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Space Science

The World's Largest Solar Telescope Snaps Its First Photograph (sciencemag.org) 14

sciencehabit quotes Science magazine: A new close-up of the turbulent boiling plasma of the solar surface is the debut image of the largest telescope ever built for staring at the Sun. Sporting a 4-meter-wide mirror — twice the size of any existing solar scope—and a vantage point 3000 meters up on the summit of Haleakala on the Hawaiian island of Maui — the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) will reveal unprecedented detail of processes that channel energy from the Sun's interior into its atmosphere, the corona.

Researchers hope that by zooming in on cell-like structures — each about the size of Texas — they can learn what causes the Sun to launch powerful flares out into space, potentially causing damage to Earth's satellites, power grids, and communications. Such information could help scientists give warnings of such events days rather than minutes ahead.

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The World's Largest Solar Telescope Snaps Its First Photograph

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  • Dupe (Score:5, Informative)

    by kbahey ( 102895 ) on Saturday February 01, 2020 @07:42PM (#59680114) Homepage

    This is yet another dupe.

    Original here [slashdot.org] from 3 days ago.

    Wake up editors ...

  • by thrillseeker ( 518224 ) on Saturday February 01, 2020 @07:59PM (#59680136)
    s/each about the size of Texas/each about the size of Texas, though not as hot/


  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Saturday February 01, 2020 @08:04PM (#59680146)

    But, alas, its resolution is still not high enough to spot a Slashdot Dupe.

  • I'm not in the USA, I'm in the UK, so can we have that in Wales's? Or something that is understood internationally, like the area a man can ride round on a horse in a day?

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. -- Pablo Picasso
