
Smoke Heads Screenshot-sm 3

There are easier ways to get your nicotine fix.

Time Expired Screenshot-sm 6

You don't want to see what happens when you add a quarter.

Man Blames iPhone Glitch For Nude Photos Screenshot-sm 17

A woman calling herself Susan042764 posted a question on the Apple support forums asking if a "technical glitch" could be responsible for nude photos of her husband she found attached to an email. She wrote,"Please help! I took my husband's iPhone and found a raunchy picture of him attached to an email to a woman in his sent email file. When I approached him about this, he admitted that he took the picture, but says that he never sent it to anyone. He claims that he went to the Genius Bar at the local Apple store and they told him it is an iPhone glitch — that photos sometimes automatically attach themselves to an email address and appear in the sent folder, even though no email was ever sent. Has anyone ever heard of this happening?" Assuming this is true, it has to be one of the lamest excuses ever.

Australians To Get New Sex Party Screenshot-sm 4

No, not that kind of sex party, a political party. The Australian Sex Party will be launched in Melbourne on Thursday as an alternative to moral campaigners and prudish politicians. Fiona Patten, who is head of the national adult retail and entertainment lobby group the Eros Association, said the trigger had been the government's decision to place a mandatory filter on the Internet. "This filter actually blacklists any adult site so it means that material which is absolutely legal for an adult to buy in a newsagency in Australia, they will be prohibited from viewing it online," Patten said. I'm not sure how effective they will be, but I'm sure they'll have the best conventions ever.

Sleeping On the Job Screenshot-sm 4

I think you should get an hour nap time after your lunch break.

Wookie Family Portrait Screenshot-sm

This isn't from Star Wars, it's actually my high school wrestling team. We ruled the heavyweight division.

Colossus of Rhodes To Be Rebuilt As Giant Light Sculpture Screenshot-sm 39

The people of Rhodes will once again be able to gaze upon one of the world's seven ancient wonders with the help of East German artist Gert Hof, and international funding. Like the original, the new Colossus will adorn an outer pier in the harbor area of Rhodes, and be visible to passing ships. Unlike the original Colossus, this one will be made of light. "We are talking about a highly, highly innovative light sculpture, one that will stand between 60 and 100 meters tall so that people can physically enter it," said Dr Dimitris Koutoulas, who is heading the project in Greece. "Although we are still at the drawing board stage, Gert Hof's plan is to make it the world's largest light installation, a structure that has never before been seen in any place of the world."

Artist Wants to Replace Lost Eyeball With Webcam Screenshot-sm 156

A one-eyed San Francisco artist, Tanya Vlach, wants to replace her missing eye with a Web cam. There has even been talk of her shooting a reality TV show using the video eye. "There have been all sorts of cyborgs in science fiction for a long time, and I'm sort of a sci-fi geek, with the advancement of technology, I thought, 'Why not?'" said Vlach. I'm a bit perplexed that the obvious things you'd want in a cyborg eye: range finder, infrared/lowlight vision, and a hypno-ray are not discussed in the article.

Hitler Fish Screenshot-sm 1

Karma is going to get you.

Rhino Car Screenshot-sm 3

Nothing is as serious as a rhino driving over your ass.

The Science of the Lightsaber Screenshot-sm 197

Smartcowboy writes "Chances are that you have seen a lightsaber at one time or another, whether on the evening news or down at the local cantina. Therefore you know that a lightsaber is an amazing and versatile device that is able to cut through nearly anything in a matter of milliseconds. Have you ever wondered how these remarkable weapons work? Where does the energy come from, and how are they able to contain that energy in a rod-like column of glowing power? In this article, you will have a chance to look inside a lightsaber and discover the source of its incredible characteristics." I was sure the blade was made from the focused hate and disappointment of the last three movies.

Boy Thrown Through Window By Exploding Toilet Screenshot-sm 15

A 13-year-old boy was blown out of his toilet, and through a window by sparking a lighter just moments after spraying the room with air freshener. "I sprayed the toilet because it smelled. Then I began fiddling with a lighter my dad left in there and suddenly there was this big orange whoosh! of flame. I woke up outside with my clothes burned off me and smelling like a barbecue," said Dennis. Remind me to never have barbecue at this kid's house.

Prisoner Mails Himself to Freedom Screenshot-sm 5

Drug dealer Hans Lang escaped his German prison cell by hiding in the laundry room and mailing himself in a giant FedEx box of dirty laundry. He waited until the driver made a stop, at which point he picked the lock on the back of the van and ran off into the woods. A spokesman for police said, "It's the kind of thing people think only happens in films — but in this case it is very real." The mailing-yourself bit is good, but I was always a fan of the giant slingshot out of jail myself.

German Police Stunt Screenshot-sm 2

I'm not sure how this helps fight crime but I'm sure the Germans have figured it out.

The Right Place At the Wrong Time Screenshot-sm 4

Serendipity isn't always pretty.

Borat Boosts Tourism In Kazakhstan Screenshot-sm 9

Kenzhebay Satzhanov, deputy chairman in Kazakhstan's tourism and sports ministry, said the boost to tourism in Kazakhstan is due to British comic Sacha Baron Cohen's character, Borat, and not important social reforms like, "women now permitted to travel on inside of bus" and "homosexuals no longer have to wear blue hats." Although initially angered by the movie, the country has seen a 13% increase in tourism after the film. "The first glance was not of course positive, it cannot be because you see a lot of not so good things, but then, after that, when we start seeing interest in our country, it was of course reflected better, it was positive. People, after looking at this film, they will like to come and see: 'is it real, is it the same or not?' It helps to learn more about our country," said Satzhanov.

Woman Admits Sending $400K To Nigerian Scammer Screenshot-sm 857

svnt writes "Janella Spears wiped out her husband's retirement account, remortgaged their paid-for house, and took out a lien against the family car in an attempt to cash in on the deal. A undercover officer involved with the investigation called it the worst example of the scam he's ever seen. Thoughtfully, Spears has gone public with her story as a warning to others not to fall victim."

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