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Earth Science

Hidden Menace: Massive Methane Leaks Speed Up Climate Change ( 68

To the naked eye, the Mako Compressor Station outside the dusty West Texas crossroads of Lenorah appears unremarkable, similar to tens of thousands of oil and gas operations scattered throughout the oil-rich Permian Basin. What's not visible through the chain-link fence is the plume of invisible gas, primarily methane, billowing from the gleaming white storage tanks up into the cloudless blue sky. From a report: The Mako station, owned by a subsidiary of West Texas Gas, was observed releasing an estimated 870 kilograms of methane -- an extraordinarily potent greenhouse gas -- into the atmosphere each hour. That's the equivalent impact on the climate of burning seven tanker trucks full of gasoline every day.

But Mako's outsized emissions aren't illegal, or even regulated. And it was only one of 533 methane "super emitters" detected during a 2021 aerial survey of the Permian conducted by Carbon Mapper, a partnership of university researchers and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The group documented massive amounts of methane venting into the atmosphere from oil and gas operations across the Permian, a 250-mile-wide bone-dry expanse along the Texas-New Mexico border that a billion years ago was the bottom of a shallow sea. Hundreds of those sites were seen spewing the gas over and over again. Ongoing leaks, gushers, going unfixed.

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Hidden Menace: Massive Methane Leaks Speed Up Climate Change

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  • by RemindMeLater ( 7146661 ) on Friday August 05, 2022 @05:29PM (#62765830)
    Ideally you would capture the methane for use but if no pipelines are around it's a difficult prospect to get the gas to market. Failing that, I don't see why they wouldn't flare it. CH4 is about 80x the potency of CO2 over a ten year horizon. If there's low-hanging fruit in the global-warming fight, this is it.
    • They're in Texas so that they don't have to spend the money to do that.
      If they tried to do it in a civilised place, they would get shut down of fined.
    • Exactly. Not sure why low hanging fruit is available and we are shooting for the stars by pushing EVs only. Lets look at methane leaks, and concrete heat islands and restore forests and properly herd animals etc.
    • Perhaps they could run electric generators off the methane and put the electricity on the grid. Presumably these sites have electricity from the grid to run the pumps, lights, and so forth. They should be able to feed power back much like a solar PV system would.

      But then I remember some old court case against some oil refinery for selling the electricity they produced in excess of their needs. Apparently some power plants complained that the refineries were effectively getting their fuel to make electric

    • Ideally you would capture the methane for use but if no pipelines are around it's a difficult prospect to get the gas to market. Failing that, I don't see why they wouldn't flare it. CH4 is about 80x the potency of CO2 over a ten year horizon.

      Further, its end-of-life is almost entirely being converted to CO2. Yes, flaring vs. release is a big win in the short term with no greenhouse effect downsides in the long term.

      If there's not enough of it with a market nearby to justify a pipeline, but there IS a mark

  • by Frobnicator ( 565869 ) on Friday August 05, 2022 @05:50PM (#62765860) Journal

    They're a business so this needs to be made about the money.

    Some math and searching...

    At 1 atm methane is about 0.42 pounds per cubic foot, so about 4500 cubic feet per hour, which sells at about $6 per thousand cubic feet, so about $27/hour, or about $20,000 per month or about $230K dollars per year, just under a quarter million dollars.

    So assuming they could easily attach it to the gas system, that's a quarter million dollars in gained or lost revenue. If they flare it, they can think of it as a lot of burnt money but at least it isn't destroying the atmosphere in the process.

    • by swilver ( 617741 )

      Ah yes, if it doesn't make money, it is perfectly fine to just dump your waste into the atmosphere. Or the groundwater, rivers, oceans, streets... Why did they even ban leaded gasoline? Surely there's no money in that.

      • Its about money 'cuz every time someone comes along with another expensive mitigation, someone else has to pay it. And environmental approaches to date have always been, "money is no object" which inconveniences the hell out of most of us, but those making less $$$ than us choose to eat today rather than spend that same money on medicine that will keep them alive tomorrow. Or heating / cooling that will kill in its absence. Etc.

        We can tsk tsk the situation all we want, but in the end someone has to pa

        • Why does someone else have to pay for it? And not the originator?

          • Because when the originator is forced to pay for it, they are a company that simply raises their prices to get the money to pay for it, and the ones paying the increased price is _US_. WE pay the expenses of all the corporations, they have no money tree. You want 'em to take it out of profits? Then they simply close their doors, all the worker's jobs are lost, and the enterprise is replaced by something from overseas, that probably has FAR less environmental concern than our own companies. The planet ge

      • Lead wasn't put in gasoline to dispose of it.

    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday August 05, 2022 @06:12PM (#62765912)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • by Z80a ( 971949 )

      Business are not super geniuses with a 100% profit rate.
      Fuck ups, general mismanagement and bad ideas can happen even on the biggest corporations.
      Ask commodore

  • The author expects us to believe that the methane equivalent of 7 tanker trucks of gasoline - or the equivalent of 77,000 gallons x $5/gallon = $385k per day is wasted by this business. That's 140 million dollars per year, and nobody at the business thought, "Maybe we should cap it and sell it?".

    I want to know how many businesses can afford to waste nearly a seventh of a billion dollars per year and remain solvent? And it what corporation/industry is that scale of waste even acceptable?

    Or maybe, some

    • by EvilSS ( 557649 )
      My want to try some of that critical though yourself. The author said "That's the equivalent impact on the climate of burning seven tanker trucks full of gasoline every day." They did not say it's value in dollars was the same.
    • It's not the dollar equivalent of gasoline, but the carbon equivalent. As noted above somewhere, it's about a quarter million worth in gas. And that's retail, delivered through a pipeline. Which they don't have handy. So its "worth" is probably much less than what it would cost to fix all the leaks.
      The only way to solve this is add fines to the equation, which would encourage repairs. Or tax breaks. Carrot and stick.

  • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Friday August 05, 2022 @06:57PM (#62766010)

    You should check out the PBS episode, Arctic Sinkholes [] from Feb 2022 about huge methane emissions from melting permafrost:

    Colossal explosions shake a remote corner of the Siberian tundra, leaving behind massive craters. In Alaska, a huge lake erupts with bubbles of inflammable gas. Scientists are discovering that these mystifying phenomena add up to a ticking time bomb, as long-frozen permafrost melts and releases vast amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

    Related articles:
    Nova episode explores Arctic methane explosions []
    The Arctic Lakes Where Methane Makes Water Roar in a Violent Rolling Boil []
    Arctic methane emissions []

    • I wonder if whoever mod'ed that "Troll" actually read the post? 'Cause there's no trolling; the Arctic sinkhole methane emissions are huge.

      [ I know, "Welcome to /." ... :-) ]

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Now give Al Gore more money! Given the ignorance of most when it comes to the climate and fossil fuels( cheap energy ), and how easily people are manipulated and what they'll so blindly believe, I'm starting to understand why the global elitist see most people as useless eaters that they need to controlled/culled. Carry on serfs. I'm rooting for you to get a clue before you end up in a pod eating bugs.
  • Porter Ranch []

    The leak initially released about 44,000 kilograms (kg) of methane per hour or 1,200 tons of methane every day, which in terms of greenhouse gas output per month compares with the equivalent effluvia from 200,000 cars in a year

    and no one cared including the the folks who claimed they care about climate change. I followed that story closely and in the end it confirmed that politics, nepotism, and relationships trump other things.

    • I was at Porter Ranch, on site in Aliso Canyon, measuring that methane emission rate. My colleagues and I lamented that if this had happened in the middle of nowhere (like central Texas), where there wasn't a rich neighborhood nearby complaining of the smell, it would have gone on for much longer, and been dealt with quietly (if it was even reported at all).

  • by dddux ( 3656447 ) on Friday August 05, 2022 @11:08PM (#62766294)

    We deserve it all. We're incapable of sustaining this planet. May it live after we're gone.

    • Well, I always say lead by example. If you have the ability to post on some sort of forum requiring an electronic device you are part of the problem.
  • except for the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

  • If people want to see less drilling for petroleum and natural gas then beat them on price. If you can't beat them on price then provide some benefits to make up for the difference.

    There's no carbon tax solution to this in a nation where people can vote. If they find the carbon tax inconvenient for them then they vote the taxes away. Caring about the environment is a luxury, ranking in below food, fuel, shelter, medicine, education, and likely more. Seeing the next movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

    • If people want to see less drilling for petroleum and natural gas then beat them on price. If you can't beat them on price then provide some benefits to make up for the difference.

      The benefit is not destroying the planet we are all trying to live on.

  • Climate change is only going to get worse, and according to Cambridge scientists there is a risk it might turn into a complete horror show. We need an environmental Promised Land to give us hope and to encourage public support. Check out
  • How many cow farts is that?

  • by JoeRobe ( 207552 ) on Saturday August 06, 2022 @10:20AM (#62766952) Homepage

    I work in this field, measuring methane emissions all across the country. The hardest part of stopping these emissions is finding them. A typical well pad or compressor station has hundreds of accidental leaks (loose fittings, broken pipes, valves left open) and engineered leaks (leaks where the emissions are intentional, for operation). The vast majority of those sites have relatively small total emission rates. But for every 20 sites where the methane emissions are X kg/hr, there is one site that is emitting 100X kg/hr. A relatively small number of facilities are responsible for a disproportionately large fraction of methane emitted. This is another way of saying the distribution of facility emissions has a "fat tail". So if you're trying to reduce overall GHG emissions from the natural gas facilities, you want to go after those superemitters first. Of course you want to fix all leaks, but with limited resources you get the most bang for the buck by fixing superemitters.

    The difficulty is in efficiently finding those sites. It's not trivial because there are a lot of sites, they're very spread out, frequently in remote areas, and their emissions aren't constant (a superemitter may not alway superemit). If you ask an oil and gas industry person why they don't just find and fix them, they'll claim they have thousands of sites under their purview and don't have the resources or personnel to measure emissions at every site, only to find the 5% that are major sources. If they did have those resources the price of natural gas would be higher (they claim), which is a political nightmare. Just take a look at what the recent rise in gasoline price has meant politically. So a major push in the research community (including the good folks at JPL) has been to develop fast methods to survey large areas in order to efficiently find those superemitters. Effectively reduce the cost of finding superemitters to the point where the industry takes notice.

    In my opinion the ideal scenario is that this sort of technology is used by DEP/EPA (or in TX, TCEQ) to find superemitters, then fine the operator and force them to correct the leak. Make those fines large enough that it is worth the industry investing in the survey technology themselves, so they get out ahead of the regulatory agencies that would fine them. Then use the fine money to invest in renewable technologies and tax incentives for their use, hastening the decline of our fossil fuel dependence.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
