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Could Atom-Sized Black Holes Be Detected in Our Solar System? ( 31

Scientific American has surprising news about the possibility of black holes the size of an atom but containing the mass of an asteroid — the so-called "primordial black holes" formed after the birth of the universe which could solve the ongoing mystery of the missing dark matter.

These atom-sized black holes "may fly through the inner solar system about once a decade, scientists say... And if they sneak by the moon or Mars, scientists should be able to detect them, a new study shows." If one of these black holes comes near a planet or large moon, it should push the body off course enough to be measurable by current instruments. "As it passes by, the planet starts to wobble," says Sarah R. Geller, a theoretical physicist now at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and co-author of the study, which was published on September 17 in Physical Review D. "The wobble will grow over a few years but eventually it will damp out and go back to zero."

Study team member Tung X. Tran, then an undergraduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, built a computer model of the solar system to see how the distance between Earth and nearby solar system objects would change after a black hole flyby. He found that such an effect would be most noticeable for Mars, whose distance scientists know within about 10 centimeters. For a black hole in the middle of the mass range, "we found that after three years the signal would grow to between one to three meters," Tran says. "That's way above the threshold of precision that we can measure." The Earth-Mars distance is particularly well tracked because scientists have been sending generations of probes and landers to the Red Planet...

In a coincidence, an independent team published a paper about its search for signs of primordial black holes flying near Earth in the same issue of Physical Review D. The researchers' simulations found that such signals could be detectable in orbital data from Global Navigation Satellite Systems, as well as gravimeters that measure variations in Earth's gravitational field.

"For decades physicists thought dark matter was likely to take the form of so-called weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs)," the article points out. "Yet generations of ever more sensitive experiments meant to find these particles have come up empty."

California astrophysicist Kevork Abazajian tells the site that now in the scientific community, "Primordial black holes are really gaining popularity."

Could Atom-Sized Black Holes Be Detected in Our Solar System?

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  • by vbdasc ( 146051 ) on Monday September 30, 2024 @12:30AM (#64827551)

    If these black holes are so small and so old, wouldn't the Hawking's radiation have destroyed them by now?

    • Yeah, I had the same question.
    • It depends on the size. Primordial black holes are generally described as having "about the mass of an asteroid". Initially there would have been smaller ones too, but any ones much smaller than that would have evaporated by now.

    • Re:Hmmm (Score:5, Informative)

      by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Monday September 30, 2024 @01:48AM (#64827613)

      If these black holes are so small and so old, wouldn't the Hawking's radiation have destroyed them by now?


      TFA says 10^17 to 10^23 grams.

      Even at the lower mass, the lifetime would be 1.5e18 years.

      That's a hundred million times the current lifetime of the universe.

      Hawking Radiation Calculator []

    • by arfonrg ( 81735 )

      Yes... The smaller the black hole, the quicker it evaporates.

      "A black hole of one solar mass (M = 2.0×1030 kg) takes more than 10^67 years to evaporate—much longer than the current age of the universe at 1.4×10^10 years. But for a black hole of 10^11 kg, the evaporation time is 2.6×10^9 years."

      THE PART YOU CARE ABOUT: "This is why some astronomers are searching for signs of exploding primordial black holes. "

  • by banbeans ( 122547 )

    The answer is No.

    • I kind of concur.

      I don't think black holes with that mass can exist for even a second. If it takes a certain amount of mass for a black hole to occur naturally, i e several solar masses worth. Maybe it is possible to create one artificially with lower mass, but I think when a black hole evaporates to under a certain mass it will no longer be able to sustain itself and hence explode. At least that's what feels natural to me.

      But every now and again, I get to experience some things that turns out to be counter

      • Explodating black hole, it is possible that such an event would create an oscillating white hole - black hole object, that would be cool. Worth at least a 10 kilowords science fiction short story.

      • You can calculate the expected lifetime, and it's long enough. But the conditions to create such an object don't exist in the current time. Maybe it was possible in the early times? I'm just a lay person so I wouldn't know :)

      • by Sique ( 173459 )
        There is quite a difference between "creating a Black Hole using solely the mass of an imploding star" and "creating a Black Hole". Cosmologists have figured out how an imploding star turns into a Black Hole. Today, this is the only mechanism we understand.

        But we know that supermassive Black Holes exist at the center of almost all galaxies, and cosmologists have no idea how those supermassive Black Holes formed. There are some hypotheses about them, but none of them is well established. But they are examp

  • What is the difference in the impact on Mars between an asteroid-mass black hole and an asteroid of the same mass?

    Sure, we can detect some asteroids but space is vast and if you don't know exactly where to look and the asteroid is neither blocking something else nor reflecting energy in your direction, it's going to be pretty hard to detect.

    So, if you find a small change to Mars's orbit as described here, and you can't find an asteroid that might cause it, is it a black hole, is it an asteroid, or is it som

    • According to TFA, the upper bound is 10^20 kilograms, close to the size of the largest asteroids and a thousand times the mass of Phobos, the larger of the two Martian moons.

      There's no way we'd miss an asteroid of that size if it were close to Mars.

    • by tragedy ( 27079 )

      Presumably a black hole this small in an impact with Mars would pretty much just punch a pinhole through the planet with both the black hole and the planet remaining relatively unscathed, but it's hard to say. The event horizon on the black hole would be so tiny, it's not going to do anything like start sucking in mass until it consumes the planet. It might be too small for individual atoms to even fit in the first place.

  • CERN lab is isolating an atom size black hole at their super collider in Switzerland right now .. check out the live view: []

  • Maybe that's what caused that leap second drought a few years back.
  • I thought black holes sucked up everything that got close to them. Wouldn't these be sucking up matter and spewing xrays out the poles?
    Alternate question: what would happen if one of these went into (or through?) a planet?
    • by tragedy ( 27079 )

      Likely not a lot would happen. Remember, these black holes would be tiny. They only have the gravity of an asteroid, so at atomic scales they would have little gravitational effect on atoms sitting right next to them. So consuming a single atom would take a direct collision and they may be so small that would be very unlikely. It may even be possible that their event horizon is too small to even consume an atom. One could picture atoms that actually do get close enough to be caught in their gravity simply s

    • If it's small enough, it could feasibly orbit the center of mass of a planet without interacting too much. If the radius of the event horizon is small enough, it'll "eat" just one atom at a time and not grow in a meaningful way at any timescale that's relevant to us. Any radiation would be absorbed by the surrounding planetary material.

  • You need the mass of a large star to create the gravity required to form a black hole so how can something with the mass of an asteroid ever form? Have they radiated away most of their mass?

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