Wooly Mammoth Extracted Intact From Siberian Ice 279
Lawrence_Bird writes ... a group of scientists have extracted a wooly mammoth intact from a Siberian icefield. "They used a radar imaging technique to `see' the mammoth in its icy grave, then excavated a huge block of frozen dirt around it to preserve the 23,000-year-old creature." See the dailynews.yahoo story. Naturally, there's talk of cloning the thing. If the effort succeeds, will McDonald's sell McMammoth burgers?
Re:Not a whole Mamooth.... (Score:1)
Re:inbreeding is not insurmountable (Score:2)
As for objectivity, I think it's quite fair to say that there are unthinking, knee-jerk types in both camps. (If you think creationists have an exclusive on that, just keep reading this
It's just simply neither fair nor accurate to say that there are not deep thinking people on both sides. And evolution itself is a dogma at least as strong as that in any religion. (If you doubt this, do some good research on anomalous fossil finds (there are many) and then publish your results - anything that challenges evolution in the slightest is ridiculed in the "scientific" community, regardless of merit.)
In fact, the only people I know who have done honest, well-balanced reviews of the evidence on both sides happen to be creationists, since, unfortunately, evolutionists tend to dismiss creation as impossible before bothering to look at the facts that support that position.
Truth is what matters. The point is to seek the truth.
Re:Yes, but... (Score:1)
Re:inbreeding is not insurmountable (Score:1)
This is what Darwin actually said about religion: http://www.update.uu.se/~fbend z/library/cd_relig.htm [update.uu.se]
A short excerpt:
Everyone who believes, as I do, that all the corporeal and mental organs (excepting those which are neither advantegous or disadvantegous to the posessor) of all beings have been developed through natural selection, or the survival of the fittest, together with use or habit[4], will admit that these organs have formed so that their possessors may compete succesfully with other beings, and thus increase in number.
Sure Darwin was religious, and sure he did believe in a "Creator God", but only before he set out with the Beagle.
Re:Um, not really... inbreeding (Score:1)
Again, just my two cents.
Northern Exposure (Score:1)
Re:In Khatanga? (Score:1)
mammoths is that there must have been a fairly
mild climate to produce enough veggies to keep
them going. Then it got much colder so suddenly
that they didn't rot or get eaten by scavengers
- and stayed that way since.
No problem with that. It is well-known that the climate was milder. It certainly didn't change abruptly enough to freeze the mammoths in place though.
But the ice came, slowly. Glaciers grew a bit from year to year, although the land around them could still support a few mammoths. Now and then a mammoth tried to cross a stretch of ice. A few of them probably fell into cracks and got conserved.
Re:Hmm cloning... skeptical... (Score:1)
Re:Mammoth (Score:1)
Re:mammoth herds and food sources (Score:1)
Re:Hmmmm (Score:1)
As far as reintroduction of this animal bringing back a disease, what if the apollo missions brought back some disease?
Re:Why... (Score:1)
em: joedipshit@hotmail.com
Re:Basic Math 101 for creationists (Score:1)
The way slashdot folks will just *pile on* to criticize anyone stating a Christian belief, yet let pass *equally retarded* statements from the luddite/anti-nuke/anti-genetic-science crowd.
Just for the record, because I'm sure someone will pipe up and squeal that I must be some 'fundie' trying to defend religion, I don't believe in creationism, and I don't think that there's any guiding higher power out there...not God, not Gaia, nothing.
But watching you oh-so-cool children of the 80s posture and preen as you rip into a religionist, while ignoring the *completely fucking retarded* beliefs of the scientifically ignorant folks that fear genetic manipulation or nuclear power just gets my (non-endangered) goat.
Re:How did it freeze so fast? (Score:1)
Causes of extinction -> humans (Score:1)
Yeah, let's nuke the Amazon rainforest. The wussy bugs and trees don't deserve to live now that we have the means to obliterate them! It's only a matter of time anyway before they die out anyway.
> - I don't necessarily hold the same opinion for animals which have been eradicated by humans. Also, I am not the worlds greatest historian and I don't know what it was that killed them off
OK, this is the score. Wooly mamoths, the European rinocerous and the sabertoothed cat all died out at about the same time that homo sapiens (our great granparents) started wandering about the landscape and throwing spears around. Note that these are all large mamals that would be either tasty to cavepersons (mamoth, rhino) or compete for space in caves and try to eat thier children (sabretoothed cat). Hmm.
> I don't necessarily hold the same opinion for animals which have been eradicated by humans
So you should be in favour of bringing back the mamoth. Or perhaps humans "au naturel" before civilisation don't count? You cannot draw lines like that.
Humankind was, is and always will be a part of nature, and a extinction caused by humans is as "natural" as any other.
That doesn't mean I won't miss the bengal tiger though. Which life is worth more - a person or a gorilla? Hm, let's see, there are 6 billion people, a few 1000 gorillas in existence. I'd have to go with the gorilla.
Mmm...burger (Score:1)
Think of the novelty...mammoth burgers!
Max V.
Re:Um, not really... (Score:1)
[h]mmmmmmm... (Score:1)
Now i'm wondering, what do you do in a power failure? You have a huge, several thousand year old meat pack in your lab freezer, and it begins to defrost.......now I see where the Mickey D's reference comes from.
Possibilities (Score:1)
On deck: Sabre-toothed cats.
In the hole: Stegosaurs, Brontosaurs, and Pterosaurs.
Why... (Score:1)
Re:It is refreshing (Score:1)
Mammoth (Score:1)
Nah What the hell, lets clone it and see what city he goes after first. There is the REAL study.
(My bet is on san fran).
em: joedipshit@hotmail.com
Re:Hmm cloning... skeptical... (Score:1)
I wonder if I'll ever get to try mammoth steak.
Again? (Score:2)
Anyway, I think this is ultra-cool. To use an elephant to give birth to a mammoth is kind of an interesting idea. I don't think any animal has ever given birth to a child of a different species before. The whole idea is amazing.
"You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."
Re:Why... (Score:1)
>longterm effects, of the introduction of
>geneticly modified creatures, on our environment
>will be.
its called evolution. it happens all the time.
One and the same (Score:1)
Re:[h]mmmmmmm... (Score:1)
It is refreshing (Score:2)
It is refreshing to know that we have come to the point technologically, scientifically, and medically that we can begin to re-populate the earth with the animals we brought to extinction. Yes I am aware that we did not bring the woolly mammoths to extinction, but I think there will be other efforts to clone animals we have killed off (the tasmanian wolf comes to mind). It makes you wonder about the Star Trek movie where they have to go back in time for the whales... heheh they could've just cloned one :-)
-- .sig files go when they die?
Child: Mommy, where do
Mother: HELL! Straight to hell!
I've never been the same since.
Re:Why... (Score:1)
I agree.
Science explains HOW, Relegion explains WHY.
2 sides of the same coin
Re:Again? (Score:1)
Elephant + Mammoth + Scientist = Mammoth
no wait......
Re:New sig (Score:1)
Advanced Thawing Techniques (Score:2)
Hair dryers?
Also catch the link at the bottom: Russian Scientist Denies Whole Mammoth Unearthed [yahoo.com]. Some question as to how much of the beast's remains remain; it may be just wool and bones.
Re:mammoth herds and food sources (Score:1)
We already have enough problems with cows and at least they aren't large enough to trample or eat people.
Yep, We Killed 'em! (Score:1)
Hunting was very touch and go in the beginning, with often as many (or more) hunters killed as prey (when dealing with mammoths, at least.
The technological innovation of the atlatl is believed to have changed this very drastically. The atlatl is a devestatingly simple device which allows a single person to throw a spear with vastly superior accuracy and power than with his or her arm alone.
The odds were very suddenly reversed, with one man often killing more than one mammoth.
Must have been a real blast until the population died down, at which point there was probably a lot of suffering due to the vastly increased populations of humans.
Same old same old!
Re:How did it freeze so fast? (Score:1)
Re:deadly virii? (Score:1)
Yes, there was a story about this before. (Score:2)
Otherwise I'm going to start posting "didn't we talk about this already?" posts in every Linux-vs-Microsoft thread, I swear.
Sheesh. You'd think people paid to use the place.
Lake Effect [wwa.com], a weblog
Poacher's dream? (Score:1)
Hey... (Score:1)
ATTENTION: Tom Hanks (Score:1)
A mammoth, recently resurrected to glorious fanfare and world-wide acclaim, soon finds himself alone in the City, where even the bright lights, the hookers and the orange circus peanuts can't appease the emptiness he feels inside, until suddenly, just when he's just about to end it all by snorting up a drum full of drain-cleaner, he get's a mysterious phone call from a wacky Russian scientist (played by Christopher Lloyd), who turns out to be the one that found his 'mother' in the first place, but who got brushed aside by the media and science establishment alike in the initial fanfare of the find. He's found another carcass, in even better condition than the first, but if the world finds out about it, it could be taken away, and our hero would lose his only chance at finding True Love. The Wacky Scientist has a plan, but no, it's impossible...or is it?...
This movie proposal is, of course, released and available for use under the terms and conditions of the GPL [fsf.org].
Re:ummmmmm (Score:1)
Call it elitist, call it anti-Christian, call it what you like... but when someone even THINKS that Earth is only 6,000 years old I (and everyone else) has a right to call that idea plain...
Jurassic park. (Score:1)
Re:100 degrees? (Score:1)
ummmmmm (Score:1)
The "luddite/anti-nuke/anti-genetic-science crowd" is not trying to infect public education and teach our children that the entire universe is 6000 years old. They are not going onto the radio airwaves and proclaiming that God wants us to butcher homosexuals a dozen at a time. Some beliefs are stupider and more dangerous than others. Some beliefs deserve more vigorous examination than others. And yes, some beliefs deserve to be "piled on."
(No, I'm not claiming that the beliefs I listed above are held by average Christians. It's not average Christians that come under attack. It's the fundamentalist zealots and their dangerous views. And they deserve attacks. IMHO.)
-- just another child of the 60's
Re:Yes, but... (Score:1)
So, if the one the one they dug up is male, all clones will be male. If it was female, all of the clones will be female. The only way we could get a population explosion would be if we cloned thousands of mammoths. Since the process is difficult and expensive, I don't think that is very likely.
It will be very interesting to see if a cloned mammoth would be able to interbreed with a modern elephant. Some of these hybrids (like mules) are sterile, but some others are fertile. That's the only way I could imagine herds of mammoths taking over the planet.
Re:Why clone the darn thing at all? (Score:2)
I think the main reason for this re introductio of a species is for one, to prove we can do it, and two, to provide mankind with another beast of burdon. Sure I think animals should be free to do as they please, but some countries depend on things like this (Note that story about the elephant that stepped on a landmine in Cambodia).
Regardless, I'd like to see the follow ups on this at it is a useful challenge for "infant technology"
Re:And one thing more: (Score:1)
Re:Not 20,000 years -- only 3,000 (Score:1)
Re:mammoth herds and food sources (Score:1)
Gimme a break. I don't go around fucking eating people. WTF?
And I resent that comparison with a cow. I've never seen a "new-age cow", nor would I care to. But what I do want is a little respect.
Re:How did it freeze so fast? (Score:1)
Original post says thousands of mammoths found in Siberia. Original post says, "How the hell did thousands of mammoths all freeze at the same time?".
I then say, "Dude, you are missing steps in logic. Cuz thousands of mammoth remains were found in Siberia, and this particular mammoth was found frozen solid in one piece does not necessarily lead to LOGICALLY to the assumption that ALL of the mammoths were frozen solid after they died in ponds and it snowed quickly thereafter."
I concede that thousands of mammoths have been foudn in Siberia. I concede that some of them froze. I even concede that it is possible that a "bunch" froze. I DO NOT concede that they all fell dead at once and that they all soon thereafter froze solid.
A similar (although different) leap of logic can be illustrated with your ice cubes. Over the years I am sure you have frozen thousands of ice cubes, and I am sure that you have also found all of those ice cubes in your freezer. Does that mean your freezer can hold thousands of ice cubes? No.
Re:Mammoth (Score:1)
I loved Jurassic Park, but it's not the gospel. It was an interesting idea extrapolated for entertainment value.
- Darchmare
- Axis Mutatis, http://www.axismutatis.net
Re:This isn't likely to be too successful. (Score:1)
Re:Why... (Score:1)
Re:mammoth herds and food sources (Score:1)
Re:Why... (Score:1)
Re:Hmmmm (Score:1)
There was mention of elephants as possible (and pretty much the only potential) hosts. There was also mention that the DNA might not be in tact but that if it is an elephant egg would likely be used.
Re:Mitochondria matters. (Score:3)
Are you a complete idiot?
First off, Dolly and Dolly's clone are NOT TWINS! Twins implies birth together. Dolly is two years (?) or so older than the clone. Could this possibly explain size difference? Hmmmm?
And Mitochondrial DNA has next to no effect on the animal's development. If you really cared, you could have the mDNA identical simply by:
a) using fertilized eggs from the animal to be cloned to transplant into as well as from (assuming it's female).
b) same as above, but using fertilized eggs from the mother of the clone to transplant into (since mDNA are passed through the mother's side only).
Most people agree that it doesn't really matter that much.
What evidence for creationism is that again? (Score:1)
I have yet to see a creationist review of *anything* that did not assume that the bible was the absolute truth... and then use the contents of the bible to argue their point.
I haven't seen any evidence at all that would tend to support creationism that doesn't assume the existance of a god.
Recursive logic just doesn't work. If you could show any evidence (On the 'net... URLs would be nice) that tends to support creationism without the usage of self-referencing logic or not-backed-up asumptions -- that would be nice.
Re:inbreeding is not insurmountable (Score:1)
Yet Another Place where the bible goes against logic (don't get me started on where the water from the 'great flood' came from or went).
- Darchmare
- Axis Mutatis, http://www.axismutatis.net
Re:mammoth herds and food sources (Score:1)
Re:Jurassic park. (Score:1)
(slowly backs away, grabs tranquilizers)
- Darchmare
- Axis Mutatis, http://www.axismutatis.net
Re:Yes, there was a story about this before. (Score:1)
"You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."
Re:what is Beowolf cluster ? (Score:1)
Very disingenuous argument (Score:1)
That "dogma" is called science. It consists of taking quantitative observations and coming up with a theory to explain them all consistently. Examples of such theories are Newton's theory of gravity, einstein's e=mc^2, Galileo's theories of planetary bodies, etc. The important thing is that the theory has to be *quantitative* AND consistently explain the observation.
Now, if you call that a dogma, then you're mistaken, for no scientific theory is held on faith. Indeed, many theories are discarded when a better one is discovered which more accurately predicts the universe.
OTOH, religion is based on faith, and it's not quantitative. That itself makes it totally useless for explaining anything, other than as a means of reassuring your own faith. For example - creationists don't have a consistent, quantitatively established theory. When astrophysics shows us cleary that the Universe is older than 6,000 years, creationists quickly point out that a "year" could be millions of years in the lords viewpoint.
Just read any of the creationist arguments for "where all the flood water went" for an amusing exercise in bad math.
Ultimately, you can't compare creationism with any scientific theory because the former is vague and doesn't have to explain anything consistently, while the latter is the opposite.
Here, let's try this - I hereby propose that the entire universe consists of turtles sitting on other turtles in a recursive array. Now prove me wrong. I can easily come up with vague justifications to brush away any flaw you point out in this theory (why can't we see the turtles? they emit a different wavelength of radiation beyond the visible spectrum).
See what I mean? You can always start off with a theory, ANY theory, and explain it vaguely.
Try doing it quantitatively, gimme some URLs (not the comically math-deficient ones with incorrect multiplication), let's see some evidence.
In fact, the only people I know who have done honest, well-balanced reviews of the evidence on both sides happen to be creationists, since,
unfortunately, evolutionists tend to dismiss creation as impossible before bothering to look at the facts that support that position.
Yeah, they also dismiss Islamic scholars , scientologists, rabbis, hari krishnas, and other assorted wise men. We're talking about evidence here, not some airy nebulous theory for the political balancing and appeasing of everyone's sense of importance.
Don't worry, scientists aren't ignoring you. If you come up with a valid provable theory which stands up to scrutiny, nobody will dismiss it. The problem is that every wacko thinks he has it right and the "scientists are unfairly ignoring my brilliant theory!"
Re:Jurassic park. (Score:1)
Not to mention that these will hardly be breeding out of control even if eventually other mammoths of the opposite sex are cloned. If this species was only nine feet tall as an adult, it couldn't be harder to control than an African elephant.
Finally, remember we used to hunt these things several thousand years ago. If we could kill them with spears, we can kill them with guns.
Re:inbreeding is not insurmountable (Score:2)
Re:Yes, but... (Score:1)
I don't know how many creatures go extinct each day... My guess is that it's more like a sub-species (say for example, a type of wolf, not an entire species) goes extinct about one sub-species for every month. My numbers are probably way off, but I'm just speculating
Re:It is refreshing (Score:1)
As to mammoths, most theories hold that we (homo sapiens) chased them into North America and finished them off here.
Not a whole mammoth (Score:2)
See the BBC SciTech article [bbc.co.uk] for more info.
Re:Tortured? WTF? (Score:1)
Re:Hmm cloning... skeptical... (Score:1)
BTW: This is not the first time they've dug up one of these. The Russians dug one up a couple of decades in Siberia. It must have been in pretty good shape, too, because being less then scientifically minded, they ate it. (Wish I could find a reference to this. This is all from my faulty memory.)
Re:Mammoth "Culture" (Score:1)
Thank you, kind sir.
Indeed, I find these laudable words about my rich culture quite comforting, in comparison with the harsh words and ridicule heaped out, almost as if the wooly mammoth is a freak show for the entertainment of bored cubicle geeks.
The question is, how would we teach an animal these skills if we have no living examples of how they act in the wild?
Good question. The answer is - TV. I've found it to be a great source of information, and the stuff I see on Jerry Springer is quite admirable in terms of advanced human techniques at banging into things and trampling around.
The Wooly Mammoth.
Re:"Now?" (Score:1)
Well, no more than 6,000-10,000 years, right?
Re:inbreeding is not insurmountable (Score:2)
(Punctuated equilibrium (PE) was added to evolutionary theory to address the concern that there are a distinct lack of in-between forms in the fossil record, particularly w.r.t. the Cambrian explosion, where thousands of new species appeared at once with no transitional fossils. PE says that things remain stable for a long time, then something disturbs the equilibrium, and life rapidly adapts completely new forms.)
If this is true, then species transitions happen relatively quickly, and a very small number of the mutant species would parent an entire family tree. This should, in theory, result in in-breeding/genetic vigor problems. The fact that it doesn't is a point in the creationists favor. On the other hand, an active and perfect Creator would create a perfect example of the species, which would not (at least initially) be subject to the degradations we see as a result of in-breeding today.
I'm open-minded enough to recognize that *WE DON'T KNOW* how things came to be, and I recognize that both the evolutionists and the creationists have some very valid points. The creationists have in thier favor the fact that thier theory does gracefully explain things that otherwise present significant problems, and the universe certainly seems to show evidence of design. Keep an open mind, and you'll find that the creation theories have thier own strength areas that are different, but at least as compelling as, the evolutionary theories.
P.S.: Don't know for sure about the water for the flood came from, but you might want to check out this article from last month's New Scientist [newscientist.com] about where they may still be receding... (See, those creationists may not be so kooky as you think!)
Re:Why... (Score:1)
Because if we don't, WHO WILL? Answer me that, eh?
Tortured? WTF? (Score:1)
-- .sig files go when they die?
Child: Mommy, where do
Mother: HELL! Straight to hell!
I've never been the same since.
Old DNA is BAD (Score:2)
em: joedipshit@hotmail.com
This isn't likely to be too successful. (Score:3)
Re:Why... (Score:2)
em: joedipshit@hotmail.com
Re:Very disingenuous argument (Score:2)
I agree that scientifically provable truths are important.
But just as creationism (or your turtles) cannot be proven, niether can some aspects of evolution, particularly macroevolution, which is vital for the whole thing to hang together. This bothers me as it should bother any serious-minded inquirer looking at the evidence. Serious creationists don't dispute the overwhelming evidence for microevolution (that is, gasp, they accept scientific fact), but there is a real dearth of evidence for macroevolution. In fact, numerous people have pointed out that microevolution actually works against macroevolution in the following way: mutations that weaken the species tend to result in non-propagation of that mutation, and mutations which strengthen that species tend to ensure it's survival as a species and discourage the large-scale jumps required to create a new species. This is a serious problem that should be seriously evaluated. Current evolutionary theory has no adquate answer to these concerns.
I freely admit that some creationists try to shoe-horn a few facts around a pre-determined conclusion, resulting in deplorable science and sometimes even worse theology. Some evolutionists do the same, just without the theology.
But I am open-minded enough to see that the serious creationists raise some very scientifically valid points. Anyone truly believing in the scientific method realizes that they cannot throw out data points simply because they are inconvenient and still expect to arrive at the truth.
The remainder of your argument is essentially ad hominem, that anyone with a religious worldview is automatically excluded from consideration, which is ridiculous. Also, remember that although science reveals certain truths, our understanding of them is often woefully incomplete, for instance , a hundred years ago, we "knew as fact" that Newtonian physics was true, and yet Einstein, Heisenberg and others have since revealed that virtually none of Newtonian physics is strictly true, but rather only a useful model within certain bounds.
Finally, on a related note, I strongly disagree with your assertion that only the quantitative is true. There are many things in life which are demonstrably true but which cannot be quantified, including (but not limited to) all things which have an as-yet-undiscovered scientific explanation.
Science is a very valuable tool, but it is not applicable in all situations, and attempting to force-fit it is a bit like driving screws with a hammer.
P.S.: Your choice of where the flood waters went was a prticularly bad choice in light of the fact that I included a link in my original post (which you apparently did not read) from the New Scientist (hardly a creationist bastion) that shows the earth is even now losing tremendous amounts of seawater to the interior of the planet. Does this prove the flood? Of course not, but it should make an open-minded person think, at least.
Re:edible? (Score:2)
Not 20,000 years -- only 3,000 (Score:3)
I hope they post followups about what they find. That's a BIG freezer out there! What was the diet of the old wooly mammoths? How did this one die? So many cool questions...
Um, not really... (Score:3)
Why? Well, for starters, it's a subject. Without at least one male and one female, there's not going to be much hope for that species.
Let's say we overcome that obstacle, though, and engineer a mammoth of opposite gender to the one that was found. You've still got the problem that the mammoths are essentially twins. Mate them, and you've got a handful of inbred mammoths. Actually, this goes beyond inbreeding, because even among siblings there's some genetic variance; between these mammoths there would be none. Eventually you'd get to the point where no mammoths could survive for very long, and the species goes extinct a second time.
Theoretically you could engineer enough differences into many clones and start the species that way. Just one problem: to do that you have to understand the genome. To understand the genome you need living mammoths, so you're in a chicken-and-egg situation.
Maybe if scientists found a couple hundred more mammoths, then we might have something feasible. But to try with only one specimen simply isn't going to work.
grrr... (Score:5)
Of course the mitochondrial DNA was from the host cell. They knew it would be and didn't really care. It's not a big thing. Mitochondria are mitochondria, they change tranportable blood fuel into usable cell fuel (I'm just not up to big words like glucose tonight). A mammoth with modern elephant (or cow, or pig, or sheep) mitochondria is a mammoth as far as I'm concerned.
(now that that's out of my system...)
The Dolly technique is crusty in other ways, but it should work well enough to get some hairy elephants walking around northern Asia. Well, not quite the Dolly technique... this requires something a little more complicated, but IMHO doable in a year or two with enough money (or ten years from now in somebody's back yard).
I'd agree with you on the DNA bit, but they've got a whole mammoth. That's one heck of a DNA sample! They should be able to patch up the cracks with that big a sample.
It's been done. (Score:2)
Re:Why... (Score:2)
How about resurrected in the name of fuzzy critters with trunks?
How is the mammoth "tortured"? Because after death he did not rot with the Glory Of Nature? Because pleistocene worms were deprived of a meal?
I'm all for the cloning. I hope that I shall soon
see mammoths grazing across the permafrost.
Wonderful animals, Mammoths...
inbreeding is not insurmountable (Score:3)
Why clone the darn thing at all? (Score:3)
Why would you use an infant technology to create copies of dead Mammoths if there was a possibility that they had pure, frozen GAMETES?
With the in-vitro fertilization we have today,
Here's a recipe for baby Mammoth:
Preheat Elephant Uterus to 100 degrees or so,
1 part frozen Mammoth sperm
1 frozen Mammoth egg,
let incubate in a test tube for a short while, place in elephant uterus and let bake for 1.5 years or so.
We've had the technology to do this for quite some time, again, it's just a matter whether the gamete material has decayed in the past 3,000 years. But from what I know, sperm and eggs are frozen and thawed all the time without damage.
Did somebody say McDonalds? (Score:2)
You're missing.. (Score:2)
..a fundamental drive amongst scientists everywhere: the urgent need to accomplish something because we can (specifically, to prove this notion), not necessarily because we should (or can even find a useful application of the discovery that would validate the time and effort expended).
Whether or not the mammoth would be "tortured" is not an argument I care to play into (especially since arguments on such topics seem to be especially shallow), but I might point out that the more animals we are able to clone, the closer we get to cloning an actual human, which is something that certainly sparks a lot of interest among scientists and the world at large.
Re:Yes, but... (Score:4)
That's speculation. The former has never been done before. The latter has been done many times (sometimes deliberately, sometimes inadvertently; sometimes by humans, sometimes by wind, ocean currents, etc.) with varying results.
Speculation is a good thing - we ought to consider all the possibilities before reintroducing an extinct species - but it's still speculation. It is by no means certain that it will be disasterous, as the introduction on non-native species has frequently been.
If we re-introduce Wooly Mammoths into nature, we don't know how well they will adapt, and we don't know how well nature will adapt around them.
True, but consider. Mammoths are much like present-day elephants. Megafauna. Long-lived. Few predators. Slow maturation. Slow reproduction. What population biologists would call K-strategists. Introduced species that become a problem for native ones are almost invariably r-strategists (A notable exception being the most invasive species of all - humans). R-strategists are typically small creatures. Short-lived. Normally subject to intense predation in their native environment. Rapid maturation. Very rapid reproduction. These things combine to give introduced species an edge in their new, predator-free environments. They're not likely to be a problem in the case of wooly mammoths.
Cloned wooly mammoths would probably not be released into the wild right away, but kept in zoos, or penned up on research farms for study. Given their slow rate of reproduction, it'd be a very long time before there were enough of them to have much of an impact on their environment.
One more thing - wooly mammoths have probably been extinct for only a few thousand years. As no other creature has appeared to fill the niche previously occupied by the mammoths in that short time, I suspect their reintroduction to Siberia would have little negative impact, assuming they ever were released (or escaped) into the wild.
100 degrees? (Score:2)
Re:Um, not really... (Score:2)
Discover magazine article on cloning mammoths (Score:5)
So far as I've read, one of the biggest obstacles in undertaking this whole cloning thing is that it's going to take a long time before we see any results. Assuming we are able to impregnate an elephant with a mammoth or half-mammoth zygote, the gestation period of an elephant is anywhere from 600 to 760 days(!), and it takes ten or twelve years for an elephant calf to reach sexual maturity. Even if everything goes according to plan, we won't know if we have a viable mammoth (or half-mammoth) for well over a decade after conception.
If Your Interested (Score:3)
Re:Advanced Thawing Techniques (Score:2)
Re:y'all don't get it do you (Score:3)
I am unsure what science you are using here. Mammoths were an adaptive change dating to the beginning of the last ice age. They died out towards the end, although their may have been a few kicking around still 5-6 thousand years ago.
Using generational dating from the King James Bible? That's questionable even among die hard creationists. I would suggest you take a closer look at the Talmud before jumping into any strange forays into highly dubious math.
Oh yeah and all the evidence the universe is billions of years old. I alway find it amazing that people seem to think that God is a rather limited thinker and something as complex and novel as evolution would utterly impossible for him to think up. Exactly why should we trust a text so crusty and old that we can't properly translate the original language. God is a lot smarter than you, me and the guy who wrote the Bible.
In Khatanga? (Score:2)
In Khatanga it probably gets a bit colder
because you don't have the heat from the light
bulbs. My globe shows 4 places closer to the
pole, 3 nearby in Russia & Thule Greenland.
But the amazing thing about these frozen
mammoths is that there must have been a fairly
mild climate to produce enough veggies to keep
them going. Then it got much colder so suddenly
that they didn't rot or get eaten by scavengers
- and stayed that way since.
Do you want to restart your computer now?
Hmm cloning... skeptical... (Score:4)
Granted, the DNA may be good enough to do RFLiPs or other restriction enzyme digestion technique and get reasonable data. But, and this is a big but, for a diploid organism to work properly we need (two) copies of each gene that will be used to work. I, as a biochemist, don't believe that we have the ability to isolate two copies of nearly perfect DNA....
-- Moondog
Re:grrr... (Score:2)
Normal DNA sort of has a time-based self-destruct sequence in it that gets incremented every time it divides ("Threads of the Fates"...). Since Dolly's DNA was from an adult, it had already been "aged", so she appears to have aged more quickly than normal because so many of her cells are timing out while she's still a relatively young sheep.
I guess this is where the DNA people are working hard. Either DNA has this timebomb turned off, and the cells are called cancers because they never stop dividing, or they have it, and they're "normal", but stop dividing after awhile, and eventually die. Turning this on and off selectively will be the Next Big Thing.
I guess I see some big implications in "cloned" organs as well. Unless you're cloning your own organs, if you get a liver transplant regenerated from some 78-year old's DNA, and you're only 30, will your new liver start melting down in 20 years? Even if it was cloned from your own cells, there are more than a few divisions to go from a scrape in your mouth to a liver, too...
While one could argue the "God" aspect of it, there are still lots of practical matters to work out...