
Gran Turismo Gamer Takes Second In Class In World-Renowned Race Screenshot-sm 105

dotarray writes "If your parents tell you that playing video games will never get you anywhere, point them in the direction of Lucas Ordoñez. Three years ago, Lucas heard about a competition for racing game fans – the Nissan PlayStation GT Academy. Inspired, Lucas picked up a PlayStation 3 and a copy of Gran Turismo and practiced and practiced and practiced. This week, along with his teammates Franck Mailleux and Soheil Ayari, Lucas could not stop smiling as he stood on the Le Mans 24 Hours podium after taking second in class."

National Archives Hosts Presidential Palette Exhibit Screenshot-sm

If you've ever wondered how LBJ liked his chili, what was in JFK's clam chowder, or wanted to read Eisenhower’s three-page treatise on vegetable soup, the What's Cooking Uncle Sam? exhibit might be for you. From the article: "Beyond presidential menus and Queen Elizabeth’s recipe for scones sent to Eisenhower, curators looked back at the history of farming, food processing, nutrition guidelines and the effects of military food and school lunches. The exhibit includes the story of explorers sent around the world by the U.S. Agriculture Department in the late 1800s and early 1900s to find seeds and plants to cross-breed and help American crops survive harsh climates."
The Almighty Buck

Egypt Introduces Lion Fighting to Boost Tourism 4

Egypt is hoping that their new economic problems have an old solution. Taking a page out of the Roman playbook, they plan on introducing lion fighting to increase tourism. Panthera leo fighting enthusiast al-Sayed al-Essawy plans to fight a full-grown African lion in front of the Pyramids at Giza. “The world will flock to see the Egyptian man who defeated a lion with his bare hands. After the revolution, with the economy the way it is, I've been given the perfect opportunity to realize my dream," he says. Adding: "I discovered my incredible strength at the age of 13, and, almost immediately afterwards, promised myself that, one of these days, I would fight a lion. If America, or any other country, had a man with the ability to combat the strongest creature on the planet, they would properly promote him, and use his strength to their advantage."

Austin's Alamo Drafthouse Theater Gives Texters the Boot 370

Hugh Pickens writes "Ever been annoyed during that nail-biting darkened hallway scene by someone turning on their phone to send a text? Well, don't mess with Texas or you may end up on the screen in a public service announcement. Alamo Drafthouse, a local chain of dine-and-screen movie theaters in Austin, Texas, has long waged a war against impolite moviegoers booting out customers who talk or text during performances. Phoebe Connelly writes that according to Tim League, the Drafthouse's founder, a woman was recently warned twice about texting during a screening, and then, in accordance with company policy, was escorted out without a refund. 'I don't think people realize that it is distracting,' says League. 'It seems like nothing, but if you spend as much time as I do at the movies, you realize the entire theater sees it and it pulls you out of the movie experience. It's every bit as intrusive as talking.' The irate customer called up the Alamo Drafthouse and left a profanity-laced (and perhaps slightly inebriated) message decrying the theater's policies, but the theater got the last laugh as they took the audio of the woman's voicemail, transcribed it, and turned it into an in-house preview [tl: Note, YouTube video contains some profanity] that warns theatergoers against cell phone use during movies. 'Part of what we're trying to do is have a comedic message about what to us is a very serious issue,' says League, declining to give any more details about the woman at the center of the recent PSA."

English City Council "Not Ready" for Zombie Attack Screenshot-sm 121

Unlike the CDC, a freedom of information request submitted to the Leicester City Council has revealed that the council is not prepared for an unexpected zombie invasion. From the article: "'We've had a few wacky ones before but this one did make us laugh,' said Lynn Wyeth, head of information governance. The Freedom of Information Act allows a right of access to recorded information held by public authorities. Ms Wyeth said she was unaware of any specific reference to a zombie attack in the council's emergency plan, however some elements of it could be applied if the situation arose."

The Science of Lightsabers 232

sethmad writes "As everyone who's ever passed the GRE knows, there are two major hypothetical operational problems with Star Wars lightsabers. More accurately I should say there were two problems, because I solved both of them."

Dozens of Tech Bigwigs Friend Facebook Spambot 81

jfruhlinger writes "If you've used Facebook or Twitter, you're almost certainly familiar with 'bimbots' — accounts that have profile pics of attractive women, but seem to exist only to send send spam links with varying degrees of subtlety. Henry Copeland, the founder of BlogAds, tracks the social network of one such Facebook bot, and finds that she's friends with a long list of influential tech and media folks. Copeland also tracks down the origin of the photo that accompanies the account."

Google Sued Over Chromebook Name 116

nk497 writes "A PC maker is suing Google over the Chromebook name, saying the brand infringes on its own computer, the ChromiumPC — which was originally intended to run the open-source Chrome OS. Isys Technologies wants Google and its partners to stop marketing Chromebooks, and is hoping to delay the 15 June launch. The company also claims that Google had originally been planning to call the netbook-like devices 'Speedbooks.'"

German Police Train Vultures To Find Bodies Screenshot-sm 54

abhatt writes "German authorities have found vultures as very valuable creatures and as such have trained some of them to be detectives. The work of the vultures is well defined — as you might have guessed they are being used to find hidden bodies. From the article: 'A police officer in Hannover, Rainer Herrmann, told reporters that, "The vultures may work much more effectively than sniffer dogs... There's a lot of interest in this. We've had inquiries from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.'"

Richard Dreyfuss Reads the Apple EULA 4

HockeyPuck writes "Why are end user license agreements and terms of service so long and convoluted? CNET asked Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss if perform a dramatic reading of the Apple EULA." If Jobs doesn't hire him as the voice for all their end user agreements he's crazy.

Police Say Mac Tech Installed Spyware To Photo Women Screenshot-sm 235

CWmike writes "He was hired to fix their computers, but police say that Trevor Harwell instead installed spyware software that took candid photos of his clients in various states of undress. Harwell had been a Macintosh specialist with a Los Angeles-area home computer repair company called Rezitech. That's how he allegedly had the opportunity to install the spy software, called Camcapture, on computers. While working on repair assignments, the 20-year-old technician secretly set up a complex system that could notify him whenever it was ready to snap a shot using the computer's webcam, according to Sergeant Andrew Goodrich, a spokesman with the Fullerton Police Department in California. 'It would let his server know that the victim's machine was on. The server would then notify his smartphone... and then the images were recorded on his home computer,' he said. Police say they've found thousands of images on Harwell's computers and have identified dozens of victims, all of them women in Los Angeles and Orange County. Harwell was arrested Wednesday by Fullerton police." But was he a good repairman?

Man Tries to Patent His "Godly Powers" Screenshot-sm 192

KWInt1601 writes "A man who believes he is Christ files a patent application — and the formal dance of responding to office actions from the USPTO begins. Invoking the 1998 State Street decision, the applicant argues, 'like software, godly powers is a method, and affects a machine. Like business methods, godly powers produces a useful, concrete, and tangible result, and that should be all that's needed for statutory material.'"

5 Tips For Politicians Seeking Online Affairs 1

jfruhlinger writes "Are you an elected official? Do you think that it'd be fun to send pictures of your underwear to ladies online? We say, go for it! Just follow these five rules if you want to stay out of trouble." You'd think someone with a name like Weiner would have been more careful.
GNU is Not Unix

Man Creates Open Source Flashlight 172

DeviceGuru writes "Not content with revealing the source code to his mom's banana bread, two-time BattleBots champion Christian Carlberg has developed an open source flashlight. Carlberg first achieved notoriety shredding competitors' robots with Minion's 14-inch saw blade on BattleBots. Now he's all fired up to begin shipping what they say could be the 'world's first open source flashlight.' But why in the world would you want a reprogrammable flashlight?"

Solar-Powered Bikini Powers Your iPod Screenshot-sm 3

fangmcgee writes "Capable of charging your cellphone or MP3 player, the solar bikini comprises thin, flexible photovoltaic film strips and USB connectors, woven together with conductive thread. Each bikini, coming in at just under $200, is entirely hand-stitched, requiring an average of 80 hours to make. No need to worry about your iPod running out of juice; the solar bikini will charge your favorite gadgets while you soak up the rays."

Bitcoin Used For the Narcotics Trade 535

An anonymous reader writes "A story on Aljazeera tells how bitcoin is being used to pay for cocaine, marijuana and other drugs at various eBay style drug websites. From the article: 'Two US senators are asking federal authorities to crack down on an online narcotics market that accepts "virtual" currency. The "Dark Web," an anonymous and secretive online community that trades in heroin, cocaine and methamphetamines among other drugs, has been operating unhindered for months.' Who said bitcoin is not used in the real world?"

Bank of America Foreclosed On By Homeowner 2

Maurenn Nyergers and her husband have managed to carry out many home owners dream, foreclosing on a bank. Five months ago Bank of America filed foreclosure papers on the home even though the couple never had a mortgage. They paid cash for the house. The case went to court and Bank of America was ordered to pay the legal fees of the homeowners'. More than 5 months after the judge's ruling, the bank still hadn't paid the legal fees, and the homeowner's attorney did exactly what the bank tried to do to the homeowners. He seized the bank's assets. From the article: "Sheriff's deputies, movers, and the Nyergers' attorney went to the bank and foreclosed on it. The attorney gave instructions to to remove desks, computers, copiers, filing cabinets and any cash in the teller's drawers. After about an hour of being locked out of the bank, the bank manager handed the attorney a check for the legal fees."

William Shatner Accepts Doctorate of Letters Screenshot-sm

theshowmecanuck writes "William Shatner was granted a Doctor of Letters Degree at his alma mater, McGill University in Montreal. One of the more interesting parts of his speech involved his high school principal's car which was set on fire. An other interesting tidbit is that he doesn't really like the idea of going into space himself. An interesting short read on what made and continues to make one of our favorite former 'star ship captains' tick."

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