Scientists Engineer Chicken With Leg for a Wing 115
Ry Jones writes "The brits have found a way to maximize the best part of a chicken. "
The scary thing is that I suspect this is going to get a lot
"The Avis WIZARD decides if you get to drive a car. Your head won't touch the pillow of a Sheraton unless their computer says it's okay." -- Arthur Miller
Ob"Swiss Cheese with chalk, and a beard!" (Score:1)
If anybody ever _does_ splice swiss cheese with chalk and a beard, please please don't tell me
Will pigs fly? (Score:1)
Unlikely. Flight depends on a lot of other things.
For a start, pigs have solid bones and birds have hollow bones, so you would have to change the pigs bone structure first.
Pigs use fat for insulation ( which makes them heavy ), while birds use feathers. So you would have to engineer the pig to have feathers and a much lower fat content.
Then thers the problem of the nervous system. You would have to re-wire the pigs nervous system and remove the front legs so that those neural pathways could be used for wing control.
So nope, pigs won't fly. By the time you re-engineered the pig so that it could fly, it wouldn't be a pig any more. It would have become a bird and wouldn't look much like a pig at all.
Just my 2 pork chops worth.
Another reason not to compete for biology jobs. (Score:1)
Chicken flavoured breast implants! (Score:1)
Ever had ham for Thanksgiving? (Score:1)
That does it! (Score:1)
That does it!
I've gone vegetarian!
(Remember: even chickens were birds, once..)
which came first... (Score:1)
Don't blame us 'brits' for that monstrosity (Score:1)
Until i replied...
Now you're an anonymous coward
Don't blame us 'brits' for that monstrosity
by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 14, @04:22
(User Info) http://
It's all a conspirac y by KFC. (Score:1)
That does it! (Score:1)
The whole point with that damn union is to make something big and powerful and get rid of that disturbing democrazy thing. Mighty people in Europe haven't ruled the world for *years* and how fun is it to play Civilization Live(tm) without a big empire? (And we all know how annoying it is to get voted down when you try to start a fun little war.)
Stop the planet! (Score:1)
I wanna get off!
This is getting too weird...
The perfect chicken (Score:1)
When faced with the real image in the featured article, I must say the joke is not so funny anymore.
Albeit todays domestic animals were shaped by man too, such deep meddling with evolution goes far too far for my taste.
That does it! (Score:1)
I did already. But what good is it, if you as customer, can't decide if there is anything genetically tempered with in your food?
Of course the food industry is not stupid, they know that when they are forced to put a "gen soja" or "gen corn" on their packaging, many won't buy it. So they work against proper labeling.
The perfect chicken (Score:1)
> for chickens to have three legs" bible-thumpers
> coming from their corners to protest this one.
In my case you can leave out religous arguments, but indeed my feeling is that this is not a good thing to do.
Of course, if man does take chicken evolution this way, it is as "natural" as influencing this evolution by traditional selection and breeding. We are a part of nature so it is natural.
But do the scientists right now really understand what they do? I don't think so. It seems like take this gene here and put it there, lets switch some sequences here and there and lets see what will happen. Trial and error mostly.
To be honnest I cannot say what will happen in the future, maybe the biological systems are so fault tolerant, that it will indeed lead only to chicken with more tasty bits, but I would be not surprised at all, if it will have side effects of the strangest, well even deadliest kinds.
We don't know right now.
From an egg (Score:1)
That does it! (Score:1)
Then there's the whole push (again by Monsanto) to get 3rd world farmers to ditch native species in favour of ones wit the "terminator gene complex" which allows only one genration of crop (the sees of that crop are sterile).
Oh, yeah... it seems that the terminator gene can be transferred via pollen to non-terminator stock and apparently to other related specied too.
scared yet..?
Truly Disgusting (Score:1)
I don't think I could actually touch one of these.
Bible Thumpers (Score:1)
Chicken Terrorism (Score:1)
I suppose that is what terrorism is. isn't it?
Of course if you don't have a huge tax supported army what else can you do?
Missed the ride.... (Score:1)
The Hale Bopp Comet left already.
The perfect chicken (Score:1)
Genetically engineered food might one day be acceptable, but I don't want it anymore than I will eat meat or dairy products produced by hormone enhanced antibiotic abused cattle.
Andrew Gardner
what a great idea.. (Score:1)
Mmm white meat. (Score:1)
Three-legged fryers, anyone? (Score:1)
Vegetarianly yours,
Hello Everybody! Hi, Dr. Nick! (Score:1)
Well if it isn't Chicken McGregg, with a leg for a wing and a wing for a leg!
The best part? (Score:1)
There's no way in hell I'd eat a chicken that had four legs protruding out of it. That's just gross. Imagine what a Thanksgiving turkey would look like?
I think I'd much prefer a nice grain-fed non-genetic-mutant non-chemically-enhanced chicken.
Give me dark meat! (Score:1)
The perfect chicken (Score:1)
Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
Mmmmm, vats of meat (Score:1)
All the Vat of Meat needs is muscle, a basic circulatory and digestive system, a bit of fat, skin to hold things in (and cook up tasty), and nerves triggered from outside by computerized equipment to give the muscle some tone by making it twitch at regular intervals.
Well I would keep an eye out.. (Score:1)
"Well, I mean, YES idealism, YES the dignity of pure research, YES the pursuit of truth in all its forms, but there comes a point I'm afraid where you begin to suspect that if there's any REAL truth, it's that the entire multi-dimensional infinity of the Universe is almost certainly being run by a bunch of maniacs. And if it comes to a choice between spending yet another 10 million years finding that out, and on the other hand just taking the money and running, then I for one could do with the exercise." -- One of the white mice in the Hitchhikers' Guide
Don't blame us 'brits' for that monstrosity (Score:1)
Is there some sort of problem w/ the submission scripting?
yeah Im about as British as Gerry Adams man,,
It's developmental bio not food (Score:1)
It concerns me a little, ya know? When I click on user info it goes to scheme's page, but the user details then link to mine.
Just thought you should know, in case this is some sort of hack.
Anyone in the New Orleans/River Ridge area... (Score:1)
All I can find is little wussy boxes that are way more expensive.
The perfect chicken (Score:1)
The perfect chicken (Score:1)
I tend to think that's how nature does it, too. Only with the human-controlled chicken environment, the chickens that are best suited to being eaten are allowed to reproduce, rather than the other way around of nature. Come to think of it, I wonder why nature hasn't developed a breed of critter that's outside the food chain. Something that tastes bad to everything and breeds like a porn show. Sure it would be bad for the world, but I see nature as a random force and not an intellectual one. But back to the original point, I don't think that nature causing mutations is better or worse than humans doing so. Nature (I believe) doesn't have a Plan for it's mutations. Most of it's experiments are horrible flops and don't even make it out of the womb, much less proceed to create a discoverable species. If mankind creates a 5-assed chicken and lets it loose into the wild, I'll just bet it will either find an embarrassing niche in nature or it won't. Most likely won't, and nature will never know the difference between this one failed mutation and the countless others before and after it.
I don't think nature is so resilient as it is dynamic. Perhaps it will change from what you think it "ought to be" but will continue to flourish along whatever track it does. Mankind may be able to create animals better suited to the environments mankind creates (cages, apartments, workstations, etc.), but I really doubt something like a miniature pinscher would find a place in a forest of bears, ticks, and wolves (who in turn are having a hard time finding a place in man's world).
So, mutation is simply mutation. Whether it's good or bad based on what causes it is a subjective matter.
mmmmm Chicken.... (Score:1)
I for one think this is great.
I hope the technology isn't hoarded and I hope it doesn't drive poor chicken farmers in to a worse state. But I do like the technology that allows this stuff to happen.
Eventually it means the cures for all sorts of genetic disorders, from alcholism to obeseity. And yes, it does mean that people will be able to pick which color skin/eyes/etc their kids will have. I don't care. Physical appearence does not matter. Discrimination about appearence is the problem. Hopefully racisim will end when people realize that it genetically doesn't matter. (but by that logic it would have already ended.... hmm, if physical appearence was based on a die role and not on your parents...soon it could be...) Anyway I believe that saving lives is worth it.
(i wish there was a spell check)
Four years in jail
No Trial, No Bail
*** FREE KEVIN *** [kevinmitnick.com]
Echoes from the Past (Score:1)
The book is copyrighted 1952, so it predates genetic engineering by a few years.
I kept on thinking of Chicken McNuggets when I read the book.
CmdrTaco's spelling (Score:1)
It's all a conspirac y by KFC. (Score:1)
uhh...it wasn't the brits :) (Score:1)
Don't blame us 'brits' for that monstrosity (Score:1)
You have to be a British national or a Commonwealth national
Where a 'British national' is someone from Great Britain (England,
Scotland & Wales) or N. Ireland
They moved foot genes to the wing? (Score:1)
Uh oh... (Score:1)
Next: MS-Minion with a BRAIN! (Score:1)
I guess we'll just have to go back to adding centipede DNA to the chicken material (chicken stock?) to produce birds with 100 drumsticks!
Of course, my personal preference is breasts, but I'd settle for a way to make them larger instead of more numerous...
I dunno (Score:1)
Read the article, Sparky. (Score:1)
These "three-legged" chickens were made my manipulating the embryos. These modifications will not be passed on to the next generation. Furthermore, the third "leg" retains some wing-like features.
No one is going to make three-legged chickens especially when each embryo needs to be individually manipulated.
"There go the heebies, but I've still got the jeebies"
The perfect chicken (Score:1)
! (Score:1)
Mmm dark meat. (Score:1)
Imagine the freaky chicken with 4 legs that walks around like a dog?
That does it! (Score:1)
Ireland was caused by the fact that all potato plants in Europe in the last century were bred from two plants brought over centuries before.
And so, when the blight caught - It caught big time
Cock-Fight (Score:1)
bloody chickens (Score:1)
which came first... (Score:1)
John Madden would be proud (Score:1)
I think they should go for 4 wings.
This is getting too weird! (Score:1)
Hunh? Tell me!
And how long until they start engineering men to have penises that actually are from horses?
Hunh? Tell me!
Especially now that they really have done penis transplants!
And if you think I'm sick for thinking this stuff up, well, you've got to wonder where the ideas came from in the first place.
Doomed, ladies and gentlemen.
We are all doomed.
If what I said is nonsense,
I'm making a point with it.
If what I said makes perfect sense,
you obviously missed the point.
Cock-Fight (Score:1)
It's developmental bio not food (Score:1)
genes affect development and how limbs get their
identities during development. It has nothing
to do with getting a better chicken for food.
If you look at the picture, its a zygote that's
in the picture not a hatched chick. The mutation
probably is a zygotic lethal anyway and not a viable embyro. This type of research has been
going on for a while(10+ years) so its nothing
really new.
Not just 10 years. Decades. (Score:1)
I was referring to the selective activation of
genes using a viral vector. I realize that you
can probably get similar effects by carefully
grafting groups of cells onto a growing embyros
but I believe that the genetic activation and deactivation of genes didn't come into widespread use until the early 80s. I believe genes like
kruppel, hedgehog, sonic hedgehog, etc. were not
identified until after studies of the zygotic lethals in drosophila embyros in the early and mid 80s.
Does the reverse also apply (Score:1)
That does it! (Score:1)
CmdrTaco's spelling (Score:1)
- Dan
CmdrTaco's spelling (Score:1)
he's showing his best to bring us every minute
of the day the newest and the best news, and
you complain about these little things ?
-- hacketti
Mmm white meat. (Score:1)
I can just imagine going to the supermarket and having to choose from a zillion different genetically bred chickens.
Make mine a low cal, high fibre, caffinated drum stick !!!!
This is getting too weird! (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
No problem. (Score:1)
Now if only we could say the same for the human genome... :(
That does it! (Score:1)
I guess I'm just paranoid.
A monkey with 4 asses... (Score:1)
This happened at Harvard, not in England... (Score:1)
This story is old news that was getting coverage in the Boston area in the middle of last week,
I am surprised that nobody here is commenting upon that.
I can see it now! (Score:1)
Blasphemy in the face of God! (Score:1)
5KLOCpm, world racketball champion, cameos in mortal kombat skits...
Anyone in the New Orleans/River Ridge area... (Score:1)
Schwegmann dont got em?
Sams maybe.
Brits??? (Score:1)