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Medicine Science

Bird Flu Fears Stoke the Race for an mRNA Flu Vaccine 236

Concern over potential human-to-human transmission of bird flu has risen after six Missouri healthcare workers developed mild respiratory symptoms following contact with a patient infected with H5N1. The CDC reports only the original patient has tested positive for the virus. Scientists are ramping up efforts to develop mRNA vaccines against H5N1, with researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and major pharmaceutical companies like Moderna, Pfizer, and GSK leading the charge. While mRNA technology offers rapid vaccine production, clinical trials have shown mixed results, particularly against influenza B strains. Wired adds: [...] Traditionally, flu vaccines contain inactivated viruses that are grown in hens' eggs. This works reasonably well, but it takes a long time to make such jabs, which means health authorities have to publish their predictions about which strains of flu will be circulating during the upcoming winter well in advance. If you could manufacture vaccines more quickly, you could make more accurate predictions nearer to flu season.

Not only that, researchers hope that a single mRNA shot could one day target 20 or more strains of flu at once, relieving the need for some of this guesswork. Scher's colleagues are working on such a "universal" flu vaccine. With clinical trials ongoing, it's still early days. Sheena Cruickshank, an immunologist at the University of Manchester, has watched reports about emerging mRNA flu jabs with interest but says that questions remain. "We don't yet know how long-lasting the immunity they produce is," she says. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, concurs, though he notes that all flu jabs, regardless of how they are made, have a waning immunity problem -- your protection could decline by around 10 percent every month following injection.
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Bird Flu Fears Stoke the Race for an mRNA Flu Vaccine

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  • The current strain of H5N1 jumps to mammals regularly.

    For example, dozens of tigers died in Vietnam [], and before that seals in Patagonia [].

    It is only a matter of time before it infects humans in significant numbers.

    Oh, and by the way, this is zoonosis at work, no lab leak crappy hypothesis...

  • Sure, developing the new vaccine is faster but the long pole seems to be testing. That is why COVID vaccines and boosters are based on the strains circulating the previous winter. The 2022 version was available in September based on variants circulating in July. It was really cool because it was the only time most of us had access to a vaccine based on the currently circulating strain. However, they achieved this by going directly from animal testing to shipping product. No human testing. That was app

  • Are exactly the people I do not want vaccinated.
  • So, everyone who was pro vaccine mandate ( and many even went full Nazi with deny those people healthcare, put em in quarantine camps and let them die ) loved to parrot the phrase " Follow the Science " during the entire event.

    Which I find amusing as hell because, what they really meant was, " Only follow the Science that we approve of and ignore everything else. "

    To wit:

    THE SCIENCE says, the vaccine development timeline usually takes around 5 - 10 years to go through all the trials, ensure its safety and d

    • So, everyone who was pro vaccine mandate ( and many even went full Nazi with deny those people healthcare, put em in quarantine camps and let them die ) loved to parrot the phrase " Follow the Science " during the entire event.

      Which I find amusing as hell because, what they really meant was, " Only follow the Science that we approve of and ignore everything else. "

      To wit:

      THE SCIENCE says, the vaccine development timeline usually takes around 5 - 10 years to go through all the trials, ensure its safety and do the whole regulatory process to do as much as possible to ensure the safety of the product in question. But, those who pushed the Covid-19 vaccine just flat out ignored -THAT- science and elected to cut some corners in an effort to be seen as " doing something ".

      You all want to line up and be a guinea pig, be my guest. But don't drag the rest of the World into your insanity along with you.

      Why would Donald Trump do such a thing? https://trumpwhitehouse.archiv... []

  • This mRNA vaccine is made with plasmid DNA, the residue of which is still present in the vaccine.
  • Much to the frustration of MSM and certain gov't agencies the truth about mRNA technology is starting to leak out. Big. Pharma may be in big troubl *Real Soon Now*.

Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
