Review: An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms 77
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms | ||
author | Melanie Mitchell | |
pages | 209 | |
publisher | rating | 8/10 |
reviewer | SEGV | |
ISBN | ||
summary | An excellent, brief introduction to a fascinating field. ISBN 0-262-63185-7 (PB), 0-262-13316-4 (HB) |
It was in the early nineties when I became interested in these sorts of things. I was enrolled in a commerce program, but somehow got onto reading such popular science books as Levy's Artificial Life: A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology and Waldrop's Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos.
Those books made me make my next degree a computer science degree.
Emergent Computation
I was fascinated by the idea of computation emerging from the bottom up: from simple rules acting together in simple ways. This is in marked contrast to the traditional artificial intelligence view that complex behaviour typically only arises from the top down: from the complex interactions of complex rules.
I could appreciate the uses of traditional AI techniques, but emergent computation seemed somehow right to me.
Genetic Algorithms
Notwithstanding my simplistic explanation, there's an obvious example right in front of us. Evolution is a relatively simple process (everyone's heard of Darwin, right?) that has produced very complex output (e.g. us). What if we could harness the power of this evolutionary computation?
John Holland had the idea of mimicking this process of evolution within the computer. He encoded potential solutions as strings of zeroes and ones (the language of the computer), much as human genotypes consist of DNA strands. He developed these strings into actual solutions and measured their success against a particular problem, much as we might measure our success in life. Then he bred another generation, selecting the best individuals to reproduce ("survival of the fittest"), and applying crossover ("sex") and mutation on the strings for good measure.
That's another simplistic explanation, but as time went on these strings got better and better at solving the problem. And it didn't matter which problem. The same process could be used on almost any problem. He called this process a genetic algorithm ("GA").
An Introduction
This book is a good introduction to that world. The first three chapters present an overview of the field, and illustrate how GAs can be applied both in practical problem solving and in more theoretical research environments.
The author explains some of the history and background of GAs, the biological terminology, and its equivalent GA terminology. She provides examples and uses figures effectively.
The entire book has an "overview" feel to it. It isn't very long, and aims for breadth rather than depth. Mitchell writes with clarity, and is great at explaining the subject matter. It's not a difficult book to read.
Theory and Practice
The next two chapters cover the theory and practice of genetic algorithms. Chapter 4 is the most difficult, as it covers Holland's Schema Theorem and other mathematical and statistical observations. Fortunately, you don't lose much if you gloss over the equations, and they're there if you're into that sort of thing.
Chapter 5 is the fun stuff. Mitchell doesn't provide code, but that's okay because the explanation is lucid and sufficiently detailed to implement in code. She discusses ways of encoding the problem, implementing selection methods and the various genetic operators, and setting the parameters of the GA.
To test this theory and practice, each chapter concludes with thought exercises and computer exercises.
Dating from 1996, the book benefits from being relatively up-to-date. It borrows from papers and studies up until then, which you'll recognize if you've browsed through other literature (such as the Santa Fe Institute's Artificial Life Proceedings).
Mitchell does reserve a critical view. She's careful to point out where further study is required, and that's important as this remains a maturing area of computer science. She also points out promising avenues for future study.
I found this book to be an excellent introduction to the field, even though I'd read articles and papers on GAs beforehand. I'd recommend it to anyone interested in genetic algorithms and ready to go beyond the popular science descriptions, but not yet ready for the hardcore books and not willing to waste time on the poorer quality "GAs made E-Z" books.
Basically, this is an excellent quality "GAs in a Nutshell" book. When you've finished it, you might be interested in Goldberg's Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning.
The book's official site contains a more detailed table of contents, while Mitchell's book page contains solutions to selected thought exercises, an expanded index, and errata.
You can purchase this book at Amazon.
1. Genetic Algorithms: An Overview
2. Genetic Algorithms in Problem Solving
3. Genetic Algorithms in Scientific Models
4. Theoretical Foundations of Genetic Algorithms
5. Implementing a Genetic Algorithm
6. Conclusions and Future Directions
Appendix A: Selected General References
Appendix B: Other Resources
Re:To GA or not to GA, that is the question (Score:2)
Do you mean GA versus say a Newton search method? GA is sometimes referred to as a method of last resort [ornl.gov]. This may be unfair, because many practical problems are not mathematically "nice". I am just getting into GA and I have very complicated simulations underlying my objective functions. We previously computed derivatives for these; it was a huge effort both computationally and for the programmer. One thing that I like about GA is that wrapping the optimizer around an arbitrarily complex objective function is really easy. Also, the parallelism is really good ("embarassing"), especially for distributed computing with message-passing (think beowulf).
For me, the bad thing is that convergence isn't nice and quadratic like some derivative based methods out there. On the other hand, quadratic convergence [ornl.gov] generally works only near the optimum and derivative based optimizers really only find local minimums (no guarantees about the optimum being globally optimal). Derivative based methods can blow up if you pick a bad guess objective too. Perhaps a good strategy is a combination -- use GA to get into the neighborhood of the global optimum and then use derivative based methods to find it.
I should stress that all this is for my particular application (groundwater). YMMV. Others with different objectives living in differently constrained control spaces will have different experiences. Also, to be fair I should point out that programs like ADIFOR [anl.gov] make derivative computations easy to program.
Some helpful optimization links:
Decision Tree for Optimization Software [asu.edu]
GA Archives [navy.mil]
Re:Not!! (Score:1)
So what does a normal reply correspond to? is it asexual reproduction? there is only one parent of this message, everything in it refers to that parent.
However it is not identical to its parent so some change has gone on. Its not mutation, the result is not a random change.
Perhaps a normal reply is actually an example of cross-over, the memes of your message have mingled with the memes of my brain to produce this message.
If getting replies corresponds to reproduction then we already have a genetic slashdot, Poor messages are unlikely to to generate responses, interesting ones are. Moderation only helps reinforce this by hiding poor messages, furthur reducing the chances of reproduction.
Re:wish they were simpler.. (Score:1)
This is an interesting explanation, but in this case you've really just described a brute-force breadth first search. Shouldn't GA produce something better?
For example, you could apply this described approach to a travelling salesman problem, but it doesn't seem any better than just enumerating all of the cases and picking the best one (assuming you've got a few billion computers running for approximately forever, give or take a few seconds).
Why Genetic Algorithms really irritate me.... (Score:1)
Maybe in trying to put down the anti-evolution movement we have gone too far the other way and lost our grip on what evolution as a theory does and does not do. (And the fact that Darwin cribbed it from economics).
My experience is that whenever a young scientist meets GA's for the first time they instantly assume it will solve all the very difficult problems we have been working on for the last 50 years. And it won't. Its just an optimisation algorithm.
GA's won't find any solution you couldn't find by exhaustive search of the parameter space. (But in many cases exhaustive search will take longer than the lifetime of the universe). If your target function won't identify the desired solution, GA's won't fix it.
GA's are a useful tool to be added to the toolkit of optimisation algorithms, along with annealing methods, gradient & curvature methods, quadratic underestimators and such like. For some problems they may be the best of the bunch, but I've yet to work on such a problem.
Still, I don't doubt this is an excellent book, and I'll add it to my reading list.
Re:Levy's Alife (Score:1)
In his book "mind Children" he analyses what the implications of robotics for humanity's future, hypothesizes on the requirtements for very complicated organisms, and then goes off into the far far future and looks at that too.
Some of it sounds beautiful, some of it sounds insane, but it's a good read. He was also on an old issue of wired maybe 95 96, which was how I discovered him.
Re:From an ignoramus ... (Score:1)
Re: Morovec (Score:1)
[files into mental catalog]
Dates from 1996 (Score:1)
I mention in the review the book dates from 1996.
What a GA is (Score:1)
The GA is essentially a randomized beam search. It has a random component, but of course this can be characterized statistically. Beam search means it retains a number of search endpoints and explores them in parallel. That makes it quite parallelizable. Contrast with breadth-first or depth-first search.
The basic steps are simple. Produce a random population of chromosomes (i.e. bit strings). Evaluate their fitness (this part is problem specific). That's generation 0. Select the most fit (using biased roulette wheel selection) to reproduce, which means copying them into the next generation's population.
With some high probability, cross 2 parents at some random point. This is crossover. Also, with some low probability, each bit copied might be copied imperfectly. This is mutation.
Fitness-proportionate selection focusses the search on more promising avenues. Crossover builds new promising avenues by combining building blocks. And mutation retains diversity in the gene pool to prevent premature convergence and to help escape local maxima.
Keep doing this until the population converges on the most fit chromosomes. This step, the termination criterion, also can be customized for each problem. The best-of-run chromosome encodes the solution.
The complicated part is the encoding of the problem in the chromosomes (genotype), its decoding (expression into phenotype), and evaluation of fitness. This is problem specific. The key is that although we have a procedure for fitness evaluation, we *cannot* guess in advance what a particular chromosome's fitness is: we *must* evaluate it.
An example is a human: the only effective way to see how well they will do in life, is to run their life and watch them; you cannot predict. If you could predict, the GA would not be appropriate.
A simple example, discussed in the book, is using a GA to search the space of neural network architectures to solve a problem. Each chromosome encodes a grammar for generating a neural network. For fitness evaluation, the grammar is decoded, a neural network is produced, trained, validated, and its performance on the problem is its fitness.
This is a good example, because it is generally very difficult to predict in advance which architectures (e.g., how many hidden nodes) will be best in a neural network, for a particular problem. It usually requires a lot of domain knowledge, and therefore is hard to do on a larger scale, or in a production setting. The GA takes care of that by effectively searching the space of possible neural network architectures.
You can find lots more info in the book, or on the many GA sites on the web.
Re:My ideas on GA's (Score:1)
Schema Theorem (Score:1)
As for its mechanics, I recommend examining Goldberg's "Simple Genetic Algorithm" (SGA) implementation. A web search should reveal many versions of it.
Re:Levy's Alife (Score:1)
I also recommend Waldrop's book Complexity (mentioned in my review).
Is Morovec's good? Never heard of it (or can't recall).
Re:More GA stuff. (Score:1)
Re:Very expensive data compression (Score:1)
Re:Love the concept of GAs but.... (Score:1)
Re:What's to understand? (Score:1)
Crossover and mutation ensures that you are still searching for new solutions, while elitarism ensure that good solutions don't get lost.
Re:1st post... (Score:2)
(sigh) if only it were true.
Ok how long till we have a genetic slashdot?
Love the concept of GAs but.... (Score:2)
I'm more curious about their use in creating faster/cheaper hardware (but that's probably because I'm a software guy).
Re:1st post... (Score:1)
This review should have a disclaimer. (Score:1)
** Disclaimer: Void in Kansas and where prohibited.
Steven Levy (Score:1)
To GA or not to GA, that is the question (Score:2)
Re:1st post... (Score:1)
been around the world and found
that only stupid people are breeding
AC's, like roaches, will live on, no matter what we do
Another recommended book (Score:2)
Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs.
2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, 1994
Comes with useful source code. Is not afraid of equations, but is mostly practical (in this case that stuff works better than the other one).
I have run programs based on code from this book and they worked (didn't help me much 'cause the whole thing is too computationally expensive for my purposes, but that's another story entirely...)
Re:FIRST POST (Score:1)
What's to understand? (Score:1)
All nice and good, but it just means that they are optimal when they perform an exaustive search.
they find an "acceptable" solution basically with the same speed as annealing does, just they are cooler (or are percieved as such) and can be used with no modification in discreet problems.
Re:Love the concept of GAs but.... (Score:1)
Re:Love the concept of GAs but.... (Score:1)
Re:Love the concept of GAs but.... (Score:2)
Genetic algorithms generally solve "problems" by efficiently searching some problem space, often a large or poorly understood one, to attain some fitness criteria. If you can define what is "better" in terms of a solution they are a potential choice. They are not mysterious in terms of the programming.
Genetic programming on the other hand is evolving a program (most often in a interpreted language like LISP) to accomplish some task. These programs can indeed be rather hard to understand and unravel because the evolved code is unlikely to follow human logic or program construction rules. In all honesty I've not played much with genetic programming because I'm not dead certain what it's good for (but it is interesing).
Re:Sounds sexy, but (Score:1)
Neuaral networks are kludgy, never really made sense to me, there always seemed to be somethine missing. Genetic programming/algorithms are coming closer to how we think we think/function, or how any biological self-organizing system behaves: feedback loops, multi-processing, and fitness according to some (possibly) external stimulus.
Even if genetic algorithms/programming is an extension of neural networks (or even matrix manipulation), who cares? They are interesting and we are getting closer to the idea of "distibuted systems", and here I use the word systems to refer to _any_ collection of entities that communicate in one way or another. After all, isn't the whole universe a system? The question isthen, what are the constituents? Is anything not?
Levy's Alife (Score:1)
Those books showed me that we're actually not just playing games and getting political about OS's for no reason. The rise in the importance of technology has been exponantial ever since people started letting down the old rusty barriers against progress.
If already so much synergy results from commerce and society, then the dream of there being such an incredible future spurred me on to do computer studies, and now internet communities.
Of course, not all of the effects of a new sum-of-the-parts are positive, but the way I see it, I have to be here in this profession to make sure it goes the way I'd like it to because it's going to happen anyway.
Also, the actual theory behind alife, genetic algorithms, or even moravec's mad ramblings,
is really complicated and full of boring math and biology (too much for me: that's what I was studying when I read those books), but pop science books on all those matters can't f
ail to show those things to people who wouldn't otherwise have had the patience nor maybe
even the time or disposition to sit figuring out journals & stuff.
Re:To GA or not to GA, that is the question (Score:1)
She also briefly discusses Goldberg's work with hybrid GAs, which I recently read in more detail in Golberg's book.
Basically, this is where a GA searches the global space quickly, then another domain-specific routine kicks in to quickly finish searching the local space.
GA Resources on the Net (Score:2)
In my wanderings around the Web I haven't found a better resource than The Genetic Programming Notebook [geneticprogramming.com]. It is by far the most comprehensive site I've found. Here you will find everything. The three main topics are:
These are very interesting fields which are really coming into their own with the advent of Linux and free software.
Experimenting with these techniques is as easy as downloading an existing library. One of the best is GALib [mit.edu], a library of C++ Genetic Algorithm objects.
Have fun.
Re:Sounds sexy, but (Score:1)
1) GAs are totally unsuited to certain problems. Often a simple gradient search is vastly superior. Some people use GAs all the time just because they're "cool."
2) Almost all the GA code I have seen tries to work in the concepts of "chromosomes," "parents," "populations," etc. That may be suitable for some problems, but often it's an idiotic attempt to force a problem to behave like a biological system. People, drop the biology when it makes no sense for the problem!
Re:Very expensive data compression (Score:2)
As multiprocessing becomes cheaper (thanks in part to Linux), GA's should find more uses. It is very, very easy to parallelize a GA. (You don't need Beowulf to do it.) See September's Linux Journal [linuxjournal.com] for a case of a GA designed only to solve a particular mathematical problem concerning White Dwarf stars. No Beowulf here, just a customized, 33-node Genetic Algorithm machine. Cost? A mere $22,000. Not too shabby.
Not new though. (Score:1)
You bet it's sexy! (Score:1)
the NNs' nodes).
And I have to report from the trenches that
there's something weird about seeing
my simple noddy matrices (thanks Numerical
Recipes) and simplistic gene splicing producing
results that are what I want - without
me even really knowing how....
No, it's absolutely nothing to do with Neurons
or Artificial Life. It just looks as cool,
that's all!! And of course, works better when
you get over the insistence on perfect analogy.
PS - application area? Horse racing!
Not!! (Score:1)
In other words, survival of the fittest is a very naive way of putting it. Both GA's and nature are more complex than that. We need an occasional "first poster" to keep genetic diversity alive.
Re:wish they were simpler.. (Score:1)
Also, it is optimized for "online" performance, where the cost of the search is considered along with the cost of the resulting solution. (In "offline" performance, you don't care about the cost of the search, only of the solution.)
Re:Love the concept of GAs but.... (Score:1)
You might think that, but it's not true. Most genetic algorithms are structured such that humans cannot understand them, let alone modify them successfully. They usually use methods that humans would never have thought of, either.
Re:Love the concept of GAs but.... (Score:1)
Re:Love the concept of GAs but.... (Score:2)
QM is not intuitive, and is based on statistical probabilities, not deterministic solutions. GA/GP seems to fit this realm as well.
The problem people will have is a genetic algorithm that might "evolve" for a tough problem that people can't exactly figure out deterministically how/why it works, except to examine its output for validity. This freaks people out. If such an algorithm is to be used in control software, then do what airplane engineers do on fly-by-wire systems: put in redundant systems that have some checks-and-balances with each other and more than one fail-over mode, in other words, cover your ass. The reason they do this in FBW is because FBW systems are essentially very dynamic open-loop feedback systems, and the goal is to keep the plane flying in a more-or-less non-chaotic mode, even at some extreme inputs, or if it is in a chaotic mode, make sure that it's recoverable from. With all the feedback loops in a plane...
The arguments people have against FBW in, say, passenger aircraft, has sounded an awful like the arguments people are using now against GA/GP.
"We can't understand 100% the program, and don't have a 100% certainty about the program." My question is, why do we need to do this?
Look at other important control systems: We involve the most chaotic computer systems in the world as their main control system: people, don't we? Are not people fallable? Yes they are. Just look at Homer Simpson...
We even still let people fly airplanes, too. But I guess we've grown accustomed to the risks inherent in flying commercial air, and accept them so we don't have to drive across the pacific or Atlantic oceans...
Re:To GA or not to GA, that is the question (Score:1)
How would you test sorting algorithms, for instance? You pass it pre-ordered sets. You pass it big sets. You pass it small sets. You watch memory usage. You watch the stopwatch. You run it on a loaded system. You run it on an unloaded system. Etc.
In the end, you look at your results and say, "This is the algorithm for this project." But we like a one-size-fits-all solution, and GA/GP might not provide us with those.
Very expensive data compression (Score:1)
Perhaps it's my view of evolution that needs to change. But I have the intuitive sense that it solves a much higher order of problem.
wish they were simpler.. (Score:1)
A Scary Thought (Score:1)
What happens then? In the natural world there are many more obstacles; oceans, vast biological diversity, etc... But in the computing world almost every computer is connected to another in some form. And the basic subsystems are similar enough that a GA based virus could sweep through almost every system on the planet before we had a chance to stop it.
On the other hand, we could always evolve Linux to take over every system on the planet. Of course our buddy Bill could do the same with his little OS...
Re:1st post... (Score:1)
Go figure.
Re:To GA or not to GA, that is the question (Score:1)
Another strange GA book (Score:1)
For someone totally unaware about GA, it's actually a decent book to start with. The fact that it occationally teaches you something about Java as well is an unexpected bonus.
Re:Love the concept of GAs but.... (Score:1)
3/8 = 1/3 (Score:1)
GA can be used for games (Score:1)
It was used to find patterns in the human play, and it performed quite well.
I wonder if GA could be used for playing GO or other similar games in which minmax-type software are poor.
Re:A Scary Thought (Score:1)
I like this idea. Next thing you know, system administration will become more like being a zookeeper.
Some thoughts (Score:1)
On the idea of understanding the code, mainstream code often requires "adjustments" and maintenance on a regular basis.
From what I understand (please correct me if I'm wrong), in order to make any change to the resultant code I'd have to change my target and completely re-run the algorithms (or at least re-run from some relatively close match). For some generic things, like a search algorithm, you don't really care about the underlying features of the algorithm so long as it works. I'm imagining that this sort of approach is less useful for code that deals with things like changing UI, database access etc. Not only because of the difficulty in defining the "target" when the target is moving, but also because some maintance would be made harder by the inability to understand how the result was achieved (thus forcing you to return to the algorithm, instead of making a quick fix).
My ideas on GA's (Score:1)
The opinion of a CS undergrad
GA research (Score:1)
The main contribution of Mitchell and others has been to explore GA without the hype surrounding it at that point in time. Langton had come up with the edge of chaos theory and was instrumental in getting lots of people interested in alife. But Langton's main contribution, the so called critical lambda, is in hindsight a lot of hype. (Langton made a important discovery when he designed a self reproducing cellular automata which is probably survive his edge of chaos theory)
Mitchell and others were responsible in steering the subject to more solid grounds and her work
along with Crutchfield on the so called density problem have been very insightful and useful contributions.
GA's are good at providing insights we did not have before to a wide variety of things. For example, using GA's to understand elements of computation (say, by evolving cellular automata), elements of biology (say, as in tierra), self-reproduction (Koza's work) or in ant foraging (lots of papers) are very interesting. But they are not meant to be tools for optimization: GA is not a substitute for linear programming.
Re:Love the concept of GAs but.... (Score:1)
In civil aircraft, OTOH, fly-by-wire is being adopted (mostly by Airbus) because it's cheaper: instead of running 2 and 3 lines of hydraulics throughout the plane, you run 2 FBW (and, coming up, fly-by-light) lines and 1 hydraulic as a backup. FBW has become affordable because it has been used (and understood) in military machines.
Redundancy in aircraft systems is not because engineers do not understand/trust the control code, but because this is how aircraft are built. Any aircraft is built to at least 125% to 150% of the needed specs (so say, if the strongest recorded cross-wind is, I dunno, 60 mph, an aircraft will be designed to accommodate 90 mph). And for vital systems/parameters this margin (of safety, not error) goes up to 200% and 300%.
I am sure that when and if GAs become good enough to be put on planes, they will be --aerospace firms are traditional early adopters-- but there will always be a backup.
Next time you fly an airliner and the passengers applaud the landing, thinking they are congratulating a pilot, know that most likely the pilot was a backup for a real-time autopilot system
Don't you wish PCs were built this way?
Re:1st post... (Score:1)
More GA stuff. (Score:1)
Last year I got to take a course at RPI [rpi.edu] in GA's, where we used the Mitchell book. It is a great introduction to the field. We had several practial and fun programming assignments using GALib [mit.edu], a very complete C++ library implementing almost everything described in Mitchel's book. If you're looking for what else is happening in the field, in particular evolutionary computation, I would suggest John Holland's From Chaos To Order.