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Astronomers Spy a Milky Way-like Galaxy In the Very Early Universe ( 18

Slashdot reader sciencehabit quotes Science magazine: Astronomers imagine the early universe as a wild and lawless place, with chaotic fledgling galaxies full of swirling gases and frantic star formation. So an image released today comes as a surprise: a young galaxy, spied when the universe was just 10% of its current age, that looks remarkably like our calm and well-ordered Milky Way...

Astronomers used computer modeling to reconstruct what the galaxy, SPT0418-47, really looks like. Reporting today in Nature, they reveal it has a rotating disk and a bulge around its center just like the Milky Way. Such features were thought to form much later in galactic evolution. This and similar discoveries are pushing astronomers to look again at how galaxies can have evolved to an apparently mature stage in such a short time.

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Astronomers Spy a Milky Way-like Galaxy In the Very Early Universe

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