Female Uber Drivers Get Paid Less Than Men, Says Study (recode.net) 338
According to a new study by Uber and Stanford economists, male Uber drivers get paid 7 percent more than their female counterparts in the U.S. "That's surprising, because Uber's driver assignments and pay are gender-blind, meaning a driver's gender isn't considered when matching riders or assigning fares," reports Recode. "Rather, pay has to do with trip length, distance and whether it's happening during surge-price hours or not." From the report: There are more male drivers -- women make up 27 percent of Uber drivers in the U.S. -- and male drivers tend to work longer hours. However, on an hourly rate, women still make less, according to the data, which measured trips by 1.8 million drivers from 2015 to 2017. According to the study, discrimination on the customer side isn't the reason for the pay gap, either. So why are female Uber drivers paid less than men? The study points to three reasons that make the gap disappear:
When and where: The times and places female Uber drivers work seem to be less profitable. That could be fewer overnight shifts, shifts with shorter wait times or surge-price shifts than men.
Driver experience: Drivers who've been with Uber longer get paid more, on account of knowing which routes and times tend to pay more. In general, men work for Uber longer than women so they are more experienced. The attrition rate after six months is 77 percent for women and 65 percent for men.
Speed: Male Uber drivers conduct more trips per hour than women, meaning they're actually driving faster, according to the data. More trips mean more money. About 50 percent of the earnings gap is explained away by differences in driving speed.
When and where: The times and places female Uber drivers work seem to be less profitable. That could be fewer overnight shifts, shifts with shorter wait times or surge-price shifts than men.
Driver experience: Drivers who've been with Uber longer get paid more, on account of knowing which routes and times tend to pay more. In general, men work for Uber longer than women so they are more experienced. The attrition rate after six months is 77 percent for women and 65 percent for men.
Speed: Male Uber drivers conduct more trips per hour than women, meaning they're actually driving faster, according to the data. More trips mean more money. About 50 percent of the earnings gap is explained away by differences in driving speed.
Shocking. (Score:5, Insightful)
Turns out the wage gap really is simply because of personal choices.
Re: Shocking. (Score:5, Insightful)
Equal pay for eeual work. Sums it up nicely.
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Indeed. There are two separate issues that often get conflated.
1. Equal pay for equal work. There is some debate about how much difference experience should make here.
2. Equal pay regardless of gender. This is more complex because there is much debate about how much things like pausing a career to become a parent is truly free choice for both parents, and if employers are acting free from bias etc.
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Equal pay for equal work is utopian nonsense since there is no way to a) gauge work effort, and b) work is an input not an output. Better: equal pay for equal value. Most employers understand this implicitly. Case in point, women Uber drivers 'work' their auto and their calls just like men, but don't make as much per hour. They are not doing the valuable work that men are.
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Re:Shocking. (Score:5, Insightful)
They get paid the same, it is just that men prefer to work longer hours, take on riskier jobs and probably take less breaks/ spend less time chatting than women..
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Yes, and importantly we can do without Slashdot's click bait like headline.
The headline should have read 'female uber drivers earn less than men'.
Re: Shocking. (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re:Shocking. (Score:5, Insightful)
Turns out the wage gap really is simply because of personal choices.
In other news, the leading cause of poverty (that is, people who *become* poor) is getting knocked up at a young age and having a bunch of children you cannot afford instead of completing your education and establishing a career.
Yet if you dare suggest things like delayed gratification, birth control, the fact that we all know where babies come from ... well it's amazing how people will villify you for that. Even people who did it that way themselves!
Re:Shocking. (Score:4, Informative)
Turns out the wage gap really is simply because of personal choices.
In other news, the leading cause of poverty (that is, people who *become* poor) is getting knocked up at a young age and having a bunch of children you cannot afford instead of completing your education and establishing a career.
Yet if you dare suggest things like delayed gratification, birth control, the fact that we all know where babies come from ... well it's amazing how people will villify you for that. Even people who did it that way themselves!
I agree with your point about life choices... but the leading cause of poverty is still being born into poverty. A young girl from Bello, Colombia isn't going to magically elevate herself out of that place because she resists having a kid, it still takes money to go to school, money her family is short of.
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Re:Shocking. (Score:4, Insightful)
In your troll universe, parents who already have careers never get laid off and lose their income.
For one who so quickly calls "troll!" you sure do seem to have difficulty with reading comprehension. Assuming your "misunderstanding" was not intentional, of course.
You see, getting laid off, otherwise losing a job/career, becoming disabled, etc. are also counted when causes of poverty are studied. Believe it or not, they're not in the same category as "oops, I'm still in my teens and got knocked up!" Yes, a minority of the time people become poor through no fault of their own, but that's not what "leading cause" means. This is easy to understand, except of course that failing to understand it gives you something to rail against. That's what matters, right?
Sorry, this is not the easy slam-dunk victory you seem to have wanted. You are not the clever guy who noticed what others have overlooked all along. Shockingly, not everyone who disagrees with you is stupid. Care to argue with facts and reason? If you were raised by a single mother or something like that, you should admit you have a personal bias here. That would demonstrate integrity, emotional maturity, and the ability to be objective.
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]
Re:Shocking. (Score:5, Interesting)
In your troll universe, parents who already have careers never get laid off and lose their income.
Parents who already have degrees and careers tend to be able to recover quicker. The #1 reason for extreme poverty is out of wedlock children and having children young. That being said, there is likely some selection bias there. Many people who plan on going to college intentionally hold off on having children where people who have no plans to go to college have less incentive to wait to have children. Sure there are other reasons for poverty like health problems, etc... but that doesn't negate the fact that the #1 preventable way of staying out of poverty is delaying children until you are stable.
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Re:Shocking. (Score:5, Interesting)
Last I checked, all the people born that I know about had two parents, one male and one female. This suggests that it isn't just the woman who's making that choice.
Female selection is seen all throught nature, including in humans. The female generally has more power in a relationship. She generally decides when they have sex, and a host of other important decisions. Did you ever meet a woman who was deathly afraid that her man might "put her in the doghouse"? Didn't think so. If the woman wants to abort the baby, the man legally has no say at all in the matter. If she wants to have it, same deal. Men have exactly one effective form of non-permanent birth control while women have about a dozen. This is not a level playing field. How can you pretend that it is?!
With greater power comes greater responsibility. Of course the male bears some responsibility. The law recognizes that in the only way that it can, by making him pay child support. But the female has more power in this situation. It is therefore resonable to expect her to bear a bit more responsibility. If the roles were reversed you'd have no problem accepting this, likely because the "woman as victim" narrative is still quite prevalent (makes you feel "noble" like a White Knight) no matter how strong the evidence against it is.
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Yes; it's why there are so many battered women's shelters around.
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Yes; it's why there are so many battered women's shelters around.
Given the lack of men's shelters and the fact that actual rates of DV are about even across genders, I don't think this makes the point you think it does.
Re: Shocking. (Score:2, Funny)
Contraceptives for men:
1) abstinence (arguably)
2) condoms
3) pornhub et. al.
To help facilitate 1), consider trying:
a) getting an engineering or, even better, CS degree
b) reading slashdot
c) APK's hosts file
Re: Shocking. (Score:3)
A woman that learns how to provoke a man into hitting her - possibly even by hitting the man first - will invariably 'win' in the both the court of public approval AND the court of law.
It's not fair, but it is the truth - there is no defense in any but the most extreme and well-documented cases for striking a woman.
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Actually, by law, it is ( at least in the united states ). Men have procreation rights, women are free to get abortions.
Of course, if you meant that they have a choice whether to have sex or not, sure; that much is true. However, women then have a superset of rights compared to men whether to have a child or not.
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Actually, by law, it is ( at least in the united states ). Men have *NO* procreation rights, women are free to get abortions.
Of course, if you meant that they have a choice whether to have sex or not, sure; that much is true. However, women then have a superset of rights compared to men whether to have a child or not.
See correction.
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Would you advocate giving men rights over the unborn child, and if so what rights and how would they be balanced against the rights of the mother to control her body?
How about if women are able to unilaterally decide to abort their unborn children, men can unilaterally decide to cede their paternity & be off the hook for child support?
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The problem with the "male abortion" is that it give the man a very easy way out of their responsibilities. It's generally recognized that for most woman an abortion is no small matter or easy decision, but it's considerably easier for the man to just sign the paper and leave the mother to figure out what she is going to do.
Legally, a man can't stop a woman from having an abortion, and he can't force her to have one either. If women get a choice, then so should men. Your perception about the difficulty of those decisions shouldn't have any bearing.
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I'm a fan of fiscal abortion being available to both parties, but more than that I advocate for women to be required to legally inform the father of any pending birth so that he might make an informed decision about his role as a father.
Note: I reserve the right for the woman to be the sole decision maker when it comes to getting an abortion. Biology isn't fair, and I respect that's a decision that should be left to the woman. However, after that I want men to have control over their own legal and fiscal
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This suggests that it isn't just the woman who's making that choice.
This is demonstrably false.
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I submit that "whiteness" is cultural, and that anyone can become "white". Here are a few simple rules to do this: a) When in Rome, do as the Romans do. b) While in Rome, do not find fault with the Romans. c) Remember that anyone, by following the above rules, can become a Roman. Indeed, if you can understand how Romans act, and act that way yourself, you are perceived by the Romans as one of them -- or, at the very least, an ally. You will find that Romans reward those who are their allies, and prefer to d
Re:Shocking. (Score:5, Funny)
Turns out, women aren't fucking stupid enough to drive for Uber.
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They're also not stupid enough to climb 1500ft radio towers, drive garbage trucks, weld, mine, work in construction, or many other low-skill/high risk jobs that pay well.
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Not quite.... these are all broad generalizations. SOME do, but on average fewer women seem to
have the disposition resulting in them choosing or pursuing those particular jobs than men.
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Here are some interesting facts for you:
https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat... [bls.gov]
13% of mining industry is female.
9% of the construction industry is female.
7% of leatherworkers are female.
9% of sewage treatment facility operators are female.
7% of industrial maintainers are female.
had to dig a little deeper to find welders/brazers:
https://www.bls.gov/cps/wlftab... [bls.gov]
4% of the welders are female.
Approximately TWO percentage of the carpentry field is female (https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat11.htm). You could host all ~30K
Re:Shocking. (Score:4, Insightful)
The next step is to investigate those personal choices. Why are women not taking the more profitable shifts? Why are they dropping out as drivers more than men? Why are we rewarding people for speeding? This just kicks the can a way down the road, rather than explaining everything.
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1. Women could be expected to drop their shifts sooner than men to do other chores and family tasks. Men already make more than women for the same labour, so by the same token, women should be expected to do non-paying tasks more than men. This is a self-selecting and cultural bias.
2. Women could already have fewer and less resources than men, so with less income and capital to start with, they may dr
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Re:Shocking. (Score:5, Informative)
The personal choices are already known.
Women choose quality of life, over raw income. That's because only the male's income (as a number) is a signal of worth, whereas women don't have that requirement. Any man, will date any woman, no matter how crappy her job is. And women choose happiness over shitty hours. So men work more crap shifts to get more money... to demonstrate their value to society and potential mates.
And this isn't some new theory. It's been settled in the scientific community forever.
Re:Shocking. (Score:4, Funny)
Turns out the wage gap really is simply because of personal choices.
You are obviously mistaken. What's happening here is that the statistics are obviously sexist, and probably misogynistic as well. I'm sure if I could be bothered to RTFA it would also become apparent that the statistics are not only racist but homophobic too. I even heard from a friend, who's sisters ex-boyfriend's third cousin's step daughter said that these very same statistics are part of a neo-Nazi group and abuses puppies on Thursdays.
Re:Shocking. (Score:5, Interesting)
It's not just the statistics which are bigoted. It turns out that all math and science are White Supremacist [campusreform.org], so pretty much everything just needs to be destroyed so we can have our perfectly Diverse Utopia.
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Article mentions a book that argues mostly naming ideas in maths after Europeans and Greeks gives the impression that they invented all of it. Note that ancient Greeks were not "white".
Somehow you read "all math and science are White Supremacist". I think the problem here is your reading comprehension.
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Turns out the wage gap really is simply because of personal choices.
...when it comes to Uber drivers. The unfortunate thing here is that sexists will seize upon this and tout it as evidence that there is no such thing as an unjustified gender pay gap, without acknowledging that the factors causing it here are not relevant to other industries and types of employment.
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The unfortunate thing here is that sexists will seize upon this
Why? It blows a massive hole in their sexist 'wage gap' propaganda.
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Women tend to pick jobs and employers on different criteria, specifically how they feel about the employer and job. Men are much more money focused.
Women are more likely to take a job in a non-profit that pays 20% less because working for the non-profit makes them feel better about themselves. Men are more likely to take a job with a company they don't like because it pays 20% more.
Women will tend to stay in a job with a company they like with people they like even if they are offered more money from a comp
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Turns out the wage gap really is simply because of personal choices.
...when it comes to Uber drivers. The unfortunate thing here is that sexists will seize upon this and tout it as evidence that there is no such thing as an unjustified gender pay gap, without acknowledging that the factors causing it here are not relevant to other industries and types of employment.
And others will simply dismiss one of the few clear examples of detailed factual information from which clear conclusions can be drawn.
But, ya know, confirmation bias is not really a thing either. /sarcasm
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It's the old Risk vs Rewards decision tree we've seen before for age in almost any endeavor to make money.
It certainly is all about choice here, much as it is in some form or fashion any time you want to make more money.
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Ah ha! There it is. Thank you so much; the blame has been properly assigned. Good work, comrade.
Now on to solutions. Ultimately, we'll need to rid ourselves of these males, but that's going to take another generation or two. In the mean time we should supply female Uber drivers with an armed officer, and tax men to fund it.
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Except for the fact that men are at greater risk of being victims of violent crime. (According to the US Department of Justice)
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Women tend to pick jobs and employers on different criteria, specifically how they feel about the employer and job. Men are much more money focused.
Women are more likely to take a job in a non-profit that pays 20% less because working for the non-profit makes them feel better about themselves. Men are more likely to take a job with a company they don't like because it pays 20% more.
Women will tend to stay in a job with a company they like with people they like even if they are offered more money from a com
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At some point, some sane person will point out that men and women, while equal, are still DIFFERENT.
Those differences manifest in many ways with various benefits and negatives. As a man, I'd LOVE to have the default option to stay at home and play housewife or not have to worry about my income being the main/required one for survival as most women still have in their minds today.
Re:Shocking. (Score:5, Interesting)
The only gap there is what women *earn* not pay. If women go out and decide to work at a mine as a digger, they're going to be paid $20/hr just the same as a man. The man on the otherhand will be more likely to take that extra 20hrs/week in OT, and she is not. If a woman goes out and becomes a truck driver, she's going to make that same $0.60-0.70/mile plus dock-in/downtime repairs. But she's also not going to take higher stress routes through the NE corridor which have bonus rate pay because city/traffic volume. Where as a man will, repeatedly because it pushes his per/mile payout over $1.08/hr. But according to you and the author of that article, she's being *paid* less in both cases.
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You're saying that I should be able to take 10 years off work and open up a shop on Etsy and make the same as the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.
You said:
So women are the only people who are allowed to be on Etsy and all CEOs of Fortune 500 companies should all be men?
Why are you lying about what he said, Tony?
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Do you really care about this sort of trivia?
I really don't care about this sort of trivia. I hate that, much as spam drowns out the email you want to get, the blathering from the Rust community seems intent on making me have to care by flooding out the useful things with their social justice coding PR.
Are we different (Score:5, Funny)
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Apparently not, given the number of people here who don't believe in gender dysphoria. That would require acknowledging that there are more than the obvious physical differences between men and women.
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Looks like you are projecting something onto people that simply acknowledge that dysphoria is a mental illness and that we shouldnt be chopping off the body parts mentally ill people just because this time its a sex organ instead of an arm or leg.
Re:Are we different: We both powder our nose (Score:2)
Apparently not, given the number of people here who don't believe in gender dysphoria. That would require acknowledging that there are more than the obvious physical differences between men and women.
Ever watch a lot of Football? European or the American variety... it plays the same. I give you, the the makeup call. Sometimes, official calls are muffed due to the inherent imperfections of the human referees. When the call is appreciably unfair, the human refs remember and there's a makeup call a comin'. You'll also see this when one team's player maliciously fouls an opponent and stands over him briefly in impolite, rather demeaning, celebration.
The women, finally, are getting their makeup call.
feminists BTFO (Score:5, Insightful)
So in a completely gender blind pay scheme, women still manage to make less then men?
Can all of you please shut the fuck up about the pay gap now?
It's clear that any remaining difference is caused by women themselves.
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So in a completely gender blind pay scheme, women still manage to make less then men?
Can all of you please shut the fuck up about the pay gap now?
It's clear that any remaining difference is caused by women themselves.
And here's the real take-away from that: since the differences are caused by women themselves, trying to artificially change them would be a total failure to treat women as equals by respecting their decisions!
They're either equals who get to make their choices and experience the consequences just like men do, or they're delicate flowers who need to be protected from themselves. Can't have this one both ways (though a great effort is put towards trying and failing).
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Here is a pretty big hint, though: The only thing the population of Uber drivers is representative of is Uber drivers. Maybe also we could infer to Lyft drivers.
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Parent doesn't do data science, I hope.
Here is a pretty big hint, though: The only thing the population of Uber drivers is representative of is Uber drivers. Maybe also we could infer to Lyft drivers.
In the US, I've yet to see an Uber driver that isn't also a Lyft driver and visa versa.
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So in a completely gender blind pay scheme, women still manage to make less then men? Can all of you please shut the fuck up about the pay gap now? It's clear that any remaining difference is caused by women themselves.
I doubt it. It's still possible to argue that gender roles are what leads to women working less profitable shifts and having higher turnover, like for example that female drivers may get more sleazy propositions from drunk men late at night on weekends when prices are high or that mom is the one staying home to watch the kids at night or that they get less social acceptance for being an Uber driver. A lot of the glass ceiling wasn't that they didn't get equal pay for equal jobs but that they could get equal
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So in a completely gender blind pay scheme, women still manage to make less then men?
Can all of you please shut the fuck up about the pay gap now?
It's clear that any remaining difference is caused by women themselves.
I would still encourage young girls to get into STEM and especially computers. There are still social presures teaching them at a young age that that they should be seeking low-paying jobs, and we can still fix that.
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Just because it's true in this situation, doesn't make it true in others.
There was a farmer had a dog...
Of course we'll never convince sexists that this does not negate an unjustified gender gap in many other areas.
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Who are these sexists that support an unjustified gender gap?
Most of us are wandering around trying to see where the fuck this supposed gender gap actually is.
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the gender pay gap is currently
a fucking myth put forward by sexist shits that want all the rewards for none of the work.
"Get paid less" vs. "earn less" (Score:5, Insightful)
Glancing quickly at the headline, "Even female Uber drivers get paid less", one may get the impression that women drivers are discriminated against. The article could have gone with "Even female Uber drivers earn less than male drivers", but that phrase doesn't carry the same biting edge, does it..
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"Even female Uber drivers earn less than male drivers", but that phrase doesn't carry the same biting edge, does it..
I agree with you 100%. That's sensationalism at work. Some people would characterize this as a small salvo at what should be called fake news.
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That's actually a pretty good catch. I hadn't noticed it myself until you pointed it out. What a difference a near-synonym can make.
Girly dollars (Score:2)
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Ok, but make one man tax dollar equal to three girl tax dollars to even up that disparity too.
I'd seriously support that.
fixed that for you... (Score:5, Informative)
Waiting for some mouth-breathing drool-fountain to start claiming gender wage gap and sexism.
Correction to the clickbait title (Score:3)
Female Uber Drivers Get Paid Less Than Men - Mostly Because They Drive Slower
Men drive faster and get more fares in over the same timeframe, making roughly 3.5% more cash. (The other 3.5% is postulated to be a combination of more work experience due to higher female job attrition, and women working at less profitable times.)
It has nothing to do with a battle of the sexes going on - no matter how inflammatory it can be for some to speculate about.
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I would be willing to guess that the men also consume more fuel per mile, because they drive faster. Since traffic is the same whether you drive aggressively or not, this probably means they accelerate faster and weave through traffic more. The extra fuel use should show up in their expenses although it does not show up in their gross pay.
Misleading title (Score:2)
They get payed the same, but choose to work less...
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Paid for quantifiable performance (Score:2)
This illustrates quite clearly that one can't measure performance unless it's quantifiable. The blanket statement that women make less than men because of sexism isn't quantifiable. Performance on jobs like driving for Uber or producing physical products is easy to measure. How many widgets did you make? How many miles did you drive? Most jobs aren't like that. Two graphic artists can't be measured against each other regardless of the gender of the artist because they don't work on the same project an
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Well... if they're aware their service is encouraging breaking of public road safety regulations... yeah, they should put a soft speed cap on, perhaps by fining drivers who exceed the limits.
I say that as someone who routinely speeds and generally doesn't respect speed enforcement (speed limits are artificially low in my opinion, 'everybody' speeds and the roads aren't red with blood so it isn't for safety)... but having a company encourage such behaviour is a different matter.
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Re:Women aren't aggressive (Score:5, Informative)
The relevant numbers are an average of 19.5 miles per hour for men in Chicago, vs 18.8 for women in Chicago.
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If it's less than 1.0 I think it counts as a micro-aggression.
Or at least a mini-aggression!
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In my area, the only people who go under the limit are in that age range where a doctor should be checking to see if they're still able to safely operate a vehicle. (And man, do I wish the Grim Reaper upon them frequently since one of my common driving routes passes by a retirement community...) In my experience, the only way for men to drive faster than women is for the men to be speeding.
Statistically, men tend to be riskier drivers (which I'm willing to attribute to testosterone, the cause of and solut
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I assume your area is not a major metropolitan one. In big cities the speed limits are 25-35 MPH (lower near schools, higher on highways of course). Typically people rarely drive the speed limit. Either they are stuck in traffic and going well below it (or stopped at a light) or there is no traffic and they go as fast as they can (well, within vaguely sane bounds). IOW, people get stuck behind a few stopped cars, go aroudn them, speed through the next few green lights until they catch a red one or more t
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Or even that they took routes with more congestion.
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Oh come on...
I don't know where you live, but where I live and have lived, if you're going the speed limit, you're in serious jeopardy of getting run over by every other driver on the road.
No one goes the posted speed limits here....I guess, except a few female uber drivers I guess. I'm guessing those are the ones ev
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Hah! That's a good example of the logical fallacy called modus tollens [wikipedia.org]:
If speeding is unsafe, then speeding will make the roads red with blood.
The roads are not red with blood.
Therefore, speeding is not unsafe.
Here's the example from Wikipedia:
If Rex is a chicken, then he is a bird.
Rex is not a bird.
Therefore, Rex is not a chicken.
Maybe the reason the streets are not red with blood is not because speeding is
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> If Rex is a chicken, then he is a bird.
> Rex is not a bird.
> Therefore, Rex is not a chicken.
Uh, that's actually the contrapositive. Its not only not a fallacy, its foundational logic.
Perhaps you should read the very top of the wikipedia page you linked:
> In propositional logic, modus tollens[1][2][3][4] (or modus tollendo tollens and also denying the consequent)[5] (Latin for "the way that denies by denying")[6] is a valid argument form and a rule of inference.
> is a valid argument form
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Thanks! Fixed.
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Hah! That's a good example of the logical fallacy called denying the antecedent [wikipedia.org]!
If speeding makes the roads red with blood, then speeding is unsafe.
Speeding does not make the roads red with blood.
Therefore, speeding is not unsafe.
Here's another example:
If Rex is a chicken, then he is a bird.
Rex is not a chicken.
Therefore, Rex is not a bird.
Maybe the reason the streets are not red with blood is not because spee
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Holy crap, people, I'm kidding!
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"The real question is, how are we going to fix this problem?"
There you go assuming there is a problem. Nothing here demonstrates a problem that needs any fixing.
There are all sorts of things where group X is different than group Y but that does not mean there is a problem.
Men on average have greater muscle power, can lift more weight than women, but that does not mean that women are discriminated against. It is just biology.
Women on average have less heart attacks and live longer than men, but that does not
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That's easy, #KILLALLMEN
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"Alternate headline: Data Proves Male Uber Drivers Should Have Their Licenses Revoked"
I assume you mean because they drive faster than their female counterparts. But you make a possibly false assumption to justify your chauvinism: you are assuming that the male Uber drivers are driving over the speed limit. That is not what the article said. It merely said that the male drivers are driving faster than the female drivers. There are several possible explanations for such a result such as the male drivers driv
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Equality does not mean "equal outcomes", it means "equal opportunities". Results should never be taken as confirmation of bias, but rather as a starting point to ask "Why?".
This situation is a great bite-sized example of the wage gap, which itself is explained largely through personal choice.
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Or pick up random drunk men when the bars close.
I don't blame them.
I don't doubt that female and male Uber drivers might have different driving profiles. That's fine, but when I drove for Uber (briefly) that was how you made money in my area - ferrying drunks to and from bars. Otherwise it meant waiting a while between trips, sometimes quite a long time. Uber was new here at the time and demand during more reasonable times of day has certainly increased, but I'd guess 9pm - 2:30am is probably still the peak time anywhere there is a bar scene, at least.
If you don't want
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