
Holographic Human Heads Used By DJ In Live Show

Lanxon writes "Director Chris Cairns has turned his short 'Neurosonics' film — which features disembodied heads mounted on a selection of instruments — into a live performance that's just as jaw-dropping as the original, reports Wired. The director originally created the 'Neurosonics Audiomedical Labs' film back in 2009. It's set in a lab, and depicts three scientists mounting a number of different heads onto turntables and drum sets before playing them like real instruments. The original video was created with plenty of CGI, so shifting it into a live setting was always going to prove troublesome. To bridge the gap between the virtual and the physical, Cairns enlisted the assistance of holographic projection experts Musion. The company set up the performance for the first Musion Academy Media Awards — which exist to recognize the most impressive holographic creations — and the result is truly impressive."

Using Classical Music As a Form of Social Control Screenshot-sm 721

cyberfringe writes "Classical music is being used increasingly in Great Britain as a tool for social control and a deterrent to bad behavior. One school district subjects badly behaving children to hours of Mozart in special detention. Unsurprisingly, some of these youth now find classical music unbearable. Recorded classical music is blared through speakers at bus stops, outside stores, train stations and elsewhere to drive away loitering youth. Apparently it works. Detentions are down, graffiti is reduced, and naughty youth flee because they find classical music repugnant."

Military Operation Canceled Because of Facebook Update Screenshot-sm 8

Churam writes "The Israeli military had to cancel an operation (translated from the original French) because a soldier had given some operational details on Facebook. From the article: 'An artillery soldier who was involved in this operation — the arrest of Palestinian suspects — Facebook announced on the imminence of it. "Wednesday, we're cleaning Katana and Thursday, God willing We return to the house," wrote the soldier on his Facebook page, referring to a village near Ramallah.'"

Topeka, Kansas Unofficially Renamed "Google" Screenshot-sm 7

Mayor Bill Bunten issued a proclamation Monday that Topeka shall be referred to as "Google, Kansas - the capital city of fiber optics," for a period of one month. Bunten says the proclamation is mostly for fun, but that he hopes it will put Topeka on top of the list of cities vying for Google's fiber optics. I wonder what it would take to get Google to buy Detroit?

Child Directs Traffic At JFK Airport 6

An FAA investigation is underway after a child was heard giving instructions to pilots from the air-traffic control tower at JFK. The child made five transmissions to pilots who responded enthusiastically to the boy controller. "Pending the outcome of our investigation, the employees involved in this incident are not controlling air traffic," the FAA said in a statement. "This behavior is not acceptable and does not demonstrate the kind of professionalism expected from all FAA employees."

Man Swallows USB Flash Drive Evidence Screenshot-sm 199

SlideRuleGuy writes "In a bold and bizarre attempt to destroy evidence seized during a federal raid, a New York City man grabbed a flash drive and swallowed the data storage device while in the custody of Secret Service agents. Records show Florin Necula ingested the Kingston flash drive shortly after his January 21 arrest outside a bank in Queens. A Kingston executive said it was unclear if stomach acid could damage one of their drives. 'As you might imagine, we have no actual experience with someone swallowing a USB.' I imagine that would be rather painful. But did he follow his mother's advice and chew thoroughly, first? Apparently not, as the drive was surgically recovered."

Officials Sue Couple Who Removed Their Lawn 819

Hugh Pickens writes "The LA Times reports that Orange County officials are locked in a legal battle with a couple accused of violating city ordinances for replacing the grass on their lawn with wood chips and drought-tolerant plants, reducing their water usage from 299,221 gallons in 2007 to 58,348 gallons in 2009. The dispute began two years ago, when Quan and Angelina Ha tore out the grass in their front yard. In drought-plagued Southern California, the couple said, the lush grass had been soaking up tens of thousands of gallons of water — and hundreds of dollars — each year. 'We've got a newborn, so we want to start worrying about her future,' said Quan Ha, an information technology manager for Kelley Blue Book. But city officials told the Has they were violating several city laws that require that 40% of residential yards to be landscaped predominantly with live plants. Last summer, the couple tried to appease the city by building a fence around the yard and planting drought-tolerant greenery — lavender, rosemary, horsetail, and pittosporum, among others. But according to the city, their landscaping still did not comply with city standards. At the end of January, the Has received a letter saying they had been charged with a misdemeanor violation and must appear in court. The couple could face a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine for their grass-free, eco-friendly landscaping scheme. 'It's just funny that we pay our taxes to the city and the city is now prosecuting us with our own money,' says Quan Ha."

One Quarter of Germans Happy To Have Chip Implants Screenshot-sm 170

justice4all writes "If it means shorter lines at the supermarket, a quarter of Germans would be happy to have a chip implanted under their skin. The head of Germany's main IT trade body told the audience at the opening ceremony of the CeBIT technology exhibition that one in four of his countrymen are happy to have a microchip inserted for ID purposes."

Scientists Discover Booze That Won't Give You a Hangover Screenshot-sm 334

Kwang-il Kwon and Hye Gwang Jeong of Chungnam National University have discovered that drinking alcohol with oxygen bubbles added leads to fewer hangovers and a shorter sobering up time. People drinking the bubbly booze sobered up 20-30 minutes faster and had less severe and fewer hangovers than people who drank the non-fizzy stuff. Kwon said: "The oxygen-enriched alcohol beverage reduces plasma alcohol concentrations faster than a normal dissolved-oxygen alcohol beverage does. This could provide both clinical and real-life significance. The oxygen-enriched alcohol beverage would allow individuals to become sober faster, and reduce the side effects of acetaldehyde without a significant difference in alcohol's effects. Furthermore, the reduced time to a lower BAC may reduce alcohol-related accidents."

Trade Your Bible For Porn Screenshot-sm 227

An anonymous reader writes "Atheist students at the University of Texas at San Antonio announced that any student over the age of 18 will receive pornographic materials if they trade in religious materials. From the article: 'Leaders of this atheist campaign allege that porn is no worse than what's written in religious texts. A university spokesman says that this controversial cause is completely legal, though he admits a majority of the students on campus do not agree with it.'"

Blog About Facebook Gets Mistaken For Facebook Screenshot-sm 7

An anonymous reader writes "Scansafe has an article about a personal blog about Facebook that got indexed by Google and received the top search result for 'Facebook Login.' This led to thousands of clueless users clicking the link thinking this blog was Facebook. The almost 2000 comments on the blog make for really disturbing reading — yes, there really are that many idiots out there."

Mythbusters "Peeing On 3rd Rail" Busted 17

n0tWorthy writes "The Mythbusters tested the myth that you could be electrocuted by peeing on the 3rd rail. The myth was 'busted' as the stream would be broken up due to distance and there wouldn't be a continuous path for the electrical current to follow. This seems to be refuted by a Monsanto, Washington man that was found electrocuted after urinating into a ditch that had a downed power line."

Fugitive's Updated Facebook Status Leads To His Arrest Screenshot-sm 4

crimeandpunishment writes "A Western New York man whose social networking skills were a little too social, and as a result is no longer a fugitive, is now on his way back to captivity. The man, who fled to Indiana before he could be sentenced for assault, was caught after he posted detailed information on his Facebook page, including where he worked and what hours he worked there."

City Council Sues Itself, Seeks Costs for Frivolous Lawsuit Screenshot-sm 5

The Islington Council issued a parking ticket to itself, then decided to pursue itself at the Parking Adjudicator and asked for costs against itself. From the article: "In 2007, an Islington officer ticketed an Islington vehicle, but the department that got the ticket appealed. Because the department is not a different entity, in legal terms the council was appealing a ticket it got from the council, and under the rules above, the council was hearing its own appeal. After the council rejected its appeal, it then appealed again to the Parking Adjudicator. But having appealed, it then presented no evidence, and the Adjudicator voided the ticket. Feeling its appeal had been an outrageous waste of time, the council asked for costs, thus accusing itself of having acted frivolously, vexatiously and/or wholly unreasonably toward itself. The Adjudicator declined to award costs, pointing out that '[t]he legal status of the two parties in this appeal amounted to one and the same.'"

Liberalism and Atheism Linked To IQ Screenshot-sm 33

Pharmboy writes "CNN is reporting that Evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa at the the London School of Economics and Political Science correlated data on these behaviors with IQ from a large national US sample and found that, on average, people who identified as liberal and atheist had higher IQs. This applied also to sexual exclusivity in men, but not in women. The findings will be published in the March 2010 issue of Social Psychology Quarterly."

Screwing Food Into Your Mouth Screenshot-sm 33

Why lift your own food like a sucker?

Man Defends His Right To Flip Off the Police Screenshot-sm 44

46-year-old Robert J. Ekas has filed a federal lawsuit to defend his First Amendment right to express himself by flipping off police officers. The trouble started in July 2007 when Ekas opened his sunroof and extended a middle finger to a deputy. The deputy turned on his flashing lights and pulled Ekas over. He was cited for an illegal lane change and improper display of license plates. He was acquitted of the charges. “I did it because I have the right to do it. We all have that right, and we all need to test it. Otherwise we’ll lose it," Ekas said. He claims the police have been harassing him ever since.

Miami Considers Ban On Feeding the Homeless Without Training Screenshot-sm 18

The Miami City Commission will consider a proposal next month that would make it illegal for "unauthorized people and groups" to feed the homeless. They say the ordinance will cut down on litter and ensure the safety of the food that the homeless eat. Anyone without formal training who is caught giving food away would first receive a warning and then fines up to $300 for subsequent food offerings. Without laws like this the homeless might start to associate people with food, and the only thing more inconvenient than having to look at a homeless person in the morning is having to run away from cannibals.

California Legislature Declares "Cuss-Free" Week Screenshot-sm 262

shewfig writes "The California legislature, which previously tried to ban incandescent light bulbs, just added to the list of banned things ... swear words! Fortunately, the measure only applies for the first week of March, and compliance is voluntary — although, apparently, there will be a 'swear jar' in the Assembly and the Governor's mansion. No word yet on whether the Governator intends to comply."

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