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The WHO Announces End of Its Testing of Hydroxychloroquine ( 80

"The World Health Organization announced Saturday that it discontinued its trial on hydroxychloroquine's effect on COVID-19 patients in hospitals," reports UPI: WHO said in a statement that it accepted a recommendation from the Solidarity Trial's International Steering Committee that it stop the testing of the drug. The decision to cease the trial came after interim trial results showed that the anti-malaria drug had little or no reduction in mortality of patients hospitalized for the novel coronavirus...

The National Institute of Health similarly halted a hydroxychloroquine trial last month after a study showed no harm or benefit from the anti-malaria drug's use in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Last month, British researchers similarly found no benefit of hydroxychloroquine.

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The WHO Announces End of Its Testing of Hydroxychloroquine

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  • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Sunday July 05, 2020 @07:20AM (#60263214)

    Lined up these two HCQ stories like this on purpose.

    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by Sumguy2436 ( 6186944 )
      Yea this is pretty obvious. They waited for a few days (earliest post in the firehose reporting positive effects of HCQ is from 3 days ago) to pair it with negative news in a neat little forum-sliding pair. Of course they didn't pick any of the firehose submissions either but one with the most negative title. Surprised they haven't just flagged it as spam like they did when that big study claiming HCQ was bad got retracted for being full of shit.
  • by h33t l4x0r ( 4107715 ) on Sunday July 05, 2020 @07:30AM (#60263224)
    I can still use it to clean my fish tank, right? I've got this little chubby orange clownfish that just swears by it.
    • Fortunately, your fish isn't in a position of influence, where his irrational beliefs and baseless statements would divert precious resources from serious research on a COVID-19 cure. Imagine if it was, the damage he could have done...

    • Be honest: If he dies, do you care?

      • Things just wouldn't be the same without him.
      • Be careful. his replacement might be twice as dangerous as the present one.

        • Also true. Ya know, looking back through the past 50 years or so, it seems that VPs have mostly been assassination deterrents rather than running mates. As in "Ok, I could cap the fucker, but then THAT bozo becomes prez..."

          • This is why Biden is going to run with...let's see now...Al Sharpton.

            • Biden got his Sharpton, Trump got his Pence. Both exist mostly as the "he's bad, but busting a cap in his ass would only make it worse" assassination brake.

    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      What's his name? [grin]

  • There are many, many other drugs that are being looked at - but most of the chatter is about hydroxychloroquine.Yes: I know the history of what Trump said, but lets get real and talk about what matters.

    • There are many, many other drugs that are being looked at - but most of the chatter is about hydroxychloroquine.Yes: I know the history of what Trump said, but lets get real and talk about what matters.

      Yes let's ignore Trump and talk about what matters. So let's discus hydroxychloroquine. I mean it was the most promising drug, the most heavily studied drug, the only drug to go on wide spread clinical trials sponsored by countries so it stands to reason that what matters most is .... what happens with hydroxychloroquine.

      Trump is irrelevant. What *matters* is the outcome of the most actively researched drug.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Why? Because of all the cheap drugs studied for SARS-1 in the many years after the SARS-1 epidemic, HCQ had the best results. That's why it was tried on SARS-2 and seems to have a nice effect as a prophylactic when given as an ionophore with as Zinc, alternately invermectin, or, somewhat, a macrolide like azithromycin. Research hasn't stopped on SARS-1, which is why we have monoclonal antibody platforms already going into production for SARS-2.

      The real trick seems to be that lots of zinc in the endosomes

      • Dude, don't confuse Democrat Trolls with facts. The poor snowflakes can't handle it.
      • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

        The British study was so complicit that they gave patients doses near the LD-50 (and you know that 50 > 0 so far-sigmas die sooner)

        Wait, what? The LD50 for hydroxychloroquine is 330mg/kg, and the oral LD50 is 1240 mg/kg. They gave 1200 mg (presumably orally) on the first day, and 800 mg per day after that. Are you telling me that the average patient weighed less than a kilogram?

      • HCQ doesn't work. It doesn't work early. It doesn't work late. It doesn't work ever. We've already had two randomized trials show that it doesn't help.

        There was barely anecdotal lab data that showed it might help with SARS-1. There was weak anecdotal evidence that it helped with SARS-2.

        But now that we have multiple randomized trials with thousands of patients. If it helps, the benefit is so minuscule that it doesn't rise above the noise.

        We need to move on so that we can try things that might actually wor

      • Gilead and other Big Pharma are among the largest advertising buyers on the agitprop media platforms, so they have multiple masters, and advocating against HCQ serves them as well.

        So why then are they promoting dexamethasone which a couple dollars per dose and generic? []

    • Hey it would be great if a cheap and mature drug worked on the virus but I'm not going to go around cheerleading it like some people do. The latest study used it in conjunction with steroids.

  • by flyingfsck ( 986395 ) on Sunday July 05, 2020 @08:31AM (#60263342)
    I think it has been conclusively proven that overdosing with HCQ doesn't work. Overdosing patients just to score a few political points, is rather cruel I think.
    • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

      Who is overdosing them? The doses used in studies have ranged from malaria prophylaxis levels (usually safe) to lupus treatment levels (some risk of having to stop treatment because of complications).

      • And for the record, I have a friend who has Lupus, takes HCQ and got Covid-19. So don't let anyone tell you that "No Lupus patients have ever gotten COV-19!" They are wrong I personally know one.

  • [] Everything so far has indicated it does not help when given too late.
  • WHO is obviously working for Trump. Why else would they keep providing evidence that he is right about them?
  • They are waiting for a FAILED vaccine that will be MANDATORY, and very expensive!
  • by anonieuweling ( 536832 ) on Monday July 06, 2020 @12:22AM (#60266064)
    - Hospitals: HCQ/zinc/etc work best when given in the early stages of the COVID19 disease
    - Dosage: they gave a dosis which was too high, do they mention zinc?
    This means it is a bad test, designed to give HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) a bad name, to avoid giving the people a cure, to force people on a vaccine that will never work.

"How do I love thee? My accumulator overflows."
