Black Holes...Pink? 55
st. augustine writes "Australian astronomers have discovered that some black holes are actually pink. Here's a Wired article, and here's the Australians themselves. I was more excited before I found out they were already expecting the black holes to be blue. "
Re:Hawking Radiation (Score:1)
Slashdot denizens == Groundhogs (Score:1)
All here, 't'would seem, hail Star Trek and Star Wars... but sit in discussing actual phenomena and knowledge of even our own mere star system like ignorant old European men discussing some 19th century war!
To answer a pair of (almost unasked) queries -
The speed of light is c. 299,792.4562 km/s. Rounding to 3EX is useful for rough estimates, but when one wishes to assess the highly dependent values such as the distance to a given Cepheid variable, such rounding *would not* occur!
How long, then, is a light year? This, too, may depend on the astronomer's hewing to his or her art. The civil year is measured as being 365.0 days of 24 hours - but the sidereal year (the actual momentum of the planet) measures as 365.26 rotations, each 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds in length. Multiply the value of C by the sidereal to determine a light year, if you wish.
A parsec is 3.2616 light years in length... it derives from the measure of parallax on the dome of the sky, helping to measure proper motion and the like. Barnard's Star, a dim red dwarf, was discovered and made known as remarkable for it's proper motion, greatest of any star! It is only 5.2 light years distant. Doubtless many such red dwarfs arc nearby in this our section of the galactic disk, hidden by their radiative obscurity.
I despair for our culture. We seem to be regressing toward the primitive expansion of old human memes within a terrestrially advanced framework rather than rising to the sublime. But, what may I expect? Observe those men who walked on Luna and saw the glories of our world in the 1960s - they could hardly be named pioneers or visionaries, or revolutionaries! Only one of them was a scientist (the geologist of Apollo 17). John Glenn, *snort* - a politician, and most actually believe that he walked the Lunar regolith. We are surrounded by our wondrous networking technology (and yet arguing over ludicrous obvious issues such as whether our operating systems should be open engineering works), but how many of you feel that the future the old stories promised has come? Belter cultures, Lunar cities, Martian wars of independence? How prefer you instead, "Congress would like to pass the US Space Shuttle to business and fly it until the 2020s"?
As I posted this, I was notified that the International Space Station was passing overhead. Due to my presence in the city and it's low altitude, I was unable to see it on this pass. But I observe it when I may! A strange sight, to see that star-like object moving through the sky so quickly, still stranger to *know what it is*... but how many of you look up even to the few works our hands have acheived?
Damn Science Fiction... (Score:1)
Essentially, I have to agree with the general point of your posting. People these days spend too much time reading Sci-Fi and not enough time actually reading about science.
Sci-Fi is not about science, it's about our own terrestrial obsessions projected onto a bunch of aliens.
As a point in case, just consider the amount of Sci-Fi which is set here in the solar-system versus the amount which is set on *habitable* planets around other stars.
Having discovered that there are no easy frontiers here in our own backyard, we ignore the possibilities and look elsewhere, in spite of the enourmous resources in terms of material and energy that we could tap.
In short, most Sci-Fi looks at the past. It's an attempt to re-enact the process of European colonialism on a larger scale. Because of that, few people are interested in anything that isn't a habitable planet.
Still, things are gradually changing. The terra-forming of Mars is gradually coming into the conceptual realm of the general public and it may simply be a matter of time before we re-adjust our perspective away from terrestrial obsessions. Unfortunatly for me, it's not likely to be during my lifetime though.
sense of humour? (Score:1)
It's not offensive or anything, it's just humour
Maybe I don't get it....
This has been known for years!!!!! (Score:1)
Ummm...I don't think QM and Relativity are unified (Score:1)
To my knowledge, relativity and qm have not been merged, that is the whole point of all the work that has been done on grand unified theories (guts).
You wouldn't happen to be from Fresno would you? People from Fresno might be able to confirm your theory. (Now that's an obscure reference, anyone get it? ;)
It's something else. (Score:1)
You know, no sooner had I fired that off... :) (Score:1)
You're right! (Score:1)
Good question, and even more interesting that the same calculation is repeated in all their distance measurements.
Re:black hole=quasar ? (Score:1)
I'm just interested to know.
black hole=quasar ? (Score:1)
In the last few years, what new findings have their been?
Re:Movie _The_Black_Hole_ (Score:1)
My definition of "approximate" is more precise (Score:1)
When I said about and approximate, I mean +/- a much smaller delta than a factor of three. eg. The speed of light in a vacuum is 3e8 m/s +/- 1e7 m/s (a far cry from saying its between 1e8 and 1e9). Same for the 9.5e15 (+/- 1e14). It's called significant figures.
The issue is that they used the exact same (incorrect) conversion for each place that they mentioned a light-year to kilometer conversion.
Now, on the other hand, if I were approximating with logarithms, and took an exponent (either that, or I looked at a slide rule with a severe astigmatism), I could expect a factor of 3 error very easily, because that's a linear error of only 0.5 in the log10 domain.
How big is a light year?! (Score:1)
When I took all of my science courses, I was taught that 1 light-year == the distance light travels in one year in a vacuum. In the article, they mention the following:
In other words, one billion light-years is 3e25 meters. Interpreting one billion as 1e9, this implies that one light year is 3e16 meters.
Now, if I recall correctly, the speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 3e8 meters/second. There are approximately 3.16e7 seconds in a year (365.24 * 24 * 60 * 60). Multiplying these together gives me a light-year of about 9.5e15.
So, is it just me, or are their light-years off by about a factor of 3?
Re:You're right! (Score:1)
Re:Redshift? (Score:1)
If the black hole is sucking in gas towards the viewer, it will appear to be blue (shorter wave length)
If the direction of suck is away from the viewer, it ought to appear red (longer wave length).
And if the acretion disk were viewed edge-on, one would see both red- and blue- shifted light.
I'm no high-energy astrophysicist, but doesn't this explanation make sense?
Re:old. Old. OLD. Bye bye. (Score:1)
Hawking Radiation (Score:1)
I recall seeing a TV program in England about 1982/3 where Hawking said that if they ever actually found his radiation, he would get a Nobel Prize.
Well, I am sure that these Australians would have thought of this (since Hawking Radiation is rather well known) and maybe it just isn't in the right frequency range.
(P.S. that TV show had a 1 second shot of me crossing the street - I just happened to be in front of the camera when they were filming Trinity Street in Cambridge.)
Re:Redshift? (Score:1)
Denser clouds would heat more by friction, pushing it from red-hot to yellow-hot to blue-hot. . .or would it ???
As far as a doppler effect due to rotation, no. The effects of a receding edge would effectively be countered by the approaching edge. . .
Isotopic? (Score:1)
Sorry, I should do some research, I'm not much of an astronomer yet...
Re:Note to self (Score:1)
Redshift? (Score:1)
Re:Redshift? (Score:1)
Anyway, there are a lot of effects in play there: the expansion of the universe is a pretty large one. And, of course, we don't know what the initial wavelength of the emitted radiation was... So to say that the light is pink because it is redshifted is a pretty big simplification.
Now all we need are purple novas (Score:1)
Find 100 perfect suns in the right combination, make them all go nova, so all around the universe everybody can read....
Enjoy Coke.
And now after that happens the big novad stars will be a cute pink. What a beautiful universe.
Calm down there. . . (Score:1)
The year that we measure on the planet is 365.24 days (hence the leap year every 4 years). A sidreal year is actually 366.24 years . . .
Just thought you might want to know. . .
Re:Redshift? (Score:1)
Re:black hole=quasar ? (Score:1)
Re:More Info That Might Clear Up Questions (Score:1)
Re:How big is a light year?! (Score:1)
"about 9.5e15"
You said it, when your approximating all over the place, it's not suprising that you should be off by a factor of 3.
Re:Calm down there. . . (Score:1)
The Earth, when viewed from space, rotates on its axis (about) 366.25 times by the time it goes around the Sun. We on Earth only see this as 365.25 days due to the fact that we are going around the Sun as well and one whole rotation is lost due to movement in it's orbit (this is much easier with pictures
Allright. Here is a better explanation (hopefully). There are 3.155815x10^7 seconds in a year. If we divide this time by the length of the sideral day, we get 366.25 . . . If we divide it by an Earth day (what we see here on Earth) we get 365.25 days. . .
Like everything, it's a matter of perspective. . .
Re:Isotopic? (Score:1)
And, you're right. Compared to the expansion of the universe, these redshifts/blueshifts are often pretty small. Whenever these measurements are being made, they use filters appropriate to the redshift that the object is at (i.e. a "5000 Angstrom filter" designed for high redshifts may actually let light through at a higher wavelength).
Re:black hole=quasar ? (Score:1)
Re:How big is a light year?! (Score:1)
Re:More Info That Might Clear Up Questions (Score:1)
Another article re: pink hole (with pictures) ;) (Score:2)
Re:Redshift? (Score:2)
Clarifications (Score:4)
Note to self (Score:4)
More Info That Might Clear Up Questions (Score:5)
When astronomers refer to colors, typically "red" or in this case "pink" refers to emission of larger amounts of light at long wavelengths at short ones. Given the telescopes used, I would guess that they were observing in the "optical" band, which is from around 350 nm (near UV) to around 800 nm (infrared). These would be emitted by the quasar as UV and would lengthen into this band in the observer frame. At redshift 2, these would be emitted at 117 to 267 nm. So, a better headline would be "black holes found to emit more near-UV than far-UV". Of course, this wouldn't be very striking.
The accepted mechanism for quasar action is that matter falls toward a black hole, collides with other matter, and emits radiation. In fact, there is an equilibrium where the matter falling in produces enough radiation that radiation pressure keeps more matter from falling in. This process should be very hot and so should produce light that is "blue" even in the far UV region.
There are, however, some additional details of the procedure. Some quasars have what are called "jets" of ejected material. We know these are extremely fast because the apparent velocity across the line of sight exceeds the speed of light in many cases. This is allowed by relativity if the jet moves at a speed near the speed of light pointing directly at us. The jet phenomenon is believed to be connected with a preferred axis of rotation for the material falling into the black hole, and with "synchrotron radiation" emitted by charged particles accelerated by the black hole's gravity. The report seems to suggest that the "pink" light is connected with the jet phenomenon, perhaps in cases where the jet is pointed directly at us.