
Your Business Card Is Crap Screenshot-sm 26

Looks like someone took the business card scene in American Psycho to heart.

Asleep On The Rails Screenshot-sm 3

He spends his nights in a cement mixer; the tracks are just for afternoon naps.

Swedish Tax Office Targets Webcam Strippers Screenshot-sm 384

Sweden's tax authorities are cracking down on unreported webcam stripper income. They estimate that hundreds of Swedish women are dodging the law, resulting in a tax loss of about 40m Swedish kronor (£3.3m) annually. The search involves tax officials examining stripper websites, hours upon hours, for completely legitimate purposes. A slightly disheveled project leader said 200 Swedish strippers had been investigated so far, adding the total could be as much as 500. "They are young girls, we can see from the photos. We think that perhaps they are not well informed about the rules," he said.

Norfolk Police Officers To Be Tagged To Improve Response Times Screenshot-sm 150

Police in Norfolk, England already have tracking units, The Automatic Vehicle Location System, installed in their cars that allow a control room to track their exact locations. Later this year a similar system will be attached to individual police radios to allow controllers to monitor the position of every frontline officer. Combined with equipment that can pinpoint the locations of 999 callers, the system will allow the force to home in on "shouts" to within yards. The system also lets operators filter a map showing the location of its vehicles and constables to reveal only those with the skills needed for a specific incident, like the closest officer with silver bullets during a werewolf attack.

Colorado DMV Nixes TOFU Vanity Plate Citing Obscenity Concern Screenshot-sm 6

A vegan driver has had her request for a vanity license plate, "ILVTOFU," turned down by the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles because the phrase could be construed as obscene. "We don't allow FU because some people could read that as street language for sex," Department of Revenue spokesman Mark Couch said. It would have been interesting to see the wide array of pale people that would have commented on her plate.

Snake Venom, the Budget Alternative To Botox Screenshot-sm 2

If injecting the most toxic protein known to man into your face is just out of your price range, you may have a cheaper alternative. Many people are turning to cheap viper venom to smooth out those wrinkles and giving the boot to Botox. Tests show that twice-daily application of the viper cream for four weeks may reduce the appearance of wrinkles by 52 per cent and gives the user a dc14 poison touch attack.

Cow Man Screenshot-sm 2

I'm afraid the second amendment also applies to him.

South Park Creators Given Signed Photo of Saddam Hussein Screenshot-sm 1297

Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the creators of South Park, were given a very special gift by US marines: a signed photo of Saddam Hussein. During his captivity, the marines forced Saddam to repeatedly watch the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut, which shows him as the boyfriend of Satan. Stone said, "We're very proud of our signed Saddam picture and what it means. It's one of our biggest highlights."

Chimpanzees Exchange Meat For Sex Screenshot-sm 313

the_therapist writes "A team from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, studied chimps in the Tai Forest reserve in Ivory Coast and discovered that chimpanzees enter into 'deals' whereby they exchange meat for sex. Among the findings are that 'male chimps that are willing to share the proceeds of their hunting expeditions mate twice as often as their more selfish counterparts.' They also found this to be 'a long-term exchange, so males continue to share their catch with females when they are not fertile, copulating with them when they are.'"

Chia Obama Pulled From Walgreens Screenshot-sm 2

Walgreens has ordered stores in Tampa and Chicago to remove their remaining Chia Obamas, saying the ceramic planter molded in the apparent likeness of the president was not appropriate for sale. While some customers liked the product, others found it as inappropriate as the ill-fated Chia Bikini. "We decided to pull the product so we're not subject to any political interpretation of the product," Walgreens spokesman Robert Elfinger said.

Dad Sued By Daughter After Grounding Loses His Appeal Screenshot-sm

A man who was successfully sued by his grounded daughter has taken his case to the Quebec Superior Court. Unfortunately for him, they have rejected his appeal of a lower court ruling that said his punishment was too severe for the wrongs he said his daughter committed. His lawyer Kim Beaudoin says the father is "flabbergasted" and they may take case to Canada's Supreme Court. In its ruling the court declared the girl was caught up in a "very rare" set of circumstances, and her father didn't have sufficient grounds to contest the court's earlier decision. I wonder how many times this family has heard, "My client would like to know if you could pass the salt?" around the dinner table.

Let There Be Light Screenshot-sm 1

You should see the proof for the platypus.

Why Every Office Needs an Outsider Screenshot-sm 81

Research has shown that having an oddball team member not only gives you someone to make fun of, but also leads to better decision making. Researcher Katie Liljenquist, says having "socially distinct newcomers" on a team can help it perform at a higher level. Team tension is crucial, and shaking up the same old crowd is the way to create it. "You can imagine if you work in an office and you've got this outsider like Dwight Schrute who walks in and a lot of his ideas resonate with you. Your fellow in-group members are hearing this and thinking, 'Wait, you agree with Dwight?' That can be really uncomfortable and socially threatening," she says.

UK Home Office Site Links To Porn Screenshot-sm 6

Azaril writes "The British home office had an embarrassing incident this morning, when it was discovered that a link to the new legislation on data retention actually linked to a Japanese porn site. Apparently, the home office forgot to renew the domain name, and didn't change the link when it was bought by a Japanese company. This of course comes after the news that the home secretary claimed pornographic films on her expense account."

Buying an "A" Grade In Ontario Is Going To Get Harder Screenshot-sm 3

Education Minister Kathleen Wynne plans to tighten scrutiny of part-time private schools that some say are granting public school teens A-plus credits with little accountability. Richer students are able to take or retake several subjects at the private schools to get high marks to add to their transcripts and gain an edge for university and scholarships. On average these students land a mark that is 20 points higher. "Students say they are earning high grades (from private schools) without having to attend classes, without having to write exams and some are guaranteed specific final grades as soon as they sign on the dotted line and pay their fee," Wynne wrote to the Ontario Universities' Council on Admissions. Someone finally sets up a school system that accurately reflects "The Real World," and it gets shut down.

Vader Girl Screenshot-sm 3

The ability to ride a bicycle is insignificant next to the power of this trike.

Finally, Sadomasochism Gets Its Own Scientific Study Screenshot-sm 3

TaeKwonDood writes "You might think throwing out the occasional titillating article title is part of some grand media strategy. Discover is famous for whoring themselves out for page views with articles like Bizarre Aquatic Creatures Are Secretly Lesbian Necrophiliacs and Scientific American gets into the act with Rough Sex at 40,000 Leagues Under the Sea, which got them additionally ridiculed because that is about 30X greater than the radius of the Earth, but there are occasionally real articles that aren't all tramped up and just happen to deal with sex; some of it even kinky. All of it involving cortisol. The difficulty? Kinky people are okay with being monitored and they don't always realize what 'control' means in a scientific context, but they sure don't like to stick within the study parameters."

Runaway Mobility Scooter Carries Off Woman Screenshot-sm 2

87-year-old Eileen Bishop was saved from a scooter kidnapping by police when they managed to stop her mobility device 5 miles from her home. Eileen and her husband were on their way to church when the scooter sped off with her. Her husband said said the scooter, which "hadn't been going that well," was set to three-quarters speed. "Suddenly she passed me at full tilt," Mr Bishop said. "I shouted after her but she is a bit deaf. I couldn't chase her as I've had a triple heart bypass. She just disappeared off the radar." Officers found Mrs Bishop after a motorist reported a mobility scooter "swerving" across the road near Pendown Cross, five miles away. The scooter was taken into custody but had no comment.

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