Rocket Lab Unveils "Electric" Rocket Engine 75
New submitter Adrian Harvey writes The New Zealand based commercial space company Rocket Lab has unveiled their new rocket engine which the media is describing as battery-powered. It still uses rocket fuel, of course, but has an entirely new propulsion cycle which uses electric motors to drive its turbopumps.
To add to the interest over the design, it uses 3D printing for all its primary components. First launch is expected this year, with commercial operations commencing in 2016.
To add to the interest over the design, it uses 3D printing for all its primary components. First launch is expected this year, with commercial operations commencing in 2016.
Hype pain (Score:5, Insightful)
It's a rocket engine with 'turbopumps!' And 3D printing!
Ok, de-hyped version: Rocket engines consume huge amounts of fuel. Getting fuel from tanks to engines needs pumps, which usually need their own mini-engines. This design uses electric pumps, saving weight and complexity. They are using 3D printed parts, including titanium, because it lets them iterate through design refinements quickly. The engines themselves still burn fuel as normal, they just weigh less.
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This does have some purpose - to allow you to restart the engine without externally running the pumps.
You still need ullage though, but RCS can be used for that.
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The efficiency of electric motors is around 90%, so I'm assuming the fuel-powered pumps have such a low efficiency it's worth using batteries instead of fuel to save weight. These are also unlikely to have rechargeable batteries, so the energy density may be an order of magnitude higher than let's say rechargeable LiPO-batteries.
Re:Hype pain (Score:5, Informative)
Overall for a 1MW pump system for a 120s burn, the numbers would stack up roughly like this:
From a pure performance perspective, electrically driven pumps in rocket engines are simply worse. However, considering the cost and complexity of turbopumps and the relatively small part that fuel pumping overhead contributes to overall efficiency, it may be a cost worth paying, especially on a smaller launch vehicle, where the electrical equipment is relatively cheap. I'm not convinced ti scales to multi-MN engines, though, as there the electrical requirements would be enormous (100MW+ electric motors are somewhat impractical, as is the supporting electrical equipment).
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End of the day, I would be surprised if the motors they have are not producing close to 50 HP / Kg.
Which at 1MW would come to 27kg just for the motor. Then add on the cryo equipment, fuel pump and everything and you'd be at a lot more than that. Also, let's see that scaled up, because surface-to-volume can really mess these assumptions up. Just the electrical wiring needed to carry MW-type powers is no jo
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There is no cryo equipment.
I meant the piping and pumping and internal structure required inside of the motor to get the heat exchange. You can't just dunk the motor inside of a pool of LOX and expect it to work, because the LOX will add friction, reducing power, and surface-to-volume means internal parts not in contact with it will overheat regardless. In engineering, scaling from 50HP to 1000HP isn't as simple as multiplication.
No, I mean a kerosene Fuel Cell
What's the efficiency of that? If it's comparable to hydrogen, it's probably not even worth it. Also can
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You can in fact just "dunk" the rotor in LOX.
Have you see this demonstrated on 1000HP-scale motors? Again, scale is the big question here.
Using AC Induction
They're using DC motors. The additional weight of inverters would be quite a cost. And an AC motor would heat up internally as well, away from the cooling liquid. You just can't get around it, as soon as you induce any current, you get losses and heat production. At your 5HP, it may be a non-issue. At >1000HP maybe not so much any more.
They have made the motor. It performs to their specifications.
Yes, and in other posts I have also calculated their specifications. OK perfor
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It would make sense to primary batteries, to the point of being the overwhelmingly obvious choice. However, they aren't even using plain lithium-ion:
http://www.rocketlabusa.com/ab... [rocketlabusa.com]
"Rutherford adopts an entirely new propulsion cycle, making use of brushless DC motors and high performance Lithium Polymer batteries to drive its turbo pumps."
Lithium polymer batteries being a form of lithium ion batteries that have an electrolyte with a bunch of added gelling additives, or an actual polymer electrolyte, tradin
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Fuel cells can achieve high energy density due to using tanks of fuel, but their power density may not be up to driving a fuel pump for a launch vehicle. They are also limited in fuels. This rocket appears to use some form of semi-liquid monopropellant.
They state they use lithium polymer batteries on this page: http://www.rocketlabusa.com/ab... [rocketlabusa.com]
This is a rather odd choice. The main advantages of LiPo are rechargability and ability to be formed into thin cell-phone-friendly shapes, and they make tradeoffs to
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“Using brushless DC motors and lithium battery cells, Rutherford’s turbopumps decouple the thermodynamic problem immediately,” said Beck. “We’re able to do things never capable before in a propulsion system. It takes complex piece of machinery and makes it simple.”
"Of course, designing the engine this way comes with its own set of challenges. The electric motor that powers the pump is about the size of a can of s
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Your analysis is good overall, but there are a few sticking points. I don't know where you get the 33% efficiency figure from; it may be true for huge stationary turbines or turbines for large aircraft but it most definitely isn't true for turbines optimized for light-weight applications like rocket engines. 25% would be more realistic.
Also, we still don't know what the design looks like. It's possible they are using a design which trades off pump power with some other variable. One thing to keep in mind is
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Just so we're all on the same page here regarding numbers:
The SSME (Space Shuttle Main Engine) high presssure oxidizer turbopump produces 23,260 horsepower. The high pressure fuel turbopump produces 71,147 horsepower. That's just over 70 MEGAWATTS. There are also low-pressure turbopumps in play, and there were three of them per shuttle.
The Rocketdyne F-1 (Saturn V main engine) turbopump produced 41 megawatts. There were 5 in the first stage.
Still wonder why we don't use electric pumps?
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The engines themselves still burn fuel as normal, they just weigh less.
Hype or no hype that last clause is a pretty big deal when it comes to anything related to rocketry.
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It's a rocket engine with 'turbopumps!' And 3D printing!
If it were only connected via the internet of space things and solar powered, it would be the perfect /. story.
Re: Hype pain (Score:2)
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The pumps may be lighter, but where do they get the electricity to run them?
I wouldn't expect the energy required to run electric pumps to be any different than the previous methods, and that probably wasn't trivial to start with. So does the electricity come from batteries (heavy), or are they doing something tricky like generating current off the massive amount of waste heat using some undisclosed thermal junction technology. A scenario like the latter would be interesting. But if they are using batter
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The minimum amount of energy required to pump a given quantity of propellant against a given chamber pressure is fixed, and not low. Doing it in a shorter period of time only makes the *power* requirements *higher*. You also need enough batteries to supply your power demands with the batteries partially discharged, so the effective energy density is reduced.
For a rough, BOTE calculation: they claim a thrust of 4600 lbf and specific impulse (vacuum, presumably) of 327 s. Mass flow rate is something like 6 kg
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Still, I'm disappointed that they could fit "cloud computing" and Node.js into the design. That would be a truely awsome rocket
Re: Hype pain (Score:1)
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Meh. (Score:4, Interesting)
About 10 years ago I worked on simulating a rocket with electric turbopumps for fun. The concept was the exact same as theirs - minimize the number of parts that have to operate in harsh environments to reduce cost, maintenance and risk of failure. You don't even need any penetrations of the propellant lines, the rotor of the electric motor is the compressor itself.
I have no clue whether the design will actually be practical. But it's certainly not new. I'm sure I'm not the first person that this concept occurred to.
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There are quite a few for propulsion. A few for space propulsion. But the whole field is just too new.
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Because you're asking the wrong question. Aerospace engineers don't plot energy density vs. power density: they plot specific impulse (or equivalently exhaust velocity) vs. acceleration (or thrust). Which gives the same answers in the form of variables more directly useful for rocket equations.
You can get such plots in any good propulsion or mission planning text. E.g. Rocket Propulsion Elements by Sutton & Biblarz (8th ed). has one on p. 42; Space Mission Engineering: The New SMAD* by Wertz et al. has
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Thanks, I saw the plot in the former book you mentioned, though the diagram is still pretty coarse (not giving specific techs), and it doesn't unfortunately extend the chart to future or theoretical technologies.
This kind of diagram summarizes perfectly why we can't (yet) create a brilliant, compact, and efficient rocket, so I expected a few more about.
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I recomend you check out Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Volume 223: Advanced Propulsion Systems and Technologies, Today to 2020 by Lu et al. It doesn't have the exact plot you want (the matter is a little more complex and subject to further development) but you'll get a good understanding.
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Batteries yes, but rocket's have huge reserves or kerosene and operate at high temperature. You could integrate a solid-oxide fuel cell as an energy stage (80% efficiency) and keep the stack warm with exhaust heat.
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Apparently you don't know the meaning of the words "for fun".
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Specific impulse versus thrust (Score:2)
So where does the technology fit on this Ragone chart [nasa.gov]?
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Nowhere, because this is just a different mechanism to run the pumps in a normal liquid-fueled conventional rocket.
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Not true. Measures of rocket efficiency almost always count losses to the pumps.
That's why gas-generator-pumped rockets (like the F-1, at 263s, or the Merlin 1D at 310s) are listed as less efficient than staged-combustion rockets (like the NK-33, at 331s). The rockets are measured as a full system, not at just the combustion chamber and nozzle.
This one, I would expect, has higher fuel efficiency per kg and lower thrust per kg. Not having to burn any fuel for non-propulsive purposes will undoubtedly help its
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Some of that mass cost might be made up for by simplified pipes and valves, though. Not sure how much you'll really save here, as you're probably still routing stuff around the bell for cooling.
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Higher ISP than a regular chemical engine and worse thrust and thrust-to-weight-ratio I bet.
Cheap because of size, not engines (Score:3, Interesting)
Big rocket engines use big propellant pumps. The pump on the F-1 (used on the Saturn V) ran about 55,000 horsepower.
Electric motors won't do that cheaper. And they'll sap the weight of the rocket, since even a dead battery is heavy. Fundamentally, a big rocket will be better served by a gas-generator or staged-combustion cycle.
That's fine for this rocket because it's so small. The payload is 110kg. For comparable rockets, turn to Iran's unflown Simorgh, Israel's Shavit, or North Korea's Unha, all in the 100-160kg range.
To put those numbers in comparison, let's look at SpaceX. The single-engined Falcon 1 put 670kg into orbit. A Falcon 9 runs 10,000-13,000kg. And the Falcon Heavy is supposed to lift 53,000kg.
Or for an older comparison, Sputnik 1 weighed 80kg, and Sputnik 2 weighed 500kg. So they're building a rocket that couldn't even lift the second satellite to ever fly. I'm not particularly impressed.
Maybe there's a niche for small payloads like this, but in all honesty, I expect you could fly several such payloads on one bigger rocket, or just hitchhike on the spare capacity on a big satellite launch. Still, worth a shot. Just don't pretend to be playing in the big leagues.
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Maybe there's a niche for small payloads like this
For when an Amazon drone just isn't fast enough.
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It can be used for Cubesats. You can do a useable satellite smaller than a Sputnik today because the electronics are better. Yes it is mostly used for universities or things like that. There are also some people doing "space burials" so I guess this could be used for that as well.
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e.g. Celestis.
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Maybe there's a niche for small payloads like this, but in all honesty, I expect you could fly several such payloads on one bigger rocket, or just hitchhike on the spare capacity on a big satellite launch. Still, worth a shot. Just don't pretend to be playing in the big leagues.
Where did they claim to be playing in the big leagues? And yes, there is a niche for microsatellite launch services. Your unnecessarily grumpy comments are largely correct, but you've missed the whole point of the operation, which is cost. Virgin's LauncherOne is aiming for $10m per launch, these guys are claiming half that price.
Questionable engineering decisions. (Score:3)
Re:Questionable engineering decisions. (Score:4, Informative)
Uh, the SSME engines ran off the same propellant as the rocket - LH2 and LOX. It's a staged-combustion rocket - some of the fuel and oxidizer flow was diverted to a preburner, which partially combusted them (the mixture was fuel-rich, limited by oxygen), ran the fuel-rich exhaust through turbines for the fuel and oxidizer pumps, then exhausted into the main combustion chamber where it was mixed with the remaining oxygen to complete combustion.
A better example for a separate propellant would have have been the V2 rocket, which burned ethanol and LOX, and had a pump powered by hydrogen peroxide.
Right on all other points, though.
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You missed the bit where you can also feed the exhaust from the gas driven pump into the rocket engine exhaust and recover some of that energy and mass as thrust. The energy from an electric motor being completely lost. I though rocket patents are really tricky as most countries incorporate legislation to override patent laws and treaties when subject to national interests (patents with regard to military applications are purely voluntary and can be readily over ridden).
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vs. a Falcon 9 (Score:1)
They can carry about 110kg to LEO, compared to the Falcon 9's 13150kg. That's 0.84% of the payload capacity. A launch is estimated to cost $4 900 000, compared to the Falcon 9's $61 200 000. That's 8.01%. That means cost per mass to orbit is nearly an order of magnitude worse.
Surely if you need a small payload to orbit, it would be much cheaper to piggy-back on another mission, either paying for space on someone else's satellite or somehow launching multiple satellites in one launch? SpaceX is planning to l
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Yes, this is a really small rocket. If you are a government or some other entity that needs to put something small in orbit right away, the USD$5 Million price might not deter you, even though you could potentially launch a lot of smal
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But you can also get on a larger rocket (like the Falcon 9 you mentioned) as a secondary payload pretty cheaply, so there's no cost advantage in the "I only want to launch a small payload" category. There's also, for that matter, no guarantees that these guys would be able to get your payload into orbit any faster than established players, especially by the time some of the new launch infrastructure under construction comes online.
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They don't have nearly as much to offer if they can't do launches quickly. I'm sure they would make that a feature of their offering.
Better comparison is the Falcon 1 (Score:2)
I wonder... (Score:2)
This *might* be an avenue alternative to ion engines for flights that don't stray too far from the Sun. LEO-Moon, Lagrangian Points, inner planets. And it could be combined with ion and rocket propulsion.
You can't store all the propellant at extreme pressures simply because the tank needed to contain these pressures would be extremely heavy. There's a fine balance between weight of the tank and savings on storing pressurized fuel (both energy stored as pressure and more fuel fitting in). We're at "state of
Is there a market? (Score:2)
Scotty? (Score:1)
Would not Scotty have said "Ion power" ?
BLDC Motors (Score:2)
Are extremely efficient for their mass and volume. The key issue they must overcome is cooling. If the motor is in the liquid stream, (and this is a likely assumption) cooling is damn near free. As for the power supply, I am fairly sure that the reduced mass, complexity of the pump, plumbing and associated benefits with reducing the volume of the pump system that must survive extreme temperature and pressure, more than make up for the battery mass.
Those that doubt the tech will scale up to larger designs