slows time; the higher you go, the less gravity, and voila, time speeds up.

  • When I go out to dinner tonight I'm gonna go out to a Mexican restaurant and order some of those Neutralinos. They sound tasty.
  • You said that the mass of the WIMP:s is predicted to be from 52 to 134 GeV. Wouldn't that make them detectable by the LHC, which will be able to reach energies of 1 TeV?
  • I thought Einstein created the cosmological constant to counter the idea that the universe was expanding. He couldn't believe that the universe wasn't stable so he created a constant that would hold everything in place. Later he said that the CC was the worst mistake he ever made. Of course I suppose it might have crept back into scientific theory in some other for.

  • Woah.. Imagine what SEX will be like when they tame the wimps..
  • Matter of Color

    Actually, we already have that - quarks come in red, green, and blue!

  • Firstly, from calculations of a galaxy's structure. Even using simple methods like the Virial Theorem (2T=V where T is kinetic energy and V is gravitational potential energy IIRC) it can be shown that given the mass of stars in a galaxy, the diameter of the galaxy and the speed of rotation the gravitational potential of the galaxy is only about 10% of the value required to prevent the stars being flung out by centrifugal force. Seeing as galaxies are stable physicists must assume that the other 90% of this mass is "dark matter" which we cannot detect using current means. More detailed calculations show this is most likely to exist as a huge disc in which the visible galaxy is embedded.

    The other reason has to do with the cosmological constant from Einstein's General Relativity. This value determines the "flatness" of empty space-time, and experimentally this as been measured as being less than 10^-120 i.e. almost certainly zero. However if the Universe is flat then the density of matter must be equal to some critical value. Current calculations of the matter density of the Universe vary from between 1% and 10% of this critcal value, and so again physicists have to assume the presence of dark matter which the cannot observe to account for this discrepancy. Given this critical density the Universe will eventually expand at a constant rate and there will be no Big Crunch.

    Of course, the other explanation is that all these theories could be totally wrong, but this would require changing a lot of the physical theories of this century so it isn't too likely IMHO.

  • A truly excellent series of books, which are in order:

    • Timelike Infinity
    • Flux
    • Ring
    • Vacuum Diagrams (about 20 short stories set throughout the entire billion year+ time scale of the sequence)
    • Raft (an offshoot of the Xeelee sequence set in another Universe)

    They are very much worth reading and have probably one of the grandest scopes of any hard science fiction I've ever read, and some amazing ideas about the history of the Universe and physics.

  • It's nitpicking, but it's important to realize this. Because someday somebody's going to find out what the REAL contents of the universe are. and maybe modern theory will be just a little bit off, but close. Or maybe we'll find out that the vast majority of the universe is made out of licorice flavored jelly beans.

    As silly as that sounds, the "dark matter" theory and the "licorice" theory stand on equal ground scientifically until the actual proof of the matter comes in.

    Certainly, you and I personally have no direct evidence that the center of the sun is not made of jelly beans. However, we also have no direct evidence that we are not the proverbial brains in vats. I suppose you can set your standard of evidence so high that "the center of the sun in not made of jelly beans" remains an unproven theory. Even if you do so, it is rediculous to suggest that the jelly bean theory and the dark matter theory are on equal ground, just because both are unproven. The difference is that the dark matter theory has a body of evidence supporting, while the jelly bean theory does not. While the evidence for dark matter may not meet the standard of proof, that does not relegate it to the same level as all unproven theories.

  • I picked all this up from reading the article in the paper this morning: It allegedly makes up 80% of the universe. Also, it apparently is very massive and exerts a gravitational force, as it is thought to be what holds galaxies and skinless sausages together. Well, probably only galaxies.
    I think dark matter works completely differently from 'normal' matter, part of which is not giving off photons. Making it very hard to detect, I guess.
    "Ladies and gentlemen, this is NPR! And that's time for a drum solo!"
  • It's science! It's fascinating! Why do we need a good reason to care, other than that it's interesting? And if you're not interested in it, fine, but why do you feel the need to spread your disinterest with a whining post?

  • Given how farfetched physicists are willing to go these days to explain what they can't observe (dark matter), why don't they propose the existance of God to explain the dark matter.

    1. Assume that god is omnipotent and everywhere simultaneously

    2. Assume that omnipotence correlates with energy

    3. E=mc^2

    4. God has direct interaction with 1/1^7 individuls per year.

    5. God is an individual (can be considered as a quanta)

    6. God does not emit electromagnetic radiation

    Therefore god is WIMP-Weakly Interacting Massive Particle.

  • According to the NYT article, the basis of their discovery was an elevated count from NaI detectors in the summer. Well, down at LSU's Nuclear Science center we've seen this too. Durring the summer the temperature of the sixty year old building goes up and so does the count rate from all of the scintilation equipment. Carefull correlation showed that most of the differnce was temperature related. It might be the phototubes. The article also says that the good folks outside of Rome have ruled this out, but I'd like to see some independent confirmation.

    I'd also like to see their report, but their server did not respond. The average NaI detectors is the equivalent of a 486 in the computer world. I wonder if that's what their web server is. Must be slashdoted.

    Good luck to them.

  • There is a dialation of time based on height? For example, time is "slower" on the 100th floor vs the ground floor. Over the distance of the satellite's orbit it could over time be off by a measureable amount. There is a book about this called "God's Equations" i believe that does the proof for that.

    This signature contains text from the worlds funniest signature.

  • For anyone that doesn't want to get themselves a login at New York Times you can use user:slashdot_wimp passwd:slashdot
  • Hate to burst your bubble, but black holes do emit light. It's called Hawking radiation, and, yes, it was discovered by Stephen Hawking, and, yes, he is financially sound.

    You should write him about the banner idea, tho. ;)

  • I've got to get into astronomy, no question about it. Any science where I can ask for money to go and look for things that you can't see, that we just think may exist sounds like a hoot!

    Maybe I can get some money to see if any light really does come out of black holes. $1,000,000 and a few years later i'll be able to publish, add a banner ad to my homepage, and laugh as it gets slashdotted, carrying me to financial indepedence.

  • So much information and so little knowledge.

    Viel laerm um nichts.

    At least it keeps these people off the streets.
  • We're in agreement that the NYT shouldn't be regarded as an authority on scientific fact. I think we can also agree that this particular experiment is not, by any means, conclusive evidence that dark matter is primarily made up of WIMPs (even if it turns out to be true). However, you seem to be attacking WIMPs as merely a convienient explanation for dark matter concocted by a bunch of desperate astronomers. WIMPS were predicted by quantum mechanics long before they were proposed as an explanation for dark matter. Yes, the theory is far fetched, but so is the rest of QM. This is actually mundane compared to many of the things predicted by QM that have been proven to be true.

    Despite regular matter being a more straight-forward explanation of dark matter than WIMPS, there are a lot of problems with it. Gas can be ruled out because it's just too damned hard to hide. It both absorbs and emits enough radiation that it would be easily detected. Large quantities of dust are also difficult to hide. Neutron stars and black holes emit huge amounts of radiation (actually the matter around black holes), so we would notice those, also. That pretty much leaves large chunks of rock as the explanation of 'normal' dark matter. There are two huge problems with this. First, current cosmological theory predicts that at least 75% of baryonic matter, the stuff that atoms are made of, should be in the form of hydrogen. That has been confirmed numerous times by direct observation of the universe around us. And hydrogen gas has been ruled out as not being dark at all (as I said above). Second, there is absolutely no reason to believe that there are enough large chunks of rock out there to make up 90% of the mass of the universe. What we have observed is that rocky material makes up a very small percentage of the total mass. What you say about physics suggesting that dark matter is just plain old atoms is simply false.

    WIMPs have the problem of very little expermental evidence supporting the theory. But there is some indirect evidence that gives the theory weight. We have observed weakly interacting particles that also have mass. The difficult part is determining how many of these particles exist and how massive they really are. Your hypotheses, on the other hand, are lacking in both theory and evidence.

    The NYT is almost certain to get the story wrong, and some /.ers will jump on the band wagon of the 'new' theory (even though it isn't really new), but that doesn't warrant an immediate dismissal of WIMPs and modern astrophysics in general.

  • Right now, I say its hoopla, simply because I have no reason to believe that billions of mysterious massive particles are flowing through me each second, and we have _yet_ to detect them.

    The paper is about the detection of the particles. These types of particles are predicted by supersymmetry theory (as noted in the NYT) and this will be the first experimental confirmation of their existance if the results are reproducable. Detecting this type of particle is no easy matter, either. But you seem to imply that if they really did exist, somebody surely would have detected them by now. The fact that they only interact weakly (via the weak nuclear force) and gravitationaly with other particles makes them extremely difficult to detect. The only way to directly detect weak particles is to observe the aftermath of a direct colision with an atomic nucleus, which will produce a flash of light. This is an extremely rare event -- the average neutrino (another weak particle) could travel through a light year of solid lead before coliding with the nucleus of a lead atom. The existance of nuetrinos, by the way, has been well established for decades. They are easier to detect (indirectly) because they are byproducts of many nuclear reactions.

    Blaming it on massive particles that weakly interact with regular mass is as valid as saying little elves are moving things around.

    In the case of dark matter, the WIMPS are interacting with regular matter via gravity -- not just the weak force. The weak force has to be used to detect them experimentally because there is no way to differentiate the gravity from a weak particle from the gravity of a normal particle. We can, however, distinguish between particles that interact only weakly and those that interact weakly and electromagnetically. That's what this experiment does. The difference between WIMPs and elves is that WIMPs are predicted by theory, and elves are not. There is also evidence beyond this particular experiment that gives credence the the theories involved, although this is the first time that a WIMP may have been detected. If you can come up with a valid theory of elves and provide solid experimental evidence supporting it, then we can throw that in the dark matter pot also.

  • I'm just saying that I have a very difficult time believing that something with the mass of a nickel atom, can have less effect on the surrounding environment than a neutrino. Come on now, you have to admit, its pretty far fetched.

    WIMPs, if they exist, have more of an effect on the surrounding environment than neutrinos because they have a much greater mass and can exert a gravitational force on surrounding matter as well as the weak force. The fact that neutrinos have little, if any, mass rules them out as dark matter -- they primarily interact weakly. This isn't far fetched at all. These kinds of particles probably do exist -- the only question is whether or not there are enough of them to account for dark matter.

    I think this is a perfect example of science trying to fit things into place with a theory. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as the theory doesn't account for something thats easily explainable by something else. This whole dark matter issue is explainable by unseen dust, and unseen matter.

    You're getting things backwards here. If WIMPs were invented solely as an explanation of dark matter, then they would indeed be suspicious. WIMPs are predicted by supersymetry theory, which is an extension of quantum mechanics. It was only after this that some physicists realized that they could be the source of dark matter if they exist in great enough quantities. The theoretical discovery of WIMPs was made independently of any study of dark matter. This isn't some new theory that has popped up out of no where as a convienient explanation of dark matter.

    You are correct in saying that the whole dark matter problem is explainable by the presence of unseen matter. That's what WIMPs are. They are real particles that don't interact electromagnetically, so we don't notice their presence in normal life. Dust and gas were ruled out as sources for dark matter long ago. The density of the clouds would be high enough that the gas and dust would start to glow and we would be able to detect that light. Red dwarfs were also recently ruled out as the explanation of dark matter.

    This particular physicist believes that WIMPs are one of the best theories of dark matter to come along so far. I am not convinced that this experiment has actually detected WIMPs, but that is an experimental problem, not a problem with the theory. BTW - this theory is not nearly as bizarre as the theory that tachyons (faster than light particles) are the source of dark matter.

  • by MrGrendel ( 119863 ) on Saturday February 19, 2000 @06:25PM (#1259054)
    The big thing that gives away the amount of dark matter is the gravitational lensing effect near galaxies. If most of the mass in a galaxy could be attributed the the visible stars (including stars that emit only in the non-visible parts of the spectrum) then the lensing effect would be much smaller than what is observed.

    The other thing that tipped off the astrophysicists about how much dark matter is out there is the dynamics of spiral galaxies. If normal orbital dynamics were at work, then based on the distributions of stars, the stars in the centers of galaxies should have a much shorter orbital period than the stars on the rim. But what is observed is something much closer to the rotation of a semi-rigid disk -- the stars on the rim don't take much longer to go full circle than the stars very near the center. This suggests that the distribution of mass in spiral galaxies does not correlate with the distribution of stars.

    Is it possible that this matter is maybe some form of elementary particle that doesn't give off other particles (ie, the smallest particle which would not give off photons) and that's why we can't see it? Just my own questions on the subject. Wish I knew more about it.

    The WIMPs are a type of elementary particle. Unlike protons quarks (making up protons and neutrons) and electrons which respond to gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear forces (strong and weak), WIMPs only respond to gravity and the weak nuclear force. The absence of electromagnetism is why they don't ever give off any light.

  • speaking of dark matter, does anyone recall the name of a book (not just any book)

    if i remember correctly, it had "birds" made of dark matter and they were trying to put out the sun by flying into the core, then carrying matter to the outer rim... which had the effect of reducing the sun's temp... it seems that light matter (??) effected them in some unpleasant manner and they wished to put an end to it...

    no .sig please

  • MACHO=Massive compact halo objects
  • If this is anything like a black hole, extremely dense. So much so that by earths gravitational standards, a single teaspoon of it would weigh several thousand tons. Now I've also heard theories that dark matter is the same as anti-matter (not sure of the validity), in which case it would be undense :)

  • If dark matter is supposed to weigh so much, how can something the weight of a nickel atom be dark matter? and also, when the paper is published, someone please link to it on /.
  • Im sure a black man named some of this stuff 'black'.
  • I think this whole discussion is pretty sick.
  • If I remember correctly, it's not so much needing matter for a 'Big Crunch' as for explaining galactic rotation. Galaxies rotate too fast for them to stick together based on visible mass alone.

    There are other things that need dark matter to explain, too, I just can't remember what they are.
  • Ah, but energy and mass has to go somewhere. If we attempt to create a WIMP with a particle accelerator and have energy or mass unaccounted for in the result, it suggests that a WIMP was created. Of course, there are other low interaction particles as well. You'd have to make sure the quantity of mass and energy missing was the correct proportion to the mass and energy of a WIMP, and not just a bunch of neutrinos or something.
  • according to my books/astronomy professor it is calculated that dark matter makes up AT LEAST 90% of the matter in the universe (by using rotational velocities of galaxies one can determine how much matter must be contained). WIMPs could be only a small part of dark matter, or they could be the whole sha-bang, tons of research here... About the only they they are sure dark matter is NOT is waffles, too bad too, i'm hungry :(
  • I've never understood why it is so important to cosmologists to find dark matter. Why does there need to be enough matter to cause a Big Crunch, anyway? Can anyone help me?
  • Who else is pissed at the US government for axing the SSC? So much could have been learned, but they have to give their money to Defense so that they can develop toys like the Aurora so we can die faster. Sheesh.
  • >Bzzt. Wrong. Antimatter has negative charge, not negative mass. Matter with negative mass is something else entirely, and is responsible for antigravity.

    Bzzt. Wrong. Antimatter has opposite charge of its corresponding normal particle. This may be positive, neutral or negative.

    Of course you're right, I should have said "opposite charge", not "negative charge". Otherwise, electrons would be antimatter! However, I don't see how you could have neutral-charged antimatter. Negative zero is still zero, after all. Is it possible to have an antiphoton?

  • Now I've also heard theories that dark matter is the same as anti-matter (not sure of the validity),

    Not valid. Scientists have found antimatter, played with it, and still needed to look for dark matter.

    in which case it would be undense :)

    Bzzt. Wrong. Antimatter has negative charge, not negative mass. Matter with negative mass is something else entirely, and is responsible for antigravity.

  • All that you see and touch is only a tiny fraction of the Universe.

    Because there's also all that you taste, feel, love, hate, distrust, save, give, deal, buy, beg or borrow or steal, create, destroy, do, say and eat; everyone you meet, all that you slight, and everyone you fight, all that is now, all that is gone and also all that's to come.
    And most impotantly, it must be remembered that this only the sum of everything under the Sun.

    The Sun, you see, is eclipsed by the Moon, which as everyone knows is all dark, so all that you touch and see is more like only %0.083333333333333333 of the total mass of the Universe. Maybe less.

  • WIMPs
    Weakly Interacting Massive Particles

    I love how they come up with these acronyms. :)
  • Incidentally, the missing mass problem isn't generally stated in terms of that needed to close the universe. The trouble is that the global curvature still isn't well-enough fixed to say just how much mass is needed. The amount of mass needed to account for the dynamics and gravitational lensing of galaxy clusters, however, is a much better understood notion.

    Anyway, the best-guess on cosmic topology varies on whom you talk to. Judging by the redshift/supernova frequency data on distant galaxies, the universe looks open (hyperbolic). But if you look at the mean anisotropy diameter of the cosmic microwave background, it looks marginally open (flat geometry). And if you throw the CC in, you can conceivably have a universe of any mass you like still turn out open.

  • by Captn Pepe ( 139650 ) on Saturday February 19, 2000 @06:22PM (#1259071)
    You're slightly missing the point. By observing the gravitational lensing of galaxy clusters, and the rotational rates of stars in galaxies, astronomers notice that they weigh about ten times what they should, based on their luminosity. Observations of our own galaxy, meanwhile, indicate that unless the Milky Way is extremely free of gas and dust relative to all the others, galaxies don't have enough non-luminous ordinary matter (gas and dust) to make up this difference.

    The major candidates for this matter thus far have been MACHOS (massive compact halo objects - i.e. brown dwarfs/neutron stars/black holes), neutral gas (neutral hydrogen, in particular, is rather difficult to detect), and WIMPS. In the last few years, more evidence has been accumulating for all three of these classes. Personally, I expect that the missing mass will turn out to be a mixture of gas and WIMPS - if the halo contained enough compact objects to be significant, you'd think we'd see more stars there too.

  • by Captn Pepe ( 139650 ) on Saturday February 19, 2000 @06:34PM (#1259072)
    Here's [] the abstract, and here's [] the full preprint paper. It's an interesting, if quite densely technical, read.
  • The problem is that it might not be possible to interact with them....but cool idea anyway.....
  • According to the TBTF log, a neutralino is it's own anti-particle, which means that they destroy themselves upon contact and emit a gamma ray. If there is approximately 1 of these WIMPs per teacup-full of space, why haven't we seen these gamma rays from random collisions? And it seems that through random chance, the dark matter in the universe would be slowly disappearing (unless they're being formed all the time). Granted, they're tiny and weakly interacting, but still....any thoughts?
  • The most obvious problem I see is that "all the matter you touch and see" isn't 20% of the universe.

    .00000000000000001% of the universe would be more like it.

    The problem is that not only is dark matter theoretical - most non-dark (enlightened?) matter is also theoretical. Pluto, the center of the sun, heck even the center of the earth - all these are recognized only in theory.

    It's nitpicking, but it's important to realize this. Because someday somebody's going to find out what the REAL contents of the universe are. and maybe modern theory will be just a little bit off, but close. Or maybe we'll find out that the vast majority of the universe is made out of licorice flavored jelly beans.

    As silly as that sounds, the "dark matter" theory and the "licorice" theory stand on equal ground scientifically until the actual proof of the matter comes in.

  • This would certainly explain all the stale bread in Italy. Italy, a narrow strip of land between two bodies of water would "focus" the neutralinos (how did they discover they are male?) and cause the bread to age faster than in France, where stale bread is used to feed the pigeons. Please note that in Venice even the pigeons will NOT eat bread; they prefer a diet of corn and sunflower seeds.

    It is not clear if the people in Italy would age faster also. But there, especially in Rome, more people wear black, perhaps to protect themselves instinctively from the WIMP swarms. Obviously more research is needed now the meutralino break-through has been made.

    Would Vitamin E be effective against the focused neutralinos? If only Linus Pauling were still alive to conduct this research...
  • Poor little thing....sorry I stepped on your mind.
  • I should really read up on this, but I've always been curious as to how they know exactly how much dark matter they think exists. I mean, it it light bending, gravitational interaction or what?

    Is it possible that this matter is maybe some form of elementary particle that doesn't give off other particles (ie, the smallest particle which would not give off photons) and that's why we can't see it? Just my own questions on the subject. Wish I knew more about it.

  • The San Fransisco Chronicle has an article [], the paper itself is located at [].

"Experience has proved that some people indeed know everything." -- Russell Baker
